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International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication

International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (IJAMC)

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International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Mobile app: evidence from eye-tracking and neurophysiological measures   Order a copy of this article
    by Federico Cassioli, Michela Balconi 
    Abstract: Mobile applications (app) represent a digital environment, where users can interact with heterogeneous content and various advertising (ad) stimuli. In the present research, we focused on the impact on the user of content category, considered in 3 macro-themes (current news, health, and environment), and the features of animation and interactivity in the ad stimulus. Eye-tracking (number-of-fixations, time-to-first fixation) and autonomic parameters (heart rate, skin conductance response and level, pulse volume amplitude, and blood volume pulse) were considered to assess attentional processes, cognitive workload, and arousal. In the study, subjects (n=18) were asked to use an app programmed by the research team, exposing themselves to different content categories, while randomized ad stimuli were occurring. Ad stimuli were 4, obtained by dichotomously considering animation and interactivity. Results showed higher visual attention, in terms of number-of-fixations, towards animated stimulus, confirming the effectiveness of animation. Conversely, animated-interactive stimuli seemed to have elicited a visual-avoidance behavior in users. Furthermore, higher SCR activity was observed in health and current news content, interpreted as increased arousal in users as a response to relevant material. Insights regarding user experience and communication efficacy are derived and discussed.
    Keywords: mobile app; content; eye-tracking; neurophysiological measures; advertising.

  • Investigating Factors That Affect Willingness to Pay An Analysis on Freemium Social Media Apps   Order a copy of this article
    by Ana Margarida Faria, Alvaro Dias., Leandro Pereira, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Rui Gonçalves 
    Abstract: Although social networks have grown in popularity and usage in recent years, little is known about users willingness to pay for the premium version of them. In this study, we investigate how consumers perceived value is associated with their intention to use freemium services and to purchase premium content. The data was collected through an online survey among users of freemium social media networks such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, and Flickr and was modeled using structural equations (SEM) and the partial least squares (PLS) approach to test the given conceptual model. The results reveal that users who value the security component in freemium social networks will have a higher intention to use the service and that the price value of freemium services is shown to have a negative association with the intention to purchase premium content. Frequency of use influences the purchase of the premium version. The findings of this study highlight the uniqueness of the freemium business model, implying that increasing the perceived value of the service, improving security, or increasing frequency of use can contribute to or subtract from future profitability through increased retention on the one hand and reduced monetization on the other.
    Keywords: Freemium; Social Networks; Apps; Security; Frequency of use.

  • Unmasking an Infodemic: What Characteristics are Fuelling Misinformation on Social Media?   Order a copy of this article
    by Ezgi Akar 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has created an infodemic, flooding various media channels. While much research has focused on detecting false information or assessing the severity of the problem, little attention has been given to the role of message and source characteristics in misinformation dissemination. To address this gap, we developed a conceptual framework based on the Undeutsch hypothesis, four-factor theory, and source credibility theory. We analysed a pre-defined dataset involving fake and true tweets from Twitter. We examined their message and source characteristics through descriptive statistics and negative binomial regression analysis. Our findings revealed significant differences in the dissemination of false and true tweets. By understanding the impact of message and source characteristics on the spread of misinformation, we can work towards creating a more informed and trustworthy information ecosystem during times of crisis. These results have crucial implications for practitioners, providing insight into developing effective strategies to combat COVID-19 misinformation.
    Keywords: COVID-19; misinformation; infodemic; information dissemination; Twitter.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAMC.2024.10062161