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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies

International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS)

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International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (5 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Key barriers in the growth of engineering education in the context of Chhattisgarh state: a Fuzzy Kano and TISM integrated approach   Order a copy of this article
    by NAVEEN JAIN, Prateek Sharma, Bhagwaticharan Patel 
    Abstract: Today, countries depend on knowledge-driven innovation for economic growth which depends on the quality of the engineering education system and management. In India, the All India Council for Technical Education is the flag bearer of planning, formulation, and dissemination of technical education in the country. Since 20122013, there is a drastic decline in admissions in engineering courses across the country. Hence, there is a need to identify the barriers that dominate engineering education and hinder the students from opting for engineering as a career option. The proposed work focuses on determining the key barriers to the growth of technical education in the state of Chhattisgarh by an integrated fuzzy Kano model and total interpretive structural modelling approach. The result of the study will provide deeper insight and a better understanding of the higher engineering scenario in the state and will help decision-makers to take constructive and progressive steps to improve the engineering education scenario.
    Keywords: Kano model; total interpretive structural modelling; TISM; fuzzy Kano; engineering education management; key barriers; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; technical education; critical failure factors; CFFs; reachability matrix; HEI; digraph.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2023.10047241
  • Sustainable future initiatives to mitigate air pollution by Indian corporates   Order a copy of this article
    by Gurloveleen Kaur, Lalit Singla 
    Abstract: Particulate matters 2.5 is an air pollutant component sternly harmful to human health chiefly released by the operations of corporations. The present study is conducted to evaluate the proportion of non-greenhouse gas emissions. Five companies from the seven most polluted industries specified by the Center of Pollution and Control Board were chosen, based on higher market capitalisation from the steel, sugar, paper, cement, fertiliser, copper, and aluminium industries. The corporations were found to release a good amount of non-GHG emissions, but decent control on such releases has been observed in 2023. Certain measures like the installation of electrostatic precipitators, replacing clinker with advanced technology, using solar and wind energy, bicarbonate products, NONEL detonators, and other efforts were made. Lack of data, uniformity in reporting, least concern for the environment, and others were the observed limitations. Indian companies are suggested to protect the earth from harmful emissions with more effort.
    Keywords: green energy; sustainability; Particulate Matters 2.5; WHO; Air Quality Index; AQI; standards.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068537
  • Integration of technology in second language acquisition: identifying and analysis of factors assisting English learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayesha Alice Mundu, Shabnam Swati Minz, Rajiv Bhushan, Doreswamy Doreswamy 
    Abstract: Since the passage of time, English language has occupied a significant position in the country because of which, dissemination of English language has long started in the schools and academic curriculum. Though schools especially non-English medium schools are able to ingrain knowledge of English language but it still lacks to develop in students, a standard level of proficiency which would help them to take advantage in education or career front. The paper hypothetically claims that assimilation of technology in teaching and learning practices can help learners to improve their English competency. Taking in consideration the assimilation of technology in English teaching and learning the paper explores factors of how technology assists learning English as second language. The study incorporates ISM and MICMAC analysis to examine the relationship of each factor which also helps in identifying the key drivers that have a significant impact on English learning process.
    Keywords: English as second language; technology; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10068852
  • Benchmarking applied factors to systemically investigate the influence and performance characteristics of the solar energy technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanju Kumar Nishad, Atul Kumar Sahu 
    Abstract: Solar collector represents a device that primarily collects solar radiation and induced performance capabilities can be attain via right selection of solar collector. Accordingly, in study; cluster of driving factors are presented and investigated towards influencing the performance of solar technology. The study describes 15 qualitative and 18 quantitative factors that can help practitioners in influencing the performance characteristics of solar technology. The study has utilised six-step methodological framework to evaluate described factors and 33 questionnaires are presented for mapping said factors. The compensation of factors allied with power output aptitude, orientation and tilt angle and glass maintenance and prevention from breakage are found significant for attaining prominent efficiencies from solar system. This study attempts to spread a knowledgeable base, valuable facts and critical insights to researchers and practitioners about different factors that can affect the performance of solar systems. The study will support in future development of solar technology.
    Keywords: solar energy; evaluation; qualitative and quantitative factors; questionnaires; benchmarking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10069080
  • Bridging employer branding and talent management for enhanced organisational engagement: insights from the Indian IT sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Emily Maria K. Jose, Pooja Venkatesh 
    Abstract: In the dynamic and competitive IT sector, attracting and retaining skilled professionals is vital for organisational success. This study examines the impact of employer branding on organisational engagement, with talent attraction as a mediator. Data from 186 employees across ten leading Indian IT companies were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results indicate that a strong employer brand significantly enhances talent attraction and organisational engagement. Talent attraction partially mediates the employer branding engagement relationship, emphasising its pivotal role in transforming branding efforts into sustained engagement. These findings highlight the need for integrating employer branding with strategic recruitment, professional development, and a supportive work culture to boost engagement and productivity among IT professionals. The study offers practical insights for HR and business leaders while encouraging future research to explore cross-sector and cross-cultural perspectives for broader applicability.
    Keywords: employer branding; talent management; organisational engagement; IT sector; organisational success; work culture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJASS.2024.10069214