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International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management

International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management (IJBBM)

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International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Impact of Digital Transformation on Employee Job Satisfaction - a Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Debiprasad Mukherjee, G. Naresh 
    Abstract: Digital transformation involves utilising emerging digital technologies to revamp business processes, organisational culture, and user experiences in line with global business demands. Employee job satisfaction is measured by their preference for job aspects such as work profile and quality. Consequently, scholars worldwide have examined how digital transformation affects employee job satisfaction. This study aims to analyse the progression of research on the impact of digital transformation on employee job satisfaction in major Scopus-listed journals within management and social sciences. Employing bibliometric tools like Bibliometrix/Biblioshiny, this analysis synthesises bibliometric data, encompassing clustering, conceptual, intellectual, and social structures, along with author and citation analysis. The objective is to provide researchers and academics with insights into the evolving literature, trends, perspectives, and themes in digital transformation and employee satisfaction. The findings underscore the positive correlation between digital transformation initiatives, heightened job satisfaction, and improved job performance, emphasising the potential to shift jobs from operational to strategic, lean, and flexible, thereby enhancing overall satisfaction.
    Keywords: digital transformation; job satisfaction; satisfaction index; Scopus; bibliometric; bibliometrix; clustering; citation analysis; source analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBBM.2024.10063247
  • Customer Satisfaction Construct: Review and Bibliometric Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Uday Bhale, Harpreet Singh Bedi 
    Abstract: Background: The customer satisfaction construct is of great interest to marketing researchers. This topic is important because customer satisfaction helps in the creation of maintainable competitive advantage and improvement in the financial outcomes of businesses. Objective: The purpose of this study is to offer the most recent status of published articles on the customer satisfaction construct on the Scopus database. Methodology: The bibliometric analysis was conducted on the keyword 'customer satisfaction' in the Scopus database using the 'Title, Abstract, and Keywords' search option. Results and Conclusion: According to the study, the customer satisfaction construct has emerged as a major research subject in the last decade, with a total of 61,225 articles till the end of 2020. The first publication on the customer satisfaction construct dates to the year 1928. The construct is a global phenomenon that has captured the interest of experts around the world in the previous decade, with publications ranging from 2016 to 2020. The study reveals that publications on customer satisfaction are available in a variety of fields but as expected, publication in the discipline of business management dominates this area of research. The study can be used by academicians as a ready reference if they want to do further study on the customer satisfaction construct.
    Keywords: Review; Customer Satisfaction; Bibliometric; Scopus database.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBBM.2024.10064632
    by Sudhir Chandra Das, Alisha Samad 
    Abstract: Organisational commitment is a fascinating issue among managers and researchers in this competitive business environment. The current article has done a Bibliometric Analysis, and to understand the analysis comprehensively, the Scopus database has been extracted to identify the publications by year, most published subject area, utmost cited papers, and research productivity in terms of most prolific authors, countries, and institutions. The VOS viewer software was run to analyse the bibliometric methods based on co-authorship analysis, co-occurrences of keywords & citation analysis. By visualising the software, the outcome represents that during 2020, the variable 'organizational commitment' has the highest number of publications with 728 documents, thereby representing an important topic in the scenario according to the recent trends & issues in behavioural studies and setting its targets for forthcoming research agenda.
    Keywords: Organizational Commitment; Bibliometric analysis; Scopus; Vos viewer; Co-authorship analysis; Co-occurrences analysis; Citation analysis; and the United States.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBBM.2024.10064793