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International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (IJBC)

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International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A blockchain architecture with quantum key distribution (QKD)   Order a copy of this article
    by Ricardo Fernandes Da Silva  
    Abstract: This paper presents an innovative architecture for blockchain systems that integrates quantum key distribution (QKD) cryptography as a fundamental component to enhance the security and integrity of transactions in the face of the growing threat posed by quantum computers. The proposed architecture leverages the unconditional security of QKD, based on the laws of quantum physics, to protect the blockchain against potential attacks that could compromise classical cryptographic algorithms. We explore the architecture design, consensus protocols, transaction authentication mechanisms, and the practical implications of integrating QKD into blockchain systems. The analysis focuses on the quantum key distribution systems from ID Quantique (IDQ), recognized for their robustness and reliability, to highlight the feasibility and benefits of implementing QKD in real-world scenarios. Additionally, we explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in implementing this architecture, including QKD scalability, key management, interoperability, and integration with existing communication infrastructures.
    Keywords: QKD; quantum key distribution; blockchain security; quantum cryptography; consensus Protocols; transaction authentication.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBC.2024.10067320
  • Revolutionising credit history-harnessing self-sovereign identity for transparent and empowered credit assessment   Order a copy of this article
    by Surekha Thota, Shantala Devi Patil 
    Abstract: The conventional process of credit document verification heavily relies on manual methods, making it tedious and time-consuming. The advent of self-sovereign identity (SSI) revolutionised the landscape of credit document verification. SSI empowers individuals with complete control over their identity, ensuring privacy, trust, and security. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of SSIs application in the credit processing domain. This paper highlights the implementation of SSI using the Trust over IP framework on Hyperledger Aries, empowering borrowers to own and control the sharing of their verifiable credentials. By integrating Hyperledger Aries and SSI, a robust and interoperable blockchain-based identity framework can be built. This allows individuals to store their verifiable credentials on a distributed ledger securely and selectively disclose them to lenders as needed. This model empowers borrowers to present accurate and tamper-proof credentials, enhancing data privacy, transparency, and trust, while promoting a borrower-centric approach to sharing credentials.
    Keywords: blockchain; SSI; self-sovereign identity; verifiable credentials; document verification; decentralised identifiers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBC.2024.10067806