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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth

International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG)

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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (1 paper in press)

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  • Mapping the research landscape of Fintech drivers: a bibliometric investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Mamta Aggarwal, Meera Bamba, Payal Goyal 
    Abstract: Fintech has a significant role in simplifying financial processes, enhancing the convenience and efficiency of financial services for both individuals as well as businesses. It fosters the competition in financial industry and encourages the traditional financial institutions to adopt new technologies. In this study, a bibliometric analysis is done, involving a dataset of 624 articles retrieved from the Scopus database. The software MS Excel is used to create graphs pertaining to publication trends, top authors, journals, countries, institutions and research disciplines in Fintech drivers and VOSviewer is used to generate complex network visualisations. The findings show that China holds first position with highest number of publications. Fintech is the most occurred keyword and has the highest connectivity with other keywords. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing comprehensive review of evolving trends, key models, themes and contributions shaping the Fintech landscape. The study also serves as a catalyst for further investigation within the field of Fintech by identifying research gaps and delineating future research directions.
    Keywords: Fintech; bibliometric analysis; network visualisation; Fintech drivers; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10064180