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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth

International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (IJBCG)

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International Journal of Business Competition and Growth (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • International business growth: the leveraging effect of collaborative research networks capabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Bruno F. Abrantes, José Quintas, Douglas Wegner, Nelson Antonio 
    Abstract: In this research one exams the capabilities built by multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a consortium and the performance implications of such capability-building on international business growth. We followed a research avenue with a sparse scholarly track, as one delved into a subset of network-types (CRNs) on a certain organisational-typology (i.e., consortiums); and furthermore exploring it within the energy sector in EU. The methodological procedure (content analysis) allowed us the building of a road-map of international business competences (IBC) gained by these multinational enterprises (MNEs) and their effects on their international business growth (IBG). Open and axial coding, and an inferential exercise upon data outputs, uncovered a new form of collaborative networks (CN) amalgamating features of atomised and piloted CNs.
    Keywords: collaborative research networks; dynamic capabilities; DC; international business growth; IBG: international business competences; IBC; relational innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10066851
  • Employee engagement and performance: the impact of job satisfaction and organisational communication   Order a copy of this article
    by R.C. Banumathi, D. Vennila  
    Abstract: This study explores the topics of job satisfaction, organisational communication, employee engagement, and performance among women commercial drivers in Tamil Nadu's transportation sector, with an emphasis on Coimbatore. Through surveys and interviews, data regarding the challenges faced by female commercial drivers was acquired using a mixed-methods approach. The research methodology used in the study included the examination of relationships between organisational communication, job performance, job satisfaction, and employee engagement, as well as descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The study's conceptual framework and hypotheses draw attention to the positive correlations that exist between these variables and emphasise the role that organisational communication plays as a mediator in improving job satisfaction and performance. The study's findings show that effective organisational communication significantly affects job satisfaction, which in turn affects productivity. This emphasises how important good communication is to raising worker satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, the study closes knowledge gaps and provides helpful suggestions for enhancing organisational communication, job satisfaction, and performance in this particular demographic group.
    Keywords: employee engagement; EE; job satisfaction; JS; mixed-methods approach; organisational communication; performance; transportation sector; women commercial drivers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10066875
  • Effectiveness of sustainability related governance: evidence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Punita Malik, Rajbir Singh 
    Abstract: The study delves into the newly bulging stream of sustainability related governance. The increasing prevalence of sustainability committees in companies has instigated researchers to explore into such specialised governance and assess its impact on corporate sustainability. However, this research can be more pronounced by studying the mechanism behind such governance. Since, governance is exercised through decisions and strategies; this study investigates its role in enhancing the sustainability reporting strategy as well as quality. Panel data analysis is performed on a sample of 103 Indian companies for the period FY 2016-2017 to FY 2021-2022. The results reveal that sustainability related governance plays significant role in formulating better sustainability strategy and enhancing the quality of reporting in companies. These findings contribute to existing literature as the value of sustainability related governance has been undermined in previous literature. Moreover, these findings could lead to better configuration of organisations into the sustainability milieu.
    Keywords: sustainability reporting quality; SRQ; sustainability reporting strategy; SRS; sustainability related governance; SRG; Global Reporting Initiative; GRI; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2025.10067356
  • A miniature of digital customer engagement using SEM   Order a copy of this article
    by Monika , Kavita  
    Abstract: To survive in the digital age, organisations must adopt digital marketing tools for customer engagement practices. This paper seeks to ferret out which digital marketing tool is helpful for customer engagement, and how digital platforms influence the attitude and behaviour of customers towards online retailers. A descriptive research design analyses customer perception and attitude toward online retailers. Quantitative data is gathered from 200 respondents from Delhi/NCR through a questionnaire survey. Exploratory factor and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine which digital marketing tool related to customer engagement impacted customer behaviour. The data reveal that internet public relations, collaboration and celebrity marketing, and social media marketing had higher factor scores than the other factors studied. Structural equation modelling has been employed for data analysis to examine the relationship between variables involved in the study. The results of this study can be used by online retailers to more effectively target and interact with the relevant demographic groups when employing various digital marketing strategies.
    Keywords: digital marketing; customer engagement; social media marketing; structural equation modelling; confirmatory factor analysis; online retailers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10067561
  • Green finance a strategic approach on transition towards sustainable India   Order a copy of this article
    by K.S. Raghavendra 
    Abstract: The industrial revolution had an impact on the environment which led to depletion of natural resources, excessive emission in the atmosphere resulting in global warming. For a nation to develop, it must grow technologically, and it is equally important for it to have an ecological balance in the environment for sustainable development. Economic growth and ecological balance should go simultaneously. Green finance is an arrangement of funds for investing in environmentally sustainable projects through the financial instruments and it ensures economic growth along with environmental, social improvement and development of finance industry. This research identifies different products and services related to green finance and impact of green finance on sustainable practices. 430 employees of non-banking financial institutions were investigated and the findings revealed that green finance is positively and significantly correlated with economic, social, environmental dimensions and sustainability performance. Suggestions were also provided in terms policy formulation, products design and to increase education and awareness level towards green finance by government and non-banking financial institutions.
    Keywords: green finance; sustainability; non-banking financial institutions; NBFIs; green products and investments; environment; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10067357
  • Examining the dynamics of research on sales promotion (2015-2024): a comprehensive bibliometric study using WOS and Scopus databases   Order a copy of this article
    by Sushma Yadav, Kapil Malhotra 
    Abstract: The study’s objective was to demonstrate the current status of scientific research on sales promotion by merging the platforms of scientific information systems WOS and Scopus databases used to find publications between 2015 and 2024, and 568 research records were retrieved by using a keyword search strategy ‘Sales Promotion*’ and added to an excel datasheet for additional analysis. These records served as the basis for the study’s bibliometric and descriptive analysis, which identified key themes in the discipline. The nations, organisations, and authors who are most productive as well as publishing structures based on annual publications are analysed and discovering emerging areas within the field. The software application R-studio and VOSviewer 1.6.18 is used to analyse various units. The findings of the present research are beneficial to retailers and marketers because they supplement current understanding of sales promotion and provide an overview for those who are interested in the topic and conduct a comprehensive study.
    Keywords: sales promotion; bibliometric analysis; VOS viewer; R studio.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBCG.2024.10067380