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International Journal of Big Data Management

International Journal of Big Data Management (IJBDM)

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International Journal of Big Data Management (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Artificial intelligence based approach to optimise and automate multiple retail store operations   Order a copy of this article
    by Sheela Siddappa, Pooja Hegde 
    Abstract: The retail store elegance has improved over time. This is because the store employees work hard to identify any shabby appearance and quickly fix it. In this paper, we extend support to the store associates to perform their tasks optimally. The research work aims to: 1) identify misplaced items on the shelves and real time feed the information to the associate to act; 2) identify any obstacles in the aisle, like items fallen/dropped, water spilled etc., and send alerts to the associates; 3) learn the occupancy level of each aisle and alert the store manager if any aisle is fully occupied more than 30% of the time the store is open. These objectives furthermore ensure minimal inconvenience to the shoppers. On implementation of the algorithms to the retail store data, accuracy of more than 90% was observed. The solution finds its application in multiple other domains like, public transportation, airports, schools etc.
    Keywords: deep learning; machine learning; artificial intelligence; AI; retail operations; misplaced items; anomaly.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBDM.2024.10067385