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International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management

International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management (IJBEAM)

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International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessing the Impact of Remote Working on Employee Engagement and Productivity: A conceptual approach utilizing Structural Equation Modeling in the Built Environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahua Chaudhuri, Navneet Sharma, Jayanti Das 
    Abstract: This research aims to explore the impact of remote working on employee productivity and engagement in the built environment sector of India, post-pandemic. A mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, including structural equation modelling, was utilised in the research. The study identifies remote working as the dominant latent variable, influencing both productivity and engagement. The findings demonstrate that remote working significantly affects employee productivity and engagement, but it also highlights a potential decrease in motivation levels among remote workers.
    Keywords: remote working; built environment; employee productivity; employee engagement; wellbeing; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBEAM.2023.10062206
  • Investigating Construction Delay Causes, Impact and Post COVID-19 Perception: The Globally Affected Companies Mitigation Strategies   Order a copy of this article
    by Kwame Amoah, George Okere, Abhijeet Deshpande 
    Abstract: The paper aims to analyse significant delays inherent in the construction industry, group them according to the contractor/owner, material/equipment, labour, and external factors. The study investigated the existing literature, determined significant delay factors, mitigation plans, and gauged the industry’s post-COVID-19 pandemic perception, targeting project managers and superintendents. From the literature review, 48 causes of delays were identified, categorised into five stages with 94 occurrences of these delays impacting project constraints, and only two of the delays impacted all the project constraints. The novel contribution includes: identifying new trends in traditional construction delays and delay impacts on stakeholders, and aligning post-COVID-19 pandemic perception with mitigation strategies. The implication of these findings is crucial to future projects as it demonstrates how all forms of delays may lead to slow progress of projects or termination. Although the current study focused on the USA, the findings can be applied to improve construction projects globally.
    Keywords: construction delays; owner-constructor delays; construction workforce; COVID-19; construction equipment & material delays.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBEAM.2023.10060132