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International Journal of Business Innovation and Research

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR)

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International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (251 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Implementation of Blockchain technology in Industry 4.0: The digital banking transactions and challenges   Order a copy of this article
    by Anitha Kumari 
    Abstract: The remarkable progression of blockchain technology on the edge of the fourth industrial revolution will require new economic and organisational structures to achieve sustainable growth in every sector, especially in banking and finance. Blockchain technology in industry 4.0 revitalises technological adaptation and illuminates the global banking industry with the high potential value of cryptocurrency, secure protocols, and distributed ledger technology. The research objective of the study is to overview the industrial revolution, blockchain technology in industry 4.0, and the implementation challenges of the banking and finance industry. This study examines the understanding of technological advancement in industrial penetration that empowers a complete digital transformation of traditional banking services by integrating blockchain. The systematic literature review results highlight the blockchain technology implementation challenges and the benefits of the emerging technologies in industry 4.0. Understanding the technological revolution would enable bankers to implement industrial-based blockchain applications for transparent, secure, and fast transactions.
    Keywords: blockchain technology; industry 4.0; internet of things; financial technology; digital banking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2021.10043038
  • Withdrawn as duplicate in IJBIS - An empirical investigation of determinants for adoption of C2C auction marketplaces   Order a copy of this article
    by Sumedha Chauhan 
    Abstract: : In the last two decades, online and real-time interactions have grown significantly between individual buyers and sellers. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) electronic-commerce (e-commerce) has been increasingly adopted by the people as a direct interface for buying and selling products or services. This research focuses on identifying the key determinants for adoption of C2C auction marketplaces, especially online auctions. Rogers (2003) diffusion of innovation (DoI) theory has been used as the guiding framework for this study as C2C e-commerce falls into the category of technological innovation Research methodology involves quantitative survey of 278 consumers of C2C auction marketplace in India and the application of logistic regression to determine the impact of DoI attributes on C2C e-commerce adoption. Research findings indicate that relative advantage, observability, perceived security, age, and gender influence the adoption of C2C auction marketplaces. However, compatibility, complexity, and trialability do not significantly influence the adoption of C2C auction market places.
    Keywords: consumer-to-consumer; C2C; India; innovation; e-commerce; diffusion of innovation; DoI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2021.10047008
  • Emotional intelligence and organisational ambidexterity: a mediation analysis in the independent business schools   Order a copy of this article
    by Tapaswini Panigrahi, Yellumahanti Soma Sekhar Patro, Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru 
    Abstract: The research focuses to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on organisational ambidexterity (OA) through perceived organisational support (POS) acting as a mediator for improving the practices amongst the faculties of independent business schools in Eastern and South India. These faculties are selected as respondents of the study. In the findings, faculty members’ views of EI were shown to be associated with two predictors of OA, which they attribute to the mediating influence of POS. It is demonstrated in this study that EI has a significant impact on POS, thanks to the development of a novel research approach. In addition, the study discovers that POS has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between EI and OA, as well as on the positive relationship amongst EI, POS, and OA.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; business school faculties; perceived organisational support; POS; mediation; organisational ambidexterity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10047573
  • A systematic review of management styles in non-profit organisations: implications for research and practice   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamed Dehghanan, Mehdi Fatemi, Saeed Rahimi, Khaled Nawaser, Haniruzila Hanifah, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh 
    Abstract: Not-for-profit organisations are considered the third cornerstone of community development, along with businesses and public organisations. Despite recent developments, these organisations have encountered several obstacles, including limited financial resources and major operational inefficiencies, forcing them to resort to strategic management frameworks. Most non-profit organisations, however, seem to fail to adapt new management roles to organisational priorities. As a result, to promote strategic thinking in this context, the present work provides a systematic review of the history of management styles in non-profit organisations. By searching the related keywords in the Scopus database and based on the three-stage monitoring of titles, abstracts, and texts, 23 sources, out of 703, were finally selected, being deeply investigated, and classified under the main axes of theoretical foundations, patterns of strategic thinking and planning, senior management tasks, and cooperation framework in non-profit organisations. Some management implications are also presented for a non-profit conglomerate.
    Keywords: non-profit organisations; management; systematic literature review; SLR; conglomerate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10047623
  • An analysis of the Variables Influencing Insurance Purchase Behavior: An Extension of Planned Behavior Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Nimesh Bhojak, Ashwin Modi, Mohammadali Momin 
    Abstract: The study explored the utility of the theory of planned behaviour by adding the factors such as risk of health illness, availability of health infrastructure, and health insurance literacy to measure the purchase intention of health insurance. The quantitative study adopted the cross-sectional design with data gathered from 400 Indian respondents using the convenience sampling method. The measurement model and the structural equation model were used to measure the purchase intention. The data were analysed using SPSS-AMOS. Overall, attitude has a strong influence, and the risk of health Illness has a weak association with purchase intention. A strong association between attitude and PCB were evident across the purchase intention of health insurance. The study has made a significant contribution to both the literature and the factors that influence the purchase of health insurance by adding other constructs to the theory of planned behaviour and proposing the extended TPB model.
    Keywords: health management; healthcare service; health policy; health promotion; public health; qualitative research.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10047702
  • Management models and practices for the innovation creation.   Order a copy of this article
    by Karin Melendez, Abraham Davila, Andrés Melgar, Marcelo Pessoa 
    Abstract: Today, organisations recognise the need for innovations that allow them to have a competitive advantage in the market in which they operate. However, many of them fail. The objective of this study is to provide a set of models and practices, which the academic community recommends, for organisations that perform the tasks of creating innovations. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out. In total, 56 studies were obtained, of which 33 models were found and a set of recurring practices on the search for innovation opportunities, selection and implementation. A small number of practices belonged to the evaluation of innovation in the market. The investigations were, in several cases, carried out in specific contexts (e.g., industry type and company size). The knowledge presented is a basis to investigate its applicability in organisational contexts, not studied, or expand the studies and improve the practices presented.
    Keywords: innovation management; innovation practices; innovation model; innovation creation process; innovation process; innovation project; management practices; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10047810
  • Qualitative determinants of employment in innovative firms: effect of ownership, gender and education level of top manager and types of innovation on employment in a sample of Egyptian firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdelhammid BOUROUAHA, Tarik Azkak, Sara Bouredja 
    Abstract: The study identifies the qualitative employment determinants in Egyptian innovative firms. Different studies found that some innovative firms have a positive effect on employment. However, other firms in other types of innovation have a negative effect on employment. The article uses BEEPS data drawn from the World Bank in the period 2012 to 2016. The results of ANCOVA analysis show statistically that firm age has a significant positive effect just on permanent employment. However, there do not have a significant effect on the other types of employment. Also, the top managers experience has a positive significant effect on all types of employment. Compared with the service sector, manufacturing firms have a significant positive effect on all types of employment. For the top manager gender, male top managers have a positive significant effect on all of permanent, production and skilled employment. Owning an innovative firm has a significant negative effect on employment.
    Keywords: innovation; qualitative determinants; employment types; top manager; firm ownership; Egypt; analysis of covariance; ANCOVA; Egyptian firm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10047829
  • Portfolio Optimization between Global Equity Markets   Order a copy of this article
    by Mrityunjay Tiwary, Vaibhav Aggarwal 
    Abstract: Over the past few decades, economic liberalisation and tech advancements have strengthened linkages between world equity indices in both developed and developing economies. Several studies indicate significant volatility transmission amongst major global equity indices. However, this study addresses the scant literature on utilising the volatility linkages to create pair-wise efficient portfolio weights for international investors. The findings suggest that international investors in the emerging market should give the highest allocation to Taiwan and the lowest exposure to Russia. Further, investors in frontier markets should give maximum portfolio allocation to the Canadian stock market. This study has several important implications. First, international investors can formulate better risk-adjusted equity portfolios across major markets. Second, the regulators can formulate policies to reduce the inflow of volatility from other markets with suitable policies.
    Keywords: portfolio weight; BEKK-GARCH; spillover; stock indices; diversification.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10048367
  • Interference of Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Automation in Performance Management System   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajashree Gethe  
    Abstract: This research paper aims to explore role, importance and use of analytics, automation, artificial intelligence in performance management system so as to make PMS error free and bias free and also it overcomes all possible limitations of traditional PMS. Paper develops a conceptual framework of application of analytics, automation and artificial (AAA) intelligence in performance management system so as to make it bias free and how organisations are benefited by adoption of 3A dimension in PMS. Adoption of analytics, automation and artificial intelligence in performance management system helps business leaders to make complex human capital process easier. Paper proposes use of HR analytics, automation and artificial intelligence which helps to reduce subjective bias occurred in the performance appraisal system and improves accuracy and fairness of the performance appraisal process, additionally it positively effects on employees improved perceived satisfaction towards fair PMS.
    Keywords: analytics; automation; artificial intelligence; robotic process automation; RPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10048716
  • Power Responsibility Dynamics and Consumer Privacy Predicament in Smart Phone Applications Marketplaces   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanjay Mohapatra, Komal Goel 
    Abstract: As people use smartphone apps for a variety of purposes, a steady stream of app-based consumer data services that rely on the data-driven marketing model are being launched. The power-responsibility equilibrium theory (PRE) is used in this study to investigate the effect of context-dependent privacy norms on privacy concerns among smartphone app users. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was applied to test on 154 valid responses using structured survey questionnaire. Our finding reveals lack of corporate transparency and illusory informed consent may deprive consumers’ of privacy control, inappropriate flow of information may further breach their integrity of privacy based on contextual integrity.
    Keywords: social contract theory; power responsibility equilibrium framework; contextual integrity; smartphone app-based online privacy concerns; corporate transparency; consumers’ informed consent.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10048846
  • Managing Job Content Plateau through Proactive Personality: A Conceptual Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Biswa Prakash Jena, Archana Choudhary, Manas Pal 
    Abstract: The job content plateau (JCP) is a condition in which employees perceive their occupations as ordinary in nature which has been associated with an employee’s turnover intention as well as organisation’s dysfunctional outcomes. Considering the intervening factors like job crafting (JCF), proactive personality (PP) and developmental idiosyncratic deals (DID) between JCP and career commitment (CC) a conceptual framework has been developed and empirically validated. In this research work, survey data were collected from executives across various industries based on the position level, total years of experience, and education level. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) has been carried out to check the effectiveness of the proposed model and test hypothesis proposition. The results of the study revealed that JCF and DID have a mediating role between JCP and CC, which facilitate proactive executives to lead their CC and reduce the negative consequences of JCP.
    Keywords: job content plateau; JCP; proactive personality; developmental idiosyncratic deals; DID; job crafting; JCF; career commitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049048
  • Improvement of Food Losses and Wastes in Sustainable Supply Chain Process   Order a copy of this article
    by Ibrahim Gouda, Sharfuddin Ahmed Khan, Loai Khaldoun, Lieth Kutrub 
    Abstract: A lot of food is either lost during the supply chain process, or wasted while consumption. The purpose of this paper is in two folds. Firstly, this paper identified the main factors of food losses and wastes. Secondly, the Delphi technique is used to validate these factors. After that fuzzy AHP method is applied to conduct a pairwise comparison between the stages and their factors and reach an overall ranking for them based on their impact on the whole supply chain process. Finally, a survey is conducted to validate the impact done by the two common factors of food waste that are experienced by consumers. Results shows that 60% of the food losses and waste are related to storing stage and 36% in the packaging stage. As for the storing-related factors, results shows that 89% of the food lost in the storage stage is due to insufficient storage temperature.
    Keywords: food loose; food waste; food supply chain; sustainability; MCDM; DELPHI; fuzzy-AHP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049297
  • How to Empower Women? Modelling the Factors Increasing Women's Entrepreneurial Intention   Order a copy of this article
    by Bijay Kushwaha, Raj Kumar Singh, Vikas Tyagi, Bhagwati Choudhary 
    Abstract: The study investigates essential factors that help in developing entrepreneurial intention in women. It also identifies the gravity of these factors in building business intent in women. The judgemental sampling procedure was applied to choose 402 women of Chandigarh Tri-city, India. The PLS-SEM has been used to check the fitness of the conceptual framework. Smart PLS provides a comprehensive platform to develop and evaluate the measurement and structural model therefore this technique is used. The findings of this study recognised that internal and external forces are equally important to creating entrepreneurial intent in women. However, internal forces are more imperative over external forces to create entrepreneurial intention. Similarly, environmental factors which are a part of external forces are having an inverse effect however the effect is significant among them. This study is useful to encourage, identify hurdles and provide a solution to bring women into entrepreneurial activities.
    Keywords: women entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial intentions; personal factors; psychological factors; PLS-SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049399
  • Gauging the influence of business model innovation on the performance of SMEs: Primary evidence from Yantai, China   Order a copy of this article
    by Chengcheng Cao, Azmawani Abd Rahman, Xintong Li, Liu Wei, K. M. Anwarul Islam 
    Abstract: Over the years, business model innovation (BMI) has attained incredible connotation in the arena of research vis-
    Keywords: business model innovation; BMI; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; value capture innovation; VaCI; multiple regression; SPSS; quantitative; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049491
  • Evolution of start-up investments: An overview and future research directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Claudio Roberto Silva Júnior, Álvaro Luiz Neuenfeldt-Júnior, Julio Siluk, Vinicius Gerhardt, Cláudia Michelin 
    Abstract: This paper aims to present the evolution of the start-up investment modalities through the most covered topics in the scientific literature. A bibliometric review is developed based on 1,984 articles published in the Scopus database. VOSviewer and SciMAT science mapping tools were utilised for this purpose. The analysis identified that in periods from 1990 to 2001, studies focused on investment-related topics such as venture capital and bootstrapping; however, other themes related to angel investment, corporate venture capital (CVC), and innovation began to emerge in the period from 2002 to 2011. In more recent periods, topics related to start-ups have become central in scientific research, as well as the emergence of other forms of start-up investments such as crowdfunding, private equity, and accelerators. In addition, the emergence of data processing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies is providing a new market paradigm.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; start-ups; high technology start-ups; technology; innovation; venture capital; VC; investment; funding; bibliometric approach.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049598
    by Rachael Ayo-Lawal, Caleb M. ADELOWO, Elizabeth A. Omimakinde, Emmanuel E. Ejim-Eze, Ayobami A. Oyewale, Wilson Erhun, Festus Okechukwu Ukwuoma 
    Abstract: The Nigerian pharmaceutical industry remains underdeveloped, characterised by weak local manufacturing capacity, this affect local drug production, impede sector’s productivity and potential for wealth and job creation. Although, the significance of R&D and training intensities to firms’ survival, productivity and competitiveness have been well established, these indices are less reported for the industry. Based on resource based theory, this study evaluates R&D and training intensities among Nigerian pharmaceutical firms. This is with a view to suggest appropriate policy interventions to enhance improvement of the industry. Primary data were collected from 32 manufacturing pharmaceutical firms and analysed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that average R&D and training intensities for the industry were 0.2% and 0.1% respectively, signalling poor knowledge intensity. Furthermore, the industry experienced shortage of technical experts, while production staff received more training than other categories of staff. The implications of these results to the sector and national economy were discussed and plausible policy options suggested.
    Keywords: R&D intensity; training intensity; pharmaceutical industry; innovation; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049620
  • Factors That Accelerate the Determinants of Ecopreneurial Activities: An Empirical Study in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Farah Akmar Anor Salim, Punitha Sinnappan, Salwa Mohd Azmi, Yuhanis Abdul Jamal, Kamarull Bahar Ghazali 
    Abstract: The hit of coronavirus (COVID-19) has given a major impact to every country across the globe. Looking at the Malaysian economic sector, most of the business activities are well supported by both the government and related agencies to enhance its productivity. Overall, the awareness in sustaining the agriculture sector has been a top priority. Among the actions taken is encouraging the emergence of ecopreneurship within the agriculture sector. In this research, factors that inspire entrepreneurs to embark on ecopreneurial activities were observed. 119 entrepreneurs completed the questionnaire with an approximate response rate of 59.5%. The finding revealed that awareness plays a significant role in flourishing the agriculture enterprises in Malaysia. This study also revealed that attitude partially mediates the relationship between awareness and behaviour towards ecopreneurial activities. Future studies can replicate this study across different countries by taking the climate into consideration and incorporate other variables to develop a better understanding.
    Keywords: ecopreneurship; ecopreneur; sustainability; entrepreneurship; awareness; attitude; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049741
  • An Effective Knowledge-Based Recommendation System for Supply Chain Information Based on UserCF Algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Rubel ., Bijay Kushwaha, Rebeka Sultana, Md Helal Miah, Surbhi Sharma 
    Abstract: This research paper illustrates the knowledge-based system for supply chain information as the application platform. The algorithm uses the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model to mine knowledge’s semantic connotation and characterise user interests. Additionally, fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm limits the traversal range to cluster users. An adapted function is optimised and focused on previous literature reviews and research gaps. The optimised adapted function is applied to the knowledge sharing and dissemination platform Scopus index. Firstly, user knowledge documents are obtained, and the topic-optimised LDA model is used to mine user knowledge topics. Then, users are clustered through the FCM algorithm to reduce the traversal range of the similarity calculation, and JS divergence is used instead of Euclidean distance to realise the conversion from the FCM object to the user. Finally, based on the UserCF algorithm, user’s interest index in knowledge is constructed, and the TOP-N recommendation is made.
    Keywords: recommendation knowledge; knowledge sharing; collaborative filtering; supply chain information.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049760
  • The Effects of Innovation Dimensions on Small and Entrepreneurship Business Performance in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Qatar   Order a copy of this article
    by Anas Al Bakri, Mohammed Elgammal 
    Abstract: This study examines the effects of different innovation dimensions, namely financial, input, process, and output innovations on the small and entrepreneurship business (SEB) financial, organisational, and marketing performance in emerging markets, specifically in the Qatari context. A quantitative approach is the appropriate study design. The outcome clarifies that the SEB performance is the outcome of different factors that exist at multiple levels, including the financial, organisational, and marketing innovations that either reduce or reinforce each other during the interaction. The discovery justified the first hypothesis that innovation factors in SEBs are positively correlated to firm performance. The firm’s innovation factors play an integral role in shaping its financial innovativeness. The findings demonstrate that the manifestation of the SEBs’ marketing performance is openly interrelated with the innovation factors that operate closely with research and development investments and, the innovations.
    Keywords: innovation; small business; entrepreneurship; firm performance; financial performance; organisational performance; marketing performance; innovation input; output innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049790
  • Using budgets to measure the financial efficiency of higher education institutions: a case study of Tikrit University   Order a copy of this article
    by Saad Salih Hussein, Naseem AL-LALLO 
    Abstract: A budget is a dynamic tool used by management accounting to set a financial plan, control the resources, communicate among divisions, and subsequently reach financial efficiency by achieving the budgeted target. This paper aims to empirically investigate the use of budgets to measure the financial efficiency of higher education institutions, the Tikrit University in Iraq as a case study. Considering 16 different budgets for a period of five years of data (2015 to 2019), collecting primary data through the Delphi method and employing the min-max normalisation technique, partial adjustment model, and fixed effect panel data analysis to measure the financial efficiency. The study observes that Tikrit University performed virtuously in the matter of achieving the budgeted target. Some contradictory results are found in the individual budget efficiency which needs to be investigated further with appropriate data.
    Keywords: budgets; financial efficiency; higher education institutions; Tikrit University.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049796
  • The relevance of social capital in the form of network brokerage, network cohesion and network homophily to intrapreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Boris Urban, Jeff Chen, Kelisha Panday 
    Abstract: Research acknowledges that innovation within an organisation is as much of a social phenomenon as a technical one, signifying the importance of social capital to develop intrapreneurship. Given there are several unresolved issues concerning the various forms of social capital on intrapreneuring, the study seeks to establish to what extent does social capital in the form of network brokerage, social network cohesion and network homophily influence intrapreneurship. A survey is administered internationally to middle managers as they have an integrative role enabling them to shape intrapreneurial behaviour in an organisation. Findings show positive and significant results for all the study hypotheses, where network building, network influence, bridging, trust, reciprocity, and relationship linking all demonstrate large predictive relevancy values in terms of the study model. The relevance of the significant findings is apparent when considering that activities associated with fostering network brokerage and social cohesion can explain intrapreneurship.
    Keywords: intrapreneurship; corporate entrepreneurship; innovation; social capital; network brokerage; social network cohesion; network homophily.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049815
  • Assessing Willingness to Pay Dynamics at a World Heritage Site of India: A Stated Preference Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashifuddin Ahmed Saikia, Chandan Goswami 
    Abstract: Manas National Park (MNP) is a World Heritage Site in Assam, India. It holds immense conservational significance due to its ecological biodiversity. Despite accomplishing notable conservation success, the lack of adequate and timely funds is a constant burden for the management. Therefore, this study aims to assess the willingness to pay (WTP) of MNP visitors and identify the important determinants and attributes so that the key action areas could be identified for better tourism management and improved earnings. Based on the contingent valuation method, the study employed the payment card approach on 178 park visitors to elicit their WTP responses. Although tourism in MNP is still at an early stage, it was observed that the visitors place considerable value to the preservation of the park. Loyalty, environmental disposition, and concern for MNP were observed to be strong positive determinants of visitors’ WTP. In addition, infrastructure, services/facilities, and cost emerged as the crucial attributes of the park.
    Keywords: protected-area; national park management; contingent valuation; revenue generation; financial sustainability; pricing policy; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049820
  • Organisational characteristics of innovativeness revisited: an evaluation framework proposal with a comparative multiple case study on leading Turkish manufacturers   Order a copy of this article
    by Nihan Yildirim, Hakki Okan Yeloğlu 
    Abstract: This paper explores the organisational characteristics facilitating innovativeness and proposes an organisational evaluation framework by a thematic content analysis of literature. This framework is applied and validated by multiple comparative case studies on Turkey’s six major export leader manufacturing companies. The study utilises the qualitative information obtained from open-to-public documents about the selected companies. The key concepts that can be utilised as measures for assessing the organisational dimensions of innovativeness are also discussed. Comparative analysis of cases revealed some common organisational characteristics in all selected companies, such as strategic orientation towards innovation, organisational heritage, innovation experience, commitment to technology, use of technology transfer, R&D management, external links, openness, and financial resource management. The study also concluded that some dimensions such as space for creativity, cross-functional cooperation, or risk acceptance varies by organisational and industrial context.
    Keywords: organisational innovativeness; organisational factors; case study; innovation measurement; innovativeness; manufacturing industry; automotive industry; durable goods industry; evaluation framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049869
  • Co-Innovation Platform in Creative Tourism: A Conceptual Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Roma Nova Poetry, Togar M. Simatupang, Achmad Ghazali 
    Abstract: The occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic mostly affected tourism, and the adoption of innovative mechanism is inevitable in this industry. Therefore, this study aims to provide a conceptual framework of co-innovation which can guide tourism practitioners in the implementation process. It is based on a comprehensive literature review of the co-innovation platform model and frameworks in creative tourism. The frameworks from selected publications are evaluated and synthesised to develop a complete conceptual model. Furthermore, the study addresses the primary constructs and possible outcomes of co-innovation platforms in creative tourism by synthesising previous findings in innovation and tourism. It recommends that creative tourism stakeholders conduct co-innovation in their destinations by implementing the four foundation pillars: convergence, collaboration, co-creation of experiences, and co-capture.
    Keywords: co-innovation; creative tourism; conceptual framework; platform; collaboration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049928
  • Indian Stock Market Portfolio Performance on COVID-19 by using Clustering: An Empirical Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Arup Mitra, Sayan Gupta, Goutam Bandyopadhy, A.K. Jalan 
    Abstract: Allocation of limited resources in stock market over a period of time is the most challenging factor for investors and participants. For many years, academicians and researchers have tried to build optimum portfolio to get maximum profit with minimum risk. Portfolio is a combination of positive and negative sub-assets from major assets. The portfolio optimisation is a process of manually but logically trying to create group of such sub-assets moving upward, downward or lateral and making investment to them. As forecasting is an expensive task for researchers, a simple clustering need to be introduced in order to maximise the profit and to minimise the risk. In this article, we have introduced mean-variance analysis to examine the profitability of portfolio management. Finally ratio analysis is implemented in prediction for optimum portfolio. An equal must policy strategy has been adopted to compare the portfolios of Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCI-96 shares in the pre and post pandemic situation COVID-19, affected in India in 2020
    Keywords: stock market; clustering; mean-variance; Altman z-score; risk and returns.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10049972
  • Media Lab: Mechanisms driving Sci-Fi to real world technological innovations?   Order a copy of this article
    by Wesley L. Harris, Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat 
    Abstract: Can science fiction (sci-fi) be transformed into real innovations? This is the challenging question that inspires Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab to turn imagination to future technological innovations. This research study analyses futuristic innovations of MIT Media Lab through the integrative lens of the competitive diamond model and the triple helix model. The results show that the government has to be less controlling in order to engender the process of
    Keywords: science fiction; sci-fi; Media Lab; demo-or-die; technology transfer; triple helix; entrepreneurial ecosystem.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050050
  • The Influence of Quality Factors on AR-Based Mobile Apps and Its Role in Enhancing Satisfaction and Reuse Intention Behaviour-An Empirical Investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Komal Anand, Sheena Suresh 
    Abstract: Superimposing the real world with computer-generated imagery promises enormous potential for business houses. Its application in industries has thus far been stunted by deficient studies. Appreciating the prevailing scenario, this study investigates and analyses the impact of quality characteristics (information quality, system quality and service quality) on satisfaction and reuse intention of this new contraption popularly known as
    Keywords: augmented reality; information quality; system quality; service quality; user satisfaction; reuse intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050063
  • Examining the traceability in agriculture supply chain using blockchain technology   Order a copy of this article
    by SUBHODEEP MUKHERJEE, Manish Mohan Baral, Ramji Nagariya, Venkataiah Chittipaka 
    Abstract: Blockchain technology is changing the supply chain face by removing the trust-related issues among the vendors and customers. The agriculture supply chain consists of products from the farms to the customers. In this process, traceability plays a vital role in tracking and tracing the products in the entire supply chain. This research aims to identify traceability factors for adopting blockchain using stakeholders’ theory. Five factors
    Keywords: traceability; blockchain technology; agriculture supply chain; stakeholder theory; structural equation modelling; mediating variable.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050077
  • Entrepreneurial Learning and Entrepreneurial Intention- The Mediating Role of Personal Growth Initiative   Order a copy of this article
    by Lata Singh, Anubha Vashisht, Priya Grover, Syed Asif Mehdi 
    Abstract: In the presented study, researchers expect to find out whether and how entrepreneurial learning influences respondents’ future entrepreneurial intentions both directly and indirectly. Although prior studies have empirically explored the direct effect, but the role of personal growth initiative as a mediator has never been examined in the past studies. Therefore, the present study investigates the mediating influence of personal growth initiative on the link among entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial intention. The empirical study is based on 256 respondents from the different universities located in Delhi-NCR. The study’s findings demonstrated a substantial positive correlation between all constructs, i.e., entrepreneurial learning, personal growth initiative, and entrepreneurial intention, and also confirmed the mediating effect of personal growth initiative between entrepreneurial learning and intention. The study’s findings will be valuable to academic universities across the world, where the academicians are involved in transferring entrepreneurial learning for improving entrepreneurial intention among the students.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurial intention; personal growth initiative; PGI; entrepreneurship development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050079
  • Evolving strategic performance-based logistics in the military: a total life-cycle approach perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaeyeon Choi, Seongwoo Kim, Kyunghwan Choi 
    Abstract: This study contributes to developing a strategic performance-based logistics (PBL) that considers a failure pattern and performance indicators from a total life cycle approach perspective. After reviewing a lot of PBL literature related to the type of contract and period, we conduct a multi-case analysis focusing on 13 implementing cases in Korea as our sample. To mature a strategic PBL, we suggest different performance indicators and incentives by contract type, especially risk factors and settlements at the initial phase from the focus group interviews with government and industry experts. Through our meticulous examination, we draw a new conclusion that is efficient and effective in securing long-term contracts with firm and fixed-price contracts (FFPC) and rough and estimated price contracts (REPC). This paper may be the first to present a strategic PBL, including contract types and periods that benefit both the governments and defence companies from a total life cycle approach perspective.
    Keywords: performance-based logistics; PBL; total life-cycle; firm and fixed-price contract; FFPC; rough and estimate price contract; REPC; failure patterns; performance indicators.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050229
  • Impact of corporate governance and financial performance on sustainable innovation beyond the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Hoang Bui, Zoltán Krajcsák 
    Abstract: This study goes into the research of sustainable innovation and its relation to the corporate governance and firm performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by exploring the changes that business firms carried out to maintain effective resume operation in the context of the post-COVID-19 pandemics. We also show a link between sustainability and financial firm performance. Our results show that sustainable innovation had an indirect positive and significant effect on financial performance, regardless of the business size or sector. The research paper shows that with a practical sustainable innovation, one's firm performance can alter the operation of the companies and generate positive outcomes to boost the recovery of business firms after COVID-19.
    Keywords: corporate government; financial performance; sustainability innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050298
  • Panel Data Investigation of Determinants of Profitability: Evidence from Indian Corporate Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Rakshika Gupta, Supran Kumar Sharma, Jyoti Sharma 
    Abstract: The study uncovers the role of factors like size, liquidity, tangibility, firm age, asset turnover, capital structure, technical efficiency and its components on the level of profitability of the selected firms listed in S&P Index of Bombay Stock Exchange of India. The return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) have been employed as proxies of profitability. Quantitative research methods including panel regression models of random and fixed effects as well as data envelopment analysis based technical efficiency have been estimated to reveal the impact of aforementioned factors on profitability of selected firms. The study recommends that tangibility, asset turnover, firm size, firm age and capital structure are significant on statistical ground for ROA whereas in case of ROE, capital structure, firm size, asset turnover and firm age are established as critically significant factors. The results also highlight that higher scale technical efficiency may ends in poorer profitability.
    Keywords: firm age; profitability; liquidity; return on equity; return on assets; panel data.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050301
  • Covenant Prioritisation in Indian Venture Capital Partnership Agreement with Entrepreneurs   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarita Mishra 
    Abstract: The study examines 77 Indian venture capital partnership agreement of venture capital fund. Though the objectives of these contracts are similar but their structures are quite heterogeneous in nature. Major covenants included in Indian venture capital contract are highlighted in this study as per the potential and requirement of the partnership contract. Indian venture capital agreement includes 21 types’ of contractual covenant belongs to three broad category. The items include cash flow, restrictive and exit covenant. These three types of covenant are more common in Indian VC deal to reduce discrepancy and conflict among various partners. All the 21 covenant listed in this study is prioritised by RIDIT analysis. The response of VC investor towards importance of each covenant in VC contract is the reference data set in this study. This study finds covenants under cash flow right category s.a. participating preferred, sum of cash flow contingencies are most important according to investor’s point of view in Indian VC contract. The result of this study is in support of previous eminent literature (Bengtsson, 2011). The finding of the study contributes towards importance of cash flow right for conflict resolution in entrepreneurial finance literature.
    Keywords: venture capital partnership contract; covenant; cash flow right.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050353
  • Developing Conceptual Framework of the Actors of Industrial Relations in the RMG Industry of Bangladesh: A Strategic Choice Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Shawan Uddin, Sheikh M. Nurullah, A.N.M. Jahangir Kabir, A.K.M Moniruzzaman 
    Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical model based on previous literature to identify the actors in the ready-made garment (RMG) industry in Bangladesh that affects industrial relations (IRs). This study attempts to explore the actors of IRs. This research framework is developed through a comprehensive literature review by incorporating strategic choice theory and the related research agenda. The link between the actors and IRs has been indicated by relevant literature. Literature’s empirical proof also indicates a clear relationship between the actors and IRs. Therefore, this study will help solve unclear ideas about the development and harmonious relationship between the actors and IRs in the RMG sector. The framework ensures its importance of originality in this study due to the addition of new actor international buyers (IBs) to the earlier framework by Dunlop (1958). By examining the theory of strategic choice and its contribution to IRs, this leads to scarce literature on IRs in RMG. This study will benefit to all actors of IRs, policy makers and academician.
    Keywords: ready-made garment; RMG; industrial relations; trade unions; employers; government agents; international buyers; strategic choice theory; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050356
  • An Empirical Analysis on Factors Affecting Listed Banking Companies’ Leverage in Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Repon Miah, Md. Abdur Rouf, Samsul Alam 
    Abstract: The study intended to determine the characteristics of Bangladeshi listed banking companies return on assets (ROA), total assets (TA), return on sales (ROS), board size (BSIZ), independent director (IND), separation of chief executive officer (SCEO), age, and its influence on these banks’ leverage. For a total 150 annual reports over a period of five years of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) enlisted banks were selected as the sample in this study, which is analysed using content analysis technique. The economic model fits with the data that have been used for evaluating the effect of experimental variables on the measured variable termed as leverage. Among the factors analysed, it was found that two factors have a significant relationship affecting the leverage of banking companies. The results of this study found from regression models show that ROA is positively and significantly related to the leverage of the banking companies. On the other hand, ROS and INDs are related to the leverage of banking entities negatively and significantly. Thus, the study shows that ROA positively and significantly influences banking companies’ leverage decisions. Conversely, the banking companies’ leverage decision is influenced by ROS both negatively and significantly.
    Keywords: bank characteristics; financial leverage; return on assets; total assets; return on sales; age; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050549
  • The impact of Supply Chain Innovative Practices on Customer Satisfaction in Small Manufacturing Enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Baraka Israel 
    Abstract: This paper examines the extent to which manufacturing SMEs embrace SCIPs and their impact on customer satisfaction using a convenience sampling technique and cross-sectional research design. Data were collected from 172 customers of manufacturing SMEs in Mwanza city, Tanzania using a questionnaire. Binary logistic regression was used to ascertain the impact of SCIPs on customer satisfaction. The study revealed electronic data interchange, early buyer involvement, just-in-time, collaboration, vendor-managed inventory, lean production, agile supply chain, outsourcing and cross-docking as the most SCIPs adopted in manufacturing SMEs. The spotted SCIPs showed a positive and statistically significant impact on customer satisfaction. The study concludes that SCIPs are important tools for customer satisfaction along the supply chain of manufacturing SMEs. Therefore, supply chain stakeholders should aim at full adoption of SCIPs to improve their performance, satisfy and retain customers. The study also provides direction for future studies, theoretical and managerial implications to policymakers and scholars.
    Keywords: supply chain; SCIPs; manufacturing SMEs; customer satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050655
  • Sustainable Innovation Domain- A Retrospective Analysis of 20 Years through Scientometric Technique   Order a copy of this article
    by Santosh Baheti, Usha Lenka 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to inspect the growth of sustainable innovation domain for the past two decades. We have conducted a systematic review and scientometric analysis of 1,271 articles during 2000 to 2019 through the analysis of citation, co-citation, co-word, co-author and bibliographic coupling. The cluster analysis result shows the citation pattern of authors, documents, journals, and institutes with productive research output. Through the in-depth analysis of literature, we have presented different theories and constructs of sustainable innovation domain. The relationship between sustainable innovation and company performance has received growing attention in research, yet a consensus remains elusive. This study organizes the knowledge basis for sustainability challenges, new form of sustainable innovations, unsustainable business practices, and different strategies for sustainable business innovation
    Keywords: sustainable innovation; organizational performance; systematic review; scientometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050724
  • Sustainable supply chain innovation: a state-of-the-art literature review and future research avenues   Order a copy of this article
    by Pankaj C. Shete, Zulfiquar N. Ansari, Ravi Kant 
    Abstract: In recent years, the role of innovation from a sustainability perspective has emerged as a key contributor to improving sustainability performance. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review the sustainable innovation (SI) research based on content analysis methodology. A total of 191 relevant research articles from SCOPUS database were selected from 2004 to 2020. These articles are categorised into 16 categories: time span, journal, publisher, University, country, research design, research method, multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, data analysis techniques, theory, dimensions, industries, enablers, issues, and barriers. The significant finding indicates that survey is the most prominent research method in SI literature. Analytical hierarchy process is the most commonly used MCDM. The researcher used structural equation modelling to analyse the collected data. SI research is predominantly performed in the countries like China and India. A significant analysis is carried out in the manufacturing industry.
    Keywords: sustainable supply chain innovation; literature review; content analysis; research methodology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050808
  • Organisational cynicism and auditors' turnover intention: the mediating role of emotional exhaustion   Order a copy of this article
    by Waed Ensour, Mohannad Obeid Al Shbail, Hashem Alshurafat 
    Abstract: Many empirical studies have examined predictors of employees’ turnover intention. In this vein, emotional exhaustion has been found as a predictor of this outcome. Yet, little is known about the role of organisational cynicism in fostering employees’ emotional exhaustion and the role of emotional exhaustion in mediating the relationship between organisational cynicism and auditors’ turnover intention. As such, this study investigates the relationship between organisational cynicism and auditors’ turnover intention. Even more, this study investigates this association in the auditors’ context by encompassing emotional exhaustion as a mediator. Results indicate that organisational cynicism positively and significantly impacts emotional exhaustion. Results also supported the positive and significant impact of affective cynicism on turnover intention of internal auditors, whereas cognitive cynicism and behavioural cynicism did not have such an impact. As for emotional exhaustion, it was found to have a significant impact on the turnover intention of the internal auditors. Emotional exhaustion was found to fully mediate the cognitive cynicism-turnover intention and behavioural cynicism-turnover intention relationships. However, it only had a partial mediating impact on the affective cynicism-turnover intention relationship.
    Keywords: organisational cynicism; emotional exhaustion; turnover intention; auditors.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050809
  • Ascertaining the effectiveness of social media marketing activities on purchase intention and the moderation effect of consumer trust   Order a copy of this article
    by ANJEL R.A.J. Y, Hemalatha Jeyachandran, Mohamed Jasim 
    Abstract: This study investigates the impact of social media marketing activities (SMMA) on the purchase intention (PI) of online customers. Quality of content (QOC), entertainment (ENT), mode of interaction (MI), trendiness (TR) and customisation (CU) are the independent variables employed in the study. The study also deployed consumer trust (CTR) as the moderating variable. Data collected through Google Forms from the regular and active social media users yielded 489 valuable responses. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, content and construct validity were established, and reliability was measured using Cronbach’s alpha and found to be 0.811. Data collected were analysed using statistical techniques such as exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), moderating analysis and SEM. The study witnessed a statistically significant association between QOC, ET, MI, TR and CU with PI. CTR was found to moderate the relationship between SMAA and PI.
    Keywords: social media; purchase intention; PI; consumer trust; CTR; quality of content; entertainment; ENT; trendiness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050859
  • Privacy Policies and User Self-Disclosure in Social Media: The Mediating Effect of Social Media Trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Daradkeh 
    Abstract: With the increasing adoption of social media platforms, privacy concerns and self-disclosure behaviours have attracted much attention in academic and business circles. Based on the antecedent-privacy concern-outcome (APCO) model of privacy concerns, this study develops a moderated mediation model to examine the mechanisms by which social media privacy policies (including both dimensions of privacy policy understanding and perceived effectiveness) influence self-disclosure. To test the model, this study used a deductive approach with a quantitative research design. Data were collected from social media users through a self-reported questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to test the research model and hypotheses. The results of this study show that trust in social media mediates the relationship between privacy policy and self-disclosure, and that privacy cost moderates the relationship between privacy policy and trust in social media. Moreover, the relationship between privacy policies and self-disclosure is not a simple linear model, but a complex multilinear model with a mediated effect. This study provides empirical evidence for understanding the effects of social media privacy policies on self-disclosure and the factors that contribute to users’ self-disclosure decisions on social media platforms.
    Keywords: privacy policies; self-disclosure; social media trust; SMT; privacy cost; antecedent-privacy concern-outcome model; APCO; privacy cost; social media.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050863
  • Customer experience management in financial services: A systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Elina Ojala-Ketolainen, Janne Huiskonen, Ville Ojanen 
    Abstract: This article explores recent development in research-based knowledge of customer experience management in financial services. The objectives of the research are to identify the current state-of-the-art in this field and to reveal gaps in existing knowledge. The results indicate that earlier research on customer experience in financial services focused on managerial literature about customer centricity in companies. Recently, research interests have also centred around customer experience measurement. Another finding was that studies about utilising customer journeys in financial services context are still limited, and research on technology developments effect on customer experience in financial services requires further exploration. Altogether, this study suggested seven future research directions. Despite the consensus that customer experience is industry-specific, a review of research focusing on customer experience specifically in financial services context has been lacking. Hence, this review makes a unique contribution by identifying the main themes in existing research and proposing further research areas.
    Keywords: customer experience; customer experience management; financial services; banking; systematic literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10050918
    by Natalia Silva, Giuliana Aparecida Santini Pigatto, Eduardo G. Satolo 
    Abstract: The article aims to identify eco-innovation practices and their consequences in the furniture supply chain. Theories on supply chain management and eco-innovation made it possible to identify eco-innovation practices belonging to the supply chain that could be applied to the furniture industry. Literature research and a systematic literature review (SLR) were used for the theoretical foundation. For data collection, a multiple case study was carried out in companies belonging to the furniture sector in Brazil to analyse how eco-innovation practices are carried out. The results showed that eco-innovation practices are embedded in the activities of companies analysed through business processes: customer relationship management, manufacturing management, supplier relationship management, product development, marketing and return management. It is concluded that there are eco-innovation practices in the furniture supply chain and that the adoption of these practices ensures the competitiveness of companies in the market and results in social, environmental, and economic benefits.
    Keywords: practices; eco-innovation; supply chain; furniture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051038
  • How Different Motives to Acquire Management Consulting Affect Firms’ Organizational Performance?   Order a copy of this article
    by Sami Kajalo, Jukka Mattila 
    Abstract: Firms have different motives to acquire management consulting services. However, only limited evidence has been presented on how these different motives affect firms’ experienced benefits. This paper focuses on this research gap by studying empirically how different motives to acquire management consulting affect firms’ organisational performance. For the empirical analysis a data (N = 1127) was collected among managers who acquire services of management consultants. We use structural equation modelling (SEM) to test our hypotheses. The results of the SEM model show that when consulting is purchased to obtain best expertise or learn best practises this leads to higher organisational performance. Improved client decisions are in a key mediatory role between management consulting service delivery and organisation’s performance. The results show also that using consultancy to gain higher legitimacy does not lead to higher organisational performance. Overall, this research expands knowledge about management consultancy and its impacts on organisational performance.
    Keywords: management consulting; competitive advantage; client-consultant relationship; leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051064
  • Barriers to employing women with disabilities in Jordanian organizations   Order a copy of this article
    by Worud Awamleh, Saida Al-Adwan, Areen A.Q. Almajali, Hussein Khazer Almajali 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify the barriers facing the employment of women with disabilities in Jordanian institutions. The study used the descriptive comparative research method, as it is suitable for research purposes. To verify the views of employers and female workers with disabilities about these barriers, the researchers prepared a questionnaire divided into four domains (personal difficulties, family difficulties, functional administrative difficulties, and environmental difficulties). The results of the study indicated that the difficulties facing the employment of female workers with disabilities came to a high degree while difficulties of employing female workers with disabilities from the point of view of the employers of Jordanian institutions came to a medium degree. The results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the difficulties of employing female workers with disabilities due to the variable of the type of disability.
    Keywords: women; women with disabilities; working women; Jordanian institutions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051139
  • The association between personality traits and perceived innovativeness   Order a copy of this article
    by Michal Jirásek, Frantisek Sudzina 
    Abstract: The innovativeness of individuals is a building block of innovation in organisations. Previous research has indicated that certain personality traits are linked to individuals’ perceived innovativeness. We aim to shed further light on how these links differ by analysing self-and meta perceptions of innovativeness. We used a sample of Danish students as part of a broader personality project in which respondents filled out the Big Five inventory questionnaire (BFI-44) on the five personality traits and more detailed personality facets. The results showed that openness to experience and extraversion were positively associated with self-and meta-perceptions of innovativeness, while conscientiousness and neuroticism were associated positively with meta-perception only. Agreeableness was weakly associated with both types of perceptions but its direction was subject to change. Our results broadly support previous empirical studies. They also highlight that differences in perceptions depend on the perspective of the evaluator.
    Keywords: innovativeness; personality traits; Big Five; self-perception; meta-perception.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051418
  • Understanding social entrepreneurial intentions among higher education students in India: A PLS-SEM-based approach to personality and contextual factors   Order a copy of this article
    by Latika Sharma, Hemantkumar P. Bulsara 
    Abstract: Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework, this research aims to analyse personality factors (PFs), contextual factors (CFs), and social entrepreneurial intentions (SEIs). The authors contacted North-West Indian students in engineering and business administration (professional courses) who are of career-decision-making age for this study. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the study’s test results. TPB’s antecedents are revealed to provide partial support in the research. The authors have attempted to pinpoint which aspects of social entrepreneurship impact India’s youth by analysing the information collected from PF and CF. For students interested in social entrepreneurship to launch successful social enterprises in the near future, policymakers and educational institutions should take care of and encourage a variety of personality and contextual traits.
    Keywords: social entrepreneurial intention; SEI; personality factors; contextual factors; higher education; social enterprise; theory of planned behaviour; TPB; India; social entrepreneurship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051628
  • An Insight into Recent Trends in Mobile Money Service: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Misbah Noreen, Prashant Ashok Sonawane, Ammara Sarwar, Md. Shahin Mia, Ferdoushi Ahmed 
    Abstract: Mobile money service has brought a revolution with an innovative idea in the financial services sector. Therefore, this study aims to provide an insight into the recent trends in research and publications on mobile money services. The study retrieved published documents on mobile money services from Scopus database for the period of 2009
    Keywords: insight; mobile money services; recent trends; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051633
    by Alice Salami-Adesanya, Marisa Ramirez-Aleson 
    Abstract: This paper explores the academic research on innovation, its related concepts
    Keywords: innovation; internationalisation; R&D; technology; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051663
    by Vairamani Sathyamoorthi, Inayath Ahamed, Gnanadhas Delina 
    Abstract: Social media has gained popularity in recruitment owing to its numerous benefits for effective recruitment process. This study considers social media recruitment as a blue ocean strategy that curbs competition and attracts talents since it is not much prevalent in the Indian manufacturing industry yet. This research examines the moderating role of HR investment in the relationship between social media recruitment and recruitment outcomes. Data has been collected from HR recruitment consultancies using a questionnaire. SmartPLS 3.3 has been used for model validation. The findings of the study show that social media recruitment has a significant positive influence on recruitment outcomes. HR investment was found to have a moderating effect on the relationship between social media recruitment and recruitment outcomes. This study’s findings will be relevant to HR practitioners to develop the right strategies for social media recruitment, invest rightly in the recruitment function and eventually achieve desirable recruitment outcomes.
    Keywords: social media recruitment; SMR; blue ocean strategy; BOS; human resource investment; recruitment methods; recruitment outcomes.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10051933
  • Application of HRM practices in Higher Education Institution Using the Boston Consulting Group Matrix: the Case of the Kazakh University   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhandos Kudaibergenov, Bolatbek Abdrasilov, Dinmukhamed Kelesbayev, Sencer Imer 
    Abstract: In a market economy, human resources are one of the main elements ensuring the effectiveness and competitiveness of the organisation. Systematic conduct of research and analysis of employee’s performance is pivotal in improving the human resource management system of a modern organisation. The analysis encompasses a comprehensive review of the performance and contributions of lecturers in the academic and scientific activities of the university. By incorporating lecturers’ KPI into the portfolio model BCG matrix, this paper aims to identify the lecturers’ positions in the internal university ranking and to apply HRM practices in accordance with the positions in this matrix. We have created a new method for implementing HRM practices in university management based on the findings, including who is eligible for retraining and training, which quadrant lecturers need to be developed, and motivated. Moreover, numerous recommendations for lecturers’ development were included.
    Keywords: human resources management; HRM practices; higher education institution; BCG matrix; KPI; performance management; motivation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10051995
  • Is HR Transformation during Covid-19 Facilitating Employees' Well-being?   Order a copy of this article
    by Sourabh Sharma, Megha Sharma 
    Abstract: Fundamental rethinking and restructuring are the essential ingredients to facilitate HR transformation in an organisation. The prevailing situation of COVID-19 demands to have a special focus on the employees’ concern and their well-being. This research paper is a sincere attempt to identify the association between HR transformation and employees’ well-being during COVID-19. Two self-developed questionnaires were administered to collect data from the sample of 302 Indian working professionals. Exploratory factor analysis and PLS-SEM statistical tools are used to find out the inferences. Two exogenous constructs of HR transformation and five endogenous constructs of well-being are derived and formed a research model. It has been concluded that although there is an influence of HR transformation on employees’ well-being, during COVID-19 a significant deviation has been observed in this trend. This study may help organisations to understand the change in HR practices and facilitate the well-being of their employees during the pandemic.
    Keywords: HR transformation; employees’ well-being; COVID-19; PLS-SEM; Indian working professionals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052038
  • Economics of Low-Cost Housing   Order a copy of this article
    by Asheri Mwidege, Hieronimi Mboya 
    Abstract: Owning a home called one’s own is the ultimate dream of everyone. Unaffordable house costs are associated with increased market prices of ordinary Portland cement. The economic effects of low-cost housing using blended Portland cement with duo pozzolan without compromising the key properties of cement were investigated. Pre-experimental design and snowball sampling of 112 cement brand dealers and analysis were employed. The driving force was to conserve the key properties while reducing the cost of Portland cement. It was advantageous to use P-N/RHA 10/20% optimum with Portland cement in ternary materials. The replacement of conventional cement with 10% to 40% of rice husk ash lowered the expected market prices of both brands in comparison to FACF and FACC. Findings showed that RHA is the best for replacement with OPC. It is therefore concluded that RHA should be used in replacement with OPC due to its level limits of 10%
    Keywords: low-cost housing; affordable house; blended Portland cement; pre-experimental; snowball; rice husk ash; RHA; OPC; FACC; FACF.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052040
    by Niroshini Sukumaran, Hemaloshinee Vasudevan 
    Abstract: The study aims to examine the relationship between talent retention and work-life balance, reward management, career enhancement opportunity and employee engagement among millennials in Malaysia’s manufacturing industry. The loss of a talented employee will hinder the expansion of the company. Since it is more crucial to maintain people than to let them go, businesses must pay great attention to talent retention. For the organisation to remain competitive, it is essential to keep qualified or competent staff. A total of 500 questionnaires were issued via a Google survey form to millennial workers in Malaysia’s manufacturing sector. Convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling technique used in this study, bases the sample size on the amount of data gathered. The association between the variables is determined by using hypothesis testing. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The findings show a strong correlation between work-life balance and reward management and talent retention, with millennials expecting to stay with the organisation. This study can enhance future research by considering more independent variables such as job security, job performance, and employee commitment by doing a longitudinal study; and interviewing respondents instead of relying solely on an online survey.
    Keywords: work-life balance; reward management; career enhancement opportunity; talent Retention; millennials; Malaysian manufacturing industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052163
    by Helena Karoline Da Paz Silva, Fagner José Coutinho De Melo, Ademir Macedo Nascimento, Djalma Silva Guimaraes Junior, Eryka Fernanda Miranda Sobral 
    Abstract: The objective of this paper is to identify which organisational competences are required within the services sector based on the new market parameters brought about by Industry 4.0. To this end, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted involving three stages known as planning, execution and analysis, allowing for a mixed sequential exploratory review in a quantitative and qualitative manner. It then results in the presence of five organisational competences influential to worker development and how their use can leverage the internal and external development of organisations. The absence of this direct relationship between services, competences and technological innovation in the works found exposes the originality of this article and reduces the gap existing on the subject, which can serve as a stimulus for further work. The data presented herein may provide support to managers in their operational, tactical and strategic decision making.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; Services 4.0; organisational competence; technical skills; social skills; digital skills; personal skills.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052256
  • Innovation Capabilities Challenges in Government Organizations: UAE Government as a Case Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Tariq Albluwi, Azura Omar, Rafikul Islam 
    Abstract: This research aims to explore the current challenges facing the UAE government’s innovation capabilities. The UAE government currently spends billions of dollars on innovation, yet the scores in the global innovation index did not change dramatically. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, gathering data from different governmental sectors in the UAE, such as health, space, technology, education, water, energy, and transportation. The researchers interviewed 24 participants, analysed 43 public and private documents, and conducted two observations. The data were transcribed and analysed thematically, resulting in identified challenges in innovation for the UAE government in nine areas: strategy, HR, culture, collaboration, R&D, process, financing, marketing, and innovation concept. Examples of these challenges include lack of setting innovation priorities, Lack of employee focus, mismanagement of innovation culture, lack of inter-sector collaborations, Insufficient protection for IPs, Lack of R&D, and overfocus on marketing.
    Keywords: innovation; government; capabilities; improvement; challenges; United Arab Emirates; UAE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052260
  • Innovative Healthcare Product Design and Financial Returns: Evidence from an Indian Pharmaceutical Company   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The case focuses on Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited’s innovative marketing strategy behind the launch of a contemporary healthcare brand
    Keywords: R&D; innovation; healthcare brand; COVID-19; pharmaceutical; marketing strategy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052343
  • An Impact Assessment of Technological Innovations in the Credit Delivery of the Banking Sector: Evidence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Mili Kar, Manisha Dey, Keya Das Ghosh 
    Abstract: Digitalisation in the financial sector is increasingly paving the way for easy, convenient, and paperless work for bank performance and India is also witnessing impressive growth in digital banking transactions. As per the data released by RBI, the share of digital payments against total non-cash retail payments increased to 98.5% in the year 2020
    Keywords: technological innovations; digital banking; innovative payment methods; bank lending; cointegration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052344
  • The revolutionary impact of micro-finance and role of financial institutions on agriculture income of farmers: An empirical analysis’s   Order a copy of this article
    by SYED MOHD MINHAJ, Saima ., Mohd Altaf Khan 
    Abstract: The objective of this study was to analyse the difference in earnings between a farmer who borrows funds and a farmer who does not borrow funds from micro financial institutions. Primary data was collected from two groups of farmers, one comprising farmers who borrowed funds from an MFI and the other group comprising agriculture farmers who borrowed funds from a non-MFI. Questionnaires were prepared for each of the farmer groups separately. 50 farmers were sampled in each group. The survey was conducted in rural areas of Chitradurga district and some parts of Uttar Kannada district. This study looked at how frequently farmers borrowed money. The study found that farmers who obtained finance had statistically better farm income than farmers who did not obtain -finance funding for their operations, suggesting that borrowing from micro finance institutions for agriculture farming operations would likely result in an increase in income from farming operations.
    Keywords: micro finance; agriculture farmers; income; borrowing; financial institutions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052373
  • Factors Affecting of Customer Relationship Management on Consumer Behavior in Real Estate Sector- A Study of Delhi -NCR   Order a copy of this article
    by Narendra Singh, Mukul Gupta, Pushpa Singh 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify the significant attributes of consumer behaviour from CRM services in the real estate sector. The data were collected from residents of Delhi-NCR in order to accomplish the objective. The exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used to identify the significant attributes of consumer behaviour from CRM services. This study revealed four attractive dimensions from residents of Delhi-NCR. These dimensions are service and support facilitation, communication facilitations, purchases and safety facilitations, and recreational facilities. This study concluded that identified dimensions play a significant role in affecting customer relationship management on consumer behaviour in the real estate sector. The finding and recommendations related to identifying factors were well discussed in terms of the relationship between CRM and consumer behaviour. This research empowers the residential real estate developers and makes them better positioned to design the policies.
    Keywords: customer relationship management; CRM; buying behaviour; real estate sector; SPSS; AMOS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052375
  • Validating the Big Five Aspect Scale amongst B-School Students in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Tanusree Dutta, Nitesh Bhatia, Raina Chhajer 
    Abstract: The Big Five theory of personality is recognised and measured across nations. This study examined the validity and reliability of the Big Five Aspect Scale (BFAS) developed by DeYoung et al.’s (2007) among Indian B-school students. The participants were 254 post-graduate level management students from B-schools in India. Results suggested that the BFAS did not retain the factor structure originally proposed by the scale developers. Internal reliability was below the level found in the North American sample. The psychometric features of the BFAS scale were not promising. Thus it might not be appropriate to measure personality traits of Indian B-school students using this scale.
    Keywords: validating; personality; Big Five Aspect Scale; BFAS; B-school; students; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052377
  • Medical crowdfunding in India during Covid-19: Predictive modelling of campaign strength using XGBoost and Random Forest   Order a copy of this article
    by Rangapriya S, Madhavi Lokhande 
    Abstract: Medical crowd funding emerged as an important channel, during COVID
    Keywords: medical crowdfunding; predictive modelling; COVID-19; fundraising; machine learning; XGBoost; random forest.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052411
  • Option pricing using Data-Driven Machine Learning Approaches: Empirical Evidence from Indian Financial Market.   Order a copy of this article
    by Prem Vaswani, Padmaja M, Kirubakaran Jayaprakasam 
    Abstract: Option pricing has always been seen as a black box, as it is highly complex, fierce, dynamic, and volatile. This study explored the application of machine learning (ML) models like stochastic gradient descent (SGD), decision tree, random forest, XGBoost, and artificial neural networks (ANN) to forecast the option price of NIFTY 50 index in Indian financial market. And the study determines the best model in comparison to the Black-Scholes Merton (BSM) model in forecasting the option prices. The study has applied a methodology called multi-model option-pricing neutral intelligence grid-search cross-validation assessment (MONICA) to value index options. The findings can help the traders and investors with their buy/sell strategies by comparing the forecasted value with the quoted value. The consistent and robust results from subsets using the same inputs and significance of Diebold and Mariano (DM) test statistics validates the outperformance of random forest and ANN approaches.
    Keywords: option prices; NIFTY index; Black-Scholes model; BSM; random forest; artificial neural network; ANN; DM test; stochastic gradient descent; SGD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052440
  • Do Corporate Governance and Firm-Specific Characteristics Affects the Environmental Sustainability of India? A Panel Data Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by SUCHISMITA GHOSH, Ritu Pareek, Tarak Nath Sahu 
    Abstract: In the new economy, this study concentrates on analysing the connection of corporate governance (CG) factors and firm-specific characteristics on sustainability practices when the natural environment and associated strategic prospects have augmented in importance. The population used in this study were 100 non-financial firms that are registered on National Stock Exchange (NSE) index of India from 2010 to 2021. In this study, two staged GMM-based dynamic panel data regression approach has been incorporated as analysis method. The result discloses a positive effect of CG factors like board size, board meetings, and CEO duality on environmental practices. But in the case of firm-specific characteristics, there exists a positive influence of age, liquidity on disclosure practices and negative impact of firm size on disclosure practices. The outcomes also provide a motivation for corporations to develop precise resources and capabilities in important areas that are of concern to appropriate investors.
    Keywords: corporate governance; firm specific characteristics; environmental sustainability; panel data analysis; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052492
    by Hotniar Siringoringo, Dandy Kurnia, Nurul Hidayah, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto 
    Abstract: Electronic money is an emerging payment method these last decades that is increasing its utilisation with the spread of transmission of coronavirus 19 pandemic. The goal of this research was to verify the influence of intention, perceived risk, satisfaction, and trust on users loyalty toward e-money. This is attitudinal loyalty so thus questionnaire was deployed to collect data from e-money users. Merchant becomes the target of e-money user in this study. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was deployed to verified model developed to the data collected. Results revealed that data fit the model. It means intention, perceived risk, satisfaction, and trust simultaneously affect merchant loyalty in using e-money significantly. However, partially only intention and satisfaction affect merchant loyalty significantly. The influence is positive and very strong. This paper discussed the implication of the result that need to be considered by e-money stakeholders as well as future research challenges.
    Keywords: e-money; consumer behaviour; attitudinal loyalty; merchant; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052527
  • Attitude and Intention to adopt FinTech services by Indian Rural Households   Order a copy of this article
    by Suresh G, Yuivamung Zimik Michael, Naveen Kumara R, Prakash M 
    Abstract: Fintech has been the game changer for many Business players. Due to Financial Technology, there is a paradigm shift in how finance-oriented companies operate today. The study aims to identify the factors driving fintech adoption amongst rural households. A questionnaire with five points Likert scale has been used for data collection. The technology acceptance model (TAM) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) are used for this study. The study found that factors such as perceived trust, perceived usefulness and perceived risk have a major say in adopting FinTech services. The study is a breakthrough for Fintech companies in identifying factors that induce rural users to adopt Fintech. The study helps to improve the existing fintech apps to attract and tap the rural segments by focusing on these aspects.
    Keywords: FinTech; technology acceptance model; TAM; perceived usefulness; PU; perceived ease of use; PEOU; perceived trust; PT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052562
  • The nexus of sync advertising as an innovative advertising technique into consumer cognitive response   Order a copy of this article
    by Jugal Kishor 
    Abstract: This study suggests a research agenda in order to further and deepen the understanding of sync advertising that derives the innovative mechanism in the advertising field. A survey was conducted on 223 respondents who were familiar with the concept of sync advertising. After closely inspecting the ad frequency levels and click-through rate respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire. Negative binomial regression and zero-inflated regression were applied to data analysis. The results of the study depict that the difference between medium ad frequency and low ad frequency compared to high ad frequency was not found significant. However, the difference between medium ad frequency and low ad frequency was also not found significant to affect the brand memory. Further, the findings of the study revealed that respondents were leaner toward high ad frequency and low ad frequency compared to the low ad frequency to draw the attention.
    Keywords: Digital marketing; sync- advertising; cognitive response; ad frequency; click-through rate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052634
  • Measuring Effects of Perceived CSR on Customer Satisfaction in Banks: Mediating Role of Corporate Social Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Nidhi SIngh, Shikha Bhatia, Sarika Mahajan 
    Abstract: The present study is based on the perception that relationship between CSR and customer satisfaction is not always straightforward and must be intervened with some influential variables. One such variable is corporate social performance (CSP). The present study aims to determine the direct and indirect impacts of perceived CSR on customer satisfaction through CSP. The study used cross-sectional data based on a survey of 253 respondents. Using PLS-SEM, hypothesised relationships were tested between the constructs. Findings of the present work confirm the significant mediating effect of CSP in the relationship between CSR and customer satisfaction. The study highlights the importance afford by customers on social performance of a bank when engaging in CSR. The study includes novel and distinctive customer foci dimensions namely, firm’s reputation, product responsibility and ethical business practices, to measure CSP in a bank. The study has various policy-related implications for banking industry.
    Keywords: firm’s reputation; product responsibility; ethical practices; social performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052874
  • Green Innovation barriers in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: ISM-ANP Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Nassibeh Janatyan, Zohre Ahmadi 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate barriers to the implementation of green innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises and provide solutions to remove these barriers. In this study, to identify barriers to green innovation in SMEs, the opinions of senior managers of 28 Iranian SMEs were collected and the relationship between barriers was identified and ranked via an ANP-ISM approach. Finally, the solutions to remove important barriers of implementing green innovation were discussed. Six main groups of barriers of green innovation in Iranian SMEs were identified in three levels. The supporting green innovation, lack of sufficient knowledge and information about green innovation, and barriers to customers and the market are determined as driver variables in third level. Barriers to foreign participation, barriers to lack of government support in second level and barriers of management organisation and human resource in first level determined also as dependent variables. Finally, through ANP method barriers to foreign participation achieved the important green innovation’s barrier in SMEs in Iran. This study identified and prioritised the green innovation’s barriers in SMEs in Iran and compared these barriers with two middle east countries.
    Keywords: green innovation; barriers; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; analytic network process; ANP; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; foreign participation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052903
  • Application of Disruptive Technologies in the Global Business Landscape: Learning Curve for Emerging Economies   Order a copy of this article
    by Lukman Raimi 
    Abstract: In developed countries, the application of disruptive technology in business (DTiB) is revolutionising the industrial, agricultural, commercial and service sectors. In emerging economies, however, application of DTiB is limited to a few sectors. This paper discusses the concept of DTiB, theories, and multidimensional benefits and risks using a qualitative research method. The paper provides four valuable insights. First, the notion of DTiB describes highly innovative technologies that challenge existing business models. Second, creative destruction theory (CDT), the theory of disruptive innovation (TDI), and diffusion of innovation theory (DIT) provide sound theoretical underpinnings for DTiB discourse. Third, DTiB presents society with multidimensional benefits that include digital capability, increased task flexibility, improved work efficiency, improved surveillance, among others, But, the risks include production risk, cybersecurity risk, market risk, workforce risk, institutional risk, compliance risk, third-party risk, and others. Fourth, the most visible applications of DTiB are AI, drones, robotics, big data and data analytics, and the internet of things (IoT). The paper concludes with practical and managerial implications.
    Keywords: business landscape; disruptive technologies; emerging economies; theories; disruptive technologies in business; DTiB; creative destruction theory; CDT; theory of disruptive innovation; TDI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052928
  • Currency market volatility during the pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Mykola Benko, Oleksandra Kononova, Olena Prokopova, Olena Kuzmenko, Tetiana Vlasenko 
    Abstract: The currency market is one of the main markets of the modern financial and economic systems of the world. From the information approach, this market is the most data-rich and public. These two features allow it to be viewed as volatility. The purpose of the study is to assess changes in foreign exchange market volatility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of abstraction explained the impact of pandemic events on the volatility of the foreign exchange market and revealed a quantitative characteristic of its change at the level of 25% of reactions to information on economic and political events in the world. The correlation analysis revealed a slight impact of the dollar index on changes in foreign exchange market volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic. This effect is observed at the level of 0.8%, which indicates a slight impact of the disease factor on foreign exchange trading.
    Keywords: volatility; volatility index; exchange rates; currency market; COVID-19 pandemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052993
  • Innovation Drivers and innovation Adoption of service organizations   Order a copy of this article
    by SURA AL-AYED, Sulaiman Althuwaini 
    Abstract: This study aimed to explore the effect of innovation drivers on innovation adoption as a single construct. Four innovation drivers were used (organisational goals, competitors, customers, and external knowledge). Innovation was measured based on its four types (Innovation 1.0, Innovation 2.0, Innovation 3.0 and Innovation 4.0). Data were collected by a questionnaire distributed to a convenience sample of 315 managers from different organisational levels selected from 15 service companies. A total of 315 questionnaires were distributed to the sample members, 277 questionnaires were returned complete, with a coverage rate of 88%. The results showed that organisational goals as well as competitors are the most common drivers of innovation for service organisations. Other drivers such as customers and external knowledge sources had no significant effect on innovation adoption. The contribution of this study is that it calls organisations to clutter their priorities up and collaborate with external sources of knowledge such as universities and research centres.
    Keywords: innovation drivers; innovation adoption; service organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053042
  • Relevance of HR Analytics   Order a copy of this article
    by Anvay Bhargava 
    Abstract: We can understand the evolution of HR Analytics as an innovation in the area of human resource management. Many researchers have discussed the impact of HR analytics in all HR functions including talent acquisition, learning and development, performance, compensation, etc. Being the latest fad in the area, it is discussed everywhere but we need to understand the preparedness of the HR practitioners. Some of the practitioners look at HR analytics as statistician’s job and some look upon as an IT professional’s job and so look forward to support from these areas. Some understand analytics as metrics, which is a different concept. The transition from traditional methods to HR analytics would require some compelling reasons for its adoption in the organisations. The paper analyses the understanding and relevance of HR analytics to HR professionals. The utility of HR Analytics in learning and development and performance appraisal functions is intriguing and interesting.
    Keywords: HR analytics; understanding; innovation; readiness; HR professionals; relevance; organisational effectiveness; learning and development; utility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053110
  • Performance of Listed Instruments in Pre-Covid Scenario   Order a copy of this article
    by Satyakama Mishra, Manidutta Ray, Siddharth Misra 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to provide an easy method to determine the direction of movement of the listed instruments. The present study identifies the simplified methods to predict the movement of stock prices. Our research paper is an explanatory approach which uses concepts to determine the market volatility. For the calculation of value area, we have collected one day data of Nifty 50 starting from 9:15 am to 3:20 pm and hence completing 11 sessions. Similarly, for the purpose of calculating Stretch, the data collected is for ten days from Nifty 50. The study found that value area and stretch are the appropriate methods to find out the market direction which gives correct results 80% of the times provided the assumptions are held. Value area and Stretch calculation shall help the investors to maximise their profits and continue trading adding novelty to the study.
    Keywords: performance; listed instrument; stock prices; pre-covid; Nifty 50.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053112
    by UDAYAKUMAR HM, Irshad Nazeer 
    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the impact of the digital workplace on employees' efficiency and their usage of digital tools in the IT industry. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from 500 IT employees of the 15 IT software companies in Bengaluru city. The mean, percentage, Multiple Correlation, and Multiple Regression analysis have been adopted to analyze the collected data. The study revealed that respondents were good at using communication and collaboration tools. Employees have expressed comparatively lesser skill levels in using software technology and mobility tools. The study found a significant impact of the Digital Workplace on employees' efficiency and a strong and significant relationship between the employees' efficiency-related attributes with the overall digital skill level. The major attributes that impact well towards the "Overall level that the digital tools help to work effectively in the IT industry. Study help to implement digital workplace strategies for organizational growth.
    Keywords: Digital tools; Digital Workplace; Employee efficiency; digital competency; digital skills; business strategy etc.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053389
  • Pre and During Covid-19 Pandemic Study of Bitcoin Price against Major Fiat Currencies of the World   Order a copy of this article
    by ANSHUL AGRAWAL, Mukta Mani, Sakshi Varshney 
    Abstract: The current study undertakes pre and during COVID-19 pandemic influence and examines causal connection to investigate major direct and indirect relationships between Bitcoin (BTC), and 12 most noted fiat currencies, namely
    Keywords: Bitcoin; COVID-19 pandemic; fiat currencies; augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test; Johansen co-integration; VEC test; VAR exogeneity Wald test.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053483
  • Factors affecting customer’s attitude towards Wind energy products   Order a copy of this article
    by Nalini M, Sundar Rajan, Nagalakshmi T.J., Saravanapraveen Kumar 
    Abstract: In India, public opinion is largely supportive of renewable energy implementation, with moderate to strong support. Even in countries that have made progress in wind power development, it appears to be a difficult task.
    Keywords: attitudes; wind power; renewable energy; energy efficiency.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053685
  • Value Versus Growth Stocks: Sector Specific Approach in Indian Scenario   Order a copy of this article
    by Amit Hedau, Sasikanta Tripathy 
    Abstract: The investment in the stock market needs a strategy to generate the superior returns. Since, all the stocks cannot qualify to find a place in the portfolio, stock selection is the main task of the investor. The present paper attempt to validate the theory of value investing in the IT, FMCG and banking sector of the Indian capital market. Based on the eight years data, stocks are classified as value and growth stock in all the three sectors. Subsequently, the monthly returns are observed to analyse the performance of value and growth stock portfolio. The risk based adjusted returns are calculated for each sector using CAPM model and statistical significance is tested using Mann-Whitney U test. The results suggest that the value premium exists in the observed data, however the quantum of premium is decreasing in comparison to the earlier empirical evidences. The findings of the paper are an insightful information to the investors of capital market in India.
    Keywords: value stock; growth stock; value investing; value premium; Indian capital market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10053906
  • Towards sustainability in SMEs during unforeseen crises: Governmental support as a moderating factor   Order a copy of this article
    by Zaid Jaradat, Mohannad Al Shbail, Abdallah Alzubi, Huthaifa Al-Hazaima, Awn Al Shbail 
    Abstract: This study proposed a model in determining the key factors affecting SMEs’ economic sustainability during the unforeseen severe global crises. Resource-based view theory (RBV) underpinned the study, and questionnaires were used to gather the study data. SME owners, top managers, financial managers and heads of accounting departments were the study samples. The results showed significant positive effect of access to finance, innovation activities, and intellectual property related activities on economic sustainability. The interaction effect between access to finance and government support on economic sustainability appeared to be significant and positive. However, government support did not moderate the link between innovation activities and intellectual property related activities, and economic sustainability. During unforeseen crises, SMEs could employ the study model to determine their survival strategies.
    Keywords: sustainability; unforeseen crises; access to finance; innovation activities; property-related activities; governmental support; resource-based view; RBV; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10054149
  • The Effect of Earnings Management on Financial Performance in Industrial Companies Listed in Amman Stock Exchange   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanaa Maswadeh 
    Abstract: The present study was aimed at finding out the effect of earnings management on financial performance measured by return on assets and economic value added, in the light of the existence of the control variables (company size and debt ratio) in industrial companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the quantitative approach was adopted using the financial statements of industrial companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange during the period from 2010 to 2017. The multiple linear regression model was utilized to test the hypotheses of the study. The findings revealed that earnings management has a statistically significant negative effect on financial performance measured by return on assets (ROA) and economic value added (EVA).
    Keywords: Earnings Management; Financial Performance; Return on Assets; Economic Value Added; Jordanian Industrial Companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10054154
  • Sustainable Procurement Strategies and Improved Competitive Advantage: A Qualitative Study on MNCs   Order a copy of this article
    by Sheetal ., Ashok Upadhyay, Mohd. Imran Khan 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide qualitative evidence concentrated on sustainable procurement strategies and their impact on the financial and non-financial performance of businesses. The study used an inductive case study method in which the in-depth interview was used as an approach and key aspects of the sustainable procurement phenomenon were mapped out from the perspective of supply chain managers of seven MNCs operating in India. This study analyses sustainable procurement strategies which show the potential to enhance business performance in terms of profitability and competitive advantage in comparison to traditional procurement strategies and complements them. On a few discussion points, both manufacturing and service companies had the same point of view but the points like triple bottom line (TBL), both domains shared varied observations like most of the interviewees described economic and environmental elements as the main agendas under TBL. The social aspect is largely overlooked in procurement strategies.
    Keywords: sustainable procurement; traditional procurement; strategies; triple bottom line; TBL; circular economy; green process innovation; GPI; competitiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10054218
  • What Makes Bank Employees Happy: Work Properly and Consume Experientially   Order a copy of this article
    by Sevcan Ozturk-Kilic, Derya Gultekin 
    Abstract: Happiness is an emotional state in which positive emotions predominate in the lives of individuals. Individual happiness can vary depending on various factors. This study focuses on the determinants of the happiness levels of employees in the banking sector, characterised by a highly educated professional workforce. The paper examined the relationship between the happiness levels of bank employees and their experiential spending behaviours and working conditions. An online questionnaire was applied to bank employees in Istanbul that were accessed by snowball sampling method. The dataset of 139 cases was subjected to dimension reduction with confirmatory factor analysis, and the number of dimensions was reduced to three in the questionnaire consisting of 16 questions. The relations between the dimensions and variables were tested by a structural equation model. Findings indicate that bankers’ working conditions and experiential consumption positively affect their happiness levels.
    Keywords: happiness levels; working conditions; experiential spending behaviours; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; structural equation modelling; bank employees; decent work.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10054429
  • Effects of Leader Safety Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support on Psychological Well-being in China’s Higher Education: The mediating role of Work Engagement   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The idea of continuously improving employees’ work engagement by job resources to achieve positive psychological well-being is particularly crucial. This study investigated the impact of mediating effect of leader safety commitment (LSC) and perceived organisational support (POS) on psychological well-being (PWB) among 236 teachers in Chinese public university and examined the mediating effect of work engagement (WE) as a conveyor band that defines LEC, POS and PWB. Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses. The finding showed that POS has positive effect on WE, and WE have positive effect on PWB. On the other hand, WE partially mediated the relationship between POS and PWB, while LSC failed. This study is the first to clarify the importance of perceived organisational support to the mental health of university teachers in the post epidemic period.
    Keywords: work engagement; leader safety commitment; LSC; perceived organisational support; POS; psychological well-being; PWB; job demand-resource theory; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10054607
  • Ambidextrous innovation from a holistic perspective: leveraging into sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Ariful Islam, Sazali Abd 
    Abstract: From a firm growth perspective, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that incorporate more innovation-focused activities into their main business strategy may benefit from lower costs, reduced risks, and new business opportunities. However, irresponsible innovation may jeopardise the process of their long-term survival. Thus, the goal of this study is to get a deeper understanding of a holistic ambidextrous innovation model based on a big data strategy that bridges the gap between desired innovation outputs and government support. This conceptual study takes into account a variety of literature evaluations from the fields of strategic management and entrepreneurship, as well as a new issue of spirituality in business strategy. Almost 303 articles have been determined to be relevant to the topic. The study’s findings established a holistic ambidextrous innovation paradigm for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. In this regard, the direction may help enterprises differentiate themselves and compete more effectively.
    Keywords: big data; corporate spirituality; exploitative innovation; explorative innovation; Society 5.0; sustainable growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10054610
  • Innovation performance: The effects of closed and open innovations and information technology capacity   Order a copy of this article
    by Jose Arias-Pérez, Thanh Huynh, Juan Cepeda, Tho Duc Bui, Van Thu Bui, Dong Thi Do 
    Abstract: This study analyses the effects of closed and open innovations on the relationship between information technology capacity and innovation performance. The research model was built based upon previous studies in which the relationships among these concepts were proposed theoretically. The mediation model was empirically examined by using structural equation modelling with the consistent method of partial-least-squares on a data drawn from 233 responses collected from a multinational firm operating in several technology-follower countries. The results show that only closed innovation and the acquisition capability of open innovation play mediating roles within the relationship between information technology capacity and innovation performance. This study generates a need for rethinking about the role of open innovation because it values the benefit of the capture of non-technological information on local markets, in contrast to previous studies that only highlight the acquisition of technology.
    Keywords: open innovation; closed innovation; information technology capacity; innovation performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10054650
  • Systemizing a holistic growth model of SMEs in the United Arab Emirates: the synthesis between Quadruple Helix and the Quadruple Bottom Line   Order a copy of this article
    by Ariful Islam, Kamna Anum, Sazali Abd, Ahmad Shaharudin Abdul Latiff 
    Abstract: The aim of this research is to get a better understanding of a holistic sustainable growth model based on the Quadruple Helix and the Quadruple Bottom Line perspectives, in which strategic innovation plays a role in bridging the gap between desired growth of the UAE SMEs and entrepreneurial attitude. This conceptual research considers a range of literature reviews from the disciplines of strategic management and entrepreneurship, as well as a recently emerging topic of sustainable growth in SMEs. The study showed how SMEs might strategically combine entrepreneurial attitude, strategic innovation, and corporate spirituality-guided sustainability principles to obtain a sustainable competitive edge. Alongside, the findings can also help owners or managers make better decisions when it comes to social, economic, environmental, and spiritual elements of their everyday operations. It may be also useful to promote innovation which is the key in creating active and informed citizens in the public sphere. The conception is a one-of-a-kind attempt, taking into account Arab regions, to broaden the present knowledge of SMEs’ strategic innovation-focused, long-term growth processes from a holistic perspective.
    Keywords: corporate spirituality; exploitative innovation; explorative innovation; small and medium-sized enterprises; SME; sustainable growth United Arab Emirates.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10054919
  • Strategic Responses of Small Businesses to COVID-19: Evidence from an Emergent Country.   Order a copy of this article
    by Ana Gonzalez L., Yeny E. Rodriguez Ramos, John Rosso Murillo, Cristina Vélez Valencia 
    Abstract: Using the resource-based view of the firm, this study examines the strategic responses of small businesses, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Colombia, and how those responses affected their probability of continuity. Results show that retrenchment strategies that affect long-term investments, and relationships, have a negative effect on business continuity, while perseverance activities that affect internal and direct stakeholders contribute to survival. We found a connection between innovating activities and small business continuity, but only with those related to proactiveness, or changes in operations. Our findings contribute to explain the effectiveness of specific retrenchment, perseverance and strategic renewal strategies during an environmental jolt, and how, by leveraging distinctive configurations of resources and capabilities, small businesses can survive, regardless of resource scarcity, supporting a contingent resource-based view of the firm.
    Keywords: resource-based view theory; small businesses; strategic response.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10055112
  • Relationship between Customer Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance in Vietnam Franchising Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Thi Thao Hien Bui, Manimekalai Jambulingam, Muslim Amin 
    Abstract: The franchising industry in Vietnam has received lots of attention from international franchise brands due to its high potential growth and encouragement from the Vietnam Government these recent years. Franchisee firms play important roles in the franchise system as they represent foreign franchise brands and connect directly to local customers. Hence, it is worth researching the determinants of franchisee performance, especially examining the roles of entrepreneurial orientation in the franchising industry based on franchisee perspectives. This study aims to investigate factors that affect franchisee performance through the mediating roles of customer orientation through the lens of the resource-based view theory. The findings show that the franchisee performance antecedents are customer orientation and entrepreneurial orientation, with two dimensions: risk-taking and innovativeness. Customer orientation fully mediates the relationship between innovativeness and franchisee performance. Theoretically, this research contributes to the franchising literature by adding the roles of entrepreneurial orientation and customer orientation based on franchisee perspectives.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; risk-taking; innovativeness; customer orientation; proactiveness; firm performance; franchising; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10055329
  • The Impact of Green Marketing on Green Brand Equity   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Al Khasawneh, Shafig Al-haddad, Shereen AlJarrah, Layan Kanaan, Najah Asaad 
    Abstract: The concept of green marketing is widely emerging and has received recently significant attention in the literature. This area is underdeveloped and does not cover certain factors that relate to a sustainable business. Thus, this study aims to understand various variables in green marketing that impact green brand equity in the Jordanian market. Relevant literature is reviewed to establish a solid background of the green marketing approach. Subsequently, a theoretical model is developed containing the following independent variables: green brand image, green trust, green satisfaction, perceived brand quality, and one dependent variable which is green brand equity. Accordingly, a quantitative online survey with close-ended questions is distributed amongst customers of a major department store and the data is analysed using AMOS and SPSS software. As a result, the findings show that three of the independent variables have a positive correlation with green brand equity, with green trust having the highest value. On the other hand, perceived brand quality had no impact on green brand equity within the Jordanian market. The research concludes with practical and theoretical implications that can impact the green marketing approach, and recommendations are suggested for future marketing investigations and practices.
    Keywords: green marketing; green brand image; green trust; green satisfaction; perceived brand quality; green brand equity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10055333
  • Financial Inclusion and Human Development: An Empirical Investigation in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Razdan Alam, Debolina Saha 
    Abstract: The study analyses India’s performance in achieving financial inclusion and examines the relationship between financial inclusion and human development in India, over the period 2001
    Keywords: financial inclusion; human development; banking services; regional disparity; poverty and inequality; sustainable development goals; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10055559
  • Purchase Intentions of Cause-related Products: Do Hedonic and Materialistic Values Synchronize with Collectivism and Individualism?   Order a copy of this article
    by Parthesh Shanbhag, Yogesh Pai, Gururaj Kidiyoor, Nandan Prabhu 
    Abstract: Past research on cause-related marketing has primarily neglected the inquiry into the influence of cultural values on the purchase intentions of products associated with cause-related marketing campaigns. Hence, this research investigated the moderating roles of horizontal collectivism, horizontal individualism, vertical collectivism, and vertical individualism in the hedonism-materialism and hedonism-purchase intentions relationships in the setting of products associated with cause-related marketing campaigns. Besides, this study examined whether collectivism and individualism are consistent with the materialistic values of the Indian youth. This study showed that horizontal and vertical collectivism negatively moderates the relationship between hedonism and materialism. Besides, horizontal collectivism negatively moderated the hedonism-purchase intentions relationship. However, horizontal individualism and vertical individualism positively moderated the hedonism-materialism relationship.
    Keywords: Hedonism; Materialism; Purchase Intentions; Collectivism; Individualism; Cause-related Marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10055986
  • The influence of social media on the relationship between firm strategy and performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Atthaphon Mumi, Yutthana Srisakunkhunakorn, Lersak Phothong 
    Abstract: The topic of social media has been at the forefront of individuals' and firms' interests. Although scholars have investigated and revealed various benefits of social media, limited studies examined whether social media can be favourable to a firm’s existing strategies. This study, therefore, relies on data from 1,392 firms to support the advantages of using social media for firms' strategies. Specifically, the study found that market diversification strategy, R&D intensity, and capital intensity have a significant impact on the performance of a firm. In addition, social media can moderate the impact of R&D intensity on firm value-based performance. The results also indicate that social media can undermine certain strategies as it was discovered that social media can negatively moderate the relationships between R&D intensity, product diversification, and the return on assets (ROA). The findings of this study shed light on both advantages and disadvantages of social media usage for firms.
    Keywords: social media; firm strategy; performance; moderation; product diversification; market diversification; R&D intensity; capital intensity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10055991
  • Small and Medium Enterprises and Halal Products: A Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Rafiki, Fahmi Natigor Nasution, Miftahuddin Miftahuddin, Sari Nuzullina Ramadhani 
    Abstract: The aim of the study is to examine current works and literature on SME and halal products employing bibliometric analysis which expectedly will reveal the root of the concept of SME and its relationship with halal products. This study applies approaches based on a bibliometric examination of 49 publications collected from Scopus database between 2004 and September 2021. The investigation consists of the direction of research on SME and halal products in the future. All information could be extended in the field of SME and halal products research. Academics and practitioners might gain complete insights on the role and the impact of SMEs on halal products especially to be used as a reference for further studies.
    Keywords: small and medium enterprise; SME; halal products; bibliometric analysis; Scopus.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10056093
  • Deciphering the role of e-marketing communication and diffusion of innovation theory towards value co-creation and firm strategic performance during COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Khalid Aboalganam, Hussain Awad, Sahar Abu Bakir, Omar Hijazeen, Mohammad Almaaitah, Yanal Kilani 
    Abstract: The proliferation of technology has led organisations to use innovative technology to manage customers and services provider relationship. Although e-marketing is found cutting-edge innovative communication tool however, firms have remained unsuccessful to get maximum benefits using e-marketing. Therefore, current research has paid attention towards factors which create value co creation and boost firm strategic performance. The research framework integrates e-marketing elements and diffusion of innovation theory altogether and determine value co creation. Data were analysed with structural equation modelling approach (SEM). Findings revealed substantial variance R2 61% in value co creation. Similarly, the predictive power was tested with Geiser Stone analysis Q2 and indicated substantial power to predict value co creation 46.1% and firm strategic performance 15.4%. The findings of this study suggest that managers and policy makers should pay attention on organisational readiness, personal sale, internet marketing and innovativeness to construct value co creation resulting foster firm strategic performance.
    Keywords: e-marketing communication; innovation; compatibility; diffusion of innovation; value co-creation; organisational readiness; strategic firm performance; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10056228
  • Exploratory Study on the Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning and API Banking   Order a copy of this article
    by Baiju J. Nair, Baskar B, Rishabh Shekhar, Tomy K. Kallarakal 
    Abstract: Banks have enabled API integration with ERP solutions, allowing faster transactions and eliminating manual processes and errors. This enables corporations to keep track of their finances in real time and make more informed decisions. ERP helps enterprises plan resources, manage operations, and provide real-time data to improve customer service. Cloud computing has eliminated the need for data servers at the client's workplace, leading to software as a service (SAAS). With the integration of API banking and ERP, organizations reduce their IT costs, as they no longer need to maintain physical servers. Open banking enables open finance, empowering transactions with banking data. ERP systems have also allowed companies to reduce manual data entry processes and improve data accuracy. This paper examines the transformation in the ERP system concerning API Banking which led to open banking, and open finance, which used to work in isolation and did not interact with other systems.
    Keywords: enterprise resource planning; ERP; digital banking; API banking; open banking; open finance; software as a service; SAAS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10056405
  • The relationship between digital transformation and customer satisfaction: A case study in Bancassurance.   Order a copy of this article
    by RODRIGO CURI, Alberto Luiz Albertin 
    Abstract: Customer satisfaction is one of the main drivers of companies that seek competitive advantages to increase market share and customer loyalty. It is necessary to increase the simplicity and convenience of the processes related to the products and services the company is offering, including the after-sales experience. Digital transformation offers competitive edges through innovation, operational efficiency and increased perception of value by its customers, partners and process stakeholders using new technologies, swift methods of systems development and the creation of new businesses. The sharp change in the habits and behaviour of customers and markets force corporations to redesign their business models. Digital transformation seeks to help understand the characteristics of its customers in order to offer customised solutions and add value to the experience. The objective of this article is to report the results of the validation of the relationship and intensity between customer satisfaction and digital transformation.
    Keywords: digital transformation; customer satisfaction; customer experience; new business models.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10056630
  • Determinants of continuance intention to use Automated Teller Machines in a Developing Country. Does the moderating effect of ATM use frequency matter?   Order a copy of this article
    by Muftawu Dzang Alhassan, Ernest Akpaku, Ibrahim Osman Adam, SALHABIL MUJEEB 
    Abstract: Despite the several benefits of ATM services, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the factors that propel users' continuance use of ATM services in a developing country. This current study aims to examine the factors that propel individuals' continuance use of ATM services in Ghana. To carry out our study, we rely on a conceptual model drawn from the DeLeon and McLean IS success model and survey data from 310 ATM users in Ghana. Using partial least squares structural equation modelling, findings from our study show that system, information and service quality significantly influence user satisfaction to continuously ATM services. Furthermore, findings indicate the significant moderating and mediating effect of ATM frequency use and user satisfaction respectively. Findings make key implications to research, practice and policy.
    Keywords: automated teller machines; ATMs; DeLone and McLean; continuance use; developing country; PLS-SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10056788
  • Capital Structure Determinants of Indian Small and Medium Auto Component Enterprises- Justifying theories of Capital Structure.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sunit Prasad, Rohini Jha, Amar Nath Jha 
    Abstract: Academia across the globe has observed that small and medium enterprises face severe financial management issues threatening their survival. The problem Indian SMEs face is how to fund their projects. The present funding scenario heavily depends on their funds and short-term debt. This research examines the firm-specific factors affecting the capital structure of Indian small and medium enterprises (particularly the auto component industry) to understand their financial behaviour. The reason to choose a particular industry is stagnant growth and the rise of sick units yearly; more importantly-the financial behaviour of a specific SME industry has not been analysed so far. The sample comprises 155 non-financial operating firms, and the impact of firm-specific factors on the setups capital structure is gauged using the panel data regression over the period 20062017. Analysis reveals that entrepreneurs choose an inappropriate financing ratio based on operating needs.
    Keywords: theories of capital structure; SMEs-specific industry; firm-specific factors; panel data regression.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10056846
  • Discovering Dynamic Capabilities for Survival and Success During Prolonged Massive Crises: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Amir Asadiara, Mohsen Farhadloo, Suchit Ahuja, Anne Beaudry 
    Abstract: Dynamic capabilities (DCs) are pivotal to a firm's success especially in a business landscape that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The COVID-19 pandemic has displayed unique characteristics and has affected almost every aspect of business and society, creating challenges for their survival. Although three types of dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring) have been studied in the strategy literature, it is still not clear what types of actions and strategies constitute each of the three dynamic capabilities. In this study, we utilise a systematic literature review to: 1) identify strategies and actions employed by businesses in different sectors to survive and succeed in the changing competitive landscape during the COVID-19 outbreak; 2) discover specific actions and strategies that capture each of the sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring capabilities, and compare identified strategies and actions during COVID-19 with those that were suggested in the business strategy and competitive literature before COVID-19. Our findings identified ten strategies and actions and by mapping them onto DC framework we contributed to DC literature. Our analysis reveals various changes in the focus of strategies and actions compared to before COVID-19 with respect to internal capabilities, market power, or the type of industry.
    Keywords: dynamic capabilities framework; competition strategies; COVID-19 crisis; systematic literature review; SLR; firm performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057028
  • Impact of Convenience Orientation and Food values on influencing the purchase intention of RTE Foods   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajalakshmi Subramaniam, Margaret S, Sanjay Mohapatra 
    Abstract: The modern lifestyle has increased the demand towards the ready-to-eat (RTE) foods among consumers across the globe. This research attempts to identify the impact the variables convenience orientation and food values create in influencing the purchase intention of RTE foods among Indian consumers. Food values has been measured using 11 factors namely appearance, environmental impact, convenience, fairness, nutrition, naturalness, taste, price, safety, tradition, and origin respectively. A structural equation model has been developed and tested using AMOS. Analysis has been made on the primary data collected from 1115 respondents belonging to four major Indian cities. The results reveal that convenience orientation and food values positively impact the purchase intention of ready-to-eat food products among Indian consumers. Further it has been identified that two demographic factors namely age and gender moderate the relationship between the proposed independent and dependent variables.
    Keywords: RTE foods; Indian consumers; food values; purchase intention; convenience orientation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057121
  • Fuzzy-DEMATEL For Analysis to Relationship Among the Factor Implementing Information Technology Governance (ITG) on Organisational Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by DARSHAN KALASUA, Ganesh P. Sahu 
    Abstract: Digitalisation improves organisational performance, which presents several challenges for ITG adoption. This paper aims to examine factors of ITG implementation for organisational performance. The variables of ITG were examined in this research using a variety of literature studies and expert comments. Fuzzy-DEMATEL method carried out for segregating requisites for ITG into cause-and-effect groups. The results produced using this criterion model serve as a guide for ITG to increase the organisation’s performance: the most influential factors are financial performance, IT budget, and technological innovation. This paper may also help organisations implement ITG and seek to improve performance with the help of developing and identifying the strength and weaknesses of firms implementing ITG.
    Keywords: information technology governance; ITG; firms’ performance; IT risk management; fuzzy-DEMATEL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057126
  • This or That, Which Coworker Phubb More; Association Between Personality Traits and Phubbing Behavior through Mobile Phone Addiction   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Khurram Shahzad, Muhammad Qaiser Shafi 
    Abstract: In recent times, the phenomenon of phubbing (the act of ignoring others during personal interactions by using smartphones) has gained attention in social science research. Its adverse outcomes in social relations among partners, friends and colleagues are well documented but little is known about the antecedent of this pathological phubbing behaviour. This study examines the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and phubbing behaviour while using mobile phone addiction as a mediator. Multi-source data were collected from 177 respondents (coworkers) working in the healthcare sector of Pakistan. Data of personality traits and mobile phone addiction were self-reported whereas the data for phubbing behaviour were peer reported. Results show that personality traits, openness to experience, extroversion, and neuroticism are positive while conscientiousness is a negative predictor of phubbing behaviour and mobile phone addiction plays a mediating role in these relationships. However, agreeableness has been found not associated with mobile phone addiction nor with phubbing behaviour. Practical implications related to antisocial use mobile phones have been discussed.
    Keywords: personality traits; big five model; mobile phone addiction; phubbing behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057128
  • Mapping the paths from store cues to in-store leisure experience and fashion store choice: Findings from the fsQCA and AHP approaches   Order a copy of this article
    by Wen-Hsiang Lai, Tin Trung Nguyen 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate: 1) how store cues (i.e., product quality, availability, variety, price, store layout, decoration, staff politeness, music, aroma, and lighting) affect the dimensions of the in-store leisure experience (i.e., hedonic, escapism, social, communitas, flow, challenge, and learning); 2) how hedonic shoppers choose to visit a fashion store based on their preference of these dimensions. Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was adopted to determine the configurations of store cues associated with each dimension of the in-store leisure experience. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was employed to decompose the decision problem of store choice based on in-store leisure experiences. The findings highlight the complexity of store choice, in-store leisure experience, and their stimuli, which are beneficial for fashion retailers to encourage trials and impulse purchases among hedonic shoppers. By demonstrating the effectiveness of fsQCA and AHP in understanding consumer behaviour, this study provides a methodological foundation for future research.
    Keywords: leisure experience; store cues; store choice; hedonic shoppers; fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis; fsQCA; analytical hierarchy process; AHP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057204
  • Work Environment and Workaholism: Personality Traits as Mediating variable   Order a copy of this article
    by Waed Ensour, Nael Sarhan, Ayman Harb 
    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between a work environment and workaholism mediated by personality traits. The ultimate purpose was to predict what could lead a person to become addicted to work. A total of 259 structured online questionnaires were used to collect the data. Partial least squares (PLS) were used to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The results indicate that the work environment affected employees' level of workaholism. Further, the results revealed that individuals’ personalities could be influenced by their work environment. Among five personality traits, conscientiousness and neuroticism were found to be related to workaholism. The results also show that personality traits partially mediated the relationship between work environment and workaholism. Overall, the results contradict those of other scholars who considered workaholism as a stable individual characteristic as it was found that workaholism may vary as a function of the working context.
    Keywords: workaholism; work environment; personality traits; partial least squares; PLS; hotel sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057283
  • COVID 19 Phobia and Dietary Supplement Purchase Intention: the Mediating Role of TPB Antecedents & Health Consciousness   Order a copy of this article
    by Swati Goswami, Kuldeep Verma 
    Abstract: The present study extended the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) model by including constructs of COVID-19 phobia (C19P) and health consciousness (HC). In the extended model, a structural equation modelling analysis was employed to investigate the direct impact of COVID-19 phobia (coronaphobia) on consumers' buying intentions for dietary supplements (DS) as well as the mediating effect on this relationship, via attitude (AT), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), and health consciousness. The survey took place in New Delhi and NCR regions of India and received 250 responses via Google forms. The findings revealed a positive association between C19P and respondents' AT, PBC, SN, and HC for DS. Furthermore, C19P was found to have a negative and non-significant direct effect on DS purchase intention but has an indirect significant effect on intention through AT and HC. The findings have important implications for researchers, marketers, and healthcare professionals.
    Keywords: COVID-19 phobia; dietary supplements; purchase intention; extended theory of planned behaviour; TPB; protection motivation theory; health belief model; HBM; health consciousness; C19P-S.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057488
  • Knowledge sharing culture and motivation for knowledge management practices: An empirical analysis on Indian real estate firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Arpana Kumari 
    Abstract: Knowledge management is recognised as a crucial component of organisations, particularly in the service sector, which depends on the utilisation of information for operational purposes. In order to better serve its stakeholders, the real estate sector, which plays a significant role in the economic expansion of the nation, may seek to disrupt knowledge management practices (KMPs). An analysis of the role played by organisational culture (OC) in advancing knowledge management practices in real estate organisations shows that OC, with its elements of the culture of knowledge dissemination and motivation, can facilitate effective knowledge execution. The present paper collected 136 responses from real estate employees in Delhi and the National Capital Region of India. Exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression were used to test the hypothesis. The study covered staff motivation through rewards and recognition, information and communication for KMP, culture of policy and process for knowledge exchange, report sharing, and top management support for KM. The study found that OC centred on knowledge dissemination culture and employee motivation significantly influenced KM in the real estate industry.
    Keywords: organisational culture; knowledge sharing; value; motivation; knowledge management practices; KMPs; real estate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057586
  • Identification of Outperforming stocks in BSE Sensex using Artificial Intelligence in the Post-Pandemic Era   Order a copy of this article
    by Tinni Chaudhuri, Banhi Guha, Pankaj Kumar, Pulak Konar 
    Abstract: When COVID-19 was in full swing in India throughout 2020, business activity came to a halt, impeding the functioning of most enterprises. In this paper some classification techniques such as logistic regression, decision tree classifier, random forest classifier along with XG Boost was used to measure the impact of COVID-19 on Indian stock market. Various financial indicators like Net Sales (NS), Earnings per share PS (EPS), Net profit margin (NPM), return of equity values (RoE), PE Ratio (PE), and Price to Book Value (PtBV) of BSE Sensex 30 Companies were considered for five years from 2017 to 2021 to predict their performance (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory). Initially, the BSE Sensex 30 companies were segregated into two clusters based on their Price value, then these beforementioned models was built (using four years) for both the clusters with six financials pointers and the models so obtained was tested on 2021 for validation.
    Keywords: BSE Sensex; stock performance; logistic regression; decision tree; random forest; XG Boost; Indian Stock market; accuracy; prediction; validation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057645
  • Psychological health, leadership styles, psychological control, and workplace positivity affect employee performance in Jordanian companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Alawamleh, Arwa Al-Twal, Suhib Alazzam 
    Abstract: This research investigates the relationships between employees’ psychological control, leadership styles, and workplace positivity, and the impact of psychological control on employee performance. This research administered a quantitative questionnaire to 56 employees in Jordanian companies. The results revealed that psychological health, positive leadership styles, and workplace positivity positively affect job performance, while psychological control has a negative impact. This research has reached a point that helps understand the relationship between variables and their effects on the performance of employees. This study recommends that managers should focus on the variables above to have an effective and incredible job performance. The findings of this research can guide practitioners in understanding the relationship between psychological control, leadership style, and workplace positivity, to manage the impact of psychological control on employees’ performance.
    Keywords: job performance; Jordan; leadership styles; psychological control; psychological health; workplace positivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057837
  • Dimensions of digital transformation: a framework for strategy, analysis and evaluation   Order a copy of this article
    by Alberto Luiz Albertin, Rosa Maria De Moura Albertin 
    Abstract: Digital transformation means the application of digital technology to create something new, different and better. It can create value, but it faces challenges. The purpose of this paper is to propose the conceptual framework to dimensions of digital transformation, such as motivators, digital transformation initiatives, facilitating conditions and value generation, as a base for evaluating the occurrence and intensity of them. The framework applies to analysing and understanding learning institutions’ response to the challenges created by COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The procedure confirmed the framework’s consistency and applicability. The paper’s contribution is a conceptual basis for strategy, analysis and evaluation.
    Keywords: digital transformation; digital innovation; information technology; COVID-19 pandemic; learning institutions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10057838
  • The Impact of Digital Technology on Labour Productivity in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Latifah Naina Mohamed, Yudi Fernando, Anisha Banu Dawood Gani 
    Abstract: Malaysia has reported a decline in labour productivity. Thus, this study examined the relationship between digital technology and labour productivity improvement in Malaysia's manufacturing firms. In order to boost labour productivity in the industrial sector, this study has proposed and empirically examined a theoretical model consisting of AI and CC as the predictor variable. A survey method was used to gather data from manufacturing firms that were registered with FMM. A total of 130 respondents' data was analysed using SPSS version 27 and SmartPLS 3.3.9 software to answer the research objectives stipulated. Results indicate a strong relationship between AI and labour productivity improvement. However, cloud computing's role in improving labour productivity is found to be rejected. These may be attributed to the challenges manufacturing firms face in adopting digital technology. Nevertheless, these challenges must first be addressed before labour productivity can be improved in the manufacturing industry. This study can be viewed as a preface to a more detailed study on the issue of labour productivity in Malaysia that will be carried out by future research.
    Keywords: cloud computing; artificial intelligent; labour productivity; digital technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058016
  • Linking Emotional Intelligence with Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Startup Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Subhendu Kumar Mishra, Sujit Kumar Patra 
    Abstract: During the last decade, there is an exponential rise in the number of startups in India. Although it can be attributed to multiple reasons yet, the role of the entrepreneur is forever considered crucial in the venture creation. Hence, it has been drawing the attention of scholars to explain the phenomenon of new venture creation from an entrepreneur's lens. Since last three decades, it is observed that there is a visible shift in the research direction to explain the phenomenon of entrepreneurship from a personality perspective to a cognitive perspective and more recently to explain in detail the role of emotions. This study aims to explore the role of emotions in the entrepreneurial process. It took a step further to explore the theory of emotional intelligence proposed by Daniel Goleman and its influence on entrepreneurial behaviour, and performance of the startup through a qualitative inquiry. The findings suggest a positive linkage establishes between the dimensions of EI with the entrepreneurial behaviours leading to better startup performance.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; entrepreneurship; startup performance; qualitative method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058020
  • Transition from Linear Models to Circular Economies-A Sustainable Model of Consumption by Limiting Environmental Impact for Better Tomorrow   Order a copy of this article
    by Vijay Kumar Jain, Shrish Singh, Preeti Sharma, Vijay Prakash Anand 
    Abstract: The assumptions of the linear economy are becoming more widely acknowledged as erroneous and unsustainable as a result of the expanding global population. Due to escalating environmental problems like air, water, and soil pollution as well as a decline in biodiversity, the industrial economic model that has been in place since the first industrial revolution is in danger. To extend the useful life of resources in the economy, a new consumption model is therefore necessary, one in which trash can be used as a raw material for other businesses. The current study tries to investigate the circular economy's (CE) structure and relationships between its various components by using the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique. The results demonstrate that the business model is the most important factor and has the greatest influence on the CE, followed by start-ups and costs.
    Keywords: circular economy; CE; regeneration; decoupling; sustainable business model; industrial symbiosis; DEMATEL; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058023
  • Collaboration between corporations and start-ups: a study based on the network capabilities approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Vinicius Pizzolato, Jorge Verschoore, Jefferson Marlon Monticelli 
    Abstract: In this paper, we analyse the Emerging Technologies League, a Brazilian acceleration programme with four corporations and nine start-ups. Data triangulated through document analysis, direct observation, and 12 interviews with the CEOs of the start-ups and with employees from the accelerator and the corporations showed that organisations need antecedents such as definition of challenges and provision of resources. The results of collaborative innovation are the development of an open innovation culture in the organisation and learning for future collaborative innovation programmes. A framework for collaboration between corporations and start-ups based on network capabilities is proposed.
    Keywords: networks; network capabilities; corporate accelerators; start-up; corporation; open innovation; collaboration; framework; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058025
  • Cashless is better! Exploring the mediating and moderating effects of e-wallet continuance usage intention   Order a copy of this article
    by Aznida Wati Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Azizul Yadi Yaakop 
    Abstract: As electronic wallets (e-wallets) become more popular around the world, an increasing number of researchers are exploring the reasons why customers continue to use them. This study uncovered the factors influencing customers’ decision to continue use e-wallets. Using SOR theory, the study examined the role of attachment, attitude, and satisfaction on the relationship between self-congruity, perceived security, and continued usage intention. A total of 474 data were collected using structured questionnaires and then were analysed using Smart-PLS version The results indicated that attachment, satisfaction, and attitude played a mediating role in the relationship between self-congruity and continued usage intention and that satisfaction and attitude mediated the relationship between perceived security and continued usage intention. However, a high bandwagon effect may weaken the relationship between satisfaction and continued usage intention. The current study provides valuable insights for e-wallet providers to retain existing customers and attract new ones as the world moves towards a cashless society.
    Keywords: mobile wallet; electronic wallet; SOR theory; continuance intention; post-purchase behaviour; cashless payment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058098
  • What are the factors influencing green purchase behaviour in the 21st century? A systematic literature review of two decades   Order a copy of this article
    by Anwar Rasheed, Md Wasim Raza, Furquan Uddin 
    Abstract: The goal of this study is to investigate green purchasing behaviour. Based on a thorough assessment of the literature, this study proposes several additional research directions to advance existing literature. For this qualitative study, 33 research papers were analysed using the 2021 preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA) statement. The studies reveal that common factors which influence consumers' willingness to make green purchases, includes personal norms (PN), attitudes (ATT), subjective norms (SN), behavioural intentions (BI), green purchase intentions (GPI), willingness to pay (WTP), perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE), purchase intentions (PI), environmental knowledge (EK), and environmental concern (EC). This search was restricted to a limited database and timeframe, which may be avenues for further research. Future research should consider additional demographic aspects such as age, education, and income level as moderators to better understand customers' purchasing habits.
    Keywords: environmentalism; green purchase behaviour; GPB; perceived behaviour control; willingness to pay; WTP; purchase intention; systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058100
  • A Literature Review and Classification of FinTech Research   Order a copy of this article
    by Nitin Garg, Ganesh P. Sahu 
    Abstract: Financial technology (FinTech) has become an important field of study to give the financial services to unbanked people with the blend of trending technology, reduce cost, and to exercise the financial inclusion. In this study, we evaluate the literature and provide a classification system for FinTech research. The sole aim of this study is to provide a fundamental knowledge of FinTech and to explore the significant earlier research that has been done in this field. A classification strategy has been used to carry out the investigation. The former consists of 225 journal articles published between 2015 to June 2022 in numerous journals which are suitable channels for FinTech research. The results demonstrate that a growing amount of FinTech research has been carried out in a variety of fields. The articles are categorised and results are shown, according to a system with four major categories: genesis, growth of FinTech services and financial inclusion, critical success factors in adoption of FinTech services, trending information technology used in FinTech services and various services offered with the use of technology, and others.
    Keywords: financial technology; FinTech; digital finance; digital banks; digital currency; online payment; electronic money; mobile finance and mobile banking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058102
  • Investigating the role of innovativeness, technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior towards adoption of QR mobile payment system   Order a copy of this article
    by SAMAR RAHI, Maham Zaheer, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, Abdul Hafaz Ngah 
    Abstract: This research aims to investigate user behaviour to adopt QR mobile payment system. The research framework comprises factors such as usefulness, ease of use, subjective norm, convenience, transaction speed and innovativeness and assess user attitude to adopt QR mobile payment system. Results of the structural equation modelling approach revealed significant impact of usefulness, ease of use, subjective norm, convenience, transaction speed and innovativeness on user attitude and adoption of QR mobile payment system. This study has suggested that policy makers must emphasises on technology usefulness, ease of use, subjective norm, convenience, transaction speed and innovativeness to promote QR mobile payment among technology users. To extend the knowledge in QR mobile payment system the moderating effect of optimism is evaluated between user attitude and user intention to adopt QR mobile payment system. Nevertheless, moderating impact of optimism was found insignificant between use attitude and intention to adopt QR mobile payment.
    Keywords: technology acceptance model; TAM; innovation; qr code payment; transaction speed; optimism; adoption of QR code.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058240
  • Effects of in-store fragrance as a cognitive innovation on loyalty building behavior   Order a copy of this article
    by Shuvam Chatterjee, Pawel Bryla 
    Abstract: The essence of marketing today for retail consumers is to produce a favourable sensory brand experience to gain competitive visibility. Studies have explored the effect of fragrance; however, little has been talked about its impact on consumer brand loyalty under a retail setup. The study considers responses from 250 consumers understanding the nature of brand loyalty consumers form under the influence of fragrance. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed which was further verified with cluster analysis to understand the categorisation of brand loyalty. The findings reveal that fragrance has an impact on brand loyalty inside a retail store setup on all three categories of attitudinal, behavioural, and cognitive loyalty attributes and loyalty consists of the three categories as confirmed by the CFA and cluster analysis. The study will assist marketers in understanding the impact of olfactory marketing in increasing short-term and long-term retail sales and determines future research directions.
    Keywords: olfactory cues; store loyalty; retail consumption; consumer behaviour; confirmatory factor analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058386
  • Business Incubators and Start-ups in India: An Assessment of Incubation Services Availed   Order a copy of this article
    by Vaishali S. Dhingra, Dhaval Maheta, Hemlata Agarwal 
    Abstract: Business incubators (BI) provide a variety of services to innovative companies, such as infrastructure, business-related support, and network access. However, adequate performance measures (PMs) and performance measurement systems (PMSs) for business incubators (BI) have been the subject of dispute for a long. There is a need to examine the performance of incubation centres in India. The study aims to measure the effect of endogenous variables, viz., physical infrastructure, accessibility of shared services, mentoring and networking, and funding projects on an exogenous construct called the performance of incubation centres (irrespective of their sponsoring body). The relationship is established using the partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) tool. The study identifies key factors that lead to the better performance of incubation centres.
    Keywords: business incubator; performance measurement system; PMS; partial least square structural equation modelling; smart PLS; incubation services; start-ups; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058407
  • Examining the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals   Order a copy of this article
    by Parameshwara Acharya, Ashoka M. L, ABHISHEK N 
    Abstract: The business entities today are built based on three pillars called the triple bottom line (TBL) namely, people, profit, and the planet. Aligning the CSR activities of any company to the UNOs 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) is a prominent requirement in todays business environment. This study could assist business organisations and regulatory authorities in the process of aligning CSR activities in confirmation with sustainable development goals. Further, it also elaborates the importance of a mandatory CSR legislative framework in making companies more committed to achieving SDGs through their CSR practices. This research paper has been prepared based on the disclosure information of 30 top companies in the Indian subcontinent. The UNSDG-based CSRP index has been constructed to study the impact of the variables using an SEM construct. Further, assessing the company-specific characters and their influence on UNSDG-based CSRP, a simple linear regression model has been developed and tested. The results indicate that even in a developing nation like India many of the companies contribute more than the statutory requirements voluntarily to CSR activities which are indirectly linked to attaining the SDGs. Further, the study also revealed that company-specific characteristics significantly influence on UNSDG-based-CSRP of companies.
    Keywords: CSR; SDGs; community development; health; well-being; environment; economy; sustainable development; triple bottom line; TBL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058491
  • Examining the effects of Institutional Trust on Financial Behavior among Indian Stock Market Investors: A Moderated Mediation Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Zahin Ansari, Shakeb Akhtar, Atif Ghayas, Mohd Adil 
    Abstract: The study examines the mediating effect of financial attitude on financial behaviour conditioned upon institutional trust. Moreover, the conditional mediating effect has also been examined across the socio-demographic characteristics behaviour of the respondents. We employed a survey-based research work that follows non-probability sampling technique with a total of 378 respondents. For the analysis, OLS regression using SPSS PROCESS macro module has been performed to test the hypotheses. The result shows that the impact of financial literacy, financial attitude and institutional trust is positive and statistically significant. Financial attitude positively and significantly mediates the impact of financial literacy on financial behaviour. The effect of financial attitude on financial behaviour is negatively and significantly moderated by the institutional trust. The conditional effect of age on institutional trust is positive and significant for younger employees. Similarly, effect of male employees moderated with institutional trust and financial attitude on financial behaviour is significant. The present study contributes to the existing literature by emphasising on the significance of institutional trust in financial behaviour theories. The role of socio-demographic variables and institutional trust in financial behaviour is also novel to the existing theories.
    Keywords: financial literacy; financial behaviour; institutional trust; moderation mediation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058518
  • Behavioural economics on investment decision towards property market in the Iskandar zone, Malaysia: A conceptual framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Sook Yen Lee, Shyue Chuan Chong, Mui Yin Chin, Lee-Peng Foo 
    Abstract: This conceptual study aims to explore the relationship between behavioural bias (risk-seeking, loss aversion, overconfidence, and herding effect) and property investment decisions in the Iskandar zone. Furthermore, this study aims to determine the influence of external factors on property investment decisions, the mediating effect of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), and the moderating impact of gender. The administrated structured survey is based on a five-point Likert scale. Enumerators distribute the survey through the quota sampling method to 300 eligible respondents, including Malaysians, Singaporeans, and Singapore permanent residents interested in Iskandar zone property investment. Meanwhile, smart partial least squares (PLS) is used to create a path model, analyse data and prepare research findings through descriptive analysis, conduct validity and reliability tests, collinearity analysis, correlation analysis, and T-test. The outcomes address the knowledge gap as the findings reveal the crucial role of behavioural economics in the Malaysian residential property market, specifically in the Iskandar area, which has been underexplored by many researchers.
    Keywords: behavioural bias; Malaysian residential property market; Iskandar zone; irrational investment decision; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058539
  • Differential Advantages in Munificent and Dynamic Environments: The Moderating Role of Organizational Resources   Order a copy of this article
    by Sneha Singh, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma 
    Abstract: The environment is a predominant driver of performance. However, merely operating in a resource-abundant munificent environment does not guarantee success. Similarly, a dynamic environment does not always lead to diminishing competitive advantage. The firm’s potential to interact with its environment using the right resources helps shape its competitive advantage. Therefore, moderating effect of organisational resources like R&D intensity and marketing intensity on the relationship between environmental context and differential advantage of the firms over their competitors has been assessed. The results of the hierarchical regression analysis highlight that the interaction effect of R&D intensity and marketing intensity conjoint has a negative impact, irrespective of the prevalent environmental conditions, thus, suggesting that the middle-of-the-road strategy can be counter-productive. It, therefore, is recommended that the firms in the Indian IT industry emphasise their core competence and advance with either R&D intensity or marketing intensity to attain a differential advantage over their competitors.
    Keywords: differential advantage; environmental dynamism; environmental munificence; hierarchical regression; IT industry; marketing intensity; moderating effect; organisational resources; R&D intensity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058540
  • Do analytical skills matter Empirical review on effective research outcome   Order a copy of this article
    by Niyaz Panakaje, Habeeb Ur Rahiman, S. M. Riha Parvin, Harinakshi Suvarna, Abhinandan Kulal 
    Abstract: Higher education makes a significant contribution towards the development of a nation as well as societal well-being by offering knowledge and skills to those who pursue it. The most determining factor in a society’s development and progress is thought to be its creative manpower. The present study is being conducted in India and the Middle East to determine the impact of research project adoption at the university level on students’ analytical skills. Even if the educational facilities in both nations differ, the study’s findings show that gender and region moderate the impact of research components on analytical skills in both countries. Another important discovery is that analytical skill has a direct impact on study outcomes when conducted through research. As a result, higher analytical skills are assumed to lead to better study outcomes. To strengthen students’ analytical skills, all universities should make research mandatory at the graduation level.
    Keywords: higher education; research; analytical skill; creative thinking; research outcome.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058541
  • Business Model Innovation, Environmental Dynamism and SMEs' Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Natnael Salfore, Mathiwos Ensermu, Zerihun Kinde 
    Abstract: The concept of business model innovation (BMI) is currently more relevant than ever because of its important relationship with a firm’s competitive advantage and performance in a dynamic environment. However, there is still a need for large-scale empirical study in this area. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the relationship between BMI and SMEs’ performance and how environmental dynamism affects this relationship. Using a structured questionnaire, we collected data from 264 manufacturing SMEs operating in Ethiopia. We tested hypotheses using PLS-SEM with SmartPLS. The results revealed that innovation in all three business model dimensions is positively and significantly related to SMEs’ performance. However, the results indicated that environmental dynamism does not moderate the relationship between BMI and SMEs’ performance. A possible explanation for this is that environmental dynamism may have a nonlinear moderating effect on the relationship between BMI and firm performance.
    Keywords: business model; business model innovation; BMI; manufacturing SMEs; value creation innovation; value proposition innovation; value capture innovation; environmental dynamism; SMEs’ performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058640
  • Determinants of Continuance Intention to Use and Electronic Satisfaction with Video and Audio Streaming Services in an emerging country   Order a copy of this article
    by Erico Cardozo 
    Abstract: The objective of this research is to identify the determinants of continuance intention to use (CIU) and electronic satisfaction (e-SAT) of Brazilian users of video and audio streaming services (VASSs). In addition to evaluating the impact of e-SAT on the CIU and its impact on electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). Supported by the review literature review on behavioural intention, we identified the UTAUT2 model and the personalisation and perceived privacy factors, which were added to the model. Data from 705 respondents were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The model explains 67.4% of the CIU variation, 72.1% of the e-SAT variation, and 49.3% of the e-WOM variation with the VASSs. The findings of the research indicate that performance expectation, enabling conditions, effort expectation, and personalisation are the main factors that influence significantly, explaining the CIU and e-SAT with VASSs.
    Keywords: continuance intention to use; CIU; electronic satisfaction; e-SAT; electronic word-of-mouth; e-WOM; streaming services.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058642
  • How High-Tech, R&D Funding and Innovative Platforms Affect Regional Innovation Capacity   Order a copy of this article
    by Fanbo Li, Hongfeng Zhang 
    Abstract: Promoting the development of regional innovation capacity is a major strategy for enhancing the comprehensive national power of a country. To clarify the complex mechanism of regional innovation capacity, this paper used data from 21 cities in Guangdong Province, China, as a sample and employed fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (FsQCA) to select four conditional variables: high-tech output value, R&D expenditure, R&D investment, and innovative platforms. The aim was to explore the influence paths of different combinations of innovation resource conditions on regional innovation capacity. The study found two types of grouping enhancement paths, namely high-tech-led and innovation platform-supported, which can promote the development of regional innovation capacity by constructing high-tech and innovative platforms, respectively.
    Keywords: regional innovation capacity; qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets; FsQCA; configuration effects; high and new technology; innovative platforms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058818
  • Exploring the Relationship between Social Media Addiction and Time Spent on Social Media in the Post-COVID-19 Era   Order a copy of this article
    by G. YOGANANDAN, M. Dineshkumar, M. Vasan 
    Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of social media addiction (SMA) in the post-COVID-19 era, along with the influence of social media usage time on addiction. 390 college students from Tamil Nadu's Salem district participated in the research, and the data was collected via the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS). SPSS-AMOS was used for data analysis, and the outcomes indicated that salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse all had a positive effect on social media addiction, with social media usage time playing a crucial role. The results suggest various steps that could be taken, such as parental control, spending quality time with children, and policy and regulatory measures, to manage and regulate young people's social media activities. This study's practical implications are significant and strong, indicating the importance of addressing social media addiction among young people.
    Keywords: Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale; BSMAS; college students; COVID-19 pandemic; mental health; post-pandemic; social media addiction; SMA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058904
  • The Impact of Sao Tomo and Pr   Order a copy of this article
    by José Manuel Vicente, Eliana Mendes, Felipa Lopes Dos Reis 
    Abstract: In this article, we aimed to investigate the existing correlation between the modernisation and expansion of the International Airport of between the modernisation and expansion of the International Airport of Sao Tome and Principe and its socio-economic development, seeking to establish the relationship between the impacts of air transport and the economic and social sectors. In methodological terms, the XLSTAT
    Keywords: modernisation and expansion; airport; socio-economic development; panel data; PLS-R; ANOVA; São Tomé and Príncipe.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058907
  • The Outcomes of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention in the Petroleum Industry in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Yang Ning, Hishamuddin Bin Ismail, Senthil Velmurugan Manivannan, Kim Piew Lai 
    Abstract: This research aims to study the outcomes of CSR in the petroleum industry in Malaysia that, as a result of customer satisfaction, influences consumers repurchase intention. It is also pertinent to explore how firms organise, put together and communicate to its stakeholders the activities, tools and outcomes of their CSR projects as this has direct link to individuals and the area surrounding its operations. This study will also examine customers' expectations and their experiences, namely if they are satisfied with the CSR programme and their reaction to it. This paper looks at the established hypotheses between the outcomes of CSR (perceived value, service quality, and corporate image), customer satisfaction, age, work experience and repurchase intention. This paper aims to learn about consumer’s sense of fulfilment with the CSR outcomes, and what could be the reaction base on the customer's expectation.
    Keywords: perceived value; service quality; corporate image; customer satisfaction; repurchase intention; petroleum industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10058981
  • The effects of flexible work models and internal CSR on wellbeing, productivity, and performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Andrée Marie López-Fernández, Santiago García-Álvarez 
    Abstract: After the COVID-19 lockdown, many organisational leaders were adamant about their workers returning to in-office work. As the lockdown proved that productivity, at the very least, does not decrease with remote work, a considerable number of workers were unwilling to compromise their newly found work-life balance which led to a more flexible culture, and the development of different work models. The question is, how have changes in work models after the COVID-19 lockdown impacted individual and team performance? This empirical study develops two different models to assess perceptions of collaborators and leaders regarding a socially responsible flexible culture; findings show that participants perceive flexible work models as a cause for an increase in productivity and performance.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; internal corporate social responsibility; work models; flexibility culture; flexible work models; collaborators; satisfaction; work team; wellbeing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059090
  • Knowledge mapping on open innovation and absorptive capacity: An extended bibliometric synthesis of two decades of research   Order a copy of this article
    by Fangfang Zan, Choy Leong Yee, Datin Noor Azlin Ismail, Mingyue Chu, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, K. M. Anwarul Islam 
    Abstract: Open innovation and absorptive capacity have spurred noteworthy responsiveness and development in the research domain of technology innovation. The notion of open innovation has gained rapid traction as a vital component of the innovation process. And the adoption of open innovation has brought about a novel interpretation and distinctive traits to the concept of absorptive capacity. Hence, the extended bibliometric exploration espoused literature mining of the last two decades of research from 2003 to 2022. Multiple software tools, such as VOSviewer, CiteSpace, and Biblioshiny of Bibliometrix R-package, have been utilised to filter and source literature data from the Web of Science database. These tools have facilitated identifying research hotspots and commonly cited literature rankings, creating a knowledge map for open innovation researchers. The latest trends in open innovation research have been tracked by analysing the number of literature citations, research distributions, hotspots, and citations. Furthermore, we examined the top journals, authors, organisations, and keywords of respective papers to demonstrate the body of literature on open innovation and absorptive capacity. The findings also depict and suggest that enterprises pay augmented attention to absorptive capacity under the open innovation mode to enhance performance.
    Keywords: open innovation; absorptive capacity; knowledge mapping; bibliometric; visualisation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059100
  • Does COVID-19 perceived risk matter for product quality, branding and satisfaction of Gen Y consumers for cosmetic products?   Order a copy of this article
    by Hemaloshinee Vasudevan, Walton Wider 
    Abstract: Perceived risk has always been an essential element in business industry, particularly in today's worldwide COVID-19 situation. Due to the pandemic, the COVID-19 perceived risk has affected the global beauty industry negatively and thus now being directed at the Gen Y consumers. This study examines the effect of branding and product quality on Gen Y consumers' satisfaction under the moderating effect of COVID-19 perceived risk. Around 22.8 million of Generation Y people aged between 25 40 years were completed 245 questionnaires in Malaysia. Four hypotheses were formulated, and analysis was performed using the SmartPLS. Results demonstrated a significant relationship between branding and product quality, and satisfaction. However, the findings do not support the moderating effect of the COVID-19 perceived risk. By incorporating the perceived risk theory and focusing on Gen Y customers satisfaction, this study significantly adds to the body of research.
    Keywords: COVID-19 perceived risk; product quality; branding; Gen Y satisfaction; cosmetic products; cosmetics industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059138
  • Governance in Clusters: a Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Paulo Cassanego Jr, Carolina Freddo Fleck, Márcia Abbondanza, Paola Rosano Rodrigues 
    Abstract: The study’s objective is to analyse the state-of-the-art research on governance in clusters. Studies in business, management, and accounting of the Scopus and Web of Science databases were mapped and analysed. The analyses arranged in this work were conducted through the three bibliometrics laws: Lotkas, Bradfords and Zipfs. The descriptive character analysis of the textual Corpus of the research revealed a total of 91 articles. Iramuteq and VOSviewer software were used. Concerning this research, it was verified that 14 authors formed the elite of the textual Corpus. Regarding the reputation of journals, the first zone includes nine journals that would be the most productive. It was possible to verify that most periodicals were distributed in four countries: the UK, the USA, the Netherlands, and Canada. Regarding the term cluster governance, it was found to be linked to the term industrial cluster.
    Keywords: cluster; governance; RSL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10059155
  • A Systematic Literature Review of two Decades on studying Green Purchase Intentions   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhilasha Upadhyaya, Charu Sijoria 
    Abstract: Behind the sky-scraping success of consumerism, there lies an incremental loss in natural resources and people across the globe have acknowledged this fact. This study is an effort to explore the literature to consolidate consumers' viewpoints toward green products and identify factors that lead consumers to purchase these green products and report if there is any inconsistency or gap between intentions and actual purchases. In this review study, a total of 241 (years 2000-2023) research papers were reviewed, these papers were sourced from the Scopus Database and all of them have considered the theory of planned behaviour to study the factors of green purchase behaviour and green purchase intentions, from these literature review factors were identified and grouped. Word clouds were generated to provide a better understanding of the groups of factors. The study is important, as it provides a foundation for research related to green consumption. The study will help managers and practitioners formulate and instrument strategies to encourage green purchasing and will also provide a framework for future researchers. The limitation of the study is using only the Scopus database hence, the results and interpretations might differ if other databases are also considered.
    Keywords: green purchase intentions; green purchase behaviour; purchase intention-behaviour inconsistency; environment concern; word cloud; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059231
  • Asymmetric Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on the Indian Stock Market   Order a copy of this article
    by Vineeta Kumari, Venkatesh Maddeni, Amit Kumar, Ankit Kumar Singh Patel 
    Abstract: This study analyses the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the Indian stock market using a two-fold approach. Firstly, it examines the aggregate impact of the war event on the constituents of the BSE 500 index, and secondly, it investigates the industry-wide impact of the war event. The analysis utilises event study methodology to assess the abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal returns during the event window. The findings reveal that the stock market initially responded positively to the war on the preceding day and the immediate aftermath but exhibited an adverse reaction in the days leading up to the event. However, the cumulative impact of the event was significantly negative throughout the event window, indicating sustained downward pressure and a general decline in stock prices. The sector-wise analysis reveals variations in the impact across different industries, with some sectors experiencing significant positive or negative effects while others remained relatively unaffected.
    Keywords: event study; Russia-Ukraine war; market model; geopolitical risk; crises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059335
  • Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Bank Profitability: A Case Study of Malaysia and Australia   Order a copy of this article
    by Mariam Aslam, Duvia Babu, Kishore Pallavi 
    Abstract: This study conducts a comparative analysis of bank profitability determinants between Malaysia, an upper-middle-income economy with a predominantly Islamic-faith-based banking system, and Australia, a high-income economy with conventional banking. Utilising panel data analysis over a 22-year period from 2000 to 2021, the research examines the trends and factors influencing bank profitability in both countries. Descriptive statistics are also employed to assess the impact of the great financial crisis. The empirical findings reveal similar trends in bank profitability for both Malaysia and Australia, with a notable net increase in return on assets after initial volatility. The results indicate that financial freedom scores did not significantly affect bank profitability in either country, while corruption scores were negative and significant for Australia, and only monetary freedom scores affected Malaysia negatively. Bank-specific variables such as total revenue, bank size, operating expenses, lending ratio, and non-performing loans ratio were significant for Australia, whereas only operating expenses were significant for Malaysia.
    Keywords: bank profitability; comparative analysis; Malaysia; Australia; panel data analysis; Islamic banking; conventional banking; financial freedom; corruption index; monetary freedom.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059336
  • Role of Patents in Transfer of New Technology: A Critique   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdulrahman Subih, Hamood Mohd Al-Hattami, Sadhana P. Pande 
    Abstract: In the present research endeavour, an attempt has been made to investigate the role of patents, both in protecting the interests of inventors and in facilitating technology transfer seamlessly across geographical boundaries for commercialisation. Patents protect new inventions, processes, or scientific creations and should not be confused with trademarks that protect brands, or copyrights, which protect original works of authorship. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a survey was conducted, and the lawyers specialising in intellectual property law who are practicing at the Bombay High Court Bench in Aurangabad, India, were the core of the survey. This research found that patenting is a crucial stage in both horizontal and vertical technology transfer. In both types, patents provide legal protection to the owner and enable him to turn his invention into a product or service for sale or demand permission for licensing to produce the same.
    Keywords: invention; innovation; discovery; new technology; patent; technology transfer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059354
  • The Evolving Path of Customer Engagement Research: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Toijam Sarika Devi, Bijoylaxmi Sarmah, Krishna Dewangan, Saurabh Kumar Dixit 
    Abstract: Customer engagement (CE) has gained significant attention in marketing research over the past decade. This review examines the literature from 2011-2022, analysing 120 papers on CE research. The review aims to understand how academics used research premises, accepted ideas, and created theoretical underpinnings. A model based on the input moderator-mediator output model, which includes (antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes) this framework is developed to illustrate the relationship between research premises and theory-building models. Although not comprehensive, the review supports the findings and suggests future research directions.
    Keywords: conceptual framework; customer engagement; SPAR-4-SLR method; systematic literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059433
  • Development of a Framework to Diagnose the Readiness of Industry 4.0 in Companies in a Global Context   Order a copy of this article
    by Luis Fernando Moreira, Gabriel Vidor 
    Abstract: This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework to diagnose Industry 4.0 readiness in companies from different sectors and regions. The research method used is the systematic review of the literature, which is composed of N = 35 studies that talk about I4.0 maturity scales, where the focus of the study and the typology of the scale, as well as the company’s area of activity, were verified. The results showed the application of I4.0 maturity in a context that we call the smart organisational strategy dimension and the smart processes and technologies dimension with two stages the scope of the project and development evolving into six stages of implementation for the diagnosis as explained and demonstrated in the framework. We conclude that the I4.0 diagnostic framework is an important tool for companies that wish to remain competitive in a digitised market.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; framework; diagnosis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059597
  • A Bibliometric Analysis of Behavioural Finance and Financial Resilience   Order a copy of this article
    by Ujjal Sanyal, Furquan Uddin 
    Abstract: The present study aims to identify the key publications, influential contributing authors and various vital co-occurrences related to behavioural finance and financial resilience. The annus horribilis of the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 pandemic led to the emergence of financial resilience as a pivotal role in understanding various aspects of behavioural finance. A bibliometric analysis was conducted to capture an overview of this growing research related to behavioural finance and financial resilience. The study considered research papers from 1991 to 2021 for the bibliometric investigation. The bibliometric study has been conducted using network analysis with the help of VOSviewer software to understand recent trends and the current situation in the research area. The analysis reveals the growing thematic inputs in both areas. Interestingly the analysis underlines that the research on financial resilience compared to behavioural finance is unfocused.
    Keywords: behavioural finance; financial resilience; knowledge visualisation; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer; bibliographic coupling; content analysis; co-citation; science mapping; network analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059601
  • Socio-psychological Designer Marketing Perspectives for Women Consumers during Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajagopal Rajagopal 
    Abstract: This study explores the marketing strategy of designer personal protective equipment (PPE) targeted to women customers and discusses the convergence of many divergent perspectives on adapting to the health regulations, managing appearance anxiety, and boosting self-esteem among women in the study region during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study has been conducted in Mexico City metropolitan area by administering a semi-structured research instrument using snowballing method to 1,254 women respondents between the age group of 18 and 40 years. The study reveals that though social media marketing helped in creating social awareness about the public health policies, the restrictions on social mobility and use of PPE caused a high degree of social frustration. Over time, the social media channels have been used as business communication platforms by the local entrepreneurs to market designer PPEs to women customers. The availability and use of designer PPE brands have significantly boosted the self-esteem among women. This research fills the gap in the existing literature on the role of social media marketing in convergence of personality traits and social consciousness among women in developing countries.
    Keywords: COVID-19; social media; designer brand; personal protective equipment; PPE; body image; appearance anxiety; self-esteem.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059707
  • Addictive Behaviour on Over-Usage of Smartphones among Young People   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajeswari PS, Seetharaman R, Rose Kavitha B 
    Abstract: The smartphone usage is augmented across the world, spiking among the youth. Social activists concern about the continued use of smart phones, hence, a study regarding the addiction to smartphone is predominantly warranted. 1,002 respondents are surveyed using stratified random sampling by administering 25 top-ranked colleges in major metropolitan cities in India. This study focuses on the veracity of identifying the discriminating causal factors triggering the smartphone usage and addiction and is addressed and examined using SmartPLS by running multi group analysis (MGA) and importance-performance map analysis (IPMA). This study concludes perceived ease of use on behavioural intentions are significantly impacting distorted change in Smartphone usage which is led by smartphone addiction specific to males. The perfect fit of importance and performance are found for distorted change in belief of perceived ease of use followed by perceived enjoyment. Based on these strategic initiatives are suggested to turn around smartphone addiction.
    Keywords: smartphone usage; smartphone addiction; SPA; multi group analysis; MGA; importance-performance map analysis; IPMA; perceived ease of use; PEOU; behavioural intentions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059731
  • Understanding Consumer Decision-Making in Response to Food and Nutrition Labeling: A Methodological Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Priya K.M, Sivakumar Alur 
    Abstract: Food and nutrition labelling (F&NL) research focuses on the effectiveness of food labelling and how it impacts consumer behaviour. However, the food industry is constantly evolving, and new products are introduced into the market regularly, making it important to review the research methodologies used. A methodological review is necessary to ensure the research methods are current, relevant, and accurate. This review includes 30 studies. These studies include seven experimental studies, four mixed method studies, two review articles, two exploratory research designs, and two case studies. Thirteen studies were conducted in real-life settings where people typically purchase food, such as a grocery store, vending machine, or school/hospital cafeteria. This paper examined factors such as sample characteristics, research design, measurement tools, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. This study delves into the varied methodologies utilised in F&NL research, establishing it as the first exploration of its kind.
    Keywords: attitude; behaviour; methodological gap; machine learning techniques; mobile applications; virtual reality; VR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059794
  • Impact of Financial Constraints on Firm's Economic Value: Evidence from Pakistan stock exchange   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Usman, Marium Shabbir, Faiq Mahmood, Faisal Mahmood, Ahsan Riaz 
    Abstract: This study examined the effect of financial constraints (FCs) on the economic value of firms in Pakistan. For this, all non-financial listed firms on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) have been considered as population, which are 369 within the total 12 sectors. Firms are arranged based on non-financial firms listed on PSX from the period 20122021. Independent variables include the financial constraints index (FCI) as synthetic index, labour inputs, and intermediate inputs while economic value added (EVA) is used as the dependent variable for this study. The study concludes that firms in Pakistan show evidence of sensitivities of value added to financial constraints. The economic value of Pakistani firms is affected by financial constraints significantly and negatively in the financial market. The high sensitivities of economic value with the availability of internal finance suggest that in Pakistan, there is insufficient access to external finance for non-financial firms. Further, more finance should be channelled towards those firms whose value added is highly dependent on the availability of finance.
    Keywords: financial constraints; economic value added; EVA; financial constraint index; Pakistan Stock Exchange; PSX.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059795
  • Impact of online financial applications in banking sector: Focus on customer satisfaction based on demographic variables   Order a copy of this article
    by Amjad Ghazi AL-Habashneh 
    Abstract: The study explores the impact of online financial applications on customer satisfaction in the Jordanian banking sector, focusing on demographic nuances. The research aims to understand the relationship between technology, banking services, and customer preferences and inform strategic decisions for banks. Using statistical analyses, the study found a significant relationship between demographic variables and service quality perceptions. Significant variances were observed in customer online interactions and e-banking engagement across commercial banks in Jordan, including Arab Bank, the Bank of Jordan, and Jordan Kuwait Bank. The study also revealed a strong connection between e-banking dimensions and customer satisfaction levels, driven by personalised experiences. The findings underscore the need for personalised digital offerings and aligning services with diverse customer preferences.
    Keywords: e-banking; customer awareness; customer satisfaction; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059880
  • Assessment of innovative projects in business innovation by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)   Order a copy of this article
    by Oybek Eshbayev, Abdulxalim Maxmudov, Khilolakhon Tojiboeva 
    Abstract: This study aims to develop an innovative project evaluation framework using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to support decision-making in evaluating innovation applications of projects. The proposed framework includes criteria retrieved from literature review and stakeholder interviews, such as financial aspect, consumer analysis, internal-business processes, learning and growth, and uncertainty evaluation. The framework was validated by selecting a sustainable and innovative project for a textile business company. AHP-based framework identified that project A is considered as the highest alignment to the decision criteria, achieving the pass for the selection process while project C indicates its relatively lower alignment with the evaluation criteria. The proposed framework can aid companies in organising their project selection process and making the right decisions.
    Keywords: innovative projects; business innovation; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; project evaluation framework; decision-making; criteria hierarchy; stakeholder perspectives.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10059937
  • Can Bitcoin and Gold be used as a safe haven or hedge? An asymmetric NARDL approach using the Financial Stress Index   Order a copy of this article
    by Anshul Agrawal, Mukta Mani, Sakshi Varshney 
    Abstract: The study evaluates the safe haven and hedging behaviour of Bitcoin (BTC) and gold returns against the Financial Stress Index (FSI) of three different nations: the USA (FSIUS), China (FSICNY), and India (FSIIND) in light of two distinct risks: the immigration crisis and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The paper employed the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model to examine the asymmetric shocks of changes in FSIUSD, FSICNY, and FSIIND on BTC and gold returns in three different periods. The findings show Bitcoin and gold both can be used as safe haven or hedge assets during stress periods due to their lesser relationship with other financial assets. Moreover, gold is a superior and more stable safe-haven investment than Bitcoin because it is less volatile than BTC. The findings will help investors and traders while taking portfolio decisions to optimise returns with minimal risk during stress periods.
    Keywords: Bitcoin; nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag; NARDL; hedge asset; safe haven; economic crisis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060360
  • Exploring the Innovation Potential of Pakistan's IT Sector: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Nida Qamar, Fouzia Hadi Ali 
    Abstract: The infusion of the transformative ideology of Industry 4.0 has sparked a profound evolution within the information and technology sector. Pakistan’s information and communication technology (ICT) sector has grown significantly, surpassing $259 million in IT exports. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have played a crucial role in this growth, offering a diverse range of ICT products and services for domestic and international markets. The COVID-19 pandemic has further fuelled the industry with the increased adoption of contactless transactions and e-commerce. However, Pakistan’s Global Innovation Index (GII) still needs to catch up to regional countries. This study aims to explore the innovation potential within the IT sector. Drawing on service-dominant logic and resource advantage theory, this research acknowledges the contribution of operant resources to innovation, facilitated by value co-creation within the service ecosystem, influenced by cognitive institutional logics in ICT SME sector. Structural equation modelling (SEM) tests hypotheses using data from 320 project managers of ICT SMEs registered with PSEB. The findings reveal that operant resources’ impact on service innovation is mediated by value co-creation, with the cognitive pillar of institutions moderating this relationship. The study provides practitioners with insights to develop policies emphasising customer resource utilisation for service innovation.
    Keywords: operant resources; value co-creation; VCC; cognitive institutional logics; service innovation; ICT SMEs; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060408
  • University business model innovation. The dual role of students   Order a copy of this article
    by Lizbeth Puerta-Sierra, Rogelio Puente, Carlos Montalvo 
    Abstract: This research conceptualises students as customers and collaborators, with the purpose of focusing beyond the students' consumption, that is, on developing abilities, capabilities, and positive behaviours in the students. We posit that students play a dual role, the role of customers and collaborators, in their educational experience. In this sense, this investigation aimed to examine the influence of students' perceived university business model innovation on students' co-creation behaviour and students' innovative behaviour. Participants were 333 college students from a private university in Mexico (181 women and 152 men). Structural equation modelling was used to test our hypotheses. Results indicated that students' perceived university business model innovation had a positive relationship with the students' co-creation. Likewise, results showed a positive relationship between students' perceived university business model innovation and students' innovative behaviour. In addition, the results showed that students' co-creation had a positive relationship with students' innovative behaviour.
    Keywords: business model innovation; co-creation; university; students; innovative behaviour; higher education institutions; customers; value creation; value proposition; business.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060412
  • Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction in Fine Dining Restaurants: Mediating Role of eWOM between Satisfaction and Brand Image   Order a copy of this article
    by Alisha Kumar, Navneet Gera, Anjali Garg, Jorge A. Wise 
    Abstract: The goal of this research is to identify and investigate determinants that influence consumer satisfaction in fine dining restaurants. Further, it also strives to determine the role of electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) as a mediator between customer satisfaction and brand image. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and non-probability convenience sampling was adopted. Structural equation modelling has been used to establish the relation between variables with 254 samples from dining customers. For consumers dining in fine dining restaurants, customer satisfaction is determined through food quality, perceived value and physical environment. Further, E-WOM arbitrates the connection between consumer satisfaction and brand image. The study provides useful information to restaurants to serve their consumers better. Competition among restaurants is growing due to growth in numbers. Hence, restaurants must maintain strong relationship with customers to ensure service excellence because the quality of customer-restaurant relationship can influence E-WOM intentions. It is a pioneer study examining the mediating effect of E-WOM between consumer satisfaction and brand image in fine dining restaurants. Researchers will find this study to be a beneficial addition to E-WOM literature, particularly in the context of fine dining restaurants.
    Keywords: electronic word of mouth; E-WOM; fine dining restaurant; brand image; customer satisfaction; food quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060478
  • The Effect of Organizational Transformation And Organizational Culture On Job Satisfaction And Readiness To Change   Order a copy of this article
    by Rhian Indradewa, Mia Novaria 
    Abstract: This transformation and organisational culture are carried out to support business focus, good business organisational change is not only to create a new satisfaction value but also to capture new values that support company income. Job satisfaction is important in the development of the company and in retaining outstanding employees, where it is closely related to organisational transformation, organisational culture and readiness to change. This study aims to see the effect of organisational transformation, organisational culture, job satisfaction and employee readiness to change. The research method used is a quantitative method with the population in this study involving 210 employees in the telecommunications sector. The sampling technique used a questionnaire, then measured using a Likert scale. Processing and analysis of this data using SEM SmartPLS Software. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that employees are satisfied with their jobs and show a positive impact on readiness to change. The managerial implication of this research is to increase job satisfaction and employee readiness to change at work in the company. Companies need to pay attention to organisational transformation and organisational culture by employee expectations.
    Keywords: organisational transformation; organisational culture; job satisfaction; readiness to change.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060542
  • The Influence of Industry 4.0 Resources on Innovation in Abu Dhabi Health Service Company, The Mediation Role of Knowledge Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Nabeel Al Amiri, Mohamad Khudari, Amar Hashim 
    Abstract: Changes, or revolutions in the industry, bring new resources that transfer organisational performance to a higher level and change the economy. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) brings new resources that could impact all aspects of organisational performance. Knowledge management (KM) is one of the most critical resources for the organisation’s competitiveness and innovation. The study identified the I4.0 resources and examined their impacts on organisational KM capability and innovation. The study adopted a deductive research approach to achieve its goal by using quantitative research designs on a systematic random sample of senior and middle managers in various facilities at Abu Dhabi Health Service Company (SEHA). The authors concluded that the proposed model did not work well due to contextual factors and the single-mediator nature of the model. The study came up with recommendations for the organisation to effectively utilise its I4.0 resources, build its KM and innovation capabilities, and conduct future research.
    Keywords: organisational resources; organisational capabilities; Industry 4.0; I4.0; knowledge management; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060607
  • Effectuation: Enhancing business efficacy through resource integration   Order a copy of this article
    by Kanwal Gul, Swapnil Morande 
    Abstract: This paper examines how effectuation theory is applied in practice through a case study of an entrepreneur who overcame difficulties in building a successful diversified business. The research aims to understand how the entrepreneur adapted to uncertainties and developed new opportunities in a challenging environment. A qualitative single case study method is used with data collected through interviews and archival records. The findings show that the entrepreneur employed effectual reasoning by leveraging available resources, adapting to uncertainties through affordable loss thinking, and engaging stakeholders to shape new opportunities. Though a single case limits generalisability, this study provides valuable insights into how effectuation can enable entrepreneurial success in developing countries facing resource scarcity and environmental turbulence. The results highlight adaptability, affordable loss thinking, and stakeholder engagement as key strategies for entrepreneurs in similar contexts.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; business strategy; effectuation; management science; venture development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060666
  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility Always Enhance Corporate Reputation? A Cross-Industry Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Rabeb Riahi, Faten Chibani, Abderrahman Jahmane, Abdelwehed Omri 
    Abstract: We investigate whether CSR practices influence corporate reputation and whether this relationship varies across sectors. The sample includes the world’s most admired companies' data from 2015 to 2020. The corporate reputation proxy used includes eight attributes. We conduct LSDV regressions in two stages; for the whole sample and by sectors. The study reveals several key findings. Firstly, we observe that the relationship between CSR and corporate reputation varies significantly across sectors. However, the results for the other sectors vary depending on the specific measures of CSR. Secondly, we find that the dimensions of CSR can exhibit an inverse correlation and have different impacts on corporate reputation suggesting that stakeholders' expectations differ according to the sector and that attributes of corporate reputation are perceived differently in various contexts. This finding highlights the heterogeneity of CSR dimensions and emphasises the importance of aligning CSR initiatives with stakeholders' concerns to positively influence reputation.
    Keywords: CSR practices; corporate reputation; stakeholders’ expectations; activity sectors; past reputation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060671
  • The impact of market orientation on service innovation and performance, A behavioral perspective in an emerging market   Order a copy of this article
    by Mehdi Khademi Gerashi, Elham Garshasbi Farsa 
    Abstract: In today's business environment characterised by intense competition and incessantly altering customer needs, market orientation (MO) has been a worthwhile approach for firms to safeguard themselves against market fluctuations and maintain continuous superior performance. This study investigates how a competitive environment persuades firms to implement a market orientation approach. We analyse the effect of market orientation approaches on service innovation and, ultimately, its impact on firm performance based on a behavioural approach. A systematic review analysed prominent research, and the hypotheses posited are examined for a sample of 206 Persian service companies. Unlike previous research, this focused mainly on a single service market segment, this study analyses and compares various service sectors. Our results show that market orientation in light of radical innovation affects performance. These findings shed new light on the literature and provide novel implications for service industry executives.
    Keywords: responsive market orientation; RMO; proactive market orientation; PMO; radical innovation; incremental innovation; firm performance; behavioural perspective.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060839
  • Sustainability-Oriented Dynamic Capabilities and their Influence on Sustainable Innovation in Brazilian Industrial Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Felipe Cavalheiro Zaluski, Greice Eccel Pontelli, Jordana Marques Kneipp, Clandia Maffini Gomes, Roberto Schoproni Bichueti, Marta Olivia Rovedder De Oliveira 
    Abstract: The industrial sector has been challenged to meet the assumptions of sustainability. Thus, developing dynamic capabilities emerges as a driver for inserting sustainable innovation into organisations. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the influence of sustainability-oriented dynamic capabilities in developing sustainable innovations in Brazilian metal-mechanic companies. Dynamic capabilities are divided into three classes: sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring. This quantitative and descriptive study collected and analysed data from metal-mechanic companies in Rio Grande do Sul State (southern Brazil). Data was collected using a questionnaire, and the sample was composed of 83 valid questionnaires. Data were analysed using structural equation modelling, and the results confirmed that dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring) positively affect sustainable innovation. The results of this study are important as companies rely on internal and external sources to recognise innovation opportunities and make strategic decisions to pursue sustainable opportunities.
    Keywords: dynamic capabilities; Brazilian industries; sustainable innovations; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10060915
  • The Essential Social Media Enablers in Promoting Online Purchase Intention: Reference Group or Influencer? Hedonic or Utilitarian Motivation?   Order a copy of this article
    by Yunita Wijaya Handranata, Maria Grace Herlina, Lukito Tantowi, Steven Suhendy 
    Abstract: Social media is used by almost everyone in the world today. This is why social media has become one of the most important marketing channels for businesses to promote their products. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between reference groups, influencers, hedonic motivation, and utilitarian motivation on purchase intention. The research method used in this research is quantitative with 222 respondents who actively shop on social media in Indonesia. The analytical method used is the variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate that reference groups, influencers, and utilitarian motivation have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. Meanwhile, hedonic motivation has no effect on purchase intention.
    Keywords: reference group; influencer; hedonic motivation; utilitarian motivation; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061084
  • Interface of Budget Utility with Organizational Ambidexterity, Organizational Learning and Market Orientation Capabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Thiago Bruno De Jesus Silva, Carlos Eduardo Lavarda 
    Abstract: Our study aims at understanding how the interface between budget utilities with organizational ambidexterity, organizational learning, and market orientation capabilities occurs. The research methodology used combined methods, operationalized by the case study procedure. We performed the analysis using coded categories based on the literature and selected excerpts from the interviews, observation, and documents, through qualitative analysis in a single firm of the Brazilian agribusiness sector. We observed the budget is essential for managers to strive achieving the proposed goal and make their unit efficient in resources. Simultaneously, we observed that the budget helps to promote discussions between hierarchical levels, which is said to be essential to motivate the team, sharing knowledge and learning and allowing creating new knowledge, experimenting with alternatives. Our work concluded the budget cannot be understood only as an exclusive tool for exploitation. The budget also favours exploration.
    Keywords: Corporate Budget; Organizational Ambidexterity; Dynamic Capabilities; Agribusiness; Organizational Learning; Market Orientation; Management Control; Budget Utilities; Exploration; Exploitation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061172
  • Exploring the determinants influencing consumer behaviour towards Over-the-Top platforms (OTT) based on the Theory of Consumption Value (TCV)   Order a copy of this article
    by G. Nagasubramaniyan, Mary Kuriakose 
    Abstract: This study explored the determinants influencing consumer behaviour regarding the entertainment content delivered through over-the-top platforms (OTT), based on the theory of consumption value (TCV). Primary data collected through a sample survey using a structured questionnaire were used in obtaining underlying factors by conducting exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The targeted population was the young audience aged between 15 and 35. This study finds the functional value of OTT platforms and the social value associated with OTT platforms significantly influence the attitude and preferences of consumers towards OTT platforms. In addition, the distinguishing characteristic features such as personalisation of content, binge-watching, offline viewing, early viewing, and free subscription plans encourage consumers to adopt OTT platforms for accessing entertainment content. Accordingly, the findings of this exploratory research highlight the scope of future research to study consumer behaviour regarding digital entertainment content consumption and the strategies to establish subscription-based business models.
    Keywords: media displacement; over-the-top platforms; consumer behaviour; functional value; social value; binge watching; subscription-based business models; personalisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061484
  • Investigating Fintech Innovation Adoption in Pakistan: Analysing the Influence of Perceived Benefits and Perceived Risks   Order a copy of this article
    by Noman Abbas, Mohsin Raza, Muhammad Arsalan Nazir 
    Abstract: The primary objective of this research is to investigate the acceptance and diffusion of financial innovation and technology in developing countries, focusing on fintech adoption in Pakistan. Specifically, the study aims to analyse how perceived benefits and perceived risks influence fintech adoption, with a particular emphasis on the mediating role of trust in fintech platforms. Data for this study were collected using questionnaires distributed via Google Forms to potential fintech users, resulting in 350 responses obtained through purposive sampling. The research employed the SmartPLS algorithm and bootstrapping techniques to assess the reliability, validity, path coefficients and mediation effects. The findings of this study indicate that perceived benefits have a significantly positive impact on trust, while perceived risks have a significantly negative effect. Moreover, trust is positively influenced by perceived benefits and negatively affected by perceived risks. Trust also plays a pivotal role in promoting fintech adoption and acts as a partial mediator between perceived benefits and fintech adoption, as well as between perceived risks and fintech adoption. This study offers valuable insights for policymakers in the fintech industry, telecommunications, and banking sectors, helping them address the challenges associated with the acceptance and diffusion of fintech innovation and technology.
    Keywords: perceived benefit; perceived risk; trust; fintech adoption; intention; diffusion; innovation; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061670
  • Striving for Social Change: Comparative Insights into CSR Compliance of Indian Public Sector Undertakings   Order a copy of this article
    by Meenu Maheshwari, Ashok Kumar Gupta, PRAGYA GAUR 
    Abstract: Businesses are increasingly making contributions to society and the environment through corporate social responsibility (CSR), a business concept that emphasises the obligation to serve both. A study of the compliance with CSR standards of Indian public sector undertakings (PSUs) is conducted in order to gain insights into their responsible business conduct. For the said purpose, the analysis of 49 Indian PSUs for the period of eight years from 20142015 to 20212022 on 12 parameters making it 4,704 firm-year observations through one-way ANOVA. The study reveals the significant role of PSUs in contributing to sustainable development and social welfare in India along with underlining the causes for non-compliance and challenges associated with it. The limitations of sample size representation, generalisability, data reliability and impact assessment challenges have been highlighted while paving the way for future research and policy recommendations.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR compliance; Companies Act; 2013; Section 135; public sector undertakings; CSR Committee; annual report on CSR activities; unspent amount.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061698
  • Technologies of Industry 4.0 to Foster Green Manufacturing in Footwear Production in Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by Dusan Schreiber 
    Abstract: The growing competition between footwear producers has demanded innovation and changes in operational system. At the same time increased pressure for greening operations is requiring new strategies to be sustainable. Scientific and technological advances, with an emphasis on digitalisation, robotisation, use of intelligent sensors and cloud processing, among others, may enable smart manufacturing practices, with reduction of losses throughout the operational process, of the average execution times and autonomy, achieving environmental sustainability. This research has the objective to investigate how the technologies of Industry 4.0 may enable green manufacturing process at five big footwear companies in Brazil, through qualitative approach that is appropriate to understand complex environment in large firms. Were interviewed 11 experts in footwear manufacturing operations, made systematic observations and documental analysis. Narrative analysis was employed to treat empirical data. Research results evidenced organisational activities in which technologies I4.0 may help to foster green manufacturing. All of five footwear industries already have some activities that mitigate environmental impact and technologies I4.0 also. The purpose to the adoption of these technologies is mostly operational productivity, cost reducing and control, but relevance of the sustainability for the business model is increasing in the perception of the interviewees.
    Keywords: sustainability; green manufacturing; Industry 4.0; footwear industry; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061703
  • Effects of Service Quality on Students' Satisfaction in Nigerian Higher Education Institutions. The Moderating Role of Information Technology Capability   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad A. Ahmad, Nor Zafir B.T. M.D. Saleh, Nurhanan S. AbdulRazaq 
    Abstract: This study explored the determinants of student satisfaction among public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria. Thus, the effects of service quality (SQ) dimensions and information technology capability (ITC) on student satisfaction (SS). The direct effect of SQ and indirect effects ITC on SS was assessed. The study also examines the moderating effect of ITC on SQ on SS. 219 questionnaires were given out to the participants. Smart PLS 3 was used for data analysis and to test the study hypotheses. The results suggest that all the three factors: academic services (ACADS), non-academic service (NACADS) and programs of study (POS) have positive effects on SS and are supportive. Additionally, ITC was found to have a moderating effect between ACADS and SS; on the contrary, ITC was found not to moderate between NACADS and SS, as well as between POS and SS. The contributions and limitations of the study were also discussed.
    Keywords: service quality; higher education institutions; HEIs; IT capability; students' satisfaction; Nigeria; information technology capability; ITC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061708
  • Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in Agricultural Sector : The case of the Region of Western Macedonia, Greece   Order a copy of this article
    by Dimitrios Deligiannis, Vaggelis Saprikis, Giorgos Avlogiaris 
    Abstract: The region of Western Macedonia (Greece) is at the centre of discussions, especially after the European green deal for decoupling with the electricity production from fossil fuel to green challenges. Some considered goals include maintaining healthy soil and biodiversity, producing healthy and affordable food, creating new high technology-oriented jobs, improving innovation and entrepreneurship. Obviously, the information and communication technologies (ICT) play a vital role in today's business landscape and the agricultural sector could not be an exception. Thus, the scope of this study is to identify the factors of acceptance and use of ICT in the region of Western Macedonia in the agricultural sector. The paper analyses detailed data collected from 143 farmers and uses a number of factors based on extant literature review with the aim to reveal different groups of farmers with common characteristics. In specific, the research examined demographic characteristics in combination with the factors from the widely applied unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) model; with the addition of the self-confidence factor. Cluster analysis reveals four population groups with clear evidence of differentiation between each other.
    Keywords: ICT adoption; Agriculture 4.0; Region of Western Macedonia; cluster analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061807
  • Enhancing Customer Retention in Insurance: Insights from A Machine Learning Analysis of Complaint Data   Order a copy of this article
    by Hasan Meral, Seyit Hamza Çavga, Behlul Ersoy 
    Abstract: The insurance industry heavily relies on customer relationships and loyalty for sustained business performance. However, most interactions between insurance companies and their customers are limited to financial matters and short-term. Insurance companies need to enhance customer loyalty and retention to stand out in the highly competitive market. In this study, we aim to identify the key factors that lead to customer churn in the insurance market during the complaint process. Our analysis utilises machine learning algorithms to examine how complaint parameters affect customer decisions. Results indicate that ensemble and SVM are the best-performing algorithms chosen for this study. However, all implemented models demonstrate a reliable level of accuracy. The customer satisfaction score emerge as the most impactful factor on customer churns overall, whereas the other parameters' significance varies according to the model used.
    Keywords: customer retention; customer loyalty; insurance industry; churn prediction; machine learning algorithms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10061916
  • Bibliometric Analysis on Digital Disruptive Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Eliane Martins De Paiva, Priscila Rezende Da Costa, Miguel Mira Da Silva 
    Abstract: In this study, bibliometric method supports the identification of conceptual intellectual structure that link digital disruptive innovation (IDD) to dynamic capabilities (CD) from a total of 1,351 scientific articles published between 2010 and 2021 in journals indexed to the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus databases. Bibliometrix
    Keywords: digital disruptive innovation; IDD; dynamic capabilities; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062066
  • An Artificial Neural Network and Pls-Sem Approach to Predict Entrepreneurial Intention in Uttarakhand.   Order a copy of this article
    by Devesh Chand, Arvind Mohan, Kartikeya Raina 
    Abstract: People in rural regions suffer from poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and unemployment, which the growth of rural entrepreneurs may alleviate. Entrepreneurship will discourage migration from rural to metropolitan areas and alleviate urban congestion. This study addresses this lacuna in the literature by investigating individual characteristics such as self-efficacy, autonomy, need for achievement, and innovativeness as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intention. The study also explores the relative importance of these independent variables in determining the entrepreneurial intentions of rural residents living in hilly regions of Uttarakhand State of India. The study uses PLS-SEM, and ANN approaches for analysing the collected data. The study found that autonomy, innovativeness, need for achievement, and self-efficacy significantly influence the entrepreneurial intention of rural residents of hilly regions in the Uttarakhand Province of India. The finding also suggested that autonomy is the biggest motivator of these people for favourable intention toward entrepreneurship.
    Keywords: autonomy; innovativeness; need for achievement; NFA; self-efficacy; entrepreneurial intention; rural residents; hilly regions; Uttarakhand; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062078
  • Risk Perception of Indian Women Towards Mutual Funds Investment Decision   Order a copy of this article
    by Sachita Yadav, Shubha Chandra 
    Abstract: This paper emphasises three important aspects, i.e., first is the risk perception of Indian women towards mutual funds investment decisions, second is to identify the factors which are affecting risk perception and third is to find out the significance of these factors on the overall risk perception and investment decision of Indian women. Primary data has been collected through a questionnaire. Various statistical tools like descriptive analysis, reliability tests, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis have been used to analyse the collected data. The empirical analysis depicted the fact that Indian women are having a moderate level of risk perception in taking mutual fund investment decisions. This paper contributes to the literature by examining the factors of risk perception impacting investment decisions and finding the three vital factors responsible for that, i.e., lack of knowledge, lack of confidence, and dearth of security.
    Keywords: Indian women; investment decision; risk perception; mutual fund; factor analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062090
  • The impact of the Internet of Things and marketing intelligence on competitive advantage: The mediating role of marketing capability and innovation capability (case study: Snowa company)   Order a copy of this article
    by A.L.I. Assaad, Ali Sanayei, Majid Mohammad Shafiee 
    Abstract: Despite the importance of marketing intelligence (MI) and the internet of things (IoT) concepts, the relationship between these concepts is still poorly understood. This research aims to examine the impact of IoT and MI on sustained competitive advantage (SCA), as well as explore the mediating role of marketing capability (MC) and innovation capability (IC). We analysed data collected from 191 managers and employees of Snowa Company for home appliances in Iran, using a structural equation model and Smart-PLS software. Our findings suggest that integrating the IoT concept and marketing intelligence is the most effective strategic approach for achieving sustained competitive advantage. By optimising IoT and marketing intelligence, a company can enhance its marketing and innovation capabilities, leading to stronger strategic solutions and ultimately increasing its sustained competitive advantage.
    Keywords: internet of things; IoT; marketing intelligence; sustained competitive advantage; SCA; marketing capabilities; innovation capabilities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062195
  • Investigating the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behaviour and Attitudes   Order a copy of this article
    by Timcy Sachdeva, Ridhima Sharma, Vinay Kandpal, Firdous Malik 
    Abstract: The purpose of the study is to comprehend how consumers behave towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and to investigate the impact that consumer attitudes have on the likelihood that they will make another purchase from a company that engages in CSR activity. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to analyze the study. The validity and reliability are examined by the measurement model. Additionally, multiple regression is used to assess the structural routes. The findings show that loyalty, trust, values, green products, and sustainability are the attitudes' antecedents. It shows a strong link between attitude and intention. If a corporation engages in CSR initiatives, it has a considerable beneficial impact on consumer behavior, including repurchase intention. Businesses have the chance to win over customers who appreciate environmentally friendly products and sustainable business practices by engaging in CSR activities. However, CSR programmes cannot produce loyalty, which is a necessary quality.
    Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; Attitude; Intention; Behavior; Trust; Loyalty; Sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062196
  • Unlocking customer value: creating a strategic framework that aligns digital content marketing with customer value propositions   Order a copy of this article
    by Jugal Kishor, Swati Sharma 
    Abstract: The proliferation of online consumer-firm interactions has led to an increase in the adoption of digital content marketing (DCM) strategies. The primary objective of DCM is to cultivate brand engagement and trust among consumers. Notwithstanding the considerable interest among practitioners, academic research on DCM is currently falling behind, leading to a significant gap in knowledge. In order to increase positive brand engagement, trust, and connections with current and future consumers, DCM may be described as the strategic process of creating and disseminating brand-specific content on digital platforms. A thorough review of pertinent literature served as the foundation for this definition. A conceptual framework is formulated in this study to identify significant antecedents of consumer-based DCM. This study defines the causes of DCM encounters as functional, hedonic, and authentic. To gauge peoples familiarity with digital content marketing, this study polled 334 of them. After reviewing the DCM and the DCMs antecedents, the authors sent out the survey. In order to analyse the data, the authors used negative binomial regression.
    Keywords: digital content marketing; DCM; content marketing; customer value; content creation; internet; digitalisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062197
  • Managing information and communication overload in higher education institutions in Kuwait amid accelerated digital transformation: prospecting key success factors gained from the Covid-19 experience   Order a copy of this article
    by Mirna Safi, Oualid Abidi, Hamsa Sarhan, Rupali Bhagat 
    Abstract: Advances in technology have paved the way for significant improvements in higher education. Evidence shows that Middle Eastern higher education institutions are increasingly engaged in digital transformation. This brought about significant pressures on individuals entailed by the challenging task of managing enormous volumes of information from digital communication channels. In this regard, the present research aims to: 1) explore the extent of information and communication overload accompanying this digital transformation in Kuwaiti higher education institutions, which has accelerated amid the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) to assess the conditions that are used its effects. A qualitative exploratory approach based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with eight middle-level academic managers was employed. The review of participants' responses reveals the central role of academic managers in mitigating the magnitude of information and communication overload. This depends on managers' efforts to streamline the volume of information and the number of communications circulating within their units.
    Keywords: digital transformation; information overload; communication overload; servant leadership; higher education institutions; HEIs; Kuwait.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062582
  • The influence of location, price, structural attribute to the attitude towards residential purchase intention in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Roy Poan, Thalia Oktasenia, Farida Komalasari 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of price, location, and structural attribute mediated by attitudes towards purchase intention of buying a house in an Indonesian housing complex. This is quantitative research using primary data which are gathered from questionnaire. The population are the people who live in an Indonesian residential housing. The questionnaire was spread to 300 respondents, which are selected by using a non-probability sampling. The hypothesis testing is done by using a structural equation model (SEM). The result shows that price, location, and structural attribute significantly affect the attitudes and attitudes significantly affects the residential purchase intention. The originality of this study is integrating price, location, and structural attribute which are mediated by attitude towards residential purchase intention using SEM.
    Keywords: price; location; structural attribute; attitudes; residential purchase intention; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10062718
  • Modelling Sustainability of Organic Food Consumption for Consumer Well-being using DEMATEL: An MCDM Approach Exploring Indian Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Shrish Singh, Vijay Jain, Hemraj Verma 
    Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the factors related to the organic food consumption. This study is conducted in two stages, the first stage sought to identify the factors influencing consumption and buying behaviour of consumers for the organic food through extensive literature review and experts' opinion (five experts). In second stage, these factors are assessed using the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)-technique, which aids in identifying the causal relationships among all of the factors. It also aids in classifying the factor under consideration into a cause-and-effect category. The results reveal that the health consciousness is the most important factor and has the most impact on Indian consumers' desire to purchase organic foods. Further, lifestyle, sustainability and environmental concern have also been found among the topmost important factors which determine the buying behaviour of consumers for organic food. Use of DEMATEL in analysing the identified factors of organic food consumption, is still a comparatively fresh way and can extend the knowledge further.
    Keywords: DEMATEL; organic foods; health consciousness; environmental concern; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062721
  • Interpretive Structural Model Approach to Mobile Banking Adoption in a Rapidly Growing Economy: a Banking Expert's Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Syed Waqar Haider, Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Hammad Bin Azam Hashmi, Tajalli Fatima, Muhammad Mobeen Shafqat 
    Abstract: This present study tries to advance the state-of-the-art research in mobile banking adoption in the ever-growing Indian market using a two-stage qualitative multi-criteria decision-making approach. Firstly, banking experts classified critical success factors (CSFs) using a Likert scale, which were detected across an analysis of literature. Secondly, an interpretive structural model (ISM) is proposed. The purpose of study is to provide insights to digital banking, from banker's perspective, by evaluating the factors and connections that influence the adoption of m-banking services in India. By applying the interpretive structural model (ISM) methodology, the study seeks to compare services, identify best practices, and improve mobile banking offerings. Additionally, by utilising the MICMAC technique, the study aims to understand the power dynamics and categorise the aspects influencing the acceptance of mobile banking technology in emerging economies. The research findings can significantly impact how mobile technology can be successfully implemented by banks by understanding the interactions between various critical success factors in its adoption. Furthermore, marketers will get a deeper understanding of critical success factors, which matter the most while designing their communication strategy for mobile banking potential users.
    Keywords: mobile banking adoption; mobile communication; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC; developing countries.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062723
  • Understanding Consumers Impulse Buying Behaviour during COVID-19 Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Rita Prusty, Subash Nath, Manoranjan Dash, Kamalakanta Muduli, Sonia Singh 
    Abstract: Understanding the impulse buying behaviour (IBB) of consumers, particularly during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in India and examining the factors that have an effect on it, are the primary focuses of the research. This investigation is being on continuous effort by different researchers from different perspectives since years to explore factors having an impact on impulsive buying behaviour. A structured questionnaire was developed in order to obtain data from 332 different customers using the method of purposive sampling. Data collected was analysed, employing structural equation modelling to examine the influence of impulse purchasing behaviour. The results showed that purchase mood, visual merchandising, shopping delight, and product knowledge were the main factors that affected a customer’s decision to buy something on the spot. The results of this study are likely to be useful for retailers operating in a variety of markets, whether they are new businesses just getting their feet wet or well-established companies who want to modernise their outmoded retail outlets.
    Keywords: impulse buying behaviour; IBB; consumer behaviour; structural equation modelling; SEM; shopping enjoyment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062727
  • Enhancing budget performance in village administration through accountability in Aceh, Indonesia: Unravelling the impact of competence and infrastructure   Order a copy of this article
    by Sufitrayati Sufitrayati, Mirna Indriani, Mukhlis Yunus, Syukriy Abdullah 
    Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between competence, infrastructure, accountability, and budget performance of village administration in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Data from 335 respondents in 23 districts and cities were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results show that competence significantly affects apparatus accountability and budget management performance. Infrastructure impacts budget management performance. The accountability apparatus mediates the link between competence and budget performance. The study emphasises the need to enhance competence among village administration personnel in the province, highlighting the mediating role of the accountability apparatus. Additionally, the study underscores the critical role of strong accountability mechanisms, indicating the need for effective oversight structures. These findings provide references for improving local governance and pave the way for further research in diverse regions, exploring the impact of different training methods on competence and financial management.
    Keywords: competency; infrastructure; apparatus accountability; budget performance management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062769
  • Effect of credit risk on profitability of Indian commercial banks: A panel data approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Sheena Kumari, Abhineet Saxena, Ity Patni 
    Abstract: Indian banks generate their major source of income through granting credit, thoughtful management of such credit is required to maintain the risks associated in managing the profitability of the banks. This study primarily aims at examining possible effects of credit-risks upon profitability in context of Indian public and private sector banks. A study on a total 24 banks in India is undertaken for duration of ten-year annual report of each bank referred as secondary data beginning from year 20112012 to 20202021. The main objective of the study is to analyse and compare the impact of credit risk measures on the profitability of Indian public and private sector banks. Findings of the study revealed that the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is insignificant for PSBs to affect profitability (ROA and ROE) but it was significant in case of PvtSBs and had a positive impact on ROA and ROE.
    Keywords: credit risk; profitability; Indian commercial banks; panel data; NPA; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062770
  • A Heuristic Bull Flag Pattern Recognition for Portfolio Optimisation in Indian Stock Market   Order a copy of this article
    by Arup Mitra, Supriyo Das, Debapriya De, A.K. Jalan 
    Abstract: The most significant component of portfolio construction is the stock's future performance. Machine learning algorithms have developed more opportunities for predicting ideas for portfolio selection. This research presents a novel technical analysis in which bull flag algorithm has been used and designed for portfolio construction. The Markowitz mean-variance (MV) portfolio optimisation methodology is used in the second stage to optimise the portfolio in this study. The portfolio can generate significantly higher annualised returns, Sharpe ratios, and Jensen alpha, which are statistically more robust and have strong discounts in the maximum loss. The research sample includes weekly datasets of the Nifty (National Stock Exchange) 50 companies of India from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2023.
    Keywords: bull flag; clustering; time series; portfolio management; technical analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10062909
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on the Adoption of Mobile Payments Apps by Youngsters in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Vikram Kumar Sharma, Saumya Singh 
    Abstract: The ongoing COVID-19 situation has forced people in India, especially youngsters (up to 35 years of age) to switch to mobile payment service apps. The research aimed to look into the prime factors of adopting mobile payment service apps. Online survey was conducted and obtained a sample of 413 users across India using purposive sampling. The sampling method was selected in order to have better insights and on point quantitative analysis. Major findings were that the mobile payment service apps usefulness, ease of use, security, compatibility, self-efficacy and rewards have a significant contribution to behavioural intention to use these apps. Barring a few youngsters who were still rigid to use these payment apps most of them swiftly switched to these services. This study is the one of its kind that includes only youngsters of India and their adoption criterion for mobile payment service apps during COVID-19.
    Keywords: mobile payment service apps; behavioural intention to use; adoption among youngsters; empirical method; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10062911
  • Technology Burgeoning in Social Enterprises A Bibliometric analysis supported by SLR   Order a copy of this article
    by Kajal Tolani, Pankaj Agrawal, Himendu Mathur 
    Abstract: Social enterprises are hybrid ventures that prioritise solving social or environmental problems over increasing shareholder wealth. There is a general consensus that social entrepreneurship may offer creative solutions to difficult and persistent social and environmental concerns, but resolving these difficulties increasingly necessitates technology breakthroughs in social enterprise. The objective of this review is to methodically expand, syntheses, and consolidate the knowledge on the burgeoning of technology in social enterprises. A total of 156 papers have been obtained between 2005 and 2022. This study uses bibliometric analysis and visualisation methods to examine the subject of technology burgeoning in social enterprises and underlines the trend of publications in social enterprises and technology related research and identifies the most productive journals, countries, authors and the most influential studies in the domain. The intellectual framework of the literature on social enterprise and technology has been described by clusters derived from keyword co-occurrence analysis networks.
    Keywords: technology; digital innovation; social enterprise; social entrepreneurship; bibliometric analysis; systematic literature review; information and communication technology; ICT; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10062915
  • Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in India Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Vihas Vijay, Sathish Arumbi Saravanan 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted consumer behaviour, especially in sustainability. This study investigates its effects on sustainable practices in India, focusing on attitudes and purchases of eco-friendly products. A survey collected 449 responses, mainly via social media. It reveals heightened environmental awareness and concerns during the pandemic, driving sustainable behaviours. Age, education, and income influence, while gender minimally affects behaviour. Consumers are willing to invest more in eco-friendly products, especially organic, fair trade, and local items. This research addresses a crucial gap, suggesting companies adapt to the growing demand for eco-friendly goods. It highlights demographic based sustainability initiatives and social norms’ impact on global sustainability campaigns. Ethnocentric behaviours rise, along with online shopping preference. Yet, the study acknowledges limitations and future research needs.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; sustainable consumer behaviour; environmental awareness; demographic factors; eco-friendly products; social norms; global implications.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10062976
  • Impact of FinTech Adoption on Bank Performance in Bangladesh: Mediating Role of Bank Competitiveness and Employee Efficacy   Order a copy of this article
    by Tasfika Khanam, Chowdhury Ummeh Kulsum, Anamika Dey 
    Abstract: The study investigates the impact of FinTech adoption on bank performance through the mediating role of bank competitiveness and employee efficacy in Bangladesh where primary data from 301 bank officials were taken as sample. Moreover, percentiles with frequency table were used for descriptive statistical analysis whereas partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied for testing hypotheses. Findings reveal that FinTech adoption (FA) directly and significantly affects bank performance (BP). Besides, FA shows a positive relationship with bank competitiveness (BC), whereas BC exhibits a significant effect on BP. Similarly, FA has a direct and positive relationship with employee efficacy (EE), whereas EE posits a significant effect on BP. However, BC and EE significantly mediate the relationship between FA and BP. This study suggests that policymakers and concerned authorities must arrange appropriate technical training programs for bankers to ensure technically smart workforce with smooth services which will ultimately increase bank competitiveness, employee efficacy, and bank performance.
    Keywords: Bangladesh; bank competitiveness; bank performance; employee efficacy; FinTech adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10063080
  • "From Domestic Businesses to Global Operations: How ICT is Taking Brazilian Small-sized Companies to the Global Stage"   Order a copy of this article
    by Daniel Ribeiro, Fernando Laurindo, Kumiko Kissimoto, Davi Nakano 
    Abstract: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a pivotal role in driving economic growth and fostering innovation in emerging economies, and the effective use of information and communication technology (ICT) has emerged as a critical factor for SMEs seeking to expand their export activities. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on the linkage between ICT adoption and export intensity in many countries, such as Brazil, the 7th largest economy in the world. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) and a series of case studies to examine the multifaceted relationship between ICT adoption and the export performance of Brazilian SMEs. The SLR reveals the ICT tools most frequently adopted by SMEs in different nations to increase exports. Two case studies in Brazilian exporting SMEs offer a fine-grained understanding of how distinct ICT tools have been used in Brazil and how they align with international practices.
    Keywords: small and medium enterprises; SMEs; information and communication technology; ICT; Brazilian exporting SMEs; internationalisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10063108
  • Leadership for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Examining the Nexus between Green Leadership, Environmental Commitment, and Green Technology Adoption in Shaping Generation Z Employee Behaviours   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Nurul Alam  
    Abstract: This research examines the relationship between green leadership (GL) and various green behaviours in the hospitality industry, focusing on Generation Z employees in Bangladesh. Utilising social exchange theory, the study investigates how GL influences green knowledge sharing behaviour (GKSB), green innovative behaviour (GIB), and voluntary green behaviour (VGB). Data from 384 respondents were collected via survey, and analysis was conducted using SPSS v23 and Smart-PLS 4.0. Results indicate a significant positive impact of GL on all three green behaviours, with environmental commitment (EC) identified as a key mediator. Additionally, green technology adoption (GTA) was found to moderate the relationships between GL and GKSB, as well as GL and GIB. However, it did not moderate GL-VGB. The study suggests promoting active GL practices through training, fostering an eco-conscious culture, and granting employees greater green task autonomy to enhance sustainability in the hospitality sector. Limitations include the focus on Bangladeshi hospitality and Generation Z, calling for broader research for comprehensive insights.
    Keywords: green leadership; green knowledge sharing behaviour; green innovative behaviour; GIB; voluntary green behaviour; green technology adoption; GTA; environmental commitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10063238
  • Supply chain resilience in the COVID-19 pandemic. Case: Mexican butcher's shop chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Araceli Lopez-Dueñas, Adrian Ramirez-Nafarrate, J. Enrique Nunez-Rios 
    Abstract: COVID-19 disrupted and had adverse economic effects on companies worldwide, and the economic downshift was one severe observed effect in many countries. Due to government restrictions and active workforce dropdown, most industries delivered unfavourable outcomes. Still, some economic sectors experienced advantages during the COVID-19 crisis. This article offers a case study of a Mexican chain of butchers' shops consisting of 21 stores where sales increased despite the confinement period. We considered the 20182022 period and used descriptive statistics to depict the sales increment during the lockdown. The results indicate that sales increased during the pandemic due to multiple factors, including restaurant and hotel operations restrictions, government constraints, direct competitors, and the capability of the supply chain to maintain operations. We applied system dynamics to understand how the relationship among organisational factors such as network suppliers, waste management, and inventory management can foster supply chain resilience and organisational learning.
    Keywords: organisational resilience; food supply chain; system dynamics; SMEs; organisational learning; adaptation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10063246
  • The Impact of Training and Awareness on Employee Shadow IT Usage in Developing Economies   Order a copy of this article
    by Fowokemi Ogedengbe, Yurita Yakimin Abdul Talib, Fariza Hanim Rusly 
    Abstract: This study examines shadow IT (SIT) usage from the theoretical lens of cognitive load theory and strain theory by developing and testing a framework based on two situational factors: information security training (IST) and information systems awareness (ISA) and a disposition factor (employee strain). The research followed a quantitative approach, and data was collected using questionnaires distributed through physical and online platforms. The respondents were IT-inclined employees in Nigeria. SmartPLS was used for the structural equation modelling. The result reveals that IST and strain are significantly related to shadow IT usage. Also, IST and ISA both negatively influence employee strain. Moreover, employee strain mediates the relationship between the situational factors (IST and ISA) and SIT usage. This study validates the influence of knowledge structures on mitigating psychological strain and SIT usage. To counter SIT usage, organisations should implement structures that enhance employee skills and promote ethical behavioural awareness.
    Keywords: cognitive load theory; CLT; employee strain; information systems awareness; ISA; information security training; IST; shadow information technology; SIT; strain theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10063453
  • An Experimental Study of Topic Modelling Techniques on Hinglish Code-mixed Product Reviews   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonia Rani, Tarandeep Singh Walia 
    Abstract: The popularity of online shopping generates numerous product reviews on e-commerce websites. Customers write these reviews in English and Hinglish, especially Hinglish code-mixing reviews, which are very popular on social media and e-commerce websites. The topic modelling techniques help to extract the important topics and information from reviews. This study aims to analyse the Hinglish code-mixed product reviews on e-commerce websites. We experimented with the LDA, NMF and BERTopic modelling on Hinglish product reviews. The extracted topics have been visualised using word cloud images and pyLDAvis. In addition, we compared the results of these techniques, including stop words and excluding stop words, and found that the BERTopic modelling technique gave better results than LDA and NMF. The challenges of extracting important topics from the Hinglish reviews have also been discussed in this study. We have also described the use cases, pros and cons of LDA, NMF, and BERTopic topic modelling techniques.
    Keywords: topic modelling; latent Dirichlet allocation; LDA; non-negative matrix factorisation; NMF; BERTopic; Hinglish product reviews; online-shopping.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10063455
  • Adoption of streaming applications: A theory of consumption values perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahendar Goli, Somasekhar G. 
    Abstract: With the widespread of internet and smart phones, people seeking variety of mobile applications to fulfil their needs for information and entertainment. Streaming applications has been emerging across the globe rapidly. However, there is a limited research in this area. The present research focussed to study the various dimensions influence users' adoption of streaming applications. A seven-factor model was developed and tested empirically. Data were obtained based on structured questionnaire from a metro city in India. Structural equation modelling was performed with the aid of AMOS software to examine the hypothesised relationships. Results of the study revealed that enjoyment value, functional value and social value exhibited a significant effect on both perceived value and intention to use. Price value has shown no effect on user perceived value. The results of the study offer significant contribution to both academia and practitioners.
    Keywords: streaming applications; theory of consumption values; perceived value; intention to use; app usage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10063456
  • The influence of perceived financial cost and value on attitudes and individual intentions to adopt M-commerce   Order a copy of this article
    by Liu Gang, Muhammad Irfan Khan, Imran Zaman, Sherbaz Khan, Miao Miao 
    Abstract: The study aims to identify the factors that influence individuals' acceptance of mobile commerce and examine the role of attitudes towards m-commerce apps as a mediating factor. It focuses on Pakistan, chosen for its emerging economy and large population size. A quantitative method was used to test the framework. Data was collected from 388 participants in Karachi. The partial least square structural equation modelling was employed for analysis and modelling. The models validity and reliability were confirmed through discriminant and convergent validity, as well as reliability assessments. The research offers an integrated model that combines TAM and TPB with additional dimensions such as pricing value, perceived risk, and monetary cost as part of its contributions. The study found that consumer attitudes and perceived usefulness significantly influence their intentions to use mobile commerce. In contrast, financial cost, price value, perceived risk, and ease of use do not significantly affect m-commerce adoption.
    Keywords: theory of planner behaviour; technology acceptance model; TAM; financial cost; price value; perceived risk; perceived ease of use and attitude.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10063617
  • A Compatible Moving Average (CMA) technical indicator to forecast Asian Leading Indices   Order a copy of this article
    by Arup Mitra, Sayan Gupta, Prabir Biswas, A.K. Jalan 
    Abstract: The main goals of the technical indicators are time series analysis and forecasting; they can be classified as the conventional or advanced or hybrid methods. In this article, a dynamic indicator named compatible moving average (CMA) is developed and has been used in five leading Asian indices, BSE-SENSEX, HANGSENG, NIKKEI-225, TAIEX and KOSPI to seek the returns from the buy-and-hold strategy. During this investigation we have considered in-sample period from 2010 to 2020, whereas, for further test and validation out-of-sample from 2020 to 2023 has been used. We observe that CMA dominates the market condition, avoids false signal and trading loss, and generates significant profit from the high volatile financial market. Though this proposed indicator is quite similar to any other moving average buy and sells trading strategy, it can easily be accommodated into most of the program language for algorithm-trading.
    Keywords: technical trading rule; back-testing; moving average; time series analysis; Kaufman adaptive moving average; KAMA; moving average convergence and divergence; MACD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10063621
  • Application of Product Positioning Method based on Customer Preference and Data Mining in Brand Building Strategy Formulation   Order a copy of this article
    by Yuhan Dong  
    Abstract: Product positioning is crucial for building a corporate brand, and the implementation of this process is closely related to customer preferences. A hybrid model is proposed to address the disadvantage of single data mining models being prone to underfitting or overfitting. This model integrates support vector machine, random forest, gradient boosting decision tree, and XGBoost data mining algorithm. Logistic regression algorithm is used to train a single model to obtain the weights of the customer preference extraction model. Based on the weight combination, the final customer preference extraction model is obtained. The area value of the reception characteristic curve and horizontal axis of the final hybrid model is 0.969, which is 0.195, 0.155, 0.136 and 0.118 more than the four single models mentioned above. In practical application, the customer surprise degree and customer experience based on the proposed hybrid model show consistency in most cases.
    Keywords: customer preference; data mining; product positioning; support vector machine; SVM; random forest; RF; GBDT; XGBoost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10063756
  • Epitomising The Determinants Of Digital Transformation Readiness From Dynamic Capabilities Perspective For Successful Environmental Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Atiya Bukhari, Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani, Ali Ahmad Farhat 
    Abstract: Digital transformation and environmental sustainability are vital in achieving business efficiency and maintaining competitiveness. Dynamic capabilities perspective is used as a conceptual foundation in this study intended for a systematic integration of research in the literature. We aimed to investigate the impact of digital transformation readiness determinants, i.e., human capital readiness, process readiness, and technological readiness for fostering perceived environmental performance, and test the moderating role of strategic orientation to uncover the nuances of the relationship between the two concepts. Employing a quantitative approach, we collected data from 140 respondents from digitalisation-oriented Indian-based firms. The results indicate, first, human capital readiness, process readiness together result in enhancing the perceived environmental performance; standalone technological readiness does not result in satisfactory perceived environmental performance. Second, this effect is even more pronounced in organisations that are strategically oriented towards digitalisation. It provides pioneering empirical evidence to determine the digital transformation readiness determinants.
    Keywords: digitalisation; digital transformation readiness; environmental performance; human capital readiness; process readiness; technological readiness; strategic orientation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064152
  • University Innovation Entities, Attributes, and Configurations: A Multilevel Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Eloiza Luzia Boanerges De Castro, Sergio Silva, Luciana Paula Reis 
    Abstract: Universities play a crucial role in fostering innovation. While there is extensive literature addressing factors that enable or hinder university innovation, there is still a lack of a comprehensive framework gathering these factors in a unique perspective. This article introduces a multilevel framework with the entities and their ideal configurations to enhance university innovation capability. The study adopts a dialectical perspective and conducts 30 in-depth interviews with researchers working in Brazilian public universities. The findings reveal thirteen entities characterised by 49 attributes with their necessary configurations to enable the innovation. As a theoretical contribution, this article presents a comprehensive multilevel framework that offers a systemic perspective on the entities influencing the creation of new technologies in university context. For the practice, this framework can be applied to assess the configuration of these entities in universities and develop policies to enhance their innovation capabilities.
    Keywords: university-industry; licensing; patents; innovation drivers; multilevel framework; barriers to innovation; innovation in universities; innovation diffusion; developing countries.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10064233
  • Innovation Banking Regimes - From Fossil Fuel towards Green Banking?   Order a copy of this article
    by Wesley L. Harris, Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat 
    Abstract: This paper analyses the attempts of major UK banks HSBC Holdings Plc., Lloyds Banking Group Plc., Barclays Plc., Standard Chartered Plc., and NatWest Group Plc. in crossing the innovation bank regime. Under the challenges of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this study explores the banks efforts in scaling up their involvement in moving towards a low carbon economy the transition from fossil fuel regime towards green banking regime. While carbon emissions are major issues that the world tries to react and improve, the results show the slow progress towards green banking regime as the UK banks under study continued underwriting of fossil fuel IPOs and bond issuances as well as funding to carbon-intensive industries. The major UK banks portfolios mainly comprise fossil fuel projects rather than green projects reflecting that they have not put enough efforts to meet the UN SDGs in terms of global climate commitments. Thus, the goal of achieving a low-carbon economy may not happen in the near future.
    Keywords: fossil fuel regime; green banking regime; Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs; HSBC; Lloyds; Barclays; Standard Chartered; NatWest.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064425
  • Crisis response: becoming truly essential   Order a copy of this article
    by Fabian Hoeft 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is arguably unprecedented and disrupted businesses' supply and demand. Businesses globally were rethinking how they attract and retain customers, create products and services, and stabilise operations. The crisis was an opportunity to study how businesses demonstrated dynamic capabilities in response to unprecedented external disruption. Using the global automotive industry case, 44 interviews with managers explored how automotive firms responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. A conceptual framework is presented that describes firms' responses in four stages: (1) where to play, (2) right to win, (3) what to do, and (4) how to change. The findings suggest that firms must answer key questions in the four stages and follow six management principles to respond successfully to the crisis. This paper contributes to discussions about crisis response while building on strategy process frameworks, engaging with dynamic capabilities research, and current understandings of crisis.
    Keywords: COVID-19; automotive industry; dynamic capabilities; crisis response.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064471
  • Promoting the diffusion of public sector apps: do citizen demographics moderate their experiences?   Order a copy of this article
    by Alia AlJanahi, Sanjai K. Parahoo, Seydahmet Ercan, Ahmed Al-Nakeeb, Meera AlMarri, Khuloud T. Hilal 
    Abstract: Public sector institutions have launched Government to Citizen (G2C) smartphone applications (apps) to provide their citizens with convenient access to public services. A few recent G2C studies have examined the perceived attractiveness of service apps and the factors influencing citizen intentions to adopt the apps. The present study extends these findings and develops a model of citizen experience with apps. It uses multi-group moderation analysis to investigate the potential moderating role of four identified demographic variables. The fit indices indicated a good model fit across all our four demographic comparisons, and the moderation analysis indicated that there were significant differences between the demographic subgroups in terms of the attributes affecting customer experience. The findings contribute to the emerging literature on citizens’ experience with service apps and the factors motivating app adoption. They will be of considerable relevance to decision makers and app developers to improve app and user-interface designs.
    Keywords: G2C; e-governance; customer experience; smart services; apps; diffusion of innovations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064567
  • Mapping the evolution of cash holding and firm performance research: a bibliometric review   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamad Raza, Faiq Mahmood, Ahsan Riaz, Nimra Riaz, Nadeem Nazir 
    Abstract: This study identifies trends and reviews the cash holding and firm performance literature by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) of papers indexed in the Scopus database. The analysis relied on keywords, authors and citations, journal co-citation, bibliometric and content analysis by examining 71 selected articles through the PRISMA framework about cash holding from 2002 to 2021 and analysed through Vosviewer software. The findings revealed that empirical studies contribute (98.5%) to the selected papers. The UK leads the list with 19 publications, accounting for 20% of total publications. The clusters represent keywords utilised in the 71 studies, and financial performance includes 31 occurrences and 14 linkages to other terms with a strength of 49. France emerged as the most prominent country in collaborative research, establishing linkages with six other countries through four scholarly documents. The present research analyses the articles that have significantly impacted cash-holding research.
    Keywords: cash holding; financial performance; PRISMA flowchart; Bibliometric analysis; systematic literature review; SLR; citation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064615
  • Public Participation Behaviour in Air Pollution Control: A Retrospective review   Order a copy of this article
    by Madan Lal, Varun Kumar Rai 
    Abstract: Air pollution is a disguised pandemic killing millions of human beings every year and posing regular threat to the planet earth. Public participation in controlling air pollution is seen as a ray of hope in managing this global menace. The purpose of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis using articles associated with public participation in air pollution control extracted from Scopus database from 1974 to 2022. The bibliometric analysis in this study includes descriptive analysis, network analysis and bibliographic-based clustering. The network analysis was conducted using VOSviewer software while visualisation was done using Gephi software. The analysis witness that research on public participation in air pollution control is limited, however, awareness and research across disciplines can sensitise the issue for wider participation.
    Keywords: VOSviewer; Gephi; bibliometric; air pollution control; public participation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10064703
  • Disintegrating Myths Related to Organic Food Consumption and Why It Remains the Best Option: A Fuzzy-DEMATEL & ISM-MICMAC Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Shrish Singh, Vijay Kumar Jain 
    Abstract: Organic food consumption is facing significant consumer opposition or challenges in India. Henceforth, identifying and comprehending the barriers preventing Indian customers from consuming organic food is crucial. So, firstly these barriers have been explored through extensive review of literature. Further, fuzzy-DEMATEL method was used for classifying the barriers into cause-&-effect groups. Then we build a hierarchical structural model using ISM and finally MICMAC analysis has been conducted to determine the barriers' degree of dependence. Total 17 barriers were finalised and responses were taken from seven experts for the analysis. Combined result discloses that trust issues, negative attitude and psychological barriers are the top three barriers respectively. The study helps in better understanding the multifaceted nature of barriers for policy formulation and decision making. This study contributes to the literature significantly and might be the first in India which studied the interactions among the barriers besides levelling and arranging them.
    Keywords: fuzzy-DEMATEL; ISM-MICMAC; organic food; barriers; food neophobia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064912
  • The Impact of Digital Marketing on the Clients of Turkish Participation Banks   Order a copy of this article
    by Shabeer Khan, Hakan Aslan, Ehab Aljadoua 
    Abstract: Today, we live in a digitally connected world; considering the importance of digitalisation in the banking industry, this study is one of the first studies to investigate the effect of digital advertising instruments on clients' satisfaction with e-services in participation banks of Turkey. The study sample comprised 100 respondents. A descriptive and analytical methodology was utilised to accomplish the goals of the study. The survey method was used for data collection. The data was analysed using simple and multiple regressions to test the study hypotheses. This study's findings showed a measurable statistical impact of banking digital marketing instruments on clients' satisfaction with electronic services in the Turkish participation banks. This paper reviews the importance of digital marketing and its effect on clients' daily lives in Turkey. The paper found that social media has a significant role in digital marketing channels among young generations of participation bank customers in Turkey.
    Keywords: participation banking; client satisfaction; banking digital marketing tools; Turkey.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10064913
  • Pathways To Radical Innovation in The Post-Pandemic Era: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Organisational Resilience, And Environmental Dynamism   Order a copy of this article
    by Xilun Yang, Harry Entebang 
    Abstract: Organisational resilience, a dynamic capability aiding businesses in crisis recovery, such as in the post-Covid era, facilitates effective crisis response and sustainable development. This article delves into the significance of organisational resilience for Chinese new ventures, exploring its intrinsic connection with entrepreneurial leadership and radical innovation performance amid external environmental influences. The study reveals that entrepreneurial leadership significantly bolsters organisational resilience and radical innovation performance by utilising data from small to medium-sized new ventures across Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Moreover, organisational resilience is pivotal in linking entrepreneurial leadership and radical innovation performance. External environmental characteristics also influence the interplay between entrepreneurial leadership and organisational resilience. This research delineates how new venture managers, by exercising entrepreneurial leadership, bolster organisational resilience and growth capacities, thereby enhancing overall performance and offering strategic insights for post-COVID-19 new ventures' growth.
    Keywords: organisational resilience; entrepreneurial leadership; radical innovation; environmental dynamism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065041
  • The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantage? The Case of the Jordanian Banking Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Osama Rifaee, Niveen Alsayyed, Yousef Abdallat, Rateb Sweis 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effect of different components of intellectual capital: human capital, relational capital, and structural capital on achieving a competitive advantage in banks operating in Jordan. A self-administrated questionnaire was applied for data collection. The questionnaires were distributed and collected from all (92) branches in the selected banks. 381 questionnaires were returned out of 630 distributed questionnaires; 286 usable and valid questionnaires in addition to 95 returned from Google Forms, with a response rate of 60.48%. Multiple regressions were conducted to verify the effect of intellectual capital dimensions over competitive advantage. It was found that human capital does not affect the competitive advantage, while human capital may indirectly affect the competitive advantage since it may be embedded in relational capital.
    Keywords: intellectual capital; competitive advantage; human capital; relational capital; structural capital; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065134
  • Unravelling the Drivers of Digital Lending Adoption: A PLS-SEM Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Milan Yadav, Aditya Keshari, Subramanian Shanmugam 
    Abstract: The study aims to analyse the factors that influence users' adoption of digital lending by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) paradigm. The study primarily examines the perceived usefulness and usability of the TAM model by incorporating perceived security and perceived risk as the primary determinants of the adoption of digital lending. The quantitative research design of the study involves gathering data from a sample of mobile banking customers who are willing to borrow money online and analysed using Smart PLS. The findings suggest that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived security influence are positively associated with the adoption of digital lending. In contrast, perceived risk was found to be an insignificant predictor in this area. The study also provides insights for bankers and policymakers to design effective strategies to boost the adoption of their services.
    Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model; Perceived ease of use; Perceived usefulness; Perceived risk; Perceived security and Digital lending.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065169
  • When Markets are Volatile, do Investors Flock (Herd) together in India? Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Sakshi Saxena, Nidhi Malhotra, Harsh Purohit 
    Abstract: The study probes the existence of herding behaviour in the Indian context during different market conditions mainly focusing on NIFTY50, NIFTY Pharma and NIFTY Financial Services Index for the period starting from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2022. Pharma companies and financial services sector have gone through major turbulence during the considered time-period due to pandemic (COVID-19). Cross sectional standard deviation (CSSD) and cross sectional absolute deviation (CSAD) have been estimated to examine the existence of herd phenomenon in Indian context. Quantile regression has also been employed to detect the herd behaviour in various quantiles. To apply these models in the Indian context, daily closing price of the securities listed have been used. The findings revealed absence of herding in the Indian market except in case of NIFTY Pharma. Existence of effective governance in the India and the domination of the FIIs have validated the principle of rationality adopted by investors in the securities market.
    Keywords: behavioural finance; herding; quantile regression; cross sectional standard deviation; market efficiency; cross sectional absolute deviation; risk; return.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065192
  • An Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods in the Selection of a Manufacturing Shop Floor Layout Design in an Automobile Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Rahul K. Gautam, S.K. Sudarsanam 
    Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of selecting an optimal shop floor layout design in the automobile industry, aiming to enhance productivity and performance while minimising costs. The shop layout design selection problem is a tricky one for the decision makers as they need to consider multiple criteria in their decision-making process. MCDM methods provide solution to such problem. Selecting the right MCDM technique is also a challenge for decision makers. Using multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, this study offers a systematic approach to evaluate layout alternatives by considering criteria such as space utilisation, material flow, safety, flexibility, and ergonomics. Employing MCDM techniques like fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS, this paper demonstrates the application through a case study in an automobile manufacturing facility. This study contributes by showcasing how MCDM aids decision-makers in selecting layout designs aligned with organisational goals, facilitating efficient manufacturing processes.
    Keywords: shop floor layout design; multi-criteria decision making; MCDM; fuzzy AHP; case study; operational efficiency; fuzzy TOPSIS; F-TOPSIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065290
  • Transformational Leadership for Improved Outcomes in Education Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Arthi R, Sumathi GN, Stephan Thangaiah I. S 
    Abstract: The study aims to examine the combined effect of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership to have a better understanding of work-family conflict, and emotional exhaustion towards employee turnover intention. Through the cross-sectional study, data were gathered from teaching professionals using survey method. 752 valid questionnaires were considered for the study with a response rate of 75.2%. The results indicated that the positive relationship of work-family conflict towards turnover intention is increased with the mediation effect of emotional exhaustion. Grounded on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, it is identified that emotional intelligence as an individual difference variable combined with transformational leadership dimensions as moderators reversed the positive relationship between work-family conflict and turnover intention. This study contributes to the literature on work-family domain conflict. In future studies, the model can also be tested using another individual difference variable. This paper provides moderated moderation effects of emotional intelligence and transformational leadership among the conservation of resources theory factors.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; transformational leadership; COR theory; work family conflict; moderated moderation; turnover intention; teachers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065338
  • Emotional Intelligence and Cryptocurrency Investments: Unraveling the Mediating Role of Risk Tolerance and Moderating Role of Investment Experience   Order a copy of this article
    by Shubhangi Gautam, Pardeep Kumar, Preeti Dahiya, Shachie Sandhu 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the impact of emotional intelligence on cryptocurrency investment choices. Further, the research assesses the mediating role of risk tolerance and the moderating role of investment experience on the association between emotional intelligence and investment decisions. The analysis of the data involved 500 responses from individuals in Indias western and northern regions who either invested in cryptocurrencies or have knowledge of such investments. The proposed theoretical model of cryptocurrency investment choices was examined in the study using variance-based partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The outcomes of this study specify that emotional intelligence plays a substantial role in cryptocurrency investment choices, and it has a direct significant influence on making investment decisions. Further, the role of risk tolerance is highlighted as a significant mediator between emotional intelligence and cryptocurrency investment choices. Whereas, the moderating impact of investment experience is also found significant. Additionally, the predictive value of cryptocurrency investments with significant and effective constructs was discovered using PLS predict.
    Keywords: cryptocurrency; emotional intelligence; investment decision; risk tolerance; investment experience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065382
  • A Meta-Synthesis of Case Studies for Research Proposition Development in Intellectual Capital Accounting   Order a copy of this article
    by Akbar Yusuf, Unti Ludigdo 
    Abstract: This study aims to develop meta-causal and research propositions in intellectual capital from an accounting perspective. This study uses the meta-synthesis method to investigate case studies during the 20002021 period available in the Scopus database. The results of the meta-causal networks were used to construct theories through the five propositions of future positivist intellectual capital accounting research. The meta-causal network was formed from seven main themes: business strategy, intellectual capital accounting as the centre of analysis, intellectual capital valuation, value quality, intellectual capital statements, knowledge management mobilisation, and sustainable value creation. Both intellectual capital accounting, in general, and managerial accounting, in particular, are theoretically advanced by this study. In practical terms, the multi-mediated role of intellectual capital accounting can drive companies competitiveness and long-term sustainable value creation.
    Keywords: intellectual capital accounting; ICA; intellectual capital; sustainable value creation; intangible assets; business strategy; valuation intellectual capital; intellectual capital statement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065536
  • Identification of Green Business Strategies: A Comprehensive Framework and Empirical Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankesh Mittal, Vimal Kumar, Manpreet Singh, Jyoti Ranjana, Anirvinna C, S.M. Vadivel 
    Abstract: In the goal of sustainable growth, businesses are increasingly resorting to green strategies to reduce environmental effect while retaining profits. However, identifying effective green business strategies necessitates a thorough framework that takes into account a variety of elements and ranks plans according to their potential impact. In this paper, we present a novel approach to identifying green business strategies based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The AHP methodology offers a systematic examination of multiple methods using factors such as environmental effect, practicality, and stakeholder engagement. The results of this study reveals that Product and Service Innovation main contributing category of considering green business strategies to diminish of environmental impact, which leads to more informed decision-making and better sustainability outcomes for organisations.
    Keywords: Environment metrics; Green Business; Innovation Metrics; Measurement; Social metrics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065539
  • Chatbot Adoption for SMEs: Enhancing Business Sustainability through Innovative Customer Engagement   Order a copy of this article
    by Suraj Kumar Samal, Gaurav Kumar, Bhartendu Singh, Manoranjan Panda 
    Abstract: In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) must embrace technological advancements to stay competitive and sustainable. This study delves into the adoption of AI chatbot by SMEs, in Bhubaneswar, India, and explores their impact on business sustainability. Drawing from the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (modified UTAUT); we investigate key drivers influencing user intentions to adopt AI chatbot and their subsequent effects on user behaviour. This study used quantitative data obtained by surveying 150 SMEs in Bhubaneswar, India using the personal interview method. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to underscore the significance of various factors, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, trust, information quality, and perceived security, in driving AI chatbot adoption. Our study sheds light on the critical link between AI chatbot adoption and SMEs sustainability, highlighting the pivotal role these technologies play in improving competitiveness, agility, and customer experiences.
    Keywords: AI chatbot; business sustainability; customer service; efficiency gains; resource optimisation; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; technology adoption; UTAUT model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065541
  • Unveiling Curiosity Research in Business and Management: A Bibliometric Journey (1999-2023)   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiyun Gong, Choy Leong Yee, Shin Yiing Lee, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, K. M. Anwarul Islam, Ethan Cao 
    Abstract: Currently, there is a lack of bibliometric analysis on curiosity research in business and management. Exploring this knowledge domain can reveal innovative insights in corporate management and business economics, bridging the gap between psychology and business. The aim of this study is to comprehensively summarise the historical developments, prolific literature, countries, institutions, and journal analyses related to curiosity research in business and management over 23 years, encompassing 463 articles. This provides readers with a quick understanding of the current field gap and potential future directions. Moreover, artificial intelligence can be integrated to delve deeper into the metaverse industry. The curiosity economy is expected to gain popularity in business and management, especially in topics combined with artificial intelligence, such as the metaverse.
    Keywords: curiosity; curiosity economics; metaverse; business curiosity; knowledge mapping; CiteSpace; Innovation; creativity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065628
  • Mind-Machine Fusion: Academic Researchers' Perceptions and Utilisation of ChatGPT for Research Advancement through the Lens of Extended UTAUT and IPMA Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Geetha Krishnan, R. Manigandan, Sangeetha N 
    Abstract: The adoption of AI technologies like OpenAI's ChatGPT in academic research offers both opportunities and challenges. This study explores researchers' perspectives on ChatGPT adoption using the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2), incorporating perceived intelligence and personal innovativeness. Data from 321 respondents were collected via a self-administered questionnaire and analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM). Results indicate that effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, personal innovativeness, and perceived intelligence significantly impact behavioural intention, which in turn strongly influences use behaviour. The study underscores the importance of social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived intelligence, and personal innovativeness in technology adoption, highlighting the crucial role of behavioural intention in predicting actual usage. Future research should consider a mixed-methods approach to further investigate AI tool utilisation in academic settings.
    Keywords: ChatGPT; academic researchers; UTAUT; behavioural intention; usage behaviour; IPMA analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065984
  • Federated Learning for Skin Cancer Classification   Order a copy of this article
    by Prerna NP, Suganeshwari G, Syedibrahim.sp Sp, Girish H. Subramanian 
    Abstract: Skin cancer is a prevalent and potentially life-threatening disease that benefits significantly from early detection. However, creating accurate diagnostic models requires access to vast and diverse datasets, raising privacy concerns when dealing with sensitive medical information. This research explores the fusion of federated learning (FL) and skin cancer classification, presenting an innovative solution that enables collaborative model training across distributed healthcare in a way that individual patient data remains localised, with only aggregated model updates shared among institutions. This study employs two pre-trained models, ResNet-18 and EfficientNet-B3, along with the VGGNet model to tackle the challenging task of skin cancer classification. In addition, we have also employed a non-FL CNN model for comparison. EfficientNet-B3, ResNet-18, and VGGNet yield an accuracy of 81.05%,79.8%, and 57% respectively. This studys insights underscore the importance of innovative approaches to safeguarding sensitive data in the face of mounting cyber threats.
    Keywords: federated learning; FL; skin cancer; image classification; healthcare; neural networks; dermatology; data security.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10065985
  • Evaluation of Social Aspects in Employee Satisfaction: an Exploratory Study on Social Sustainability in Healthcare Facilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Roshan S. Shetty, Lewlyn L.R. Rodrigues, Giridhar B. Kamath, Nandineni Rama Devi 
    Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of constructing sustainable buildings, and healthcare facilities are no exception to this trend. Healthcare environments, which involve diverse services and facilities, represent one of the most intricate structures. A healthcare facility is considered sustainable when it is not only easy to maintain but also fulfils its function from environmental, social, and economic perspectives while accommodating stakeholders' various interests and needs. While substantial research has focused on the environmental and economic aspects of healthcare facilities, social sustainability has received comparatively less attention. Consequently, this article primarily concentrates on the social sustainability of healthcare facilities, specifically in terms of evaluating employee satisfaction, as healthcare professionals often work in demanding and stressful conditions. This paper assesses employee satisfaction with social sustainability aspects within the healthcare-built environment using questionnaire surveys. This study identified several challenges that must be addressed to create a socially sustainable healthcare facility from the perspective of employees. Incorporating social considerations during the design phase of healthcare facilities offers significant benefits to all parties involved and promotes sustainability within these institutions.
    Keywords: healthcare; built environment; staff satisfaction; social sustainability; social aspects.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066086
  • Neuroscience Applied to Economics and Marketing: A bibliometric Review of the Literature   Order a copy of this article
    by Joaquim A. Casaca, Sérgio Vinhas Da Silva, Nalalia Teixeira, Leandro F. Pereira, Rui Vinhas Da Silva 
    Abstract: Traditional market research methods based on self-reporting face significant challenges in measuring consumer behaviour, necessitating the search for more reliable techniques from psychology and neuroscience. Attitudes do not always match actions, as purchase decisions are often unconscious and cannot be explained by consumers. Neuroscience techniques offer insights into not only what customers think and feel but also how they subconsciously react to brands or advertisements. This study conducted a bibliometric review of neuroscience applications in economics (neuroeconomics) and marketing (neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience). Using 981 records from the Web of Science
    Keywords: neuroeconomics; consumer neuroscience; neuromarketing; bibliometrics; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066189
  • Exploring The Linkages Among Financial Literacy, Innovativeness and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Access to Finance in the Context of Micro Enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Rashika Kumari, Vinod Chandra Sharma, Mohd Adnan 
    Abstract: Drawing parallels from the resource-based view theory, this study intends to assess the influence of financial literacy on innovativeness and firm performance through the mediating role of access to finance in the context of micro enterprises. Cross sectional responses were collected from 320 micro enterprises registered in Delhi-NCR through structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM through the SmartPLS version 4 software were employed in the study for analysing data. The results demonstrated that access to finance partially mediates between financial literacy and firm performance. Also, access to finance partially mediates between financial literacy and innovativeness. The results confer that adequate financial acumen and smooth access to external financial resources are required to bolster innovativeness and firm performance of micro units. The findings recommend a wider and active collaboration among stakeholders to bolster the financial literacy of micro entrepreneurs through capacity building programs.
    Keywords: financial literacy; access to finance; innovativeness; firm performance; resource-based view; micro enterprises; financial education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066202
  • Analysing Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employee Recruitment Processes In Select IT Companies of India   Order a copy of this article
    by Niranjan Rajpurohit 
    Abstract: Organizations are currently at the frontline of modifying their business operations to become more competitive due to the ongoing technological advancements occurring throughout the world. More than ever, such developments are transforming HR practices, particularly the hiring process, in a big way. Among India's IT firms, the use of AI in the hiring process has received less attention. The following are key objectives of this study: (1) To examine the state of AI today and its current applications in the hiring process, and (2) To investigate the effects of using AI on effectiveness of hiring process. This research work adopted a quantitative research design and it was found that the features like data-driven decision-making, automation, and optimization of AI positively impact the employee recruitment process. Also, the results reveals that augmentation and quality improvement features of AI do not impact the recruitment process.
    Keywords: Human Resource Management; Employee Recruitment; Artificial Intelligence; Recruitment Process; IT Companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.10066265
  • Competitiveness and Market Concentration of China's Provincial Fruit Industry: a Comparison Study Between Guangxi and 10 Important Output Provinces   Order a copy of this article
    by Liurong Pan, Boonsub Panichakarn 
    Abstract: This study examines the competitiveness and monopolistic nature of China's provincial fruit industry, focusing on Guangxi Province and ten other major fruit-producing provinces. Utilising quantitative methodology and data from statistical yearbooks (20122022), the study employs concentration ratio (CR), location quotient (LQ), scale advantage index (SAI), efficiency advantage index (EAI), and aggregated advantage index (AAI) to analyse regional concentration, specialisation advantages, and competitive positions. Results show that Guangxi Province leads nationwide in fruit production, using most land for fruit crops. The study identifies areas for improvement in efficiency and production, suggesting the adoption of the diamond model theory and highlighting the importance of government policies, standardisation, and infrastructure upgrades for competitive success. While the study provides valuable insights into industry competitiveness, it is limited by its focus on market share concentration and suggests future research to explore broader competitiveness factors.
    Keywords: fruit industry; industry concentration; market competitiveness; Guangxi; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066281
  • The Millennial Employee Style Affects 4.0 Organisational Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Ardi Ardi, Hadi Cahyadi, Rudi Sarwono, Yohana F. C. P. Meilani, Jacob Donald Tan 
    Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution has significantly transformed organisations, particularly in technology, leadership, and innovation. The millennial generation, born between 1981 and 1996, possesses unique characteristics and growth histories that differentiate them from previous generations. However, organisations that employ millennials have the potential to experience leader-member exchange (LMX) differentiation. Therefore, this research explores the effect of openness to millennial employee style, leader-member empowering interaction, team innovation speed, and leadership effectiveness on firm performance. A random sample of 130 organisations with manufacturing facilities presumed to relate to and be fully aware of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia was taken, and the partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was used for data analysis. The findings elucidate the requirement of 4.0 leadership effectiveness and leader-member empowerment interaction to facilitate team innovation speed to improve 4.0 organisational performance by strategically managing inputs from millennial employees.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; millennial; performance; innovation; leader-member empowering interaction; LMEI; leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066289
  • Marketplace customer loyalty through the lens of perceived service quality, customer reviews, and customer satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Dian Nur Putri Erdianti, Hotniar Siringoringo, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto 
    Abstract: Electronic marketplace (we simply use marketplace afterward) arises from the rapid growth of technology supported by a large number of internet users. The entire sector transformed to adapt to the existing developments. This study aimed to understand the factors that influence customer loyalty to shop in the marketplace. The factors evaluated were perceived service quality, customer reviews, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the marketplace. The questionnaire was deployed to collect the research data. An online survey was accomplished to reach targeted respondents. The data gathered was analysed using structural equation modelling. For two months of questionnaire distribution, 259 data were collected. The finding showed that perceived service quality and customer reviews affected customer satisfaction significantly and positively. Customer loyalty was affected positively and significantly by perceived service quality and customer satisfaction. However, it was found that customer reviews do not affect customer loyalty significantly.
    Keywords: online shopping; marketplace; perceived service quality; customer reviews; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066528
  • Fintech and Islamic Fintech's Current Trends, Developments, and Future Directions: a Bibliometric Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Irfan, P. Varaprasad Goud 
    Abstract: The adoption of new technologies is anticipated to accelerate the growth of Islamic finance by making banking and other financial services more accessible to Islamic communities and democratising access to investment opportunities. The Scopus database that covered the FinTech and Islamic FinTech from 2017 to 2023 are examined using VOS viewer software to perform bibliometric analysis. Overall 118 research articles were reviewed for final publication. The years 20212022 had the most publications, with 13 documents still being published in 2023. The most prolific authors in FinTech and Islamic FinTech are Hassan and Rabbani (2023). Comparatively speaking, Malaysia, Bahrain, and Indonesia published more articles than other nations. According to 38% and 39% of publications, respectively, FinTech and Islamic FinTech are more prevalent in the fields of economics and business management. The purpose of this study was to review pertinent papers on the bibliometric analysis of Islamic FinTech publications.
    Keywords: FinTech; Islamic FinTech; system literature review; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066718
  • Understanding Consumers' Behavioural Intention to Hand over their Obsolete Mobile Phones for Formal Recycling: the Mediating Role of Social Media   Order a copy of this article
    by Shailesh Prabhu N, Ritanjali Majhi 
    Abstract: Rapid innovation and in-use lifespan reduction have increased the generation of obsolete mobile phones (OMPs). However, less formal recycling of OMPs has detrimental outcomes on the environment, human health, and the circular economy. Hence, this study investigated consumer disposal behaviour by assessing the role of various factors on consumers’ behavioural intention to hand over their OMPs for formal recycling. The study was conducted in three cities of Karnataka state, India. The conceptual model was based on an extended version of the theory of planned behaviour. Overall, 1,123 responses were considered for analysis. The outcomes indicate that incentives, recycling attitude, and social media are the three most positively influencing factors on behavioural intention. Also, social media mediates the relationship between subjective norms and behavioural intention, perception towards informal recycling and behavioural intention, and past recycling experience and behavioural intention.
    Keywords: behavioural intention; consumer disposal behaviour; obsolete mobile phones; OMPs; recycling; social media; incentives; electronic waste.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066720
  • Developing a Conceptual Framework Process to Understand the Implementation of Digital Supply Chain Management by a Food Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprise in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Nurul Muna Najiah Sued, Muhammad Rosni Amir Hussin, Fariza Hanim Rusly 
    Abstract: The digital supply chain management (DSCM) is still an unfamiliar situation for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Hence, this issue has become a critical topic that is being discussed by scholars in the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) era. While the existing research spotlight has begun to be directed towards this issue, there is still insufficient literature that has highlighted SMEs that have already implemented the DSCM in their organisations. Realising this gap, this paper attempts to address this scarcity by discussing previous works done on both DSCM and the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory, and to develop a conceptual framework using the said theory. The framework development aims to specifically comprehend the decision-making process, the motivations for the implementation, and the stage of DSCM implementation by the studied SME. The framework can also serve as a foundation to carry out a further in-depth single case study regarding this issue.
    Keywords: small and medium enterprises; SMEs; Fourth Industrial Revolution; IR4.0; digital supply chain management; DSCM; diffusion of innovation theory; DOI; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066721
  • Recapitulating the Research on Innovative Work Behaviour through Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma S. Parveen, Asi Vasudeva Reddy 
    Abstract: Innovative work behaviour carves out a new niche in the twenty first century as it aids an organisation to gain the competitive edge. Despite its significance, the scholarly literature on innovative behaviour seems fragmented and muddled owing to the subjective approaches being employed in the existing reviews. Therefore, in order to map a direction for the future research and to grasp the objective acumen, this paper employs bibliometric analysis based on the plenitude of extant research. This paper serves two purposes. First, to highlight the extrusive articles, sources, authors, and countries in the realm of innovative work behaviour. Second, to determine the central trends and topics emanating from the scientific literature on innovative work behaviour in the last decade (20122023) by developing methodological and scientific principles. The findings articulated in this study will benefit the researchers to ascertain potential avenues in the sectoral research on innovative work behaviour.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; bibliometrix R package; creativity; innovation; innovative work behaviour; IWB; knowledge sharing; psychological capital.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066928
  • On-demand Micro-mobility Surge: What Motivates MZ Generation to use Electric Scooter Sharing Services   Order a copy of this article
    by BoKyung Kim, Renee Kim 
    Abstract: Recently, the global expansion of e-scooter sharing services (ESS), closely tied to collaborative consumption, presents a rapidly growing and sustainable solution for last-mile transportation challenges. This study, grounded in self-determination theory, delves into the internal mechanisms influencing continuous ESS usage. Beyond examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the research considers the impact of consumer-perceived safety risk and environmental attitude. Focusing on the MZ generation, predominant ESS users, the study collected 333 survey responses in Korea. Utilising structural equation modelling, the empirical results indicate positive effects of community belonging and trust on enjoyment, with enjoyment mediating ESS continuance intention. Additionally, perceived economic benefit, convenience, and ease of use positively influence perceived usefulness, impacting ESS continuance intention. A negative effect of perceived safety risk on ESS continuance is evident, while environmental attitude shows no significant impact. The study emphasizes the pivotal roles of enjoyment and perceived usefulness, offering the theoretical and practical implications.
    Keywords: Micromobility; Electric Scooter Sharing Service; Self-Determination Theory; Intrinsic Motivation; Extrinsic Motivation; Perceived Risk; Environmental Attitude.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10066957
  • Developing Supportive Environment of Metaverse Technology for Batik Business Exhibition   Order a copy of this article
    by Maria Kineta, Ridwan Sanjaya, Bernadinus Harnadi 
    Abstract: Sales of batik and other industries that rely on tourism have been severely hit since the COVID-19 outbreak. It is necessary to find a new way to display and market batik, especially the hand-drawn variety. Virtual reality, in particular, was seen as the new emerging technology for marketing and showrooms for both physical and digital goods. This study investigates potential metaverse environments that are appropriate for developing a batik business expo. The technological aspects of creating a metaverse batik exhibition with current technology are the main subject of this study. An open-source virtual reality chatroom called Mozilla Hubs can be used to host customised scenes created by Mozilla Spoke. This study discovered that the number of light sources added to the scene is the key element that defines what makes the user experience in Mozilla Hubs metaverse seamless. Together with the light source, file size and internet connection also affect how quickly pages load at first.
    Keywords: batik; light source; metaverse; Mozilla Hubs; virtual reality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067158
  • Serial Mediation Analysis of the Integrative Model of Managerial Ties and Functional Skills, Organisational Network, Innovation, and Financial Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Asiamah Yeboah, Ebenezer Africa-Yamoah 
    Abstract: The presence and operations of inter-firm networks and their recognised benefits to firms, have been well-established in literature. However, a critical examination of literature reveals that the factors that drive firms' participation in these networks have not been well understood. This study investigates the impacts of managerial ties and functional skills of small medium enterprises (SMEs) on networking, and the degree to which network participation affects innovation and firm performance. We propose and test an integrated model to show the nexus between the variables. Data was collected from 200 SMEs managers in the food manufacturing industry and analysed using structural equation modelling. Findings of the study demonstrate that managerial political ties and functional skills influence firms' network participation, but managers social ties do not. On networking and innovation, the results confirmed a significant positive relationship between networking and innovation (product, process, and market) but no relationship was found between innovation and financial performance. Whilst networking significantly mediates the relationship between managers political ties and functional skills and innovation, the conditional indirect effects on the relationship between managerial ties, functional skills, and financial performance, through networking and innovation, was not significant. The significance of these findings is discussed.
    Keywords: innovation; networking; political ties; social ties; functional skills; financial performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067226
  • Institutional Support Primacy to Export Performance: a Serial Mediation Study of Export Knowledge, Commitment and Strategy   Order a copy of this article
    by Vishal Kumar Singh, Divya Singh, Aditya Keshari, Pravin Chandra Singh, Amit Gautam 
    Abstract: The study identifies export performance determinants and their effects on industry competitiveness and growth. This study adds to the handloom industrys export performance literature by examining institutional support, export knowledge, export commitment, export strategy, and export performance. The study investigates the relationship among the variables in the handloom industry using export performance theories and models. Structural structured questionnaire and test hypotheses. Institutional support positively affects export knowledge, strategy, and performance, but not commitment. Export knowledge and commitment favourably affect export strategy and performance. Export knowledge, dedication, and strategy mediate institutional support and export performance. The present research reveals the relationships between dependent and independent variables of the handloom industry and builds the study model. The findings help practitioners and policymakers grow and compete in foreign markets by providing a complete understanding of export success variables.
    Keywords: institutional support; handloom industry; export performance; export knowledge; export commitment; export strategy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067227
  • Generational Identity and Generational Stereotype: a Study on Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y   Order a copy of this article
    by Yuvasree Sargunan, Rajeswari PS 
    Abstract: Generational conflict is deemed to be the last bastion of acceptable discrimination in today's workplace. People of expanded age groups, who are employed in a typical hierarchical set-up, are included in the multigenerational workforce (MW). Varied beliefs, expectations, values, learning styles, and desires are possessed by every single generation. The generational identity (GI) and generational stereotypes in MW are studied in this evaluation. Here, the work attitudes, the comparison of actual variations, generational characteristic terms, and the generation of the workplace were discussed as well as evaluated. The outcome displayed that there was a strong stereotype that when analogised with the baby boomers (BB) along with generation X, generation Y was good at technology. Similarly, in comparison with the other generations of BB and generation Y, generation X retains a better work centrality. Furthermore, in this development, the millennials express an aspiration for learning as well as training.
    Keywords: gender; generational difference; generational identity; generational stereotypes; multigenerational workforce.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067270
  • Evaluating Customer Satisfaction with Islamic Online Banking Services in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Kuwait   Order a copy of this article
    by Jassim Aladwani 
    Abstract: This study delves into the realm of customer satisfaction in Kuwaiti Islamic banks during the COVID-19 pandemic, employing factor analysis to examine the SERVQUAL model's applicability. The study demonstrates robust internal consistency and validity of data through Bartlett's and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) tests, affirming the suitability of factor analysis. It uncovers those six factors collectively account for 60.45% of the total variance. Furthermore, the research reveals that efficiency, response, service quality, and empathy positively impact customer satisfaction, whereas reliability exhibits a negative influence. Among these factors, empathy and service quality are the only ones achieving statistical significance. The study's findings further correlate with the outcomes of the hypothesis tests. Based on these results, the study offers strategic recommendations to enhance customer satisfaction in Islamic banks during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the improvement of technical infrastructure, efficient service delivery, and the responsiveness of Islamic banks to customer needs. These steps can lead to strengthened customer relationships, increased satisfaction, and long-term success for Islamic banks amidst evolving customer preferences and challenging circumstances.
    Keywords: Online banking services; overall customer satisfaction; factor analysis; regression model Islamic Banks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067282
  • The Dynamic Research and Driving Framework for Digital Innovation: a Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Jing Guo, Haoen Song, Xuan Jiang 
    Abstract: With the rapid iteration and development of digital technology, digital innovation is becoming increasingly important for the survival and transformation of enterprises. Existing research has made theoretical contributions to digital innovation from different perspectives, but the characteristics of digital technology have led to rapid changes and fragmentation in the development of related theories. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the current situation of research and to explore what factors have an impact on digital innovation. This review quantitatively analyses 1,149 related articles from 2010 to 2023 using CiteSpace and examines the current research status based on a series of analyses. Furthermore, relevant literatures referring to driving digital innovation are chosen to be explored, then a digital innovation driving framework consisting of three dimensions and eight 2nd levels is proposed and elaborated in detail, aiming to provide valuable references for new entrants engaged in digital innovation research or digital innovation activities.
    Keywords: digital innovation; digital technology; driving framework; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067497
  • Implications of Healthcare Capabilities, Socio-economic Development, and Government Effectiveness on COVID-19: Lessons for Future Pandemic Preparedness   Order a copy of this article
    by Eduardo Polloni-Silva, Moacir Godinho Filho, Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga, Marcelo José Carrer, Herick Fernando Moralles, Débora Bianco 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic revealed healthcare system weaknesses, highlighting the importance of learning from heavily affected countries responses to prevent future crises. We analysed the effects of healthcare capabilities, municipal socio-economic development, and government effectiveness on the number of cases and death rate caused by COVID-19 in Brazil. A mixed dataset of all municipalities of the state of S
    Keywords: healthcare capabilities; COVID-19; social distancing; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067521
  • Nudging Customers towards Musicophile: Twitter Sentiment Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Indrani Neglur, Rajeswari PS 
    Abstract: Customer nudging is predominantly accelerated in current marketing, especially entertainment. Twitter is the platform used ubiquitously for sharing feelings and feedback with insidious information or thoughts on social media. It facilitates fostering Spotifys benevolent attitude on all fronts. This paper is instrumented with a Sentiment analysis of Spotify administering 3,639 tweets using autocoding tools in NVivo. Moreover, it reckons the sentiment analysis to be more easily accessible including topic retrieval from any text dataset. This study describes how customer nudging is induced in Spotify. Music-streaming giant, Spotify uses hyper nudge to identify popular artists, podcasts, and albums with prowess algorithms enhancing the metadata for concealed public conceptualisations, also examines trending albums persuading the sentiment of both paid and free Spotify users to incline the user engagement quotient and also cluster the users. Thus, this study substantiated customer nudging toward musicophiles of Spotify.
    Keywords: digital nudging; Twitter sentiment analysis; hyper nudging; cluster analysis; social media analytics; natural language processing; music marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067526
  • Analysis of Business Models of Legacy and Low-Cost Airlines - an Empirical Study applied in Portugal   Order a copy of this article
    by José Manuel Vicente, Felipa Lopes Dos Reis, Diogo Rocha 
    Abstract: This article aimed to investigate which of the two business models of legacy airlines (TAP Air Portugal) and low-cost (easyJet), the one that is best prepared to face future challenges that may be imposed by constant development and growth aviation industry. The adopted methodology was based on the application of questionnaires with the objective of obtaining referring data from the point of view of a common passenger in relation to certain factors that can differentiate the operation of the legacy airlines and the low-cost so that it is possible to understand which of the two business models satisfy the needs of passengers more. In the main conclusions, it was verified that the competitive advantage attributed to low-cost is the supply of cheaper tickets, resulting from a structure of cost reduction and standardisation of processes, and with regard to legacy airlines, their competitive advantage is differentiation of the product/service provided, as well as its quality, not forgetting the strong commitment to a policy of focus on customer retention and satisfaction. The factors that passengers considered to be more important are the reduced prices provided by the low-cost and the quality of the service provided by the legacy.
    Keywords: TAP Air Portugal; easyJet; Legacy; Making decision management; Air Transport; Low-cost.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067647
  • Financial and Social Performance: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Aamir Hussain, Md. Shahin Mia, Siti Aznor Ahmad 
    Abstract: There is a growing consensus that social enterprises can provide a significant contribution to the solution of a wide range of contemporary problems in the industry. The goal of this literature review is to examine the role of financial and social performance in social enterprises. There is currently no complete systematic literature review on the role of performance of social enterprises that has been published in scholarly journals. So, fill this gap the researchers did a systematic literature review that included 35 studies of social enterprises. This systematic review of the literature shows that social enterprises have strong financial and local support and can incorporate different types of resources and goals. According to the findings of this study, the researchers believe that financial and social performance, which is frequently linked with specific external and internal assistance are essential variables in enabling social companies to grow and the academic area is still in its infancy.
    Keywords: Systematic literature review; social enterprises; social performance; financial performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10067844
  • Unveiling the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Current Trends and Future Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Sushila Soriya, Afreen Bano 
    Abstract: This review paper sets out on a comprehensive review of the revolutionary impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in accounting and auditing addressing its broad implications for experts, firms, regulators, and stakeholders. The current study highlights significant contributions, trends, and potential developments in AI-based accounting and auditing. Academic journals of 267 articles between 1995 and 2023 (September) are analysed from the Scopus database. Data were analysed using VOS viewer and R studio software. The results signifies that there is considerable increase in the level of research considering AI. A keyword and network analysis results show that the published literature's research hotspot are artificial intelligence and ethical practices, perceptions of AI by professional accountants and its relationship with performance and sustainability. The present review paper contributes significantly to attracting attention by providing scholarly insights into the most influential papers, journals, and organisations that have impacted the field of AI.
    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; AI; Blockchain; Disclosure; Bibliometric analysis; Systematic Review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068051
  • Big Data and Decision Making Among Accountants in Multinational Companies in Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Prince Ntiamoah, Joseph Mensah Onumah, Francis Aboagye-Otchere, Ernest Akpaku 
    Abstract: Despite efforts by corporations to utilize big data for decision-making, accountants' limited data management expertise presents challenges in accessing, analysing, and utilizing big data. This study sought to understand the challenges and impact of big data analytics on decision-making by accountants in Ghanaian multinational companies. The study employs qualitative methods, sampling twelve respondents from multinational companies, and using in-depth interviews to gather data. The findings reveal that companies employ tools like Tableau, SAP, AQUILLA, and EPC for data management, aiding strategic, managerial, and financial decisions. However, challenges including data redundancy, privacy concerns, and lack of expertise hinder the accurate and reliable application of big data. The study's focus on Ghana adds a localised perspective to the broader field of big data analytics. The paper recommends investing in staff training, updating analytical systems to reduce redundancy, and prioritising data privacy to mitigate these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of big data utilisation in decision-making.
    Keywords: Big Data; Decision Making; Big Data Analytics; Information Technology (IT); Accounting; Accountant.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068055
  • Entrepreneurship Skill Development in Vocational Education and Training Environment in India: a Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Anita Bora, Sunil Barthwal 
    Abstract: This systematic literature review explores the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship education within the vocational training landscape in India. Through descriptive analysis, it sheds light on the state of entrepreneurship education in vocational education and training (VET) environments, identifying gaps in research and instructional practices. The study underscores the crucial role of vocational education institutions in developing students' skills, focusing on attitude-building, motivation, and technical expertise. The findings stress the intrinsic factors of motivation, creativity, innovation, attitude, and spirit, along with extrinsic factors such as digital literacy and strong technical skills, as crucial influencers in entrepreneurship education. The paper concludes by advocating for the prioritization of entrepreneurship education as a life skill, contextual frameworks tailored to specific countries, and the importance of teacher competency development. Future research should include longitudinal studies to track lifelong progress and address contextual requirements.
    Keywords: systematic literature review; vocational education and training; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship skill development; India; opportunities and challenges; teacher competency development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068444
  • Implementing Framework for Sustainable Lean-Green Manufacturing Practices in SMEs using Fuzzy App   Order a copy of this article
    by Mandar Sumant, Jitendra Mistry 
    Abstract: This study aims to establish a sustainable production model for India's SMEs by investigating the integration of lean and green manufacturing concepts. Lean manufacturing seeks to optimise resource use by reducing waste, whereas green production covers reuse, preservation, disposal, and pollution management concerns. After studying several MCDM models, the fuzzy AHP approach created a framework featuring two key elements: lean and green. The hierarchy includes critical parameters in level 1, waste reduction scope in level 2, and possible solutions in level 3. Chang's extent analysis was used to analyse the framework, with options ranked according to their ratings. The research also gathered information from industrial specialists about lean technologies and green practices. The resultant framework provides a practical road map for SMEs to adopt a lean-green manufacturing approach, highlighting the interdependence of factors crucial to successful implementation.
    Keywords: lean-green manufacturing; fuzzy AHP; MCDM model; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068449
  • Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Market Exploration and Market Exploitation   Order a copy of this article
    by Adeel Akhtar, Muhammad Shafiq, Mohsin Ali, Shakil Akhtar, Raheel Akhtar 
    Abstract: The vital contribution of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in country’s economic growth is widely recognised. The current study aimed to examine how entrepreneurial orientation affects the performance of SMEs, taking into consideration the intermediary effect of market exploration and market exploitation. A sample of 300 SMEs was drawn from Pakistan by using a self-administered questionnaire to collect data with the help of five-point Likert scale. Data were analysed through SmartPLS 3. The findings of the study indicated that entrepreneurial orientation had a positive effect on the firm performance. Mediation effects of market exploration and market exploitation were also found significant in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Therefore, it is recommended that entrepreneurs should concentrate on market exploration, which would help them in exploiting the opportunities available in the market through which firm performance can be improved.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; EO; firm performance; market exploration; market exploitation; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068559
  • Extended Reality Immersive Technology in Chinese Cross-border E-Commerce: the Relationship between Customer Perceptions and Trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Ying Yang, Woon Leong Lin, Houng Chein Tan 
    Abstract: Despite the increasing application of marketing-oriented extended reality-based innovative technologies in cross-border e-commerce retail, relevant studies are notably scarce. To fill the research gap in this topic of cross-border e-commerce B2C, an online survey of 315 young Chinese cross-border shoppers aged 18-35 was conducted. The original contribution of this study is integrating customer perception, trust, and extended reality through a valence theory-based framework and examining the moderating role of extended reality SmartPLS4 analysis revealed important findings: XR significantly moderates the relationship between young customers' cross-border online shopping perceptions and retailer trust, particularly following negative perceptions Notably, function interaction of XR does not moderate the negative perception-trust relationship This study highlights the significance of XR content and functional interactions in enhancing customer trust, and emphasises the limitations of XR functional interactions, , providing impactive insights for cross-border e-commerce theory development and business management.
    Keywords: cross-border e-commerce; extended reality; content interaction; functional interaction; customer perception; perceived benefit; perceived loss; trust.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2024.10068737
  • Pathways to Sustainable Branding: how Sustainable Sourcing, Environmental Regulations, and Technological Innovation Shape Eco-Friendly Manufacturing   Order a copy of this article
    by Josephine Diana S. Campos, Jofrey R. Campos 
    Abstract: This study examines the roles of sustainable sourcing, environmental regulations, and technological innovation in promoting eco-friendly manufacturing and enhancing brand awareness in emerging markets. Conducted across strategic industrial hubs in the Philippines, the research highlights how these factors drive sustainable branding. Sustainable sourcing underpins eco-friendly manufacturing, while environmental regulations spur innovation and compliance. Technological advancements optimise resource efficiency and support the creation of environmentally responsible products, boosting consumer trust and market competitiveness. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the study reveals the direct and indirect impacts of these variables, demonstrating that sustainability is both an environmental necessity and a strategic advantage. The findings emphasise the role of eco-friendly manufacturing in linking sustainability with brand recognition, offering actionable insights for businesses and policymakers. Aligning strategies with sustainability can foster innovation, reduce costs, and build brand equity, particularly in dynamic markets. Future research should explore longitudinal and comparative perspectives.
    Keywords: Sustainable Sourcing; Environmental Regulations; Technological Innovation; Eco-Friendly Manufacturing; Brand Awareness; Sustainability; PLS-SEM; Emerging Markets.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10069596
  • Interlinking Products Packaging, Product Innovativeness, and Word of Mouth Marketing: Critical Role of Moral Attitude for Entrepreneurial Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Naima Baqar, Areej Shahid, Adeel Tariq, Marko Torkkeli, Mustafa Raziq, Naukhez Sarwar 
    Abstract: This research aims to examine the influence of perception of taboo products on product benefits such as word-of-mouth marketing and breaking stigma via mediating role of moral attitude and product innovativeness. Data were collected from 345 females who use taboo products regularly, through a stimuli-based questionnaire survey. Relationships among variables were analysed using structural equation modelling. Findings of this study reveal that low perception of taboo packaging resulted in high perception of product innovativeness which led to an increase in the word-of-mouth marketing for product benefits and breaking preconceived stigmas around it. Moreover, moral attitude also partially mediates the relationship between perception of packaging taboo and product benefits. This research adds knowledge to the literature by highlighting significant influence of product packaging on the product benefits by analysing the role of moral attitude, and product innovativeness as mediators. The research offers entrepreneurs and firms specialising in taboo products a better understanding of product requirements to invoke the best commercialisation practices, consumption, and usage of their products.
    Keywords: Product packaging; Product Commercialisation; Perception of taboo; Product innovativeness; Moral attitude; Word-of-mouth marketing; Breaking stigma.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10069598
  • Strategies for Sustainable Startup Growth: Insights and Learnings from Madhya Pradesh, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Sunil Kumar, Swati Chauhan, Anshumita Singh, Ashish Sharma, Tarunesh Umrao 
    Abstract: In this study, thematic analysis, a qualitative research approach, was employed to investigate the factors impeding the growth of startups in Madhya Pradesh (MP). The researchers collected the data through semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders. Five major themes essential for startup policy were identified: physical infrastructure, human capital, handholding support, funding support, and good governance. The findings indicate that, although MP's startup policy emphasises good governance, it lacks in developing a strong startup ecosystem and providing active policy support. Drawing from multiple inputs, the authors devised two networks: entrepreneurial culture and policy parameters, with the aim of fostering startup growth. This study highlights the need to revamp Madhya Pradesh's startup policy, advocating for improved governance, infrastructure, and active support for entrepreneurs. It also emphasizes enhancing communication and promotion strategies with startups and incubators to address challenges and find solutions more effectively.
    Keywords: startups; startup policy; thematic analysis; startup ecosystem; entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurial culture; governance; physical infrastructure.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10069673
  • The Predictive Influence of Age, Obesity, and Blood Pressure on Diabetes Prevalence in India: a Multivariate Regression Analysis utilising AHS CAB Data   Order a copy of this article
    by G. Nagasubramaniyan, M. Prem Sundar 
    Abstract: Over the past few decades, diabetes has witnessed a substantial proliferation in India. The principal objective of our study is to assess the relationship between age, obesity, and blood pressure with the presence of diabetes in individuals using the AHS CAB data collected through India’s largest health survey. This analysis seeks to ascertain whether these factors possess predictive utility concerning the presence of diabetes among many influencing factors. The evaluation of relationships involved both correlation and regression analysis. Additionally, we have conducted analysis with data stratified into rural and urban environments. The findings suggest that the influencing variables possess a partial and yet significant predictive capability on the dependent variable, implying the presence of other potential factors impacting diabetic presence in conjunction with the independent variables. The analysis conducted on both urban and rural datasets demonstrated a lack of substantial variations in the relationships between the dependent and independent variables.
    Keywords: Obesity and Diabetes; Hypertension and Diabetes; Diabetes in India; Diabetes prediction;AHS CAB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10069910
  • Understanding the Determinants of Cryptocurrency Adoption: a Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Nikhil Khajuria, Suresh Kashyap 
    Abstract: The rate of acceptance of cryptocurrencies has surged, and the market has expanded significantly. Cryptocurrency use is not uniformly adopted by enterprises, industries, or nations. There has not been enough literature investigating the adoption and acceptance of the cryptocurrency by users. The study conducted bibliometric analysis and cluster analysis on 139 documents retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Using bibliometric analysis, the study highlights the most popular topics and research trends while illuminating the history of bitcoin publication activity. The focus of our study is to identify and emphasise the authors, institutions, nations, and studies that have the most impact. The data analysis is based on a hybrid literature review methodology that combines a descriptive bibliometric approach, data visualisation (using the VOSViewer program), and cluster analysis discussing the factors influencing the adoption of cryptocurrencies. The paper suggests that technology acceptance, personal innovativeness, privacy and security, and payment methods are the major factors influencing adoption decisions. It is believed that specialised disciplines of study on this subject are just now starting to take shape, and implications are examined.
    Keywords: Cryptocurrency; Blockchain; Technology adoption; Systematic Literature Review (SLR); Bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10069988
  • Creative Behaviour of Front Desk Employees: a Proposed Model to Improve the Performance of Malaysian Sector Staff   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali H. Halawi, Afshan Younas 
    Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence the innovative behavior of front desk staff members within the public sector of Malaysia. The public sector was deliberately selected due to its distinct working environment and job roles, which have the potential to influence employee creativity in contrast to the private sector. One of the topics to consider is the impact of rules and procedures on an individual's creative capacity. To facilitate the execution of the research, surveys have been distributed across public sector enterprises located within the Kuala Lumpur region. This study included 257 government employees from 10 different ministries and departments in Malaysia. Results of the study found various interconnected factors, such as motivation, job autonomy, job security, innovative problem-solving approaches, and managerial support, show a significant influence on the innovative behaviour of front-desk employees in the public sector. The findings of the study revealed an unexpected correlation between technical advancements and decreased motivation among workers, in addition to the previously recognised impact on job security.
    Keywords: Creative problem-solving; job security; job autonomy; management support; motivation; creative capacity; government employees; employee behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10070163
  • Fintech in Investment Services: a Bibliometric Review and Meta-Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Manish Rajak, Somen Dey 
    Abstract: FinTech, a rapidly evolving disruptive technology, is reshaping traditional financial practices by enhancing accessibility, reducing costs, and introducing novel investment avenues. Recognizing the criticality of investment decisions, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrated into investment services to mitigate human biases and errors. Despite the burgeoning interest in FinTech, its application in investment services remains understudied. This research aims to bridge this gap by conducting a comprehensive bibliometric and meta-analysis of the existing literature, focusing on the period from 2008 to 2023. Through analysis of 153 documents from the Scopus database, this study identifies key research trends, influential authors, and seminal works. By elucidating the conceptual and social landscape of FinTech in investment, this study contributes to enhancing the understanding of this emerging domain. The findings delineate six prominent research streams, offering valuable insights for investors, stakeholders, and policymakers alike. While the study is limited by its focus on a 15-year timeframe, it lays the groundwork for future empirical research to validate and expand upon its conclusions through quantitative studies.
    Keywords: FinTech; Investment Services; Bibliometric Analysis; Meta-Analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2025.10070277
  • The Relation between Information Technology Adoption and the Pharmacist Job Satisfaction in the Chain Community Pharmacy in Amman   Order a copy of this article
    by Rateb Sweis, Safa Abed, Zu\\'bi Al-Zu\\'bi, Taghrid Suifan, Wassim Albalkhy, Nadia J, Mais Jaradat 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the significance of the relationship between information technology adoption and the pharmacist’s job satisfaction in the chain pharmacies in Amman. Data were collected from 73 pharmacists who work in Amman branches of one chain pharmacy in Jordan (Dawacom). The questionnaire is made of two parts, IT adoption, and job satisfaction. Four dimensions represented IT technology: the ability of the organisation to utilise IT, the impact of IT on business processes, communication: e-business and social network, and IT knowledge and training. The results of this study show that the satisfaction of the pharmacists is statistically correlated to the ability of the organisation to utilise IT, and the impact of IT on business processes. However, the relationship between the other two dimensions and job satisfaction was found insignificant.
    Keywords: information technology; job satisfaction; chain pharmacies; Amman.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10046781