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International Journal of Business Information Systems

International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS)

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International Journal of Business Information Systems (283 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Understanding technological acceptance to minimize possible risks on Electronic Payment Systems in Indian Customers' Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Anitha Kumari 
    Abstract: Innovations in electronic payments to improve value, offer better customer experience and adopt digital technology encourages the emergence of innovative payment methods and become a cornerstone for safe and secure transactional aspects of online payments. This study intends to propose a research framework that examines the effects of influential factors on the adoption of electronic payment systems (EPSs) mediated through customers' perspectives. The results of the factor analysis and multiple regression analysis revealed that perceived usefulness, security, ease of use, anonymity, and efficiency have significant influences on consumers' perception of e-payment. However, insignificant results were obtained for trust, risk, reliability, convertibility, traceability and applicability. The findings of the study indicate that the majority of the respondents confirm that there is a potential risk to use online services that deters using an electronic payment system. This study empowers that e-payment service providers and regulators need to bring new technologies like blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies that supports electronic cash system for safe transactions and secure money flow in the e-world.
    Keywords: technology innovation; electronic payment; technology acceptance model; TAM; consumer perception; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; security; trust; anonymity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10040233
  • Impact of COVID-19 on monitoring human health behavior through digital medium system   Order a copy of this article
    by Anuraj Singh, Anurag Singh, Adarsh Kumar 
    Abstract: COVID-19’s impact on human health monitoring via a digital medium system is an essential process in every hospital, public area, and human civilisation scenario to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. However, diagnosing an infected individual is problematic, as some people present no symptoms but are infected with COVID-19. Identification gets more complex when an individual has a high level of immunity but is infected with COVID-19. This issue has significant effects for the elderly and those suffering from deadly conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and thyroid. This study presents a procedure and a patient detection architect for a digital medium system that would connect health workers and citizens and aid in protecting patients, ourselves, our families, society, and the community.
    Keywords: COVID-19; digital medium device; drone technology; thermal scanning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10041999
  • FinTech in Kuwait: A Survey Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Rabaai 
    Abstract: Financial technologies, commonly known as FinTech, have gained a widespread attention in recent years given the potentials they have to revolutionise the entire financial industry and create a new ecosystem by cutting costs, improving the quality and the efficiency of financial services, providing more convenient customized, and automated services than those provided by traditional financial institutions. This study aims at investigating consumers’ awareness, readiness, and perceptions toward FinTech products and services in the State of Kuwait, a Middle Eastern country, where to date, and to the best of our knowledge, no similar research study has been conducted. A questionnaire-based study was employed. Data from 314 respondents were analysed and compared with Ernst and Young FinTech Adoption Index, PwC Global FinTech report and other related academic literature. The study suggests several theoretical and practical implications that can provide rich insights to researchers, technology and finance professionals who are interested in the FinTech phenomenon.
    Keywords: financial technologies; FinTech; FinTech products and services; FinTech adoption; Kuwait.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10042271
  • Using Gamification for Improving Time Reporting   Order a copy of this article
    by Rita Marques, Bruno Henriques, Miguel Mira Da Silva, Daniel Gonçalves 
    Abstract: Time reporting is an essential process for companies, but often employees fail to timely report the time they spent working on different tasks. To address this problem, we propose an extension of an already existent solution to gamify software development practitioners’ work to make the time reporting task more engaging for employees. This solution was built upon the Jira core mechanism for time tracking and evaluated with a team of five employees in a Portuguese small consultancy group. Results showed meaningful improvements in this team’s practices, particularly for one employee, but these changes must be validated with the team to understand if they occurred due to the gamification solution or due to other external factors. In the future, the solution will be improved based on these findings and evaluated with the same and other teams.
    Keywords: gamification; time reporting; work process; motivation; employee engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10042605
  • The Impact of Digital Inbound Marketing on Digital Marketing Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali Al- Quran, Ali Bani Khaled, Mohammad Eldahamsheh, Hanan Almomani, Sulieman Al-hawary, Anber Mohammad 
    Abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the impact of digital inbound marketing on digital performance marketing. Digital inbound marketing was conceptualised in terms of digital content marketing, search engine marketing and social media marketing. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to a convenience sample of online customers. IBM SPSS 25.0 AMOS 22.0 software was used to perform data analysis. The results pointed out that there were significant effects of the three components of digital inbound marketing on digital performance marketing. In conclusion, for organisations to boost their digital marketing performance, an integrated use of digital inbound marketing components should be followed. Results were discussed, implications were highlighted and recommendations were suggested.
    Keywords: digital inbound marketing; digital content marketing; search engine marketing; SEM; social media marketing; digital performance marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10042972
  • Examining Adoption of Mobile Game in Nepal with Extended TAM   Order a copy of this article
    by Arjun Neupane, Nawaraj Paudel, Keshav Paudel, Tej Bhadur Shahi 
    Abstract: This study examines the relationship between perceived ease of use, enjoyment, social influence, usefulness, flow experience, use context, and behaviour intention to adopt mobile games in Nepalese context through an extended technology acceptance model (TAM). This study uses a quantitative approach to collect mobile users playing mobile games from Kathmandu, Nepal. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is used for statistical analysis, including model measurement and hypothesis testing. The finding demonstrated the significant relationship between perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived enjoyment (PE), and flow (FL) to the positive impact on behaviour intention to play mobile games. This study highlighted the important factor that needs to be considered by the mobile game developer to increase the behaviour intention of the user that needs to focus on PEU, PE, and FL while developing the mobile games. This study offers a theoretical contribution to mobile game developers to assist in developing mobile games.
    Keywords: perceived usefulness; flow; use of context; behaviour intention; mobile games.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043241
  • Developing a cultural   Order a copy of this article
    by Aysha Saleh Yahya Saleh Alkhalaqi, Hissa Qassim A. Z. Al-Mahmoud, Fatima Abdulla R. A. Al-Naimi, Shaikha Abdulrahman A. A. Al-Thani, Yasmin K. A. Meqdad, Roudha Hassan A. H. Qasmi, Habib Ullah Khan, Khaled A. AlShare, Hiba Bawadi 
    Abstract: The prevalence of diabetes is increasing globally. The risk of developing diabetes complications can be reduced by continuous self-monitoring and following carbohydrate counting (CC) approach. Diabetic patients find difficulty in calculating carbohydrate intake manually. Systems and applications that aid in CC and insulin dose determination are few and no similar systems were created while considering the dietary characteristics and the culture of Gulf cooperation council (GCC) countries. To combat this problem accurately, a culturally sensitive expert system is developed to help insulin-dependent diabetic patients in determining the appropriate insulin doses based on the carbohydrate count. The expert system involved the usage of different food composition tables that incorporate both traditional and international food for better adherence by the patient. After validating using different performance metrics and case studies it was concluded that this system is user-friendly and can be accessed in both English and Arabic languages.
    Keywords: expert system; carbohydrate counting; diabetes; insulin-dependent patient; Qatar.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043345
  • Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence To Enhance Customer Segmentation   Order a copy of this article
    by Renato Lopes Da Costa, Rui Gonçalves, Bruno Fachada, Leandro Ferreira Pereira, Álvaro Dias 
    Abstract: This study investigates how artificial intelligence, its characteristics, features and limitations enhance customer segmentation. All these aspects were analysed through literature review, and further developed by two methodologies: online questionnaire and interviews. The online questionnaire concluded that, while artificial intelligence’s characteristics and impacts positively influence its implementation in customer segmentation, this type of technology still has limitations that could constitute an obstacle. Regarding the interviews, the main insight was that artificial intelligence is still only perceived as a support in decision making, thus, dependent on humans. However, many employees still look at these technologies as a threat to their workplace, which can lead to resistance in their implementation and incur on unnecessary costs for organisations.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; marketing strategy; market research; customer segmentation; decision making support.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043346
  • Performance of online banking and direct effect of service quality on consumer retention and credibility of consumer and mediation effect of consumer satisfaction.   Order a copy of this article
    by SYED MOHD MINHAJ, Mohd Altaf Khan 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the present status of online banking in India. This research paper is an attempt to identify the effect of online banking service quality on consumer retention and the credibility of consumers in India. The data was collected using Google Forms via an online questionnaire with a sample size of 176 respondents. A quota sampling technique was used, structure equation modelling (SEM), convergent and discriminant validity, and model fitness were achieved through Smart PLS 3. The findings reveal that service quality has a significant direct effect on consumer retention, credibility of consumers, and consumer satisfaction, with a significant mediation effect of consumer satisfaction on consumer retention and credibility of consumers.
    Keywords: online banking; service quality; retention; credibility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043829
  • EfficientNet Deep Learning Model for Pneumothorax Disease Detection in chest X-rays Images   Order a copy of this article
    by Aya Migdady, Ahmad Al-Aiad, Ra'ed M. Al-Khatib 
    Abstract: Pneumothorax is a serious, life-threatening disease resulting from a collapsed lung and respiratory distress that requires prompt and effective diagnosis. The common diagnoses of pneumothorax disease are reliant on chest X-rays. Automatic ways that can fulfill the accurate detection of pneumothorax from chest X-ray images assist radiologists in diagnoses and treatment. In this paper, convolution neural network (CNN) model instituted on the EfficientNet-B3 architecture was proposed to train a dataset of pneumothorax chest X-ray images. The used pneumothorax dataset has 2,027 chest X-ray images. Data augmentation processes have been applied before feeding the main proposed model with these data. This prepossessing technique is required to solve data imbalanced issues and to enhance utmost accuracy. The dataset is split into training and testing data with 80:20 ratios. The experimental outputs of this study proved that the proposed approach can accurately detect the afflicted pneumothorax chest X-rays images with the best accuracy results reaching 97.26% at the testing dataset, when compared with other state-of-the-art models. Consequently, these strong outcomes with the efficient performance of final obtained outcomes will increase the impact of clinical training and patient nursing.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; convolution neural network; CNN; EfficientNet-B3; data augmentation; X-ray images; pneumothorax.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043879
  • The influence of HR practices and diffusion of innovation theory towards adoption of internet of things (IOT) in SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Swaiess 
    Abstract: Financial technology (FinTech) services are becoming more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading individuals to adopt digital methods for financial transactions worldwide. But its future implications are still doubtful. The current study analyses the relationship between the customers’ behavioural intentions and continuance of FinTech services with the mediating role of confirmation and satisfaction during their perceptions in the post-usage phase. Data were collected through questionnaires survey from the targeted respondents after pre-screening questions about the FinTech services. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness, security, risk, and knowledge significantly affect FinTech continuance through confirmation and satisfaction. The data were further divided according to user types of technology adopters. The results revealed that late adopters require more knowledge about FinTech services for continuing their usage. These findings will be helpful for FinTech companies to develop customer retention strategies that will drive customers towards its continuous usage and help companies yield high returns.
    Keywords: behavioural customer intention; financial technology; expectancy confirmation model; continuance intention; digital methods; financial transactions; perceived risk.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043986
  • Will I Use It Again? Impact of Customer Behavioural Intentions on FinTech Continuance under Expectation Confirmation Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Hafsa Hamid Gill, Kanwal Iqbal Khan, Syed Khurram Abbas Sherazi 
    Abstract: Financial technology (FinTech) services are becoming more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading individuals to adopt digital methods for financial transactions worldwide. But its future implications are still doubtful. The current study analyses the relationship between the customers’ behavioural intentions and continuance of FinTech services with the mediating role of confirmation and satisfaction during their perceptions in the post-usage phase. Data were collected through questionnaires survey from the targeted respondents after pre-screening questions about the FinTech services. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness, security, risk, and knowledge significantly affect FinTech continuance through confirmation and satisfaction. The data were further divided according to user types of technology adopters. The results revealed that late adopters require more knowledge about FinTech services for continuing their usage. These findings will be helpful for FinTech companies to develop customer retention strategies that will drive customers towards its continuous usage and help companies yield high returns.
    Keywords: behavioural customer intention; financial technology; expectancy confirmation model; continuance intention; digital methods; financial transactions; perceived risk.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043998
  • E-commerce Negotiation Based on Intelligent Agents and Mathematical Interpolation   Order a copy of this article
    by Faysal Mekkaoui Alaoui, Abdelaziz El Hibaoui 
    Abstract: The actual model of electronic commerce offers only exploring the price of products and the unique method to attract customer is to discount price or reduce the delivery date or good terms of the warranty. Then, the buyer has no way to negotiate the price by cons the seller has two possibilities: to sell or not to sell. This impacts negatively on its profits or makes them extremely limited. This paper aims to deliver a solution to this issue by introducing an automated negotiation in e-commerce platforms using intelligent agents and mathematical interpolation to reach a compromise between a seller and the buyer. To achieve this goal, we elaborate a negotiation model based on intelligent agents and mathematical interpolation. Thus and according to obtained results, our solution helps to resolve the conflict of interest and provide an optimal price meeting with the expectations of both the seller and the buyer.
    Keywords: electronic commerce; intelligent agents; mathematical interpolation; spline cubic; gravity centre.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044134
  • A Simplistic Model for Spammers Detection in Social Recommender Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Loucif Hemza 
    Abstract: The dramatic growth of social networks and the diversity of their user base give the web business companies an unprecedented opportunity to stay well ahead of competition. Companies like Amazon, Alibaba, and other web business leaders are still investing huge amounts of money in order to improve their social network-based online recommender systems. Detecting and filtering spammers (aka fake recommenders) who post messages containing malicious commercial URLs in these environments is becoming a serious issue that the social network analysis community must confront. In this paper, we introduce a simplistic and effective machine learning based classifier to detect spammers. A multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with backpropagation training constitutes the core of the classifier. Using a public dataset of real-world social networks, the experiments demonstrated the possibility of reaching high accuracy levels with no more than two hidden layers.
    Keywords: spammer detection; recommender systems; back propagation; multi-layer perceptron; MLP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044172
  • Analysis and selection of investment objects and optimization of investment volumes   Order a copy of this article
    by Dulat Shukaev, Chingiz Kussainov, Aggey Simons 
    Abstract: In their investment decisions commercial banks and private funds traditionally evaluate projects-based solely on their private returns, while often neglecting social and environmental concerns. More recently, however, climate change fears and rising inequality prompted calls for more environmentally and socially responsible governance of investment activities (ESG initiatives). For example, numerous pension funds and development agencies started shifting investment priorities away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy production. These efforts are hindered by the absence of well-developed techniques for evaluating investment projects in terms of their social and environmental impacts. This study investigates and outlines possible strategies for integrating social and environmental priorities into an investment selection process. We developed project selection and evaluation processes that a national development agency or a public fund could employ to enhance social effectiveness of its investment activities. More specifically, our general pre-investment evaluation procedure includes algorithms for determining optimal investment portfolios, taking in account both standard financial profitability criteria and ESG priorities.
    Keywords: investment analysis; ESG priorities; Borda method; expert evaluations; investment portfolio optimisation; expansion method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044272
  • Examining the intention to use mobile banking: an expansion of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology with information quality   Order a copy of this article
    by Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Isaac, Azam Abdelhakeem 
    Abstract: Mobile banking is one of the bank services that has adapted to technological advancements in order to make banking transactions more convenient. In Indonesia, however, digital banking is advancing rapidly, but
    Keywords: intention to use; information quality; Indonesia; mobile banking; technology adoption; unified theory of acceptance and use of technology; UTAUT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044422
  • Towards a tridimensional model to measure the digital maturity of industrial small and medium enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The digital transformation is a movement that affects many fields, from health to industry to finance. If most companies have understood the need to integrate this movement into their strategy, some face difficulties understanding the need to adapt and take these changes into account in their development. This is particularly the case for small companies engaging in their digital transformation. These profound changes then require the implementation of action plans, the mobilisation of additional resources, investments, new human resources, and evolutions in business practices. The literature shows that the assessment of competencies and the assessment of organisational capacity are part of the measurement of digital maturity. Considering small and medium-sized industrial companies and highlighting their characteristics, the study will present a global model based on three dimensions, organisational, human, and digital, to measure the digital maturity of these companies to be assessed through practices.
    Keywords: digital transformation; evaluation; framework; industrial SME; digital maturity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044431
  • Blockchain in the reverse agrochemical supply chain: a systematic mapping study.   Order a copy of this article
    by Emilano Monteiro, Rodrigo Da Rosa Righi, Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa, Lucas Policarpo, Antonio Alberti 
    Abstract: A product supply chain represents the end-to-end path from a factory to the final consumer. Specific chemical packaging unsuitable for use must return to the manufacturer for disposal or recycling. Agrochemical products appear in this scope. Disruptive technologies are being employed to identify the trajectories of these products. Blockchain appears as one of the most innovative. However, no literature reviews focus on this joint combination of blockchain for agrochemical products. This article presents a systematic literature review. We conducted a systematic literature review to analyze academic articles between 2016 and 2020, and the process resulted in a total of 99 papers analyzed. We summarise our contributions as two-fold: 1) an analysis of the state-of-the-art agrochemical products reverse supply chain and the use of blockchain, highlighting challenges and trends; 2) a novel taxonomy to support researchers, government, and retail to address blockchain with agrochemicals.
    Keywords: blockchain; traceability; reverse supply chain; product life cycle; agrochemicals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044483
  • Ranking the Blocking Keys for Data Deduplication in Information Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Asif Sohail, Syed Waqar Jaffry 
    Abstract: Data de-duplication is an essential activity in data integration and data cleansing. It identifies and removes the disguised duplicates in a dataset. Blocking is an established technique for reducing the inherent quadratic complexity of de-duplication. Blocking gathers the potential matching records in the same block on the basis of a blocking key. The results of blocking fluctuate considerably when different blocking keys are employed. Hence, it becomes extremely important to select an appropriate blocking key for maximising the efficacy and efficiency of blocking. The proposed technique ranks the attributes of a dataset with respect to their usability as a blocking key. We have introduced a novel correlation measure called R-score for computing correlation between gold rankings and computed rankings of the blocking keys. The proposed technique is evaluated using benchmark datasets and the experimental results confirm that the proposed technique outperforms the existing techniques.
    Keywords: data integration; data cleansing; blocking; candidate record pairs; rank correlation; promising attributes; reduction ratio; recall.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044941
  • Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) experience, customers' satisfaction and reuse intention in retail banking: Evidence from Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Chidera. C. Ugwuanyi, Chukwunonso Oraedu, Shedrack Moguluwa 
    Abstract: With the emergence of SSTs across retail banking services, several calls have been made to investigate customer experience on the use of SSTs and to deepen understanding of the dimensionalities of the experience construct and how they affect customers’ behaviour. It is on this backdrop that this study sets out to examine bank SSTs experience and its effect on satisfaction and reuse intention. The paper also examined the indirect effect of satisfaction in the relationship between customers experience and reuse intention. A web-based survey approach was utilised to sample bank SSTs users in a university community setting. The partial least square structural equation modelling was used to analyse the proposed model. Results show the ability of the two dimensions of customer experiences modelled in this paper to strongly influence customers’ satisfaction and reuse intention. Also, the controlled analyses revealed indirect relationships between the experience constructs and reuse intention.
    Keywords: self-service technologies; SSTs; customer experience; retail banking; reuse intention; customer satisfaction; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10044949
  • Development of Sustainability Assessment framework for Hospitals using Multi-Grade Fuzzy   Order a copy of this article
    by Albi Thomas, M. Suresh 
    Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is to develop sustainability assessment framework for hospitals. The conceptual framework is developed with six enablers, 16 criteria and 60 attributes. Multi-grade fuzzy is used for sustainability assessment and importance performance analysis (IPA) approach is used for classification of attributes. The sustainability index of the case hospital is 78 i.e., highly sustainable. The study identified 14 weaker attributes to be taken into consideration for improving the sustainability level. This assessment framework will help the hospital managers to enhance the sustainability level of the hospitals.
    Keywords: sustainability; assessment; technological sustainability; hospitals; multi-grade fuzzy; importance performance analysis; IPA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044950
  • Exit Interview: A Tool for Employee Retention   Order a copy of this article
    by Dhanashree Tharkude, Aparna Dixit, Jacob Alexander 
    Abstract: The study aims to understand the current process of exit interviews carried out by the organisation and identify any deficiencies in the process. The study also aims at identifying more effective ways to conduct exit interviews for their proper impact and utility. The systematic review of literature highlighted how to make exit interviews more effective. Further, the efficiency of the process can be improved with the help of multiple tools/techniques. Since the scope of the study is limited to the state of Maharashtra. The findings of the study apply only to that area. The framework of the review of literature and results provide insights to the professionals about flaws in the existing exit interview process and ways to make it practical for its successful implementation in the current business context and provides insights into current trends and future research directions.
    Keywords: literature review; exit interview; outsourcing; stay interview; alternative approach.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045193
  • Gender Impact on Online Classroom Social Networks for Working Professionals   Order a copy of this article
    by Roger McHaney, Iris Reychav, Lutfus Sayeed, Lin Zhu 
    Abstract: This study investigated gender impact on interactions within an online social network composed of Professional Master of Business Administration (PMBA) students. The findings enable educators to construct more effective online social networks. Participants engaged in discussions using a platform called VoiceThread. These discussions comprised text, audio and video components. Emerging dynamics were examined with social network analysis (SNA) and sentiment analysis (SA) techniques. Social presence and discussion quality characteristics were based on collected data. Among the findings were that males made multimedia posts more commonly than females. Responses to multimedia posts typically were higher quality suggesting greater social presence related to more engaged discussions. Regarding SNA outcomes, higher centrality correlated with comment positivity. Among the unique findings, males responded to female-initiated threads more negatively than did other females. In conclusion, our results indicated that gender impacts classroom discussions. Ultimately, educator awareness of this impact can enhance equitable use of social networks in higher education.
    Keywords: online learning; social media; network analysis; gender; social presence; gender; working professional; online discussions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045195
  • Exploring employees’ intention to adopt telecommuting technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Gopinath Krishnan, Sudharsan Sezhian 
    Abstract: Telecommuting or work-from-home facilitates flexible working arrangements for employees; also, since there is no commute involved, particularly car commute, it also promotes sustainable travel behaviour. Despite the growth and popularity of this mode of working, there is a gap in understanding regarding the adoption of telecommuting technologies. Hence, this study has developed a novel research model that integrates the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory and has extended it with the constructs, security risk and resistance to change, in order to advance the understanding of the adoption of telecommuting technologies. The research model was estimated using the structured equation modelling (PLS-SEM) based on empirical data (N = 332). The results revealed perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, compatibility, and resistance to change, as the predictors of behavioural intention. Compatibility emerged as a predictor of perceived ease of use. Further, perceived ease of use and compatibility emerged as antecedents of perceived usefulness. The study contributes to the literature on telecommuting adoption by extending the TAM and DOI. The findings of the study would provide valuable insights for the designers, practitioners, and policymakers involved in the development of telecommuting technologies.
    Keywords: telecommuting technology; technology acceptance model; TAM; diffusion of innovation theory; security risk; resistance to change; dual-factor model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045196
  • An investigation on the influence of YouTube advertising on the purchase intention of nutritional drinks during COVID pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Nagarajan PS, Martina A 
    Abstract: In the era of social media, YouTube platform is substantially used by marketers and consumers for their preferred needs. Inter alia, hedonic motivation and persuasiveness of consumers and advertisements respectively have been probed to explain the purchase intention. Ducoffe’s web advertising model was employed and a cross-sectional design was administered to collect data from 517 YouTube users in India. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The results indicate that credibility and entertainment are the two major factors that lead to persuasiveness and befit the hedonic needs of the consumers during COVID pandemic which finally results in consumers’ purchase intention. This research signifies that the advertisements played a significant role in luring the consumers towards nutritional drinks, during ordinary situations. Further, it was empirically proved that the frequency of viewing YouTube significantly impacts hedonic motivation and persuasiveness and ultimately results in the purchase intention of nutritional drinks.
    Keywords: YouTube advertising; Ducoffe’s web advertising; hedonic motivation; persuasiveness; informativeness; consumers purchase intention; nutritional drinks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10045249
  • Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Grocery Delivery Applications (MGDAs)   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Rabaai 
    Abstract: Studies on mobile grocery delivery applications (MGDAs) are scarce and still in the nascent stage. The current study is the first empirical study that investigates customers’ behavioural intension to adopt MGDAs. This study extended the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) with important factors relevant to the MGDAs context, such as perceived risk, convenience, and delivery experience. Data was collected from 393 individuals in the State of Kuwait and were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The main empirical results confirmed that users’ behavioural intension to adopt MGDAs is predicted by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivations, and delivery experience. The moderating role of gender was also examined. The permutation-based test results confirmed there are no statistically significant differences between males and females in their behavioural intensions to adopt MGDAs. Based on the study results, theoretical and practical contributions are provided for scholars, service providers, stores owners, and apps’ developers.
    Keywords: behavioural intension; mobile grocery delivery apps; MGDAs; gender; UTAUT2; Kuwait.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10045250
  • A spreadsheet-based decision support tool to assist small and medium sized e-waste and lithium-ion battery recyclers for economic assessment   Order a copy of this article
    by Kiran M, Shanmugam Prasanna Venkatesan 
    Abstract: In many developing countries, including India, informal e-waste recyclers offer competitive prices as compared to formal recyclers. To manage this price competition, the small and medium-sized formal recyclers store the collected e-waste until the required volume is sourced for economical processing. Typically, the recyclers rely on their personal experience to decide the required volume for economical processing, albeit e-waste recycling is a relatively new business. The contributions of this research are: 1) to identify the factors that affect economic recycling of e-waste/lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) through literature and interactions with formal e-waste recyclers in India; 2) to develop and illustrate a simple, inexpensive, and easy to use open source decision support tool in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to assist the formal recyclers in the economic assessment of e-waste/LIBs to maximise profit. The developed tool consists of three modules: 1) user interface; 2) data storage worksheets; 3) optimiser.
    Keywords: cost analysis; decision support systems; environmental management; mathematical programming; modelling; optimisation; lithium-ion batteries; LIBs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045324
  • A novel framework for automatic incentivised review detection   Order a copy of this article
    by Syed Abdullah Ashraf, Aariz Faizan Javed, Pradip Kumar Bala, Rashmi Jain, Zainab Fatma 
    Abstract: Incentivised reviews are a permanent threat to the credibility of information available on a platform. They not only interfere with the consumer decision-making process but also impact the market dynamics. We have proposed a rule-based method for identifying incentivised reviews in the hospitality domain. We then extracted several features from the meta-feature. These features were transformed using mathematical functions. The study showed that power transformation along with XGBoost is best suited for the task. Our work has both practical and managerial implications. Our model is lightweight, scalable, and generalisable. Moreover, platforms can use our model with a fake review detection method to safeguard the interest of honest, hardworking sellers and buyers looking for trustworthy information. Based on our research, our work is among the first few to address incentivised review detection in the hospitality sector.
    Keywords: user-generated content; incentivised reviews detection; incentivised reviews identification; natural language processing; text processing; Yelp; Amazon; Tripadvisor; trust; credibility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045391
  • Examining the role of untact innovative technologies in restaurants and consumer purchase intention: Tackling with post COVID-19 circumstances   Order a copy of this article
    by Bader Alyoubi 
    Abstract: The current research sought to investigate that how untact innovative technologies, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control impact restaurant customers purchase intention during COVID-19 pandemic. The research survey is conducted through online platforms including social media websites and direct e-mails to respondents. For data analysis 370 valid questionnaires were used. Structural equation modelling approach was employed for data analysis. Findings of the structural equation modelling approach revealed that collectively subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, expected cleanliness, lower employee interaction and customer attitude explained R2 77.1% substantial variance towards customer purchase intention. This study suggests that policy makers should introduce untact innovative technologies that will reduce employee interaction with customers. Similarly, cleaning through ultraviolet radiation will encourage customers to purchase food in untact environment during COVID-19 pandemic. This research is significant as it provides innovative solution for hospitality industry during and post COVID-19 pandemic crisis using untact innovative technologies.
    Keywords: untact innovative technologies; employee interaction; expected cleanliness; subjective norm; perceived behavioural control; purchase intention; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10045475
  • An Empirical Investigation on Continuance Intention for E-Commerce among SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiu Ying Pan, Seng Chee LIm, Seng Poh LIm, Chen Kang Lee, Joi San Tan, Jit Theam LIm 
    Abstract: Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is one of the innovation technologies by combined computer and telecommunication networks used to improve economic status for developing countries especially Malaysia. E-commerce brings benefits to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), it improves the business operations and pace the speed of nation’s economy. There are numerous SMEs have adopted e-commerce into their business operation. However, part of them continues to use it while some of them are hesitated to use it. The discontinuity of using e-commerce in an organisation affects the business operation and performance. Thus, there is a need to carry out a study and promote continuance usage of e-commerce among SMEs. The main objective of the study is to identify various factors affecting e-commerce continuance intention among SMEs in Northern region of Malaysia included Perak and Penang. Throughout the research finding, it shows perceived benefits, organisational readiness, and external pressure has significant influence on e-commerce continuance intention among SMEs. This study provides some critical implications for government agencies and non-profit organisations in promoting continuance usage of e-commerce for SMEs to speed up the mission in order to perform digitisation in Malaysia.
    Keywords: e-commerce; electronic commerce; adoption; continuance intention; SMEs; TOE framework; partial least square structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10045694
  • The mediating role of innovation in the relationship between corporate governance and organization performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmoud Aleqab, Rana Airout, Qasim Alawaqleh, Nashat Almasria 
    Abstract: This study primarily aimed to present the impact of corporate governance and innovation on the performance of industrial firms. The study developed and proposed a conceptual model based on relevant studies in literature. The required data was collected from financial SMEs in Jordan with the help of questionnaire surveys, after which they were analysed using PLS-SEM to obtain empirical findings. On the basis of the results, there is a positive relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance, and between innovation and organisational performance. The result also showed the key role that innovation plays on the corporate governance-organisational performance relationship. The study has implications to policymakers in light of establishing strong policies to ensure effective corporate governance is practice in the enterprises for optimum performance.
    Keywords: innovation; corporate governance; organisation performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10045814
  • What makes organizations resilient during COVID-19 pandemic The essential role of strategic human resource management practices and IT infrastructure   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Ali Yamin, Mehmet KIZILOGLU 
    Abstract: The role of strategic human resource management (SHRM) has been validated in achieving organisational performance. Nevertheless, SHRM factors have been rarely studied to investigate organisational resilience and sustainability. Drawing on the task technology fit model, IT infrastructure and strategic human resource factors this study develops an integrative research model to investigate organisational resilience and sustainability during COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to that the moderating effect of employee psychological health is conceptualised between organisational resilience and sustainability. Using convenience sampling approach 320 questionnaires were retrieved for inferential analysis. Results indicate significant impact of employee ability, opportunity enhancing, motivation enhancing, IT infrastructure, technology and task characteristics in measuring organisational resilience with substantial variance R2 78.8%. Practically, this research suggests that during COVID-19 pandemic organisational resilience and sustainably could be achieved through adequate IT infrastructure, task characteristics and employee psychological health.
    Keywords: strategic human resource management; task characteristics; technology characteristics; IT Infrastructure; psychological health; organisational resilience; sustainability; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046052
  • Big Data and IoTs: Security and Standard Issues   Order a copy of this article
    by David C. Chou 
    Abstract: Big data has gained its importance nowadays. The internet of things (IoTs) is a technology of the future that can generate tons of data through many meaningful IT applications. Data generated by IoTs applications must be stored and analysed through big data technology. In order to safeguard the operation and to improve the value of big data, security protection is a must work to do. This paper discusses how big data handles IoTs practice, its infrastructure framework, and their associated security issues. The issue of IoTs standardisation is also discussed. A list of directions to resolve the related security concerns has been proposed in the study.
    Keywords: big data; internet of things; IoTs; cloud computing; infrastructure framework; cybersecurity; IoTs standards.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046117
  • An Experimental Study of Fake News Detection on Covid-19 Twitter data and a Conceptual framework for the Early Detection and Prevention of Fake News in Social Media   Order a copy of this article
    by P. Sridevi, Sobha Gopi Vimalam 
    Abstract: Social media with high information diffusion has become the dominant source of fake news with questionable veracity. The paper aims to provide reliable information through social media during emergencies. The study conducted an experimental analysis to detect fake news on social media, using different machine learning and deep learning techniques. It also addressed the reliability of social media data through sentiment analysis and statistical analysis for pattern detection. The experimental study revealed that support vector machine, logistic regression, random forest, and passive aggressive classifiers, long short-term memory, and bi-LSTM showed the best results. Besides, it was observed from the sentiment analysis that, there were more neutral than negative tweets. The paper contributed a conceptual model of hierarchical classification for early detection and prevention of fake news in social media by analysing the user, content and context, thereby providing reliable social media data, and facilitating decision-making without any ambiguity during disasters.
    Keywords: fake news detection and prevention; COVID-19; deep learning; machine learning; emergency management; IT capabilities; big data; social media; information diffusion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046290
  • Employee Turnover Intention: An Empirical analysis based on Workplace dimensions   Order a copy of this article
    by Kiran Mayi, Vedala Naga Sailaja 
    Abstract: This study focuses on impact of workplace dimensions (job stress, job satisfaction, and organisational commitment) on employee turnover intention in the hotel industry. The study adopted a quantitative research approach and collected primary data through a questionnaire from the employees of 3-star and 4-star hotels in Hyderabad, Telangana. A bivariate correlation and structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to identify the workplace dimensions impacting employee turnover intention. The findings thus stated that
    Keywords: workplace dimensions; job stress; job satisfaction; employee turnover intention; ETI; organisational commitment; hotel industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046584
  • Does Social Media Advertising Value Influence Women's Dietary Supplement Purchase Intentions? The Mediating Role of eWOM.   Order a copy of this article
    by Hani Al-Dmour, Shatha Sweiti, Farah Shishan, Rand Aldmour, Manaf Al-Okaily 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) as a mediating factor between the value of social media advertising (informativeness, entertainment, and credibility) and women’s dietary supplement purchasing intentions. The convenience sample included 317 women who use social media platforms and live in Amman, Jordan’s capital and largest city. Data was obtained using an online survey and analysed using multiple regression analysis and ANOVA. The research showed that the value of social media advertising and eWOM has a strong positive impact on women’s dietary supplement purchasing intentions. Furthermore, it revealed the partial effect of eWOM on the relationship mentioned above. This research contributes to the gap in the literature about the role of eWOM as a mediating factor in the relationship between social media advertising value and women’s purchasing intentions in developing countries.
    Keywords: eWOM; social media advertising value; informativeness; entertainment; credibility; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046627
  • Review Rating Prediction using Explicit and Implicit features   Order a copy of this article
    by Debasmita Dey, Pradeep Kumar 
    Abstract: In e-commerce websites, customers can rate the quality of the product on a 1
    Keywords: e-commerce; online reviews; ratings; prediction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046630
  • The THOE Model To Understand The Critical Factors Affecting The Decision To Adopt Picture Archiving And Communication System (PACS) In Hospitals Based On TOE And HOT-Fit Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Ammar Almasri, Leila Erfannia, Sajad Mohabbati, Shafique Ur Rehman, Ayman Alnaimi 
    Abstract: Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is one of the health information systems (HIS) invented to manage medical images in hospitals. The current study’s main objective is to identify determinant factors that influence PACS adoption by physicians and radiology technicians. A total of 253 respondents from Iran were requested to participate in our study using the online Microsoft Forms service, and only 250 were returned. Physicians’ and radiology technicians’ perceptions were analysed using two software, namely SPSS and Smart-PLS. The findings also showed that the technological factors have a substantial influence that is slightly greater than that of human, organisational, and environmental on the attitude toward PACS system adoption (AD). In conclusion, this study’s results determined that applying the THOE model is a suitable method to analyse physicians’ and radiology technicians’ behaviour in adopting innovative technology, such as PACS.
    Keywords: PACS system; TOE model; HOT-fit model; THOE model; adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10046640
  • Examining productivity and farm size relationship among Indian agricultural households: Patterns, determinants and implications   Order a copy of this article
    by Manogna R. L.  
    Abstract: Using household level data from NSSO 70th Round Situation Assessment Survey (SAS), this study employs the Tobit regression model to study the impact of various factors on the crop yield and net income generated for two major crops, paddy and cotton. The findings reveal that the farm size is seen to have a negative and significant relationship with crop Y and seen to positively impact the NI in case of both paddy and cotton, conditional on several agricultural household characteristics. Furthermore, our analysis of farm-size wise patterns of various input costs of cultivation and credit sources brings out the issue of external factors in affecting agricultural returns for marginal and small farmers. From an agricultural policy perspective, our findings corroborate the evidence on rising cost of cultivation, and suggest the need to pay considerable attention to policy measures for enhancing crop productivity without disproportionately raising cost of cultivation.
    Keywords: agricultural production; farm size; agricultural credit; farmers; emerging economy; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046730
  • The non-investment decision in information systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Luiz Fernando Albertin Bono Milan 
    Abstract: Owing to the complex nature information system investment decisions, the present study presents an interpretative framework for addressing the postponement of decisions to invest in this kind of technology. An instrumental case study is used to conduct an analysis based on the proposed framework. The case in question is a legal firm in S
    Keywords: cognitive dissonance; investment decisions; illusion of explanatory depth; cognitive miser.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047007
  • Utility-frequency analysis using customer market basket data in the retail sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Gökçe Baysal Türkölmez 
    Abstract: In the retail sector, customers shopping preferences are effective in determining the sales policies of stores. Due to the space problem, especially in small stores, it is not possible to store all the products as in big stores and to find places on shelves. The paper aims to make recommendations about product mix to small stores of a retail market chain in the Aegean region (Turkey). Six-month basket data of customers who have a membership card and who make purchases in regional stores of this market chain have been investigated by using frequent itemset mining and high utility itemset mining algorithms. Not only the data of frequency but also the utility data for items give useful information to determine the product mix of the small stores.
    Keywords: data mining; customer market basket analysis; frequent itemset mining; high utility itemset mining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047009
  • Examining productivity and farm size relationship among Indian agricultural households: patterns, determinants and implications   Order a copy of this article
    by R.L. Manogna 
    Abstract: Using household level data from NSSO 70th Round Situation Assessment Survey (SAS), this study employs the Tobit regression model to study the impact of various factors on the crop yield and net income generated for two major crops, paddy and cotton. The findings reveal that the farm size is seen to have a negative and significant relationship with crop Y and seen to positively impact the NI in case of both paddy and cotton, conditional on several agricultural household characteristics. Furthermore, our analysis of farm-size wise patterns of various input costs of cultivation and credit sources brings out the issue of external factors in affecting agricultural returns for marginal and small farmers. From an agricultural policy perspective, our findings corroborate the evidence on rising cost of cultivation, and suggest the need to pay considerable attention to policy measures for enhancing crop productivity without disproportionately raising cost of cultivation.
    Keywords: agricultural production; farm size; agricultural credit; farmers; emerging economy; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047010
  • The THOE model to understand the critical factors affecting the decision to adopt picture archiving and communication system in hospitals based on TOE and HOT-fit model   Order a copy of this article
    by Ammar K. Almasri 
    Abstract: Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is one of the health information systems (HIS) invented to manage medical images in hospitals. The current studys main objective is to identify determinant factors that influence PACS adoption by physicians and radiology technicians. A total of 253 respondents from Iran were requested to participate in our study using the online Microsoft Forms service, and only 250 were returned. Physicians and radiology technicians perceptions were analysed using two software, namely SPSS and Smart-PLS. The findings also showed that the technological factors have a substantial influence that is slightly greater than that of human, organisational, and environmental on the attitude toward PACS system adoption (AD). In conclusion, this studys results determined that applying the THOE model is a suitable method to analyse physicians and radiology technicians behaviour in adopting innovative technology, such as PACS
    Keywords: PACS system; TOE model; HOT-fit model; THOE model; adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047012
  • Review rating prediction using explicit and implicit features   Order a copy of this article
    by Debasmita Dey 
    Abstract: In e-commerce websites, customers can rate the quality of the product on a 15 scale rating along with a detailed feature-wise review of it. Due to the availability of the same product in multiple e-commerce websites and variability in the number of customers in each e-commerce platform, the number of ratings obtained differs across various sites. Hence, it is observed that sometimes the overall rating (an indicator of quality) of the same product differs significantly across multiple e-commerce platforms, which creates anxiety and distrust in customers purchasing decisions and may cause loss of an online sale. In this present study, we propose a model which produces a single score of any product, and this score is more reliable and trustworthy than the conventional method as it captures both explicit and implicit information instead of considering just either of them.
    Keywords: e-commerce; online reviews; ratings; prediction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047013
  • Does social media advertising value influence womens dietary supplement purchase intentions? The mediating role of eWOM   Order a copy of this article
    by Hani Al-Dmour 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) as a mediating factor between the value of social media advertising (informativeness, entertainment, and credibility) and womens dietary supplement purchasing intentions. The convenience sample included 317 women who use social media platforms and live in Amman, Jordans capital and largest city. Data was obtained using an online survey and analysed using multiple regression analysis and ANOVA. The research showed that the value of social media advertising and eWOM has a strong positive impact on womens dietary supplement purchasing intentions. Furthermore, it revealed the partial effect of eWOM on the relationship mentioned above. This research contributes to the gap in the literature about the role of eWOM as a mediating factor in the relationship between social media advertising value and womens purchasing intentions in developing countries.
    Keywords: eWOM; social media advertising value; informativeness; entertainment; credibility; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047020
  • The mediating role of innovation in the relationship between corporate governance and organisation performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmoud Aleqab 
    Abstract: This study primarily aimed to present the impact of corporate governance and innovation on the performance of industrial firms. The study developed and proposed a conceptual model based on relevant studies in literature. The required data was collected from financial SMEs in Jordan with the help of questionnaire surveys, after which they were analysed using PLS-SEM to obtain empirical findings. On the basis of the results, there is a positive relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance, and between innovation and organisational performance. The result also showed the key role that innovation plays on the corporate governance-organisational performance relationship. The study has implications to policymakers in light of establishing strong policies to ensure effective corporate governance is practice in the enterprises for optimum performance.
    Keywords: innovation; corporate governance; organisation performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10047022
  • The Nexus of ERP System Adoption and Discretionary Accruals: The Moderator Effect of Big 4 Audit Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad A. Toumeh  
    Abstract: This study investigates the impact of enterprise resource planning (ERP) adoption and Big 4 audit firms on accrual-based earnings management (AEM) in the non-financial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), as well as the moderating effect of Big 4 auditors on the nexus between ERP implementation and AEM. Panel data analysis was utilised in this research, and the random-effects GLS regression was employed to derive conclusions. The sample of this study is represented in service and manufacturing firms listed on the ASE, with 432 firm-year observations during the period 2015 to 2020. The results demonstrate that ERP non-adopting companies are more apt to participate in earnings management (EM) than ERP adopting companies. The current study should advance EM literature in the Jordanian context. Also, this is the initial empirical attempt worldwide to examine the indirect effect (moderation) of audit quality (AQ) on the association between ERP implementation and EM.
    Keywords: discretionary accruals; earnings management; enterprise resource planning; ERP; audit quality; Big 4 audit firms; accrual-based earnings management; AEM; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047096
  • The Congruence Between The Mission Statements Of Accredited Business Schools: A Study Using Textual Data Mining Tools   Order a copy of this article
    by Faleh Alshameri, Les Vermillion 
    Abstract: We live in a world increasingly enveloped with data. Data that can be numerical or in many cases data which is verbal or written. This study investigates similarities between mission and vision statements of universities as a means of better understanding the usefulness of these statements as a comparative means for business schools and their universities. In doing this, we utilised a verbal data evaluation tool, CLUTO cluster analysis as a means of understanding useful verbal similarities. The study reviewed the mission and vision statements for almost 500 AACSB accredited universities and business schools. The CLUTO tool provided useful information while discriminating between university mission statements in certain instances. We found that public institutions’ missions were consistently differentiated from those of private schools. We also found that religious schools exhibited consistent similarities within the religious universities but differed from those non-sectarian universities. Geography did not appear to be a factor in discriminating statements either viewed by themselves or as a framework for regional business accrediting bodies. We extended the value of verbal data evaluation as a means of analysing mission and vision statements.
    Keywords: AACSB; clustering analysis; CLUstering TOolkit; CLUTO; mission statement; textual data mining; vision statement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047100
  • Organic Virtualization for Medium Size Enterprise during Pandemic Uncertainty   Order a copy of this article
    by Ng Joseph 
    Abstract: Medium size enterprise direction towards ICT framework is hauled by financial turbulence. The research incites the different inheritance IT framework model utilised in the item of innovation and disrupting advancement with evaporating seriousness towards IT foundation streamlining. This PLS-SEM blended mix mode technique with double information test-retest consecutive plan approach limits dim viewpoints and conclusions to explain the course of the event of action that prompts the advancement allocation. The discoveries uncovered the stunning actuality that 33% of absolute interests in technology were classified as ineffective projects, making for lost time between the business contenders whilst putting most gear underused and faulty business prospects whilst considering venture depreciation. BOINC freeware grid processing incorporated CPU and disk highlights been utilised to expand. The commitment of the review proposed an adaptable organic IT framework towards the formation of exostructure as a service that can be utilised towards the IT administration handbook.
    Keywords: BOINC; cloud computing; framework; infrastructure as a service; IaaS; grid computing; model; optimisation; small and medium sized enterprise; technology acceptance model; virtualisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10047113
  • Two Decades of Digital Transformation in Business - A Review and Research Agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashish Saxena, V.V. Ravi Kumar 
    Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) has emerged as an important concept that stimulates several academic research streams and influences practice. The literature regarding DT is still evolving. This literature review aims to establish a greater understanding of DT through examining the fragmented and diverse academic literature on this concept. Based on a systematic review of academic research works of the past two decades, this study provides rich insights into the fundamental understanding of DT. Out of 1,092 identified studies, 130 were selected for a detailed review. The findings suggest that the industry should adapt its business strategies to the changing digital landscape, among other initiatives. The study reveals that there is more to DT than just investing in new technologies. This review should contribute greatly to future exploration as it expands the literature by identifying the need for further research in the area and defines the research agenda for future researchers.
    Keywords: digital; digital transformation; digital technologies; digital strategy; digitalisation; big data; innovation; literature review; systematic review; research agenda.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047181
    by Adnan Corum, Ugur Ulas 
    Abstract: This paper presents a case study of digital transformation of a global technology company’s human resources department with workday application. The digital transformation is focused on payment, training, reporting, and human resources management processes. With this transformation, most of the manual operations are automated, and it is aimed to provide efficiency in resource workload management. The company aims to provide information to employees more easily through digitalisation. This information is usually the employee’s training plan calendar, wage documents, and employee-based performance metrics. The company initiates this digitisation step with the workday application. This research reflects how company transforms and builds its own external digital platform history.
    Keywords: digitalisation; human resource management; HRM; workday application; transformation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047428
  • Micro factors affecting the application of International Financial Reporting Standard No. 6: evidence from Vietnamese enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Malik Abu Afifa, Nha Nguyen Minh, Thuy Nguyen Thi Thanh 
    Abstract: Our study identifies and investigates the micro factors affecting the application of International Financial Reporting Standard No. 6 (IFRS 6) on exploration and evaluation (E&E) of mineral resources for enterprises in Vietnam. At the same time, this study also explores the nexus between the application of IFRS 6 and the benefits of applying IFRS 6. The study data are collected from Vietnamese mining, oil and gas enterprises listed on the financial exchange. Our data are analysed by structural equation modelling which evaluates both measurement and the structural model. The findings show that there are three micro factors, firm’s size, administrator’s supporting and accountant’s qualifications, which are positively linked to the enforcement of IFRS 6, consistent with the initial prediction. Moreover, we find that the application of IFRS 6 positively links with the benefit of applying IFRS 6, such as increasing disclosure quality and accountability.
    Keywords: IFRS 6; application of IFRS 6; benefits of applying IFRS 6; exploration and evaluation; minerals; firms size; administrator's supporting; accountant’s qualifications; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047476
  • The effect of using big data on the success of accounting information systems: the case of Arab Bank/Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Inaam M. Al-Zwaylif, Shatha Y. Abdul Khaliq, Saleem M. Al-Atibi 
    Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effect of big data on the success of the accounting information system in the Arab Bank/Jordan. To accomplish the study goal, a questionnaire was designed and distributed among general managers, deputy general managers, heads of departments, and employees in the general administration in the Arab Bank/Jordan. Multiple, stepwise, and hierarchal regression analyses were used to test study hypotheses. The study has reached several results, the most important of which is that big data (in terms of volume, velocity, variety, and value) significantly affects the success of the Arab Bank’s accounting information system. Additionally, the end-user technical support and experience in using information technology have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between big data and the success of the Arab Bank’s accounting information system.
    Keywords: big data; accounting information systems; success; Arab Bank; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047478
  • A collaborating ITM-EVF approach to investigate customer's intention to adopt mobile payment systems: a study on Bangladesh market   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Sharif Hassan, Md. Aminul Islam, Farid Sobhani, Sadia Afrin 
    Abstract: One of the most emerging digital platforms that are widely used today is the mobile payment system. Though developing country like Bangladesh is lagging in global findex ranking, customers are rapidly using the mobile payment system platform for their offline and online purchases. This study intends to determine the predictors that prompt customers to use mobile payment systems in Bangladesh. The extended valence framework and initial trust model were combined to facilitate this study. The proposed model incorporated three antecedents for trust: structural assurance, firm reputation, and personal propensity to trust. A questionnaire was designed and circulated through google forms to collect the primary data. The number of final respondents of the survey was 213. The study used the partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method to analyse the data. The result indicates that perceived benefit and trust are the influential predictors of mobile payment systems usage intention in Bangladesh.
    Keywords: mobile payment systems; ITM; extended valence framework; structural assurance; firm reputation; personal propensity to trust.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047625
  • The Barriers of Balanced Scorecard Implementation within Jordanian Public Listed Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Abedalqader Rababah, Nassereddine Saadouli, Sulaiman Weshah 
    Abstract: In their drive to improve the management and control of their accounting systems in a highly volatile and uncertain environment, many companies adopted the balanced scorecard (BSC) approach to streamline their strategic accounting choices and the short-term operational tasks and activities. This paper investigates the BSC adoption and implementation within the Jordanian publicly listed companies. Using qualitative, results show that the BSC adoption/implementation rate is low. The primary factors for such a low rate are lack of senior management support, lack of expertise and prohibitive adoption costs. The results provide a stepping-stone for management to devise courses of action that will mitigate the effect of the identified factors.
    Keywords: barriers; balanced scorecard; BSC; implementation; companies; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10047748
  • The Top Management Team Characteristics and Financial Performance: The Role of Remuneration- Further Analysis: Evidence from Saudi Arabia And Oman   Order a copy of this article
    by Ebrahim Al-Matari 
    Abstract: The discussion around the top management team (TMT) as to whether or not it affects the financial performance (FP) of the firm is ongoing in literature albeit the findings are mixed. Hence, this study is motivated by the need to examine the TMT-FP relationship in the context of listed firms in Oman and Saudi Arabia. The study also aims to test remuneration in light of its moderating effect on the above relationship. Data was collected from the companies’ annual report for the years from 2014 to 2019, and was analysed with the help of ordinary least squares (OLS). The findings showed that TMT experience in accounting and finance positively and significantly. Remuneration was also found to have a moderating positive effect on the relationship between professional certificate of TMT and FP. The findings further indicated that remuneration positively and significantly moderated the relationship between TMT foreign member and FP. Further test found TMTSCORE positively associated with performance.
    Keywords: top management team; TMT; agency theory; Saudi Arabia; Oman; upper echelons theory; panel data; financial performance; further analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10048052
  • Outsourcing Agile Projects with Time-and-Material Contracts: A Trust-Control Duality Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by John Persson, Lene Pries-Heje, Lars Mathiassen 
    Abstract: Although agile principles are widely adopted for information systems development (ISD), we know little about the use of agile principles in outsourced ISD projects, especially from a client perspective. Client organisations have been reluctant to adopt agile principles in outsourced relationships because of the traditional dominance of fixed-price contracting and lack of knowledge on creating client value without jeopardising supplier interests. Against this backdrop, we apply a trust-control duality perspective to understand and explain how a Danish government agency successfully outsourced an ISD project to a supplier based on agile principles and time-and-material contracting. Drawing on these findings and extant literature, we offer theoretical and practical contributions to the literature on outsourced agile ISD focused on managing such arrangements and on using a trust-control duality perspective to understand the client’s relationship with suppliers.
    Keywords: agile project management; outsourcing; agility; time-and-material contract; case study; trust; control.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10048139
  • A Framework for Digital Transformation: Root Cause Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Mathupayas Thongmak 
    Abstract: Digital transformation is believed to improve a company’s performance. However, only a few companies succeed. Thus, this paper synthesises primary research relating to digital transformation to determine obstacles and propose a conceptual model for successful digital transformation. An integrative systematically review method is applied. Obstacles in terms of barriers, challenges, and problems are extracted from 163 academic journal and conference articles from GS and EBSCOHost using content analysis. Root causes of digital transformation failures are identified using Pareto analysis and fishbone diagram. Eight management resources are applied to investigate obstacles from different theoretical views, but only seven of them are revealed. Management, man, measurement, and machine are the root causes of failures. The results contribute to the emerging field of digital transformation, reveal hindrances of digital transformation at the company level, and guide top management on what areas they should focus on, to effectively implement digital transformation in their firms.
    Keywords: cause-and-effect diagrams; Pareto analysis; fishbone diagram; digital transformation; barriers; challenges; problems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10048578
  • Digital Transformation in Organizations - A Review and Research Agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Mitrabinda Acharya, Rahul Thakurta 
    Abstract: Digital transformation, a phenomenon that adopts digital technologies to change how organisations operate and deliver value to customers, is receiving increasing prominence recently. The phenomenon drives its importance from the proliferation of digital technologies in organisations, and hence can also be viewed from the context of (digital) technology management scenario in organisations. Making this linkage allows us to investigate digital transformation from the perspective of information systems (IS) and organisations. This manuscript reviews the literature concerning digital transformation based on a conceptual model adopting the perspective of IS and organisations. The findings based on 85 articles constituting the review highlight various facets describing the inputs, transformation process, and outputs in the context of digital transformation. In continuation, we outline possible areas of future explorations and link them into a digital transformation process exploration framework towards facilitating future theoretical work.
    Keywords: digital technologies; digital transformation; literature review; research agenda.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10048933
  • E-government Centres of Excellence Empower Robotic Process Automation Implementations   Order a copy of this article
    by WILLIAM Money 
    Abstract: Many government organisations are using robotic process automation (RPA) to improve performance and efficiency. The e-government environment is particularly appropriate for the application of this technology with its concentration of forms, data collection, approvals and data recording; responses to constituencies; and large numbers of financial transactions. Selecting work processes and implementing efficient and effective RPA processing solutions are critical to successful processing and avoiding errors, improving service, and eliminating or reducing risks of transaction failures. Centres of excellence (CoEs) are organisational units and processes that offer an appealing solution for the successful RPA implementation. This paper identifies the value of RPA implementations, describes and provides examples of the CoE approach, and discusses the empowering role and functions of a CoE. Finally, it improves the ability of managers to implement the components of CoEs by developing a greater understanding of this organisational structure and criteria used to assess CoE implementations.
    Keywords: centre of excellence; CoE; e-government; robotic process automation; RPA; process.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10048995
  • An Analysis of Indian Pharmaceutical Exports to East African Community (EAC)   Order a copy of this article
    by Navneet Gera, Swati Rohatgi, Saket Rohatgi 
    Abstract: This study aimed to assess the competitiveness of India’s pharmaceutical exports to the East African community (EAC), using Balassa’s revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and trade intensity index (TII). The research focused on six-digit HS codes 300410, 300420, 300450, and 300490 related to pharmaceuticals, namely penicillin, antibiotics (other than penicillin), vitamins, and medicaments, respectively. The data used were collected from 2011 to 2020. The results confirm that HS code 300410 (containing penicillin or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or their derivatives) is the most competitive, based on RCA and TII values, and exporters should reap the benefits in the EAC. Based on the results of TII, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have the highest TII in HS Code 300450, followed by Rwanda and Burundi, which have high TII in HS Code 300410. This study contributes significantly to exporters and policymakers on HS codes, which are relevant for pharmaceutical exporters in the East African community.
    Keywords: Indian pharmaceutical exports; revealed comparative advantage; RCA; trade intensity index; TII; East African community; ECA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049023
  • The Influence of Personalized Product Recommendations on Purchase Intention: A Theoretical Synthesis Based On Self-Determination Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyadarsini Patnaik, Parameswar Nayak, Siddharth Misra 
    Abstract: Although AI-driven personalised recommendations are popular for their perceived usefulness, their impact on consumers’ psychology and behaviour has yet to be understood. Also, it remains unclear how these recommendations affect consumer motivation and influence purchase intentions on online shopping platforms, leaving a gap in the research knowledge. Hence, to explain consumer motivation and its impact on consumer purchase intention, this study adopts the self-determination theory (SDT), cognitive evaluation theory (CET), and basic psychological needs theory (BPNT) and has built a theoretical model to bridge this academic gap. This research contributed to the empirical literature by broadening the SDT research paradigm to identify exceptionally personalised recommendations that influence motivation and behaviour intentions. Researchers found that intrinsic motivation positively affects a sense of enjoyment and facilitates people’s psychological needs, which affects the willingness of consumers to purchase online. The study’s findings will help academics better understand how psychological needs are addressed in online purchasing and how personalised product recommendation motivates the individual toward purchase intention.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; personalised product recommendation; purchase intention; self-determination theory; SDT; cognitive evaluation theory; CET.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049210
    by Mayada M. Aref  
    Abstract: This research empirically examined social commerce intention among Egyptian social network users during COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed model included trust toward social network sites, trust toward social network members, online social support, hedonistic and utilitarian browsing motivation, and the fear of COVID-19. Data, 384 respondents, was collected using an online structured questionnaire. Structural equation modelling was conducted to test the hypotheses and model fit. The role of gender, age, and social media use is studied among different groups. The results confirmed that social network sites’ trust and online social support positively influence social commerce intention. Also, there is a significant indirect relationship between social site members trust, hedonistic motivation, and social commerce intention. The online social support, social commerce intention, and the fear of COVID-19 were higher among females than males. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the diffusion of social commerce in developing countries and proved the significance of digital transformation.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; social commerce; online consumer behaviour; online browsing motivations; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049376
  • The Impact of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on the Individual Use of E-Commerce in Brazil: Evidence of the Digital Divide   Order a copy of this article
    by Gabriel Nery-da-Silva, Raul Afonso Pommer Barbosa, Júlio César Bastos Figueiredo 
    Abstract: E-commerce plays a vital role in the Brazilian economy and people’s lifestyles. To support e-commerce, it is essential to understand the Brazilian internet-user consumers’ characteristics and identify barriers to e-commerce access. Here, we investigated socio-economic and demographic factors correlated with the individual use of e-commerce in Brazil. We developed three logit models to investigate such correlations using a sample from the national survey on ICT use. The results suggest that gender, age, ethnicity, education, income, and area of residence are significantly correlated with the individual use of e-commerce. Overall, the results clearly show that socio-economic attributes are the weightiest factor associated with purchasing online. By comparing our findings with previous studies, we believe that nationality and culture moderate the relationship between gender and online shopping. Finally, the results suggest that the access to technology and digital applications is still disproportional in Brazil, which indicates some degree of digital divide.
    Keywords: online shopping; regional divide; inequality; consumer behaviour; information technology; quantitative analysis; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049394
  • Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology as Predictors of the Adoption of Mobile Campus Application   Order a copy of this article
    by Devesh Kumar, Hotniar Siringoringo 
    Abstract: This study was aimed to understand the determinant of the adoption of mobile application by the students. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) were deployed as determinant of the adoption behaviour. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument in collecting the data from 151 students from a private university in India. The data collected was further analysed using the structural equation modelling (SEM). The study provided evidence that the model developed is suitable in explaining the acceptance of mobile campus applications. Attitude towards using mobile campus applications was the most significant factor influencing behavioural intention. Investigating the adoption of such an emerging application provides academicians a better understanding of important factors, which support acceptance of such applications. The administrators and practitioners are also benefited from this research wherein they also become more aware of the students requirements and needs.
    Keywords: mobile campus application; adoption; UTAUT; behavioural intention; attitude.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049430
  • Factors Influencing Intention to Use a Social Robot for Supporting Childcare: An Empirical Study Among Professional Workers in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Yulita Hanum P. Iskandar  
    Abstract: A social robot is a hypothetical artificial intelligence system which is designed to interact with humans and with other robots This study investigates the main factors influencing the intention to use a social robot among professional workers in Malaysia A total sample of 259 professional workers in Penang, Malaysia participated in this study A quantitative approach was employed using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire, adapted from previous studies The data was analysed using SPSS The results indicated all 12 variables correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with the intention to use a social robot, and, with the exception of attitude, privacy concerns, and legal concerns, inter-correlated significantly (p < 0.01) Stepwise multiple linear regression showed that four variables were the most significant contributors to the intention to use, accounting for 74% of the intention to use variance The results of this study provide useful insights into the variables influencing usage intention of professional.
    Keywords: intention to use; social robot; supporting childcare; professional working parents; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049514
  • The Effectiveness of System Quality, Habit, and Effort Expectation on Library Application Use Intention: The Mediating Role of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Satisfaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Shahla Rezvani, Shahin Heidari, Nasim Roustapisheh, Saeid Dokhanian 
    Abstract: The development of ICT, particularly in the field of wireless and mobile technologies led educational institutions to develop library applications. Therefore, the present study tends to develop a model for predicting the behavioural intention of subjects to use library applications. Participants included 218 students using the mobile library application. Data was collected by using a questionnaire. Data were analysed by partial least squares structural equation modelling using SmartPLS. As the results showed, habit was positively and significantly effective on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Effort expectation was positively and significantly effective on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. System quality was positively and significantly effective on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use was positively and significantly effective on perceivedusefulness, user satisfaction and application use behavioural intention. Perceived usefulness was positively and significantly effective on user satisfaction and application use behavioural intention.
    Keywords: mobile library application; user satisfaction; technology acceptance model; TAM; system quality; habit; effort expectation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049515
    by Endonna Dzandu, Abdulai Mahmoud, Robert Hinson, Kobby Mensah, John Paul Kosiba 
    Abstract: The study investigates the nature of marketing analytics within organisations in Ghana. Utilising a case study strategy, four multinational organisations were purposively sampled. The study finds that marketing analytics is still developing in most organisations and is mainly used for promotion. Major findings showed that the type of organisation and competition were key factors affecting the use of analytics in marketing. Finally, some successes with the use of analytics in marketing include effective tracking of marketing performance and campaigns while some challenges arose from dealing with third party organisations and a lack of employee knowledge with the use of various marketing analytics software/tools. The study recommends that organisations must develop a culture centred on the use of analytics in marketing and train employees to better utilise analytical software/tools.
    Keywords: marketing analytics; analytics; big data; marketing; multinational firms; organisation; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049516
  • Measuring the job satisfaction levels of academic staff in universities by the application of sentiment analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Fatih Çağatay Baz, Büşra Hamal 
    Abstract: In this study, it is aimed to measure the job satisfaction levels of academic staff. This measurement was carried out with the application of sentiment analysis, which is a field of study that determines the emotional pole of written and verbal expressions. The data used in the designed sentiment analysis study were collected through a form consisting of eight questions to measure demographic information and 20 qualitative questions to measure job satisfaction of academic staff, which was prepared by taking expert opinions. In this study, the academic staff working at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University were subjected to evaluation. In the study, the data were analysed through the sentiment analysis software developed with the Python programming language, and as a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the job satisfaction level of the university academic staff was positive.
    Keywords: job satisfaction; sentiment analysis; management information systems; academic staff.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049665
  • Perceived trust as moderator with protection motivation theory to predict generation Z consumers IoT adoption: A case of Dhaka households   Order a copy of this article
    by Arif Mahmud, Mohd Heikal Husin, Mohd Najwadi Yusoff 
    Abstract: Household security systems with internet of things (IoT) capabilities have been widely employed to decrease burglary. Bangladesh has a low level of IoT adoption, on the other side. To promote this adoption, it is critical to identify the factors that influence user acceptability, particularly from the perspective of Dhaka City’s generation Z. As a result, the purpose of this study is to fill a knowledge vacuum by confirming the protection motivation theory using perceived trust as a moderator. Afterward, data were collected through the survey using a purposive sample method, which yielded 370 valid replies. With a variance of 68.3% and 63.3% for intention and attitude, adoption intention is influenced by the attitude which is driven by severity, vulnerability, and response efficacy. Furthermore, the introduction of perceived trust as a moderator enhanced R2 and Q2 by 17% points and 13.6% points, respectively. In addition, perceived trust moderated the relationships severity-attitude negatively and self-efficacy-attitude positively.
    Keywords: burglary; generation Z; internet of things; perceived trust; protection motivation theory; PMT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049736
  • HRIS implementation in apparel manufacturing industry of developing economy: Identification of challenges through qualitative systematic review and bibliographic exploration   Order a copy of this article
    by Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Azmawani Abd Rahman, Shafie Sidek 
    Abstract: Since contemporary research on business information systems has called for human-centred technologies in manufacturing, the time has emanated to identify the implementation challenges of human resource information systems (HRIS) in the apparel industry of developing economies. This qualitative systematic review intends to categorise the implementation dares of HRIS in the garments manufacturing industry of a developing economy. From the top academic databases, a total of 553 research papers published during the period 20012021, were inspected to ascertain the applicable 22 publications using PRISMA flowchart. Using VOSviewer, term co-occurrence network maps were generated. Cross-mapping the terms from bibliographic analyses with concrete insights from detailed qualitative interviews piloted in a developing nation, researchers proposed four themes, i.e., sustainability, cultural, financial, and performance. The findings have revealed that these four are the groups of challenges that are required to be manoeuvred to augment the benefits of HRIS in current settings.
    Keywords: human resource information systems; HRIS; implementation challenges; apparel manufacturing; bibliographic; systematic review; qualitative; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049738
  • Forecasting Gold Price using Particle Swam Optimization and Genetic Algorithm based Artificial Neural Networks   Order a copy of this article
    by Akash Dutt Dubey  
    Abstract: The price prediction of gold plays an important role since it is considered to be one of the most prioritised commodities in investments. The investors consider gold as a hedgerow against the unforeseen event taking place in the stock market which may lead to the chaos. This research paper uses the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) based artificial neural network (ANN) models to predict the gold prices of the market. A case study has been done using the data from Perth Mint of Australia, the official bullion of the country. The performance evaluation has been done using the parameters such as correlation coefficient (R), mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The results obtained from the experiments suggest that while both models perform well for the gold price prediction, PSO based ANN delivers better performance as compared to GA based ANNs.
    Keywords: gold price; artificial neural network; ANN; genetic algorithm; particle swarm optimisation; PSO.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049762
  • Understanding the Determinants of Cloud-Based Electronic Banking System Acceptance in Jordanian Banking Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Bilal Abuata, Ana'm Alsalman 
    Abstract: Recently, cloud banking adoption has globally increased due to restrictions forced by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Despite the benefits of adopting cloud banking services and applications, few studies have been conducted to examine the cloud banking adoption factors in developing countries, especially in Jordan. Therefore, this study proposes a new paradigm by integrating the IS success model and the UTAUT model with two external factors: cloud security and top management support. This research was done using a cross-sectional survey in Jordanian local banks. A total of 137 IT managers and IT staff participated in this study. The IBM SPSS version 23 and the SmartPLS version 2.0 were employed to test the research model. The findings of this research give important insight to decision-makers in Jordanian banks and cloud vendors in developing appropriate strategies to ensure the successful acceptance of cloud banking in Jordan.
    Keywords: cloud banking adoption; cloud-based e-banking system; UTAUT model; IS success model; banking sector; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049763
  • The assessment of users acceptance toward implementing human resource information system (HRIS)   Order a copy of this article
    by Javad Shahreki 
    Abstract: Nowadays, the most strength of any organisation is human resources (HR) section that should be managed perfectly to improve organisational performances. Besides, each organisation requires a comprehensive information system, here as HRIS to provide effective management to achieve organisational goals. Any changes in organisation requirements leads to change in information system and employees’ refusal to change that results some problems for company. Therefore, this study aims to point out influential factors on user acceptance of HRIS system. To do so, a model is proposed, which is a mix of task technology fit (TTF) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. Collection of data has been done through 212 questionnaires that was distributed among HRIS users in manufacturing and service sector companies. This study finding revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition and TTF are influential factors on behavioural intention to implement HRIS. Another finding shows technology characteristics and task characteristics impact on TTF.
    Keywords: human resources HR; information system; electronic human resource management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10049792
  • An Expanded IS Success Model for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Mustafa C. Karacadag, Bulent Erenay 
    Abstract: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems require significant investment in terms of capital, time, and effort by organisations, and success of the information systems post implementation is a critical issue for organisations. This study proposes a comprehensive information system (IS) success model, developed based on the widely used DeLone and McLean IS success framework, in the context of ERP systems. This study identifies three non-technological IS factors, Workforce Quality, Process Quality, and Organisational Quality, to predict the success of ERP systems. A structural equation model was deployed using the data collected from 214 medium and large sized companies which utilised various ERP software in Turkey. The results support the typical IS success factors associated with ERP success, and show that quality of systems, quality of information, and proposed non-technological IS components have significant effects on user satisfaction. Research findings can be used to increase user satisfaction from ERP systems in organisations.
    Keywords: information systems; IS success; enterprise resource planning; ERP; structural equation modelling; SEM; workforce quality; Turkey.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050008
  • Tax Capacity Assessment and Performance: A Within State Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Vishnu Vivek M, Punniyamoorthy Murugesan, V. Lavanya 
    Abstract: Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) is a statistical approach that is used extensively across domains. In this era of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is pressure on government finances as public healthcare expenditure has ballooned. As healthcare is the responsibility of provisional governments or states in many countries, it is imperative to analyse the tax capacity at the local level. The paper analyses the performance of various districts in the Southern Indian State of Kerala, India in the arena of tax capacity leveraging SFA. The study reveals the districts which are performing well as well as the laggards and highlights the tax capacity and inefficiency variables that the district administrations should focus on. The proposed model can be replicated across states in India and regional/provinces across economies worldwide thereby helping provincial administrations to prepare well to face epidemic outbreaks in the future as well.
    Keywords: stochastic frontier analysis; SFA; tax capacity; tax effort; principal component analysis; PCA; gross state domestic product; GSDP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050044
  • Mining Consumers’ Sentiments Toward Halal Cosmetics: A Text Analytics Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ainin Sulaiman, Ali Feizollah, Mohamed Mostafa, Zalina Zakaria 
    Abstract: Although social media plays an important role in mining consumers’ opinions, there is no previous research examining consumers’ sentiments toward halal cosmetics, thus this study examined halal cosmetics tweets. 8,932 halal cosmetics tweets were collected through a custom Python script. To conduct the analysis, a text mining approach was used. Using semantic networks, the study identifies major popular skincare, lipstick and halal nail polish brands. The findings are of great potential importance to companies producing halal cosmetics, as they can provide insights into promoting halal cosmetics brands online. Marketers can also design their advertising campaigns based on positive tweets of users of halal cosmetics. This work contributes to the debate on behaviours of different consumers on social media by examining the sentiments and opinions expressed by them. Additionally, the study expands the literature pertaining to consumers’ sentiment towards shariah based products via social media instead of the normal survey.
    Keywords: cosmetics; halal cosmetics; social media; twitter; sentiment analysis; text analytics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050052
  • Prioritization of critical operational factors and designing a decision making model for attaining supply chain resilience through digitalization   Order a copy of this article
    by DEEPU T. S, Ravi V 
    Abstract: Resilience management based on digitalisation is gaining relevance due to advancements in digital technology and uncertainty in the business environment. Accordingly, this study has prioritised the critical operational factors influencing supply chain resilience through digitalisation. We also propose a decision-making model for selecting the most suitable emerging technology solution for attaining resilience. An analytic hierarchy process integrated technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution built-in with decision-making model method is used in this research. This integrated approach facilitates selecting the emerging technology solution considering the influence of critical operational factors. Fifteen critical operational factors were identified into three major dimensions for effective management. Study’s findings reveal that information sharing capability, risk management capability and technological competency are the most influencing factors. Validation of prioritised critical operational factors is done through case evaluation and verified based on existing literature.
    Keywords: supply chain resilience; SCR; digitalisation; critical operational factors; COFs; decision-making model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050070
  • Exploring the Behavioural Intention to adopt Mobile Payment Service of students: A case study at Private Universities in Da Nang, Viet Nam   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Ky Long Nguyen, Thi My Hanh Le, Thi Hien Le, Phuong Anh Luong Nguyen 
    Abstract: This paper strives to determine the key drivers of students’ behavioural intention of mobile payments adoption to fill the following gaps, aiming to enhance this service’s quality in emerging markets such as Vietnam. First of all, mobile payment adoption is predicted to replace cash payments worldwide, while digital transaction services in developing countries are experiencing difficulty reaching customers since little research in this market has been conducted. In addition, there is a lack of research aimed at potential future customers, such as university students. As a result, a conceptual model is built based on a combination of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT) and the perceived security factor. The data was gathered by a survey of 151 valid respondents from private universities in Da Nang, Vietnam. The result of this paper indicates five factors that positively influence the intention to use mobile payments.
    Keywords: mobile payment services; behavioural intention; students; private university; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050072
  • Barriers in the Adoption of Digital Payment Services: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonia Chawla, Shani Kumar 
    Abstract: The researchers’ interest in the field of digital payment has gained prominence in the previous decades, because of the shift in consumer financial transaction patterns. However, there are just a few review papers accessible on the barriers and challenges related to the adoption of these digital payment services. The current study examines literature from 2007 to 2021 available in the Scopus database that yielded 56 research articles. This research work presents an initial review of main theories, conceptual frameworks, and models used to explain the barriers related to digital payment adoption. Most of these studies in the past have established the dominance of some theories and variables, giving less emphasis to qualitative studies. This study will serve as guidance for the scholars and enquiring minds alike, who will carry on with their research in the area of digital payment services.
    Keywords: systematic literature review; SLR; digital payments; barriers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050075
  • Consumer confusion and its consequential outcome towards online review: The mediated role of emotional ambivalence and cognitive dissonance.   Order a copy of this article
    by P. Sridevi, MANORAJ NATARAJAN, LakshmiNarasimhan Vedanthachari 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to improve our understanding of consumer confusion and its consequences on individual information adoption. Besides giving an idea about various triggers of consumer confusion, this study aims to explore the relationship between different consumer confusions and their reliance on online reviews. The research uses a structural equation modelling approach with 402 valid responses to examine how confusion could lead to pre-purchase cognitive dissonance and emotional ambivalence. Additionally, the study focuses on the mediating role of both pre-purchase cognitive dissonance and emotional ambivalence towards reliance on reviews. The finding shows it is price confusion that dominates reliance on reviews. And both product and price confusion are positively related to emotional ambivalence. Under mediation, emotional ambivalence dominates both the price and product-related confusion towards reliance on reviews. Overall, the framework designed could help digital marketers understand the confusion of online shoppers and their susceptibility towards online reviews.
    Keywords: consumer confusion; price and product confusion; pre-purchase cognitive dissonance; emotional ambivalence; online reviews.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10050227
  • Tourist destinations and Organizational ambidexterity: The South-Asian perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Namrata Nanda, Siddharth Misra, Amiya Bhaumik, Snigdha Mohapatra 
    Abstract: National authorities and destination management organisations (DMOs) play a key role in helping to regenerate tourism post pandemic. They are faced with the choice of strengthening tourism circumstances with relatively safe, familiar and reliable measures, or adopting more risky, lesser attempted and unknown alternatives. This decision can be represented as the exploitative as well as explorative elements of the strategic theoretical model of organisational ambidexterity, respectively (OA). This geographical focus offers a conceptual understanding of the dynamics through the perspective of OA. It concentrates on India’s unique case in the backdrop of the South Asia. With respect to tourist destinations, a variety of OA consequences have been reported. This emphasises the need for reduced division and seclusion between tourists and native inhabitants, as well as for DMOs to adopt more exploitative-exploitative stances. In regards to the broader impact, it may be claimed that the discussion from the case of India could rather offer more insights to other South Asian nations.
    Keywords: organisational ambidexterity; pandemic; destination management; tourist destination; South Asia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050233
  • Career Development, Organizational Culture, and Employee Outcome: Towards a contextual model   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarawut Pathomphatthaphan, Simanchala Das, Keytapark Virat 
    Abstract: The present study proposes a conceptual model to understand the relationship between career development and employee outcome mediated by organisational culture. A structured questionnaire was administered to 278 participants employed in different industrial sectors in India. The proposed model was validated empirically by using the PLS-SEM. The result indicates a direct link between career development and organisational culture and the subsequent impact on employee outcomes. Furthermore, with respect to career development and employee outcomes, an indirect link indicating the full mediating effect of organisational culture is determined. The study has an implication for HR managers. The present findings underscore the importance of organisational culture specifically in job satisfaction and employee engagement in Indian organisational settings.
    Keywords: career development; employee engagement; employee outcome; HRM practice; job satisfaction; organisational culture.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050371
  • Facial Business Sense For University Contactless Attendance Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Ng Joseph 
    Abstract: The participation framework in universities at present use globally is generally using legacy manual-based and is not successful in recording participation since individuals can adjust or manipulate the information without any problem. With present-day camera innovation, the participation framework ought to utilise a facial acknowledgement framework while recording participation. From the blended mode research, it presumed that college understudies have concurred that conventional participation is a problem just to confirm their participation in the study hall due to the enormous class size, subsequently, this framework intends to tackle issues like unwavering quality, forestall no-shows and further develop the time taken while gauging participation. The framework is involving a facial acknowledgement participation calculation in this framework. The exploration of this research shows the advantages of transforming into a facial discovery participation framework in an academic environment. The facial identification method towards another norm for participation in university since it is quicker and more successful to record learner participation.
    Keywords: attendance system; facial recognition; facial recognition algorithm; wireless attendance system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050452
  • Capability diamond   Order a copy of this article
    by Mikko Hirvonen 
    Abstract: This paper presents a new model and a model-based application process to support the design of information technology (IT) investments with complementarities to develop business need-based IT-enabled operational capabilities. The research contributes primarily to the IT business value (ITBV) literature and particularly to the discussion of system variables, their relationships, and complementary investments. The
    Keywords: IT investment; investment design; complementary investments; resource-based view; RBV; IT business value research; ITBV; systems theory; system variables; systemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050489
  • Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Evaluate Investment Opportunities Intended to Vitalize Crowdfunding   Order a copy of this article
    by Heon Baek, Eui-bang Lee 
    Abstract: This study focuses on equity crowdfunding related research, which is becoming more important along with its rapid spread. By integrating studies on venture capital investment decision, we propose a research model that conjoins VC investment decision criteria. We used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to develop two research models that identify the ways in which decision criteria are prioritised. Through these findings, this study offers timely insights into the development of equity crowdfunding. The results also demonstrate the need for integrative decision criteria for not only investors, but also investees, to determine the suitability of particular investments.
    Keywords: analytical hierarchy process; fintech; crowdfunding; evaluate investment opportunities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050525
  • Quality of Electronic Design Automation Tools   Order a copy of this article
    by Nikolaos Georgoulopoulos, Leonidas Hatzithomas, Christina Boutsouki 
    Abstract: Electronic design automation (EDA) tools’ success constitutes a critical element for the enterprises whose main activity is electronic system design, such as integrated circuits or printed circuit boards. Like any other type of information system (IS), EDA tools’ success is mostly based on the quality of information, system, and service, as well as user’s satisfaction. In the present study, the level of EDA tools’ user satisfaction is studied in association with the levels of EDA tools’ information quality, system quality and service quality. To this end, 305 users of EDA tools, who work either in educational
    Keywords: information quality; user satisfaction; EDA tools; service quality; system quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050530
  • Advertising and pricing strategies in online video platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Jinting Huang, Biao Xu, Xiangbin Yan 
    Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of online video industries enables many retailers, such as Oreo and M&M, to advertise in the video platforms (e.g., YouTube, Netflix) for attracting more potential consumers. In this paper, we propose a theoretical model to study the optimal pricing strategies for a video platform and a retailer. We derive the equilibrium pricing and advertising decisions and analyse the impacts of consumers’ preference, advertising fill rate and advertising fee on the equilibrium results. We find that a lower retailed product price and a higher VIP membership price contribute to higher profits. For the video platform, a nonlinear advertising fee function generates a higher profit to the retailer than a linear advertising fee function does.
    Keywords: video platform; VIP membership; advertising strategy; pricing strategy; advertising fill rate; advertising fee function.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10050677
  • Decision Support System with Business Intelligence for Thermal Power Plants   Order a copy of this article
    by Kleyton Cotta, Angelo Cordeiro, Camila Batista, Flavio Junior, Rodrigo Almeida, Carlos Araujo 
    Abstract: In this study, the development of a business intelligence (BI) application for a thermoelectric power plant is discussed. BI is a broad concept that can be applied in many different sectors. Most of the operation data is generated and evaluated in a very short time frame in a power plant, which can encumber the interpretation of power plant operations if analysing a larger time frame. The main idea for this application is to unify high-level overviews of variables from the energy production process, focusing on comparing real to optimised data, in order to better evaluate the difference between operation and the suggested optimisation. The main sources of information are power, consumption (of fuel), cost (of consumption), hours (of operation), and engines health indexes. The real data is extracted from physical sensors existent in each power generating unit, whilst the suggested optimised data is generated from models developed in research and development projects at the power plant. The application dashboards and datasets were entirely developed using Microsoft’s Power BI Desktop, later being published online and shared among the company’s decision-makers.
    Keywords: business intelligence; data analytics; decision support systems; thermal power plants; TPPs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051141
  • Visualization of Global Research Trends and Future Research Directions of Artificial Intelligence Research in Supply Chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Mr. Rubel, Bijay Kushwaha, Gagandeep Kaur 
    Abstract: The paper aims to investigate the global trends and future research directions of artificial intelligence (AI) in the supply chain. A bibliometric analysis technique was used to get a comprehensive understanding of research progressions, top-cited articles, authors, and co-citations, top contributing countries and institutions towards the discipline of AI in supply chain. The bibliographies data of 317 documents published on AI in supply chain research was extracted from the Scopus database. The results suggest that the most productive year was 2021, and the author is Foropon, C. The most influential author is Antoniou, G., the institution is the Univ. of Huddersfield, and the country is the UK. Furthermore, seven thematic clusters were identified and further evaluated in the article. It informs and directs researchers on the current state of study in the field of AI literature in supply chain research. It also outlines future research directions in this field.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; artificial intelligence; co-citations analysis; co-occurrence analysis; supply chain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051236
  • Integrating management accounting into information systems: a holistic essay on a manufacturer for the automotive industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Joaquim Leite, Paulo Neto 
    Abstract: This study aimed to test time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) on a manufacturer for the automotive industry to verify the most relevant advantages and disadvantages for integration into information systems. A holistic single case study method was used, involving a single Portuguese company that produces components for the automotive industry. Data was collected from a multiple source of evidence: participant observation and documents. To analyse data, an inductive procedure was used in an analytic and descriptive manner. Regarding the results, the most relevant advantage identified was being able to contribute to the improvement of efficiency in the use of resources/capacity and the disadvantage that proved to be the most relevant was being dependent on the integration into information systems. This study is useful for practitioners and serves academic reflection on whether certain advantages and disadvantages of costing methods have different relevance to design their subsequent integration into management systems.
    Keywords: time-driven activity-based costing; TDABC; management accounting; information systems; automotive industry; holistic single case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051365
  • Evaluating visitors’ sentiment towards wellness resorts: Insights from an emerging market   Order a copy of this article
    by Dibya Nandan Mishra, Rajeev Kumar Panda, Kishalay Adhikari 
    Abstract: Public awareness of the benefits of wellness care and the mushrooming of wellness care centres in India creates a scope for analysing the important factors to build customer relationships. The present research makes a novel contribution by empirically evaluating and prioritising the antecedents of visitor relationship quality in the context of Indian wellness resorts and hotels. An n-gram lexical TF-IDF vectoriser method is used to find the sentiment of the reviews shared by the visitors of the wellness resorts. The RIDIT and GRA methods were then applied to rank the antecedents of therapist-visitor relationship quality. Likeability is the most important antecedent followed by customer orientation, expertise, sociability and similarity. The findings of this research can aid the hospitality managers to devise targeted and customised strategies to enhance overall service experience and build enduring customer relationships by offering offer high end services, thereby adding novelty to the research.
    Keywords: wellness resorts; customer relationship quality; sentiment analysis; RIDIT analysis; grey relational analysis; GRA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051488
  • Revaluating TAM theory in consumer’s acceptance of technology based banking services: A Study in Indian Context   Order a copy of this article
    by Kamaleswar20222 Boro 
    Abstract: The study examines the influence of relative advantage and perceived risk on perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PUs). The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been modified to study the moderating effect of facilitating conditions on the relationship between perceived ease of use and behavioural intention. The study findings reveal that perceived risk, and relative advantage significantly influence perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, considered antecedents of Davis’ technology acceptance. It was also found that facilitating conditions moderate the relationship between perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to accept technology. Technology acceptance model is thus effective in predicting technology acceptance behavioural intention but calls for the need to incorporate more external variables that impact the antecedents PU and PEOU to provide more explanatory power.
    Keywords: technology acceptance model; perceived ease of use; perceived usefulness; relative advantage; facilitating condition; perceived risk; technology in banking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051638
  • Impact of Self-Schema Congruity in Charity Website Design   Order a copy of this article
    by Jinwoong Lee, Dong-Heon Kwak, DEBORAH ERDOS KNAPP, Alan Brandyberry 
    Abstract: Effectively designed websites can positively enhance the donors’ perceptions to facilitate online donation. Drawing on self-schema congruity theory, this study examines the impact of self-schema congruity (SC) in the context of charity website design. This study hypothesises that SC increases perceived social presence, perceived appeal relevance, and intention to use a charity website for donation purposes. We further hypothesise that perceived social presence and perceived appeal relevance increase intention to use. To validate SC and test the research hypotheses, we conducted two experiments. The results of structural equation modelling support our hypotheses. Several theoretical and practical contributions are discussed.
    Keywords: self-schema congruity; perceived social presence; perceived appeal relevance; use intention; charity websites; online donations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051935
    by Parvathy V, D. Durairaj 
    Abstract: After the pandemic, the usage of digital payment platforms has been increased, in India digital platforms which is available for transactions are digital wallets, RTGS/NIFT, immediate payment systems, etc. Third-party applications providers are also frequently used by Indians such as Google Pay, Paytm, BHIM, and Mobikwik because it is easy to carry the transaction, touch and tap are enough to complete the successful transaction, now we have to think about the visually challenged users. yes, they are also using the smartphone as like a sighted person with the support of a talkback facility, visually challenged users are also slowly adopting the digital platform since it is time savings and low cost. In this study, the researcher found that visually impaired users prefer to use Google Pay for instant money transfers, technical and third-party service is the direct influencing factor that triggers them to use this digital platform.
    Keywords: digital payment; visually impaired users; third-party application providers; TPAP; technical services; third-party services; talkback.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052041
  • Investigating the role of diffusion of innovation theory (DOI) in determining citizen’s intention towards adoption of e-government services   Order a copy of this article
    by SAMAR RAHI, Babar Hussain, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, Sana Kiran, Mazuri Abd Ghani 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine citizen’s behaviour toward adoption and usage of e-government services in Pakistan. This study underpinned factors such as compatibility, innovativeness, computer self-efficacy, trust on government and trust on the internet to investigate citizen’s intention to adopt e-govt. services. The research model is further extended with actual usage of electronic-government services and degree of openness. The degree of openness has conceptualised as moderating variable between citizen intention to adopt e-government services and actual usage of electronic-government services. Sample size of this study was 368 and responses were collected from Pakistani citizens. Findings suggest that all outlined factors have significant impact on intention to adopt of e-government service. In addition to that the mediating effect of citizen’s intention to adopt e-government services was also confirmed among compatibility, innovation, computer self-efficacy, trust on the government, trust on the internet and actual usage of e-government services.
    Keywords: compatibility; innovation; computer self-efficacy; trust on government; trust on internet; intention to adopt; actual usage; degree of openness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052169
  • Determinants of Tax E-filing System Acceptance and the Moderating Role of Perceived Convenience among Tax Preparers in Nigeria.   Order a copy of this article
    by Saliza Abdul Aziz, Raja Haslinda Raja Mohd Ali, Murtala Zakari 
    Abstract: The aim of this research is to examine the determinants of tax e-filing system acceptance (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions). This study extended the UTAUT model with an additional variable of perceived convenience (PC) as a moderator to address the peculiarity of the Nigerian context. The proposed model was tested empirically through a quantitative study. Data was collected via self-administered survey from tax preparers in Nigeria. A total of 359 valid questionnaires were analysed using PLS-SEM. Findings show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions significantly influence behavioural intention to adopt tax e-filing. Additionally, with PC, the relationships were stronger. Implications for practice, limitations, and future research direction were highlighted.
    Keywords: tax e-filing; system acceptance; tax preparers; unified theory of acceptance and use of technology; UTAUT; performance expectancy; effort expectancy; social influence; facilitating conditions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052233
  • Firm-specific Characteristics’ Effect on Cash Holdings and Dividends Payout: Evidence from Simultaneous Equation Modeling   Order a copy of this article
    by Isam Saleh, MALIK A.B.U. AFIFA, Maha Ayoush, Fares Alsufy, Samer Abosabha, Nissrat Khoshnaw 
    Abstract: This study aims to conduct a simultaneous investigation into firm-specific characteristics of cash holdings and dividends payout using panel data analysis. This study uses simultaneous modelling using the GMM regression model performed for non-financial firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) between 2012 and 2019, with 736 observations for each variable. The results show that the previous year’s cash holdings, investment opportunities, profitability proxied by ROA and firm size positively and significantly affect the cash holdings, while the dividends payout and leverage are negative with a significant effect. Additionally, the findings of the second dynamic behaviour model show that for the previous year’s dividends, the leverage and cash holdings negatively and significantly affect dividends payout. However, investment opportunities, ROA, and firm size positively and significantly affect dividends payout. Finally, scholars, investors, and other decision-makers can use these results to better understand the firm-specific characteristics of cash holdings and dividends payout.
    Keywords: firm characteristics; cash holdings; dividends; simultaneous modelling; Jordanian market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052259
  • Adoption of Social Commerce in Indian SMEs: A TOE Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Manish Mohan Baral, SUBHODEEP MUKHERJEE, Ramji Nagariya, Sudhir Rana, Venkataiah Chittipaka, Bhaswati Jana 
    Abstract: Social commerce has become a critical hub for sourcing products and connecting with clients to have a competitive benefit in the market. The current research aims to identify and evaluate the factors impacting social commerce espousal in Indian small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). The technology-organisation-environment (TOE) framework is utilised to test the model and the proposed hypotheses. The data was collected from Indian SMEs. Analysis was carried out in SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 22.0. The validity parameters like convergent and divergent validity were found within the threshold for providing the empirical evidence. The findings show that technology, organisation, and environment impact the social commerce adoption in Indian SMEs, and therefore, can increase the efficiency of Indian SMEs. The study can help the managers in identifying the factors that affect the social commerce adoption in SMEs and thus will enable them to leverage the SMEs to their full potential.
    Keywords: social commerce; technology-organisation-environment; TOE; structural equation modelling; SEM; small and medium size enterprises; SMEs; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052376
  • The impact of Government Cybersecurity Efforts on the Willingness of Consumers to Disclose Personal Information   Order a copy of this article
    by Victoria Kisekka, Mohamed Abdelhamid 
    Abstract: Government involvement in cybersecurity defence continues to grow, however, the impact of such efforts on e-services use is not well understood. We draw on the privacy calculus model to examine differences in consumers’ information disclosure decisions across three types of e-services, while also adding the perspective of government cybersecurity preparedness efforts. A scenario design was used to test the hypothesised model for government e-services and non-government e-services. Overall, the results demonstrate that willingness to disclose personal information on e-services websites varies by type of service. Our findings show that government efforts for protecting internet resources motivate individuals to share personal information in exchange for e-services. We determined that government cybersecurity strategies offer the greatest benefit to the public sector, compared to the private sector. Also, consumer awareness and knowledge of government programs for reducing internet threats are essential for promoting positive attitudes towards information disclosure on e-services websites.
    Keywords: e-government; cybersecurity preparedness; privacy calculus; e-services.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052448
  • Implementation Strategies for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates   Order a copy of this article
    by Nizar Alsharari 
    Abstract: This study aims to explain ERP implementation in the banking industry. It also discusses implementation strategies for ERP system and determines factors influencing the choice of ERP implementation strategies. This study uses qualitative research and a case study approach. The findings of this study show that the key success strategies of the implementation of Enterprise resource planning systems were the selection of a project leader, data migration, formation of an operational level project team, costs and benefits analysis, proposal and cost analysis of different ERP systems. The findings also conclude that the implementation methodology of the ERP system consists of five stages: design, implementation, institutionalisation, continuous improvement, and transformation.
    Keywords: implementation strategies; ERP; banking; industry; case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052531
  • The main drivers of investment decision in the Malaysian stock exchange market: A PLS-SEM Based Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Amina Omrane, Shahab Aziz 
    Abstract: As movements in the stock market have a considerable influence on the economic development and individual investors’ behaviours; it is critical to pinpoint the main factors that may affect investors’ decisions and their readiness (predisposition) to invest in the stock market. This paper deals with three key variables, i.e., perceived expected returns, herding behaviour, and perceived trust, and aims at examining their overall impacts on investor’s attitudes towards investing in the stock market. The data were collected from a total number of 250 valid questionnaires administrated to Bursa Malaysian retail investors in 2019. They were subsequently analysed via the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach. The overall findings revealed that investors’ attitude towards information search mediates the relationship between three main independent variables, (i.e., perceived expected returns, herding behaviour, and perceived trust) and their investment decision. The implications of these results assist stakeholders in recognising the factors that are essential for investors’ decision to invest in the stock market.
    Keywords: perceived returns; perceived trust; attitude towards information search; herding behaviour; investment decision; Malaysian stock market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052561
  • Consumer sentiment analysis of green product, purchase and consumption pattern: A Comparative Phased Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhishek Tripathi, Tripti Singh, Yatish Joshi 
    Abstract: Environmental degradation has alarmed society and humanity as a whole, thus creating a need, to take action for sustaining the resources. Green Purchasing and consumption is an integral aspect of sustainability that reduces the impact of individuals, stakeholders, and institutions on the environment. The covid pandemic caused by SARS-COV-2 has adversely impacted the life and wellbeing of the individual. The primary concern of the present research is the transition in consumer perception about green purchasing and green products. During such a challenging situation, it is important to assess the consumer's perception about green products, and green purchase behavior and finally to suggest policies so that organizations can orient themselves to promote green products.
    Keywords: Consumer Sentiments Green Purchasing Green Products Sustainable Consumption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052700
  • E-commerce adoption: A comparative Analysis of Manufacturing and Services in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Pawan Kumar, Harpreet Kaur, Rajesh Verma 
    Abstract: E-commerce has altered the traditional brick and mortar business into online business and there are loads of hit stories concerning the growth and expansion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through e-commerce adoption. This paper finds the causes of low adoption of e-commerce in the MSMEs of Punjab. Further the objective was to do comparative analysis of the adoption factors of e-commerce of manufacturing and services MSMEs. Out of the sample size of 384 MSMEs, 163 enterprises were selected from the manufacturing sector and 221 from the Services sector. The key business sectors investigated were hosiery, readymade garments, textile, machine and hand tools, chemical industries, cycle and cycle parts, repair, trade, transport, financial services, etc. Mann-Whitney U test was applied to compare the determinants of e-commerce adoption of the manufacturing and services enterprises. It was found that there was no significant difference between the influencing factors between them.
    Keywords: micro small and medium enterprises; technology adoption; information and communication technology; e-commerce; diffusion of innovation; technology-organisation-environment model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052746
  • Mobile banking: A Bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Barun Srivastava, VINAY KANDPAL 
    Abstract: There are numerous studies on the adoption and diffusion of mobile banking; however, there are no studies that map the vast literature on the same. Hence, the present study deals with the bibliometric analysis of mobile banking. Bibliometric analysis of the dataset related to mobile banking was performed on a sample of 459 documents based on a search conducted on the Scopus database. A web-based application Biblioshiny, part of the Bibliometrix package based on R-language, was used. The application software identified important articles, journals, authors, countries, and themes, and citation, co-citation, and network analysis. Results of the study revealed that, initially, research was focused on the concept of mobile banking and adoption and has moved towards financial inclusion and developing countries. The study shows the conceptual and social structure of the field and delivers important insights into the area.
    Keywords: mobile banking; m-banking; bibliometric analysis; Bibliometrix.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052771
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Efficiency Improvement in IT sector.   Order a copy of this article
    by Prasad Babu P, Vasumathi Arumugam 
    Abstract: The purpose of the research is to study the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on improving project efficiency. The researchers have used the technology-organisation-environment (TOE) and resource-based view (RBV) framework to study the impact of artificial intelligence on project efficiency. The constructs of AI such as automation, adoption and augmentation and the project efficiency constructs as time, cost, quality and scope are studied and also found the relationship between the constructs of AI and project efficiency. A survey was employed to collect the data from 75 IT employees of top 3 IT companies according to NASSCOM report 2022. The researchers found that the age and their response towards AI automation have significant difference. The researchers have found that the IT companies employee’s efficiency mainly depends on time, quality and scope which in turn reduce costs. This study also reveals that the good work environment mainly depends on automation. From the analysis, it is evident that there is a positive correlation between the adoption of AI and project efficiency.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; automation; adoption; project efficiency; PE; time; cost; quality and scope; Q&S; IT sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052847
  • E-wallet continuance of use: Sequential mediation in Technology Continuance Theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Aznida Wati Abdul Ghani, Hafaz Ngah, Azizul Yadi Yaakop 
    Abstract: As a result of the rapid changes in a borderless and contactless environment, the study of e-wallet behaviour has sparked interest among scholars in recent years. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate e-wallet users’ intention of continuance usage by incorporating social context (social presence and bandwagon effect) and perceived security using the technology continuance theory. Insights were provided into the mediating impacts of satisfaction and attitude on the relationship between perceived security and continuance usage intention. Self-administered data collection was conducted on 550 respondents in Malaysia using a structured questionnaire. Furthermore, the purposive non-probability sampling approach was employed for the selection of participants. Subsequently, a total of 435 responses were collected and analysed using SmartPLS version 3.3.5. As a result, positive relationships were recorded between social presence and attitude with continued usage intention, although the hypotheses related to satisfaction and the bandwagon effect were unsupported. The findings also showed the relationship between perceived security and continuance usage intention, which was mediated sequentially by satisfaction and attitude. Overall, the findings offered useful information to all stakeholders in Malaysia’s Fin-Tech industry, particularly in the e-wallet community.
    Keywords: e-wallet; mobile wallet; technology continuance theory; TCT; intention to continue use; cashless society; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052873
  • Enabling One-Phase Commit Protocol for Web Service Atomic Transaction   Order a copy of this article
    by Chirag Rana, Karthikeyan Umapathy, Asai Asaithambi, Lakshmi Goel 
    Abstract: Web service atomic transactions (WS-AT) specification supports two-phase commit (2PC) protocol in a short-lived transaction. However, not all business process scenarios require a 2PC; in that case, just a one-phase commit (1PC) would be sufficient. Unfortunately, WS-AT does not support 1PC optimisation. The ideal scenario where 1PC can be used instead of 2PC is when there is only a single participant. Short-lived transactions involving only one participant can commit without requiring an initial
    Keywords: web services; web services communication protocols; application services and standards.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10052926
  • The Impact of Online Presence Development (OPD) on the Relationship between Company Characteristics and Internet Corporate Reporting (ICR): A PLS-SEM Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Harmandeep Singh 
    Abstract: The study aims to explore the relationship between a companys characteristics and reporting via its website, based on the top 183 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). It validates the evidence for the role of online presence development (OPD) as a mediator in the relationship between these companies characteristics and internet corporate reporting (ICR). The papers proposed model relates four constructs (firm size, profitability, leverage and governance structure) to identify a companys reporting strategy. The research model has been evaluated using partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The studys findings show that a companys online presence is just as essential as its attributes in influencing its online information transparency and mediating the relationship between a firms size, governance structure and ICR. The study offers companies a new perspective for building a strong online presence to enhance their image, retain their current investors and attract potential ones. The findings also have implications for regulatory bodies, which need to strengthen corporate governance norms for a companys website to assure the accuracy and creditability of the information provided through the websites.
    Keywords: voluntary disclosure; internet corporate reporting; ICR; website accessibility; web visibility; PLS model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10053026
  • Modelling green technology adoption in a developing country: The application of an extended theory of reasoned action   Order a copy of this article
    by Razib Chandra Chanda, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh, Haniruzila Hanifah, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Karpal Singh Dara Singh 
    Abstract: This study investigates the factors influencing consumers’ behavioural intention toward using green technology. Purposive sampling was utilised to obtain 369 data employing a quantitative research strategy. The findings unveil that environmental knowledge impacts customers’ environmental concern. Besides, environmental concern has a significant effect on attitude towards green technology. While environmental knowledge does not significantly affect attitude towards green technology; green trust, attitude, and subjective norms positively and significantly influence intention to adopt green technology. Conversely, perceived consumer effectiveness does not affect intention to adopt green technology. The study also found that attitude towards green technology mediates the effect between environmental concern and intention to adopt green technology. However, attitude towards green technology does not mediate the relationship between environmental knowledge and intention to adopt green technology.
    Keywords: green technology adoption; environmental knowledge; environmental concern; theory of reasoned action; TRA; green trust; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053381
  • The Relative Importance of Usability and Functionality Factors for the Users of Building Information Modeling Software Packages   Order a copy of this article
    by Ayse Elvan Bayraktaroglu, Uzeyfe Kilicgil, Fethi Calisir, Esin Ergen Pehlevan 
    Abstract: BIM has been attracting attention in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries as a useful tool to prevent poor productivity, which has been a prevalent issue in these sectors. However, there are still some barriers to the faster adoption of BIM software. Functionality and usability are two critical factors affecting information systems’ acceptability by the users. This study aims to determine the interrelationships among the usability and functionality factors in the context of BIM software. For this purpose, two BIM software packages, Autodesk Revit and Allplan Architecture have been selected and evaluated. According to the relative importance preferences of end-users of these BIM software packages, functionality and usability are equally important for BIM software designs. The most critical factors are memorability and customer support/services, followed by customisability, ease of use, and learnability.
    Keywords: usability; functionality; building information modeling; BIM; analytic network process; ANP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10053394
  • Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in Marketing: A Bibliometric Review and Scientific Mapping   Order a copy of this article
    by Abu Bashar, Shalini Singh 
    Abstract: Technological implication is peremptorily increasing in the field of marketing to operate the marketing functions more competently. Disruptive technologies such as the internet of things, big data analytics, blockchain, and artificial intelligence have changed the ways businesses operate. The marketing applications are campaigns needed to technologically advanced and innovative to sustain this disruption. This study attempts to unveil the adoption of disruptive technologies in marketing from the relevant literature using bibliometric analysis. Scopus data has been retrieved to review the adoption of disruptive technologies that has been filtered to 1,134 research articles during the span of 2002
    Keywords: disruptive technologies; artificial intelligence; AI; machine learning; ML; deep learning; digital marketing; bibliometric analysis; co-citation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053518
  • The responsibility and impacts of sociological institutional theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarfraz Hussain, Shikha Sharma, Jose Luis, Sivakumaran Chandrasekaran 
    Abstract: According to popular belief, each organisation is distinct in its operations and organisational behaviour. However, we see how firms, particularly those in the same field, are becoming increasingly similar. The institutional theory of organisation, founded primarily as a critique of contingency theory, favours idiosyncratic organisations, explains this phenomenon. We used neo-institutional theory concepts to try to show that institutional volunteer leaders widely accept institutional isomorphism as a way to explain this phenomenon. Our findings show that this isomorphism affects sports organisations on multiple levels during the process of professionalisation. According to our findings, the organisation uses entrepreneurial management and operating tools and develops structural strategies for expanding its services and inventing its goods. Financial empowerment can only occur if organisations increase their financial resources. The hiring of volunteers who have been better trained and adapted to new requirements enables this isomorphism.
    Keywords: institutional theory; mimetic isomorphism; firm performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053549
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Post-Implementation Success in the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Organisational Culture   Order a copy of this article
    by Eric Ansong, Nii Barnor Jonathan Barnor, Florence Odarkor Entsua-Mensah, Lenin Commodore 
    Abstract: This study examines how organisational culture mediates the success factors of enterprise resource planning (ERP) post-implementation in the public sector. It focuses on the Cocoa Marketing Company (CMC) in Ghana, using the survey research design to develop and test hypotheses. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used for data analysis, and it was found that top management support and organisational cooperation influenced CMC’s ERP post-implementation success. Additionally, organisational culture mediated the relationship between top management support and ERP post-implementation success. The study has implications for future research, policy and practice which are also discussed. This study is potentially the first to investigate the role of culture in mediating post-implementation ERP critical factors within the agriculture sector of an emerging economy.
    Keywords: enterprise resource planning systems; cocoa sector; digitalisation; organisational culture; developing economy; agriculture; post implementation success.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053613
  • Is It Written in The Stars A Congruence Examination and Empirical Investigation of the Components of an Online Consumer Review Mechanism   Order a copy of this article
    by Anoop George, Sebastian Joy Panattil, Sreejith PM, Manu Melwin Joy 
    Abstract: Prior research has revealed significant variation in consumer understanding and application of the OCR components, but little research has been done to understand which attribute of the OCR represents the incongruence and congruence. As a result, the credibility and e-trust in the review method are significant worries because they are related factors that can generate revenue for the business. In Study 1, sentiment analysis of 91,200 reviews was performed by applying the ELM and Python to verify the congruence of OCR components. The second study empirically examines how credibility and e-trust in OCR components affect consumers’ behavioural intentions to use the same by extending TPB on 447 responses with Smart PLS. Study 1 revealed a considerable deviation in the alignment of neutral evaluations. The outcomes of Study 2 revealed a strong positive impact of credibility and e-trust on consumers’ behavioural intentions to use OCR components.
    Keywords: online consumer review; OCR; gamification; star rating; e-trust; electronic trust; credibility; e-commerce; electronic commerce; congruence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053680
  • People Analytics and Research Landscape: A Bibliometric Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Neha Suri, Pooja Lakhanpal 
    Abstract: This study seeks to elucidate the research landscape in the area of People Analytics with the purpose to understand the current state of research in the area and identifying spaces for future research in the domain. This study employs PRISMA as the basis for the identification, selection, analysis, and reporting of the relevant literature. The literature so identified is analysed using bibliometrics. The findings of the study shed light on
    Keywords: people management; analytics; bibliometrics; PRISMA; research landscape.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053684
  • Deciphering the role of diffusion of innovation theory and task technology fit model towards adoption of internet of things   Order a copy of this article
    by Adel Al Youbi  
    Abstract: There is a mutual consensus among practitioners and academician that internet of things create competitive advantages for organisations. Nevertheless, adoption of IOT is still big challenge in manufacturing firms due to complex nature of technology. The current research aims to identify factors which influence employee behaviour to adopt internet of things. The research model of this study comprises factors underpinned diffusion of innovation theory and task technology fit model to investigate employee behaviour towards adoption of internet of things. Data were collected from 282 employees working in manufacturing firms. Results revealed that altogether task technology fit, compatibility, innovativeness, communication capabilities and results demonstrability explained large variance R2 52% in adoption of internet of things. Findings suggest that firm performance could be achieved through innovativeness, complexity reduction and result demonstrability. This study is unique as integrates task technology fit model and diffusion and innovation theory and enrich information system literature.
    Keywords: internet of things; IOT; task technology fit; diffusion of innovation theory; complexity reduction; results demonstrability; COVID-19 crisis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10053849
  • Re-visiting the efficacy of Neural Networks in Detecting Accrual and Real Earnings Management   Order a copy of this article
    by Aprajita Pandey, Prakash Singh, Jamini Kanta Pattanayak 
    Abstract: Earnings management practices by firms to conceal their actual financial performance have always been a matter of concern for industry and academia Therefore, over some time researchers have developed various models for the timely detection of earnings management practices However, the efficiency of such models has been frequently challenged in numerous studies One possible reason given in the literature for the ineffectiveness of these models is the assumption of the linear relationship between the variables used in the model Against this backdrop, the present study explores Neural Network based methods to model earnings management practices, which drops the assumption of linearity The objective of the current work is to investigate that, while detecting earnings management, do neural network-based models show better results as compared to traditional linear regression models in A Linear Regression (LR) model was compared with three neural networks i e Multi-layer perceptron (MLP), self-organizing map (SOM), and
    Keywords: Accrual earnings management; Real earnings management; Neural network; Linear regression model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054067
  • 'I Often Get Tempted......To Use Mobile Food Apps': Understanding the Perceived Utility Of Mobile Food Apps   Order a copy of this article
    by Santanu Mandal, Radhika R, Swetha Sunil Kumar, Payel Das 
    Abstract: Our study explored the role of mobile attachment, facilitating conditions, social influence, time saving, price saving and food quality concern in the development of perceived ease of use and usefulness of mobile food apps. Furthermore, the impact of ease of use and usefulness of mobile food apps on behavioral intentions are also explored. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect and validate the proposed association. Data were collected from 172 individuals who frequently use mobile food apps to order food and were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings suggests a prominent role of mobile attachment, facilitating conditions, social influence, time saving, price saving and food quality concern in the development of perceived usefulness and ease of use of mobile food apps. Furthermore, the ease of use and usefulness of mobile food apps also positively influence recommend intentions and intention to use new apps.
    Keywords: mobile attachment; perceived ease of use; usefulness; food apps; behavioral intentions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10055217
  • Examining consumer behavior towards continuance use of Mobile shopping Apps with the integration of expectation confirmation theory, and flow theory   Order a copy of this article
    by SAMAR RAHI, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, Mehwish Ishtiaq, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Ahmed Muneeb Mehta 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research work is to investigate consumer behavior towards continuance use of m-shopping applications. The current research comprises sample of 401 users working in education sector. The research model is evaluated by applying structural equation modeling. Findings revealed that expectation confirmation theory, brand-awareness facets and flow theory are positively associated to user satisfaction. Similarly, the user satisfaction is positively associated to the continuance intention to use m-shopping apps. This research has revealed substantial explanatory power of 82.6% towards continue use of m-shopping applications. Furthermore, analysis of the importance performance matrix shows that satisfaction and expectation-confirmation are the most essential elements in determining user intentions to continue using m-shopping apps. This research is unique as it combines factors underpinned flow theory, brand facets and expectation confirmation model to investigate user continuance behavior to use m-shopping apps.
    Keywords: Flow theory; Expectation-confirmation model; Brand-awareness facets; Continuance intentions; Consumer behavior; User satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10054118
  • Analysis of Ergonomics Experience for the State-owned PRR Sign Information System Using UCD and UEQ Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Batara Parada Siahaan, Anna Sulastri Simanjuntak, Vetra Febriyanti Tampubolon, Pande Raja Hutagaol 
    Abstract: PRR is a government-owned company that offers information technology solutions such as e-authentication, e-identity, e-payment, data centres, and other IT services. One of the products, branded "PRR Sign System," became the focal point of this research object evaluation. The PRR Sign application is designed to deliver digital signatures to end users. Unfortunately, PRR Sign System clients have observed that specific components of the application's user interface may obstruct the user experience. Thus, this study aims to redesign the user interface using user-centered design (UCD). In addition, this study used a User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) with 25 respondents to analyze the user experience. Following the criteria in this study, our design review results indicated that attractiveness, clarity, efficiency, accuracy, stimulation, and innovation are all acceptable. In conclusion, our prototyping process and UEQ analysis are adequate, and the design meets expectations.
    Keywords: prototyping; redesigning; user-centered design; user experience questionnaires; human experience evaluation; system redesigning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055186
  • Predicting Banking Customers' Intention to Accept Social Commerce: Developing a Cognitive Map   Order a copy of this article
    by Nasibeh Pouti, Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard, Mohammad Reza Taghva, Mohammad Fathian 
    Abstract: The phenomenon of social commerce as a technology-based innovation and the tendency of users to accept it has occupied about a decade of research. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive model for social commerce intention. By systematically reviewing of literature and studying about 200 research works, 228 confirmed factors in social commerce adoption studies were identified. After two stages of screening the factors and identifying the more important factors, 24 factors were examined. Based on the opinions of experts in the fuzzy Delphi method finally, ten factors were identified. Then a fuzzy cognitive map algorithm was performed, and the strength of the relationship between the factors was recognised. Also, by reviewing the multiplicity of the relationships between factors in the research literature and using the fuzzy DEMATEL method, 23 relationships were determined in the final cognitive map for the ten identified factors.
    Keywords: social commerce acceptance; fuzzy cognitive map; fuzzy Delphi; fuzzy DEMATEL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10054306
    by Parthasarathy Sudhaman, Rajendra M. Sonar, Anitha Gracy 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced information technology (IT) companies to work remotely by enlisting the help of home-based IT professionals. Nevertheless, many companies and the individuals who work for them were not prepared for the shift; therefore, they are currently dealing with limitations and challenges. Additionally, they lack a thorough understanding of the requirements for remote work as well as its benefits and drawbacks. The benefits and drawbacks of remote work for IT workers are discussed in light of our findings. We also talk about the important aspects that IT companies should think about when deciding whether or not to use remote work.
    Keywords: work from home; remote work; IT development; global application software.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054344
  • The mediating role of gamification engagement towards m-payment adoption in an emerging economy. Do males and females behave differently?   Order a copy of this article
    by Anam Akhtar, MADHVENDRA PRATAP Singh, MRIDULESH SINGH, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi, Parag Shukla 
    Abstract: The current examination analyses the relationship between the three variates of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and intentions to use m-payment applications in an emerging economy using gamification engagement as the mediator using an integrated theoretical framework. The examination is one of the first few inferences in the context of emerging economies addressing the aforementioned relationships for male and female users in the region in order to facilitate service providers and policy makers to develop suitable policies and marketing strategies. The examination revealed that all the three variates of TPB affect intentions to use m-payment applications via gamification engagement and further that there is no significant difference between males and females when it comes to acknowledging the impact of gamification.
    Keywords: emerging economy; gamification engagement; m-payment applications; gender; service providers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054398
  • Preliminary Insights of Cloud ERP Adoption in SMEs: Evidence from Egypt   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma Amer, Mohd Heikal Husin 
    Abstract: Cloud ERP is a practical and feasible alternative for Small and Medium Enterprises. Its "pay-per-use" strategy, flexibility, and scalability allow SMEs to benefit from the advantages of an ERP system at lower costs. However, developing countries, especially those in Africa and the Middle East, lag far behind in CERP adoption. Only few studies investigated CERP adoption in these countries and thus the exact influential factors remain unknown. Therefore, this exploratory study aims to fill the existing research gap by examining the factors that impact CERP adoption in SMEs in Egypt. Data is gathered from 23 SMEs in Egypt through semi-structured interviews. The insights gleaned from the interviews' analysis are matched to previous findings from relevant studies to identify the similarities and differences. The identified factors are based on the theoretical foundation of the DOI/TOE framework. According to the findings of this study, the elements most likely impacting CERP adoption in Egyptian SMEs include compatibility, observability, technological readiness, top management support, CERP knowledge, firm scope, service provider support, service provider reputation, and competitive pressure.
    Keywords: cloud computing; cloud ERP; Enterprise Resource Planning; Software-as-a-Service; SME; TOE; DOI; IS adoption; Egypt.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054460
  • Impact of Online Brand Experience on Customer Brand Engagement: An Empirical Study in Online Retail Shopping   Order a copy of this article
    by Faseeh Amin, Fayaz Ahmad Nika 
    Abstract: With the growing importance of online buying in contemporary times, it has become imperative to explore online brand experience (OBE) within the context of the online shopping environment. The main research objective of this study was to investigate the influence of OBE on the CBE (customer brand engagement) of online retail shopping brands. The relationship between OBE and its nine antecedents has been investigated. The moderating role of gender between OBE and CBE has also been examined. Path analysis (SEM) was used to test the relationships in the study. The results revealed that the OBE influence all three dimensions of CBE. The relation between OBE and its antecedents is also positive and statistically significant. It was also revealed that gender moderates the relationship between OBE and CBE. These research results provide managers and academicians with essential guidelines on improving online experiences to foster CBE.
    Keywords: online brand experience; OBE; customer brand engagement; experiential marketing; online shopping; e-commerce; online shopping brands.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054609
  • Relationship between e-service quality, usability and user experience of web-based applications in the context of a university web portal: A PLS-SEM approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Samuel Ssemugabi 
    Abstract: The increasing worldwide use of ICT has resulted in the need to improve the e-service quality, usability and user experience of web-based applications such as university web portals. There has been an increase in the provision of university web portal services. This is mainly due to the increasing needs of staff, students and other stakeholders for more online services of a higher quality that offer high levels of usability and an improved user experience. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Using a cross-sectional research design, survey data were acquired from 174 participants from a mega-university to achieve this purpose. It was found that usability has a significant positive effect on both e-service quality and user experience, and that e-service quality has a significant positive effect on user experience.
    Keywords: e-service quality; usability; user experience; web-based applications; WBAs; university web portals; structural modelling; partial least squares; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054649
  • Adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) Systems and Impact on decision-making performance in Jordanian manufacturing SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Awn Al Shbail, Mohannad Al Shbail, Seif Al-Shbiel 
    Abstract: ERP adoption is still in its infancy in Jordan and many other developing nations. This study looks at the factors influencing the adoption of ERP and how it influences the performance of decision-making in SMEs engaged in manufacturing in Jordan. This work provides a model for ERP adoption that combines important elements from earlier studies with additional, unexplored aspects. The ERP adoption model was tested, and the variables associated with ERP adoption were identified using data collected from 136 decision-makers in various Jordanian manufacturing SMEs. The most significant factors of intention to use ERP were user training, system quality, and knowledge management. Also found to have a good relationship with decision-making performance is the intention to adopt ERP. Decision-makers can utilise the findings to spread and adopt ERP systems more widely in Jordan.
    Keywords: decision-making performance; intention to adopt ERP; Jordan; SMEs; enterprise resource planning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10054924
  • Factors influencing FinTech adoption: Evidence from Jordan
    by Dheifallah E’leimat 
    Abstract: In Jordan and many other developing nations, the financial technology (FinTech) sector is still a young one. This study looks at the variables influencing the adoption of FinTech and how it affects the banking business value. This study suggests a model that combines organisational and environmental factors from earlier studies with additional FinTech adoption-related aspects that have not yet been examined. Data collected from 89 financial managers, IT managers, and accounting department heads in several Jordanian banks were used to evaluate the FinTech adoption model and identify factors that are positively or adversely related to FinTech adoption. The most significant factors influencing the adoption of FinTech were found to be top management support, policies, organisational culture, and competitive pressure. Adoption of FinTech was also found to be positively correlated with business value. The findings will help bank management spread and employ FinTech more widely in Jordan.
    Keywords: FinTech; organisational factors; environmental factors; TOE framework; banking sector; Jordan.

  • Artificial Intelligence in Audit and Assurance Services: Evidence from Saudi Arabia   Order a copy of this article
    by Eid M. Alotaibi  
    Abstract: This article investigates Saudi professionals’ views about artificial intelligence (AI) in assurance services. Specifically, this paper studies the opinions of auditors and other assurance services professionals (ASPs) about the value that AI tools can bring to audit and assurance services. This study also compares the perspectives of auditors and ASPs when considering using AI and its effect on assurance quality. Data were gathered through online questionnaires distributed to employees of assurance services firms, with 105 participants working in auditing services and 95 participants working in other assurance services. The investigation revealed there was no statistically significant distinction between the opinions of auditors and ASPs about the impact of AI on the quality of auditing and assurance services. Moreover, both auditors and ASPs believe that AI makes perceived contributions (PCs) to the quality of the provided services.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; auditing; assurance services; assurance quality; Saudi Arabia; assurance services professionals; ASPs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055189
  • Information systems change and public-private partnerships governance: Accelerators factors for discontinuing loosely coupled hospital management accounting practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Joaquim Leite 
    Abstract: This study aims to explain how loosely coupled management accounting practices (MAPs) in public hospitals change and why. An embedded multiple case study method was used, involving three cases of public-private partnerships (PPP) governance in Portuguese public hospitals across several units of analysis. Data collection was done in documents and through five in-depth interviews. Data were interpreted following a qualitative methodology. The results showed inertia pressures in Portuguese public hospitals, constrained by centralised public management accounting, with loosely coupled MAPs persisting with little or no instrumental utility. In turn, the PPP governance context allowed public hospitals to switch to new information systems that quickly discontinued MAPs immersed in the phenomenon of loose coupling. Particularising the case of PPP governance in healthcare, this research reinforces the theory that the change in the governance model (organisational change) and information systems is the key external factor of change in accounting.
    Keywords: -private partnerships governance; PPP; information systems change; loose coupling; discontinuity of management accounting practices; MAPs; Portuguese public hospitals.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055190
  • The Influence of Crowdfunding on Local Entrepreneurs in Kuwait: Implications and Opportunities   Order a copy of this article
    by Abrar Al-Enzi, Faleh AlRashidi, Randa Diab-Bahman 
    Abstract: Given the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the growth of a country’s economy and the recent development of the FinTech market in Kuwait, this study aims to measure the awareness/perception of Kuwait’s SME and start-up entrepreneurs on the current lending opportunities and their sentiments on the lack of crowd-funding platforms as a business funding support through analysing mixed methods data. The findings of this research suggest that conventional financial aid is mostly negative regarding time management, paperwork procedures and decision-making; therefore, an alternative source of financing could contribute to more business activities which will contribute to Kuwait’s economy. This paper contributes to new knowledge within the field of crowdfunding as it provides a conceptual framework on the benefits of alternative financial funds and could equip financial business leaders with new knowledge regarding entrepreneurs’ perceptions of crowdfunding and why they should consider implementing it in Kuwait.
    Keywords: business development; crowdfunding; entrepreneurship; financial system; investments; Kuwait; small and medium-sized enterprise.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055331
  • How to Measure IT Effectiveness within Cloud Computing Using Dimensions of IT Flexibility   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: Cloud computing has increased huge consideration because of its availability and technological advancement. There was an absence of empirical evidence to assess the association between dimensions of IT flexibility (ITF), connectivity, modularity, and compatibility related to cloud computing adoption (CCA) and IT effectiveness (ITE). This article intended to add this potential to the body of understanding that will be valuable by IT organisations and businesses to achieve the most significant result to be attention to the critical viewpoints of cloud computing-based services and solutions. This paper provides a statistical indication about all dimensions of ITF specific to CCA, significantly predicted ITE, in which the connectivity dimension was the top predictor. In contrast, the dimension of compatibility is less prediction to ITE. Additionally, this research proposes developed software based on a model called adopted connectivity modularity compatibility (ACMC) to calculate ITE. The study’s findings showed that the combined dimensions of ITF specific to CCA had a significantly positive effect on ITE in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Moreover, the model can be used in all SMEs for future evaluation after applying the given recommendations of this study.
    Keywords: cloud computing adoption; CCA; IT flexibility; ITF; IT effectiveness; ITE; small and medium enterprises; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055550
  • ChooseAbrand: A hybrid approach using aspect-based sentiment analysis to analyze customer reviews toward brand loyalty   Order a copy of this article
    by Sohail Ahmad, Shabir Hussain, Irshad Hussain, Ahmad Iqbal, Muhammad Ayoub, Awais Dastgeer, Li Liang 
    Abstract: This research focuses on integrating constructs that have not been traditionally used in the lovemarks theory. We have proposed a hybrid approach. In the first part, we propose a conceptual model to investigate the impact of brand equity on brand loyalty and the mediating role of lovemarks. SEM with AMOS is used to analyse the measurement and structural regression (SR) model for all the proposed relationships of the study. The finding confirms that brand equity significantly correlates with brand loyalty. In the second part, we used a text mining technique to evaluate open-ended questions and textual responses to uncover customer aspects and sentiments about the brand. We proposed a topic modelling technique to extract the aspect terms and performed automated annotation on unlabelled feedback. We used machine learning and deep learning models for sentiment and topic classification. We achieved 90.62% accuracy with SVM in sentiment classification and 93% with BERT for topic classification process.
    Keywords: lovemarks; brand equity; brand loyalty; consumer brand relationships; aspect-based sentiment analysis; customer reviews; topic modelling; machine learning and deep learning model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055556
  • Assessment of impact of training and learning opportunities on the organizational performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Frass Hussain Khalil Mugharbel, Zulfiquar Ansari, Muhammad Zafar Yaqub 
    Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between variables namely training, job satisfaction, loyalty, retention, employee commitment/engagement and employee performance. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted to collect the data. A total of 28 questions relevant to the study were designed using a five-point Likert scale. The population of the study were 240 of which 213 responded. Then, with the use of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) IBM Software the collected data was analysed. A structural equation model demonstrating the impact of training on different variables is also presented. The findings of the study indicate that training employee’s results to increased performance and effectiveness of the employee and hence improve the satisfaction level. This research work also found that satisfaction and loyalty, which act as the mediating variables, significantly impacts in the retention of the employee.
    Keywords: training; job satisfaction; retention; performance; loyalty; organisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055594
  • A Bibliometric Analysis of Religiosity and Purchase Intentions: Overview, Insights and Future Research Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Manish Kumar, Gaurav Gupta, SATINDER KUMAR 
    Abstract: Bibliometric analysis is an increasingly popular and effective method for studying, exploring, and analyzing data pertaining to a specific field or topic of interest, which can help provide meaningful insights on new and evolving areas of relevance. Unfortunately, the literature has thus far ignored and understudied the highly pertinent, crucial, and vital topic of religion and its effect on purchasing intentions.We explore this topic through the lens of a comprehensive and robust bibliometric analysis by leveraging VOSviewer. In doing so, we identify countries that contribute to articles on this topic, journals that are active contributors on this topic, citation metrics, collaborative clusters and relationships that are developing, opportunities for the future that can be leveraged to advance this topic, and theoretical implications for researchers and scholars.
    Keywords: religiosity; religion; purchase intentions; bibliometric analysis; citation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055663
  • Machine learning and credit default: a systematic literature review and taxonomy   Order a copy of this article
    by Eduardo Silva, Jorge Barbosa 
    Abstract: Credit default represents a problem for financial institutions. This is one of the reasons why banks are increasingly using algorithms to predict credit default. This article makes a systematic review of literature about the use of machine learning in credit default and proposes a taxonomy. This taxonomy organizes techniques and algorithms, establishing relations between each one with the studies that compose this article. The research identified 2,361 studies published from 2012 and April 2022. After the filters, a corpus of 27 works was analyzed. This article covered the application domains as well as data structure and data analysis techniques. The review found use of machine learning in risk scoring, portfolio pricing, and loss prediction. On the other hand, the study showed that few applications focus on credit default recovery. This finding makes the systematic review relevant when considering the current economic scenario and the increase of bad debts.
    Keywords: machine learning; credit default; systematic literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055817
  • A Dual-Route Perspective on Continuance Intention of Peer-to-Peer Mobile Payment   Order a copy of this article
    by Trang Nguyen, Xuan Tai Mai 
    Abstract: The increasing prevalence of peer-to-peer (P2P) mobile payment is dramatically changing users' payment patterns. By integrating perceived value perspective and status quo bias (SQB) theory, this research aims to explore the factors influencing users' continuance intention of P2P mobile payment through the dual-route perspective. One route is service-related factors from perceived value perspective investigating users' intention through different values of the provided service that they perceive. The other route is individual-related factors originating from the SQB theory reflecting internal factors that users may be biased from their current usage. An online survey was performed to obtain data. The findings reveal that the higher level of service-related factors including perceived convenience, perceived enjoyment, and social image enhances users' continuance intention. Benefit loss costs and transition costs positively determine the level of inertia which in turn affects existing users' continuance intention. This study is the first attempt to examine users' continuance intention of P2P mobile payment systems.
    Keywords: peer-to-peer mobile payments; P2P; dual route perspective; status quo bias; SQB; perceived value; continuance intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055820
  • Investigating the perceptions of Malaysians, roles of Innovation Helixes and CRM models in Malaysia's COVID-19 health & economic measures, comparative lessons learnt   Order a copy of this article
    by Athira Zuhaira Ahmad Yusri, Chien Sing Lee 
    Abstract: With the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic's socio-economic challenges, we investigate Malaysians' perceptions towards these measures. This study first review measures taken by other countries and by Malaysia, as bases for formulating our questionnaire. The survey questions focus on demographics, perceptions on health, psychological/wellbeing and economic measures, and propose strategies for economic recovery. Overall, perceptions vary according to demographic groups. The measure that is most agreed on, is wearing of face masks in public/crowded areas. Malaysians least agree on closure of education institutions. Furthermore, besides subsidies, there is emphasis on building competencies, emulating Buttle's Gartner's and Payne and Frow's CRM models. Breakdown in demographics indicate areas, which can be attended to, given priorities and resources. Framing analyses/prioritization via innovation economics/theory, Triple/Quadruple Helixes, CRM models, design thinking, analytics, and risk management do broaden perspectives, and enrich local best practices internationally in times of crisis.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Malaysia; perceptions; health; economic measures; innovation theory; Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple Helix; CRM models.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055826
  • A Quantitative Model for Measuring Business and IT Alignment Based on Process-Oriented IT KPIs   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Amin Biaram, Moslem Habibi, Ali Bozorgi Amiri 
    Abstract: With the growth of emerging technologies and their impact on all aspects of an organisation, the importance of achieving and maintaining business/IT alignment (B-ITA) has increased. One of the main problems in this area is the need for a quantitative measurement system. This research focuses on creating such a model to evaluate B-ITA using data obtained from process-oriented IT KPIs. To this end, we review and select KPIs directly impacting B-ITA, making use of the fuzzy Delphi technique to filter the most effective ones. Next, we prioritise the chosen KPIs using the CRITIC and CoCoSo methods, obtaining their values from relevant business information systems, standard questionnaires, and interviews to calculate the B-ITA index. The simplicity of the measurement model presented in this study can facilitate managers in improving their insight into the organisation's current B-ITA level, allowing them to track and enable continuous improvement of business/IT alignment.
    Keywords: business/IT alignment; quantitative measurement model; KPI; IT infrastructure library; ITIL; B-ITA maturity; fuzzy Delphi; CRITIC; CoCoSo.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055946
  • A RNN-Based Model to Increase the Diversity in a Session-based Recommender System   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahesh Mohan, Saran Chaitanya Vinnakota, P. Santhi Thilagam 
    Abstract: The session-based recommender systems that generate recommendations through implicit feedback encounter several challenges while generating the recommendations. One challenge is to generate recommendations according to the changing user preferences known as user interest drift. The presence of noisy or unwanted interactions is one of the major limitations in understanding user preferences and generating recommendations. But the user satisfaction does not increase by viewing similar items alone. Hence, there is a need for generating diversified recommendations. But there exist few users who like to view similar items alone. This necessitates the balance between both similar and diversified recommendations. This work proposes the RNN-based model that effectively captures user preferences by identifying noisy interactions and generates recommendations that can increase user satisfaction. The proposed methodology has been evaluated on benchmark datasets and acquired better results.
    Keywords: session-based recommender systems; SBRSs; user interest drift; UID; noise; diversity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055947
  • Factors Influencing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Technology Adoption in Organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamidur Rahaman Shibly, A.B.M. Abdullah, Md. Mahmudul Alam, Wahid Murad 
    Abstract: The main objective of this study is to examine individual, organisational, social, and industrial factors that significantly influence the adoption of new technology by employees in the USA and Canada. This study specifically focuses on employees' adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) at their organisational level. The data were collected from employees through an online survey. Path modelling analysis has been employed to determine the relationships between employees' adoption of ERP technology and their organisational, social, individual, and industrial factors. The empirical findings conform to some extent, if not fully, to those obtained earlier by some past studies. Specifically, all the individual, organisational, social, and industrial factors are found to significantly influence ERP technology adoption by employees in both countries at their organisational level. This study helps us to understand employees' acceptance of enterprise-level technological innovation. Employees are expected to effectively maintain positive cognitive and behavioural processes and a high level of performance, which may help them create a workplace environment conducive to adopting a new technology. Offered in this paper is a broader theoretical and practical understanding of the phenomenon so that organisations can boost their performance through successful adoption of new technologies.
    Keywords: enterprise resource planning; ERP; technology adoption; individual factors; organisational factors; social factors; industrial factors; North American organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10055989
  • Smart Home Adoption: A Threat Mitigation Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Avant Kumar, Prakash Attili, Ashwani Kumar 
    Abstract: The rise of the internet has led to the increased adoption of smart internet of things (IoT) entities like smart homes. Within the context of privacy, there are threat-inducing situations while using these systems. This paper aims to understand smart home adoption from a threat mitigation perspective. Protection motivation theory and the expanded personal information privacy model serve as this study’s theoretical foundations. This research reveals several interesting findings: 1) threat severity and effectiveness of privacy assurance mechanisms kindle protection motivation; 2) threat susceptibility and self-efficacy do not play any significant role in triggering protection motivation; 3) consumers’ protection motivation positively impacts their privacy customisation efforts over the smart home network; 5) gender moderates impact of protection motivation on privacy customisation efforts; 5) a significant negative impact of privacy literacy on the smart home adoption intention. This research adds to the smart home adoption, privacy, and protection motivation theory literature.
    Keywords: threat; privacy; privacy customisation efforts; privacy literacy; smart home; adoption; protection motivation theory; PMT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056041
  • Business Process Management Maturity Assessment Based on Organizational BPM Capabilities of the Digital Era   Order a copy of this article
    by Chalani Oruthotaarachchi, Janaka Wijayanayake, Madhuke Bodhinayake 
    Abstract: Digitisation has caused many opportunities and challenges, changing how business process management (BPM) initiatives manage and creating new organisational capabilities required for BPM success. Assessing an organisation’s BPM capabilities is crucial for any BPM initiative’s success. Organisation’s BPM maturity can be evaluated based on the availability of BPM capabilities. The BPM research domain is ever-increasing; however, it lacks studies on organisational BPM capability and maturity assessment focused on Sri Lankan contexts. This research study evaluates the significance of selected BPM capability factors in the Sri Lankan context and their relevance in measuring organisational BPM maturity. The questionnaire method was used for data collection and PLS-SEM for data analysis. Based on the results, the study presents a new maturity assessment model combining the capability factors, their relevance to measuring maturity, and five maturity levels. This model updates and expands the existing maturity models by addressing the requirements and difficulties associated with the current trends in the BPM domain.
    Keywords: BPM capability; BPM maturity assessment; structural equation modelling; hierarchical component model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056091
  • Bibliometric Analysis of the Four-Decades Development in Electronic Banking Research   Order a copy of this article
    by Fowokemi Ogedengbe, Yurita Yakimin Abdul Talib, Fariza Hanim Rusly 
    Abstract: This study aims to analyse the knowledge base of e-banking using science mapping. Data on e-banking literature was generated from the Scopus database using the selected keywords e-banking and its synonyms, such as electronic banking, online banking, mobile banking, and internet banking. Data analysis tools such as Microsoft Excel, Harzings Publish or Perish and VOSviewer were used for data visualization of clustering, generation of citation metrics and index analysis. Results were presented in quantitative forms such as graphs, figures, and tables. The direction for future studies shows the need for esearch in industry-specific areas such as sustainability and green banking. In addition, the impact of industry revolution 4.0 technologies applications such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, blockchain, and the cloud on virtual banking need in-depth research. Moreover, subsequent studies may examine the bibliometric analysis of e-banking by extending the search to other keywords, analysis software and databases.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; electronic banking; mobile banking; online banking; VOSviewer; harzing's publish or perish.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056421
  • Interplay of Social capital and Online Social Network influencer   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankur Dahiya, Pradeep Kumar, Vivek Gupta 
    Abstract: Social influencers have capability of organising many people around certain idea/theme. Many times these community/group work for the development of society but sometimes they may be seen as working against the society/government. Online social networks have high reach without any geographical boundary enabling peoples to join these communities. In this paper, we use the elaboration likelihood model to explore many possible characteristics of an influencer in OSNs. Understanding of word of mouth (WoM) and related theoretical literature has been used to design and develop model. We collected data from more than seven hundred respondents to check the validity of our model. Respondent data was also used to establish the relationship among various variables identified to build the model. Our study shows bridging social capital to be the most important factor in identifying the influencer over online social networks.
    Keywords: bridging social capital; influencer; online social networks; dual process theory; elaboration likelihood model; ELM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056629
  • Artificial intelligence techniques prevalent in manufacturing supply chain for value creation   Order a copy of this article
    by He Zhu, Syed Imran Ali, Abdul Jabbar 
    Abstract: In recent years, supply chains (SC) have been in turmoil under the pandemic, posing significant challenges to manufacturing SC. As a result, more and more academics and practitioners are advocating using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve SC performance. Evidence shows that AI technologies present opportunities for SC, but the application of AI in SC is currently in its infancy. Hence, a thorough review of the topic is necessary to understand the scholarly work in this area. The study uses a systematic literature review (SLR) to extract data from Scopus, EBSCO and ABI/INFORM databases from 2012-2023. 72 articles were reviewed. The descriptive and thematic analysis revealed various insights into themes and AI applications. The main challenges of AI identified in the study are organisational and social issues, regulations and accountability, data privacy and security and for value creation.
    Keywords: AI; supply chain; techniques; manufacturing; systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057817
  • Corporate Digital Responsibility for Digital Governance: Indian Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by I. Sridhar, SAHIL SINGH JASROTIA, Manoj K. Kamila 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 crisis has brought a paradigm shift in the attention to focus on digital platforms by the government-business-society. This major shift towards digital platform begets special responsibilities in the form of corporate digital responsibility (CDR) on the part of the government-business-society. Our study is an attempt to formalise operating model in the discharge of digital responsibilities towards various stakeholders, with the objective of enabling digital governance. Study addresses CDR as a tool for improving governance practices, when conducting transactions in digital environment through platform companies. Therefore, CDR has become a strategic requirement in the mainstream for government-business-society. The goal of digital governance can be realised by government-business-society when the technology used is simple but sophisticated, achieving synergies in their interactions and ultimately achieving scalability of operations. The study establishes a theoretical model for digital governance leading to digital transformation in the government-business-society, therefore, CDR is the way forward.
    Keywords: government-business-society; digital governance; corporate digital responsibility; CDR; platform companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056643
  • Sustainable Supplier Selection and Evaluation: A Text Mining Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Mozhgan Namiranian, Anahita Hedayat Zadeh, Iman Raeesi Vanani 
    Abstract: The paper investigates Sustainable Supplier Selection (SSS), which has exploded in popularity in recent decades. This study aims to apply unsupervised k-means (KM) machine learning and text mining technologies to instantly recognise main topics in selecting sustainable suppliers. This study uses python programming language to discover research topics using topic modelling and text clustering approaches, automatically recognising topics in an exceedingly huge and unstructured assortment of documents. Articles of SCOPUS and ELSEVIER databases from 2019 to 2021 were gathered for the literature review. A word cloud visual depiction of the clusters provides information on which topics are more prevalent in supply chain. The results are compared to NMF model and are depicted in the form of silhouette plot. Findings show considerable enhancement of perplexity and coherence. Scholars and regulators in the area of SSS are likely to benefit from the findings of this study.
    Keywords: sustainability; supplier selection and evaluation; latent Dirichlet allocation; LDA; topic modelling; text clustering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056662
  • Mobile Banking Services and Customer Loyalty to Retail Banks The Moderating role of Customer Demographics   Order a copy of this article
    by Bright Senanu, Thomas Anning-Dorson, Nii Nookwei Tackie 
    Abstract: The research goal was to show that customers who use mobile banking (m-banking) services are loyal to their banks while also examining how demographics affect that loyalty. A review of academic and managerial literature identified three overarching drivers of m-banking usage usability, security/safety, and convenience that were likely to influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Consequently, a conceptual framework demonstrating the hypothesised relationships guided the study. Data was collected from 826 rural and urban respondents, and PLS-SEM was used for analysis. The study found that security/safety, convenience, and ease of use associated with retail banks m-banking services influenced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    Keywords: mobile banking services; convenience; usability; security; safety; satisfaction; loyalty.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056745
  • From Panic Selling to Rational Buying: Quantifying the Impact of COVID-19 Cases and Economic Indicators on Standard & Poor's 500 Index in Time-series Models   Order a copy of this article
    by Nanfei Sun, Charitha Hettiarachchi, Trang Minh Quynh Le, Naveed Saleem 
    Abstract: Historically, economists found strong correlations between the Standard and Poor’s 500 index (S&P) and the Economic Indicators. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these indicators were influenced by COVID-19 cases and triggered significant moves of the S&P. This article collected 397 S&P samples and 13 variables from Economic and COVID-19 sectors from 12/03/2019 to 01/02/2021; then used a time-series model and six multiple linear regression (MLR) models of variant time frames to analyse the correlations between the S&P and these variables. We found that COVID-19 deaths (COVID DU) played an important role in panic selling during the stock market crash; then public changed from panic selling to rational buying while the market stabilised. We also found that in the rational buying period, economic indicators played more important roles than COVID-19 cases in medium-terms. In this article, we explained how this transition happened by presenting multiple models’ results along the time domain.
    Keywords: S&P; COVID-19; time series; multiple linear regression models; economic indicators; consumer price index; CPI; unemployment claims.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10056752
  • Customers' sentiment forecasting model on mobile commerce sector based on sentiment analysis combined with time series methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Thanh Ho Trung, Tung Vo, Quynh Nguyen, Nguyen Tran, Ngoc Bui, Tram Nguyen 
    Abstract: Mobile commerce plays an important role in businesses and a large amount of comment from those can be analysed and perspective-predicted to improve customer experience and business performance. In this paper, a new model based on applying sentiment analysis and time series on customer sentiment forecasting in mobile commerce sector is proposed. In which, SARIMA, Holt-Winters, and FB Prophet time series methods are experimentally conducted on the number of customer sentiment (positive, negative or neutral). The dataset was collected more than 1 million comments and feedback from the four largest mobile commerce applications from 2013 to 2022 in Vietnam. The models are then evaluated using the MAE, MSE, and RMSE assessment indicators to find the best model. This paper also analyses customer experience, changes in sentiment trends over a period of time. From there, these results enable mobile commercial businesses to create marketing strategies, develop products, and services effectively.
    Keywords: mobile commerce; customer experience; sentiment analysis; sentiment forecasting model; time series analysis; SARIMA; Holt-Winters; FB Prophet.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057022
  • Impact of information and communication technologies in the automotive companies in Brazil   Order a copy of this article
    by Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro, Marcelo Braz Ruiz Santana, Nathaly Valdez Pareja Motti, Thayná Prendin Mitrof, IRCE Fernandes Gomes Guimarães, Larissa Aparecida Lopes De Souza 
    Abstract: Information and communications technology (ICT) have an impact in the supply chain levers, demanding indicators to evaluate it. The aim of this article is to evaluate the impact of the information and communications technology (ICT) in the levers of supply chains of three Brazilian automotive companies. The levers are warehouse, transportation, fulfilment and procurement. For this article, it was chosen the multiple case study for the collection of data by semi structured interviews with the associates from these companies. The data analysis was developed using different source of information cross-checked with the theory. The results show that C3 was the company that most refuted the theory. The technologies that caused more impact were RFID and big data. The levers fulfilment and warehouse were the most impacted, as well as company 3 (C3).
    Keywords: information technology; supply chain management; levers; indicators; automotive industry; Brazil.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057146
    by Massimo Contri, Alessandro Zardini, Cecilia Rossignoli 
    Abstract: Digital transformation is one of the most decisive and pervasive changes companies worldwide face to remain competitive. The process began a few decades ago within large corporations but has accelerated in recent years. A pervasive digital transformation is based on physical and technological infrastructure availability, commonly called 'cloud computing'. However, the European Union's cloud services market is concentrated in a small number of non-European providers. Within the context of European public policy in the digital sector, we explore the proposal for a European federated cloud infrastructure, the Gaia-X project. Our analysis suggests that this initiative can alleviate the market's concerns, especially in the industrial and public administration sectors, by introducing new security standards, interoperability, and data management. Nevertheless, institutions must provide the initial aggregate demand, capable of developing to the scale required to compete, and a regulatory framework that fosters fair competition in the digital sector.
    Keywords: digital transformation; cloud computing; Gaia-X; cloud computing infrastructure.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057151
  • Artificial Intelligence in Patient Care: Technologies, Applications, Challenges, and Future Actions   Order a copy of this article
    by Zixing Shen 
    Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has been gaining fresh momentum with remarkable breakthroughs. AI-powered applications have been developed and deployed rapidly for various business functions across different industries. This paper focuses on the recent developments in AI in the context of patient care. It provides an overview of key AI technological developments in recent years and showcases AI technologies' potential in aiding doctors in diagnosing and treating diseases. However, AI applications in patient care also raise significant technological challenges centred on data quality, model interpretability, and medical errors and bring considerable threats to privacy, ethics concerns, and issues in business adaptation. Future actions that can help overcome and address these challenges and risks are discussed for the widespread AI use in patient care.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; deep learning; natural language processing; patient care; clinical diagnosis and treatment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057327
  • Application of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Indian Manufacturing Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Poornima Sehrawat, Hemantkumar P. Bulsara, Rajasshrie Pillai 
    Abstract: Industry 4.0 has impacted the various processes of business in different ways. The manufacturing industry has an intense impact on social and economic progress. Industry 4.0 dominates the other functions of the manufacturing industry through its technologies, such as 3D printing, robots, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, additive manufacturing, etc. The academic research focuses on defining and understanding the concepts and developing different systems, business models, and methodologies. In contrast, the industry focuses on changing industrial machines, collaborating the processes with technology, innovative production, and potential customers. This paper focuses on presenting the literature review and aims to provide the status of adopting Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing firms. The adoption of Industry 4.0 in the manufacturing firms is reviewed with the top 120 headings, keywords, and abstracts (i.e., a total of 603 related publications) analysed independently for each search to ensure the reliability of the review process. The paper highlights the Asian country’s existing projects using Industry 4.0 technologies. The article explains the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in Industry 4.0 applications and its outcome as a sustainable business.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; manufacturing; application; automation; customer services; product innovation; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057465
  • A bibliometric perspective on psychological capital as an emerging approach in the field of Business, Management and Accounting   Order a copy of this article
    by Pooja Panwar, Rekha Rani 
    Abstract: Over the last few decades, psychological capital research has grown in prominence. The current study uses a comprehensive bibliometric approach to review the literature on psychological capital in the field of business, management and accounting. The sample data of 399 articles for this review has been retrieved from the Scopus database with a defined search string showing the publications' growth from 2004 to 2021. In addition, RStudio combined with VOSviewer was employed to perform the visualising and scientific mapping. Based on this data, this study applies the performance analysis technique to identify the publication trend, leading authors, journals, countries and influential articles on psychological capital research. Additionally, using bibliographic coupling analysis, the study fetches four major clusters. Furthermore, this study suggests a road map in each cluster for future research in this field.
    Keywords: psychological capital; PsyCap; positive psychological capital; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057585
  • Prioritizing drivers of Industry 4.0 implementation in Indian automobile industries using the CRITIC-TOPSIS approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Faisal Noor, Amaresh Kumar, Kanika Prasad 
    Abstract: The design principles of Industry 4.0 remain the same across industries and countries, but the framework for implementing those principles varies depending on the economic, industrial and technological status. The driving factors in Industry 4.0 implementation must be analysed before making a policy for its application. This paper focuses on prioritising 21 drivers of Industry 4.0 implementation, identified through an exhaustive literature survey and expert opinion. The particular focus is on the Indian automobile industries, which contribute 45% to the nation's manufacturing GDP. The data for analysis is collected through a questionnaire-based survey from 70 participants from automobile industries and academia. The weight of the participant's response is determined using the CRITIC method, and the drivers are ranked using the TOPSIS method. The result shows that the most prominent drivers are: an increase in efficiency, cost reduction, availability of skilled workforce and top management initiative.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; automobile industry; drivers; Indian automobile industries; CRITIC; TOPSIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057643
  • Entrepreneurial digital spirits and consistency: Digital Plan, Digital Leadership Capability, and Implementation in SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Amiri Mdoe, Bijay Kushwaha, Amitabh Mishra 
    Abstract: The present investigation focuses on entrepreneurial digital spirits and their impact on the performance of small enterprises. Generally, small enterprises are solo managed by either owner or a manager, and all decisions are taken by them. Hence, the present study chooses 487 such respondents using purposive sampling techniques who are decision handling of these enterprises. Partial least square structural equation modelling was applied to test and validate the research model. The outcomes show that timely adoption of technology, innovation, effective planning and implementation, leadership digital skills, and consistency in digital activities enhance the performance of digital marketing, and increases sales revenue, leads, and customer retention. Further, entrepreneurs' knowledge about digital marketing activities is a very important moderating element to increase the performance of digital marketing activities.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial sprits; digital marketing; digital leadership; small enterprises; technology adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057657
  • Why are Indian Digital Natives Resisting Telemedicine? Innovation Resistance Theory Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammed Sajid, Zakkariya K.A., Mukul Dev Surira, Libin Thomas 
    Abstract: This empirical study delves into the intricacies of telemedicine resistance. Guided by the theoretical underpinnings of innovation resistance theory (IRT), this research uncovers the underlying factors that hinder the adoption of telemedicine services. Through an empirical investigation, we conducted a survey involving 527 Indian digital natives, meticulously analysing the data using SmartPLS 4.0. The statistical analysis unravelled compelling insights, revealing that barriers encompassing usage, value, and tradition significantly contribute to telemedicine resistance. In a fascinating twist, the findings shed light on the role of self-efficacy, showcasing its ability to mitigate the impact of value and image barriers on telemedicine resistance. This intricate relationship unravels new dimensions in understanding the dynamics at play. Moreover, the research showcases the immense value of the IRT in unravelling the enigma of telemedicine resistance, as it explains 67.70% of the variance observed in this captivating realm. With a vivid blend of empirical evidence and theoretical grounding, this study serves as a beacon of knowledge, illuminating the path towards overcoming barriers and fostering the widespread acceptance of telemedicine within India's dynamic healthcare landscape.
    Keywords: telemedicine resistance; innovation resistance; PLS-SEM; tradition barrier; innovation resistance theory; IRT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057800
  • Fall detection and prevention for elders using internet of things security and artificial intelligence   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Mtair Al-Hawamleh 
    Abstract: The user-friendly nature of the internet of things (IoT) has led to its phenomenal popularity for monitoring human health. This technology enables healthcare systems that are independent of location, using sensors and actuators to track health. However, the lack of infrastructure in IoT requires image processing techniques to identify falls, particularly in the elderly. Protecting the data collected by sensors and actuators is vital for various industries, including healthcare, fitness, and military. Despite the security challenges, artificial intelligence techniques help detect falls through image processing. Nevertheless, the open architecture of IoT devices makes them vulnerable to data theft by unauthorised individuals. The implementation of IoT raises security concerns and limits resources available for real-time data. The suggested hybrid fuzzy clustering with threshold-based segmentation (HFCTS) algorithm can accurately identify falling persons with 98.32% accuracy. Despite issues of security, the IoT has the potential to revolutionise healthcare and improve our health monitoring.
    Keywords: fall detection; artificial intelligence; internet of things; image processing methods; fuzzy clustering; HFCTS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057843
  • Business intelligence and analytics systems adoption: determinants and impacts on organisational performance and competitive advantage from a developing country perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Érico Aurélio Abreu Cardozo, Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino, Paulo Renato De Sousa 
    Abstract: The present research aims to identify the determinants of business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) systems adoption and its consequent impact on organisational performance and competitive advantage among Brazilian organisations. A survey was used to collect data from managers of Brazilian organisations. Data from 198 respondents were analysed utilising structural equation modelling and the importance-performance map analysis technique is used to recognise the determinants for BI&A systems adoption. The results reveal that the significant predictors for the BI&A systems adoption are: competitive pressure, employee IS knowledge, top management support and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, significantly influences organisational performance and competitive advantage. This research is one of the first studies to combine the theoretical lenses technology-organisation-environment and human-organisation-technology, frameworks to analyse BI&A systems adoption among Brazilian organisations. Thus, it has contributed to the fact that this research offers a model capable of identifying the determining factors for the BI&A systems adoption among Brazilian organisations.
    Keywords: TOE framework; HOT-fit model; technology adoption; technology acceptance; business intelligence; business analytics; organisational performance; competitive advantage; structural equation model; survey.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10057844
  • Customer Satisfaction on online provision order by Peoples of Indian Major Cities   Order a copy of this article
    by Jeelan Basha J, Sasi Kumar R, M.S. Mohamed Malick, Kavitha S 
    Abstract: The present study explicitly aims to deal with the customers' satisfaction with online retail transactions exclusively in major cities of India. Information and technology witnessed significant developments in these cities, particularly in online shopping, and these developments are evident in the increased popularity of retail transactions. Hence, the enlargement of technology and its extensive application in marketing led to the growth of online retailing, where customers shop conveniently from their households. Accordingly, it has certain advantages that reduce the effort of direct purchase. The decisions can be made from home easily compared to other products. This online transaction has satisfied the customers as it is preferable for them to review the product before the purchase. It is also convenient to return the product if it is not suited. Thus the paper focuses on purchasers' behaviour and contentment with online shopping and it is rapidly increasing interest in major cities of India.
    Keywords: customer satisfaction; loyalty; business trends; service product quality; fulfilment; service quality; questionnaire.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058015
  • Social media influence on the investor behaviour- An emerging market perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Shweta Agarwal, Shailendra Kumar, Utkarsh Goel 
    Abstract: This paper investigates the perceptions of the individual retail investors regarding the social media information. For this, a survey study comprising of 268 respondents is conducted to explore the psychological factors that determine the use of social media among the retail investors. The survey study suggests that the Indian investors do not find the social media information to be trustworthy and very beneficial for making trading decisions. Also, they do not enjoy participating in discussions related to the stock markets on social media. This study provides valuable insights to the business managers to re-engineer their social media strategies so as to garner trust and engagement of their stakeholders. This study also offers new perspectives on the perceptions of the individual retail investors regarding the use of information related to the stock markets available on the social media, in an emerging economy.
    Keywords: social media; social media influence; investor behaviour; investor perception; Indian retail investors; emerging markets.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058017
  • Factors Influencing ERP System   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammed Ali, Hammad Mushtaq 
    Abstract: This research focus to examine benefits of an ERP system in SMEs based on user perceptions by extending the reputed Information Systems (IS) Success model. We propose that alongside quality of the system the strong compatibility of IS with user expectation, values and lifestyle ensure consistency that in return increases IS usage and satisfaction level of its user. The research confirmed and extended the existing D&M (updated model of 2003), based on proposition that overall quality of the system has more influence on usage and user' satisfaction through its compatibility. Research data were gathered from 406 users of the ERP system working at SMEs in Sudan. Research data were analysed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique via Smart PLS 3. The results confirmed that overall quality has a significant influence on both system use and user satisfaction. Furthermore, the research revealed that in the extended model both user satisfaction and system use have positive and significant influences on the benefits of an ERP system. This study is one of the few that address the associations between quality dimensions in IS success models including system use and user satisfaction, where compatibility has a mediating role in these associations.
    Keywords: overall quality; compatibility; system use; user satisfaction; net benefits.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058152
  • Big Data, NoSQL, and Accounting Information Security: A Comprehensive Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdullah Alawadhi 
    Abstract: The business world is undergoing a significant transformation in its data production and utilisation approach. The advent of big data has necessitated the need for companies to efficiently collect and leverage this valuable resource to remain competitive. However, traditional structures such as relational databases in accounting information systems (AIS) are unable to accommodate the increasing volume of data. As a result, firms have turned to alternative solutions such as non-relational databases (NoSQL). While NoSQL databases offer numerous benefits, they also pose significant security risks to accounting information. This research examines these risks, comprehensively reviewing security factors and suggesting effective mitigation strategies. Key areas explored include authentication, authorisation, monitoring, data management, and backup and recovery. The aim of this research is to offer a comprehensive review of the security risks present in NoSQL databases, with the aim of identifying and presenting a framework for mapping vulnerabilities to risk mitigation controls.
    Keywords: big data; NoSQL; relational databases; cybersecurity; threats and vulnerabilities; accounting systems; information security; security risks; mitigation controls.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058238
  • A Security Requirement Framework for Secure Web Application Development   Order a copy of this article
    by Muniba Murtaza, Humaira Ashraf 
    Abstract: As security flaws can result in considerable financial losses in rework and a bad reputation due to subpar web apps, there is a growing awareness of the security of web applications. Security issues are caused by poor modelling and design procedures that fail to model and build critical security needs and apply them haphazardly during development. Security needs are modelled in specification languages throughout the software development life cycle. There are tools for comparing specification languages to determine the best analysis and design notation while creating secure software applications. The security dimensions used for comparison, though, are not precise. This study provides a comprehensive security criteria framework for comparing specification languages and assessing their security for safe web applications. The suggested design helps identify security requirements for safe online applications. The approach evaluates security specification languages and security requirement gaps. This study proposes a security solution to address RealSpec security requirement gaps detected by the framework. This effort aims to identify, document, and verify security requirements early in requirement analysis and design.
    Keywords: security feature; security requirements; model-driven security; MDS; evaluation framework; security policy; specification languages.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058319
  • Depicting a model for investigation on e-business ranking indicators   Order a copy of this article
    by Amir Hossein Minaiee, Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, Seyyed Fatemeh Hosseini, Mojtabaa Rezaei 
    Abstract: Electronic businesses have attracted special attention due to the set of special benefits they create for companies. Therefore, it is essential to know the key criteria for companies active in the field of electronic business. The purpose of this research is to provide a model to evaluate the indicators of electronic businesses. The research method is field and the qualitative method is used. To analyse the criteria and sub-criteria and their ranking, 12 experts were interviewed. In this research, by using the AHP algorithm, effective factors and indicators were identified and prioritised. The results showed that the most important among the indicators are related to the idea and creativity to find a new and effective customer in the market and the large and significant network of suppliers, and the indicators of continuous innovation and productivity and the ability to track orders in comparison with the indicators, they are less important.
    Keywords: e-business; evaluation; model; AHP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058516
  • Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis: a Competition Between Unicorns in Indonesia (Study on Gojek and Grab)   Order a copy of this article
    by Valentino Aris, Muhammad Ashdaq, Arini Lestari Aris, Muhammad Taufik 
    Abstract: This research aims to see the activities carried out by start-ups and their consumers through social media. This research will also compare two unicorns in Indonesia, Grab and Gojek, to see who has a better social media usage strategy and can become a reference for novice start-ups. The data in this study were obtained through data mining using the Netlytics application. The analytical method used in this research is social media network analysis and sentiment analysis, which introduces this method to social research. Social media networks were analysed using the Gephie application, and sentiment analysis using the Orange Data Mining application with the VADER method. The study results show Grab and Gojek's social media networks on Twitter social media. Based on this network and consumer analysis data, Gojek's network is better than Grab's in terms of quantity.
    Keywords: unicorn; Grab; Gojek; social network analysis; sentiment analysis; VADER; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058517
  • How shifting to cloud services changes employees' skills at small and medium-sized IT service providers: Perspectives from IT managers in Germany and Austria   Order a copy of this article
    by Christiane Ulbrich, Markus Kley, Reiner Czichos, Roland W. Scholz 
    Abstract: This paper examines how cloud services impact IT providers' service profiles and how employees' skills necessarily change as a result. In our study, we assessed market changes for small and medium-sized enterprises as potential threats and examined future services expected from IT service providers (e.g., adaptations and innovation) as intervention measures. To identify and describe vulnerabilities within that context, we surveyed 36 experts at six German and Austrian IT service providers using a questionnaire based on a literature review that yielded a brief outline of the history of cloud computing. When the processes of organising and interpreting significant ratings were analysed in hierarchical cluster analysis, results highlighted the need for IT service providers to adjust to the demands of cloud computing, which prompts a shift in employees' skill sets from predominantly technical skills to predominantly business-oriented ones.
    Keywords: cloud computing; IT service provider; small and medium-sized enterprises; employee skills; security; cloud architects; business process; AI; Germany; Austria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058598
  • Impact of Working Capital Practices on the Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Yesuf Ahmedin, Dhiraj Sharma 
    Abstract: This research examined how components of working capital practices affect the financial performance of manufacturing firms in Ethiopia. The researchers gathered balanced panel data from thirty manufacturing companies, covering the entire ten years. The researchers used mean, one-way ANOVA, and a panel regression model to analyse the data. The descriptive result of the study indicated that the average collection period, average payment period, inventory conversion period and cash conversion cycle varied significantly across categories of manufacturing companies. The result of the econometric model indicated that the average collection period and average payment period had a positive statistically significant impact on the financial performance of Ethiopian manufacturing firms. Conversely, the cash conversion cycle significantly negatively impacted financial performance. The researchers suggested that Ethiopian manufacturing firms expected to shorten their cash cycle to maximise their return on assets.
    Keywords: working capital; financial performance; manufacturing company; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058784
  • Do Commodity ETFs lead the Price Discovery process? Evidence from the World's largest ETFs   Order a copy of this article
    by Narend Subramanian 
    Abstract: This study examines the role of gold, silver, and oil exchange traded funds (ETFs) in the price discovery process. The role of commodities futures playing a significant role in the price discovery has been extensively documented in the extant literature. Financialisation of commodities can affect the price discovery process due to the frictions involved in terms of the supply and demand. Hence, this study investigates the world's largest commodity ETFs' role in the price discovery process and finds that gold and silver ETFs play a substantial role in the price discovery process. However, in the case of oil the oil futures still play a vital role in the price discovery mechanism. Further analyses reveal that gold and silver ETFs have an overwhelming impact on both the futures and spot prices. Policymakers need to closely observe commodity ETFs as they can lead to volatile movement in the spot prices.
    Keywords: commodity ETFs; gold; silver; oil ETFs; futures; spot prices; price discovery.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058816
  • Success Factors for Business Systems Implementation in Large Enterprises and SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Bupe Mwanza, Arnesh Teludarie, Simon P. Philbin 
    Abstract: Several studies have been conducted on success factors for business systems implementation. Nevertheless, systematic literature reviews (SLR) remain scarce in business systems literature. The aim of the paper is to perform a SLR on the success factors associated with business system implementation in large enterprises; and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) based on empirical research studies that have been published. A SLR methodology is employed to synthesise 92 research studies using the matrix approach and the VOSviewer analysis of occurrence. Synthesis of the findings revealed that, only one research article focused on the SLR of success factors for business systems implementation in a large enterprise. Top management support is identified with the highest frequency in both large enterprises and SMEs using the matrix approach. Comparison of the matrix method and VOSviewer analysis of keyword co-occurrence reveals that, project management is the success factor that cuts across with the highest frequency.
    Keywords: systematic literature review; SLR; business systems; success factors; implementation; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; large enterprises; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058820
  • Transformation of marketing through technological advancements: a systematic review of literature on Marketing 4.0   Order a copy of this article
    by Subhanjali Chopra, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Brijesh Sivathanu, Rajasshrie Pillai 
    Abstract: The study proposes to develop the literature framework and organise the published work using SLR. It also proposes linkages that can be investigated in further research utilising the recommended research methodology for the systematic development of subject matter. A clearly defined protocol and specific criteria for inclusion and exclusion were followed during the SLR. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) was utilised for this purpose. Marketing activities have been transformed into Marketing 4.0. The primary dimensions of the proposed integrated framework for Marketing 4.0 are demographics, antecedents, mediators, and outcomes. The study presents a consolidated framework of theories of Marketing 4.0 (TAM, RBV, and D3I2C) examined in the past and propounds the knowledge structure explaining the relationship of Marketing 4.0 with its antecedents, mediators, and outcomes; and proposes an integrated framework for Marketing 4.0 research in term of demographics, antecedents, mediators and practitioners should analyse and apply the information collected from online customers in order to forecast customer behaviour and develop efficient strategies for marketing communication. The present paper is a novel attempt to undertake a systematic literature review on Marketing 4.0.
    Keywords: consumer attitudes; Marketing 4.0; purchase intentions; SLR; technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058825
  • Blockchain solutions to tackle energy sector challenges; insights from multiple case studies   Order a copy of this article
    by Ond?ej Holík, Ahad Zare Ravasan 
    Abstract: Blockchain is an emerging and potentially disruptive technology recently gaining momentum in many fields. This paper discovers blockchain’s key aspects and characteristics contributing to coping with the current challenges, i.e., decentralisation, decarbonisation, and digitalisation. The findings are based on a multiple case study of ten blockchain-based energy projects in eight domains: 1) metering, billing and security; 2) cryptocurrencies, tokens and investment; 3) decentralised energy trading; 4) grid management; 5) green certificates and carbon trading; 6) electric e-mobility; 7) IoT, smart devices, automation and asset management; 8) general purpose initiatives and consortia. The case study encompasses in-depth analyses of each case concerning the identified challenges using secondary data from web pages, social networks, white papers, and other publicly available sources. The outcome of this paper is a conceptual model mapping blockchain features to energy sector challenges.
    Keywords: blockchain; decarbonisation; decentralisation; digitalisation; distributed ledger technology; energy sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058826
  • Influence of IFRS Adoption on Firm Performance through Earnings Management: Evidence in ASEAN region   Order a copy of this article
    by Nha Nguyen Minh, Duong Bui Van, Hai Thi Thanh Tran, Malik A.B.U. Afifa 
    Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) adoption on firm performance (FIP) of listed firms in Southeast Asia through the mediating role of earnings management. The integrated mixed research method was used to evaluate a panel dataset of 1,000 firms for the interval 20172021. The multilevel structural equation modelling (ML-SEM) test results show that IFRS adoption has a favourable effect on FIP and earnings management of listed companies in Southeast Asia. In addition, earnings management respectively represents the role of competitive mediating on the nexus between IFRS adoption and FIP of listed firms in this area. Therefore, this paper has been conducted to complement experiential verification on IFRS adoption in the local circumstances in developing market, particularly ASEAN.
    Keywords: Southeast Asia; firm performance; FIP; earnings management; EAM; IFRS adoption; agency theory; AGT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058974
  • Hawkers' Contribution to Business Information for Informal Economy   Order a copy of this article
    by K.R. Ramprakash, Vigneshwar K, Louie Albert, Kishore Kunal 
    Abstract: Hawkers are playing an important role in the informal economy through linking local farmers and consumers in a cost-effective manner. In nations like India, the hawker economy has evolved into an important economic structure over time. They purchase modest amounts of goods at low rates from small producers and sell them to buyers with limited purchasing power. The income of street entrepreneurs is low and widely fluctuating, nevertheless, they play a significant role in connecting the informal economy of business information with society. However, very few studies have been conducted in this area, and we have yet to come across one that specifically addresses the economic contributions of hawkers. Hence, this study aims to understand the socio-economic profile of hawkers in today’s competitive business and their economic contribution to society.
    Keywords: Hawkers; Street Vendor; Ethnic Goods; Informal Economy; Business Information.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10058982
  • Business-to-Business (B2B) Website Use by Buyer-Supplier Dyads in India: A Framework for Determining the System Pressures to Use   Order a copy of this article
    by Merlin Nandy 
    Abstract: If the actual use of a business-to-business (B2B) website varies from what was intended during its adoption, the expected benefits may not accrue. Hence it is essential to understand the phenomenon of post-adoption website use. One of the factors impacting use is the organisational pressure or the need to use the website. The case study method was found well suited for studying this complex phenomenon and for understanding, describing, and explaining the concept of pressures to use. System pressures to use (SP) reflects the pressure to use the website by the buyer-supplier dyad together with dominance playing a key role. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to explain the causal factors and their influence on the SP based on the study of four Indian buyer-supplier dyads. The findings enrich our understanding of dyads website use and should be of interest to IS researchers who want to further develop e-commerce platforms.
    Keywords: business-to-business; B2B; website; information technology use; electronic commerce; case study; system pressures; SP; dominance; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059103
  • Information technology governance: systematic review and bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by G.P. Sahu, Darshan Kalasua 
    Abstract: This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of available literature and future exposure to the interdisciplinary topic of information technology governance (ITG). The searched keyword information technology governance and derived the metadata of 1,480 articles from the Scopus database, published between 2000 and June 2023. Then we conducted a bibliometric analysis and provided a systematic literature review. This study provides valuable insights into the most prominent journals, authors, nations, articles, keywords, and co-citations. A bibliometric analysis of 425 papers within the identified clusters has yielded a comprehensive understanding of their content, emerging trends and proposes potential themes for future investigations. Identifying various research gaps unexplored in this area will help the research will aid academics in understanding the fundamentals of information technology governance and identify areas that require more examination.
    Keywords: information technology governance; ITG; performance; IT leader; financial performance; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059113
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising through Analytics Tracking in the Digitized Environment: A Case of Technoingg   Order a copy of this article
    by Mudit Gera, Dharminder Kumar Batra 
    Abstract: Website performance assessment is becoming a key factor for efficient online marketing. This article examines the Technoingg website and website advertising data for mobile and desktop users. It is also aimed to evaluate the efficacy of users entries (visit behaviour through bounce rate and session duration) based on their traffic sources and media usage, such as direct visits, referral entries, and search engine visits as gender and market segments. The data has been collected from Google Analytics for four years between 1st January 2017 and 1st January 2021 to track visitors, their session duration, and other critical statistical characteristics. The analysis verified that Technoingg receives more visitors from desktops than mobile devices and that the growing number of visitors for mobile traffic is mostly through referrals with the organic route, with desktop users primarily visiting direct. According to advertising data, mobile users revenue per advertisement impression is more significant than desktop users. The website administrators must address the scope of improvement identified by various statistics metrics that would allow for improved demand analysis and forecasting in specific source markets and creating and implementing personalised (online) marketing campaigns.
    Keywords: mobile advertising; online advertising; data analytics; Technoingg; online tracking; web analytics; Google Analytics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059119
  • An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing the Impulse Buying Behaviour of Consumer   Order a copy of this article
    by Shiva Prasad Goud Cherukommu, Ungarala Devi Prasad 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the determinants of consumers' impulse buying behaviour (IBB), providing insights for marketers and researchers to comprehend consumer behaviour (CB). The objective is to identify and analyse influential factors in IBB. Primary data is collected via structured questionnaire from a sample of respondents and analysed using appropriate statistical methods. The research focuses on understanding consumer perceptions and experiences related to impulse buying and identifies key factors such as psychological, situational, social, and individual characteristics that significantly impact this behaviour. The findings underscore importance of understanding these factors for marketers to create strategies and environments that promote impulse purchases, while also contributing to literature on CB. For researchers, this study contributes to existing literature on CB and opens avenues for further exploration into multifaceted nature of impulse buying. Ultimately, understanding the factors influencing IBB is crucial for businesses in formulating effective marketing strategies and enhancing customer experiences.
    Keywords: impulse buying; buying behaviour; consumer intention; demographics; retail stores.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059136
  • Sentimental Analysis: Students Perspectives Through Comments on Products   Order a copy of this article
    by M. Ameen Chhajro, Pirah Ali, Shahzaib Ghafoor, Abdullah Ayub Khan, Mehran Hai 
    Abstract: Innovative Technologies are being developed according to fulfilled people's needs. There is a time when new product launched in a single piece of Advertisement paper. And so, a few people have accessed to see newspapers. Industries target those areas which have large number of audiences. Example of celebrities they sponsored their stuff to them and pays large amount of money to promote their publicity. Televisions are also taking leads in terms of published individual products. Conclusion Is they have to pay to publicize their products. When it comes to Pakistan industry, they are very weak in understanding people's mindset and their interest that’s why their product fails to stable. So, Pakistani organization invent product without getting customer knowledge and wishing their product get acceptance in market. By this strategy most of the audiences dislike their product and companies face huge loss. So, the product analysis application comes with up the solution where the user and company interact with each other virtually.
    Keywords: Sentiment analysis; artificial intelligence; machine learning; bayes theorem.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059139
  • Improving Conformance to Systems Maintenance Schedules Using Tracked Organizational Outcome Metrics   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajesh Mirani 
    Abstract: This study investigates an alternate use of organisational outcome metrics in the systems life cycle. Organisations typically apply such metrics to development projects in pre-post comparisons to determine whether the users and the user organisation have realised the intended benefits from the new system. Here, we test whether organisational outcome metrics can be beneficial in the context of systems maintenance rather than systems development. Specifically, whether the continual, ongoing tracking of such metrics during the operations and maintenance phase facilitates greater conformance to systems maintenance schedules. A dataset of systems maintenance projects was analysed to examine this research proposition. The results confirm that tracking organisational outcome metrics improve conformance to systems maintenance schedules. A key finding is that the number of tracked metrics has an inverted-U relationship with conformance, in that increasing the number of tracked metrics improves schedule conformance at first but beyond a point of inflection worsens conformance.
    Keywords: metrics; organisational outcomes; project management; systems development; systems life cycle; systems maintenance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059143
  • Information Security Breach Events and Stock Market Reactions: A Meta-Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Surjit Paul, Saini Das 
    Abstract: Information security breach events adversely affect organisational information systems. Prior studies assessed the stock market impact due to public disclosure of information security breach (ISB) incidents on listed firms and reported mixed results with respect to the significance and direction of cumulative abnormal return (CAR) of stock prices. Furthermore, only some of these studies have attempted to identify the factors affecting CAR. The current study attempts to address these research gaps by determining the stock market impact of publicly disclosed ISB incidents on firms using the meta-analysis of 36 event studies. Our findings suggest that disclosure of ISB incidents has a significant but small negative effect on CAR. The result of the meta-analysis revealed the existence of heterogeneity across the studies. Further, moderation analysis reveals that 'estimation window' is a significant moderating factor contributing to heterogeneity. Finally, the implications of the current study and future research work are also discussed.
    Keywords: event study; meta-analysis; heterogeneity; information security breach; ISB; cumulative abnormal return; CAR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059414
  • Examining the Effects of Usage Intensity on Cyberbullying Intention in Online Social Network Platforms: A Commitment Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Bo Wen, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu, Yuanyuan Gao 
    Abstract: Online social network (OSN) platforms facilitate social interactions and enrich interpersonal relationships. Notwithstanding their benefits, unintended and worrisome deviances can take place on these platforms too, especially cyberbullying. While prior research has focused on platform features or social learning factors, user characteristics like usage intensity and user-platform commitment have been less studied. Drawing on social impact and commitment theories, this research investigates the connections between usage intensity, user-platform commitment, and cyberbullying intentions. Survey data from 324 Facebook users reveals that usage intensity is associated with heightened cyberbullying intentions indirectly through users' affective and normative commitments. This association appears attenuated by users' continuance commitment. Moreover, an ex post analysis reveals that these indirect effects vary based on users' perception of cyberbullying sanctions. These findings elucidate the mechanisms through which usage intensity influences cyberbullying intentions and suggest a promising direction for future research.
    Keywords: cyberbullying; online social networks; OSN usage intensity; commitment theory; social impact theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059653
  • Enablers of Effective Use of Business Intelligence and Analytics System and Research Agenda: A Systematic Literature Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Sajid Amir Shah, Abdul Zahid Khan, Faisal Mahmood 
    Abstract: Recent data shows that business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) is currently the largest organisational spend among all other business IT solutions. However, the literature reveals that 70% to 80% of organisations cannot reap the highest capacity BI&A benefits due to its ineffective use and lack of understanding about the enablers contributing to its success. The objective of this study was to explore key enablers of the effective use of BI&A systems. For this purpose, the systematic literature review technique was used in the current study. After applying the selection criteria, 33 published articles out of 143 were selected and reviewed for the current research. The review revealed 28 enables of effective use of BI&A systems which have been further categorised into four main themes, i.e., organisational-centric, technological-centric, user-centric, and data-centric enablers. In the last section of the study road map for future studies has been presented.
    Keywords: business intelligence; business analytics; effective use; EU; enablers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059733
  • Customers Intention and Use of AI in Commercial Banks: An Augmentation of Technology Acceptance Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Neelam Singh, Feba Thomas, Yadav Shivani Anurag Kumar, Amrit Raj Bharati, Ayush Gupta 
    Abstract: The objective is to identify the variables that influence customer intention to use AI technology in banks. As artificial intelligence (AI) has grown in popularity over the last two decades, almost every organisation is beginning to use it. Customers care about the relevance and application of this technology becomes important for the organisation. The study's goal is to learn more about the factors impacting the customer's intention. Primary data is collected from all over India including both urban and rural population through a questionnaire. The data reveal that the criteria technology awareness, trust, ease of use, and perceived usefulness are all important while preferences mentioned in the studies impact customer intention in using AI. The research paper collected data from mainly urban regions. The future research will be enhanced by including samples from rural regions and some more factors related to demographic factors should be considered too for better understanding.
    Keywords: technology acceptance model; artificial intelligence; trust; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; banking; customer intention; commercial banks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059796
  • Arabic Sentiment Analysis of Twitter dataset using improvised models of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Ensemble approaches   Order a copy of this article
    by Lamia Mohamed Ahmed, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Gawaher Hussein 
    Abstract: At that developing world of artificial intelligence (AI), sentiment analysis is a research field focused on analysing emotions expressed within textual dataset to determine sentiment polarity if it is positive, negative or neutral. This research highlights the importance of sentiment analysis in data mining and data classification as considered a part of natural language processing (NLP), with a specific focus on Arabic language sentiment analysis. In this study, different approaches, such as convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, logistic regression (LR), and random forest (RF), were proposed to classify sentiments using a reliable Arabic dataset as they were differed according its usability performance and mechanism. The results demonstrated that these proposed approaches led to improvements performance and evaluation metrics especially in accuracy and F1-score. Specifically, the LR classifier achieved the highest accuracy of 86%, while other classifiers achieved accuracies: 84.72% (CNN), 82.67% (LSTM), and 83% (RF).
    Keywords: sentiment analysis; SA; sentiment classification; SC; sentiment polarity; dialectical lexicon; constructed lexicon; Arabic sentiment analysis challenges; ASA challenges.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10059883
  • Do Consumer Barriers and Anxiety Impede Intentions to Adopt m-Wallets? An Innovation Resistance Theory Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Zafar Yaqub, Rana Muhammad Shahid Yaqub, Fahad Javed Baig, Imran Ali 
    Abstract: Mobile wallets (m-wallets) are getting increasingly customary worldwide as mediums of financial transactions because of their expediency and other benefits in performing such transactions. However, notwithstanding these benefits, m-wallets are still travailing attributable to the shackles impeding their adoption. The critical challenges that m-wallets have confronted in retail could largely be attributed to the prevalence of customer resistance toward the adoption of this emergent technology, particularly in developing countries. While making an appeal to the innovation resistance theory (IRT), this study investigates the dysfunctional aspects of various adoption-related barriers coupled with consumer anxiety in affecting attitudes and intentions to use/adopt m-wallets to examine the adoption of emerging technologies such as m-wallets through the lens of innovation resistance. The study, besides contributing to scholarly discourse on innovation resistance and technology adoption, presents some useful implications to marketers to help them ameliorate the adoption of m-wallets in consumer publics.
    Keywords: intention to use m-wallet; attitude toward m-wallet; consumer anxiety; barriers to adoption; innovation resistance theory; IRT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060108
  • Prioritising the Quality Dimensions of the After-Sales Service in the Indian Automobile Industry: a Fuzzy-AHP Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhushan Kumar, Balbir Singh 
    Abstract: The objective of this research is to prioritise the quality constructs of after sale services provided by passenger car service stations. In the current study, individuals who had visited the official service stations of four major automobile companies for the purpose of availing any of the after sale services like maintenance and repairs, spare parts, etc. were contacted. The primary data has been collected from a total of 569 respondents belonging to India. The respondents were asked to answer the questions based on five points Likert scale. Fuzzy-AHP has been used to prioritise the quality dimensions. The results of the study concluded that the reliability (RE) of the service stations is the most important quality dimension which the customers look for while deciding to purchase a car. While the availability of sufficient service staff (empathy E2) is the most important consideration (sub-dimension) for customers.
    Keywords: after sale services; fuzzy analytical hierarchy process; fuzzy-AHP; passenger cars; automobile industry; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060288
  • The Effect of Digital Technology on Market Innovation Strategies: an Empirical Analysis of Nigerian SMEs and Startups   Order a copy of this article
    by Kofarnaisa Farouk Umar, Adams Adeiza, Kurawa Sabo Najib, Cunjin LI, Serigne Fallou Diouf, Abdulrahman Chukkol Hamman 
    Abstract: This study aims to show how strategic information systems’ digitalisation of the global business environment affects market innovation, especially during global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital technologies boost productivity, cost reduction, flexibility, and performance in established and market-dominant multinational businesses, SMEs, and startups. Digital technologies may be able to mitigate catastrophic disasters like COVID-19, although proof is scarce. We propose research to fill the gap. Through empirical research, this study identified several business development possibilities and the impact of using digital technologies in organisations to combat COVID-19 and ensure business continuity. The investigation used data from 335 SMEs, and startups. The A priori sample size calculator estimated the sample size. PLS-SEM was used to accurately evaluate latent construct correlations and draw conclusions, recommendations, and future research directions. Outcomes imply that advanced digital technologies improve market innovation strategies during a pandemic and improve user digital technology experiences.
    Keywords: digital technology; market innovation; global health crisis; user digital technology experience; technology acceptance model; TAM; disruptive innovation theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060363
  • A Combined Model for Customer Credit Scoring Using Machine Learning-based Classification Methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Van-Ho Nguyen, Thanh Ho Trung, Su Le Hoanh, Thanh-Tuyen Huynh 
    Abstract: Credit risk is a major concern for top banks and credit institutions, as it has a significant impact on their financial resources and profitability. As a result, businesses are actively looking for strategies to predict and minimise the level of risk to the lowest possible rate. To address this issue, with significant advances in the field of artificial intelligence, in this study, credit scoring is approached for measuring credit risk combined with machine learning algorithms experimented on a dataset collected from a financial company to enhance the ability to predict credit risks more accurately. The findings show that the random forest algorithms can work well in credit scoring due to their high performance. With an accuracy score of 83%, banks, and credit organisations can utilise this model as a decision support system to facilitate credit approvals and minimise the risk of non-performing loans.
    Keywords: classification model; customer analytics; credit scoring; machine learning; making loan decisions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060472
  • Extracting Decision Rules for Technologies 4.0 Selection in the Context of Business Process Improvement: A Literature Review-based Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarra MEJRI, Sonia Ghannouchi Ayachi 
    Abstract: The emergence of intelligent BPM (IBPM) is built upon adding smart technologies and business intelligence to BPM. In such a harsh environment, improving BPs using the most adequate technologies is considered a complex task. Recently, for the sake of exploring the use of technologies 4.0 in different domains using specific languages and efficiently improving BPs in the context of IBPM, we need to delve deeper to figure out a way. In this paper, we ponder via referring back to 87 articles looking examine all the relevant researches which have been executed in the different fields associated with the use of technologies 4.0 integration to optimise the performance criteria of BPs. Previous studies have reported that it can be successfully revamped with BPM through enhanced technologies 4.0. Recent evidence suggests that we have deducted the decision rules for the selection of technologies 4.0 according to domains, BP languages, and performance criteria.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; intelligent BPM; IBPM; decision rules; literature review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060551
  • Implementing and Developing Data-Centered Smart Cities: Needs, Applications, and Challenges from a Data Science Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Qotadeh Saber Aljawazneh, Aysh Alhroob, Thamer Alsariera, Mohammad Almuiet, Moath Husni, Ali Ibrahim, Omar Tarawneh 
    Abstract: The article discusses the increasing importance of information driven smart technology in creating efficient and productive smart cities to meet the demands of the growing urban population. The use of real-time data can provide green services, aid decision-making, and increase community engagement. Effective data governance is important in fully exploiting the potential of these datasets. The article concludes that smart people and smart residing techniques are just as important as smart mobility, smart environments, and smart economic system measures. The article also highlights the importance of participatory governance procedures in involving residents in the development of smart cities.
    Keywords: data science; smart city; internet of things; IoT; big data; ICT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060912
  • Web-based Interactive Narratives to Present Business Processes Models   Order a copy of this article
    by Márcio Rocha, Tadeu De Classe, Sean Siqueira 
    Abstract: Interactive narratives offer a novel approach to presenting business process models, making them more accessible and collaborative. These narratives create a hyper-textual environment that facilitates knowledge exchange and comprehension for ordinary individuals. However, designing such narratives is complex, as business process modelers must accurately identify and translate the graphic elements of a process model into dynamic narrative elements. This research paper introduces the scripting your process (SYP) method, which provides a systematic approach to designing interactive narratives based on business process models. Following the principles of design science research (DSR), a quasi-experimental study demonstrates and evaluates the SYP method. The results show that the SYP method successfully achieves its objective, contributing to the systematic design of interactive narratives derived from business process models. Consequently, individuals who are not experts in business process management can understand these processes in an engaging and gameful manner.
    Keywords: business process models; interactive narratives; scripting your process; SYP; design science research; DSR; business process modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10060959
  • The Impact of Bidding and Communication Features on Delivery Service User Satisfaction: A Mobile Service Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Asad Abbasi, Shahbaz Khan, Abdullah Ayub Khan, Mazhar Ali Dootio, Shafique Ahmed Awan, Nabia Shaikh, Summaiya Siddiqui 
    Abstract: This research targets an online delivery or courier service that includes a bid option. The user can easily place their order for a package and track it. The main objective of research is to assist users by giving them the freedom to choose price through bidding options as well as by communicating with rider while requesting the order. It saves by just clicking and ordering parcels. Customer can track their order easily. System-generated fixed prices for delivery services cause clients to leave. A feature of bidding in accordance with the nature of human bargaining was suggested. This functionality, which allows users to submit orders and the system to generate pricing brackets, was able to be implemented in the Yayek application. The system can also generate an expected time from which users can plan their actions. In this work, users need to create their account and allow location access.
    Keywords: bidding; route optimisation; real-time tracking; courier service; API analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061151
  • Bibliometric Analysis of Marketing in the Era of Digital Transformation   Order a copy of this article
    by Suneel Kumar, Satinder Kumar, Varinder Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Kamlesh Attri 
    Abstract: To accommodate the changing marketing and market demands, digital transformation is a process of integrating digital technology to generate new or transform existing marketing and business processes and consumer interaction and experiences. This bibliometric analysis explores publications from 2012 to 2022 focused on digital transformation and marketing. A total of 165 relevant publications were investigated using the Scopus database, with the keywords digital transformation and marketing. The study aims to identify research trends, prominent journals based on CiteScore, SJR rank, total citations, prolific authors, highly cited works, contributing countries, co-authorship networks and keyword phenomena. The analysis employed the VOSviewer tool to analyse Scopus database data and generate visual maps, including the keywords networks graph, co-authorship and countries and co-occurrences.
    Keywords: digital transformation; digital marketing; big data; artificial intelligence; e-commerce; electronic commerce; bibliometric.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061338
  • Decision pathway: navigating the biases of strategic decision making through representational approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Ehsan Souri, Fatemeh Sajjadian, Shib Sankar Sana 
    Abstract: This study aimed to identify and classify specific biases relevant to the strategic decision-making process of representation, and meta-representation to understand the impact of these biases on decision-making effectiveness. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify these biases and the study also discussed methods for overcoming them, emphasising the importance of designing systems and processes rather than solely focusing on individual debiasing. The results were compared to recent literature and the study found that the model developed is novel and practical. Future research is needed to further explore the relationship between biases and strategic decision-making outcomes and to develop more effective debiasing methods.
    Keywords: strategic decision-making; cognitive bias; representation; meta-representation; information-processing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061483
  • Predicting Financial Distress of Indian Companies using Machine Learning Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Reynal Fernandes, Veerta Tantia 
    Abstract: Financial distress is a threat to business and needs to be addressed and minimised without delay. This study was conducted on financial distress companies through the application of modern models, using the machine learning algorithm, which is an advanced way of finding solutions to complex business problems. The neural network model, with an accuracy of 84% shows the highest capacity in predicting financial distress in companies. It also observed that overall, all modern models used had an accuracy of above 75%, which is considered a good rate of prediction. The research is limited to only a few models and performance measures. This study has major implications for the stakeholders of a company. With timely prediction of financial distress, a company can make the right decisions at the right time, which will enable it to spin off high profits and expand its business to a greater extent.
    Keywords: financial distress; modern models; predictors; machine learning; performance measures; algorithmic; decline; neural network; decision tree; random forest.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061613
  • A Systematic Literature Review On AI-Guided Extended Reality For Immersive Gen Z Digital Tourism   Order a copy of this article
    by Poh Soon JosephNg, Mohamad Suhair Mohamad Subair, Phan KY 
    Abstract: This systematic literature review explores the influence of AI-guided virtual assistants on extended reality tourism, emphasizing the importance of immersive, personalized, and informative travel experiences for tourists. This peer-reviewed article methodological approach comprehensively examines tourists' preferences, concerns, and expectations for AI-guided virtual assistants in XR tourism to provides significant insights for XR tourism stakeholders and especially the Generation Z individuals. The main finding is that AI-guided virtual assistants in XR tourism boost tourists' engagement, contentment, and loyalty. The theoretical contribution is creating frameworks to better enhance the AI-guided virtual assistants affecting tourism using TAM and UTAUT model via the use of XR technology. The practical contribution includes improving customer experience, business operations, resource management, and promoting sustainable tourism. The managerial contribution underlines the importance of collaboration among AI developers, tourism stakeholders, and destination managers to build smooth and engaging XR tourist experiences. Finally, the societal contribution emphasizes the potential of artificial intelligence-guided virtual assistants in improving accessibility, cultural understanding, safety, and sustainable tourist practices.
    Keywords: AI-Guided Virtual Assistants; Extended Reality Tourism; Natural Language Processing; Immersive Experiences; Personalized Travel.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061669
  • Analyzing student intention to use chatbots in higher education institutions   Order a copy of this article
    by Wasef Mater, Monther Al Dwairi, Nasim Matar 
    Abstract: The potential of chatbots as a communication and customer care tool has drawn immense attention worldwide. This study investigates student intentions to use chatbots in higher education institutions in Jordan. Based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2), a conceptual model was developed. Additionally, four factors were integrated to analyse chatbot usage specifically in the context of Jordan. Data was collected through an online survey from 386 university students attending private universities in Jordan. The structural equation modelling (SEM) technique was employed to analyse the data. The findings indicate that various factors, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivations, habit, perceived innovativeness, attitude towards inconvenience, and automation, significantly influence chatbot usage intentions. Consequently, private universities should develop chatbots based on these tested factors. This study offers essential theoretical and practical implications, emphasising the significance of chatbot usage in higher education institutions for students. It is particularly noteworthy as one of the first investigations into the intention to use chatbots in Jordanian universities, where research on this topic has been limited.
    Keywords: chatbots; UTAUT2; perceived innovativeness; self-service technology attitude; inconveniences; automation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10061671
  • The Influences of Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Quality, and Relationship Quality on Satisfaction: A Sample of Members on Social Network Communities   Order a copy of this article
    by Thuy Dung Pham Thi  
    Abstract: Social network communities (SNCs) have become an important part of the business model. Therefore, this study is based on SNCs, covering various types of communities. This study focuses on the impact of knowledge sharing (KS), knowledge quality, and relationship quality on member satisfaction. Relationship quality includes four indicators: trust, mutual understanding, commitment, and conflict. The findings are as follows: 1) among the four indicators of relationship quality, trust, mutual understanding, and conflict have an impact on community member satisfaction, while commitment has no impact; 2) member satisfaction is directly influenced by three factors: KS, knowledge quality, and trust, with KS being the most important among these three; 3) KS is directly influenced by trust; 4) knowledge quality is directly influenced by trust and conflict; 5) conflict directly influences trust and mutual understanding. Finally, the findings provide more insights into the research field.
    Keywords: knowledge sharing; relationship; quality; social network community; SNC; satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062056
  • Impact of society's cognitive drive as a mediator between online social marketing and social health environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Jugal Kishor 
    Abstract: The social connections that people make online help to shape social health environment. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the link between web-based social marketing (WBSM), social health environment (SHE), society's cognitive drive (SCD). 315 members who were chosen from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India made up the study's sample. Applying three standardised measures allowed for the collection of data on WBSM, SHE, and SCD. PLS-SEM, or partial least square structural equation modelling, was used to assess the data. The findings showed that whereas SCD had a substantial influence on SHE, WBSM structures had a big impact on social SCD. The findings also supported the SCD support's limited mediation impact. The validated research approach may be used to cause promotion, new campaign development, and co-invention of value for e-campaigning.
    Keywords: society-technology interface; digital marketing; cognitive drive; society; mediation effect; social marketing; web-based social marketing; WBSM; social health environment; SHE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062061
  • Accelerating Digital Transformation through the Development of Dynamic Capabilities and Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance: A Case Study of the Banking Industry in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdurrahman Syahrawi, Aurik Gustomo, Eko Agus Prasetio 
    Abstract: The increasing use of digital technology has driven companies to adopt digital transformation (DT) to become more adaptable in facing unexpected challenges. However, the literature needs to further explain the essential capabilities that companies, especially banks, must possess in managing DT to improve their performance. This research, involving 45 banks in Indonesia with data from 319 respondents using Smart-PLS, identifies key capability themes based on dynamic capability theory. The study’s results show that the essential capabilities are strategy, ecosystem, innovation, technology, and governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) as moderating variable. This research also found that DT has a significant influence as a mediating variable between organisational capabilities and company performance, and GRC capability also has a significant impact on DT to improve banking performance. Our discoveries offer valuable insights into the advancement of dynamic capability involves combining organisational capabilities, DT, and GRC to improve performance by effectively managing both the advantages and risks of digital initiatives.
    Keywords: digital transformation; DT; governance; risk management and compliance; GRC; dynamic capability; DT capability; banking performance; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062082
  • Assessing Continue to Use Intention of Contactless Mobile Payment Systems of First-Time Users   Order a copy of this article
    by Amita Goyal Chin, Vipul Patel, Chinmay Baxi, Mark Harris 
    Abstract: The ubiquity of smartphones and other personal devices have increased the use of mobile payments systems. The recent pandemic also accelerated adoption, contributing to a paradigm shift, including in economies based largely on cash. For example, more than 80 million people in India, a cash-based society, made their first digital payment during the pandemic. Providers must retain users of mobile payment systems, particularly first-time users, and incentivise them to continue using these systems, as many businesses are transforming from physical to digital modalities of commerce. We investigate factors that influence the intent of first-time users of mobile payment systems during the pandemic to continue to use them. Our research amalgamates UTAUT, PMT, and ECT to form a new research model. A survey of 488 respondents shows the strongest connection between user satisfaction and continue to use intention. Performance expectancy and confirmation of expectations explained 25.5% of satisfaction variance.
    Keywords: intention to use; contactless mobile payment systems; first-time users; UTAUT; protection motivation theory; PMT; expectation confirmation theory; ECT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062190
  • How Does Firm Tenure Affect Audit Quality Evidence From Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Quoc Thuan Pham, Thi Giang Tan Tran, Duc Nghia Mai, Thi Thu Phuong Tran 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the impact of audit firm tenure on audit quality in Vietnam, an emerging country with the expectation of improving audit quality to attract more domestic and foreign investors. A review of previous studies shows that non-linearity is considered to be a common relationship between firm tenure and audit quality, thus, the study also strives to determine the time of reversal of this relationship. Audit quality is measured through discretionary accruals (DAC) with the official sample including 362 non-financial companies listed on HOSE and HNX Vietnam during 2016 and 2019. Our results reveal that audit quality increases in the early stage and decreases in the later period of audit firm tenure. Moreover, the turning point of this relationship is evidenced at year of seventh, the time to change from positive to negative aspect in the relationship.
    Keywords: firm tenure; audit quality; AUQ; discretionary accruals; DAC; non-monotonic effect; Big4; non-Big4.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062333
  • Digital Entrepreneurship in the Event of COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Employees' Entrepreneurial Behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Wasim Ahmad, Naveed R. Khan, Yuqing Yang, Sun Yanming 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 catastrophe has been a major shock for individuals all over the world, disrupting their lives and livelihoods. The main objective of this study is to explore individual aspirations toward digital entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 epidemic. A new conceptual model was developed with the COVID-19 epidemic acting as a moderator. The foundation of the conceptual model is grounded in two theories, planned behaviour and push-pull mooring. The primary data were collected from 985 employees of public and private organisations in Pakistan. The data were analysed using partial least squares (PLS) regression in structural equation modelling (SEM). The results indicate that job insecurity, desire to be independent, and status-striving are the main determinants of digital entrepreneurship followed by social media self-efficacy and self-perceived creativity. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic and social media self-efficacy have a considerable influence on the link between push and pull factors in employees' entrepreneurial behaviour. This study report empirical findings to support the theory of PPM and TPB. To encourage digital entrepreneurial intention (DEI) in organisation managers are require developing a mechanism which help in establishing the relevant intentions among employees.
    Keywords: digital entrepreneurship; COVID-19 pandemic; self-efficacy; status-striving; creativity; social-media.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062496
  • Examining the International Journal of Business Information Systems through Scientometric Assessment (2005-2020)   Order a copy of this article
    by Santosh Baheti 
    Abstract: International Journal of Business Information System (IJBIS) is a journal of international repute that publishes original and peer-reviewed research in the business management, management information system, technology, and innovation domain. The journal reached its 17th year of publishing in 2021. This study provides a comprehensive overview of 905 publications using bibliometric data analysis technique. The study focuses on the contribution of IJBIS to the knowledge domain through publishing trends, authorship patterns, dominant authors, prominent articles, nature of studies, and thematic analysis. Co-occurrence of all keywords, co-authorship, citation, and co-citation analysis of authors, countries, and institutions is performed through VOS Viewer software. Findings of the study emphasises on relationship of IJBIS to different fields. The analysis also provides key insights about evolution of the domain over time.
    Keywords: bibliometrics; Scopus; information system; VOS viewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062579
  • A Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Model to Predict Business Failure in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Yusuf Al-Hroot, Malik Abu Afifa 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop and investigate a bankruptcy prediction model based on neural networks using the multilayer perceptron model for listed service corporations in Jordan, an emerging economy. The sample includes 14 failed and 14 non-failed Jordanian public shareholding service corporations listed during the period 20022019. As a result, the bankruptcy multilayer perceptron neural network (MPNN) prediction model is developed using ten financial indicators during a three-year period preceding bankruptcy. According to the findings, the bankruptcy MPNN prediction model has a high classification accuracy for all three years preceding the bankruptcy. Furthermore, we used a hold-out sample to test external validity, and the results showed a 100% correctness rate. Accordingly, these findings will help managers, investors, policymakers, and other interested parties identify corporations that are likely to go bankrupt by using our MPNN model, allowing them to make informed decisions at the right time.
    Keywords: multilayer perceptron model; failure prediction; neural networks; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10062583
  • A Novel Approach for Preferential Modelling of Aspects from Product Reviews   Order a copy of this article
    by Shabana Janani Chandrasekaran  
    Abstract: Understanding the dependencies between online product reviews and rating aids in discerning the latent customer opinions about the product for e-commerce giants like Amazon. The paper proposes an aggregation framework using concept spaces to discover fine-grained opinion summaries that explain customers' preferential variation about a product and its aspects. Using concept spaces, aspect-based opinion summaries are extracted from product reviews and modelled over review ratings represented by a 1- to 5-star score. The concept-space is developed using latent semantic analysis, and k-means clustering is applied to derive aspect-based opinion summaries. In contrast to predictive methods, an explanatory approach is used to estimate the ratings. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed method extracts the latent concepts that are representative opinion summaries of reviews. The effect of the extracted concepts on the 1- to 5-star scoring scale shows that the framework has better explanatory capability than the baseline model.
    Keywords: clustering; customer review; explanatory model; latent semantic analysis; opinion summarisation; product aspect; sub-space clustering; SVM regression; topic model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062587
  • Investigating ERP systems Adoption by Medium-sized and Large Companies in Developing Countries: Case of Cameroon   Order a copy of this article
    by Jean C. Essila, Jaideep Motwani, Amadou K. Hassana 
    Abstract: This study investigated the state of enterprise resources planning (ERP) software systems adoption by medium-sized and large businesses in a developing country. The work first reviewed the relevance of the theory of planned behaviour, social-emotional wealth theory, and stewardship theory as they attempt to explain decisions in the context of medium-sized and large businesses in developing countries. Using a structured questionnaire based on the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to determine the adoption rate, it also examined the legal context in which firms operate. In addition, the research investigated the overall adoption rate and the extent to which the adopted ERP systems are being used to develop a framework categorising adoption levels in these specific environments. The results provide an offbeat perspective to ERP adoption research and might lead to positive social changes in digital innovation for businesses worldwide.
    Keywords: enterprise resource planning systems; ERP adoption; ERP assimilation; medium-sized companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10062617
  • An Intervention study in a Mouse Model to analyze Circadian rhythm data   Order a copy of this article
    by J.V. Anand 
    Abstract: The physiological process of the circadian clock, which involves the rise and fall of haemodynamic data, is primarily influenced by exogenous light. The narrowing down process focuses on analysing gene-profile data and associating it with the extent of light cycles. This paper focuses on analysing the triplicate of hypotheses from the haemodynamic data of mice pertaining to circadian rhythm. The neurotransmitter, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and wild-type types are being considered with haemodynamic data for meta-analysis. The Bayes analysis aims to infer the prior and posterior probabilities. The first and second hypotheses examine the sequence of variations in the gene profiles during the light and dark cycles. The final hypothesis focuses on the variation in vasoactive intestinal peptide under the influence of light and scotophase cycles. The competing hypotheses, along with the evidence, Bayes factor, sequential data accumulation, and the precise statement of each hypothesis, are analysed.
    Keywords: actogram activity; Bayes factor; prior and posterior distribution; evidence of hypothesis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062618
  • A due Diligence Study on Data and Personal Privacy in an Invasive World: Gap Analysis with Pros and Cons from the Indian Context   Order a copy of this article
    by Nagarajan Muthukrishnan, R. Ganapathi Ramasamy 
    Abstract: Data drives this digital world in various ways. The data exists everywhere, and each function or each process needs the data to analyse and identify the existing issues and address any problems. The purpose of this study is to identify public awareness of data and its privacy (public perceptions), the public's willingness to share their data, the required policy amendments that need to be imposed in governance on privacy, and government policy on cyber laws based on public opinions. Data has been collected from 1001 respondents across India. Facts and figures opined by the respondents were analysed and interpreted to provide more insights from the Indian context There is a significant influence through policy amendments on data protection and rights to privacy across various sectors 60.64% respondents welcome the prime minister's vision for a digital India, while 39.36% are not willing to support it for some unknown reasons. Future scope for research will be identifying the factors that affect and control the privacy rights of the public to construct a path for structural equation modelling through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
    Keywords: Data; business information; due diligence; privacy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062914
  • Factors affecting sustainable consumption behaviour   Order a copy of this article
    by Uttam Kaur, Prashant Kumar Siddhey, Rajeev Shukla, Mr. Rubel 
    Abstract: The investigation explains the concepts of environmental concern (EC), perceived marketplace (PM), and ecological knowledge (EK). It looks at how they relate to the association between these factors and sustainable consumption. For this research, a sample size of 205 respondents was taken from consumers. Individual responses thus obtained were assembled, processed, and analysed to ensure opinions on several matters. By demonstrating how an individual's perception of other people's marketplace behaviour affects their own, this effort advances previous studies on the association among beliefs, ideals, and behaviour. The findings of this research indicate that PM, EC, and EK directly impact sustainable consumption behaviour. Also, this research showed that consumers have a significant association with behaviour when it comes to sustainable consumption. This research provides fresh perspectives on sustainable consumption behaviour among customers, topic prior investigators have yet to concentrate on. Also, the research results have given businesses and the government insight into customers' attitudes towards sustainable consumption.
    Keywords: perceived marketplace; environmental concern; environmental responsibility; sustainable consumption behaviour; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10062926
  • Navigating Corporate Development through Digital Transformation: An Analysis of Organisational Performance Drawing on TAM Theory & Practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhuo Chen  
    Abstract: It is immensely important to utilise digital platforms to improve electronic customer relationships with distinct customers either business-to-business or business-to-consumer. This study aims to investigate the role of digital marketing methods (DMM) with consideration of different DMM tools, i.e., social networks, social apps, e-mails, viral campaigns, digital ads, m-devices, search engines ads, and digital infrastructure on business performance in terms of sustainable business performance (SBP) along with moderating effect of the model (technology acceptance model) considering two perspectives, i.e., ease of use factor (EF) and usefulness factor. Data were obtained from the Chinese market using the formation of a questionnaire and distribution among participants. The model of structure equations was mainly applied to generate the directions of the paths among all latent variables. The present outcomes found a positive connection between DMP methods and SBP. Likewise, the significant moderating correlations, i.e., EF and UF were confirmed between DMP and SBP. This study endows with insights about the integration of digital marketing methods that can improve electronic customer relationships that eventually may support optimising business performance. Furthermore, this study provides several interesting and fruitful implications for the concerned management and future potential for scholars.
    Keywords: digital marketing; business performance; technology acceptance model; TAM; developing economics; empirical investigation; SEM model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063079
  • Exploring Enablers of Neo Bank adoption: A TISM and fuzzy MICMAC Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Nitin Garg, Ganesh P. Sahu 
    Abstract: The internet revolution and the spread of technology have changed various sectors, including the banking sectors of the economies around the world. Nowadays, people are more likely to make use of technology enabled financial services offered by Neo bank, instead of the services provided under the traditional banking model. This research has been conducted to discover the enablers enabling the Neo bank's adoption by reviewing the literature and analysing the relationship among the enablers. A hierarchical connection among enablers has been formed using the total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) technique. Moreover, fuzzy cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) analysis also investigates enablers' driving and dependence power. The influence of the nine enablers identified by the TISM technique on choosing Neo bank is more transparently understood with a well-structured study in the hierarchical form. The study's recommendations offer policymakers valuable insight into feasible improvement steps.
    Keywords: Neo bank; internet-only bank; total interpretive structural modelling; TISM; fuzzy MICMAC; internet banking; adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063109
  • Importance of Management Information System for Enhancing the Success Factor of Project   Order a copy of this article
    by Sakha Moh'd Kraishan, Salameh Mjlae, Ibrahim M. Mkheimer 
    Abstract: Management information system (MIS) has become one of the important and essential tools in the different organisations. The present research paper aims to scrutinise the importance of MIS and the success factors in the construction project context. The research knowledge gap has been discussed and serves as a base for this research work. The research used questionnaire method for data collection and targeted the construction project managers in Jordan with a total of 151 respondents. The analysis procedures conducted using SPSS V.23. The results showed significance of all different study variables, and revealed positive correlation among these variables. The study implications furthermore stated the fact that MIS is an extremely important tool, and the information system can effectively and critically help construction projects. The study offered some recommendations for project managers in Jordan to consider MIS as the optimal available approach for organising critical, dynamic, and time-realistic construction projects.
    Keywords: management information system; MIS; project management information system; PMIS; resource-based theory; project management; information quality; reliability; construction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063167
  • Utilitarian and Hedonic determinants of customers' behaviour while shopping online: A mediation-moderation model   Order a copy of this article
    by Waqar Ahmed, Arsalan Najami, Fatima Gull Muhammad, Huma Maqbool 
    Abstract: Consumer buying behaviour has recently drawn significant attention, especially in developing countries. Marketers, researchers, supply chain analysts, and policy makers are closely studying this phenomenon to understand the complex nature of the human decision-making process. Using the mean end chain (MEC) theory and the WebQual model, this study explores the role of utilitarian and hedonic values and e-service and product quality concerns in customers' repeat purchase intention in online shopping. The data were collected from 373 respondents with at least one-time experience of online shopping using purposive sampling through self-administered questionnaires. PLS-SEM was used to analyse the data. The study's findings reveal that both hedonic and utilitarian values significantly impact repeat purchase intention. E-service quality also significantly contributes to customers' repeat purchase intention in different ways, including directly and indirectly, while product quality positively moderates the customers' repeat purchase intention.
    Keywords: utilitarian values; hedonic values; e-service quality; product quality; PLS-SEM; repeat purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063454
  • Artificial Intelligence Research in Healthcare Information Systems Management: A Systematic Review using Thematic Analysis and Topic Modelling   Order a copy of this article
    by Digvijay Singh Bizalwan, Bhumika Ray, Preeti Kalyan 
    Abstract: Over the past five years, there has been a rapid increase in AI research focused on healthcare services. Yet, the scholarship has not been analysed from an information systems (IS) management outlook. This study has three objectives: 1) to systematically review IS literature pertaining to the application of AI-led technologies in healthcare, 2) to uncover the emerging research themes concerning the amalgamation, and 3) to discover the relationships that bind individual research themes into encompassing topics. The authors conducted this systematic literature review using thematic analysis and topic modelling. We created thirteen themes by analysing 762 research articles through multi-level coding. Simultaneously, LDA unveiled five core topics vis-
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; healthcare services; information systems management; thematic analysis; topic modelling; big data analytics; BDA; ubiquitous systems; medical informatics; smart healthcare.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063721
  • Assessing the Drivers of sudden Uptick of COVID-19 Cases: A case of Taiwan   Order a copy of this article
    by Pratima Verma 
    Abstract: Taiwan has been hailed across the world for its extremely successful COVID-19 reaction from their social and government aspects. Officials that were well-trained and experienced were fast to detect the issue and activate emergency management mechanisms to deal with the looming epidemic. Despite such remarkable success in combating the pandemic, something surprisingly went wrong from a public and political standpoint. After the mid of April 2021, Taiwan COVID-19 cases graph suddenly increasing. Consequently, this study extends to the identification of several Governmental, Social Psychological, and International variables that may be accountable for COVID-19 spreads. The results revealed that imported cases, slow pace of vaccination, perception about vaccination, and false sense of security are key factors that contribute to the rapid increase of cases. The findings suggest that the Taiwan government should have continued to engage in more effective communication with its citizens regarding COVID-19 preventative behaviour.
    Keywords: COVID-19; social psychological factors; governmental factors; pandemic; Taiwan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063861
  • Effect of Recommendation Agent on On-Line Consumer Unplanned Purchase Behavior through Loyalty   Order a copy of this article
    by Syed Alam, Mohammad Masukujjaman, Saif Ahmed, Husam Kokash 
    Abstract: Recommendation agent is a new useful instrument used by many internet businesses such as eBay and Amazon. Customer purchase behaviour is affected by recommendation agent suggestions. Even, effects of recommendation agents lead to unplanned purchases. In this research, we identify the role of recommendation agents on unplanned purchase behaviour of online customers by consideration of different variables (product search effectiveness customer satisfaction with the website, product promotion effectiveness,), especially customer loyalty. By the combination of different variables and designing a new research model, we achieve new results in an academic environment. This study results provide useful information for marketing managers of companies. A questionnaire-based on research model is developed for this study. Questionnaires are distributed among students in different faculties at two public universities in Malaysia. The probability sampling technique is used for this study. The collected data was analysed by using the structural equation model technique with AMOS software.
    Keywords: customer loyalty; online shopping; recommendation agent; unplanned purchase behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10063967
  • Enabling AI Framework into Learning Process: Navigating the Impact of AI-Model on Learning Process using Theory of Planned Behaviour: Moderation of Gender Capability   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdul Waheed, Faisal Shehzad, Akib Warraich 
    Abstract: Some evolving models represent a significant advancement in conversational AI which empowers the users to engage in natural and interactive conversations. It is said that continued research and development in this field holds the promise of further improving the model's accuracy, understanding, and ethical implications, paving the way for a more sophisticated and human-like conversational AI. This study attempts to uncover the influence of leading AI tools such as ChatGPT on the student learning process (SLP) with moderation of gender (GnD). First, the study explores the connections between the usage of ChatGPT model and SLP. Second, how gender discrimination affects the connection between ChatGPT and SLP was empirically revealed. The findings are based on a 1,000 sample size (n = 1,000) and evaluated using structure equation modelling and SmartPLS. The study revealed a positive connection of ChatGPT on SLP without moderating role of gender. This study encourages the students by showing insights that ChatGPT is an important model for learning and research. This study is among pioneer studies on ChatGPT from a developing nation like Pakistan that ensured the significance of ChatGPT model from an education perspective.
    Keywords: ChatGPT; student learning process; gender analysis; empirical analysis; developing nation; structure equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064008
  • A Methodological Framework for Business Intelligence in Healthcare Based on ANP-DEMATEL Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahnaz Saeedi, Mohammad Javad Ershadi, Arman Sajedinejad 
    Abstract: Today, with deadly outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organisations should use novel technologies for their routine decisions. Business intelligence (BI) systems are among the emphasised innovations, which have attracted healthcare analysts' and policy makers' attention due to their potential in providing intelligent information, mostly for decision-making processes. BI maturity in healthcare, which is the main objective of this research, plays an important role in intelligent decision-making, planning, control and monitoring in healthcare. Therefore, a conceptual model of BI maturity in healthcare is designed. Dimensions, criteria and sub-criteria of the designed maturity model are determined using SLR and confirmed by Delphi method and experts' opinion. Then, multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are employed to assess optimality. The effects of dimensions, criteria and sub-criteria on each other are examined by DEMATEL method. Finally, the importance of dimensions, criteria and sub-criteria is weighted by ANP method. The proposed maturity model could be a way for successfully implementing BI maturity in healthcare.
    Keywords: business intelligence; BI; business intelligence maturity model; healthcare; DEMATEL method; ANP method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064015
  • Multilayer Neural Network Architecture for Predicting Stress/Anxiety in Modern Life: A Novel Approach using Facial Action Units   Order a copy of this article
    by Pooja Gupta, Srabanti Maji 
    Abstract: The facial action coding system helps in identifying and scoring the action units (AUs). These AUs exhibit the muscular activity that produces momentary changes in the facial appearance. We suggest the use of 18 AUs with a neural network to identify three different emotional states: stress, anxiety, and neutral. A feedforward neural network (FFNN) was implemented with a 3-stage architecture to predict stress, anxiety, or a neutral state. Videos were passed as input in the first stage; AU intensity levels were derived using the Openface tool and arranged in a matrix in the second stage; and finally, FFNN analysed the AU intensity matrix in the third layer, predicting stress and anxiety in a pattern recognition task. The prediction accuracy of the proposed work is 93.2 % for stress and 92.80% for anxiety, which is significantly better than the present handcrafted feature-based approaches.
    Keywords: stress/anxiety prediction; FACS; action units; openface; neural network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10064303
  • Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review of Blockchain in Digital Marketing: Current Status, Development, and Future Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Satinder Kumar, Mansi Rani, Garima Kathuria 
    Abstract: The aim of the study is to explore the field of blockchain and how this technology is contributing in digital marketing. PRISMA framework is used for the systematic literature review of 940 studies and after screening bibliometric analysis has been conducted on 186 studies with the help of biblioshiny package of R software. The findings of this study show that the growth of blockchain from 2019 and results indicate; European region is the major contributor; Guilin University of Electronic Technology is the top most institutes; Rowan Nj is the top leading author in this field. In last, with the help of bibliographic coupling, cluster analysis of networks has been conducted and study propound four major themes. This is an initial attempt to analyse existing literature in blockchain and digital marketing using bibliometric analysis. Resulting themes and research gaps indicate the present state of the Blockchain and digital marketing literature.
    Keywords: blockchain; digital marketing; bibliometric analysis; content analysis; privacy and security; cluster analysis; PRISMA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064430
  • A Study of the Effectiveness of Social Media in Building Stronger Customer Relationships in Kuwaiti Organizations   Order a copy of this article
    by Luay Tahat, Nasreddine Saadouli, Fahad Ali, Tarek Tahat 
    Abstract: This study examines the effectiveness of social media practices employed by organisations in Kuwait to enhance communication channels with their customers. Using a structured survey and inferential statistical analysis, the study finds that a significant portion of the population perceives that Kuwaiti organisations are effectively using social media to communicate with their customers. Moreover, the mean satisfaction level with the use of different social media platforms to communicate with customers surpasses 60%. These findings contribute to a heightened level of brand loyalty and increased engagement through social media. Furthermore, the study points out potential avenues for future research to broaden the scope of this inquiry, offering opportunities for deeper insights into social media practices within the context of Kuwaiti organisations. Overall, this study highlights the importance of effective social media use for organisations and emphasises the potential benefits of leveraging social media to improve customer communication and engagement.
    Keywords: social media; communication channels; customer engagement; online marketing; social media effectiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064555
  • Optimising banking sector loan fraud detection through machine learning methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Fahad Kamal Alsheref, Fahd Sabry Esmail, Amal Elsayed Aboutabl 
    Abstract: Addressing the persistent challenge of ongoing loan fraud in the financial sector is crucial for maintaining economic stability and customer trust. In this paper, we present an innovative automated model designed to identify and mitigate loan fraud through a fusion of predictive analysis techniques, with a particular emphasis on the integration of neural network and deep learning technologies. Our approach combines an autoencoder-based architecture with gradient boosting, showcasing superior effectiveness in detecting fraudulent activities. The model consistently achieves optimal accuracy, positioning it as a preferred choice across diverse datasets. Our research underscores the potential of neural networks and deep learning in bolstering fraud detection capabilities. The proposed model demonstrates promising results, emphasising the importance of synergising data mining methods that use advanced dimensionality reduction strategies within the feature space for enhanced fraud resolution.
    Keywords: loan fraud detection; neural network; deep learning; autoencoder; gradient; boosting; data mining techniques.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064565
  • Firefly inspired optimal dynamic partition clustering algorithm-based data clustering   Order a copy of this article
    by Veni Devi Gopal, G. Shree Devi, Angelina Geetha 
    Abstract: In this era of digital data, the need to group them, analyse and find the pattern among them has become increasingly important to benefit maximum out of it. K-means algorithm has been a key algorithm which has helped for grouping the data. But it comes with few limitations like need to have a prior knowledge about ' k' and also the problem of getting stuck into the local minima. On the other side, the bio-inspired algorithms that are majorly used for finding optimal solutions have the problem of converging to local minima. Considering these factors, this research paper focuses on forming a new clustering algorithm based on the characteristics of the firefly optimisation algorithm. The proposed algorithm has been able to overcome the shortcomings of K-means algorithm, which is prior estimation of ' k' value. Also the effect of the various central tendencies and dispersion on the clusters have been studied and analysed. It is observed through the experimental results, the cluster quality is much better in our approach when compared to K-means approach.
    Keywords: clustering; firefly algorithm; k-means algorithm; bio-inspired algorithm; optimisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064566
  • Entrepreneur social networks and investor decision-making: an experimental study of investor choice and founder LinkedIn networks   Order a copy of this article
    by Devika Banerji, Torsten Reimer 
    Abstract: Founder social connections have been argued to be important for entrepreneurial success. There is evidence showing that founder human capital (e.g., qualifications) and social capital (e.g., the size of a founder’s social network) are related to positive startup outcomes. However, it is not clear if investors pay attention to the social capital of founders while making investment decisions. This study addresses this gap in research. Adopting a decision-making perspective, a decision model is proposed that integrates both founder human and social capital cues to describe investor decisions. A choice experiment was conducted to compare investor and entrepreneur investment decisions using LinkedIn profiles of founders. The study showed that investors and entrepreneurs placed more importance on social capital of founders than human capital of founders while making investment decisions. A lexicographic, stepwise decision model that looks at social capital first and human capital second best described choice behaviour of participants.
    Keywords: founder LinkedIn connections; social capital; investor decisions; information processing; entrepreneur.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064611
  • Does the perceived value of skincare products on social media promote purchase intention. Empirical evidence from consumer behaviour on YouTube   Order a copy of this article
    by Shrabani Nanda, Min Jae Park, Mincheol Kang 
    Abstract: Consumers' perceived value is considered as a main factor influencing purchase intention. Although numerous researchers have attempted to connect consumer purchase intention and perceived value, none of these studies, to our knowledge, have looked at the curvilinear relationship between the two. Instead, they have only discussed it as a linear (positive or negative) relationship. In our study, we investigate the curvilinear impact of perceived values on purchase intention under YouTube environment. This study also introduces online interaction propensity (OIP) to test as a moderating variable affecting perceived values and purchase intention. Based on 839 valid responses, nine hypotheses were created and analysed. The findings show a curvilinear association between social values and buying intentions, as well as a moderating influence of OIP that is significantly detrimental on consumers' purchasing intentions.
    Keywords: online interaction propensity; OIP; purchase intention; U-shaped relationship; regression; YouTube; skincare products.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064710
  • Study of Trust - Mediating Effect on Indian Consumers' Usage Behaviour Towards a Sharing Economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Riktesh Srivastava, Jitendra Rathore, Samiksha Vyas, Rajita Srivastava 
    Abstract: This study investigates trust dynamics within the sharing economy, with a specific focus on the Indian context, utilising Airbnb as a case study. The research employs the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT 2) model and conducts a quantitative survey involving 379 participants. The primary objective is to examine the influence of behavioural intention on trust and subsequently identify its impact on usage behaviour. The proposed conceptual framework integrates UTAUT 2 model variables and introduces an additional variable, trust, to analyse usage behaviour in the sharing economy. The study finds performance expectancy and facilitating conditions positively influence behavioural intention, while effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit do not. Behavioural intention boosts trust, but trust does not significantly mediate usage behaviour. Despite methodological limitations, this research offers insights into trust dynamics in India's sharing economy, highlighting potential negative impacts on Airbnb.
    Keywords: sharing economy; usage behaviour; UTAUT 2; trust; Airbnb; Indian consumer behaviour; behavioural intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064711
  • Readiness Assessment for Cloud Computing Adoption: An Empirical Investigation in the Banking Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Abbas Alipour, Mohamad Sadegh Sangari, Ali Bozorgi Amiri 
    Abstract: As cloud computing (CC) becomes one of the most profitable and fast-growing domains, investigating key readiness factors for adoption in the industry is of great importance. Using Bayesian network (BN) analysis, this paper examines interrelationships among different dimensions of readiness for CC adoption, including human, economic, technical and infrastructural, organisational, environmental, and technological factors. A survey of experts in information technology (IT), research and development (R&D), and risk management in the banking industry is conducted. The results indicate that organisational policies and strategies, support from technology provider, technology skills, and cloud knowledge are the most influential determinants of readiness for cloud computing adoption readiness (CCAR). Most of the other factors have indirect influences on the CCAR. On the other hand, security and privacy are the most critical factors that negatively impact CCAR. The results of this research provide new insights into key determinants of improving CCAR in the banking sector.
    Keywords: cloud computing; Bayesian network; readiness assessment; cloud computing adoption; banking industry; causal modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10064712
  • Exploring HR Professionals' Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition: Evidence from the Indian IT Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramesh Sattu, Simanchala Das 
    Abstract: This study investigates the factors driving HR professionals intention to adopt AI in talent acquisition in the Indian IT industry by adopting a mixed technology-organisation-environment (TOE) and task-technology fit (TTF) model. We administered a survey instrument on 459 HR professionals including talent acquisition executives randomly selected from various IT firms located in major Indian cities. The PLS-SEM results revealed that the perception of cost effectiveness, relative advantage, HR readiness, top management support and competitive pressure significantly influence the adoption intention of HR professionals of the Indian IT companies. The findings of the study would help understand the factors that influence HR managers decisions to adopt AI in talent acquisition process. Further, the study contributes to the existing adoption theories by integrating TOE and TTF models to HR contexts and offers actionable insights for practicing managers of the organisations aiming to adopt AI in the recruitment process.
    Keywords: Digital transformation; Artificial Intelligence; Talent Acquisition; Technology-Organization-Environment Model; Task-Technology Fit Model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065044
  • Payment process design with new digital platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Nazli Altunbulak, Adnan Corum 
    Abstract: This study investigates a novel digital payment platform that has recently emerged in Turkey and gained traction across diverse sectors. We analyse the current landscape of payment applications in Turkey, assess the sustainability of this new platform in comparison to previous structures, and explore its implications. In particular, the study presents the benefits of adopting this platform within a specific company, documenting the transition, user experiences, mobile payment application integration processes, testing procedures, and the various factors influencing the performance of mobile applications within this platform. Our research aims to shed light on the dynamic landscape of digital payment platforms in Turkey and their implications for businesses and users. By examining the unique case of this emerging platform, we contribute valuable insights to the field, offering a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with digital payment solutions in Turkey.
    Keywords: POS; multi-sided platforms; NFC; contactless payment; mobile payment; payment infrastructure; payment systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065136
  • Less is Still More- The Importance of Minimalist Approach After the Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Varghese Joy, Vijay Jain, Preeti Sharma 
    Abstract: Today's consumer-driven society is rife with over consumption and compulsive purchasing. Consumption in the current period takes in different forms, from the standpoint of the consumer and the advertiser. This research uses bibliometric analysis to look into the theoretical development of the practical and philosophical idea of minimalism. The existing literature from the Scopus database was employed. The researchers used the VOSviewer software to visualise the author collaboration network, co-keyword analysis, and bibliographic coupling. To learn more about minimalism, the researchers used performance mapping and content mapping. One thousand seven hundred eighty four English-language publications were considered in this survey. Through this study, the researchers sought to provide answers to eleven research questions. The study's conclusions showed that there has been a significant growth in the study of minimalism literature. Future researchers on minimalism will eventually benefit from the findings, which will help them broaden their study horizons and give policymakers better context for their choices.
    Keywords: minimalism; decoupling; collaborative consumption; ecological footprint; circular economy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066182
  • Blockchain Based Supply Chain Financing: Research Trends and Future Research Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Pushpesh Pant, Krantiraditya Dhalmahapatra 
    Abstract: This research aims to review key domains and developments in blockchain-based supply chain financing (SCF) between 20182022. We have carried out a bibliometric analysis of 58 studies from the Scopus database, focusing on blockchain-based SCF between 2018 and 2022. The recognition of blockchains application in SCF began in late 2018, hence, we have considered 2018 as our starting point. We identify influential papers and authors based on citations, publications, geographical locations, and network importance. We also review current trends, put forward research limitations, and suggest future research directions. Global research in blockchain-based SCF gained momentum from 2020 onwards. There is a scarcity of studies on the intersection of SCF and blockchain, limiting theoretical and practical understanding. Consequently, blockchain integration in supply chains remains challenging. This study emphasises the need for a robust blockchain-based SCF framework to promote technology adoption within organisations. We conclude by proposing five potential future research directions.
    Keywords: supply chain finance; SCF; bibliometric analysis; citation network; Scopus; systematic literature review; blockchain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065273
  • Business Intelligence Analytics Job Postings: Understanding and Predicting Salaries   Order a copy of this article
    by Pinar Ozturk, Kathleen Hartzel 
    Abstract: This research emphasises the role of BI analytics online job postings, in providing transparency and empowering job seekers to make informed decisions based on available salary information. Using 3,145 job postings on Indeed, a salary prediction model (including company size and industry, position location and skill requirements, applicant education and experience, and job ad linguistic style and length) is presented. The findings shed light on the significance of these variables in predicting analytics salaries and offers valuable insights for both job seekers and employers. This study demonstrates the potential of salary prediction models to promote transparency, informed decision-making, and fairness in compensation practices, offering key insights for enhancing the alignment of job postings with market trends and candidate expectations.
    Keywords: online job postings; salary prediction model; business analytics; data analytics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065275
  • Social Influence, Self-Efficacy, and Overconfidence in Cryptocurrency Adoption   Order a copy of this article
    by Bo Han, Shih Yung Chou 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate how social influences and self-efficacy can determine a person's cryptocurrency adoption decisions. By analysing data collected from a survey-based methodology, this study finds that subjective norm and social trend can significantly positively influence a person's self-efficacy in cryptocurrency, thereby significantly increasing his cryptocurrency adoption intention. Subjective norm can significantly increase the probability of a person's overconfidence in cryptocurrency. These findings provide several implications to cryptocurrency adoption research and management.
    Keywords: cryptocurrency; financial technology; overconfidence; UTAUT; self-efficacy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065337
  • Real-time Military Target Detection and Recognition in Complex Environments with Mask R-CNN   Order a copy of this article
    by Suganya R, Girish H. Subramanian, Sabari Nathan, Mansoor Roomi S, Amuthalingeswaran C 
    Abstract: We present mask RCNN, a deep learning framework for automatically detecting military targets with camouflage. Camouflage detection in video surveillance is challenging due to the similarity between the target object and the surrounding environment. Our approach addresses various obstacles, including changes in background lighting, target size, and occlusion. Proposed work consists of 4 key steps. First, a backbone model extracts feature maps from input images. Next, a region proposal network identifies the presence of targets. Then, a region of interest (ROI) pooling layer standardises image sizes, and the images are fed into a fully connected network (FCN). The FCN performs object segmentation and identifies overlaps between similar objects, while generating instance segmentation masks for all targets in the images. We evaluated our method using 2500 images collected from videos and images with diverse shapes. The experimental results demonstrated a high accuracy of approximately 95.6% in predicting object masks.
    Keywords: camouflage; mask RCNN; military targets; object recognition; semantic segmentation; complex environments.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065339
  • Uncovering the International View of E-Government Studies: A Bibliometric Review   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammed Soufiane Benmoussa, Cindy Augustie, Aishath Muneeza, Saeed Awadh Bin-Nashwan, Emad A. Abu-Shanab, Mouad Sadallah 
    Abstract: This paper aims to undertake a bibliometric analysis of e-government studies utilising the Scopus database. The study followed an archival review approach with data collected from the Scopus database. A mixed method was used, which harmonised quantitative vs. qualitative views. Microsoft Excel was employed to analyse the frequency, VOSviewer for data visualisation, and Harzing's publish or perish for citation metrics and analysis. The study confirmed that e-government-related publications have continuously grown since 2001. The USA was ranked top in e-government research as the most active country. Brunel University London in the UK was the most active institution in terms of publishing substantial research on e-government. 159 scholars representing 140 different nations and 160 distinct institutions participated in various multilingual e-government studies. This study pioneers an examination of e-government publications within the Scopus database of scientific publications, contributing to the understanding of trends and dynamics in the field.
    Keywords: DOI; TOE factors; e-government adoption; Algeria; petroleum companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065535
  • Business Intelligence as Resource for Sales Mapping in Agribusiness   Order a copy of this article
    by Clovis Santos, Yago Magalães 
    Abstract: Brazilian agriculture has undergone several transformations, which have led Brazil to become one of the world's largest agricultural producers and exporters. With this, the agricultural sector has a significant representation in the Brazilian economy. In this scenario, the state of Mato Grosso in the central-west region of Brazil has been standing out for its agricultural activities in the last decade. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the Business Intelligence concept can contribute to the decision-making process by agribusiness managers through bibliographic research and case studies involved in a local company. From the information collected, the data were analyzed by applying the BI concepts, resulting in reports of recurring revenue, billing per region, sales per system, and sales per branch of activity. The conclusion of this research shows that BI met the expectations in the generation of information and its influence on the decision-making process in the company.
    Keywords: database; data science; agribusiness; data warehouse.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065538
  • Twenty-One Years of Job Embeddedness: a Bibliometric Analysis and Detailed Overview   Order a copy of this article
    by Anjali Dimri, Pankaj Kumar, Hemraj Verma 
    Abstract: This study intends to anticipate a bibliometric analysis of job embeddedness. The study shows that job embeddedness is still an emerging concept. The key drive is to do an in-depth analysis of the topic by finding who is the most cited author, which country and organisation has published the highest numbers of papers, which is the most popular journal, which is the most cited document, which author co-authored a maximum number of times, and in trend topics. A total of 482 documents from the Scopus database are taken out for the study from 2001 to 2022. The data is analysed through VOS viewer software and Biblioshiny software. The study also shows some major research gaps for future researchers and some in-trend issues related to it. The original value of job embeddedness studies is a subject that has now been examined in the literature formerly on Biblioshiny.
    Keywords: job embeddedness; VOS viewer; Biblioshiny; bibliometric analysis; turnover intentions; employee retention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065815
  • Computer-Assisted Auditing Techniques Adoption for Audit of Information Systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Fekadu Agmas Wassie, László Péter Lakatos 
    Abstract: Adopting computer-assisted auditing techniques (CAATs) in complex business operations is indispensable for audit work. Despite the benefit of CAATs, there are limited studies in the literature, and this review aims to provide information on the current state of research on the topic and reveal future areas of research interest. A systematic review of the literature (SRL) revealed that the adoption of CAATs in information system auditing has not been well researched. The following research gaps were found: a shortage of studies on the topic, limited geographical areas studied, homogeneity in methodology, the superiority of theoretical frameworks, and limited studies on audit perspectives. Therefore, future research needs to address those gaps to better understand the topic. This review work is original and undertakes an SRL on adopting CAATs for information system auditing, creating new information for future research, and contributing to the field.
    Keywords: adoption of CAATs; auditing; CAATs; information system; information system auditing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10065904
  • Using WhatsApp for Business Applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Shiv Ratan Agrawal, DIVYA MITTAL 
    Abstract: The present study tried to find out how WhatsApp and its various features are feasible for business applications. For this, we culled 1,000 text reviews posted by WhatsApp users from January 2019 to December 2022 on The study employed Python 3.10 to analyse the data using a text-mining approach. Overall, the results reveal that users are satisfied with WhatsApp and its features when used in business-related applications, except for customer service. Additionally, they have more positive feelings towards WhatsApp, which leads to their satisfaction compared to the opposing side. Thus, the study has several interesting theoretical and managerial implications.
    Keywords: WhatsApp; business applications; user satisfaction; text mining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066057
  • Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Banking: Exploring Loyalty Trends Among Young Generations in Palestine   Order a copy of this article
    by Aya AbuShreteh, Mohannad Ayyash, Fadi A.T. Herzallah, Amer J. Abosamaha 
    Abstract: This study aims to fill a gap in existing research by investigating the determinants affecting the loyalty of Palestine's younger generation towards AI-based mobile banking apps. Utilising a quantitative approach, 384 responses were collected through simple random sampling. Data analysis was performed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM 4.0). The findings reveal that perceived value, image, attitudes toward AI, usefulness, security, and trust are key influencers of loyalty towards AI-based banking services. Conversely, the need for services and perceived ease of use were not found to be significant predictors. The results offer valuable insights for academia and industry, shedding light on the unique consumer behaviour patterns in emerging markets and contributing empirical evidence to the development theory.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; perceived trust; security; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; perceived value; need for service; loyalty; mobile banking; Palestine.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066059
  • Fuzzy Logic for Manufacturing Decision Making, a Literature Review Aimed the Industry 4.0   Order a copy of this article
    by Pedro Lacerda, Nilson Brandalise 
    Abstract: This literature review examines the application of fuzzy logic in manufacturing decision-making, addressing complex data challenges. Fuzzy logic adeptly handles uncertainty, offering transparency for decision-makers. Practical benefits span production planning, decision making, lean approach and process control, making it integral to Industry 4.0. Despite challenges like rule development, ongoing advancements enhance its utility. Integrating fuzzy logic with AI and machine learning holds promise for boosting manufacturing efficiency. In essence, fuzzy logic emerges as a pivotal tool for refining decision processes, offering adaptability and efficiency for modern manufacturing. The article contributes a comprehensive overview of fuzzy logic's role in Industry 4.0-aligned decision-making in the manufacturing landscape.
    Keywords: fuzzy logic; manufacturing decision making; literature review; Industry 4.0; uncertainty management; production planning; control systems; decision support; fuzzy lean.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066068
  • Investor Sentiment and Risk-adjusted Return Justification of Cryptocurrencies   Order a copy of this article
    by Shauryajeet Singh, Prakash Singh 
    Abstract: This study investigates the risk-adjusted returns of cryptocurrencies by employing a 365-day Moving Sharpe ratio, examining both cross-sectional and time series aspects. It further compares the profile of cryptocurrencies with that of US-based equity stocks and tries to find significant similarities and dissimilarities between the two. Cryptocurrencies show more variation in time series but less variation in the cross-section, whereas equity stocks show the exact opposite behavior. Normal distribution-based comparisons show both similarities as well as dissimilarities between the two asset classes, but dissimilarities are not very significant. It is further shown in the paper that deviation from the Normal behavior is something very frequently observed in both the time series and even the nature of deviation is almost identical in both the asset classes. Such level of similarities depicts that although Cryptocurrencies are a new asset class, and are perceived as fundamentally different from traditional asset classes, however, from an investor perspective the same caveats and warnings hold in both cases. Traditional portfolio management tools and techniques may be very applicable in both cases.
    Keywords: Cryptocurrencies; Sharpe Ratio; Investment Decisions; Behavioral Finance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066085
  • Comparing Performance between Headless CMS and Traditional CMS   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed M. Eassa, Samah Ahmed Zaki Hassan 
    Abstract: Due to the rapid development of managing the entire content led to the emergence of new forms of developing and managing content in web applications emerged. One of the most recent of these forms is the headless CMS, which focuses on the separation between frontend and backend, and this type emerged as an evolution of traditional CMS, which combined the frontend and backend together as a monolithic platform. This paper presents a technical comparison of performance between headless CMS and traditional CMS by testing 17 tools for each type under the same conditions. The technical analysis focuses on response time, error rate, throughput, and resource utilisation. Experimental results indicate that headless CMS outperforms traditional CMS in scalability, availability, reliability, error rate, throughput, efficient resource utilisation, and handling high request volumes, which gives it better advantages and positioning it as a superior choice for modern web application development.
    Keywords: web application; content management system; CMS; headless CMS; traditional CMS; response time.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066810
  • Leveraging Log Livelihood Variance to Predict Stock Price using HMM   Order a copy of this article
    by Manikandan Suriyanarayanan, Punniyamoorthy Murugesan 
    Abstract: Recent approaches to stock market prediction involve diverse tools and techniques, particularly intriguing due to market volatility and time-related factors. Machine learning research, notably the hidden Markov model (HMM), has focused on predicting future stock prices, leveraging time series data. This study aims to aid investors by utilising HMM for forecasting subsequent day stock prices based on historical data, focusing on continuous time series. The model considers opening, intraday high and low, and closing prices for training. Testing employed a five-fold analysis, comparing outcomes to Python's built-in HMM libraries via mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Our approach demonstrated superior performance over the inbuilt method in both first and last iterations, as determined by the Baum-Welch algorithm. Stock price prediction with the proposed model we introduced will help investors make the right decision confidently. This could boost investor confidence, as more reliable forecasts can provide a sense of security and informed decision-making.
    Keywords: hidden Markov models; HMMs; stock market forecasting; predictions; mean absolute percentage error; MAPE; log likelihood.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066837
  • Unveiling the Path to PMIS Success: Antecedents of Actual Usage among IT project managers   Order a copy of this article
    by Shan Jayasinghe, W.A.S. Weerakkody 
    Abstract: The main objective of this study is to identify the determinants of actual usage of project management information systems (PMIS) by IT project managers, addressing a research gap in PMIS acceptance despite its increasing adoption. Integrating the technology acceptance model, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, diffusion of innovation theory, and individual-level absorptive capacity, this study offers a unique perspective on PMIS usage among IT project managers. Through quantitative research across 16 software companies in Sri Lanka, significant relationships among behavioural intention, facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and individual-level absorptive capacity were identified. Surprisingly, traditional technology acceptance factors such as relative advantage, observability, compatibility, and trialability showed insignificance. The study contributes theoretically by merging individual-level absorptive capacity with established behavioural theories and practically by providing actionable insights for organisations aiming to strengthen PMIS acceptance and utilisation.
    Keywords: project management information systems; PMIS; acceptance; individual-level absorptive capacity; perception; facilitating conditions; behavioural intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10066920
  • Digital Payments and Banking Revolution: The Role of E-Wallet in Driving Financial Innovation   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyanka Dalmia, Neeraj Chaudhary, Ankita Singh, Nitin Garg 
    Abstract: Smartphone and web services popularise mobile wallets. People stopped utilising cash after unprecedented demonetisation and started using alternate methods. Recent smartphone technology has advanced greatly. Corporate operations and consumer behaviours have altered substantially. The wallet includes cash, I.D., and more. E-wallets for safe money keeping are mentioned in the lawsuit. Freecharge, Phonepe, and Paytm are digital wallets. E-wallets enable financial and commercial transactions on mobile devices. Electronic wallets (e-wallets) are mobile commerces breakthrough contactless payment service. E-wallet makes carrying money easier by allowing payment and reward points, peer-to-peer online transactions, electronic bill receipts, online bill payment, and in-app coupon redemption. As e-wallets gain popularity, cashless purchases will rise. Youths use e-wallets and gadget apps increasingly. App-based e-wallets allow consumers and businesses to trade money. The study examines e-wallet adoption. TISM and fuzzy MICMAC evaluated research components qualitatively.
    Keywords: banking system; digital payment; FinTech; total interpretative structural modelling; TISM; fuzzy MICMAC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067146
  • Moderating Role of Information Technology Knowledge Management on Information Quality and Business Value Creation: Analysis from Commercial Banks in Tanzania   Order a copy of this article
    by Najim Soud Ali, Juma James Masele, Severine Kessy 
    Abstract: This study investigates the influence of information quality on the creation of business value within the commercial banking sector in Tanzania. It specifically assesses the moderating role of IT knowledge management (ITKM) in influencing relationship between information quality and business value creation. To collect data, questionnaire was administered to heads of marketing and finance across all 35 commercial banks in Tanzania. Analysis was done using SmartPLS-SEM. Findings indicate a positive and significant influence of information quality on business value creation, with the relationship moderated by IT knowledge management. The research provides valuable insights into the pivotal roles of quality information and the IT knowledge and skills of business managers in value creation within technology-dependent organisations in developing countries. The study advocates for banks to actively collect and utilise quality information while fostering an environment that enables business managers to cultivate and apply their IT knowledge in fulfilling their responsibilities.
    Keywords: IT Quality; information Quality; Business Value; IT knowledge management; Commercial banks.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067229
  • Factor Affecting Intention to Adopt FinTech in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Lim Shao Yong, Suganthi Ramasamy, Yuen Yen 
    Abstract: The present study experimentally investigated the factors affecting intention to adopt FinTech in Malaysia Digital advances and business model innovations in the financial sector are referred to as Financial technology or simply "FinTech " The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between perceived security, social influence, perceived ease, perceived usefulness, perceived risk and intention to adopt FinTech in Malaysia According to the research, that show perceived security, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness have significant relationship between intention to adopt Fintech in Malaysia On the other hand, perceived risk, and social influence do not appear to be important factors in intention to adopt FinTech in Malaysia This research is anticipated to attract the interest of FinTech companies, bank institution, government looking to obtain a distinct competitive edge by better understanding the intention to adopt FinTech in Malaysia.
    Keywords: fintech; perceived risk; social influence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10068888
  • Electronic Health Records Avoidance: an Empirical Investigation from the Technology Threats Avoidance Theory Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Bahae Samhan, Sabine Khalil, K.D. Joshi 
    Abstract: The study aims to examine avoidance behaviour towards Electronic Health Records (EHR). It develops a research model derived from the Technology Threat Avoidance Theory (TTAT) and includes constructs tested for the first time with the TTAT, including risk tolerance and social influence. The model is empirically tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings explain the EHR avoidance phenomenon based on threat perceptions, which are affected by levels of susceptibility, severity, and social influence. Additionally, EHR avoidance behaviours can be predicted by avoidance motivations, which are affected by the effectiveness of using the paper-based system and the levels of threats associated with the EHR system. We also found direct effects of the social influence of using the paper-based system and the effectiveness of its use on the EHR avoidance behaviour. These findings contribute to IS research, which still requires advancements.
    Keywords: Electronic Health Records (EHR); Health Information Technology (HIT); Technology Avoidance; Technology Threat Avoidance Theory (TTAT).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067515
  • eCRM Success: Multilevel Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohamed Y. Tazkarji  
    Abstract: Electronic customer relationship management (eCRM) systems introduced changes to the traditional customer relationship management (CRM) systems organisational processes and to organisational business models. These systems promised success and operational excellence by transforming all CRM activities to web activities. Yet, eCRM systems did not do better than traditional CRM systems in terms of their low success rates. With over 3% cumulative annual growth in adoptions at a global level, those low success rates are questionable. This study challenges the eCRM success concept by revealing factors that contribute to the success of eCRM systems. To do so, this paper takes a qualitative approach to divulge what eCRM success is. The findings yielded an induced framework that offers a multilevel eCRM success view which reveals deficiencies in the holistic eCRM success concept.
    Keywords: eCRM; Grounded Theory Methodology; Mid-range Theory; Success Framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067520
  • How does Market Competition Influence Cost of Equity? Evidence from Vietnamese Listed Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Phung Anh Thu, Pham Huy 
    Abstract: This study examines the relationship between the level of market competition and the cost of equity of listed companies on the Vietnam Stock Exchange. Our study employs the system generalised method of moments regression method with data from 454 companies during the period 20152022. Various measures of market competition are utilised to enhance the robustness of the research. The research results indicate that market competition has an inverse impact on the cost of equity. The study provides additional empirical evidence on the relationship between market competition and cost of equity in emerging markets. Moreover, the research suggests implications for relevant stakeholders such as managers, investors, listed companies, and regulatory authorities in market management.
    Keywords: market competition; cost of equity; cost of capital; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067612
  • Conceptualising the Use of Blockchain Technology to Enhance Trust in Supply Chain Transactions: an IS Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdul Jabbar, Samir Dani, Syed Imran Ali, Mohammad Mirza 
    Abstract: The horsemeat case study and subsequent food fraud cases have demonstrated the complexity of food supply chains (SC). Risks and fraud instances in the SCs create issues of trust within SC relationships and trust for the product amongst the consumers. As part of this paper, we argue the need for tackling risks and fraudulent behaviour at the supplier relationship interface, thus disabling the downstream flow and maintaining trust with the consumers. However, research in the field of SC has demonstrated that achieving trust within the upstream SC is a highly complex and challenging task. Hence, through problematisation, we investigate the use of blockchain technology as one of the solutions for enhancing trust in SC transactions. This paper presents the challenges associated with SC risks and fraud, the tenets of trust, and an overview of blockchain technology from an information systems perspective. In the findings, this paper provides a conceptual framework for using blockchain technology to enhance trust within SC transactions.
    Keywords: blockchain; trust; supply chain; transactions; information systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067646
  • The Impact of Strategic Vigilance on Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness: Exploring the Mediating Role of Strategic Readiness   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed Danook 
    Abstract: Iraqi entrepreneurs must employ creative tactics to improve both their internal and external capacities in the face of fierce market competition. This study investigates the relationships between organisational effectiveness, readiness, and strategic alertness in Iraqi businesses. Four companies worth of data were examined using SPSS v23. The findings show that efficacy is greatly impacted by strategic attentiveness and that this influence is amplified by preparedness. By serving as a mediator, strategic readiness improves organisational effectiveness. According to the study, strategic alertness contributes 54.2% of effectiveness when readiness acts as a mediator, as opposed to 36% in the absence of it. This research adds to our understanding of organisational performance, readiness, and strategic awareness while offering scholars insightful information and useful applications for practitioners in the Iraqi sector.
    Keywords: Strategic vigilance; strategic readiness; organizational effectiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067846
  • A COVID-19 Era Systematic Review and Metanalysis on the Impact of Technology on SMEs Operating within the Global Supply Chain   Order a copy of this article
    by Winfred Mawuko Detoh, Clement Nanpiire, Abdul-Aziz Dawdi 
    Abstract: The study systematically reviewed and conducted a meta-analysis of 25 articles from the Springer database, focusing on the impact of technology on SMEs within the global supply chain post-COVID-19 (20202023). Findings revealed that technology adoption positively influenced SME performance in Europe, US, and Asia. However, African SMEs faced operational challenges like cost and awareness despite the positive impact. The study identified research gaps in underrepresented regions, particularly the Americas and Africa, and noted a need for further studies using mixed methods and interviews. It concluded that technology adoption is crucial for enhancing SMEs operational efficiency, competitiveness, and resilience in the global supply chain.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Technology; Supply Chains; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067859
  • Effect of Network Externalities and Promotional Incentives on Mobile Payments   Order a copy of this article
    by Amita Goyal Chin, Chinmay Baxi, Mark Harris 
    Abstract: This research evaluates factors influencing mobile payment use in India. A new research model that extends UTAUT with two additional antecedents is created to assess use behaviour. Following a pilot study of 25 participants, data from 904 respondents is analysed using SEM. Results show performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence positively influence use behaviour of mobile payments. Facilitating conditions did not show a positive influence. Of the new tenants, network externalities had a positive significant influence on use behaviour and promotional incentives as a direct tenant was not significant, however, as an indirect tenant, it positively influenced use behaviour in all cases. Interestingly, without promotional incentives as an indirect tenant, none of the other five antecedents had significant relationships with use behaviour. The indirect relationship with promotional incentives moved four of the five other tenants from insignificant to significant relationships. Facilitating conditions was the only tenant that remained insignificant.
    Keywords: network externalities; promotional incentives; mobile payment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10067991
  • Technological Transformation and Organisational Performance in the Current Era: Mediating Role of Perceived Risk and Trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdul Waheed, Muhammad Shahzad 
    Abstract: Technology has become a prime driver for all business operations worldwide. Therefore, firms increasingly rely on IT to improve organisational performance. Over the past few decades, experts have revealed the linkages between IT adoption in terms of a firm's distinct performances. Nevertheless, there is no known study that has investigated the dynamics of academic inquiry on technology creation (TC) and organisational project team performance (PTP). The main purpose of this research study is to explore the connection between TC and PTP. Furthermore, the TAM was tested within two streams, i.e., perceived risk (PTFs) and trust (TFs) to determine the mediating impact. SEM was applied through Smart-PLS to test the study hypotheses. The findings affirmed that TC has a positive nexus with OP. This study unveiled the mediating influence of the TAM between TC and PTP. This study also provides insights regarding information technology integration that may improve the organisation's performance in today's digital era. The organisations are further encouraged to comprehend insights into TAM theory which enhances the relationships between TC and PTP. The study supplies interesting implications for management and additional future research avenues.
    Keywords: technological transformation; project team performance; PTP; technology acceptance model; TAM; structure equation modelling; empirical evidence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10067994
  • Organisational Sustainability Goals and Data Sustainability: Aa Conceptual Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Pete Paasivirta, Janne Härkönen, Harri Jouni Olavi Haapasalo 
    Abstract: Organisations strive to enhance sustainability in their operations and governance to offer environmentally and socially responsible products and services. However, the data perspective has been inadequately addressed, impeding reliable sustainability reporting. This conceptual study focuses on the dualistic nature of the data needed to support an organisation's sustainability goals. The findings highlight how the sustainability of data is tied to maintaining the quality, consistency, and usability of core data entities over time, where sustainability involves ensuring that the core data entities remain reliable and valuable assets for the organisation. Master data sustainability is crucial for decision making, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Conversely, sustainability-related data pertains to overall sustainability efforts and commitments, essential for sustainability reporting, and is dependent on the sustainability of data. Organisations can benefit from improved clarity on the data perspective by understanding the dualistic nature of organisational sustainability, involving both sustainability of data and sustainability-related data.
    Keywords: organisational sustainability; sustainability of data; data sustainability; sustainability-related data; sustainability data; business information systems; ESG; master data; sustainability reporting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10068228
  • A Framework to Achieve Privacy-by-Design Business Workflows for Distributed Environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Ravi Kanth Kotha, Susmita Mandal, Ramakkrishnudu Tene 
    Abstract: In the contemporary connected society, privacy protection has evolved into a vital and essential element. Data has recently been viewed differently, as the engine that drives any enterprise. Additionally, when distributed systems proliferate and lack a single reliable central node, it is increasingly difficult to prevent data leaks and other privacy risks. The current research offers a framework for enterprises to build and implement business workflows so that each object's privacy is specified and managed by the owner of the object rather than a centralised service (membership). The current research provides a preventive mechanism to safe guard the security and privacy through information flow and offers a method to monitor information flow within a framework. The paper provides a detail analysis of the proposed mechanism on Lowe's attack (indirect attack). The mechanism allows the workflow designer to specify the security and privacy labels throughout the object transitions within a distributed system. The mechanism has been tested and verified for correctness and accuracy on a distributed system using a practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) consensus algorithm.
    Keywords: business workflows; privacy; security; information flow model; distributed systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10068445
  • Stressed Assets Resolution Framework in India: has a Pro-Creditor Stance made a Difference?   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhinav Goel, Archana Singh 
    Abstract: Given the high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs), the stressed asset resolution framework (SARF) is vital for the stability of the Indian banking system. Strong linkages between banking sector and sovereign credit risk requires to analyse if the evolution in the Indian SARF has impacted recovery rate or recovery time. The present work considers laws and schemes issued in India from 1985-2020 along with secondary data. Findings indicate that progress has been slow but the results improved for parameters like recovery rates, recovery timelines and amount of debt recovered post introduction of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) in 2016. This depicts that a pro-creditor stance to resolution has worked better in India than a pro-debtor stance. Further, the analysis indicates that even under IBC, resolutions are prone to delays, incidence of liquidation has been high and recoveries in certain cases have been inconsistently low.
    Keywords: stressed asset; non-performing loan; non-performing asset; debt recovery; sovereign credit rating; credit risk; banking regulation; financial regulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2023.10068511
  • RSW-based Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach to Model Knowledge Process Outsourcing risk   Order a copy of this article
    by Naveen J, Himanshu Payal, Prashant Chauhan 
    Abstract: This paper addresses the challenges of knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) from a client organization perspective. Interrelationships of dependency and driving power among eight risks, viz., technical risk, financial risk, legal risk, operational risk, business risk, environmental risk, strategic risk, and information technological risk, are analyzed using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), Cross-Impact Matrix (CIM), and Rank Sum Weight (RSW). Operational risk, financial risk, information technological risk, and legal risk exhibit strong driver power for influencing other risk factors. By mitigating these four risks, other related risks may also be reduced. Overall performance will be improved by adequately utilizing limited resources to address the independent risks. Hence, insights from this research help managers identify and categorize key criteria, revealing both the direct and indirect effects on KPO.
    Keywords: Rank Sum Weight; Knowledge Process Outsourcing; Interpretive Structural Modeling; Cross-Impact Matrix Analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10069026
  • Assessing Readiness for Artificial Intelligence Adoption: a Net and Configurational Perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Aman Pathak, Veena Bansal 
    Abstract: This study examines the factors that affect AI readiness, which is the first phase of a three-phase adoption process. The next phase is adoption, followed by the final post-adoption phase. AI readiness becomes a factor in the adoption phase. We extracted relevant factors from the extant literature that span technology-organisation-environment (T-O-E) and built a model that we tested empirically. We collected data through a survey questionnaire from 246 professionals in the Indian BFSI industry. The study has used partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) for quantitative analysis and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Quantitative analysis shows that the support of top management, perceived relative advantage, AI partner support, regulatory support, and the presence of a data ecosystem influence AI readiness. The perceived lack of explainability was found to be insignificant. FsQCA identified two core combinations of factors: first, the perceived relative advantage and AI partner support, and second, data ecosystem and regulatory policies as essential for AI readiness. This study provides actionable insights for practitioners and policymakers aiming to enhance AI readiness in the BFSI sector.
    Keywords: Pre-adoption; AI readiness; TOE; DOI; PLS-SEM; FsQCA; Top management support; Data Ecosystem; Relative advantage of AI; Lack of explainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10069103
  • An Exploratory Bibliometric Analysis of Accounting Information System Research Using Biblioshiny and Vos Viewer: Evidence from Past Three Decades of Scopus Database (1992-2022)   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyanka Koundal, Shaiku Shahida Saheb, Minie Bhalla 
    Abstract: This paper conducted quantitative bibliometric analysis on publication trends, citations, keywords, emerging topics, and basic research themes in accounting information systems. The study analysed 543 documents from the Scopus database using Bibilometrix R and VOS viewer software. The study revealed the growth in publication, key thematic areas, and untapped research fields such as cloud accounting, the identified basic themes are organisation performance, decision-making, data analytics, big data, information technology, and SMEs in conjunction with accounting information systems. The USA contributed much to this field. Author SUSANTO A published most articles and received more citations. A Journal titled International Journals Accounting Information System has published many articles in this field. Accounting information systems, accounting information system, and AIS are the keywords that are highly used in the research papers in this field.
    Keywords: Bibliometric analysis; Accounting information system; Thematic mapping; Co-citations; Collaboration network visualization.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10069113
  • Effective Business Management Strategy of Accounting Information Systems and Financial Risk Management in SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Mini Jain, Abilash Radhakrishnan, Dani Jermisha Railis 
    Abstract: Effective business management is vital for the growth and sustainability of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in today's dynamic business environment. SMEs, the backbone of many economies, face unique challenges such as limited resources and competition with larger enterprises. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the business management strategies of SMEs for enhancing the financial performance and business sustainability of SMEs by managing financial risk and effectively allocating resources. The research explores the impact of factors like capital, utilisation of accounting information, financial reporting, and entrepreneurship on the financial capability and overall performance of SMEs. Additionally, it assesses how accounting information systems and government accounting standards affect the accuracy of financial statements in government-owned SMEs in India. A questionnaire-based survey gathered data from 891 SME respondents, and the study employed the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) framework to analyse the findings.
    Keywords: Business Management Strategy; Accounting Information System; Risk Management; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Fuzzy Set Theory; Financial Performance; and Monte Carlo simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2024.10069133
  • Impact of Tweets on Indian Movies Performance: an Integrative Approach using Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection   Order a copy of this article
    by Rhythm Agarwal, Ekta Goyal, Gaurav Sarin 
    Abstract: People who go to the movies mostly rely on internet reviews before making a purchase because of the rapid expansion of social media. It is time for studios to figure out how reviews influence sales. This study examines the ways in which online reviews affect how much money movies make at the box office using sentiment analysis and emotion detection. In the same way that ratings do, text reviews have an impact on both attendance and revenue. Filmmakers and advertisers can use this information to better target specific groups. The films lived up to the expectations of the audience, resulting in high levels of trust and happiness and low levels of anger, surprise, contempt, and despair. On the other hand, certain films received higher ratings for feelings, which indicates that they provoked diverse responses from the audience. After the film's release, many tweets were more positive and trustworthy than they had been before. On the other hand, tweets about certain films displayed a greater degree of anger and dread, which may indicate concerns regarding marketing or audience reception.
    Keywords: Sentiment Analysis; Emotion Identification; Movie Promotion; Twitter Scraping; Social Media; Natural Language Processing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10069520
  • The Contribution of Strategic Conversation to Developing the Dynamic Capabilities of Knowledge of Professors at the Northern Technical University/Iraq   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed Danook, Abdulaziz Mohammad Alwan, Rushdie Arshd 
    Abstract: The study focuses on how professors can improve their critical thinking, teamwork, and knowledge sharing by implementing the strategic conversation approach. It allows instructors to openly express their ideas, investigate novel concepts, and tackle challenging issues in a stimulating and safe setting. The study looks at the influencing elements and the effect of SC on the skill development of academics. A questionnaire was used to gather data from 260 out of 810 respondents, and the Amos and GWO programs were used for analysis. The study highlights how using SC can improve academic processes. The findings demonstrate how using the SC technique improves strategic thinking, fosters teamwork, sharpens mental faculties, and motivates active learning. Establishing knowledge networks and planning multidisciplinary events are among the suggestions made to promote scholarly discourse and idea sharing. By strengthening leadership abilities, encouraging teamwork, encouraging academic research, and elevating job happiness, this study helps improve education quality. The studys novel approach to lifelong learning, creativity, teamwork, and moral professionalism makes it significant.
    Keywords: Strategic Conversation; Dynamic capabilities of knowledge; Northern Technical University.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10069663
  • Enhancing Operational Performance of Employee Work Management & Scheduling in Knowledge-Intensive Organisations with Multi-Stakeholder Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Kapil Bansal, Rinoj P.K, Nikhil V.M, Kshiroda Kumar Sahoo, Rasheed K, Abilash Radhakrishnan 
    Abstract: Knowledge-intensive organisations face significant challenges in effectively managing and scheduling staff labour amidst todays dynamic business environment. This study addresses the critical need to enhance operational efficiency by mitigating scheduling conflicts and optimising resource allocation within such organisations. A multi-stakeholder approach is advocated, emphasising mutual benefits for employees and management through efficient scheduling processes. Central to this approach is the implementation of an integrated HR and scheduling system aimed at reducing conflicts and improving resource utilisation. This research introduces a novel perspective by integrating corporate responsibility and sustainability into HRM performance frameworks. Data were collected from 955 employees in incorporated companies using IoT-enabled structured questionnaires and a random sampling method. The analysis employed binary logistic models to assess workspace impacts and graph theory matrix approach to identify resilience factors in knowledge-intensive organisations. Statistical analyses, including multivariate tests, regression, KMO, and reliability tests using SPSS, highlight the significant roles of HR practices, work management, and scheduling in organisational outcomes.
    Keywords: Knowledge-Intensive Business; Random Sampling technique; Binary Logistics; Graph Theory Matrix Approach; Human Resource Management; Organizational Performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10069985
  • Assessing Brand Equity through Customer Reviews: A Na   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaesun Yeom, JiYu Kim, Han-Gyun Woo 
    Abstract: Customer-based brand equity has been critical to gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Despite the usefulness of conventional survey-based measurement, many scholars and practitioners face difficulties in comparing brand equity across brands, sectors, and products owing to the limitations of survey-based measurement. This study proposes a machine learning method to complement traditional survey-based measures. Our approach comprises four major stages: (1) extracting seed phrases from brand equity survey questionnaires, (2) identifying response sentences from customer reviews, (3) assigning scores to brand equity, and (4) replicating regression models from previous empirical studies to validate our approach. Our analysis examined 65,057 vacuum cleaner customer reviews from an online e-commerce platform (e.g., representing six major brands. This paper complements traditional studies by presenting a consistent and reliable measurement methodology.
    Keywords: brand equity; machine learning; naïve Bayes classification; customer reviews

  • Assessing Brand Equity through Customer Reviews: a Na
    by Han-Gyun Woo 
    Abstract: Customer-based brand equity has been critical to gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Despite the usefulness of conventional survey-based measurement, many scholars and practitioners face difficulties in comparing brand equity across brands, sectors, and products owing to the limitations of survey-based measurement. This study proposes a machine learning method to complement traditional survey-based measures. Our approach comprises four major stages: (1) extracting seed phrases from brand equity survey questionnaires, (2) identifying response sentences from customer reviews, (3) assigning scores to brand equity, and (4) replicating regression models from previous empirical studies to validate our approach. Our analysis examined 65,057 vacuum cleaner customer reviews from an online e-commerce platform (e.g., representing six major brands. This paper complements traditional studies by presenting a consistent and reliable measurement methodology.
    Keywords: brand equity; machine learning; naïve Bayes classification; customer reviews.

  • Extending the Role of Theory of Planned Behaviour towards Adoption of E-Wallet Service with Moderating Effect of Smart Phone Addiction   Order a copy of this article
    by Samar Rahi, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Ahmed Muneeb Mehta, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Humaira Sajid 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine factors which impact user intention to adopt e-wallet service. Therefore, an integrative research model is developed that combines factors underpinned technology acceptance model, theory of planned behaviour, credibility and enjoyment and examine impact of these factors towards user attitude and intention to adopt e-wallet service. Aside of exogenous factor this study has tested smart phone addiction as moderating factor and discloses interesting facts of user behaviour. Practically, this research directs that managers should pay attention in improving usefulness, ease of use, credibility and enjoyments characteristics which in turn boost user attitude to adopt e-wallet service. This research is original as it integrates theory of planned behaviour and technology model to examine user behaviour towards adoption of e-wallet service.
    Keywords: Smart phone addiction; Perceived usefulness; Enjoyment; e-wallet adoption.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10069998
  • Gold Price Prediction incorporating Silver, Copper, Crude Oil, and Bitcoin Commodity Prices using a Multi-Step LSTM Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Meera George, Ramasamy Murugesan 
    Abstract: Gold, a safe-haven asset is central to the investment decision of any economy. Predicting gold prices is indispensable for the minimization of risk and uncertainty. Previous studies on gold price prediction incorporating silver, copper, crude oil, and bitcoin commodity prices as exogenous variables are rare. Reacting to this, the study attempts to predict the gold price with commodity prices of silver, copper, crude oil, and bitcoin as exogenous variables employing a multi-step LSTM on a dataset spanning 2011 to 2022. The robustness of the model is confirmed using 12 error metrics- MAE, MdAE, MSE, RMSE, RMSPE, MAPE, MdAPE, sMAPE, sMdAPE, VAR, MASE, and SD which is the first of its kind. The results indicate that incorporating commodity prices- silver, copper, crude oil, and bitcoin can effectively enhance gold price prediction. Our finding is highly insightful for all stakeholders and policy implications.
    Keywords: Gold price prediction; Commodity prices; Exogenous variables; Multi-step LSTM; 12 evaluation metrics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10070008
  • Gen Z Consumers' Continuance Intention to Use Online Second-Hand Luxury (OSHL) Platforms: a Conceptual Framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Arifur Rahman Khan, Fumitaka Furuoka 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to offer a deeper knowledge on Gen Z consumers’ continuance intention to use OSHL platforms, an area of worriment for second-hand luxury e-retailers, by proposing a comprehensive multistage framework supported by Technology Continuance Theory, Task-Technology Fit theory, Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivation, Impulse Buying theory and Perceived Risk theory. This conceptual framework derives several propositions mining the literature on consumers post technology adoption behaviour. The success of OSHL platforms depends on how Gen Z consumers utilising them often. The framework suggested is a move in this directive approach and provides the base for framing strategies for keeping back young consumers in the long run. This study will contribute to the body of knowledge by proposing a newly constructed multistage conceptual model on Gen Z consumers' repeated intention to use OSHL platforms which is an emerging extent of research in the present ecommerce landscape.
    Keywords: Online Second-Hand Luxury (OSHL) Platforms; Second-Hand Products Shopping; Online Second-Hand Sopping Platforms; Gen Z Consumers; Continuance Intention to Use; Technology Continuance Theory (TCT).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2025.10070009
  • A model to improve Recommendation Systems based on Spark platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Manal Abdel-Fattah 
    Abstract: With the popularity of using the internet, the evolution of technology, the rapid growth of data volume, applying recommendation systems in diverse life domains, adopting recommendation systems became indispensable. Most of the traditional recommendation systems are built un-oriented of real-time data challenges (such as item cold-start, scalability, heterogeneous data, items change, and users’ opinions change), resulting in ineffective, unfulfilling recommendations. Therefore, what is needed is a real time based recommendation model that can make the user find what s/he needs without even searching for it; it’s like building a model aware of the users’ nature and behaviour. This paper aims at building a recommendation model that fulfils the user requirements and overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional recommendation systems. The proposed recommendation model is built on Apache Spark, Apache Kafka and alternative least square (ALS) algorithm, and the model is divided into two parts: recommendation system and real-time analytics dashboard. E-commerce website is chosen as a case study to apply our model and the results are presented.
    Keywords: Apache Spark; Kafka; ALS algorithm; real time; big data; dashboard; recommendation systems; collaborative filtering; recommender systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10046763
  • Developing an app proposal for tuk tuk service management   Order a copy of this article
    by Eduarda Perdigão, Bráulio Alturas 
    Abstract: In most tuk tuk companies, outdated methods are used in the daily management of the company, which makes the processes slow and time-consuming. So, it was found that it was necessary to use information technologies to make tuk tuk companies more effective in daily management. Therefore, the main objective of this project was the development of an application, that works like an information system, for tuk tuk companies. The requirement gathering carried out, allowed conclusions to be reached about the type of information that was to be relevant in the application as well as its functionalities. It was concluded that it is necessary to have two types of applications, a mobile and a desktop. The App brings advantages related to the reduction of errors in the database, overview and knowledge of the employees’ work, and improvement in time management that can increase the productivity of the company’s managers.
    Keywords: business analytics; cloud; business information systems; business intelligence; dashboard; mobile apps; desktop apps; key performance indicators; tuk tuk; tourism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10041832
  • DeLone and McLean information systems success model: a literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahmoud Kofahi, Haslinda Hassan, Rosli Mohamad 
    Abstract: The rapid advancement of information technology over the last four decades has had a considerable impact on both individuals and organisations. Hence, information systems (IS) success has become one of the most significant topics of interest among researchers and scholars. DeLone and McLean developed the IS success model to provide a complete and extended definition of IS success. The current study provides a comprehensive literature review of prior works that have utilised the model as the theoretical foundation. The analysis covers 102 scholarly articles and conference papers published between 2012 and 2021, as reported in the Scopus database. The findings of the study indicate that the IS success model and technology acceptance model are commonly used together. The weighted analysis of internal variables indicates that information quality and user satisfaction are the best predictors. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness and trust are most commonly used as external variables. The results suggest a lack of moderating and mediating variables used in past research. The results of this study add further to the accumulated existing knowledge of the IS success model, particularly in the aspect of the predictive power of each internal variable and the most frequently used external variables.
    Keywords: DeLone and McLean; information systems; IS success model; literature review; IS success determinants; weight analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10043520
  • Enterprise resource planning solution for a poultry firm   Order a copy of this article
    by Faraz Mueen Mulla, Satish G. Jangali, Vinayak N. Kulkarni, V.N. Gaitonde 
    Abstract: Various businesses utilise enterprise resource planning (ERP) to manage their company operations in a centralised and integrated system. The poultry sector is currently experiencing significant hurdles to retain its presence in the global market. The poultry industry is responsible for overcoming the unique problems connected with breeding, hatching, and proper farm care. To overcome these problems, it needs technical assistance that is both qualitative and quantitatively beneficial. In this context, the current paper focuses on the real-time implementation of ERP systems in poultry firms to standardise the operations and bring down the overall cost while keeping control over the material and information flow. The article also describes the different phases of Software as a Service (SaaS) based ERP implementation, covering pre-planning, discovery, value proposition and data collection phases, which are the critical phases of the ERP implementation. As information and technology are rapidly changing and growing with more efficiency, its systems help organisations use cloud computing and blockchain technologies to overcome industrial challenges.
    Keywords: cloud ERP system; enterprise resource planning; poultry operations; SaaS; Value proposition.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10042429
  • Big data projects and business benefits: empirical evidence from extensive data survey   Order a copy of this article
    by Chiara Francalanci, Paolo Giacomazzi, Barbara Pernici, Lucia Polidori, Gianmarco Ruggiero, Philip Carnelley, Gabriella Cattaneo, Mike Glennon, Richard Stevens, Arne-Jørgen Berre, Todor Ivanov, Ivan Martinez Rodriguez, Tomas Pariente Lobo 
    Abstract: There is an emerging stream of literature that is aimed at the identification of general drivers of business benefits for big data and analytics. This paper is positioned in this research, towards the definition of a general, high-level model incorporating the variables that are empirically confirmed as drivers of business benefits. We adopt the taxonomy of big data usage that makes a general distinction between descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, as the sequence of steps to be taken towards a full exploitation of big data and consequent acquisition of business benefits. We put forward a set of hypotheses framing the idea that business benefits grow as companies take these three steps and test them by surveying the opinion of managers from a cross-section of over 700 European companies. Results partly confirm our hypotheses, suggesting that the timely availability of integrated data to decision makers is perceived as the main driver of business benefits, even if it is obtained with simple descriptive analytics.
    Keywords: big data; analytics; business benefits; business KPIs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10046750
  • Knowledge sharing as a signalling mechanism: impact on perceived psychological safety toward health IT-enabled patient-care work   Order a copy of this article
    by Roopa Raman 
    Abstract: We investigate knowledge flows as signalling mechanisms shaping knowledge recipients’ psychological safety towards health information technology (HIT)-enabled patient-care work. In large hospital systems, HIT-enabled patient-care work is complex and involves interdependent collaboration between people. We focus on two different kinds of knowledge that people share amongst each other as they engage in HIT-enabled patient-care work requests for problem-specific help/advice and unsolicited, but helpful, tips/tricks/insights and the social networks underlying these flows, namely help-seeking networks and voluntary contribution networks. Drawing on social network theory and knowledge management literature, we identify the positions within each social network that impact knowledge recipients’ psychological safety. Social network data were collected from clinicians across 27 inpatient patient-care units, and analysed using generalised estimating equations. In voluntary contribution networks, in-degree centrality and in-closeness centrality impacted the psychological safety of knowledge recipients, while in help-seeking networks, only in-degree centrality had an effect on psychological safety.
    Keywords: knowledge networks; health information technology; HIT; network centrality; psychological safety; curvilinear relationship; multilevel survey research; help-seeking network; voluntary contribution network.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10044485
  • A privacy-preserving collaborative filtering approach using Hellinger distance similarity metric for high dimensional dataset   Order a copy of this article
    by Anupama Angadi, Satya Keerthi Gorripati 
    Abstract: By proposing items or particulars to users, collaborative recommenders (CR) have become significant on internet applications. Recommender algorithms suggest recommendations to users, that are utmost similar to those earlier consumptions. To suggest recommendations, the system requires users’ sensitive information such as browsing history, purchase activities, and demographics. Unfortunately, this information may be misused by malicious third parties for endorsing their products. In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving recommender system approach to protect sensitive information against breaches. Our framework is initiated on homomorphic encryption, which is used to conceal the sensitive information of the users from third parties. While the user’s preferences, favourites, like-tasted neighbourhood, and suggestions are transmitted over the network in an encryption form. However, traditional neighbourhood CR uses Jaccard similarity faces difficulty in handling high-dimensional and sparse data. The proposed approach diminishes these issues by exploiting the Hellinger similarity metric. The efficacy of the proposed model is accurate as regards computation also outperforming existing traditional solutions.
    Keywords: collaborative filtering; privacy; data encryption; recommender systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2021.10069829