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International Journal of Business Performance Management

International Journal of Business Performance Management (IJBPM)

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International Journal of Business Performance Management (84 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Dynamic Energy Matrices: A Technological Efficiency Probe into Indian Oil and Gas Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohd Afjal 
    Abstract: This research analyses the Indian oil and gas industry’s efficiency and productivity from 2016 to 2020 using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist productivity index (MPI). It focuses on public sector undertakings (PSUs) under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, employing the super SBM model and MPI analysis to evaluate the performance of decision-making units (DMUs). The study identifies significant performance variances, with companies like OIL, ONGC, CPCL, and NRL excelling in resource utilisation, whereas others such as BPCL, IOCL, GAIL, BLL, and BLCL show a need for strategic improvement. It highlights inefficiencies and potential for restructuring to achieve more efficient production. The findings aid policymakers in understanding operational disparities and formulating strategies for resource optimisation. This research is crucial for continuous efficiency assessment in the refinery sector, offering insights for industry growth and enhancing the understanding of India’s oil and gas industry.
    Keywords: Indian oil and gas sector; resource utilisation and optimisation; technical efficiency; data envelopment analysis; DEA; Malmquist productivity index; MPI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10061875
  • Navigating Business Performance Trends Using Bibliometric Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Rayees Farooq 
    Abstract: This research aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of business performance to understand how scholarly work in this area has changed and developed over time. We analysed 230 articles from the Scopus database published between 2000 and 2021. To analyse these articles, we used performance analysis and scientific mapping with the help of the R package. The results indicate that the frequency of publications has significantly increased in the last decade, and 92% of the authors contributed at least one article, and 8% of the authors published 32 articles in the past two decades. UK, Hong Kong, and China were the most productive countries regarding the number of citations and international collaborations. The Strategic Direction and International Journal of Production Economics published the highest number of articles in business performance research.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; science mapping; performance analysis; business performance; Scopus; R package; co-occurrence of keywords; coupling map; thematic mapping; citations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062114
  • A study of the application and impact of AI on the traditional recruitment in the UAE   Order a copy of this article
    by Nidhi Oswal, Ayman Al Armoti, Saju Mathew 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to identify areas where artificial intelligence (AI) can be integrated with traditional recruitment. This study used a thematic literature review. The research was conducted on past publications related to AI in human resource management, particularly recruitment management, using Scimago Journal Rank validated journals. To investigate AI’s impact on recruitment, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted via telephone or online. Results suggest that AI can be used to streamline and automate candidate screening and selection processes. In addition, AI can facilitate more objective decisions. The study also identified potential challenges to AI implementation in recruitment. Finally, this paper suggests strategies to improve recruitment including leveraging AI technologies to enable faster and more accurate decisions. It also focuses on creating a positive candidate experience.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; human resource management; HRM; traditional recruitment process; AI in recruitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062252
  • Consumer Adoption of Frozen Food Products in Uttarakhand, India during COVID-19 Pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Madhu Arora, Rupesh Kumar, Pradeep Chauhan, Muddassar Sarfraz 
    Abstract: Safety and quality are of extreme importance along with abundance of time availability owing to work-from-home scenario. Consumers are now ready to experiment with the new types of food products. Authors have attempted to determine percentage of consumers with respect to adoption of frozen food products in this work. The study analyses socio-demographic characteristics and understand perception with respect to adoption of frozen food products. The findings of study indicate that of the respondents, 31% were categorised as early adopters, 23% as late adopters and 46% as non-adopters of frozen food products. Early adopters perceived frozen food products to be value for money, had trust on quality, safety and brand, and also found it tasty. The overall analysis leads to a better understanding of consumer adoption towards frozen food with special reference to quality and safety.
    Keywords: consumer; perception; frozen food; socio-demographic; adoption; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062318
  • How does innovation impact labor productivity in microenterprises compared to other factors? Case study in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Dac Dung  
    Abstract: The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of innovation on changes in labour productivity in micro-enterprises in Thai Nguyen province. Based on this, the study compares the level of the impact of innovation with other factors such as communication systems, management styles, external support, and work environment. The research results indicate that innovative practices are an important factor in contributing to increasing labour productivity. However, in this study, labour productivity is more strongly influenced by the management style of labour users, but it has a greater impact than communication systems, external support, and work environment. The findings of this research suggest that improving the management style of labour users could be an effective strategy to enhance labour productivity in micro-enterprises. The study’s significance lies in providing insights into the factors that influence labour productivity and suggests practical solutions to promote productivity in micro-enterprises in Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam.
    Keywords: productivity; micro-enterprises; innovation; factors; Thai Nguyen.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062467
  • Effect of working environment factors on employee withdrawal intention: Evidence from the apparel industry in Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Berihun Bizuneh, Tsega Samuel 
    Abstract: This paper evaluates the relationships between working environment factors and withdrawal intentions empirically. Using a questionnaire, 337 usable responses were collected from sewing operators in two industrial parks in Ethiopia. Purposive sampling was used to select the industrial parks and the companies, while convenience sampling was used to reach the operators. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to examine the effect of demographic factors on withdrawal intentions, and structural equation modelling was used to test hypotheses. Significant differences in withdrawal intentions were found with the age and marital status of the operators. While occupational health and safety practices and work-life imbalance affected absenteeism tendency significantly, satisfaction with salary, physical environment, workload, and discrimination affected turnover intention. Increased absenteeism tendency was also found to be a significant predictor of turnover intention. The findings provide evidence for managers to focus on the significant factors in monitoring the withdrawal behaviours of garment operators.
    Keywords: employee absenteeism tendency; turnover intention; working environment; apparel industry; structural equation modelling; SEM; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062654
  • How does organisational culture influence CRM performance: a mediating role of knowledge management   Order a copy of this article
    by Rasoul Abbasi, Mona Jami Pour, Sheyda Alvar 
    Abstract: Despite the extensive literature in the field of success of CRM, few studies have empirically examined how organisational culture impact on CRM performance by mediating role of knowledge management (KM). Hence, the main objective of this study is to fill this theoretical gap. To gain this aim, a cross-sectional survey was conducted and structural equation modelling (SEM) approach was used to analysed data. The non-random and convenience sampling technique was used as a sampling technique. The research questionnaire was distributed between travel agencies with experience using CRM systems. The research findings show that organisational culture has a positive and significant relationship with CRM performance and KM’s mediating role. Therefore, it is suggested to the companies that if they want effective CRM performance, in addition to improving and promoting the organisational culture, they should pay special attention to acquiring, storing, sharing and applying knowledge in the organisation.
    Keywords: CRM performance; organisational culture; KM; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062709
  • Exploring IT project performance from government big data using supervised machine learning: A managerial perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Kenneth David Strang  
    Abstract: Longitudinal studies in different industries around the world indicated that roughly half of all information technology (IT) projects were not considered successful. Additionally, the literature revealed there have been significant losses due to cyber security breaches. These problems are important to sponsors, managers, and other decision-makers because most IT projects face cybersecurity risks. Given the high volume of project performance metrics available, it was puzzling why scholars could not identify the significant performance factors. Subsequently, the goal of this exploratory pragmatic study was to analyse numerous IT project features from government big data to determine if and how supervised machine learning (ML) may explain performance. Ten features were identified to predict IT project performance success through classification and regression ML techniques, with effect sizes near 54%. All ML processes were explained and interpreted in business language so that decision-makers as well as researchers could understand the results, generalise the implications, and apply ML in their practice area.
    Keywords: machine learning; ML; information technology; project performance; big data; decision making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063059
  • The perspective of including social control in organisational performance management   Order a copy of this article
    by Sandra Rolim Ensslin, Daiana Rafaela Pedersini, Laís Karine Sardá Martins, Larissa Mark Welter, Ademar Dutra, Leonardo Ensslin 
    Abstract: The purpose of this investigation was to conduct an integrative review, of theoretical studies, emphasising how the process of organisational performance management can improve by considering elements of social control. Utilising ProKnow-C, 55 theoretical scientific papers regarding performance evaluation were selected. A framework was suggested that considers the relationship between management’s guiding concept properties and the elements of social control, indicating engagement as the central element of the discussions. After comparing the framework with 39 papers informing the construction of the management concept, it was discovered that while the literature acknowledges the indispensability of social control elements for efficient organisational performance management, discourses predominantly concentrate on the mechanism of communication and learning. On the other hand, culture and engagement are still explored in a limited manner. Following these findings, a research agenda was suggested to direct discussions towards involving aspects related to these two elements.
    Keywords: performance evaluation; performance measurement and management; social control; performance evaluation system; performance measurement; literature review; integrative review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063538
  • The impact of personality on cooperation with the moderating effect of happiness at the workplace   Order a copy of this article
    by Vijay Kumar Pandey, Mohit Sharma, Som Nath Paul 
    Abstract: Due to the fierce competition in the higher education sector in India, academic institutions need to focus on performance. However, focusing solely on performance may lead to individualism and unhealthy competition, which may deteriorate the work environment. Therefore, this research proposes that employees’ cooperation, happiness and personality can promote a healthy work environment, enhancing the organisation’s competitive position. A positive work environment encourages employees to work together, boosting output, creativity, and ultimately, customer happiness and growth of the organisation. In this context, structural equation modelling was used to test the impact of personality on cooperation with the moderating effect of happiness. The survey was conducted in the higher educational sector in Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad districts under the National Capital Region of India. The data were collected from faculty members and staff, and the sample size was 447. The study concludes that an individual’s personality aligned with the organisation’s personality leads to happiness and cooperation, creating a healthy work environment. It also suggests that the institutions should promote happiness in the organisation to reap the benefits of even an upbeat personality.
    Keywords: personality; happiness; cooperation; moderation; higher education; structural equation model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063580
  • Assessing the efficiency of the ISO 9001 quality management system in the Kuwaiti banking industry through the application of the structural equation model (SEM)   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad R. Alsaber, Anwar Al-Kandari, Mohamad Alnajem, Omar Al-Husainan, Aly Mansour, Karim Ullah, Rania Nafea 
    Abstract: The paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of ISO 9001 in improving sustainable service quality of banks in Kuwait. The data from a sample 360 respondents is analysed using structured equation modelling (SEM) in SmartPLS to evaluate the degree of achievement in important standard’s objectives, namely competency framework, customer focus, risk-based thinking, leadership and commitment. The study goes further to evaluate how the ISO 9001 effectiveness transforms into organisational performance in Banks. Finally, the model fit is assessed to reveal its good fit. The findings have interestingly shown that the ISO 9001 implementation seems to be creating effectiveness through more workers, in this case bankers, centric elements such as competency framework, their risk-taking behaviour. However, little evidence is found for the factors extrinsic to the workers, such as customer focus and leadership and commitment. These findings imply that ISO 9001 requires adoption and implementation strategies, which needs to gear around rationalising and embedding the ISO 9001 principles as these being intrinsic to employees. Approaching the ISO 9001 as imposition from leadership or even showing it as requirement of the customers will be less likely to work in the banking services at Kuwait.
    Keywords: Kuwait; banking sector; ISO 9001 effectiveness; performance; SEM-PLS; QMS; conceptual framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063823
  • Improving firm’s financial performance through HR-focused corporate social responsibility: evidence from the Greek stock market   Order a copy of this article
    by Elen Paraskevi Paraschi, Antonios Georgopoulos, Leonidas Maroudas, Eleftherios Aggelopoulos 
    Abstract: Drawing from the existing literature which provides evidence that companies with happier employees deliver better stock returns, this study investigates the link between stock market returns and employee-focused corporate social responsibility. To this end, the financial performance of publicly traded companies listed on two best-employer lists (Randstad and Great Place to Work Greece) was analysed for the last five years (2018-2022). The analysis reveals that the best-employer firms’ portfolios outperform the general stock index over the five-year period. Moreover, the results indicate that the more often a company appears in the best-employer lists, the higher its average stock performance and ROE is. Therefore, this study adds to the body of research that prompts companies to invest in their human resources as a source of competitive advantage translated into financial among other gains.
    Keywords: financial performance; stock market; job satisfaction; HRM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063906
  • Gender effects in the practices of corporate social responsibility in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of Quintana Roo, Mexico   Order a copy of this article
    by María De Jesús Pérez-Hervert, José Luis Esparza-Aguilar, José Luis Zapata-Sánchez 
    Abstract: The main objective of this research was to analyse the relationship between two dimensions, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the influence of gender on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) located in the southern region of Quintana Roo, using a confirmatory factor analysis model with IBM SPSS AMOS 25. Different variables of the microenterprises were examined, such as the factorial structure, reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and the factorial invariance by sex. A total of 384 enterprises from different lines of business were considered, of which 89% were micro-enterprises that employed 1 to 10 workers. The results obtained demonstrate a scale of five factors or dimensions as influential: ethics, employees, clients, providers, and natural environment, as well as 16 items that satisfy the requirements of validity and reliability established for this type of research.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; MSMEs; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; Mexico.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063991
  • Impact of applying governance on achieving administrative invention: a case study in Yemeni universities   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdualsalam A. H. Al-Alimi, Gabr A. E. Alsanabani, Mogeeb A.A. Mosleh 
    Abstract: The current literature in the administration domain proposes that governance is essential to enhancing invention outcomes. However, a few studies have examined the relationship between governance and the administrative innovation of higher education organisations. This study pursues to investigate the effect of applying governance on the administrative invention at Yemeni universities. A questionnaire was used with a quantitative technique (descriptive and correlational) to gather data from academic and administrative leaders at ten Yemeni universities. Statistical analyses were conducted on 205 valid questionnaires. The study concluded that governance has a positive impact on the outcome of Yemeni universities’ administrative invention. In contrast, study results showed that significant evidence within the governance dimensions had an impact on administrative innovation. The study’s recommendations indicated that the universities under investigation should pay more attention to implementing governance principles to enhance employee innovation and improve overall university performance.
    Keywords: administrative invention; governance; Yemeni institutes.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064105
  • The measurement of SMEs performance: a simplified perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Humberto Ramirez , Thien Sang Lim 
    Abstract: Performance is the quintessential dependent variable in empirical studies analysing the final output of small venues. Its adequate measurement is essential to avoid conflicting results and to ensure connection with the research context. Yet, there is a remarkable lack of consistency in the measurement of the variable, despite the vast presence of theoretical procedures and frameworks. This study aims at supplying a simplified perspective for measuring the performance of small companies. The integration of 99 empirical articles categorizes performance measurement into two symmetric dimensions and identifies 5 specific measures and combinations. These elements constitute a simpler yet comprehensive view that can be used in future academic research to measure SMEs performance. The proposed perspective advances the conceptual measurement of the performance of SMEs and provides recommendations for further research.
    Keywords: performance measurement; SMEs performance; simplified measurement; conceptualisation of performance; measurement framework; conceptual research; methodology; research design; literature review; operationalisation; measures; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064178
  • Performance in virtual teams: a quantitative study with PLS-SEM   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali El Idrissi, Mohamed Fourka 
    Abstract: The last decade has been characterised by the growing prevalence of virtual teams (VTs). As individuals start to work together, they face and manifest a mixture of positive and negative synergies. The lack of social interaction prevents VT members from engaging in informal communication and building relationships. However, VT can benefit from the opportunities offered by the use of technology to communicate and collaborate. This work aims to identify the factors impacting virtual team performance (VTP). Based on a literature review, we elaborated a conceptual model to explain the determinants of performance in a virtual environment. This proposed model was tested through a quantitative approach using the PLS-SEM technique. Data was collected from 323 VT members using an online questionnaire. Data was analysed using SmartPLS-4. Our main finding is that VTP can be explained by the interaction of 11 factors categorised into four categories: context factors, individual factors, group dynamics, and team orchestration.
    Keywords: virtual teams; distributed teams; dispersed teams; global virtual teams; virtual team performance; VTP; technology-mediated communication; TMC; quantitative approach; PLS-SEM; SmartPLS-4.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064224
  • A possible correlation between ESG scores and economic performance: the case of Italian manufacturing   Order a copy of this article
    by Lucio Poma, Haya Al Shawwa, Simone Mirani 
    Abstract: The principles of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) serve as crucial guidance for fostering sustainable development within companies. ESG encompasses various incentives, including attracting investments, satisfying stakeholders, and integrating into production chains. Nevertheless, barriers such as poor environmental-industrial culture, high implementation costs, and small company size can impede adoption. The primary motivation for ESG adoption is to attract investments toward high ESG performers. This study investigates the correlation between ESG values and economic performance through a quantitative survey using data from two databases: the 'Controvento' Observatory of Nomisma-CRIF, analysing 75,000 joint-stock companies, and CRIF's database, covering approximately 100,000 Italian manufacturing joint-stock companies. Findings indicate that companies with strong financial returns tend to score higher on ESG measures. Moreover, ESG initiatives demonstrate positive impacts in the medium to long-term, as evidenced by the lack of immediate correlation between high ESG scores and subsequent inclusion in the 'Controvento' group of companies.
    Keywords: ESG score; environmental; social; governance; economic performance; financial investments; manufacturing system; manufacturing companies; sustainable development; Italy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064225
  • Predicting financial distress of Indian hotels: an empirical analysis using Altman scores   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajay Kumar Patel, Swati Sharma, Shikha Jalota 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to assess the financial distress of Indian hotels by using Altman scores (Zo, Zs, and Zem) Further, it also endeavours to identify and suggest the altman model and variables significant in assessing the financial distress for Hotel industry The prediction models developed by E. Altman i e Z scores, are applied to analyse possible financial distress condition for Hotels in India.The findings suggest that more than 50 percent of hotels studied are under distressed condition as per all Altman’s model i e Zo Zem and Z,s scores. The result revealed that all Altman models were significant, but Zem model, for Zem model, for non manufacturing firm in emerging economy, was having highest number of variables significant.
    Keywords: financial distress; FD; Altman Z scores; hotels; panel regression.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064375
  • What is a successful enterprise in the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors?   Order a copy of this article
    by Asael Islas-Moreno, Alejandro Rodríguez-Ortega, Gabriel Aguirre-Álvarez 
    Abstract: Business success is difficult to define, even more so in agriculture where entrepreneurship research is still being consolidated. This study answers: what criteria define business success in the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors? Twenty-seven experts with three different profiles (academic-researcher, entrepreneur, and supplier or customer) were consulted. A total of 47 criteria were identified and their relationship with the type of expert and the sector was analysed using multivariate classification techniques. Six essential criteria were identified on which there is consensus among experts. It is concluded that a successful enterprise in the agricultural, livestock and agro-industrial sectors is one that: expands its opportunities through the training of its human resources and the incorporation of technology; expands by increasing the scale of its original operations and by integrating other links in the value chain; and manages to differentiate itself from its competitors due to the material quality of its products.
    Keywords: agribusiness; agricultural entrepreneurship; business success; case study; expert; financial performance; non-financial performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10064548
  • Does superior CSR reduce the estimation uncertainty of fair value? Evidence from Taiwan’s and Japan’s stock markets   Order a copy of this article
    by Cong-Hoang Nguyen, Shu-Hsing Wu, Thi-Trang Giang 
    Abstract: This study examines whether managerial ethical concern in CSR/ESG engagement is likely to produce reliable fair value information, thereby, reducing the information asymmetry. Using sample firms from Taiwan’s and Japan’s stock markets, this study, first, finds CSR/ESG having a greater influence on reducing information asymmetry in Japan’s than does Taiwan’s stock market, indicating usefulness of CSR/ESG information varies in different stock markets. The results also show that level 3 fair value estimate is negatively associated with bid-ask spread in both Taiwan’s and Japan’s stock markets. This indicates level 3 fair value estimate provides useful information that reduces information asymmetry for investors to make decision to investors. The recognising fair value changes of gains and losses in income reduces information asymmetry in Japan’s stock market instead of Taiwan’s stock market. This study does not find that superior CSR reduce the estimation uncertainty of fair value.
    Keywords: fair value; CSR/ESG; information asymmetry; Taiwan; Japan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10065066
  • Startup-corporation relationship’s forms: systematic literature review and the possible paths.   Order a copy of this article
    by Marisangela Bastos Lima Csik, Alvair Silveira Torres Junior  
    Abstract: Startups seek to scale innovative business models and corporations need speed to launch new products and services based on innovations. It seems a perfect relationship match. However, to achieve this, it is necessary to establish partnerships with these agents. For having a good relationship, it is important to understand what the partnership involves. This is the main objective of this study. These relationships reveal different forms of interaction, characteristics, and particularities. To understand the key elements involved in the relationship with startups and corporations, it developed a systematic literature review (SLR) with 58 academic references, with the majority extracted from the Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) databases. From these references were constructed a framework that outlines the main stages of this relationship: 1) the beginning of the relationship; 2) the purpose of the relationship; 3) the forms of the relationship; 4) corporate programs. The framework provides startup owners with a guidance structure for engaging with large companies.
    Keywords: literature review; startups; corporates; framework; engagement; relationship; open innovation; startup-corporate relationship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10065368
  • Exploring the relationship between dividend policy and stock price volatility: a sectoral analysis of Indian companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Krishan Kumar, Neha Yadav, Jasvinder Kaur 
    Abstract: Dividend policy and stock price volatility have a complicated interaction that can change depending on the industry, the firm’s size, and the economy’s overall state This study investigates the nexus between dividend policy and stock price volatility of 42 selected companies from five sectors such as automobile, metal, energy and power, information technology and textile sectors taking the annual data from 2010-11 to 2021-22 From these sectors, companies listed in NSE are considered as the population for the study The outcomes of the fixed effect reported the inverse and insignificant impact of the dividend payout ratio on stock price volatility and the favourable and highly significant impact of the dividend yield ratio on stock price volatility It also observed that stock price volatility is positively and significantly impacted by debt to total assets At the same time, the firm’s size inversely and highly significantly influences stock price volatility.
    Keywords: dividend policy; panel data analysis; stock price volatility; dividend payout ratio.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10065390
  • The role of employee relations in driving innovation: moderating effects of firm size and slack resources   Order a copy of this article
    by Gun Jea Yu  
    Abstract: Employee relations have been examined as one of the drivers of innovation. The environments surrounding firms are becoming increasingly complex and ambiguous, making it much harder for firms to minimise agency problems and set desirable behaviours for innovation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between employee relations and innovation using Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini (KLD), Compustat, and US patent data. The results showed that employee relations were positively associated with innovation. In addition, this association became stronger for larger firms and those with more slack resources. These results suggest that employee relations represent an important factor that encourages innovation. Thus, to be innovative, large firms with more slack resources need to build good employee relations in a more active manner.
    Keywords: employee relations; innovation; exploration and exploitation; slack resources.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10065567
  • Modelling the interactions between project payment systems, financial management strategies, and construction companies’ performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Emmanuel Dele Omopariola, Olugboyega Oluseye, Abimbola Olukemi Windapo, David John Edwards, Obuks A. Ejohwomu 
    Abstract: This research examined the influence of the dependent variables of project payment systems and financial management strategies on construction organisation performance, with particular focus on the mediating effect of those strategies. This study adopted a positivist research methodology. It used a quantitative method of data collection in order to realise the development of a standard model, to help identify which project payment systems and financial management strategies could impact construction organisation performance. Findings from the data analysis revealed that financial management strategies played a significant role in ensuring a positive relationship between clients’ payment systems and the construction company’s financial performance. This study concludes that the financial management strategies in used by the construction organisations enhance their cash flow, monitor underspending or overspending against project cost targets, ensure accurate financial accounts. It is therefore recommended that, new payment system should be formulated to integrate the needs of clients and contractors.
    Keywords: project payment system; financial management strategies; financial performance; construction companies’ performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10065781
  • Conceptual framework of guest satisfaction, exploring customer expectations and security measures with emergency preparedness in hotel hospitality   Order a copy of this article
    by Pranjal Kumar, Pratima Ekka 
    Abstract: Hotel hospitality entails delivering exceptional guest experiences and services in accommodation settings. Despite distinct challenges in the hospitality sector, retention and customer satisfaction are critical. This study proposes a conceptual framework linking guest satisfaction, customer expectations, and emergency preparedness. It identifies personal and hotel characteristics influencing expected hospitality levels and proposes a scale for assessing service quality. Using a standardised questionnaire among hotel staff in India, the research explores factors affecting client satisfaction, employing logistic regression and random forest models. Structural equation modelling tests theoretical hypotheses, examining security and safety expectations. Findings indicate high readiness and satisfaction levels, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.828. The study reveals correlations between customer expectations, guest satisfaction, and emergency readiness. This framework guides hotel industry stakeholders in enhancing guest experiences and safety protocols. It empowers hospitality professionals to align service offerings with customer needs, ensuring a proactive approach to service quality and crisis management.
    Keywords: hotel hospitality; guest satisfaction; customer expectations; conceptual framework; emergency preparedness; random forest; logistic regression model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10065881
  • The influence of business analytics on business performance: the role of dynamic capabilities   Order a copy of this article
    by Rayees Farooq, Nachiketa Tripathi 
    Abstract: The study is an attempt to analyse the relationship between business analytics and business performance and how dynamic capabilities affect the relationship between business analytics and business performance. The procedure used in the present study is a systematic literature review covering business analytics, business performance, and dynamic capabilities from 1990 to 2024. The studies were explored from EBSCOhost and Google Scholar. The model proposed can be a cost-effective solution for organisations that are struggling to handle a huge chunk of data to achieve better results. Business analytics involves gaining new knowledge by analysing the data from knowledge-based systems and exploiting that knowledge to improve business performance. Business analytics using information quality, domain, orientation, and technique will be more effective in gaining superior business performance. The study also found that dynamic capabilities play a major role in sensing, seizing, and changing the information to leverage analytical performance.
    Keywords: business analytics; BA; dynamic capabilities; business performance; information; quality; domain; orientation; technique.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10065967
  • Building resilience: how sustainability and innovation accounting influence enterprise risk management and performance in Jordanian SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Munther Al-Nimer, Rana Taha, Nizar Mohammad Alsharari 
    Abstract: This study examines the interrelationships between enterprise risk management (ERM), corporate sustainable development (CSD), innovation capability (IC), and organisational performance (OP) in Jordanian SMEs. Grounded in resource-based view theory, the research investigates the mediating roles of CSD and IC in the ERM-OP relationship. Data from 309 SMEs reveal that ERM positively influences OP, with CSD mediating this relationship. IC positively relates to CSD and OP, mediating the CSD-performance link. Firms implementing ERM are more likely to engage in CSD and enhance IC. Businesses pursuing CSD show a higher propensity for fostering IC, which positively impacts performance. The study provides novel insights into these dynamics in resource-constrained emerging markets, offering theoretical implications for strategic management literature and practical implications for SMEs, policymakers, and regulators in developing economies. Findings contribute to understanding how integrating risk management, sustainability initiatives, and innovation capabilities can enhance SME performance in challenging institutional environments.
    Keywords: enterprise risk management; ERM; corporate sustainable development; CSD; innovation capability; organisational performance; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10065968
  • The effect of the turbulent environment on pricing   Order a copy of this article
    by Gábor Rekettye, Gábor Rekettye Junior 
    Abstract: The study’s aim is two-fold. First, it intends to analyse the effect of the changing and turbulent environment on companies’ pricing policy elbowroom. Second, it wants to discuss new innovative business models based mainly on pricing. An important objective was to arrive at general findings not limited to a specific industry, country, or geographical location. The conceptual study concluded that the zone of companies’ pricing decisions has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic and the high inflation following the pandemic. Companies introduce disruptive business policies based on new pricing methods to survive in this turbulent environment. The study’s result is the categorisation of these pricing policies. In today’s turbulent environment, companies should devote even more energy to improving their pricing activity and creating a healthy balance between the value and price of their offerings.
    Keywords: zone of pricing; pandemic; inflation; turbulent environment; disruptive policies; low pricing; hybrid pricing; value pricing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066043
  • Navigating organisational politics: effects on job satisfaction, job stress, employee engagement, and job performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Waiphot Kulachai, Patipol Homyamyen, Khwanta Benchakhan 
    Abstract: This comprehensive review investigates the impact of perceptions of organizational politics on job satisfaction, employee engagement, job stress, and job performance. Existing literature reveals that high perceptions of organizational politics are typically linked to decreased job satisfaction and employee engagement, and increased job stress. The relationship with job performance is complex and potentially beneficial for those skilled in navigating political landscapes. This comprehensive review underscores the importance of managing organizational politics effectively and promoting transparency, fairness, and ethical behaviour within the workplace. Organizations that strive to minimize negative perceptions of politics and foster a positive work environment can enhance employee satisfaction, engagement, well-being, and overall job performance.
    Keywords: employee engagement; job performance; job satisfaction; job stress; perceptions of organisational politics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066103
  • A comprehensive study of green human resource management practices in relation to employee performance and organisation citizenship behaviour among IT professionals in Gurgaon.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sakshi Sharma, Rajpreet Kaur 
    Abstract: The compelling call for acting in advance while dealing with expected or unexpected changes in environmental management has now become a global issue. Whether it is to address changes in climate or poverty and unemployment, the fight over the role and potency of critical human resource management principles is continuously pointing organisations to get even more conscious about uniting environment, sustainability and human resources. This research is conducted with the intention to study Green Human Resource Management practices and their possible influences on employee green performances and organizational citizenship behaviour particularly in IT professionals in Gurgaon, India. This paper uses a sample of 311 employees (middle and senior level) of 5 IT Companies who completed the survey that used standardised questionnaires. ANOVA, correlation show that significant relation exists between Green HRM practices with each other and with employee green performance and organizational citizenship behaviour. Bootstrapping analysis shows significant role of organizational citizenship behaviour as a mediator. The paper discusses how Green HRM practices can be used as a tool towards building a conscious future through business.
    Keywords: green human resource management; GHRM; employee performance; organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; corporate sustainability; ecological consciousness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066210
  • The impact of password management strategies on the adoption of digital services in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Nitin Bansal, Mamta Pankaj Jain 
    Abstract: Password is the first barrier to control unauthorised access. A strong password is essential to minimise the probabilities of unauthorised access and encourage the customers to go digitally. Password management strategies assist the customers to design a safe, secure, and strong password. The objective of this research paper is ‘to analyse the impact of password management strategies on the adoption of digital services in India’ . To achieve this objective, the researcher has collected the primary data through a self-administered questionnaire on five-point Likert scale from 498 respondents. Factor analysis has been used to extract the factors initially and then step-wise multiple linear regression is applied. The study resulted that password management strategies have a highly significant impact on the adoption of digital services in India as password management strategies reduce the risk probabilities which encourage the customers to adopt digital services.
    Keywords: password management; digital services; adoption; trust; risk; strong password; weak password; password creation guidelines; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066337
  • Innovation and customer satisfaction in small-scale retail businesses in the UAE and the mediating role of technology adoption   Order a copy of this article
    by Adnan Jawabri, Rouhi Faisal 
    Abstract: Small-scale retail businesses in the UAE face growing competition and changing consumer preferences, necessitating innovation and technology adoption to enhance customer satisfaction. With the dynamic retail landscape in the UAE, it is imperative to understand the interplay of innovation, technology adoption, and customer satisfaction in the context of these businesses. Therefore, this study examined the influence of innovation on customer satisfaction with the mediation of technology adoption for small-scale retail businesses in the UAE. Data was collected from a survey of 256 retail customers in Dubai. Using SEM analysis, it was found that technology effectively mediates the relationship between innovation and customer satisfaction. Retailers prioritising innovation in reducing operational costs, expanding product ranges, enhancing product quality, and streamlining operations were more likely to satisfy customers. Hence, to foster customer satisfaction, it is recommended that small-scale retail businesses in the UAE continue investing in technological innovation.
    Keywords: innovation; customer satisfaction; technology adoption; small-scale retail; UAE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066474
  • How digital strategy and sustainability strategy affect competitive excellence: a study of Iraqi telecommunications companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Hatem Ali Abdullah  
    Abstract: The study aims to examine competitive excellence in the context of developing countries through impact of the digital strategy on the competitive excellence of the Iraqi telecom companies. The sustainability strategy was used as a mediating variable in the relationship between digital strategy and competitive excellence. The study focuses on achieving its objectives and building its hypotheses based on a theoretical literature and according to the perspective of Arab countries through a survey of Iraqi telecom companies (Asiacell, Zain Iraq, and Korek telecom). The data were collected through a questionnaire using non-random sampling method, and the valid responses for analysis were 220. The study concludes that the competitive excellence in the Iraqi telecom companies is affected by the digital strategy. The sustainability strategy maximises this impact through the companies’ work with activities and operations that take into account social responsibility and sustainable development and takes into consideration environmental activities.
    Keywords: digital strategy; sustainability strategy; competitive excellence; Asiacell; Zain Iraq; Korek telecom.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066655
  • Analysing the mediating role of employee motivation in the relationship between leadership and organisational commitment   Order a copy of this article
    by Swati Sisodia, Sumaira Jan 
    Abstract: Employee commitment and effective leadership are critically important in all forms of organisations. Employees’ organisational commitment will improve only if human resources are adequate and what is required is met. This organisational commitment is influenced by factors like leadership styles, employee behaviour, workplace culture, and motivation. This study endeavours to work in this domain of relating leadership style of transformational leadership, organisational commitment and employee motivation. The study was conducted among 430 employees of IT MSMEs in Delhi/NCR area using a structured questionnaire which was circulated via online and offline modes. The major outcome of this research is that transformational leadership (TL) is considerably linked with employee organisational commitment (OC) and employee motivation strongly mediates this relationship among employees of IT MSMEs in Delhi/NCR region. It means that effective transformative leaders can motivate and engage employees’ in achieving organisational goals effectively. This study further adds that individuals are more likely to contribute to organisational outcomes when they experience a high degree of motivation from their leaders’ who encourage them to take on more responsibility, provide rewards, appreciation and autonomy. This study has theoretical and practical implications for IT leaders, managers, academicians and future researchers.
    Keywords: transformational leadership; TL; organisational commitment; OC; employee motivation; EM; IT industry; mediation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066663
  • Effects of corporate social responsibility strategy implementation on employee commitment and business success   Order a copy of this article
    by Mai Ngoc Khuong, Truong An Nguyen Khoa, Long Nhat Phan 
    Abstract: Corporates are facing increasing pressure to operate in a socially responsible way. The significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, which derives from their connection to business success and employee commitment, has gained the attention of academics in developing countries, such as Vietnam. Therefore, this study provides an empirical framework to investigate the relationship of five CSR dimensions legal, economic, philanthropic, ethical, and environmental with employee commitment and business success. Then, it evaluates the impact of this framework in the context of Vietnam. Data were analysed from a survey sample of 869 participants from the management level of small to large businesses who are the leaders in the trade and services sector, real estate sector, and manufacturing industries in Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong province. Smart PLS software was used to analyse the data. The experimental results indicate that economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic, and environmental practices have a positive relationship with employee commitment. The tests also indicate a favourable relationship between employee commitment and business success. The results suggest that Vietnamese and Asian corporations should view CSR programs as a way to build intangible assets, such as employee commitment, rather than focus solely on tangible assets.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; employee commitment; business success; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066664
  • How to improve the process of value co-creation with service-dominant orientation   Order a copy of this article
    by Lutfi Nurcholis, Mulyana Mulyana, Budhi Cahyono 
    Abstract: This study examines the behavioural dimensions of value co-creation and the relationship between service-dominant orientation (SD orientation) and the value co-creation process to make it more applicable in the behavioural context. This study uses the PLS method to analyse the conceptual model of 266 banking SME customers. The results showed that the interaction capabilities of individual, relational, ethical, empowerment, developmental, and concerted significantly affect the frequency, direction, and content of the value co-creation process.
    Keywords: service-dominant orientation; value co-creation; behavioural; interaction capabilities; individual; relational; ethical; empowerment; developmental.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066798
  • Status of research on agro-based products a bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Binod Kumar Singh, Mandira Bisht 
    Abstract: The agricultural sector is a significant contributor to the Indian economy, and its growth and sustainability depend on effective marketing and advertising strategies. This study aims to investigate the current status of research for agro-based and agricultural products. In this paper, the methodology used a bibliometric analysis using a VOS viewer. The Scopus database is used to study the current research status for agro- based products. The study identified four themes related to agro-based products: advertising, agriculture worker, marketing, and human and agricultural development. The study reveals that the use of social media in agricultural product advertising, the effectiveness of different advertising channels and the role of branding in promoting agricultural products were prominent research areas related to agro-based products. The study also highlights the importance of utilizing social media as an advertising channel for agricultural products in India. The research findings suggest a need to develop effective advertising strategies and policies for agricultural products that support the growth and sustainability of India's agricultural sector.
    Keywords: agro-based product; advertisement; agricultural development; bibliometric analysis; map chart.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066799
  • Navigating motivational landscapes; understanding the dynamics of mature students in higher education for enhanced performance management: a case study   Order a copy of this article
    by Nick Papé, Nazim Uddin, Rahaman Hasan 
    Abstract: This study investigates the motivations of mature higher education students, employing a mixed-methods approach. Analysing quantitative and qualitative data, six distinct motivations emerge, with five leaning towards extrinsic factors and one intrinsic factor, enjoying the subject content. The predominant extrinsic motivations focus on personal and career development, specifically anticipating future financial benefits. Instrumental motivations include the dream of transformation, skill development and credential attainment, all linked to achieving career success. Comparisons with other studies reveal a mixed perspective, emphasising the diverse nature of mature students’ motivations. The results offer valuable insights for educators and institutions, guiding the enhancement of student experiences and teaching methodologies. Tailoring courses to address the pragmatic needs of mature students, integrating extrinsic and intrinsic motivational strategies, is crucial. As adult enrolment in higher education rises, designing learning opportunities that align with this demographic’s unique needs within formal educational settings becomes imperative, emphasising performance management considerations.
    Keywords: motivation; extrinsic; intrinsic; adult higher education; independent provider; teaching approaches; andragogy; widening access; HE practitioners; performance management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066820
  • Artificial intelligence: an emerging business transformation tool   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepak Negi, Ravindra Sharma, Geeta Rana, Bhakti Parashar 
    Abstract: The business environment is changing incredibly quickly. Undoubtedly, we can show how technology has permeated every aspect of business. Artificial technology is one of the cutting-edge innovations that transform companies in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and competition. There is no industry within the business that AI has not touched. The contribution of artificial intelligence (AI) to different business domains, including human resources (HR), marketing, supply chain management, operations, security, and finance, is examined in this article. It also discusses how the introduction of technology has altered how businesses operate.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI; business performance; business transformation; operations; innovations; technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066821
  • Exploring HRD policies and training impact in Indian public sector banks for competency and innovative practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Kshiroda Kumar Sahoo  
    Abstract: The Indian banking sector is essential to the country's economic growth, yet faces challenges such as leadership shortages and the need to engage and develop employees. This study evaluates the current training and development practices aimed at improving employee competence within banks like Canara Bank, Indian Bank, and others. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey of 654 bank employees, with SPSS software used for analysis. The study found a Cronbach alpha reliability of 0.750 and confirmed positive correlations between employee performance, training effectiveness, and skill enhancement. Results emphasize the importance of functional training in banking regulations, law changes, and personal development. Aligning training programs with industry demands helps banks prepare their workforce to adapt to technological advancements, ensuring long-term sector growth and global competitiveness. This approach secures the sector's ongoing growth and competitiveness in the global market.
    Keywords: training and development; Indian banks; human resource management; competent employees; training measures; questionnaire survey; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066876
  • Green knowledge-skill-ability enhancing work practices upbringing the customer contact employees extra-role performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanober Tariq, Muhmmad Imran Malik, Saddam Hussain 
    Abstract: The aim of the study is to examine the relationship of the green KSA-enhancing practices bundle with the customer contact employees’ extra-role performance. Moreover, the work engagement is used as mediator. The relationships are examined through the lens of social exchange theory. Data was collected in two samples; first sample included 63 while second sample included 77 different branches of government and private banks in Pakistan. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse data. The results suggest that the enchantment of green work surges through the veins, weaving an intricate web that partially bridges the gap between the bundle of green KSA-enhancing practices and the extra-role performance of customer contact employees. The uniqueness of this study lies in its exploration of the aforementioned bundle and its impact on employees’ extra-role performance, using second-order factor analysis. Remarkably, no prior research has examined this bundle in such a manner.
    Keywords: work engagement; customer contact; social exchange theory; SET; green knowledge-skill-ability-enhancing practices bundle; employees extra role performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10066982
  • Does board gender diversity impact total factor productivity? - A sector-level study based on stochastic frontier approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramasamy Murugesan, Kamali Gangadharan  
    Abstract: Research reveals that total factor productivity (TFP) plays a crucial role in firms’ performance. In line with this, studies that analyse TFP included various determinants of TFP. Board gender diversity (BGD), the combined presence of men and women in the directorial board of the firms is considered in the literature as an important catalyst of corporate governance. Research that analyses the relationship between BGD and TFP is seldom sighted in literature. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap by analysing the impact of BGD on TFP. This research adopts FE model of SFA and regression for the analysis by using data of 80 firms from seven key sectors for a period spanning 2017-2022. The results reveal that, BGD has a significant positive impact on the TFP of the firms, validating that participation of women in the operations of the business enhances the productivity, profitability and reputation of firms.
    Keywords: total factor productivity; TFP; board gender diversity; BGD; fixed-effects; stochastic frontier analysis; SFA; women directors; sectors; materials; labour; energy; capital.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10067070
  • Ranking of digital marketing platforms using data envelopment analysis efficiency score calculation   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahdi Samieifard, Fatemeh Heydari, Abolfazl Akhondzadeh 
    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to build a systematic method for computing the efficiency and ranking of various digital marketing platforms. It addressed the concept of digital platforms, highlighted vital features thereof, detected the procedure of the computational method of data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a technique for computing the efficiency score of digital platforms and then provided a framework for computing the efficiency and ranking of digital platforms. Based on the framework proposed, the effective factors were first identified through a survey and then, the efficiency of digital marketing platforms for businesses was specified through the DEA model. Lastly, these marketing platforms were prioritised by means of the Anderson-Peterson ranking method. According the results obtained, three marketing platforms out of nine were identified as inefficient units. Findings of the present study can provide marketing managers with valuable results to assess the efficiency of digital platforms of businesses.
    Keywords: digital marketing; efficiency; data envelopment analysis; DEA; ranking.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10067530
  • Talent attraction and operational performance in UAE’s real estate sector: The mediating role of career management and learning development   Order a copy of this article
    by Riham Al Aina, Rouhi Faisal, Enas Al-Baghdadi 
    Abstract: Talented employees are critical for any organisation’s success; however, the pandemic has made strategic human resources management more challenging than ever. In this era of the work revolution, managing the increasing number and complexity of strategic talent attraction (TA) initiatives consistently and effectively has become a top priority for academics and practitioners in human resource management. To achieve this, it is imperative that human resource professionals clearly understand how attracting and enhancing high-quality talent can impact organisational operations. Drawing on social exchange theory (SET), we examine the influence of career management (CM) and learning and development (LD) in the TA-operational performance (OP) relationship using a multi-wave data collected from 306 participants in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) real estate sector. Our structural equation modelling results show that TA is positively related to operational performance. In the same way, career management mediates the relationship between TA and OP. However, LD does not mediate the TA-OP relationship. We demonstrate that the mechanism through which TA practices influences OP. Our theorising contributes to talent attraction and management literature. Our findings also provide managers and researchers new insight into creating and implementing talent attraction investment programs through career management initiatives.
    Keywords: talent attraction; operational performance; career management; real estate sector; UAE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10067638
  • Blue Monday, work stress and employee performance: an empirical investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Hemanth Kumar Tummalapalli, A. Narasimha Rao, G. Kamal, Y. V. Naga Kumari, K. Prudhvi Raj  
    Abstract: This study examines “Blue Monday” its link to work-related stress, and its impact on employee performance. It analyses key stressors, the relationship between stress and performance, and stress’s mediating role, while offering practical solutions. Using a mixed-methods approach, data was collected from 386 employees in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Key stressors identified include workload, deadlines, and interpersonal conflicts, all negatively affecting performance. Results show a significant relationship between negative Monday perceptions, higher stress, and lower performance, with job stress partially mediating this link. The study suggests strategies to reduce Blue Monday’s effects, such as planning enjoyable activities, prioritizing rest, and promoting wellness initiatives. Further research is recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in improving productivity and well-being.
    Keywords: Blue Monday; work stress; employee performance; well-being; employee engagement; productivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10067732
  • Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on halal food and beverage production: evidence from listed companies in Bursa Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohd Hafiz Abdul Wahab, Mohd Fauzi Abu Husin, Norhasimah Shaharuddin, Imbarine Bujang, Muhammad Syahrul Deen Ahmad Rosli 
    Abstract: The market for halal goods and services is expanding rapidly, offering lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs and industry players. Despite significant market potential, both locally and globally, the halal sector faces substantial challenges, particularly from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigates the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the production of halal food and beverages by companies listed on Bursa Malaysia, analysing data from 2011 to 2022. Employing Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Quantile Regression (QR) methods, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of the pandemic's impact on the industry. Total halal food and beverage production turnover (HR) was used as the primary metric to gauge the pandemic's impact on 30 listed companies. The empirical results from both QR and OLS analyses reveal that the production levels of halal food and beverages were significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during periods of high demand for halal products. The findings indicate a negative correlation between the pandemic and halal food and beverage production, with varying degrees of impact across different quantiles.
    Keywords: halal economics; halal food and beverage; COVID-19 pandemic; halal listed companies; quantile regression; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10068042
  • Fuelling the spirit of commitment to enhance hospital performance: linking job insecurity, role ambiguity and organisational specific experience   Order a copy of this article
    by Faheem Muneer, Aqib Javed, Yang Hui, Munazza Saeed 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between individuals’ job insecurity, role ambiguity, and organisational performance directly and through employee commitment. This research also considers organisational-specific experience as a moderator in the relationship between job insecurity and employee commitment as well as role ambiguity and employee commitment. The data were collected from the 369 doctors, heading their departments in public hospitals in Pakistan. Partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyse the data using SmartPLS version 4.0 software. The results demonstrate that job insecurity and role ambiguity significantly affect the organisational performance of public hospitals. Employee commitment also mediates the links between job insecurity and role ambiguity with organisational performance. Additionally, organisational-specific experience moderates the hypothesised relationship. These insights contribute to human resources management in the Pakistan health sector, advocating for practical measures such as regular employment, regular feedback and review, recognition and reward, and comprehensive training programs.
    Keywords: role ambiguity; organisational performance; health sector; job insecurity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10068072
  • Driving organisational excellence: leveraging diversity management and inclusive practices for enhanced performance in emerging IT/ITES markets   Order a copy of this article
    by Satyavathi Pasupuleti, K.N. Rao, M.S.R. Sesha Giri 
    Abstract: The present study examines the effect of diversity management and inclusive practices on improving the organisational excellence of selected IT/ITES companies from an emerging market perspective. SEM analysis was applied to validate the hypothesised model using 442 responses drawn from survey participants. In this regard, the findings reveal a positive and significant link between constructs of interest that render affirmation to the research model. The results and findings were compared with prior studies in a similar domain which provides a strong justification to place the novel contribution of this study in extending the domain knowledge for inclusive workplace culture and diversified talent acquisition and retention. Also, the findings provide insights to managers and policymakers to devise strategies for redesigning the labour and HR policies to ensure equal opportunities at the workplace, which can foster enhanced performance and organisational betterment.
    Keywords: diversity; inclusivity; excellence; workplace equality; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10068302
  • Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial performance of the companies in the Czech Republic   Order a copy of this article
    by Petr Suchanek 
    Abstract: The subject of this paper is an analysis of the impact of the pandemic on the financial performance (FP) of enterprises in select sectors in the Czech Republic. The analysis was conducted on 2491 enterprises using seven different ratios, that were analyzed using correlation analysis, TOPSIS method and the year-on-year changes in the ratios were monitored. It was found that there has been a significant deterioration in FP of enterprises between 2019 and 2020 in all indicators examined. This discrepancy is due to the fact that in spring 2020 the most restrictive measures were not yet in place and there was strong optimism regarding about the duration of the pandemic and its impact on enterprises. FP results suggest that the impact of the pandemic on enterprises or most sectors in the Czech Republic was strong in 2020 and that affected the stable FP of both individual enterprises and entire sectors.
    Keywords: financial performance; profitability ratios; activity ratios; indebtedness ratios; liquidity ratios; labour productivity ratio; COVID-19; enterprises; TOPSIS; Czech Republic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10068579
  • Agency theory-based ‘good corporate governance guidelines’ to improve corporate financial planning   Order a copy of this article
    by René K. Munser  
    Abstract: Financial planning is a process in which the various parts of a company are aligned to common financial values for the future. In practice, the different players, interests and constraints within a company must be reconciled. If this does not succeed, the quality of financial planning suffers and leads to higher planning costs. It is therefore all the more important that financial planning follows clear rules and processes so that all those involved act for the benefit of the company as a whole and not in the interests of individual parts of the company. Guidelines for financial planning are derived on the basis of the agency theory underlying the corporate governance approach. The solution approaches of agency theory serve as an orientation to reduce conflicts between principal and agent in the context of financial planning and to improve the distribution of welfare between the two.
    Keywords: agency theory; financial planning; good corporate governance; governance principles; guidelines.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10068756
  • Emotional intelligence and job performance: an impact mechanism through psychological well-being   Order a copy of this article
    by Devulapalli Kiran Kumar, Tarapatla Lokeswara Rao, Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru 
    Abstract: The present study examines the intricate interplay between emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and affective commitment in enhancing the job performance within selected automobile manufacturing companies in emerging markets. Utilising SEM analysis on 425 survey response, the research validated a positive relationship among these constructs, confirming the hypothesised links. The findings provide a strong justification to place the novel contribution of this study in extending the domain knowledge and highlights their crucial role in fostering superior job performance. Also, the findings provide insights to managers and policymakers to redesigning the HR policies and strategies to prioritise employee wellbeing, thereby driving organisational excellence and enhanced performance. This research stands out by bridging gaps in the current literature and provides actionable strategies for real-world applications in the HR landscape.
    Keywords: emotional intelligence; well-being; affective commitment; superior job performance; organisational excellence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10068784
  • Value approach to a designing and digitalising logistics chains   Order a copy of this article
    by Alexey P. Tyapukhin, Tatyana E. Evtodieva 
    Abstract: The purposes of the article are to refine the theory and methodology of managing chains of values, demands and supplies, taking into account the stages of life cycle of the value of end consumer, as well as to create prerequisites for designing digital twins of the subject and objects of managing these chains. Achievement of research purposes is based on methods of identification, structuring, formalization, combination, modeling and digitization of subjects and management objects implemented using descriptor and facet methods of qualitative research. The article proposes a classification of options for the value of end consumers of products and services; the principles of logistics chain management depending on the value option have been developed; the roles of logistics chain links at various stages of value creation have been clarified; standards for virtual logistics chain management have been developed to identify their actual structures. prerequisites have been created for the design of digital twins of the subject and logistics chain management objects, as well as options for agreeing on supplier and consumer values in the logistics chain.
    Keywords: value; logistics; chains; designing; digitalizing; principle; chain link; profit; attribute; perception; experience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10068978
  • A novel supplier selection method based on blockchain: the developing HFLTs-VIKOR approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Azam Modares, Nasser Motahari Farimani, Vahideh Bafandegan Emroozi 
    Abstract: One of the critical success factors in implementing blockchain is the selection of suitable suppliers capable of meeting the necessary criteria for this technology's implementation. Since the influencing factors in communication between retailers and suppliers through blockchain are predominantly qualitative, decision-makers (DMs) often face uncertainty in expressing their opinions clearly. This study aims to propose an appropriate model of Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making (MCGDM) in a probabilistic and fuzzy environment to effectively integrate decision-makers' judgments under uncertainty. Bayesian Best-Worst Method (BWM) is employed to determine the optimal weights of supplier evaluation criteria. In ranking suppliers, as DMs' preference information is expressed in uncertain terms and various uncertain linguistic terms are used for evaluation, this paper adopts the hesitant fuzzy linguistic set to address uncertainty. Thus, a novel approach termed HFLTs-VIKOR (Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term set VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) is proposed for solving supplier selection problems with hesitant fuzzy linguistic set information. Finally, the efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated through a case study utilizing real data collected from the railway supply chain.
    Keywords: group decision-making; supplier selection; Bayesian BWM; best-worst method; VIKOR; blockchain.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069082
  • The effect of environmental and carbon performance on the quality of earnings   Order a copy of this article
    by Cennet Gürbüz, Eda Köse, Ismail Bekci 
    Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate the effects of environmental and carbon performance of companies whose data can be accessed from 20 different countries on earnings management. The panel data analysis method is used for the data of 435 companies operating in 20 European countries among 2016 and 2020. Earnings quality is measured using the accrual-based earnings method (AEM) and actual operating earnings method (REM) variables. Controls are carried out with tests for emission, resource, and innovation activities related to environmental performance. Empirical findings of the paper show that environmental performance affects accrual-based earnings management and real operations earnings management positively, while carbon performance negatively affects real operations earnings management. Findings on emissions, resources, and innovation investments support the main model results. The study also shows that firm size, financial debt, market value, and asset return also affect earnings management.
    Keywords: environmental performance; carbon performance; real earnings management; accrual-based earnings management; emission; resource; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069199
  • Antecedents of job burnout in the Saudi labour market: job satisfaction as a mediator   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdulmajeed S. Alanazi, Abelmohsen A. Nassani, Suad Dukhaykh 
    Abstract: Job burnout is a prevalent concern for both employees and employers in todays workplace. Numerous studies in human resource management have explored the issue of job burnout and its adverse effects on workforce performance. This study seeks to identify the antecedents of job burnout in the Saudi labour market, with the understanding that addressing these factors can help in preventing job burnout. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to employees across three sectors in Saudi Arabia: private, government, and semi-government. A quantitative approach was employed to collect and analyse the data. The findings of the study demonstrate that employee benefits and effective leadership are key predictors of job satisfaction, and low levels of job satisfaction predict job burnout. Moreover, job satisfaction mediates the relationship between job burnout, benefits, and leadership. The results emphasise that organisations in Saudi Arabia can mitigate employee burnout by implementing sound organisational practices.
    Keywords: benefits; leadership; job satisfaction; job burnout.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069233
  • Factors influencing the application of strategic management accounting to improve performance of listed companies in an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Van Tung Tran, Chien Van Nguyen 
    Abstract: The application of effective strategic management accounting (SMA) tools is essential. The study proposes a model for the factors affecting the application of SMA, which in turn will improve the performance of listed companies in an emerging economy. This research surveys representatives involved in financial and accounting management at listed companies in Vietnam with the convenient sampling method with a valid sample size of 520, and collected information is verified through structural equation modelling (SEM). Research results have determined five factors that directly affect the application of SMA in listed companies such as: organisational size, level of competition, characteristics of business strategy, involvement of accountants in the decision-making process and information technology (IT) skills. Simultaneously, the research results confirm that the application of SMA is consistent with the performance of listed companies.
    Keywords: management accounting; strategic management accounting; SMA; performance; listed companies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069371
  • Development of a framework for assessing green organisational culture   Order a copy of this article
    by Nagamani Subramanian, M. Suresh 
    Abstract: This study addresses the imperative for businesses to balance economic viability with sustainable practices amid escalating societal and environmental expectations. Focusing on green organisational culture in the Indian manufacturing sector, particularly in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), it aims to systematically assess and enhance eco-friendly practices. Employing a multi-grade fuzzy approach, the study identifies two critical enablers, four criteria, and 108 attributes specific to the manufacturing context to quantify qualitative dimensions underpinning environmentally conscious values, beliefs, and practices within organisational frameworks. The findings reveal a green culture index of 4.98, indicating a lower emphasis on green organisational culture practices. Furthermore, importance-performance analysis (IPA) identifies fifteen weaker attributes, suggesting areas for improvement. Practical implications include the need for SMEs to create a culture of learning and adaptability among employees to foster their contributions to environmental initiatives. Additionally, transparent communication of green efforts can enhance SMEs’ reputation and market competitiveness. Societal implications encompass environmental protection, job creation in eco-friendly practices, and enhanced employee well-being, contributing to broader goals of mitigating environmental degradation and fostering socially responsible business practices. Overall, this study offers a valuable roadmap for managers and leaders seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of sustainability within the manufacturing sector.
    Keywords: assessment framework; environmental management; green organisational culture; GOC; manufacturing small and medium enterprises; multi-grade fuzzy logic; sustainable practices.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069496
  • Circular Supply Chain and Sustainable Performance; Evidence from Chemical Industry in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Asima Saleem, Maleeha Mansoor, Ammara Sarwar, Hassan Khan 
    Abstract: This research aims to determine the impact of circular supply chain management (CSCM) practices on the sustainable performance of the chemical industry in Pakistan, focusing environmental, social, and economic (ESE) aspects. The study applied a survey questionnaire approach, and structured questionnaires based on a five-point Likert scale. Data was gathered from 298 respondents of chemical companies listed on the Pakistan security market and was analysed using SMART-PLS through linear regression statistics. The statistical findings proved the significant positive impact of reverse logistics, remanufacturing, and resource efficiency, on the ESE sustainable performance of the chemical sector in Pakistan. Companies’ operational managers, practitioners, and decision-makers can consider CSCM practices for optimal utilisation of resources to improve sustainable performance. The study limits the generalisability of results, focusing on specific sectors and cross-sectional studies. Repetitive linear regression shows methodology constraints. The study modifies the resource-based view by indicating that CSCM strategies are valuable for sustainable performance.
    Keywords: circular supply chain management; CSCM; reverse logistics; RL; resource efficiency; RE: remanufacturing; RM; sustainable performance; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10069539
  • Performance evaluation of the health units in handling the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario   Order a copy of this article
    by Shashi K. Shahi, Bharat Maheshwari 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has been managed differently in different parts of the world. In this study, we evaluate the relative efficiencies of the 34 public health units (PHU) in the province of Ontario in dealing with the first wave of the pandemic, using bootstrap data envelopment analysis. The results show that the management efficiency of the treatment of the confirmed cases in rural areas, and that of the transmission control of the disease in urban centres is poor. The relative performance evaluation of the PHUs has a significant impact on the management of the pandemic. The PHUs should streamline the management processes, reduce costs, and improve resource usage for controlling the pandemic. In order to reduce the impact of future pandemics in the PHUs of Ontario, it is important that management efficiency knowledge is continuously developed, transferred, and adapted by the public health authorities.
    Keywords: bootstrap data envelopment analysis; COVID-19 pandemic; overall technical efficiency; OTE; Ontario; public health units; PHU; pure technical efficiency; PTE; scale efficiency.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069734
  • Evaluating the role of consumer and business confidence in petroleum consumption   Order a copy of this article
    by Sonali Das, Nteboheng P. Phadi 
    Abstract: Although organisations actively invest in technologies designed to capture customer data, the ability to translate this data into insight that is reflective of concurrent supply chain dynamics can be a non-trivial exercise. We examine both domestic capabilities, and global drivers, of the petroleum supply chain and undertake two investigations: (i) at the macro-level, we use secondary-data to investigate predictive models for consumption of petrol and diesel, both of which are directly and indirectly influenced by various local and international factors; (ii) at the micro-level, we administered a tailored-questionnaire at an petroleum company to investigate any missing link between their supply-chain and their customer demand-chain with regards three aspects namely, people, process and technology, which were then analysed within the Structural Equation Model framework. Overall, the study provides valuable insights for future research aimed at better integration of customer sentiment and supply chain data analytics for petroleum procurement and planning.
    Keywords: consumer confidence; business confidence; supply chain; petroleum; consumption; customer demand.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10069791
  • Does favourable business atmosphere influence the proficiency of manufacturing enterprises in India?   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarbapriya Ray, Abhijeet Bag 
    Abstract: Latest developments of the business literature have kept the business climate at the centre of business performance. It is now well recognised that the business climate can significantly affect investment, productivity, and growth. The study aimed at investigating whether diverse facets of congenial business environment influence competence of manufacturing enterprises towards favourable direction in India or not considering the study period, 1996-1997 to 2016-2017. In doing so, several exogenous factors affecting business environment like political stability, corruption, economic freedom, business freedom, industrialisation, institutional efficiency have been considered to judge their effect on competence of manufacturing enterprises (measured in terms of total factor productivity growth). Results suggest that institutional efficiency, political stability and business freedom have significant positive impact on competence of business whereas corruption and economic freedom have significant negative impact and industrialisation is found to have positive impact, although not so significantly, on efficiency of manufacturing enterprises in India.
    Keywords: manufacturing; environment; India; total factor productivity growth; TFPG.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069792
  • Measuring the quality of corporate risk disclosure among the listed non-financial firms in Kenya   Order a copy of this article
    by Erastus Mbithi, Tankiso Moloi, David Wang'ombe 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of corporate risk disclosure (CRD) among listed non-financial firms in Kenya. Content analysis was conducted to measure the quality of CRD in the annual reports using two scoring systems: weighted and unweighted. The study finds that the quality of CRD is low and highly varied across the sampled firms from 2008 to 2019. Similarly, CRD in Kenya is predominantly past-oriented, positive, qualitative, general and not-link-related. This suggests stakeholders seeking high-quality CRD will not find annual reports sufficient to meet their needs. Moreover, the two scoring systems used resulted to different levels of quality, indicating that they measured different constructs of CRD quality. The study responds to literature calling for studies to document the status of CRD in developing countries.
    Keywords: quality of CRD; developing country; non-financial firms; Kenya.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069865
  • Pay-for-performance in Brazilian football: a cultural analysis from the perspective of executives   Order a copy of this article
    by Rafael Luis Pessin, Carlos Alberto Diehl, Maicon Manoel Benin, Luiz Henrique Figueira Marquezan 
    Abstract: In recent years, the practice of pay-for-performance (PFP) has aroused particular interest among Brazilian football clubs. This study analyses the adequacy of the PFP practice in Brazilian football clubs. For this, the analyse is based on five theoretical propositions, consistent with the values of the national culture. The evidence enabled the effective confirmation two of the five propositions. Despite suggesting the supposed inadequacy of the practice, the conflicting elements with Brazilian values can be justified from a cultural point of view. The clubs adapted the components that make up the PFP to the country's cultural values.
    Keywords: Brazilian football; national culture; pay-for-performance; PFP; sports management; sports performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10069965
  • A comparative study between traditional and modern asset management systems for livelihood sustainability in the Guji community of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Dawit Udessa Gede 
    Abstract: This research aimed to comprehensively examine asset management practices within the Guji community of Ethiopia. It explored the characteristics and components of traditional asset management systems and their contribution to livelihood sustainability. A mixed-methods approach was employed, utilising qualitative data from in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, alongside quantitative data from surveys with 384 participants. Data analysis included thematic analysis of qualitative findings and statistical analysis of quantitative data. Results indicated that the Guji community’s traditional asset management practices significantly promote livelihood sustainability by maintaining economic stability, fostering social cohesion, promoting environmental stewardship, and preserving cultural traditions. The originality of this study lies in its multi-dimensional approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative methodologies to provide a nuanced perspective on the impacts of traditional asset management. This research highlights the complex interconnections between asset management and community well-being, extending beyond mere economic factors.
    Keywords: asset; Guji community; livelihood; management; modern system; sustainability; traditional system; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10069966
  • Family incivility and its influence on job performance: mediating role of work stress   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhawna Chahar 
    Abstract: Service sector organisation, especially the IT and ITes sector in India, has grown significantly in recent years. Family incivility has been explored and analysed because of its adverse effect on employee performance. The present research aims to analyse family incivility and its impact on employee job performance and assess the mediating role of employee work stress. The online data was collected from 299 IT and ITes organisations employees using the convenience sampling method. It was found that family incivility significantly influences employee job performance, and test statistics confirm the mediating role of employee job stress between family incivility and employee performance. The research's current findings may be used to develop ways to improve employee performance by managing job stress effectively. In the current research, several management implications and potential areas for further study are also presented.
    Keywords: family incivility; employee job stress; employee work performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10070054
  • ESG-ratings metrics and portfolio performance dynamics: evidence from the United Arab Emirates   Order a copy of this article
    by Welcome Sibanda, Abdelghani Echchabi 
    Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to examine ESG-metrics criteria-based equity portfolio performance consisting of UAE-listed stocks. Despite emergent evidence closely linking ESG-metrics with performance, the UAE ESG-metrics narrative remains an impenetrable fog of ambiguity. We exploit UAE ESG-metrics to form ESG-metrics portfolios from the “Top” to the "Low" decile portfolio. We exploit the CAPM, Fama-French Three-Factor Model and the Sharpe Measure to calibrate portfolio performance. While we detect an inverse correlation between ESG-Ratings and performance, the Fama-French Three-Factor Model’s “Low ESG” and “Low GOV” pillars ESG-ratings portfolios generate robust outperformance. Further, we detect a timeseries variation of the ESG-ratings impact on portfolio volatility. This is a ground-breaking study that deepens our knowledge on the influence of ESG-Ratings on portfolio performance from a developing high-income economic perspective. Our unique methodology may help future research disentangle ESG-ratings effects on performance and the results may be generalised to other economic settings.
    Keywords: ESG-ratings; ESG-investing; social responsibility; volatility; excess returns; portfolio performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10070055
  • Performance metrics of AI marketing tools in customer satisfaction: a comprehensive systematic review   Order a copy of this article
    by Arman Khan, Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid, Abdur Rehman Arif, Waseem Khan, Waqar Ahmad Nasir 
    Abstract: This study review literature on the impact of AI on customer satisfaction, with a particular emphasis on its ability to improve customer experiences. This systematic review uses Web of Science, Science Direct, and Scopus to analyse research from 2000 to 2022. The adoption of AI is seen a pivotal success factor, helping data collection, the creation of personalised experiences, the enhancement of engagement, the improvement of communication, and the optimisation of operations for organisations. This systematic review establishes a basis for forthcoming empirical investigations into AIs influence on service sectors, advocating for quantitative methodologies to substantiate AIs contribution to customer happiness. Moreover, examining existing material might enhance theoretical frameworks for subsequent research. The findings have substantial ramifications for enterprises, assisting owners and managers in comprehending the significance of AI and formulating plans grounded in data-driven insights. This study elucidates AIs revolutionary influence on business operations and customer interactions, enhancing comprehension of technology-driven corporate progress and its effects on consumer behaviour.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; AI tools; satisfaction; trust.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10070129
  • Agripreneurship and food security in Afghanistan: a question of the triple bottom line   Order a copy of this article
    by Safia Amirzai, Vinh Sum Chau 
    Abstract: This paper examines the interrelationship of agricultural entrepreneurship (‘agripreneurship’) and food security in Afghanistan - an overlooked country in terms of political stability and natural resources - through the lens of the triple bottom line (TBL) model. Using a ‘bottom-up’ approach of examining 28 stakeholders from diverse backgrounds ranging from farmers to experts primarily at the lower ends of the infrastructural hierarchy, they were interviewed to seek insights into the agricultural and entrepreneurial constraints imposed upon them. The research finds an imbalance between trying to achieve food security and promoting environmental sustainability, among other important issues. For example, access to food had been prioritised by agricultural entrepreneurs over global environmental concerns, questioning the validity of the TBL. We argue that western approaches for dealing with grand challenges, such as sustainability with the TBL, are a luxury, as for Afghanistan, and it is now time to rethink what a bottom line should be.
    Keywords: agricultural entrepreneurship; agripreneurship; food security; environmental sustainability; triple bottom line model; TBL model; Afghanistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2026.10070130
  • What is the role of management satisfaction in the use of performance measurement system? A mediator or an outcome?   Order a copy of this article
    by Cihan Alphun, Ruggero Sainaghi, Nuray Turker  
    Abstract: Organisation’s management satisfaction has been considered as a crucial issue in the performance measurement related studies. These studies usually specified that benefits of performance measurement system (PMS) create satisfaction in the firm management. Studies which extend this relationship by examining the resulting effect on organisational performance are limited. So, this study investigates the relationship between the PMS use and organisational performance through a mediating role of the management satisfaction, which has not received the empirical attention it deserves. In addition, although this relationship is found, prior arguments stated that a reverse causality might also exist. Therefore, considering the balanced scorecard (BSC) as a PMS, this study explores whether a reverse causality of the relationship existed as well in the hotel industry which is an under-explored context. Data was collected from hotel managers in Turkey. The results displayed that management satisfaction is a mediator between the BSC and organisational performance. The results also revealed that management satisfaction could be the dependent variable as well thus; confirming the existence of reverse causality.
    Keywords: management satisfaction; balanced scorecard; BSC; performance measurement; organisational performance; hotels; performance measurement system; PMS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10070142
  • Managerial accounting techniques, cost systems and achieving intermediate profitability in Kosovo’s manufacturing enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Vlora Berisha Dranqolli, Simon Grima 
    Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between managerial accounting techniques (MATs), cost systems, and their impact on achieving intermediate profitability in manufacturing enterprises. It categorises MATs into four stages, providing a structured framework to analyse their roles in cost determination, financial control, managerial planning, waste reduction, and value creation. Data was collected using a survey on 81 medium and large-sized manufacturing enterprises in Kosovo and subjected to quantitative methods to the likes of structural equation modelling, regression analysis, t-tests, and determination coefficients, to evaluate models, establish the significance of factors, and test study hypotheses. Findings revealed a positive correlation between cost systems and profitability, a significant positive relationship between cost systems and management accounting techniques of stage 3 and that management accounting techniques influence profitability without mediating the impact of the cost system. The study provides important insights into the Balkan manufacturing sector’s distinctive business dynamics, market structures, and economic conditions.
    Keywords: managerial accounting techniques; MATs; cost system; profitability; manufacturing enterprises; Kosovo; structural equation modelling; economic conditions; Balkan; business dynamics; market structures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2027.10070245
  • Temporal mining of workplace network connections
    by Paul A. Beckman, Monica M. Sharif 
    Abstract: This research proposes a novel temporal mathematical method of calculating the added value of an influential individual in a network, called a 'team player', who adds indirect value to their organisation because they drastically improve the future workplace task performance of those with whom they work. Our process uses temporal mining of employee connectivity data where connections are made between co-workers as they work together on an organisational task. The process we describe is based on mathematically-proven algorithms and can be applied to any organisation where employees' project work and performance is tracked. Our application views employees as network points and their joint work on a series of organisational tasks as the links that connect those employees. We use one of the largest online and open data sources containing many years of employee joint task work to apply our proposed algorithm and produce quantitative results.
    Keywords: social network analysis; SNA; temporal data mining; employee performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10060298
  • The effect of leadership, learning organisations, employee creativity, transactive memory systems with organisational innovation mediation
    by Golan Hasan, Farida Jasfar 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify and study the factors that influence the performance of star-rated hotel organisations. We examine the relationship between the influence of leadership, learning organisations, employee creativity and transactive memory systems mediated by organisational innovation variables on organisational performance variables. The research sample consisted of 123 staff and managers of star hotels. The results of this study explain that there is a positive significant influence of the transactive memory system variable on organisational innovation, the influence of employee creativity, innovation, leadership, employee creativity on organisational performance, which is mediated by organisational innovation. Theoretical implications of organisational innovation through improving indicators will be able to improve hotel performance to increase tourist trust and loyalty. Managerial implications that need to be implemented are the influence of leadership, employee creativity on organisational innovation and the influence of leadership on organisational performance mediated by organisational innovation.
    Keywords: leadership; learning organisation; employee creativity; transactive memory system; organisational innovation; organisational performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10060200
  • Influence of performance appraisal practices on employee performance: a case study on Indian rural malls   Order a copy of this article
    by Sunil Atulkar, Monika Sharma 
    Abstract: Today performance appraisal practices play an important role in career development, solve existing problems and increase employee morale, productivity and performance. Therefore, the study aims to identify the important performance appraisal practices that influence employee performance in the context of rural shopping malls, particularly in central India. Based on previous literature reviews, the study identifies five major performance appraisal practices used in rural shopping mall that improve employee performance. Using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling through SmartPLS 3.0 software, 213 employees' data from rural shopping malls of six major cities of central India were analysed and validated. Study results show that the design of all five performance appraisal practices, ranking method, rating scale, checklist method, paired comparison and grading method show a positive significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the study suggested some useful insights about performance appraisal practices that help retail owners to work on employee performance for organisational productivity.
    Keywords: performance appraisal; rural mall; employee.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063085
  • The contribution of coaches in the playing style of football clubs
    by Thadeu Gasparetto, Anna Shrainer 
    Abstract: This paper aims to identify the playing styles of football clubs and their influence on the clubs' performance. K-means clustering algorithm was applied to all the passes distributed among the football teams to get the unique z-score and recognise the most outstanding coaching contribution. The Russian Premier League - from 2017/2018 to 2019/2020 - is the setting inspected. The calculated score for each club shows that FC UFA under the guidance of Sergei Semak in 2017/2018, FC Krasnodar with Igor Shalimov in 2017/2018 and Magomed Adiev with FC Anzhi in 2018/2019, in the greater extent, differs from the other clubs that participated in the league over the researched period. The empirical findings reveal that playing experience of a coach has a positive effect on the outcome of a match, while coaching tenure has a reduced negative effect. This study contributes with new insights regarding coaching style identification on professional football.
    Keywords: head coach; passing; playing style; professional football; statistics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10060465
  • Developing a performance evaluation dashboard for the east Algerian solid waste management service (Skikda)   Order a copy of this article
    by Khorief Ouissem, Aissa Mahimoud, Nedjima Mouhoubi 
    Abstract: This article aims to propose a dashboard designed to evaluate the performance of the waste management service in the municipality of Skikda, located in eastern Algeria. The construction of this dashboard involves four key stages: identifying the objectives, identifying the indicators, establishing an information system, and making the dashboard operational. The dashboard comprises more than 20 indicators, including 2 institutional, 4 technical, 6 legal, 9 environmental, 1 financial, and 1 economic indicator. It covers the entire spectrum of the waste management service, starting from contract allocation and extending to landfill operations. The dashboard offers insights into the overall performance and sustainability of the service, considering economic, environmental, and social aspects, and it encompasses the entire service lifecycle, from waste collection to disposal.
    Keywords: dashboard; performance evaluation; waste management; public service; municipality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062688
  • Higher education students' views of conducting traditional research projects under supervision   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramesh Gupta, Pravin Balaraman, Tom Keegan 
    Abstract: Universities compete for an increasingly diverse student population by utilising digital technology to meet educational requirements. The literature currently lacks an empirical assessment of undergraduate and masters students' views of research and academic writing skills teaching. We sought the views of business students in a mixed methods study utilising survey and focus group data underpinned by an interpretivist methodology. Our qualitative and quantitative findings and results demonstrate students' enthusiasm for our traditional approach to teaching research and academic writing skills. Students particularly benefit from supervisors' guidance in this endeavour. We therefore advocate retention of traditional approaches to teaching research and academic writing skills to meet students' needs to make universities competitive in an international market. Further research is now required to determine the views of university undergraduate and masters students in all disciplines. Supervisors, whose contributions are valued by students, need now to be equally recognised by their universities.
    Keywords: higher education; student diversity; traditional research skills teaching; academic writing skills; supervisors.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063086
  • A realist evaluation of the performance implications of flying faculty model from the perspectives of local faculty: evidence from British TNE programs in Qatar
    by Khalifa Alsalahi Alyafei 
    Abstract: This research uses the realist evaluation framework to analyse the flying faculty model (FFM) within a British transnational higher education program in Qatar. This work aims to understand the facilitators and barriers of the FFM on local faculty and how it either contributes to or interrupts their work. Following the realist evaluation approach, a total of eight semi-structured interviews were conducted on two groups of local faculty, full-time and part-time local faculty (n = 8) who had taught on the program for at least one semester. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to identify the key contexts and program mechanisms that led to meaningful outcomes for local faculty. Results show that the FFM provides opportunities for local faculty, including faculty-to-faculty support, knowledge sharing and policy implementation, which may help enhance their confidence in teaching and ensure their career progression as well as promote the successful enactment of partnership agreements. It also highlights certain obstacles, such as lack of engagement among some fly in faculty members and inflexibility in designing a more contextualise curriculum.
    Keywords: flying faculty model; flying faculty; local faculty; faculty performance; transnational education; Qatar.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10060819
  • Does trust-induced knowledge sharing indeed enhance organisational performance? The moderating role of organisational culture
    by Muhammad Zafar Yaqub, Abdullah Alsabban 
    Abstract: Past studies have examined the direct and indirect impacts of organisational trust on firm performance, but no studies have endeavoured to explain if its effect is channelled through knowledge sharing. While extending the knowledge-based and relational views of the firm to the micro level, the primary aim of this study has been to study the impact of organisational trust and knowledge sharing in enhancing firm performance while taking organisational culture as the critical moderating contingency. After performing a PLS-based modelling on a dataset comprising 398 informants, it has been found that organisational trust directly as well as indirectly affects firm performance through stimulating knowledge sharing. Moreover, the dual effect of organisational culture in moderating the associations between organisational trust and knowledge sharing, as well as the knowledge sharing, and firm performance has also been empirically substantiated. Besides enriching scholarly discourse in knowledge-based and relational views of the firm, this study offers useful implications to managers intending to enhance their firm performance.
    Keywords: organisational trust; knowledge sharing; firm performance; organisational culture; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10060675
  • What affects bank risk-taking in Taiwan? A profitability and marketability efficiency perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Chang-Sheng Liao 
    Abstract: This study explores the determinants of risk-taking among banks in Taiwan from 2002 to 2019 by investigating the relationships among risk indicators, profitability, and marketability efficiency scores using multiple DEA models. The results reveal that the key variables of interest are the various bank efficiency scores, which are the only profitability efficiency scores that significantly contribute to reducing bank risks. Generally, more efficient banks can eliminate their risk-taking relative to less efficient banks. However, the super- and cost-efficiency results do not fully support this hypothesis. Marketability efficiency remains relatively low in Taiwan, suggesting that banks increase earnings per share (EPS) and market value through announcements of good news for investors and depositors, thereby enhancing banks' reputations and decreasing bank risk-taking.
    Keywords: risk-taking; marketability efficiency; profitability efficiency; super efficiency DEA model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10069412
  • Using contemporary accounting techniques to measure the financial efficiency of higher education institutions: a case study of Tikrit University   Order a copy of this article
    by Saad Salih Hussein, Naseem Yousif Hanna Al-Lallo 
    Abstract: The present work empirically tests the financial efficiency of higher education institutions in Iraq using the budgets of Tikrit University. This empirical testing will enhance higher education's capability in sustainable development. Primary and secondary data sources were employed in this paper to test the hypotheses. Primary data were collected through the distribution of 22 questionnaire forms to the managers and the responsible personnel in the university hierarchy, further, secondary data were collected from the accounting ledger of Tikrit University for 2015-2022. The paper employed the Delphi method, min-max normalisation technique, partial adjustment model, and fixed effect panel data analysis to measure the efficiency of individual budgets. Using the budget as an indicator of financial efficiency the results, therefore, show the high financial efficiency of Tikrit University. The paper has practical implications for both private and public higher education institutions, academics, research scholars, and university leaders in Iraq.
    Keywords: Delphi method technique; min-max normalisation technique; partial adjustment model; fixed effect panel data analysis; Tikrit University.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10061776
  • A study on HRM practices, employee performance, and organisational performance: evidence from logistics firms in Vietnam
    by Nam Tien Duong 
    Abstract: The development of the logistics industry has led to an increase in demand for professional talents. Employees can be regarded as important professional human resources in the future of the industry, so their work status, perception, and overall views need to be understood and explored. With a sample of 275 employees in logistics firms, this study aims to investigate the perception of logistics employees of HRM practices, employee performance (EP), and organisational performance (OP). The findings show that: 1) the higher the HRM practices, the higher the performance of employees and the organisation; 2) employee performance has a positive impact on organisational performance; 3) employee performance mediates the relationship between HRM practices and organisational performance. The results are expected to provide business operators with a reference for formulating HRM strategies to improve organisational performance as a basis for management decision-making.
    Keywords: logistics; HRM practices; performance; employee; organisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10061358
  • The effects of competitive intensity and market dynamism on performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Shahab Sharfaei, Jeen Wei Ong, Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo 
    Abstract: The Iranian market has the potential to be an important market for firms. Nevertheless, Iran's economy is also going through many challenges which may have a stronger impact on international small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because of the market conditions it faces. International SMEs face a myriad of factors in these markets which include how to navigate the competitive intensity and the dynamism in the market in order to achieve high performance. This study aims to explore this issue through examining cost and differentiation advantage as a mediator for the relation between market dynamism, competitive intensity, and international SMEs' performance from the perspectives of industrial organisation. Using firm-level surveys, the results indicate that both competitive intensity and market dynamism have a significant effect on international SME performance. However, differentiation and cost advantage do not have a mediating impact. These findings validate the effects of competitive intensity and market dynamism on the hypothesised dimensions of industrial organisation, thus contributing to the knowledge in management scholarship within the context of international business.
    Keywords: SME performance; SMEs in Iran; international SMEs; competitive intensity; differentiation advantage; cost advantage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10063082
  • Strategic leadership practices and organisational performance at healthcare organisations: the mediating role of crisis management   Order a copy of this article
    by Fahmi Sallam, Wail Alhakimi 
    Abstract: This paper examines the mediating role of crisis management in the relationship between strategic leadership practices and organisational performance in Yemeni private hospitals. Three theoretical lenses underlie this study: contingency theory, resource dependence theory, and the resource-based view. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from Yemeni hospital leaders. The analysis of the data using structural equation modelling suggests that strategic leadership practices play a role in influencing organisational performance through effective crisis management. This study provides insights into the practices of leadership in handling crises and achieving success within organisations. The findings have implications for management. They offer practical guidance to businesses aiming to enhance productivity during challenging times.
    Keywords: strategic leadership; crisis management; organisational performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062184
  • Investigating the factors and conditions of employee engagement in governmental organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Rasoul Ranjbarian, Reza Rostamzadeh 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the factors and conditions of employee attachment in governmental organisations. The research has been conducted as a combined research. Sample data of 291 people from different sectors were chosen. Data were analysed with SPSS and PLS software. In the qualitative section, three categories of professional, individual and organisational conditions were identified and a total of 26 components were obtained. The results showed that the identified model has a favourable fit and individual, professional and organisational conditions have a significant effect on employee participation in work and in the organisation. The components of the opportunity to grow and learn, the opportunity to participate and delegate authority, and professional development, have the most impact on employee engagement and the components of adherence to the laws and accountability of public officials and the resilience of the least effect.
    Keywords: employee's engagement; occupational conditions; personal conditions; organisational conditions; public sector; governmental organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2025.10062652