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International Journal of Competitiveness

International Journal of Competitiveness (IJC)

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International Journal of Competitiveness (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Cooperation in the wine sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Katiane Rossi, Paulo Vanderlei Junior Cassanego, Gabriela Cappellari, Mygre Lopes Da Silva 
    Abstract: This study aimed to understand the cooperation process in productive clusters of viticulture in the West Border Region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and the North and Northwest Regions of Uruguay. A descriptive multiple case study was developed. Interviews were conducted with nineteen organisations. The data was analysed according to the framework built for this research. The data revealed the Brazilian cluster presents two of the four categories of cooperation analysed. The Uruguayan cluster has three categories. Empirical evidence suggests that none of the four cooperation categories proposed in this study occur between the two clusters. Three relevant contributions can be pointed: for researchers, a model is indicated that can be used for empirical studies; for managers, a tool is provided for an analysis of cooperation between different organisations in a cluster; and, for the literature, the article makes a progress about cooperation in agglomerations knowledge.
    Keywords: wine; cluster; cooperation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJC.2024.10064879
  • Zeena, Inc.: a teaching case study on disruptive innovation in the wine industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Jordi Diaz, Daphne Halkias 
    Abstract: This teaching case study is about Zeena, a pioneering wine-in-a-can start-up established in Barcelona in March 2020 by young entrepreneur Sana Khouja, a Moroccan native raised in Barcelona with an MBA from EADA Business School. Sanas vision disrupted and led the wine-in-a-can industry by presenting a convenient yet alluring alternative to one of the worlds most vulnerable sectors the wine industry. Zeena has now established a global presence across ten countries. Zeena has secured a distinct niche in the canned wine market, setting a precedent for socially responsible and sustainable practices, encapsulating the essence of a contemporary, progressive beverage brand. This teaching case catalyses students to delve into the facets of business strategy and disruptive innovation through the prism of Sanas challenges. This teaching case study is targeted primarily at graduate students enrolled in entrepreneurship and innovation management courses and also offers value to students in leadership, organisational behaviour, technology innovation, and marketing courses.
    Keywords: wine industry; wine-in-a-can; Zeena; entrepreneurship; sustainability; social responsibility; disruptive innovation; business strategy; competitiveness; teaching case study.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJC.2024.10064881