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International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design

International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design (IJCAD)

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International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Automated design and multi-objective optimization of low-power CMOS digital integrated circuits using genetic algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Afrouz Narimani 
    Abstract: In this article an automated design algorithm for transistor sizing of CMOS digital integrated circuits based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented. The proposed designed algorithm is developed in MATLAB in which two performance factors including propagation delay and power consumption are considered as fitness functions. Additionally, proposed circuit is simulated by HSPICE using 50nm CMOS technology to compare the results of the proposed design algorithm. Moreover, the Pareto optimal solution is implemented for multi-objective optimization of both objectives (power consumption and propagation delay). However, as it is shown in the paper, simulation results properly come to an agreement with MATLAB analytical results which imply the acceptable results and performance of the proposed design algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach has been evaluated by applying on CMOS Full-Adder as a result the power-delay product (PDP) reduce approximately 50 percent in comparison with other designs.
    Keywords: Genetic Algorithm; VLSI; Digital Integrated Circuits; Propagation delay; Power consumption; CMOS.

  • Wireless constant current control circuit for LED light source in PSD test system   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiaohong Lu, Yihan Luan, Feixiang Ruan, Pengrong Hou, Xudong Hao 
    Abstract: Considering the complexity of the actuators movement to be tested, the target light source in the PSD test system must be driven by a constant current and wirelessly controlled. In this paper, the high-power LED point light source with high electro-optic conversion efficiency is used as the target light source to provide sufficient optical power. The lithium battery and constant current drive circuit are used to supply power to the LED, which ensures the stability and service life of the light source. The working state of the drive circuit is controlled by the wireless digital transmission module. High-capacity Lithium battery pack provides power to the constant current drive circuit and the wireless digital transmission module. The involved LED light source and its control circuit have the advantages of fast response, short time of state switching process, good stability of light source and long endurance.
    Keywords: PSD; LED; constant current; wireless; circuit.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCAD.2020.10031356