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International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics

International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics (IJCB)

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International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Electrode Reduction for Biometric Glove Based Communication Using Simplified SVD: A Pilot Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Andrews Samraj, Kalvina Rajendran, Zubeir Izaruku Daffala 
    Abstract: : Communicating to robots by wearable gadgets is common in the fields of security, defense, medicine and enabling and healthcare technologies. The concealment of such communication, or commands and identification of the genuine source is essential to gain the whole benefit of the direct or hidden robotic assistance. The use in the medical or emergency assistance has to be delivered to the exact source and in the high precision accuracy required. To interpret and communicate the distinctive orders to the robotic system, a biometrically well-defined apparent source and its precise gesture paradigm are essential. As mentioned, in order to send the orders to the robotic system, the paradigms have to be classified efficiently and accurately. The optimization of such hardware has to be performed to reduce the number of electrodes used for classification. The SVD with Sampling Average Distribution (SAD) helps to reduce the complexity of the SVD features and augment a clearer classification. The signals acquired from a pair of different gestures from five different subjects with ten trials, were tested by the proposed feature extraction method and were classified to reduce noise and improve biometric output. Results of first two subjects only were discussed in this paper as other three also falls on same pattern. The results obtained were found to be better in classification than the results obtained by the direct SVD.
    Keywords: Biometrics; SVD with Sampling Average Distribution; Data Glove; Gesture computing; Wearable computing.

    by Nagendra H, Mukherjee Shaktidev 
    Abstract: Physical exercise is an activity that is planned, structured and purposive to improve specific physical and cognitive skills. In contemporary military strategies, apart from physical strength cognitive aptness has become a necessary requirement to accomplish the mission critical tasks. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the impact of physical exercise on cognitive behavior and heart rate variability (HRV). This has been done using the two physiological parameters, namely electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiograph (ECG). The study was conducted on 31 young and healthy subjects recruited by Indian Army. Six months of physical exercise and range firing training intervention resulted significant improvements in mean heart rate variability (mHRV) and certain cognitive functions among subjects. The improvement in mHRV (pre=827.41
    Keywords: Cognitive enhancement; EEG band powers; heart rate variability; physical exercise; wavelet transform; Engagement index.