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International Journal of Collaborative Engineering

International Journal of Collaborative Engineering (IJCE)

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International Journal of Collaborative Engineering (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessCross-disciplinary learning in environmental engineering and landscape architecture
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Christine Georgakakos, Joshua F. Cerra, Shorna Broussard Allred, Kimberly Williams, M. Todd Walter, Elizabeth LoGiudice, Graham Smith 
    Abstract: Professional environmental engineers and landscape architects routinely collaborate in practice. However, rarely do university students pursuing these two professions interact in an academic setting. The purpose was to analyze the impact of cross-disciplinary collaboration on student learning between groups in environmental engineering and landscape architecture. This study analyzed perspectives from students, teaching assistants, and instructors using open-ended survey questions, Likert scale ratings, instructor observations and engineering final project assessments. Faculty, students and stakeholders ultimately felt that the interaction was beneficial. Instructors felt the collaboration generated potential for higher quality project work compared to previous coursework developed independently. Our results encourage curricula development to foster interactions between landscape architecture and environmental engineering students.
    Keywords: cross-disciplinary; collaborative learning; environmental engineering; landscape architecture; survey; undergraduate education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCE.2020.10033950