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International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (IJCIStudies)

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International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Solving differential equations with global optimization techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Ioannis Tsoulos, Alexandros Tzallas, Dimitrios Tsalikakis 
    Abstract: The solution of differential equations finds many applications in a huge range of problems, and many techniques have been developed to approximate their solutions. For example, differential equations can be applied to physics problems, chemistry problems, economics, modelling, etc. This manuscript presents a number of global optimisation techniques that have been successfully applied to train machine learning models to approximate differential equation solutions. More specifically, two modified versions of genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimisation methods are proposed here. These methods have been successfully applied to solving ordinary differential equations and systems of differential equations as well as partial differential equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Keywords: differential equations; global optimisation; stochastic methods; machine learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCISTUDIES.2024.10062128
  • Digital Media Image Color Enhancement Processing Method Based on Multiscale Retinex   Order a copy of this article
    by Qiushi Li, Boya Dong, Xin Meng 
    Abstract: Aiming at the problems of poor enhancement effect and large colour error in digital media image colour enhancement, a method of digital media image colour enhancement based on multi-scale Retinex is proposed. First, build and HSI colour space model to analyse digital media image colour space. Then, wavelet threshold method is used to deal with colour space noise. Finally, multi-scale Retinex is introduced to optimise Retinex through Gaussian filtering and weighted fusion to achieve colour enhancement of digital media images. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the colour enhancement effect of digital media images, and the error is less than 0.15%, and the time cost is 0.20 s. This method effectively improves the colour enhancement effect.
    Keywords: multi-scale Retinex; digital media image; colour enhancement; HSI colour space model; wavelet coefficients; hard threshold function.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCISTUDIES.2024.10063664