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International Journal of Comparative Management

International Journal of Comparative Management (IJCM)

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International Journal of Comparative Management (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Systematic Comparison of Sustainability Reporting Standards   Order a copy of this article
    by Vicky Therrien, Vincent Gagné 
    Abstract: This paper aims to conduct a systematic comparison of the Global Reporting Initiative, International Integrated Reporting Council, and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board guidelines. The authors utilised Rasche's (2009) model to compare these sustainability reporting standards across six issues: specificity of norms, legitimacy, implementability, accountability, geographic scope, and industry focus. Our systematic analytical comparison emphasises differences in legitimacy, accountability processes, and geographic scope while highlighting convergences in specificity, implementability, and industry focus. We argue that stakeholder focus largely explains the observed differences. Our results provide valuable insights for standard-setting organisations and decision makers seeking to understand the most popular sustainability accounting frameworks worldwide.
    Keywords: sustainability reporting; sustainability accounting; reporting standards; social responsibility disclosure framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCM.2023.10061385

Special Issue on: Computational Intelligence in Human Behaviour and Financial Markets

  • Efficiency Evaluation of State Co-Operative Banks in India: A Neural Network Model and Data Envelopment Analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Triambica Gautam, Amit Srivastava, Shruti Jain 
    Abstract: In India, cooperative banking has long been a crucial component of the banking sector. For the stability of the banking sector and to guarantee financial inclusion in India, these institutions are crucial. A linear programming-based technique called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) enables efficiency comparisons between a group of decision-making units without the use of predetermined performance benchmarks. The analysis of efficiency in this paper has been done on thirty State Cooperative Banks. The banks have been analysed using three distinct models of DEA (Cost, Profit and Revenue), and overall efficiency using Shannon’s entropy model. It has been observed that Chandigarh exhibit highest efficiency under all of the models. The originality of this study is in the model's validation through the Bayesian Regularization technique-based Neural Network model evaluation of gradients. Overall rank determined using Shannon entropy and rank determined utilizing gradients from neural networks are tested for collinearity using Kendell’s Tau.
    Keywords: Data envelopment analysis; Cooperative banks; Efficiency; Rank; Shannon Entropy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCM.2024.10065242