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International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility

International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility (IJCSSR)

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International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Millennials Understanding of CSR Actions: A Case Study of GAP and Mind Mapping   Order a copy of this article
    by Li Zhao, Lauren Reiter Copeland 
    Abstract: This study explored millennial consumers understanding process on corporate social responsibility (CSR). By incorporating theories regarding brand image, consumer-brand relationships, and sustainability, with a focus on how CSR actions impact these conceptual constructs, this study investigated how US millennial consumers perceive CSR and to what extent they are cognisant of CSR actions. Personal mind mapping (PMM) research method was employed with twenty-one millennial consumers in the US results indicated participants revealed a lack in information on CSR related concepts. Transparent and proactive CSR practices are needed to obtain consumers trust. It was found that consumers were interested in sustainability and they wanted to contribute to sustainability as well. In addition, this study shows the importance of CSR communications and suggests government, media and academics should consider educating consumers about CSR information in order to urge companies sustainability.
    Keywords: brand image; consumer perception; corporate social responsibility; CSR; personal mind mapping; PMM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCSSR.2020.10027046