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International Journal of Cultural Management

International Journal of Cultural Management (IJCultM)

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International Journal of Cultural Management (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Moderation Effect of Year Span on the Relationship Between Academic Performance and Job Success: A Study Based on the Private University Graduates of Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Rumana Ferdouse, Mohammad Tamzid 
    Abstract: This research examines the possible moderating effects of year span while examining the relationship between academic performance and job success. Utilising linear regression analysis and process macro, 487 observations were analysed. Academic performance and job success were found to have a positive correlation (R = 0.17), but the p-value (p = 0.4770) suggests a lack of significance. These results suggest that while there is a positive correlation, other variables probably have a greater influence and academic performance may not be a reliable indicator of job success. The moderator variable year span was not statistically significant. The non-significant impacts of year span imply that academic performance alone may not be a reliable indicator of job success, regardless of the year span. This research highlights the necessity for greater research to identify other variables while evaluating job success and make use of more sophisticated analytical methods.
    Keywords: academic performance; job success; year span; private university; graduates; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCULTM.2024.10065981
  • Enhancing Competitiveness Through Cultural Diversity: A Comprehensive Review Of Company Practices   Order a copy of this article
    by Pallavi Jaggi 
    Abstract: The aim of this research is to consolidate the diverse literature on cultural diversity and provide insights into potential future directions for cultural diversity management research.This study examined a range of conceptual and empirical research on cultural diversity and its effects. utilizing the body of work that has been released between 2000 and 2023. The study makes use of secondary data that was acquired for the cultural diversity review. The assignment for the literature review was to concentrate on workplace cultural diversity. It is evident from this review that one can comprehend the contemporary consequences of cultural variety. The review's conclusions indicate that several studies on diversity and its outcomes during the previous few years exist. More research is required to contribute to the body of knowledge on diversity in the future, particularly as it relates to cultural diversity in the workplace.
    Keywords: Culture Diversity; Culture Diversity Management; Dimension; Employee Performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCULTM.2024.10067832
  • Beyond Borders- Lessons in Japanese and American Organisational Culture from the Movie 'Gung Ho'   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Mehedi Hasan  
    Abstract: This study explores the profound impact of culture on workplace dynamics, motivation, and performance, highlighting how national cultural differences shape managerial practices and organisational behaviour. Grounded in Hofstedes cultural dimensions theory, Halls high-context and low-context communication, Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks value orientations, and Trompenaars cultural dimensions, the research employs a qualitative approach to analyse cultural themes depicted in the film Gung Ho. Using cinematic characters as cultural informants, the study uncovers significant differences in orientations such as individualism versus collectivism, task versus relational priorities, and communication styles. These findings enrich theoretical understanding of cross-cultural interactions and offer practical insights for developing culturally informed management practices. While the study relies on fictional portrayals, it underscores the importance of cultural competence in globalised workplaces. Future research is recommended to validate these insights with empirical data, further advancing knowledge of cultural influences on organisational behaviour.
    Keywords: Cultural Dimensions; Value Orientations; Cinematic Characters; Cross-Cultural Analysis; Managerial Differences.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCULTM.2024.10068227