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International Journal of Digital Transformation

International Journal of Digital Transformation (IJDT)

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International Journal of Digital Transformation (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Digital Transformation in Banking: an Explanation Framework and a Progress Assessment Tool   Order a copy of this article
    by Dimitrios S. Stamoulis, Euaggelia Kopanaki 
    Abstract: Banking has always been experimenting and servicing their clients with digital technologies. Several banks across the world are running digital transformation programs, not all of them similar or aligned to a common strategy. They all try to explore digital technologies' capabilities to some extent, but little research has been published to provide an explanation framework for the trajectories followed by banks in pursuing their digital transformation. Moreover, both researchers and practitioners would welcome such a framework that could lead to a progress assessment tool, which could be meaningful, actionable, easy to use and helpful in comparing to competitors. Ten dimensions have been proposed to this end, so that initiatives can be matched against to reveal uncovered potential and competitors' positioning. The approach has been cross-checked against two other decompositions of the digital transformation paradigm. This framework and the subsequent tool may form in the future, the basis for an integrated digital maturity model in the banking sector.
    Keywords: banking transformation; digital transformation; digital maturity; digital transformation explanation framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJDT.2023.10064348