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International Journal of Ecological Bioscience and Biotechnology

International Journal of Ecological Bioscience and Biotechnology (IJEBB)

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International Journal of Ecological Bioscience and Biotechnology (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

    by Tridip Boruah, Anannya Morang, Hemen Deka 
    Abstract: Earthworms have the inherent capability of stabilising different organic waste materials of industrial as well as domestic origin. This review paper depicts the potential of epigeic earthworm species Eisenia fetida in the vermistabilisation of various industrial organic wastes such as silk industry waste, herbal pharmaceutical industry sludge, food industry sludge, milk processing industry sludge, tea factory coal ash, sugar mill sludge, cotton industrial waste, paper mill waste, bio sludge of beverage industry. The analysis of results obtained clearly indicates the suitability of vermicomposting over conventional composting as an alternate technology for management, stabilisation and nutrient recovery from industrial organic waste.
    Keywords: Eisenia fetida; industrial organic waste; vermicomposting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEBB.2019.10022185
  • Meterological conditions, Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing the Growth of a Phytopathogen, Cercospora theae under in vitro Conditions   Order a copy of this article
    by Balasubramanian Mythili Gnanamangai, Ponnusamy Ponmurugan 
    Abstract: Impact of various biotic (dietary prerequisites) and abiotic (physiological elements) factors on the improvement of three strains of a tea phytopathogen, Cercospora theae Petch to be specific KC10, MC24, and VC38 were surveyed. The effects of ecological elements were likewise broke down for the occurrence of Cercospora spot malady. The meteorological information propose the malady happens during pre-rainstorm and late storm. Sucrose and casein were established as the best carbon and nitrogen hotspot for C. theae. The ideal wellspring of amino acids and nutrients was resolved as asparagines and thiamine. Among the distinctive pH ranges tried, pH 4.5 (291.33mg for VC38 separate) was viable in extending the malady development. The ideal temperature lies between 20-25?C. In solid media, development of the strain was high at 25?C for KC10 (63.3mm) and VC38 (76.7mm) while MC24 (85.7mm) enlisted high at 20?C. Normally diffused light under room condition (VC38 demonstrated greatest strain development (81.7 mm) and mycelia dry weight (689 mg)) was discovered ideal to improve the development of the pathogen. The present examination would be useful to determine the existence cycle of the C. theae in tropical farms that would finally result in suitable malady envisioning model to control the pathogen under in vivo condition.
    Keywords: Cercospora theae; meteorological analysis; carbon sources; nitrogen sources; pH effect; temperature effect; light effect; growth rate,.