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International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management

International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM)

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International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • The brand semiotics effect on intention to purchase considering the role of brand experience dimensions and brand trust   Order a copy of this article
    by Nastaran Khaleghi, Reza Rostamzadeh 
    Abstract: In recent times, marketers have shown increasing interest in utilising brand semiotics to shape their brand strategies. Consequently, the purpose is to bridge the existing knowledge gap by investigating the brand semiotics impact on intention to purchase. It further explores the mediating effects of brand experience (BE) dimensions and brand trust (BT) in the context of Refah chain stores located in Tabriz, East Azerbaijan. A survey used a questionnaire to collect information, targeting 384 customers who were selected using stratified sampling. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was utilised to assess the theoretical model and test the research hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that brand semiotics significantly influences both BE and purchase intention (PI). Moreover, the results showed that having a good experience with a brand is closely linked to trust, and trust plays a big role in deciding whether someone will buy from that brand or not. In addition, the mediation analysis demonstrated that BE acts as a mediator between brand semiotics and BT, while BT mediates BE and PI.
    Keywords: brand semiotics; purchase intention; PI; brand trust; BT; brand experience; BE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2024.10064108