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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM)

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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (6 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Barriers to technology acceptance faced by PropTech startups   Order a copy of this article
    by Juan Ocampo 
    Abstract: Real estate (RE) is grappling with digital transformation. Although property technology (PropTech) start-ups are generating process innovations that offer novel solutions to current RE problems, they are hampered by the slowness of RE's technology acceptance. Classical technology acceptance theory can explain the adoption of specific technologies but the diversity of PropTech requires an additional perspective or extension to current theory. To identify the barriers PropTech start-ups face in RE, we interviewed 15 founders about the challenges and experiences of working with customers. We identified three aggregate dimensions: customer barriers, provider barriers, and external ecosystem barriers. Our findings contribute to technology acceptance theory by extending Davis's (1989) TAM with additional barriers that are relevant to the adoption of PropTech. Our extended model depicts barriers as elements that influence technology acceptance. The paper concludes by identifying further research areas.
    Keywords: technology acceptance; PropTech; start-ups; barriers; real estate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10063069
  • The effects of exploration and exploitation on stock price movement: the moderating effect of firm size and market condition   Order a copy of this article
    by Gun Jea Yu, Kihoon Hong 
    Abstract: This research delved into the intricate relationship between exploration, exploitation, and stock price movements. Our investigation also extended to examining how firm size (an internal factor) and stock market condition (an external factor) exerted their moderating influences. Drawing from a comprehensive dataset of 15,984 firm-year observations across diverse industries, our findings unveiled a nuanced picture. Specifically, we observed a negative stock price response to exploration, contrasting with a positive response to exploitation. Interestingly, the interplay of firm size and market condition yielded significant moderation effects, highlighting the amplified positive stock price response to exploitation in the context of larger firms and favourable market returns. Further scrutiny revealed a compelling insight: firms' decisions concerning innovative initiatives were predominantly driven by their quest for long-term performance, rather than solely catering to investors' interests. As a result, our study underscores the importance of a holistic perspective, incorporating external tensions, for a comprehensive grasp of the delicate balance between exploration and exploitation.
    Keywords: exploration and exploitation; stock price movement; patents; moderating effect.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10063076
  • Understanding innovation spaces: a topic modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Jose Montes, Aglaya Batz, David F. D. Croz Baron 
    Abstract: Actors within the triple helix model have increasingly recognised innovation spaces as highly conducive environments for expediting innovative practices. However, the landscape of innovation spaces manifests in diverse typologies, encompassing Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, FabLabs, Innovation Labs, Innovation Centres, Idea Labs, Social Innovation Labs, and STEAM Labs. Hence, we seek to address the question, what do these innovation spaces have in common? Leveraging web scraping, semantic analysis, and topic modelling techniques, we scrutinise the primary content extracted from 181 distinct innovation space websites. These digital repositories harbour valuable information delineating their offerings, communication channels, resources, and objectives, thereby facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their organisational framework and configuration. Our analysis unveils 13 distinct thematic clusters derived from the aggregated information across these innovation space websites. These thematic clusters, exhibiting notable similarities, are categorised into three overarching macro-themes: 1) emphasis on educational initiatives; 2) utilisation and provision of digital manufacturing resources; 3) robust community building strategies.
    Keywords: innovation spaces; web scraping; education; digital manufacturing; community building; topic modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10063482
  • Moving towards a data-driven approach to self-leadership: Exploring the combination of app-based reflection diaries and data-based ideation techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Christian Hoßbach, Miriam Bachmann, Kristiana Roth, Anne-Katrin Neyer 
    Abstract: Responding to the rapidly changing nature of work in organisations, self-leadership becomes an increasingly relevant competence. Although a lot of approaches for fostering self-leadership exist, they fall short of actualising technological potential for enabling people to derive self-leadership strategies based on systematic data collection. We present a data-driven approach to self-leadership that combines app-based reflection diaries with data-based ideation techniques and develop a prototypical intervention design to test its effectiveness. A randomised controlled field intervention with 61 students at a German university who needed to cope with the frequently changing study conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic provided initial support for its positive effects on self-leadership, creative self-efficacy, and resilience. An exploratory analysis of the daily reflection data provided further insights into potential mechanisms involved in this process. We discuss these findings to lay out an agenda for future research exploring data-driven approaches to self-leadership and their practical applications.
    Keywords: self-leadership; self-reflection; self-monitoring; self-rewarding activities; reflection app; reflection diary; creativity; creative self-efficacy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10063807
  • Influence of Business Ecosystem on Business Model Innovation in Mobile Health Applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramon Davi De Souza Rodrigues  
    Abstract: The influence of business ecosystems on business model innovation has been subject to theoretical and empirical study. Nevertheless, the literature remains vague about this influence on mobile applications in healthcare. This inductive qualitative research sheds light on how the business ecosystem influences business model innovation in mobile health applications. The study's findings identify three aggregate dimensions that synthesise this interaction: informing about and introducing commercial opportunities and partnerships, advancing data structures and clinical data, and improving monetisation and creating new revenue streams. The findings highlight that the mobile health industry must think beyond traditional healthcare stakeholders and consider the business ecosystem's influence on the business model innovation process. The study's depiction of how the two concepts interact contributes to the literature on business model innovation and business ecosystem, and also offers a practical view of dimensions that result from this interaction in the mHealth industry.
    Keywords: business model; business ecosystem; mobile health applications; digital health; eHealth; entrepreneurship; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10064238
  • Cluster Governance in Dynamising Collaborative Innovation in SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Luciana Castro Gonçalves, Anne Berthinier Poncet, Liliana Mitkova 
    Abstract: The majority of studies on open innovation have traditionally focused on large firms, ignoring the growing importance of collaboration for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a means of overcoming their inherent limitations. Despite their increasing reliance on collaboration, SMEs often face challenges to enter or develop networks due to their constrained resources. In this context, innovation clusters emerge as spaces with the potential to foster collaborative networks for SMEs, thereby enhancing their ability to assimilate external knowledge and generate new collaborative insights. Our research aims to examine the role of cluster governance as a catalyst for open innovation in SMEs. In our in-depth analysis of three prominent French innovation clusters, we compare four key knowledge-brokering practices and explore their impact on open innovation (OI) patterns. Our findings underscore the crucial role of cluster governance as an intermediary in enhancing SMEs' absorptive capacity and supporting their integration into collaborative networks. These practices hinge on the ability of cluster governance to forge robust cohesive links between diverse members, using different approaches to socialisation and/or formalisation.
    Keywords: collaborative innovation; cluster governance; knowledge broker; small and medium-sized enterprise; SME.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2024.10065049