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International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics

International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (IJEME)

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International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Impact of COVID-19 and responses on the performance of construction projects in Al-Najaf province   Order a copy of this article
    by Ameer A. Alraie, Asaad M. Ali Kadhum, Rana Shabbar 
    Abstract: This study examines COVID-19s impact on the construction sector performance in Al-Najaf province and evaluates the response measures made so far. A questionnaire was designed based on a literature review to enable 66 professionals from the construction sector in Najaf to evaluate the impact of the pandemic using 38 factors developed and categorised into four groups. It also identifies and prioritises 15 response mechanisms combined into five groups. The analysis of results using RII method indicated that the top impacted categories were financial, safety, risk, and others followed by operations, supply chain and contractual aspects. The response measures group analysis showed a strong preference for management actions, health and safety followed by financial communication and finally the environment. It is concluded that risk management, safety factors were dominating updated Iraqi legal documentation is needed and the emergence of a modern management approach are required.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Iraqi construction sector; relative importance index; RII; risk and crisis management; response measures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEME.2022.10052812
  • Life cycle cost model of remanufacturing-oriented retired engine product under uncertain conditions   Order a copy of this article
    by Junli Shi, Fangli Shu, Zhongchi Lu, Mengmeng Ren, Huanhuan Xu 
    Abstract: The life cycle cost of retired engine product present highly uncertainty due to the different working conditions, service time and damage status. This study proposed a life cycle cost model for remanufacturing-oriented engine product under uncertain conditions based on the theory of life cycle cost (LCC). In this model, the system boundary of the life cycle is established firstly, then the quantitative damage level of used product is defined, and next the cost calculation model in each life cycle stage is introduced, finally the nonlinear function model of life cycle cost with service time and damage level is established. The connecting rod of a retired engine is taken as the case study, the results demonstrate the validity of the proposed model, and the results can provide decision support for engine remanufacturing from the whole society resource consumption.
    Keywords: remanufacturing; life cycle cost; LCC; uncertainty; damage level; service time; engine connecting rod.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEME.2023.10059105