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International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making

International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making (IJEPDM)

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International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Oil development impacts on mangrove ecosystems in Guyana: a review   Order a copy of this article
    by Collin Henry, Thomas Singh, Temitope D. Timothy Oyedotun 
    Abstract: Guyana's coastal regions are densely populated with almost 90% of its population and comprise 22,632 hectares of mangrove vegetation. Mangroves in Guyana impact the world because they sequester carbon which helps mitigate climate change. They also provide coastal defence and flood protection. Guyana's mangrove degradations are due to the consequences of oil pollution in the mangrove habitats. The relationship between oil and mangrove ecosystems is recorded through case studies in Nigeria, Indonesia, and Brazil and the oil spill impacts. This paper will follow a qualitative approach that allows for a comprehensive analysis of material obtained, focusing on two themes: 1) mangrove ecosystems along the coast; 2) coastal community wellbeing. The oil industry negatively impacts mangrove ecosystems and coastal communities. Guyana will experience similar damages to coastal mangroves since Guyana is now an oil-producing country. The multi-stakeholders participation in environmental policy and the institution of a legal framework is recommended.
    Keywords: Guyana; mangrove ecosystems; coastal communities; pollution; wellbeing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEPDM.2022.10050396