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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB)

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International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (89 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessment of humanistic tourism resources by SMEs in Central Vietnam
    by Nguyen Hoang Tien  
    Abstract: This article analyses and evaluates the role of humanistic and cultural resources for the purpose of tourism development in parallel with economic development of central provinces of Vietnam which compared to other provinces are considered to be less favoured by nature but instead are rich and abundant in humanistic, cultural, spiritual, historical resources created via many generations and multiple historical periods. Based on theoretical and conceptual review, practical and empirical analysis, review of national resources policy, and founded on own objective and subjective assessments of multiple man-made tourism resources, the article has proposed a set of integrated solutions to improve the efficiency of exploitation and the effective use of humanistic and cultural tourism resources for the purpose of tourism industry and services development and also socio-economic advancement of Central Vietnam. The proposed solutions could be generalised to the nationwide humanistic and cultural tourism development both now and in the future.
    Keywords: tourism industry; tourism resources; humanistic tourism resources; resources policy; resources management; exploitation; assessment; SMEs; Central Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10058381
  • The impact of CSR on corporate financial performance: Evidence from SMEs of tourism industry in Southern Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Hoang Tien  
    Abstract: The study has carried out a comprehensive analysis of the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the corporate financial performance (CFP) in the tourism industry. Author has combined qualitative and quantitative research to evaluate the impact of CSR on CFP directly and through the intermediate factors. The object of the research is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) established and operating in Southern Vietnam. The study is one of the few to investigate the mediating effect in the relationship between the CSR and the CFP, especially the mediating effect of corporate reputation. The study results have supplemented theoretical basis that the CFP is increasingly influenced and affected by activities related to CSR, and especially the mediating factors. Based on the research results, the study has proposed several governance implications and policy recommendations to help managers, entrepreneurs and policy makers in the process of implementing CSR strategy to enhance the CFP.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; corporate financial performance; CFP; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; mediating factors.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061247
  • The role of leadership behaviour in shaping the sense of work in SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Hoang Tien  
    Abstract: The article revolves around the two concepts associated with two different areas of management. It is the leadership behaviour of company’s staff belonging to the management classes and the sense of work of ordinary employees performing their tasks or functions on a daily basis in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where the direct or non-direct relationship between these two groups of workers often takes place. The research question in this article is related to the role of leadership behaviour of managerial staff in forming and reinforcing belief and trust in the sense of work for employees. The article has tested a number of hypotheses underpinning this special relationship, thereby giving some critical recommendations and focal implications for managerial and non-managerial staff in SMEs. In addition, the article also has pointed out some limitations of the study as a basis for research adjustments in the future studies.
    Keywords: leadership behaviour; sense of work; meaning of work; management staff; ordinary employees; superior; subordinate; belief; trust personal relation; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061498
  • Exploitation of humanistic and cultural tourism resources by SMEs in Ho Chi Minh City   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen Hoang Tien  
    Abstract: Tourism development is the ongoing trend to boost the socio-economic development of world’s economies. To strengthen development, it must be based on tourism resources. This article studies the opportunities to exploit the inherent cultural and humanistic resources to develop tourism in Ho Chi Minh City, one of the most dynamic and developed mega cities in Vietnam. Based on a number of basic research methods commonly applied in humanities and social sciences, from information and facts analysed based on the secondary and primary data collected in recent years, in addition to the recommendations put forward for different management levels, the author have proposed a set of diversified and integrated solutions for the purpose of more effective exploiting humanistic tourism resources dedicated for SMEs operating in the tourism industry to compensate for Ho Chi Minh City’s significant number of limitations in terms of natural tourism resources possession and effective exploitation.
    Keywords: tourism resources; humanistic tourism; festival; cuisine; craft village; historical sites; cultural sites; SMEs; Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061563
    by Giuseppe Scandurra, Antonio Thomas, Andrea Appolloni 
    Abstract: Innovative SMEs are believed to be of fundamental importance for a territorial context’s social and economic development. Countries have adopted many policies to favour the diffusion of innovative SMEs, even if the results often appear contradictory. This study verifies the effectiveness of a specific decree-law encouraging entrepreneurs to open up their businesses to systematic innovations by analysing the financial and economic performances obtained by 617 innovative SMEs in the five-year period 2016-2020. Findings reveal that most SMEs who benefited from the measures envisaged by the decree achieved an acceptable situation, with valid profitability and a bearable financial and economic balance. The main implication of this study is that the polarisation of support measures on the enhancement of human resource skills can be at least as important as sources for access to financial resources.
    Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; financial and economic performances.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061924
  • How do policy instruments shape the potential to become solo or employer entrepreneurs?   Order a copy of this article
    by Dieter Bögenhold, Martha O’Hagan-Luff, Zulaicha Parastuty, André Van Stel 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurial potential is an important concept in the field of entrepreneurship that precedes entrepreneurial intentions. In this paper, we investigate the antecedents of entrepreneurial potential of individuals who are currently not in self-employment using data from a large-scale survey of the adult population. We make the following contributions to extant literature. First, we distinguish between entrepreneurial potential to hire employees (i.e., to become an employer entrepreneur) and entrepreneurial potential to work alone (i.e., to become a solo entrepreneur). Second, we focus specifically on policy-related determinants of entrepreneurial potential, while distinguishing between perceptions of institutional conditions and direct support variables. Our empirical analysis reveals that respondents who indicate that the receipt of direct support with setting-up their business idea (over other types of direct support) would help them start a business are significantly more likely to have (strong) potential to become a solo entrepreneur (i.e., without employees), but significantly less likely to have (strong) potential to become an employer entrepreneur (i.e., with employees). Our results therefore suggest that policy programmes designed to stimulate new business formation may indeed lead to more entrepreneurs but not necessarily to more employer entrepreneurs creating additional wage jobs.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial potential; new business formation; employer entrepreneur; solo entrepreneur.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10062711
  • Information technology entrepreneurs: a study to revisit positive psychology   Order a copy of this article
    by Richa Shekhar, Vandna Sharma 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study the positive psychology of IT industry. The current inquiry using mixed-method methodology has tried to comprehend the courage dimension in the psychological capital factor structure for IT entrepreneurs. Apart from hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism (HERO) dimensions several other positive psychological resources may be included in its framework. The current paper is organised into two phases. The study in phase 1 conducted qualitative investigations using the paradigm-model approach. The findings identified courage as a probable psychological resource through 24 in-depth interviews. To verify the finding of qualitative investigation, the phase-2 study empirically examined the same on a sample of 224 Indian IT entrepreneurs. The expanded measurement model (expanded psychological capital or EPC) is compared with original PsyCap HERO model using structural equation modelling. The findings show initial support for the novel five factor expanded psychological capital (EPC) framework including original HERO dimensions and courage.
    Keywords: psychological capital; expanded psychological capital; EPC; courage; structural equation modelling; SEM; entrepreneurship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063089
  • Institutional complexity and SME strategies: a Western Balkans perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Tine Lehmann 
    Abstract: This article examines the institutional complexity shaping SME strategies in the Western Balkans. Considering SMEs’ pivotal role in transition economies demands a clearer understanding of institutional complexity. Employing an institutional theory perspective and an inductive grounded theory method, we unveil the significance of institutional voids and asymmetries in complex institutional settings. We demonstrate the influence of the EU integration process in moving from institutional voids to institutional asymmetries. Additionally, two opposing institutional logics emerge as dominant in the Western Balkans, adding to institutional complexity. We can affirm that institutional complexity propels an escape-type internationalisation as the main SME strategy. With this research we entangle the institutional complexity in transition economies and contribute valuable insights for policymakers, emphasising the need for targeted policies amid ongoing transition processes.
    Keywords: institutional complexity; institutional voids; institutional logics; institutional asymmetries; internationalisation; SME strategies; transition economies; Southeast Europe; Western Balkans; EU integration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063143
  • Using projects to innovate business models in Kazakhstani food industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Laura B. Baizhanova, Duissekul A. Kunanbayeva, John K. Christiansen 
    Abstract: This article discusses the organisation of the introduction of open innovations and project management into existing business models in the food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan by comparing them with foreign experience. The comments and suggestions are based on an empirical qualitative study conducted at Rakhat JSC and on the basis of a desk study conducted by the Danish company Arla Foods. In the study on the example of the company Rakhat JSC, the authors note that the quality management system covers all areas of the companys activities, in particular, quality control includes the correct operation of equipment and machines, compliance with production standards, the high-quality performance of the duties of each employee, taking into account the wishes and feedback of consumers, as well as constant and continuous input quality control of raw materials and final quality control of finished products.
    Keywords: food industry; project management; business modelling; business project management; innovations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063144
  • Evaluating the growth, challenges and social impact of a social enterprise: a case from Japan   Order a copy of this article
    by Shiaw Jia Eyo  
    Abstract: The increasing interest in social enterprises and social entrepreneurship in Japan sets the backdrop for this research. However, the domain of social impact measurement by these enterprises remains underexplored. This paper aims to investigate the growth and challenges faced by a social enterprise, examine methods for measuring social impact, and assess readiness for impact scaling. Employing a case study approach, the research demonstrates a pragmatic method for social enterprises to assess and enhance their impact, utilising the value impact chain approach and the SCALERS model. The findings highlight the intricate balance a social enterprise must maintain to achieve its dual objectives of social value creation and financial viability. Furthermore, the managerial insights derived from this study are particularly beneficial for small enterprises, providing strategic insights on focusing resources and prioritising actions in environments marked by resource constraints.
    Keywords: social enterprise; social entrepreneurship; social impact; social impact measurement; scaling social impact; Japan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063176
  • Analysing motivational factors for indigenous entrepreneurs in the Indian context   Order a copy of this article
    by Kumar Gaurav, Akanksha Shukla 
    Abstract: To foster inclusive growth and sustainable economic development across developing countries, it is important to comprehend the driving forces motivating individuals' entrepreneurial endeavours. The study investigates the motivational factors that stimulate individuals to participate in entrepreneurial activity among indigenous communities. The study has identified eight motivational factors through comprehensive review of literature and experts' opinion and examined their association using DEMATEL (MCDM) method. The study results highlighted that motivational factors influence entrepreneurial aspirations among indigenous or tribal communities. Education (M7) is ranked top among the causal factors and validating market needs (M3) is the most negligible effect factor. The findings have significant contribution to the existing literature and policy formulation in the area of indigenous entrepreneurship.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; indigenous entrepreneurs; tribal; motivational factors; DEMATEL.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063363
  • Unveiling the landscape of female entrepreneurship in Albania: a comprehensive literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Kladiola Gjini  
    Abstract: This study conducts a systematic literature review to explore the landscape of female entrepreneurship in Albania. The review aims to provide an overview of the main trends and highlight the scholarly literature related to female entrepreneurship, with the intention of generating interest and incentive further research in this field. The findings reveal the relatively new emergence of female entrepreneurship in the Albanian economy and the limited availability of data and policies addressing the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. The review emphasises the importance of fostering an enabling environment through measures such as improving access to finance, enhancing educational and training opportunities, and promoting supportive networks. It concludes by providing insights and recommendations for future research and policy interventions to promote and empower female entrepreneurship in Albania.
    Keywords: Albania; female entrepreneurship; gender equality; economic growth.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063394
  • How a coopetition-oriented mindset and competitive intensity drive coopetition behaviour to support export scale-up activities in a post-crisis environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Ali Mahdi, David Crick, James M. Crick, Wadid Lamine, Martine Spence 
    Abstract: This study unpacks the complexity of the relationship between a coopetition-oriented mindset, coopetition activities (collaboration with competitors), and competitive intensity. The research setting features passive exporting firms seeking to scale-up sales abroad in an immediate post-crisis period (after COVID-19). Following 20 field interviews, a survey of 306 under-resourced wine producers in the USA was utilised in the model testing stage. Findings evidence respective significant positive relationships between first, a coopetition-oriented mindset; second, competitive intensity, and engaging in coopetition activities. A non-significant moderation effect existed regarding competitive intensity on the coopetition-oriented mindset - coopetition activities relationship. The field interviews offer unique insights highlighting that pivoted coopetition practices in the move from a passive to active exporting involvement following a crisis can take time to achieve benefits. Not least, because decision-makers face new levels of competitive intensity across product-market strategies, affecting the nature of their coopetition partners.
    Keywords: competitive intensity; coopetition; crisis; mindset; passive exporters; resource-based theory; scale-up.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063429
  • Effective Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Japanese Organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Natsuko Tokaji, Charbel Salloum, Hajer Jarrar, Jean-François Verdie 
    Abstract: This study investigates the influence of sustainability practices on the adaptability of Japanese firms in international business environments. Utilising a sample of 384 Japanese firms, with participation from two board members and two marketing department members each, the study aggregates 1,536 observations to analyse the relationship dynamics. Through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and regression analysis, the study demonstrates that the business sustainability adaptability method (BSAM) significantly enhances Japanese entity adaptability (JEA), with communication (COM) and adaptation level of globalisation (ALG) serving as critical moderators. Comparative insights highlight the distinctive sustainability approaches between Japanese firms and their global counterparts, offering theoretical and practical implications for international business strategy. This research enriches the discourse within resource-based view, institutional theory, network theory, and stakeholder theory, positioning sustainability as a strategic imperative in global competitiveness.
    Keywords: sustainability; corporate adaptability; entrepreneurship; cross cultural management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063692
  • Circular entrepreneurial ecosystem: a hybrid review and research agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdollah Mohammadparst Tabas, Mohsin Abdur Rehman, Christina Theodoraki, Hanna Komulainen, Wisdom Kanda 
    Abstract: The importance of circular economy and entrepreneurial ecosystems are continuously growing. Despite the proliferation of related literature in recent years, there is a lack of systematic and holistic review that consolidates and provides intersectional perspective on circular economy and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Therefore, the present hybrid review combines bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review methods. By collecting relevant scholarly articles from the Web of Science database platform, this study explores the interconnected themes of the circular economy and entrepreneurial ecosystem, and based on this, the concept of the circular entrepreneurial ecosystem emerged. This intersectional view advances the understanding of the actors who collaborate to enhance resource efficiency and minimise waste generation by emphasising repair, reuse, refurbishment, sharing and recycling as key strategies for sustainable development. The study identifies three dominant research themes and sheds light on the significance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the transition towards a circular economy.
    Keywords: circular economy; entrepreneurial ecosystem; circular entrepreneurial ecosystem; CEE; sustainability; bibliometric and systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10063693
  • Factors affecting sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour among youth community: assessment through interpretive structural modelling and MICMAC approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Shivam Bhardwaj, Sucheta Agarwal, Vikas Tripathi 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship has become a crucial force for global economic development, innovation, and job creation. The concept of sustainable entrepreneurship, which integrates economic, social, and environmental objectives, has emerged as a response to this shift. Youth, particularly in India, hold a significant role in entrepreneurship due to their potential to shape the socio-economic environment. Growing youth population and diverse socio economic environment of India provide an ideal environment for research into the factors influencing sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour of the youth. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors determining sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour among the youth community by investigating the interaction among various factors. The study develops a conceptual model using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and MICMAC approaches, finding that government policies, entrepreneurial education, social capital, achievement, risk-taking, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial attitude, and sustainable entrepreneurial intention all contribute to encouraging sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour among the youth community.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial education; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; India; sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour; SEB; sustainable entrepreneurial intention; SEI; attitude; youth community.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10064115
  • Reasons for and perception of digitalisation in micro- and small enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Robert Eller, Mike Peters, Laurens Schmieder 
    Abstract: Recent studies indicate that incumbent micro- and small-businesses are lagging in digital transformation. This qualitative study examines the triggers of digitalisation perceived by owner-managers in incumbent micro-businesses. Digital transformation is associated with enhancing business process efficiency, opportunities to expand the product and service portfolio, and to improve communication capabilities. However, incumbent micro-SMEs tend to avoid adopting complex digital technologies and radical changes to their business model. This reluctance poses risks, including a lack of recognition of new threats, inadequate strategic thinking, and low innovation efforts. Moreover, digital transformation efforts may lead to a decrease in the profitability of micro-SMEs due to the necessity of higher wages for highly skilled employees. The findings suggest owner-managers should focus on creating an innovative environment to attract educated and skilled employees who are essential for effectively navigating the challenges posed by digital transformation and ensuring the long-term success and competitiveness of their micro-SMEs.
    Keywords: digitalisation; digital transformation; performance; small- and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; micro-SME; micro-business; perception; owner-manager; small business; perception.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10064918
  • A bibliometric analysis of micro small and medium enterprises research impacted by COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Kshitiz Sharma, Madhumita Chatterji 
    Abstract: The contribution of MSME has been recognised by all major economies. The fragile nature of this sector catches researchers' attention. During crisis, there are multiple angles where researchers get active such as sustainability, crisis management, human development, innovation, economic impact among others. Still, it is not clear what areas of MSME continue to hold researchers' attention and how the trend is changing. This study focuses on a bibliometric overview of published research work in the MSME sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, it examines papers between 2019 and 2022 and carry out performance analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling and conceptual and thematic mapping. Overall, 647 Scopus papers have been identified, and published in a short span of 2019-2022. The Python-based software Bibliometrix and VOSviewer are used for analysis. The result highlights 650.67% annual growth. This study will help researchers to identify the trending topics in MSME. The major research themes are identified as motor, basic, niche, emerging or declining themes.
    Keywords: bibliometrics; COVID-19; micro; small and medium enterprise; MSME; Scopus; VOSviewer.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065003
  • A comprehensive scale for assessing the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural procurers: development and validation   Order a copy of this article
    by Aravindh Kumar S, Rajesh Kumar Verma, Amita Sharma, Manmeet Kaur, Arvind Kumar Jhajharia, Vandana Kumari 
    Abstract: This study presents the development and validation of a comprehensive scale to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural procurers. The pandemic significantly disrupted the agricultural sector, affecting supply chains and the livelihoods of procurers. The scale, crafted through a systematic process involving item collection, relevancy assessment, analysis, reliability and validity evaluation, factor analysis, and scoring procedure development, comprises 20 items categorised into supply chain disruptions, socio-environmental effects, and financial disruptions. Demonstrating high reliability and validity, the scale allows for categorisation into four impact levels. This study addresses a critical research gap with a meticulously developed scale, validated statistically, revealing factors: 'supply chain disruptions', ' socio-environmental effects' and ' financial impact'. With strong internal consistency and correlation coefficients, the scale enables categorisation ranging from minimal to severe impact. It stands as crucial resource for policymakers and researchers striving to comprehend and address the complex challenges faced by agricultural procurers' post-pandemic.
    Keywords: COVID-19; agricultural procurers; scale development; scale validation; supply chain disruptions; socio-environmental effects; financial disruptions; impact assessment; pandemic effects; and resilience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065179
  • Contrasting the journey of solopreneurs and entrepreneurs in business success- a qualitative inquiry   Order a copy of this article
    by Pawan Kumar, Ritu Kumra, Sumesh Dadwal 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine the distinctions between solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, highlighting significant differences between the two terms. Moreover, it explores the specific impact of the pandemic on solopreneurs. To gain comprehensive insights, qualitative research methods were employed. In-depth interviews with six solopreneurs were conducted to understand their experiences and approaches. The study adopts a comparative approach, analysing and contrasting the business practices of solopreneurs and entrepreneurs. It sheds light on the unique strategies employed by solopreneurs, which enable them to navigate the current business environment more effectively. The findings of the study reveal that solopreneurs indeed follow a unique approach in their activities, contributing to greater success when compared to entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the study presents a tailored business plan template for solopreneurs, recognising their distinct needs and circumstances.
    Keywords: solopreneur; entrepreneur; navigate; challenges; differences; business plan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065180
  • Fair leadership and job satisfaction: insights from SMEs   Order a copy of this article
    by Nadine Hojaili, Charbel Salloum, Hajer Jarrar, Marc Valax 
    Abstract: This study examines how fairness and leadership affect job satisfaction in Lebanese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), drawing on social exchange theory. Analysing responses from 1,127 participants using structural equation modelling, the findings show that interactional justice or fair and respectful treatment by leaders positively influences leader-member exchange and job satisfaction, reinforcing the importance of quality leadership. Contrary to expectations, procedural justice or fairness in processes does not directly improve leader-member relationships, hinting that specific situational factors might play a more crucial role. Furthermore, the anticipated mediating role of leader-member exchange between procedural justice and job satisfaction was not supported, nor was gender found to significantly affect these relationships. These results suggest the need for SMEs to focus on personalised leadership and fair communication to enhance employee relations and satisfaction, regardless of gender. The study highlights the significance of adopting inclusive practices and effective crisis management strategies that prioritise both procedural and interactional justice to build organisational resilience.
    Keywords: procedural justice; PJ; interactional justice; leader-member exchange; gender-inclusive.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065197
  • The role of learning on developing entrepreneurial skills   Order a copy of this article
    by Ines Ben Chikha, Anis Jarboui 
    Abstract: Recently, social entrepreneurship has been considered as a solution to mitigate various environmental and economic challenges. To succeed in the entrepreneurial process, social entrepreneurs must acquire entrepreneurial skills. In order to contribute to this research field, the present study focused on the role of learning in acquiring entrepreneurial skills. In pursuit of this objective, an examination was carried out using statistical methods involving a sample size of 213 individuals engaged in social entrepreneurship. Based on the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method, our empirical study demonstrated that experiential learning, social network learning, and learning through incubators positively influence the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills. To enhance and sustain social investment, it is crucial to encourage experiential learning within social enterprises, engage in social networks, and integrate into incubators that promote social entrepreneurship.
    Keywords: social entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurial skills; experience; social network; incubator.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065769
  • The role of ecosystem collaborations in the internationalisation of SMEs: empirical evidence from Finland   Order a copy of this article
    by Khuram Shahzad, Shahid Hafeez 
    Abstract: This research examines the interactions among different actors in the knowledge ecosystem and their roles in enabling internationalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Through a qualitative research and empirical data collected from different actors of the ecosystem, our results differentiated the SMEs’ collaboration with core value chain actors and intermediary organisations and their varying roles, i.e., weaker in core value chain and dynamic supporting roles of intermediaries in SMEs’ internationalisation. Ecosystem collaboration of SMEs with their customer and competitors, although, supported in expanding their businesses to international markets, their scope remained limited due to the project specificity. While, we found a dual role of intermediaries in the ecosystem, supporting SMEs in developing knowledge through their services and function as a bridge enabler between partners and competitors to ensure a connection with international networks. This helps SMEs to find their new markets and customers through potential collaborations with other firms.
    Keywords: knowledge ecosystem; internationalisation; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; intermediary organisations; internationalisation process.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065824
  • The psychology of entrepreneurial opportunity for entrepreneurship: evidence from North Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Elhem Ben Fatma, Ezzeddine Ben Mohamed, Sami Boudabous 
    Abstract: This paper aims to study the extent to which the entrepreneurial opportunity process is rational. We use a methodology that links directly between the proxy of the psychological biases of entrepreneurs and the opportunity identification and pursuit. Our sample consists of 180 Tunisian entrepreneurs and we apply an ordinary least square analysis. Our results highlight that entrepreneurs’ psychology is for interest, and it influences both the opportunity identification and pursuit. In summary, the psychological biases can help entrepreneurs to identify new opportunities, but also these biases generally have a negative effect on opportunity pursuit. As policy implications, Tunisian government is invited to give a special attention to the effect of entrepreneurs’ psychology on the success of new ventures. In fact, it seems that a high level of some well documented such as overconfidence, optimism among others, can negatively affect the new venture into different levels of the entrepreneurial process.
    Keywords: opportunity identification; opportunity pursuit; dispositional optimism; overconfidence; optimism; prospect theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065825
  • Elevating rural women’s empowerment: a case study on the impact of the sustainable livelihood scheme on extreme poverty in Bihar, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Jatin Kumar Jaiswal, Dharen Kumar Pandey, Brajesh Kumar, Jogeswar Mahato 
    Abstract: This study is a novel attempt to investigate the influence of the sustainable livelihood scheme (Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana - SJY) in empowering rural ultra-poor women and alleviating poverty in Gaya and Jehanabad districts of Bihar, India, to develop significant themes for shaping future research strategies and policies to achieve sustainable livelihoods. We have selected Bihar because it is one of Indias most backward states and has the second-highest self-help group network. We employed case study and content analysis methods, collecting data through in-depth semi-structured interviews using purposive sampling from six SJY members launched by JEEViKA. We found SJY promotes economic, social, and psychological empowerment through self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities provided by JEEViKA. Despite these insights, the studys scope is constrained by its limited sample size, which comprises six respondents across two districts. Future investigations may consider a larger sample size and more districts in Bihar, India.
    Keywords: women empowerment; Satat Jeevikoparjan Yojana; SJY; self-help group; content analysis; case study; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065972
  • Starting a part-time small business: a systematic literature review of moonlighting   Order a copy of this article
    by Sakshi Saxena, Ambarish Saharan Vidyarthi, Alka Swami 
    Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current research landscape on moonlighting, focusing on its trends, determinants, and outcomes. The study examines 37 articles published between 2011 and 2023 from the SCOPUS database, employing a systematic approach to analyse methods and synthesise the literature. The findings highlight diverse factors influencing moonlighting, including demographics, socio-economic, psychological, social, cultural, financial, and technological factors. The review outlines key outcomes of moonlighting and proposes a future research agenda, summarising recommendations through research questions on variables and their linkages, as well as methodological advancements. The study encapsulates the scholarly contributions in the field over recent years and lays out an extensive future research agenda to further our understanding of this common employment practice.
    Keywords: systematic literature review; moonlighting; secondary job; moonlighting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066242
  • From boardroom to factory: how CEO commitment and CSR shape SMEs eco-performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Syed Haider Ali Shah, Charbel Salloum, Hajer Jarrar, Miriam R. Aziz, Jean-François Verdie 
    Abstract: This study delves into factors influencing environmental performance, with an emphasis on green human resource management (GHRM), environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR), pro-environmental behaviour, and CEO environmental commitment. After surveying middle-level managers from 410 SMEs through stratified random sampling, findings highlight GHRM’s pronounced impact on augmenting environmental performance. Parallelly, ECSR positively steers both pro-environmental behaviour and environmental performance. Intriguingly, ECSR and pro-environmental behaviour serve as mediators between GHRM and environmental performance. The CEO’s environmental dedication distinctly moderates the association between pro-environmental behaviour and environmental outcomes. Collectively, insights illuminate GHRM’s centrality in bolstering environmental performance in SMEs while spotlighting ECSR and pro-environmental behaviour as integral mediators. The findings pave a strategic path for SMEs to amplify decarbonisation efforts, underscoring the essence of employee pro-environmental actions steered by GHRM and ECSR directives.
    Keywords: green HR practices; environmental performance; environmental CSR; SMEs; green human resource management; GHRM; environmental corporate social responsibility; ECSR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066322
  • Evaluating teamwork efficacy in enterprise education for Arab female engineers: a process-centric perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Naveed Yasin, Khalid Hafeez, Imran Anwar, Aidin Salamzadeh 
    Abstract: This study departs from the common outcome-oriented teamwork assessment to a process-oriented perspective among Arab female engineering students in enterprise education programs. Focused on a UAE Higher Education Institution’s entrepreneurship learning program, the research explores three dimensions: 1) the ‘enterprising’ learning environment, 2) intrateam communication quality, and 3) intrateam collaboration. Analysing the data collected from 42 female respondents with SPSS, the findings challenge the assumption that a high-quality environment ensures success, revealing that teamwork efficiency relies on the interplay of learning environment, communication, and collaboration. The study illustrates the nuanced impact of team-play ability, leadership potential, risk-taking, and openness to criticism on female students’ teamwork. Conversely, the need for autonomy and financial capital access emerges as detractors. This research provides insights for educators and professionals, highlighting the necessity of cultivating soft skills to capitalise on enterprise opportunities, setting the stage for future effective teamwork strategies in enterprise education.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship education; teamwork efficacy; enterprise education; Arab female engineers; process-centric perspective.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10066589
  • Fostering innovation adoption for enhanced SME performance: evidence from Addis Ababas manufacturing sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Nigus Tadesse Beshe, Mari Jansen Van Rensburg 
    Abstract: SMEs operating in transition economies, serving customers with limited purchasing power, demand frugal innovation to succeed in saturated markets with low-value and low-technology products. These SMEs rely on pricing strategies for survival and leverage internal resources and capabilities to enhance value or reduce costs. This study, conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s manufacturing sector, explores the link between innovation adoption and SME performance. Quantitative data from 692 respondents were analysed using structural equation modelling. Results indicate a significant correlation between innovation adoption and firm performance, attributed to human and financial resources investments and supportive organisational culture. External environmental factors had minimal impact on innovation adoption or performance. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and decision-makers aiming to support innovation adoption and SME performance. Findings emphasise the significance of contextual distinctions and the value of innovation studies within the unique business environment in which it operates.
    Keywords: innovation adoption; firm resources; business environment dynamics; SMEs’ performance; market orientation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066626
  • Explicit and tacit knowledge for opportunity identification: implications for latent and manifest entrepreneurial intention   Order a copy of this article
    by Javier Alfonso Rodriguez-Escobar, Raphael Lissillour, Jean-Michel Sahut 
    Abstract: This article explains how explicit and tacit knowledge find hidden and visible entrepreneurial opportunities. Psychological approaches reveal entrepreneurial intention factors. The recommended conceptual framework was compared by 235 university students from different disciplines. Data was analysed using structural equation modelling. Latent entrepreneurial ambition induces visible entrepreneurial intention in the study. Tacit and explicit information influence entrepreneurial intention formation, and gender and study programme type may alter the model. According to the research, entrepreneurs must identify opportunities. Tacit knowledge impacts entrepreneurial purpose, while explicit information identifies opportunities. Research focuses improving entrepreneurial skills, starting with opportunity identification. To best serve students’ entrepreneurial goals, university entrepreneurship curricula should mix explicit and tacit local knowledge.
    Keywords: explicit knowledge; tacit knowledge; latent entrepreneurial intention; EI; manifest entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurship training.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066628
  • Brazilian-Japanese reverse diaspora, labour and entrepreneurship reflections on sustainable ethnic migration policies   Order a copy of this article
    by Roberto P.Q. Falcão, Eduardo Picanco Cruz, Raushan Aman, Maria Elo 
    Abstract: Ethnic migration policy is rarely examined in labour market and migrant entrepreneurship research. The phenomenon of return migration among third generation ‘dekasseguis’, who are Brazilian citizens of Japanese heritage, represents one solution for Japan’s struggle with its economic future. We examine the integration of ethnic migrants into Japanese society and economy employing multiple methods. We discovered significant roles of historical ethnic ties and transgenerational diaspora, but also found unsupportive and discriminatory policies, questioning the sustainability of these practices. Existing Japanese social and cultural integration programmes do not match the diverse needs of different generations of reverse diasporans and co-ethnic returnees. Further, considering factors such as language proficiency, country of origin, previous residence, duration of residing abroad, professional experience, education, and plans for settlement would foster societal integration, international business, and the Japanese economy.
    Keywords: reverse diaspora; circular migration; ethnic migration policy; Brazilian immigrants; societal integration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10066629
  • Impact of innovation on productivity growth of SMEs in a factor-driven economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Jan Vang Brambini-Pedersen, Kent Wickstrøm Jensen, Nikita Baklanov, Charbel Salloum, Matteo Rossi 
    Abstract: This study explores the relationship between various types of innovation and productivity growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within Vietnam, a factor-driven economy. Utilising a longitudinal dataset from three surveys of 3,550 Vietnamese manufacturing SMEs, the study employs regression analysis to account for dual causality between innovation and factor productivity growth. The results reveal that process innovation leads to greater productivity gains compared to product modification and product innovation strategies. The findings underscore the importance of process innovation in enhancing productivity in factor-driven economies, where firms primarily exploit unskilled labour and natural resources. The study also highlights the need for policymakers to tailor innovation support strategies to the unique contexts of factor-driven economies, emphasising process innovations that leverage existing factor endowments. The research contributes to the limited literature on innovation in the lowest stages of economic development and provides practical insights for promoting sustainable economic growth in developing countries.
    Keywords: innovation; factor productivity growth; developing countries; factor-driven economies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10066650
  • The "film" of agricultural entrepreneurship: a longitudinal look at the phenomenon   Order a copy of this article
    by Asael Islas-Moreno, Alejandro Rodríguez-Ortega, Gabriel Aguirre-Álvarez 
    Abstract: Despite being a longitudinal phenomenon, agricultural entrepreneurship has been studied predominantly addressing its background and results (‘photographs’ of the phenomenon), but not the process by which it is developed (‘film’ of the phenomenon). The study proposes to explore agricultural entrepreneurship through a ‘film’ logic and not ‘photographs’. It is based on a case study design through which three enterprises are explored that comply with: 1) being developed within, from or around agriculture; 2) shape businesses that deviate from the usual in a defined time and space framework; 3) offer opportunities to access detailed information. The film tells in three scenes how farmers with a strong attachment to territories and agricultural activities, through education and emigration, develop human capital and social capital, which raises their expectations and allows them to identify opportunities and take advantage of the surrounding resources.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; agriculture; agricultural entrepreneurship; rural entrepreneurship; place attachment; agripreneurship; agribusiness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10066822
  • Analysing the marketing channels used for selling products by tribal entrepreneurs in the State of Jharkhand, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Kumar Gaurav, Akanksha Shukla 
    Abstract: In the rapidly evolving globalised landscape and consumer behaviour, understanding the diverse marketing channels employed for product sales is pivotal. This study delves into the intricate landscape of marketing channels employed by tribal entrepreneurs in the State of Jharkhand, aiming to understand their strategies, challenges, and implications comprehensively. Through empirical investigation and qualitative analysis, this research explores spectrum of marketing channels these entrepreneurs utilise, encompassing traditional avenues. The PROMETHEE II and AHP method presents a complete ranking of alternatives and prioritises these alternatives over multiple criteria. Based on the analysis, out of five alternatives, the local market is more compatible marketing channel for tribal entrepreneurs of Jharkhand to sell their products. The findings of this research not only contribute to filling the research gap in understanding the marketing dynamics of tribal entrepreneurship but also offer practical insights for policymakers, businesses, and marketers seeking to support and engage with these entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: tribal entrepreneurs; indigenous; marketing channels; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; PROMETHEE II.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10066853
  • Corporate governance and capital structure decisions of textile sector in Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Alaul Haque, Mohammad Shahidul Hoque, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Nishath Anjum, Md. Saidur Rahaman 
    Abstract: This study examines how corporate governance affects capital structure decisions in Bangladeshs textile industry. This quantitative study collected data from 21 DSE-listed textile companies financial reports. The study uses descriptive analysis, ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regressions. The study found that board meetings, same-family members, independent board members, and the audit committee all improve the textile industrys capital structure. However, CEO duality, audit committee size, return on equity, board size, committee composition, and the number of audit committee members all have a negative correlation with capital structure decisions. These disclosures show considerable effects on Bangladeshs textile capital structure. Enhancing corporate governance can improve corporate social responsibility, legal frameworks, risk mitigation, investor confidence, cost efficiency, and industry growth, resulting in significant economic benefits. The study shows the intricate relationship between corporate governance and capital structure decisions, helping Bangladeshs textile industry make educated decisions and build policies.
    Keywords: Bangladesh; corporate governance; CG; capital structure; CS; capital structure decisions; and textile industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066854
  • Criteria for entrepreneurial universities: insights from British universities   Order a copy of this article
    by Alvin Aldawod 
    Abstract: This study seeks to develop a structured framework that can be utilised to assess and ascertain the level of entrepreneurship exhibited by a university. This qualitative study of documentary secondary data, website content, and 25 comprehensive semi-structured interviews with both deans and directors of enterprise/entrepreneurship centres deals with the culture and mindset, vision and strategy, and policy and practice and entrepreneurial impact of British Universities. The data was structured, coded, and clustered using two modes, namely the template analysis and the framework analysis. Analysing the data of this study results in developing an empirical model for the criteria that can be used to decide whether a university is entrepreneurial. The most important feature of this model is that it contains details that make it more comprehensive compared to other models. This model also presented new views that are somewhat different from what was included in the literature. One of the most important of these views is that entrepreneurial universities have a more pronounced and substantial effect on the economy in comparison to non-entrepreneurial universities.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial university; entrepreneurial university criteria; institutional theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10067073
  • Firm resiliency and dividend policy during the COVID-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Prasenjit Roy, Santi Gopal Maji, Matteo Rossi 
    Abstract: The study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on dividend policies among resilient and non-resilient Indian firms listed in the BSE 500 index from 20142015 to 20222023. As highlighted by Krieger et al. (2021), the COVID-19 pandemic compelled companies to reassess their dividend policies in response to economic disruptions. To analyse the pandemic’s effect on dividend strategies, the research employs a system generalised method of moments (system GMM) model. The findings reveal that the pandemic significantly influenced firms’ dividend policies, with non-resilient firms reducing their dividends compared to resilient firms. Additionally, firms with high return on assets (ROA), total assets (TA), and Tobin’s Q (TBQ) maintained strong dividend payments during the pandemic, while highly leveraged firms struggled to sustain dividends. These results have practical implications for corporate and investment sector decision-makers, underscoring the importance of strategic and adaptive decision-making to ensure resilience in times of economic crisis.
    Keywords: COVID-19; dividend policies; BSE 500 index; system GMM; resilient firms; non-resilient firms; firm size; financial indicators; economic downturns.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067162
  • Innovation in higher education universities (entrepreneurship education), start-ups and MSMEs: a state-of-the-art technology-based mentorship centre for business scalability   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Yogesh Mahajan, Vinod Sharma 
    Abstract: This paper proposes a systematic technology-based mentoring design through a technology-based ‘business mentorship centre’ system to scale up the businesses of MSMEs in collaboration with higher education institutions (HEIs), entrepreneurship education, and mentors with startups and MSMEs. The objective is to propose a business mentoring model for professional efficiency and scalability, integrating the key partners connecting HEIs, MSMEs, startups, and mentors. The research uses a methodical literature review and the agile SALSA framework, concentrating on concepts like ‘ mentorship’, ‘ entrepreneurship’, ‘ higher education’, ‘ MSMEs’, ‘ business growth’, and ‘ start-ups’ to create a multidisciplinary foundation. The analysis shows how effective technology is for mentoring in terms of increased adaptability, accessibility, and collaborative outcomes. The approach acts as a focal point, enabling measurable objectives for all stakeholders and utilising the interconnectedness of HEIs, entrepreneurship, mentoring, MSMEs, and startups. The strategy includes incorporating ‘ mentoring hubs’ for aspiring student entrepreneurs and MSMEs into higher education, supporting overall business expansion and management effectiveness. This cutting-edge mentorship framework enhances knowledge of collaborative mentoring, partner responsibilities, and scalability while encouraging the growth of entrepreneurship through creative and valuable ideas.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; mentorship; MSMEs; startups; higher education; business scalability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10067318
  • From tradition to opportunity: the sustainable livelihood approach of Jaipur Rugs   Order a copy of this article
    by Nisha Kumari, Indukuri Bangar Raju, Manjushree Paruchuru 
    Abstract: Jaipur Rugs is a family business and one of India’s largest manufacturers of hand-knotted rugs. The prime objective of Jaipur Rugs is to develop the artisans’ creative abilities, allowing them to achieve their goals and live a dignified life. The study aims to assess whether working under Jaipur Rugs is an opportunity or necessity for the Aspura weavers, to know the difficulties faced by the weavers during the COVID pandemic, and to learn the initiatives taken by the Jaipur Rugs. The qualitative approach was followed for the study using the descriptive analysis method. The inductive single-case study approach has been adopted, and the data was collected using focused group discussions (FGDs) and semi-structured interviews. The study concludes that adopting Jaipur Rugs’ philosophy and business model can help other carpet industries to grow and can become the reason for the growth of many more weavers at a global level.
    Keywords: Jaipur Rugs; weavers; weavers participation; COVID pandemic; sustainable livelihood.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067361
  • Empathy and passion: keys to social entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Ines Ben Chikha, Virginie Hachard, Alain Fayolle, Hajer Jarrar, Anis Jarboui 
    Abstract: This study examines the motivations influencing social entrepreneurial intentions among Tunisian students. Utilising Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA), data was collected from 302 students at the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of Sfax. The results reveal that both intrinsic motivations (such as those responding to needs, empathy, social innovation, and passion) and extrinsic motivations (including family background, relational networks, entrepreneurship education, national culture, and digital channels) positively impact students' social entrepreneurial intentions. The findings highlight the need to foster a social entrepreneurial mindset among Tunisian students, suggesting that dedicated training and academic programs in universities are crucial for promoting social entrepreneurship as a viable career option. This study underscores the importance of supporting social entrepreneurs to address pressing societal challenges and suggests further research on the actualization of social entrepreneurial intentions.
    Keywords: social entrepreneurship intention; intrinsic motivations; extrinsic motivations; Tunisian context.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067374
  • Exploring opportunities and challenges in green entrepreneurship: a qualitative analysis of the voice of owners in textile industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Harmanpreet Singh, Pawan Kumar, Pooja Kansra 
    Abstract: This study delves into exploring the opportunities and challenges encountered by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in green entrepreneurship in the textile industry. The study conducted 20 in-depth face-to-face interviews with SME owners, achieving data saturation at the 15th interview, ensuring comprehensive coverage of themes. Employing thematic and narrative analysis alongside the interpretive approach allowed for a nuanced exploration of participants' experiences and viewpoints, enhancing understanding of their underlying meanings. The thematic analysis has unveiled a robust framework, comprising 5 'G's representing opportunities and 5 'C's representing challenges in green entrepreneurship within the textile industry. A total of 22 sub-themes were identified under the 5 'G's, and 20 sub-themes under the 5 'C's, derived from in-depth interviews with SME owners. This research furnishes valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers, emphasising the need for tailored strategies to support SMEs in overcoming challenges and promoting the opportunities for initiating green practices.
    Keywords: green entrepreneurship; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; thematic analysis; environmental disclosure; sustainability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067529
  • Success factors of beef production enterprises in Maritime Canada   Order a copy of this article
    by Chanuka Swarnathilake, Christopher M. Hartt, Gumataw Kifle Abebe 
    Abstract: This study aimed to understand the success measures, success factors, and challenges of beef production in Maritime Canada. Multiple data collection techniques were adopted, including 6 focus group discussions, a producer survey (n = 208), and secondary data sources. The data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. According to the results, farmers felt that they were running successful businesses and that non-financial measures of this success were sometimes more important than making money. Learning risk management strategies and giving family members the knowledge and understanding of the current farming methods are important aspects of success. Based on demographics, there were no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) when measuring farmers' financial and non-financial success. The study signifies the importance of disseminating research findings through conferences or workshops. It is recommended that those events be planned by grouping farmers based on the operation scale and stage of their business.
    Keywords: success; financial; non-financial; beef enterprises; Maritime Canada.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067635
  • An examination of the dynamic process of defining resources - based on a study of small businesses run by visually impaired people in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Chi Nghia Nguyen  
    Abstract: This article aims to examine existing studies on the definition of resources and responses to resource constraints, in order to delineate what still remains vague in existing theories regarding their application to the circumstances of extreme adversity and the context of developing economies. The author studied the process of visually impaired entrepreneurs in Vietnam to understand how they manage to deal with their disabilities in opening and operating massage treatment centres. The findings reveal that the setting unit in analysing resources is abstract, and exploring how to discover and utilise resources whose value has yet to be fully evaluated is difficult. The article suggests a dynamic definition process of applying a microfoundational perspective, in which entrepreneurs assess each element's contribution to the overall productivity of the to-be resource and improve the functionality of other elements to compensate for a constrained element, transforming a to-be resource into a valuable functional resource.
    Keywords: resource definition; dynamic definition; static definition; resource constraints; resource-related theories; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10067692
  • From margins to mainstream: the evolution of women-led MSMEs in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Jyoti Gupta, Manish Karmwar 
    Abstract: This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of women-led micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in India, covering publications from 1968 to 2024. Despite representing over 90% of India’s industries, women-led MSMEs face significant challenges like limited access to finance and market linkages. The analysis reveals a marked increase in scholarly interest, with notable publication peaks from 2018 onwards, reflecting a growing recognition of women’s contributions to economic growth. Key themes include entrepreneurship, gender dynamics, and policy interventions, with increased individual authorship. The findings underscore the critical need for enhanced support mechanisms and policy frameworks to empower women entrepreneurs, fostering economic inclusion and addressing the gender gap in India’s entrepreneurial landscape.
    Keywords: micro; small; and medium enterprises; MSMEs; small and medium enterprises; SMEs; small businesses; small ventures; small firms; women’s entrepreneurship; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067734
  • Dynamic orchestration: the evolutionary practices of large firms in entrepreneurial ecosystems   Order a copy of this article
    by Muriel Durand, Shuxia Hou, Olivier Lamotte 
    Abstract: The literature on the orchestration of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) has neglected the dynamic dimension of the orchestrator’s role. We fill this gap by adopting an evolutionary perspective to investigate the role of a large firm as an orchestrator of an EE. We use a single case study and the process research methodology to analyse the EE orchestrated by a leader in the appliance market, from 2012 to 2023. Two findings emerge from the research. First, we identify three stages in the evolution of EEs: exploration, growth, and expansion, as well as the crucial role of the leader firm at each stage. Second, we demonstrate that the leader firm shows adaptability to ensure the development and sustainability of the EE. In sum, we show that beyond orchestrating a network and resources, the leader firm relies on its dynamic capabilities to enable the EE to address challenges that emerge throughout its existence.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial ecosystems; EEs; orchestrator; open innovation; dynamic capabilities; emerging economies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10067817
  • Challenges faced by small business traders in GST implementation in India: a critical study   Order a copy of this article
    by Alpana Srivastava, Himanshu Rastogi, Supriya Srivastava, Mohit Kumar, Sheza Waqar Beg 
    Abstract: GST in India has various benefits for the government, businesses, and consumers. Every piece of legislation has its effects over time, and since GST has been in place in India for six years, this paper examines the issues small traders faced during the GST transition. Despite simplifying taxation and compliance, the GST regime has faced technical issues, design errors, and changing rules. The government has benefited from e-invoicing and crackdowns on fake invoicing, which have improved transparency and revenue collection by increasing the number of taxpayers. However, traders have encountered difficulties in claiming input tax credit, and arbitrary monetary limits have burdened taxpayers. This report critically analyses small traders’ issues post-GST in India. Having an exploratory and descriptive research design, study uses data from 250 traders in Lucknow in India and findings conclude that the GST transition proved difficult for small traders due to technicalities and expenditures.
    Keywords: goods and service tax; Indian businesses; composition scheme; normal GST scheme; ITC; GSTN; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068040
  • Digital entrepreneurship in modern techno world: mapping the literature and future research agenda   Order a copy of this article
    by Priya Rani, Kanchan Bagri, Priyanka Yadav, Sherry , Ramji Nagariya 
    Abstract: Digital entrepreneurship (DE) leverages internet services for business and financial gain. This study reviews past research, highlighting trends and gaps. Using the POWER framework and PRISMA techniques, 733 articles were analysed with VOSViewer and manual text analysis. Key findings include 2023 having the most publications, the UK leading in published articles, the journal Technological Forecasting for Social Change having the highest impact, and A. Ghezzi being the most influential author. Trending topics are entrepreneurs, digital entrepreneurship, and sustainability. Emerging themes include digital entrepreneurship ecosystems, opportunities for women and education, entrepreneurial funding, government adoption, and digital technologies. Future research should focus on entrepreneurial education, AI innovations, digital venture performance, and IoT adoption. Frameworks like lean start-up, business model innovation, and value creation can enhance DE performance, with further exploration encouraged by the identified future research agenda.
    Keywords: digital entrepreneurship; digital entrepreneurship ecosystem; DEE; digital start-ups; content; thematic analysis; bibliometric analysis; POWER framework; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068070
  • Bibliometric review of poverty and entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Nur Tasnem Jaaffar, Nuraini Abdullah, Mohd Affendi Ahmad Pozin 
    Abstract: According to the World Bank, global poverty has declined remarkably from more than 38% of the global population in 1990 to 8.5% in 2023 (at the poverty rate of US$2.15 per day). Despite this significant decline, poverty remains prevalent, affecting 659 million individuals with 34.9% of the world’s extreme poor living in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2019. To sustain their lives, the poor often engage in informal entrepreneurship, which offers easier entry and does not require sophisticated skills. Additionally, external interventions such as credit loans, business assets, and training are provided by public and private organisations to support them in escaping poverty. This study aims to use bibliometric measures to identify common themes discussed among previous scholars. This will provide insights into addressing any gaps in the literature. The methodology includes descriptive and bibliometric analysis, such as citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis, and co-word analysis. Various analyses are utilised to ensure that the common themes obtained are consistent and reliable.
    Keywords: poverty; entrepreneurship; poverty alleviation; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068212
  • Is entrepreneurship for me, too?: Investigating the efficacy of enterprise education in the creative industries in the United Arab Emirates   Order a copy of this article
    by Naveed Yasin, Aidin Salamzadeh, Imran Anwar, Muhammad Haroon Rashid, Gayatri Nair, Marc Poulin, Raihan Taqui Syed 
    Abstract: This study employed a mixed-methods approach to assess the impact of entrepreneurship education on students in three distinct pathways media business (MB), interior design (ID), and communications (COM) within a creative industries program at a higher education institution (HEI) in the UAE, spanning January 2022 to February 2023. The PERI model, combined with template analysis, served as the analytical framework. Results from the t-test revealed significant improvement across all five enterprising characteristics from pre- to post-program, with the most notable gains in ‘risk-taking’ and the least in creativity’. Template analysis provided additional insights, capturing students’ diverse experiences and the perceived value of the enterprising traits. Students reflected on the course’s impact through their preferences, experiences, recommendations, and impressions, highlighting the varied efficacy of enterprise education interventions in fostering key entrepreneurial characteristics.
    Keywords: enterprise education; entrepreneurial characteristics; creative industries; UAE economy; experiential learning; higher education institution; HEI; United Arab Emirates.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068515
  • Participation of rural women in entrepreneurship: a systematic review   Order a copy of this article
    by Pragati Kumari , Jatin Kumar Jaiswal, Virginie Hachard, Igor Laine, Rachana Vishwakarma, Brajesh Kumar 
    Abstract: Promoting entrepreneurship among rural women is essential for fostering socio-economic growth and inclusive development in India. This study systematically reviews the state of rural women’s entrepreneurship, exploring relevant theories, key antecedents, and emerging dimensions in the field. Guided by the ADO and TCM frameworks, the study employs a systematic literature review of 78 peer-reviewed documents indexed in Scopus, spanning 1996 to 2024. Key findings reveal six predominant dimensions of rural women’s entrepreneurship and 21 antecedents that reflect shifts in entrepreneurial communities, especially in rural areas. Despite significant growth in the literature, limited theoretical integration highlights a gap in current research. Practical implications underscore the need for policy and managerial initiatives focused on overcoming gender-based challenges, supporting financial accessibility, and promoting digital literacy and skill development. The study offers a comprehensive synthesis to inform policy interventions and future research aimed at empowering rural women entrepreneurs and advancing sustainable rural economies.
    Keywords: women entrepreneurship; rural areas; systematic literature review; SLR; TCM-ADO framework.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068577
  • Navigating family succession in a turbulent context: the case of Circuit Empire in Lebanon   Order a copy of this article
    by Eliane Khalifé, Walid J. Abou-Khalil, Sonia Boussaguet, Matteo Rossi 
    Abstract: Lebanon, recognized as a turbulent context, presents significant challenges for family business succession that have received limited scholarly attention. This study examines the narrative of a prominent century-old Lebanese family business through a single-case approach. It contributes to understanding family business succession by (i) offering insights into the Lebanese context, (ii) providing empirical evidence on succession dynamics, and (iii) focusing on successors’ commitment. The findings expand Labaki’s (2014) “dual commitment” model by incorporating individual commitment to heirs concerning career choice intentions. Entrepreneurial freedom and a warrior’s mindset emerge as strong drivers of founding intent. Unexpectedly, the study also underscores the need to address heirs’ potential for “deviant behaviour” as a critical factor for successful succession.
    Keywords: family business; Lebanon; succession process; turbulent context; unique case study; media sources; commitment; career choice intention; deviant behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068814
  • Women entrepreneurs in Indonesia’s culinary sector: a study on entrepreneurial orientation and financial capability   Order a copy of this article
    by Okta Karneli, Harlen , Yusni Maulida, Muammar Revnu Ohara, Pratiwi Dwi Suhartanti 
    Abstract: This study investigates the impact of entrepreneurial orientation, adaptive capacity, and social networks on the financial capability of small-scale culinary businesses (SCBs) owned by women in Riau, Indonesia. Given the crucial role women play in driving the local economy, understanding these factors is essential for enhancing their financial success. Using a sample of 355 SCBs, the study employs the resource-based view, entrepreneurial orientation framework, dynamic capability theory, and social capital theory to analyse how these elements interact. The results, derived from structural equation modelling (SEM), reveal that entrepreneurial orientation significantly enhances financial capability. This relationship is further strengthened by adaptive capacity and effective social networks. These findings highlight the importance of fostering entrepreneurial and adaptive capacities and leveraging social networks to improve financial outcomes for women entrepreneurs in the culinary sector. By addressing gaps in financial capability and providing strategic insights, this research offers valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to support women-owned businesses.
    Keywords: women entrepreneurs; entrepreneurial orientation; financial capability; adaptive capacity; social network; small-scale culinary businesses; SCBs; Indonesia; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068866
  • Collaborative CSR strategies for very small business enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Isabelle Calmé, Marion Polge, Charbel Salloum, Hajer Jarrar, Matteo Rossi 
    Abstract: This study explores the impact of regulatory changes on the entrepreneurial practices of very small enterprises (VSEs) in the building trade, particularly focusing on the shift towards collaborative or grouped actions. With the increasing emphasis on energy performance due to regulations from the Grenelle Environment Round Table, craftspeople are compelled to adapt by forming strategic partnerships. The research identifies different profiles of craftsmen based on their motivations, priorities, and capacity for collaboration. By employing a co-construction methodological approach, the study reveals the challenges and opportunities that arise from grouped actions, such as navigating legal frameworks and fostering trust among collaborators. The findings highlight the diversity of entrepreneurial strategies and underscore the necessity of developing actionable tools to support effective group collaboration. The study concludes that while grouped action presents a promising pathway for addressing the evolving demands of the sector, it also requires a nuanced understanding of individual and collective dynamics. These insights provide valuable implications for both practitioners and policymakers aiming to enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of small enterprises through collaborative efforts.
    Keywords: collaborative action; very small enterprises; sustainability; entrepreneurial strategies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068981
  • Knowledge transfer and sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour in agribusiness: a systematic review of research gaps   Order a copy of this article
    by S. D. Dilini Rathnachandra, S.H.P. Malkanthi, Mohamed Esham, G.R.S.R.C. Samaraweera 
    Abstract: The study aims to identify existing research gaps and theoretical axes in the international scientific literature concerning Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Sustainable Entrepreneurial Behaviour from the perspective of knowledge transfer among agribusiness through a bibliometric review. It is crucial to understand the current landscape and offer insights for future research. This descriptive, qualitative study is based on a systematic review of 97 peer-reviewed articles, published after 2005 and sourced from the Scopus, Publons, and Web of Science databases between September and November 2023. The findings revealed several gaps, including the absence of longitudinal studies to track changes over time and an imbalance between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Moreover, no studies apply the dynamic capabilities framework to understand how agribusinesses adapt to knowledge transfer and innovate in response to evolving environments. As the theoretical aspects, highlighting the need for better theoretical integration in the study of agricultural entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer. This involves exploring and applying existing theoretical models to understand the influencing mechanisms in various contexts.
    Keywords: agribusiness; knowledge transfer; research gaps; sustainable entrepreneurial behaviour; SEB; systematic review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10068982
  • Quality of work life and organisation citizenship behaviour: mediating effects of organisational commitment among employees of information technology entrepreneurs   Order a copy of this article
    by Sarika Tripathi, Kostubh Raman Chaturvedi, Anju Tripathi 
    Abstract: This study highlights the important factors of quality of work life (QWL) and analyses its relationship with organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), focusing on the mediating role of organisational commitment (OC). A well-structured online questionnaire gathered 376 responses from the employees from the IT sector entrepreneurs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed, revealing significant insights. The findings indicate that improved QWL positively influences OC, which, in turn, fosters OCB among employees. Specifically, aspects such as supervisors’ support, Freedom from work related stress, relationship with colleagues and job satisfaction emerged as crucial QWL components that enhance employees’ sense of loyalty and commitment to their organisation. The study contributes to managerial practice by highlighting the importance of investing in QWL initiatives to cultivate a committed and proactive workforce. Academically, it bridges the gap in literature by empirically validating the mediating effect of OC in the QWL-OCB relationship, offering a comprehensive model for future research.
    Keywords: quality of work life; QWL; organisational citizenship behaviour; OCB; organisational commitment; job satisfaction; employee well-being.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069115
  • Digital marketing effectiveness and success factors for small and medium enterprises   Order a copy of this article
    by Yashmita Awasthi, Anubha Srivastava, Aakansha Uppal, Vaijayanti Anand, Anjita Srivastava 
    Abstract: Digital marketing is crucial for the organisation success. Therefore, this paper explores how research in digital marketing can enhance marketing strategies, drive consumer engagement and boost revenue generation. It highlights how businesses of varying sizes can leverage these insights to thrive in the competitive online market. The study conducts a bibliometric analysis of digital marketing research, tracing its evolution from inception to present day. Focusing on authorship patterns, international collaborations, and geographical influences, it assesses the potential future impact of research in this area. Using the Scopus database, 1126 relevant articles were selected for detailed analysis. Employing the R Software and bibliometric package, an extensive scientific mapping analysis was performed. The findings present a thorough exploration of author contributions, source evaluations, document analytics, cluster mapping-citations, and collaborative networks. These findings provide valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners interested in emerging domain of digital marketing.
    Keywords: digital marketing; bibliometric analysis; R Studio; factor analysis; science mapping.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069190
  • Bridging gender gaps in entrepreneurship through diverse learning environments and change tolerance   Order a copy of this article
    by Ghada Haddad, Gloria Haddad, Virginie Hachard, Gautam Nagpal, Matteo Rossi 
    Abstract: This study explores how diverse learning environments (DLE) influence entrepreneurial intentions and the moderating role of gender. By integrating the theory of planned behaviour with the concept of change tolerance, we examine how DLE characterised by cultural and institutional diversity impact students’ entrepreneurial outcomes. Our findings indicate that immersive DLE enhance participants’ perceived behavioural control, fostering proactive entrepreneurial mindsets among both male and female students. Contrary to traditional research highlighting significant gender differences in entrepreneurial attitudes, our results suggest that inclusive learning contexts can mitigate these disparities. This study contributes to the understanding of gender issues in entrepreneurship by demonstrating how educational environments can promote equality and enhance self-efficacy. The implications for business schools are substantial, as fostering DLE can nurture a diverse pool of entrepreneurs, ultimately driving economic growth and social development within various cultural contexts.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial intentions; gender equality; entrepreneurial learning environment; theory of planned behaviour; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069191
  • Pedagogical innovation in entrepreneurship: teaching resilience through the lessons of failure   Order a copy of this article
    by Eduardo Leite, Dafna Kariv 
    Abstract: Failure prevention in entrepreneurial curricula fosters resilience and equips future entrepreneurs to address global challenges. Unlike traditional approaches, this study highlights proactive failure prevention as a cornerstone for resilience-building. This approach shifts the focus from reactive learning after failure to proactive strategies that mitigate risks and foster adaptability. By employing innovative methodologies such as thematic coding for data analysis and real-world case studies, the research uncovers nuanced insights into how failure prevention influences entrepreneurial outcomes. By equipping students with tools to navigate uncertainty, educators can help them develop critical skills for both personal growth and professional success. Future research can explore the long-term impacts of these pedagogical strategies on entrepreneurial outcomes across diverse cultural and institutional contexts. These findings have the potential to inform practical frameworks for educators, empowering students to confidently embrace both success and failure.
    Keywords: active learning; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial education; failure prevention; pedagogical innovation; resilience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069465
  • The evolution of entrepreneurship research: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of IJESB (20042024)   Order a copy of this article
    by Sandip Solanki, Prashant Bari, Roy Matta, Ruba Younes, Catherine Mercier-Suissa, Caroline Merdinger-Rumpler 
    Abstract: The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB) has grown significantly from 29 articles in 2004 to 78 articles in 2023. During this tenure, the journal has covered a wide range of entrepreneurship aspects including ethnicity, gender bias, and challenges faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As a part of the study bibliometric analysis of 1,508 documents was carried out from 2004 to 2014 from Scopus. Findings show the journal's contributions include wide research from 2,767 authors including 23.67% international collaborations, 4,964 unique keywords, and 70,619 citations. The journal has wide coverage of studies compromising of qualitative as well as quantitative studies indicating a rich knowledgebase in the discipline.
    Keywords: bibliometric analysis; entrepreneurship; institutional analysis; research collaboration.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069484
  • Understanding success factors of Class B enterprises in Chile: a pioneering study on socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship   Order a copy of this article
    by Fernando Yanine, Lionel Valenzuela, Zocimo Campos, Amir Hasnaoui, Virginie Hachard, Makram Chemangui 
    Abstract: Innovative entrepreneurship drives economic and societal progress by introducing novel products, services, and business models. Class B enterprises stand out for harmonising profitability with exceptional social and environmental performance, yet their success factors remain underexplored. This study examines the success factors of Class B enterprises in Chile across five strategic dimensions. Using a descriptive and empirical approach, in-depth surveys were conducted with 34 of the 74 registered Class B companies in Chile. Statistical analysis revealed critical success factors shaping their performance, including the entrepreneurial ecosystem, access to clients, education quality, and support networks. Notably, 81% of entrepreneurs highlighted the ecosystem as pivotal. These findings provide valuable insights into the operational dynamics of Class B enterprises, underscoring the importance of external influences. This pioneering study enriches the literature by offering a comprehensive analysis of success factors in socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship in Chile and Latin America.
    Keywords: Class B enterprises; social entrepreneurship; innovation; entrepreneurial ecosystems; success factors; community-based sustainability; Chile.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069485
  • Empowering women through rural self-employment training institutes: a study of social enterprises impact in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Pawan Kumar, Ritu Kumra, Sanjay Modi, Sumesh Dadwal 
    Abstract: Social enterprises serve as research and development hubs for advancing women empowerment. This research paper aims to demonstrate how rural self-employment training institutes function as social enterprises by offering entrepreneurial training in India and how they contribute to the social and economic empowerment of women. This paper utilises both qualitative as well as quantitative research methods. It includes in-depth interviews of directors and senior faculty of various RSET institutes in India, as well as data was collected from women who have undergone entrepreneurial training through these enterprises. The results of the study are on the basis of capability of verbal opinions of the directors of RSETIs and the same institute women trainees. Hence objectivity of the study is confined to directors, trainees and faculty of RSETIs honesty in providing necessary information. This research paper makes it clear that how RSETIs meet all the parameters of being a social enterprise.
    Keywords: social entrepreneurship; rural self-employment training institutes; RSETIs; social problem; innovation; evaluation and effectiveness; scalability; sustainability; qualitative inquiry; women empowerment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069487
  • Enhancing sustainable competitive performance: a study of digitalisation in Georgian entrepreneurial companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Hajar Moayery Fard, Arian Matin, Metin Mercan 
    Abstract: The main goal of this study is to explore the relationships between digital strategy, digital platforms, and sustainable competitive performance, as well as the mediating role played by digital capability in the context of employee IT skills within entrepreneurial companies. Data were obtained through a questionnaire administered to workers in entrepreneurial companies in the private sector in Georgia, selected by convenience sampling. A total of 421 responses were collected. Service and product producers were classified by industry type, and the data were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) with Smart-PLS software, supplemented by artificial neural networks (ANN). The results indicate that digital strategy, capability, and platforms are positively associated with sustainable competitive performance. However, the mediating effect of digital capability on the relationship between a firms digital strategy and sustainable competitive performance was not supported. The ANN analysis revealed employees digital skills (EDS) followed by digital strategy and capability play the most important roles in sustainable performance. The findings also indicated that EDS moderates the impact of digital platforms on sustainable performance.
    Keywords: sustainable competitive performance; SCP; digitalisation; entrepreneurial companies; structural equation modelling; SEM; artificial neural networks; ANN; Georgia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069537
  • Entrepreneurial perception and start-up culture in Jammu & Kashmir: a demographic analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Gohar Abbas Khan, Irfan Bashir, Naveeda Sehar, Mubashir Majid Baba 
    Abstract: This study examines entrepreneurial perceptions of start-up culture in Jammu & Kashmir, India, through a survey of 211 entrepreneurs across ten districts. Key dimensions examined include infrastructure development, access to finance, education and skills, government policies, perceptions of risk and failure, market access and political stability, analysed through demographic lenses of gender and age. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we collected data using a structured questionnaire administered to entrepreneurs through multistage cluster sampling and analysed using SPSS and SEM. The results highlight significant gender and age-based differences and emphasise the need for inclusive policies. Critical factors such as government support, infrastructure and risk perception were identified as important in fostering a vibrant start-up ecosystem. This research contributes to the understanding of entrepreneurial perceptions of start-up culture, particularly in the context of Jammu & Kashmir. Our findings provide valuable insights to promote an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and economic growth.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; start-up culture; entrepreneurial perception; startup dimensions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069733
  • Disruptive effect of oil exploration on the sustainability of economic life of the Niger Delta area in Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Ebere Ume Kalu, Agatha N. Okeke, Rosemary Ifeoma Nwokike, Suoye Igoni 
    Abstract: Niger Delta is a geographical configuration; not a conjecture borne out of political, social or administrative convenience and this delineates Niger Delta as naturally consisting of three States Bayelsa, Delta and rivers states. This article is a desktop research which attempts to examine the disruptive effect of oil exploration in the Niger Delta aligning it with the sustainability of economic life of the people of Niger Delta area (NDA) of Nigeria. It made attempt at the historical background of the life and times of Niger Delta people and the emergence of exploratory activities in the area coupled with the devastating negative effect of exploration as it affects vegetation, aquatic and terrestrial life even the air around NDA. It gave answer to the question: Is the natural resources of the Niger Delta people a curse or a blessing? It also x-rayed the involvement of the government, the multinationals and the indigenes in the making and marring of the Niger Delta. The paper concludes with the positive efforts of the government to quell the restiveness and exploitative situation in the NDA with suggestions/recommendations on more positive steps to take towards ameliorating the ugly situation in the area.
    Keywords: oil exploration; Niger Delta Area; environmental degradation; sustainability and economic activities; Nigeria; agitation; entrepreneurship; resource control; armed conflict.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10069897
  • Commerce in conflict: Pakistan and Iran's economic stability in Afghanistans instability   Order a copy of this article
    by Masihullah Nemat, Chitra Krishnan 
    Abstract: In this research paper, the economic exploitation of Afghanistan by Pakistan and Iran is analysed, focusing on how their control of trade routes, commercial channels, and natural resource extraction has hindered Afghanistan's economic development. The study examines the impact of these economic strains from the “Dr. Najibullah” era to the ongoing “Taliban regime.” The prime goals of this research are to examine the economic policies involved by neighbouring countries and to propose solutions for limiting their harmful impacts. The review employs qualitative data analysis, utilising thematic examination of secondary information from scholarly journals, reports, articles and other peer-reviewed papers. Key research findings reveal that Pakistan and Iran's control over Afghanistan's trade, commerce and natural resources has exacerbated its economic fragility. The study highlights the need for Afghanistan to diversify its trade and commercial channels, strengthen governance, and promote regional cooperation to mitigate these impacts. This analysis contributes to the scholarly discussion on economic exploitation in conflict zones, offering insights into how international competition shapes economic outcomes in least developed countries.
    Keywords: Afghanistan; economic stability; neighbouring countries; Pakistan; Iran; exploitation; conflict; political upheaval; foreign intervention; corruption; international aid; cross-border trade; sustainable development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10070062
  • Understanding the inspiration for social entrepreneurship - putting the social back in society   Order a copy of this article
    by Jessica Lichy 
    Abstract: Despite existing research on social entrepreneurship, there is a gap in understanding how specific international experiences can inspire entrepreneurial intentions and actions. This study makes a theoretical and practical contribution by applying inspiration theory in a novel context, highlighting the instrumental role of international experiences in closing the intention-action gap. It addresses the research question: How does the experience of studying abroad inspire student entrepreneurs in addressing social problems? Data is collected using focus group discussions with 36 entrepreneurs (13 female, 23 male) who established a social-oriented business after a period of Study Abroad. Findings reveal that, firstly, students are not only ‘inspired by’ their international experiences but also ‘inspired to’ realise their entrepreneurial potential. Secondly, students recognise the importance of core skills and psychosocial skills for building resilience and nurturing entrepreneurial action. Without stating that studying abroad has a causal effect, the diversity of experiences is instrumental for closing the intention-action gap. The study offers practical insights for curriculum design and fostering international partnerships that promote social entrepreneurship among students, with policy implications for enhancing entrepreneurship education.
    Keywords: social entrepreneurship; inspiration theory; international student experience; France; higher education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10070089
  • Technical efficiency and its determinants of cane and bamboo handicraft enterprise in Assam: a stochastic frontier analysis approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Abu Daud Pathan, N.B. Singh 
    Abstract: This study aims to estimate technical efficiency (TE) and its determinants, focusing on entrepreneur-specific and firm-specific variables of micro-based cane and bamboo firms in Assam. A multistage stratified random sampling technique was used to collect 438 household data from four selected districts of Assam to estimate the TE and its determinants of the cane and bamboo firms in Assam using the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) approach. The estimated average TE of this firm is 0.9175, indicating significant room for efficiency improvement. The empirical result reveals that entrepreneur-specific (gender, experience, and family labour) and firm-specific (technological support) variables remarkably influence the firms TE. In contrast, entrepreneur-specific (age and family type) and firm-specific (firm location, credit accessibility, and government assistance) variables appreciably decrease the firms TE. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
    Keywords: cane and bamboo; trans-log production function; technical efficiency; determinants; firm characteristics; stochastic frontier analysis; SFA; Assam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10070141
  • Analysis of the co-creation of a crowdfunding platform with shared local entrepreneurial value   Order a copy of this article
    by Thibault Cuénoud, Rey Dang, L’Hocine Houanti, Jean-Michel Sahut 
    Abstract: A region’s ability to fully take advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities depends on the institutional setting with the creation and dissemination of knowledge. Following Müller (2016), entrepreneurship may be thought of as ‘the creation of new ventures by individuals or groups through which new economic or social value is created in communities or regions’. Economic actors can seek alternate modes of entrepreneurship financing. Digital platforms such as crowdfunding can affect the traditional supply chain finance. Such platforms create new market players who co-create economic value. Because of its digital presence, crowdfunding provides the opportunity to raise funds beyond local areas. However, this raises questions about whether such a platform can generate local entrepreneurship. This study investigates how the implementation of a crowdfunding platform and the co-creation of value generated by local institutional actors enhance the economic development of a region.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; regional policies; co-creation of value; crowdfunding platform.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2026.10070204
  • Encouraging craft skills and female entrepreneurship through creativity: a case study of a social enterprise in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Gaitri Kumari 
    Abstract: The present study is established on Hagen's theory of social change. It attempts to justify the theory of social change and explains how continuing technical progress brings social change in a traditional society. This study argues that the innovative approach can facilitate female entrepreneurship by endowing craft skills. The objectives of the present case study are two-fold. First, the present case study aims to understand the significance of the endowment of craft skills to bring social change in the rural setting of Jharkhand, India. Second, the study explores the inexorable entwining of social entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship by demonstrating the role of innovative approaches in fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem for females. A descriptive case study methodology was adopted. The outcome of the case study suggested that innovative social enterprise support led to social change resulting in female entrepreneurship and empowered rural-tribal women of Jharkhand.
    Keywords: social entrepreneur; female entrepreneur; skill development; socio-economic development; artisan; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10065771
  • Religiosity and entrepreneurs' subjective wellbeing: moderating role of spiritual intelligence   Order a copy of this article
    by Subhan Shahid, Yasir Mansoor Kundi, Rahman Ullah 
    Abstract: The study aims to investigate attitudinal antecedents of entrepreneurs' subjective wellbeing, specifically religious and normative beliefs, while considering the moderating role of spiritual intelligence. The data were collected from 212 entrepreneurs in Pakistan and analysed through the structural equation modelling technique. The results revealed that religious and normative beliefs are positively related to entrepreneurs' subjective wellbeing. Furthermore, spiritual intelligence has been found to positively moderate the aforementioned relationships. The research contributes to the emerging scholarship on religion and entrepreneurship by embracing religion as a noteworthy subjective wellbeing component that cannot be overlooked for individuals engaged in highly demanding entrepreneurial careers. Furthermore, the study brings novel insights into the current knowledge of the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship from an Islamic perspective in the context of the developing country, which contributes to the limited scholarship on other religions.
    Keywords: religiosity; religious beliefs; normative beliefs; spiritual intelligence; subjective wellbeing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10059012
  • Role of start-ups in poverty alleviation and entrepreneurial environment in India
    by Monika Saxena, Rahul Dass, Mitra Amini, Utkarsh Das 
    Abstract: Poverty continues to be an albatross with which India has been constantly grappling. Poverty alleviation is important as this developing economy is a huge market and it has a cascading impact on economies across the world. Start-ups have the potential to create jobs which in turn can help in the upliftment of the rural poor by increasing their income resources. The objective of this paper is to show the impact of innovation, digital technology, and funding of start-ups on poverty eradication. Data has been analysed through statistical and econometric tools. Causal relationships of entrepreneurial activity with respect to different variables have been factored in. Results showcase that the role of start-ups, digital absorption, and global innovation index has a significant relationship with entrepreneurial activity. It is of interest to policy makers as it identifies the factors which have a prominent role for poverty eradication in the form of an increase in entrepreneurial activity and subsequent strategy formulation.
    Keywords: poverty; entrepreneurship; start-ups; innovation; India; economy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10058941
  • Compassionate entrepreneurship and cognitive workaholism: mediating role of artificial intelligence adoption
    by Ruchi Rayat, Manuha Nagpal, Deepika Chaudhary, Sudha Panwar 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine whether there is an association between compassionate entrepreneurship and cognitive workaholism and how artificial intelligence adoption might act as a mediator. This study is novel in comparison to other association studies and in terms of its conceptual approach. In order to avoid the common method variance, the data collection was broken up into three waves. The researcher makes use of a quantitative research approach and PLS-SEM 4.0 for the analysis in order to complete the evaluation of the framework. The respondents were Indian entrepreneurs active in India's 'micro, small, and medium enterprises' (MSME and SMEs). The findings revealed that there is an association between compassionate entrepreneurship and cognitive workaholism. Secondly, the adoption of artificial intelligence acts as a mediator. Discussion was given in the context of previous research that has enhanced the literature. The researchers concluded with suggestions for practitioners, policymakers, and entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: compassionate entrepreneurship; artificial intelligence; cognitive workaholism; PLS-SEM; MSME and small scale industries.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10058439
  • The retirement transition from self-employment: comparing the solo self-employed and company owners in Finland   Order a copy of this article
    by Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen 
    Abstract: Retirement from self-employment is receiving increasing attention due to population ageing. It is a critical event for the self-employed, influencing their identity and well-being. It also is a critical event for their businesses, influencing the national economy. This study explores differences in the retirement transition between the solo self-employed and company owners. A multichannel sequence analysis and cluster analysis are carried out with Finnish register data, tracing the ages 50 to 69. Findings show that the solo self-employed form a homogenous group, retiring at age 65 with an old-age pension. They follow state pension regulations. In contrast, company owners form a heterogeneous group, displaying agency. Some retire with an old-age pension at 65. Others work until 56 and receive a pension from 65 on. Others switch to employment and then retire with a pension at 65. A non-employment or employment spell before retirement means that businesses have untapped potentials.
    Keywords: self-employment; retirement; retirement transition; solo self-employed; solo self-employment; company owners; work, pensions; Finland; population ageing; later retirement; register data; multichannel sequence analysis; cluster analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10064674
  • Barriers restricting indigenous women from becoming successful entrepreneurs: empirical evidence from India
    by Jogeswar Mahato, Manish Kumar Jha 
    Abstract: The present study empirically examines the barriers restricting indigenous women from becoming successful entrepreneurs in the Odisha state of India. The present study has analysed the samples of 596 indigenous women entrepreneurs collected from 12 villages across the four districts of Odisha. The authors have analysed the significance of barriers to indigenous women entrepreneurship in the rural Indian context. Structure equation modelling has been used to validate the hypothesised relationships formulated in the study. The findings of the study highlighted that social, personal, financial, production and marketing barriers are significant barriers that restrict indigenous women from becoming successful in their entrepreneurial activities. Acknowledging these barriers could help indigenous women entrepreneurs to become more focused and strategic towards mitigation of these impediments. Government and society must work together to remove the barriers in the path of successful entrepreneurs to encourage Indian indigenous women in rural settings.
    Keywords: barriers; entrepreneurs; indigenous women; successful; rural India; social; personal; financial; production; marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10058827
  • Local-oriented economic branches as drivers of local markets in non-metropolitan areas: evidence from Greece   Order a copy of this article
    by Andreas Gkouzos, Manolis Christofakis 
    Abstract: The paper investigates the importance of local-oriented economic branches in expanding Greek local markets and the non-metropolitan areas with significant local economic strengths. Employing a shift-share analysis model and the minimum requirement technique, the study examines spatial units with functional urban areas, neighbouring non-metropolitan areas, mainland non-metropolitan areas, and insular non-metropolitan areas. The findings reveal that functional urban areas demonstrate notable localness and competitive advantages from local market presence. Proximity to major metropolitan centres influences neighbouring areas, leading to export-oriented economic branches. Mainland areas exhibit higher localness due to small-medium sized cities and rural settlements away from major markets. Insular areas show lower localness but experience regional growth effects from tourism-related activities. These results highlight the role of significant urban areas, spatial distance, and the local economic environment in shaping localness and economic strengths. Understanding these factors is crucial for promoting local economic growth in Greek non-metropolitan areas.
    Keywords: local-oriented economic branches; local economic advantages; Greek non-metropolitan areas; minimum requirement approach; differential shift approach; Greece.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10066320
  • Measuring the effectiveness of entrepreneurial training in rural self-employment training institutes: a proposed model
    by Pawan Kumar, Ritu Kumra 
    Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and development programmes of rural self-employment training institutes (RSETIs) in rural India by proposing a conceptual model to measure training effectiveness quantitatively. Primary data was used and collected through a self-administered questionnaire. The data was collected from 588 trainees of rural self-employment training institutes from nine districts of Punjab covering the Majha, Malwa, and Doaba regions of Punjab State in India. The data was analysed by applying confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS software. The proposed model in this study was used to measure the effectiveness of RSET entrepreneurial training institutes. The results revealed that the training provided by rural self-employment training institutes in India is effective and the results confirmed that it can be measured by latent variables of business performance, satisfaction level, and benefits derived from training to trainees as well as to society.
    Keywords: training effectiveness; rural self-employment training institutes; RSETIs; business performance; satisfaction level; benefits derived.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10059432
  • Information technology entrepreneurs, leadership styles and employee engagement: examining mediating effect of artificial intelligence
    by Muskan Khan, Neha Nagar, Manuha Nagpal, Deepika Chaudhary 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the moderating part of trust among the studied leadership styles and the implementation of AI. The exploration intentions are to identify the relationship between compassionate and empathetic leadership in the implementation of AI that will influence employee engagement among the employees of information technology entrepreneurs. The conceptual framework has been developed, which is novel and not yet explored. The data was collected in three phases to evade the common method variance. The investigation employs a quantitative research methodology, and PLS-SEM 4.0 is used for data analysis. The respondents were employees of companies involved in the IT sector in India. We discovered that vital assets like a leader's skill with technology and ability to use technology can result in the development of dynamic capacities. The study concludes with implications and suggestions for leaders, policymakers, and practitioners. The research constraints and potential directions are discussed.
    Keywords: compassionate leadership; empathetic leadership; employee engagement; trust; artificial intelligence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10059067
  • Survival instincts of Chinese entrepreneurs in the UK: adaptation or hibernation
    by Daniel Prokop, Saloomeh Tabari, Wei Chen 
    Abstract: Surviving a crisis requires a unique set of responses from a firm. This paper examines migrant entrepreneurs and their responses to COVID-19 pandemic. These entrepreneurs are disadvantaged in their markets, typically due to cultural differences, but also other barriers that include outright discrimination by native populations. Consequently, global crisis has a more severe meaning to migrant entrepreneurs who struggle in the best of times. Empirically we focus on interviews with Chinese entrepreneurs in the UK, employing template analysis to disentangle the data. We find two key mechanisms these entrepreneurs employ to respond to crisis: adaptation and/or hibernation. Adaptation is about introducing changes in response to altering market conditions, it is a proactive response. Hibernation is a passive response characterised by deliberate shutdown and/or slow-down of operations, with business continuity funded from accumulated financial reserves. The paper concludes that policy should be more sensitive to enabling responses that ensure firm survival.
    Keywords: firm survival; crisis; COVID-19; entrepreneurship; Chinese businesses; migrant entrepreneurship; UK.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10059695
  • Exploring the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and effectuation on opportunity recognition
    by Atthaphon Mumi, Patsorn Siewsamdangdet, Tudsuda Imsuwan, Pornpiya Muangkhiew 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship research has examined the importance of opportunity recognition in the creation of new businesses. However, a complete understanding of this concept is lacking, requiring further investigation from multiple perspectives. This study utilises the effectuation theory to address this limitation, emphasising controlled resources and opportunity recognition through entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and effectuation. Our analysis of 293 potential entrepreneurs using partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) demonstrated that entrepreneurial self-efficacy significantly affects opportunity recognition and is mediated by effectuation, which includes experimentation, affordable loss, flexibility, and pre-commitment. This study offers entrepreneurial self-efficacy, which is necessary for opportunity recognition, to the emerging theory of effectuation. It also addresses the need for theoretical research on entrepreneurial opportunities. Thus, our findings have important implications for academics and practitioners interested in understanding the complex dynamics of entrepreneurship and improving new venture creation.
    Keywords: affordable loss; effectuation; entrepreneurial self-efficacy; ESE; experimentation; flexibility; opportunity recognition; pre-commitment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10060134
  • Entrepreneurial orientation in joint projects during the COVID-19 crisis: a fuzzy-set QCA approach for Brazilian cases
    by Olivier Coussi, Kadigia Faccin, Bibiana Wolkmer Martins, Anass Mawadia 
    Abstract: This research explores the combination of innovation practices (based on causation, effectuation and bricolage) used in joint projects between universities and industries that lead to open innovation. The projects studied were carried out during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. We used fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis (Fs-QCA) to examine 13 Brazilian projects. The main results show two combinations of practices that result in open innovation success among universities and industries. Both combinations include a high level of effectuation; this result is expected in a time of crisis such as that caused by COVID-19. When a project involves only industry partners, a combination of effectuation and bricolage is employed. A university's presence on a project means that causation behaviour is a necessary condition. This 'causation' condition in university-industry collaboration projects seems to reinforce the critical barriers to collaboration between universities and industry.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Brazil; open innovation; Fs-QCA; university-industry collaboration; joint projects; causation; effectuation; bricolage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10060467
  • An integrated approach of factors influencing entrepreneurial success: evidence from women-owned MSMEs in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Jogeswar Mahato, Manish Kumar Jha 
    Abstract: The present study aims to examine the factors influencing entrepreneurial success in women-owned MSMEs in India. The study has interviewed 529 indigenous women entrepreneurs working across the four districts such as: Sundargarh, Mayurbhanj, Koraput and Rayagada in Odisha, India. Structure equation modelling has been used to examine the factors influencing the creation of successful MSMEs. The results of the study highlighted that the integration of social capital, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial training, government policy, access to finance, business infrastructure and market linkage significantly contribute to the success of women-owned MSMEs in India. The study will add knowledge to the literature on women entrepreneurship and benefit the new-age and existing women entrepreneurs in creating and running their enterprises successfully and sustainably. The study will help policymakers create policies towards the sustainable establishment of women-owned MSMEs in emerging economies. The stakeholders are supposed to do much more to assist women entrepreneurs to succeed in their business ventures.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial success; factors; social capital; entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial training; government policy; access to finance; business infrastructure; market linkage; indigenous; MSMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10059955
  • Hardships and challenges faced by entrepreneurs of MSME: a bibliometric review and future research agenda
    by Baxiskumar Patel, Prakashkumar Patel, Hardik Bhadeshiya 
    Abstract: The current study aims to thoroughly evaluate the available literature on the hardships and challenges that India's micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) encounter, specifically from 1990 to 2022. Very few studies have used bibliometric analysis to investigate the hardships and difficulties experienced by Indian entrepreneurs. The current research examines 702 articles taken from the Web of Science database using VOSviewer to display the data. Analyses of keyword co-occurrence, co-citation, journals, and co-authorship were included in the study. Further, a hypothetical CHRYSALIS Model is proposed to assess and visualise the hurdles of Indian MSMEs for giving sustainable solutions for its future development.
    Keywords: bibliometric review; challenges; hardship; micro; small and medium; MSMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10060917
  • Indigenous entrepreneurship in India: addressing barriers to sustainable growth and development
    by Kumar Gaurav, Jogeswar Mahato, Sateesh Kumar 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic growth of the nation. Indigenous entrepreneurship is gaining importance due to its inclusive growth and development in India. Cultural, social, and economic contexts frequently present unique difficulties for entrepreneurs starting and maintaining their businesses. The present study has reviewed barriers that indigenous entrepreneurs face in their journey. In this research, the barriers that obstruct the sustainable growth and development of indigenous entrepreneurs are explored and a contextual relationship among them is established using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis. The study determines eight factors that act as barriers to sustainable growth and development of indigenous entrepreneurship. Understanding these barriers will help policymakers, stakeholders, and indigenous communities create focused strategies to aid and empower indigenous entrepreneurs in their quest for sustainable growth and development.
    Keywords: business; development; indigenous entrepreneurship; social; economic; sustainable growth; interpretive structural modelling; ISM; MICMAC; rank; relationship; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061007
  • Religious social capital and entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation of Indian Muslim youth entrepreneurs in South Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Fatima Kaka, Caren Brenda Scheepers, Anastacia Mamabolo 
    Abstract: The rate of entrepreneurial activity among South Africa's youth, a group aged 18 to 35 years, is low. The role of religion in promoting entrepreneurship among South Africa's youth remains relatively under-researched, despite the importance of religious social capital as a contributor to entrepreneurial success. We explore how entrepreneurs rely on their religious social capital to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities. The narrative qualitative study was conducted in the context of the Indian Muslim community within South Africa. The data gathered from 12 Indian Muslim entrepreneurs showed that their social capital influences their pursuit of meaning when engaging in business activities. Pursuing meaning influences how they construct and access networks, resources, and trust-modulated or regulated business transactions. These elements of pursuit of purpose and meaning, resources, networks, and trust-modulated activities influenced by their religious social capital, contribute towards business development by providing opportunities for expansion and access to customers.
    Keywords: religion; entrepreneurship; ethnic; social capital; network ties; trust; Indian Muslim; South Africa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061942
  • Unity in diversity: revolutionising SMEs through inclusive corporate boards
    by Charbel Salloum, Hajer Jarrar, Laura Salloum, Jean-Francois Verdie 
    Abstract: This study investigates the implications of gender diversity within top management teams on firm performance, risk, and executive pay, concentrating on a sample of 105 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Lebanon over a three-year period (2014-2016). Adopting a quantitative methodology, data was collected through closed-ended surveys utilising nominal, interval, and ratio scales. Analysis via linear regression revealed that while gender diversity on the board of directors showed no discernible influence on the examined variables, a heightened presence of women in managerial roles positively affected the firm's return on investment and narrowed the wage disparity. These findings challenge the prevailing view in the Lebanese context, which largely perceives women as primarily homemakers, and highlight the tangible benefits of gender diversity for SMEs' growth and evolution. Notably, the research offers a unique perspective by focusing on Lebanon, a nation grappling with the integration of gender diversity practices in boardrooms amid cultural and religious constraints.
    Keywords: gender diversity; top management team; board of directors; performance; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061150
  • Key demographic and socio-economic factors of an entrepreneur's success in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Pawan Kumar, Ritu Kumra, Sumesh Dadwal 
    Abstract: The study employed a quantitative research approach to investigate how demographic and economic factors influence the success of entrepreneurs using theoretical lens of human capital theory. It meticulously explores an array of critical variables that encompass various facets of the entrepreneur's journey. Data was collected by purposive sampling of 588 respondents who had received training from rural self-employed training institutes (RSETI) and subsequently became entrepreneurs. The collected data was analysed using statistical techniques, such as regression analysis, t-tests, confirmatory factor analysis using (AMOS) software to assess the relationships between the key variables and entrepreneurial success. Through a comprehensive analysis of the variables, the findings of this study illuminate that among the demographic factors under scrutiny, formal education emerges as a notable contributor to entrepreneurial success. Moreover, the adoption of contemporary technology, the respondent's income level, and the training received from RSETI emerge as pivotal factors that play a central role in determining the success trajectory of entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: rural self-employed training institutes; RSETI; demographic factors; socio-economic factors; entrepreneurial success; entrepreneurial trainings; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061197
  • Analysing the roles of owners' personal factors in determining the sustainability of women-owned SMEs during crisis   Order a copy of this article
    by Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, Rifelly Dewi Astuti, V. Viverita 
    Abstract: The pandemic significantly affected small and medium enterprises (SMEs) worldwide, including women-owned SMEs. Some had to close their operations; others survived or even thrived during the crisis. This research aims to analyse the roles of owners' personal values, literacy in marketing and finance, entrepreneurial competencies, and entrepreneurial resilience in influencing the sustainability of women-owned SMEs in Indonesia. A focus group discussion with four women SME owners was conducted to obtain insights on factors influencing firm's sustainability during the pandemic. Based on the FGD and current literature, a research model was tested using a survey of 235 women SME owners. The results show that an owner's personal values have the most substantial influence on her entrepreneurial resilience, leading to SME's sustainability. This paper contributes to the SME's crisis management and women entrepreneurship literature by pinpointing which personal factors are vital for women-owned SMEs' sustainability during a crisis, especially in an emerging country.
    Keywords: women SME; SME sustainability; entrepreneurial resilience; entrepreneurial competencies; personal factors; personal values; emerging countries.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10061268
  • Analysing rural tribal entrepreneurship in SMEs in the state of Jharkhand   Order a copy of this article
    by Kumar Gaurav, Akanksha Shukla 
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship in India is a vital part of the country's economic structure and contributes to its overall economic growth. Tribal entrepreneurs are found in urban and rural locations, although the proportion is substantially higher in rural areas. These tribal entrepreneurs are mostly engaged in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This research aims to analyse the tribal entrepreneurs-based businesses in different SME sectors based on various growth criteria using WASPAS and AHP, a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. The combined approach is an appropriate method regarding the accuracy or the verification of the accuracy. The research presents the ranking of alternatives, i.e., the involvement of tribal entrepreneurs in various small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Based on the analysis, out of seven alternatives, NTFP-based enterprise is the most preferred medium and manufacturing-based enterprise is the least preferred sector by tribal entrepreneurs of Jharkhand.
    Keywords: tribal entrepreneurs; small and medium enterprises; SME; multi-criteria decision making; MCDM; WASPAS; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; indigenous.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10062113
  • Digitalisation of microenterprises - barriers and priorities: a social cognitive perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Enikő Mátyus, Gilles Lambert, Ioana Alexandra Onea 
    Abstract: This research explores the perception of digitalisation among microenterprises in a country with a low digital economy and society index ranking. Surveying Romanian microenterprises, the study seeks to investigate the specific challenges and priorities affecting their digital integration within the European economy. We take a socio-cognitive theoretical perspective, which considers that digitalisation influences the cognitive components of the company and its entrepreneurial mindset. Alongside the traditional factors (financial constraints, lack of tailored support and organisational slacks), we have identified cognitive barriers linked with limited digital skills, individual's perception of the challenges of change and self-confidence to meet them. The study contributes to the broader discourse on digitalisation by highlighting the unique position of microenterprises and suggesting targeted policy interventions that could support their digital transition. Recommendations include enhancing digital literacy programs, providing financial incentives for digital upgrades, and establishing supportive infrastructures through digital hubs, to facilitate their digital transition.
    Keywords: social cognitive theory; microenterprises; digitalisation barriers; digital skills; Romania; digital economy and society index; DESI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2025.10068908