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International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking

International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking (IJFIB)

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International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Distributed ledger technology in banking and finance: insights from the literature   Order a copy of this article
    by Salvatore Polizzi, Enzo Scannella 
    Abstract: This paper aims to analyse the literature on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain in the banking and financial industry. The use of these technologies has extended beyond the creation of private cryptocurrencies, and they are implemented in numerous areas. The methodology employed in this study consists in the review of the most relevant literature by focusing on theoretical and empirical studies as well as on the guidelines and surveys performed by national and international banking and financial authorities. This paper shows that the most promising uses of DLT in finance include: 1) application for specific banking activities; 2) application to improve the functioning of the supply chain finance; 3) creation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Lastly, this paper detects avenues for future research in this field, which include the design of CBDCs, identification of the determinants of adoption of DLT, the use of the interventionist research to investigate into the organisational challenges of blockchain implementation in the banking industry. We contribute to the literature by providing a non-automated literature review and proposing a research agenda to advance our knowledge about the use of this technology in banking and finance.
    Keywords: distributed ledger technology; DLT; blockchain; banking; central bank digital currency; fintech.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJFIB.2023.10054780
  • Financial inclusion, e-payments and economic growth in Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Olajide Oyadeyi 
    Abstract: The paper examined the impacts of financial inclusion and e-payments on economic growth in Nigeria using quarterly data from 2009Q1 to 2021Q4. The paper contributes to the ongoing debate by establishing the growth-inducing e-payment channels and how the drive toward financial inclusion has affected the economy of Nigeria. The paper adopted the principal component analysis, the autoregressive distributed lag, and the Granger-causality techniques to achieve the results. The results showed that financial inclusion and e-payments (except for cheque payments) had a significant long and short-run impact on economic growth. Furthermore, the findings showed that POS payments had the most significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria. This was followed by ATM payments, mobile payments, and web payments respectively. In addition, the results showed that causality runs from real GDP to ATM, and the paper recommends that the monetary authorities should support the development and expansion of financial inclusion and e-payments by providing meaningful institutional changes to support the healthy growth of financial inclusion and e-payments in Nigeria.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; electronic payments; economic growth; ATM payments; POS payments; web payments; cheque payments; mobile payments; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJFIB.2023.10056524
  • Digital banking adoption in India - UTAUT-3 and perceived risk model   Order a copy of this article
    by Puneett Bhatnagr, Anupama Rajesh, Richa Misra 
    Abstract: We aim to study a conceptual model based on behavioural theories (UTAUT-3 model) to evaluate the adoption, usage and recommendation for digital banking services in India. We propose this model based on the UTAUT-3 integrated with Perceived Risk constructs. Hypotheses were developed to determine the relationships and empirically validated using the PLSs-SEM method. Using the survey method, 680 Delhi NCR respondents. Empirical results suggested that behavioural intention (BI) to usage, adoption, and recommendation affects digital banking adoption positively. The research observed that performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), perceived privacy risk (PYR) and perceived performance risk (PPR) are the essential constructs influencing the adoption of digital banking services. Post-usage of service users will also recommend these services. The study’s outcome offers valuable insights into Indian Neobanking services that researchers have not studied earlier. These insights will help bank managers, risk professionals, IT Developers, regulators, financial intermediaries, and Fintech companies.
    Keywords: UTAUT-3; perceived risk; PLS-SEM; digital banking adoption; behavioural intention to use; BIU.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJFIB.2023.10057069