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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)

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International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Review of related issues on poverty and entrepreneurship in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Nur Tasnem Jaaffar, Nuraini Abdullah, Abdul Rahim Ridzuan, Azlini Che Hassan, Tisya Farida Abdul Halim 
    Abstract: Nearly 700 million people worldwide live in extreme poverty, earning less than $2.15 per day. Entrepreneurship serves as a survival strategy for those with limited education and skills, particularly in the informal sector, which offers low-barrier entry. In Malaysia, the poverty rate rose from 5.6% in 2019 to 6.2% in 2022, affecting 490,000 households. This study systematically reviews literature on the link between poverty and entrepreneurship in Malaysia, identifying five key themes: the impact of microfinance and development programs, Islamic microfinance and development issues, the resource-based view (RBV), women entrepreneurs, and new models. Findings indicate that research primarily focuses on microenterprise growth rather than the long-term sustainability of informal micro-entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: poverty; entrepreneurship; poverty alleviation; microenterprise; enterprise development.

  • Sustainability performance of B Corps and national culture: does size matter?   Order a copy of this article
    by Silvia Panfilo, Joanna Krasodomska, Salvatore Sciascia, Alessandro Cortesi 
    Abstract: This paper examines the impact of national culture on sustainability performance in B Corps questioning if companies size matters. In times when sustainability is increasingly integral to business practices, B Corps serve as exemplary models by prioritising social and environmental performance alongside profit. Measuring sustainability performance through the B Impact Score, complemented by financial data, a sample of 219 companies was analysed. Following the European Unions corporate size classification, the sample was divided into 104 smaller companies (micro and small firms) and 115 larger companies (medium and large). Regression analysis reveals that culture does not influence sustainability performance in larger B Corps. However, for smaller B Corps, individualism and uncertainty avoidance negatively affect sustainability, while long-term orientation, power distance, and achievement motivation have a positive impact. The results highlight the importance of cultural considerations in enhancing sustainability performance and call for further exploration of cultural dimensions in smaller firms.
    Keywords: sustainability performance; national culture; Hofstede; certified B corporations; B Corps; small business; Europe.

  • Globalisations influence on firm productivity: an empirical exploration of dimension-specific effects and causality   Order a copy of this article
    by Balraj Verma, Amit Srivastava 
    Abstract: The study evaluates the impact of various dimensions of globalisation on firms productivity across 14 Indian sectors, against the backdrop of significant structural and policy changes implemented over the past few decades. The study employed panel regression, the VAR model and Granger causality using unbalanced panel data of 1824 firms (2000-2021). The results revealed that three out of six dimensions of globalisation positively influenced firm productivity. Notably, among sectors, the consumer goods sector experienced the most significant gains, followed by wholesale, retail, and trade. Conversely, the financial, and communications sectors exhibit the least improvement. Although, the study found no long-run causation between globalisation and firm productivity, trade, financial, and informational globalisation demonstrated a short-run causal relationship with firms productivity. Furthermore, the study also revealed the existence of bi-directional causality between informational globalisation and firms productivity.
    Keywords: globalisation; FDI; foreign direct investment; KOF index; TFP; total factor productivity; firm-level analysis; sectoral analysis; India.

  • The tendency of young generation to entrepreneurship from the perspective of the stimulus-organism-response framework   Order a copy of this article
    by Huynh Thi Kim Loan, Nguyen Ngoc Hien 
    Abstract: Although entrepreneurship is popular globally because of the values it brings, the younger generation still lacks confidence and is confused when handling complex issues in the startup process. This shows that a gap exists between the intentions and perceptions of the younger generation when choosing to start a business. Previous studies focused on examining the influencing factors and motivations for entrepreneurship; very few quantitative studies simultaneously examined the factors that promote and inhibit the development of entrepreneurship. To address the gap, this study extends the stimulation organism response framework and dual factor theory to examine the factors that promote and inhibit entrepreneurial intention. Cross-sectional data from 399 young people interested in entrepreneurship is used to test the proposed model. The findings show that motivating factors positively influence and inhibiting factors negatively influence entrepreneurial intention. Meanwhile, the government's support policies do not have any relationship with the inhibitory factor.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; motivation; inhibiting; stimulation organism response framework; DFT; dual factor theory.