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International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies

International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies (IJGSDS)

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International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Present-day roles of womanhood: changing identities due to employment. Perceptions of Sri Lankan female doctors   Order a copy of this article
    by Herath Mudiyanselage Saradhika Manjaree, Thilakshi Kodagoda 
    Abstract: Noticeable modifications were identified in the different roles of married employment women in recent years due to different expectations that have risen from family, employment, and society. Accordingly, this research was conducted to find how different identities have been changed due to the employment of Sri Lankan married women, concerning female doctors. The qualitative research method was adopted. The purposive sampling method was used with the sample size of ten doctors out of whom, five are married couples. In-depth interviews were conducted and thematic analysis was used for analysis. The findings indicate that the married woman has four main sub-identities: mother, wife, housewife, and employee. Self-identity and symbolic interactionism create the degree of self-categorizations of married employed women, into different roles. The changes in the present-day social system are the main reason for modifications in the meanings of women’s roles, patterns of interactions, and the way of prioritisation.
    Keywords: married women; women employment; role; self-identity; symbolic interactionism; COVID-19.

  • The role of accommodation facility in promoting girls education: a study of Njombe ward secondary schools in Tanzania   Order a copy of this article
    by Maximillian Mgeni 
    Abstract: Accommodation is an intervention used in many countries to create a safe learning environment and ultimately to promote girls’ enrolment, participation and academic success. This article is based on a study conducted in Njombe in 2016 on the contribution of accommodation facility in promotion of girls’ education in secondary schools in Njombe. The research used a qualitative research method and a case study design, which included semi-structured interviews, open-ended questionnaires, observations, focus groups (FGDs) and a document review guide as data collection methods. Data were collected and analysed descriptively, and thematically. Students, teachers, school principals, parents and District Secondary Education Officers (DSEO) participated in the study. The results showed that providing accommodation for girls in all secondary schools in Njombe improved their access, retention, efficiency, learning time, safety and learning environment.
    Keywords: ward secondary schools; accommodation; education; girls; Tanzania.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGSDS.2024.10061936
  • Gender walkshops: the potential of the female gaze in (re)designing the city   Order a copy of this article
    by Letizia Carrera 
    Abstract: The act of urban reflective walking and, specifically, the practice of flanerie provide opportunities not only for the narrative discovery of the city, but also for the political rethinking and (re)designing of urban spaces. In a new city model built to cater for the patterns of male life, womens walking takes on additional value precisely because women observe from the borders of the city and are thus able to grasp both the critical problems that affect it and its potential. One interesting example of how the value of female walking can emerge is gender walkshops, tested in several European cities. From Slutwalks, take back the night to womens heritage walks to the urban experiences models called own gender walkshops, walking has enabled women to recognise the sexed character of urban spaces and to begin to focus on the reappropriation of urban spaces. Walking thus assumes both a political and a social value.
    Keywords: gender walkshops; urban experience; gender gaze; city; capabilities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJGSDS.2024.10064053