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International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence

International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence (IJHI)

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International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence (1 paper in press)

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  • Enhanced app-based cab services to the travellers in the smart city and smart society in the post COVID-19 world: a one-stop solution   Order a copy of this article
    by Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee, Ravi Ranjan, Soham Guhathakurata, Prerona Saha, Labhvam Kumar Sharma, Sayak Saha, Soumyadip Daripa, Sagnick Biswas, Arpita Chakraborty 
    Abstract: There has been a near-total cessation of activity as a result of COVID-19. One major cause is the introduction of social distance requirements for using rideshare apps, shopping locally, and dining out. To help people adapt to life in a smart city and smart society after COVID-19, the authors here propose a mobile application that combines many aspects that will be necessary for residents. For businesses like the Airport Authority of India or other similar companies, the mobile app offers the ideal answer for resuming operations and thriving at this time. It’s worth noting that several private firms supply all of these services, each of which turns a tidy profit while the Airport Authority takes in nothing. To strike a balance between these competing priorities, we have implemented a system that provides the amenities and services travellers need without compromising on social distance and maintaining other protocols among airline passengers.
    Keywords: pandemic; smart city and smart society; internet of things; IoT; AI and ML; mobile app; urban mobility; online cab booking system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJHI.2024.10065244