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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding

International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (IJIMB)

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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Halal Food Consumption Intention: A Dual-Theoretical Approach in a Non-Muslim Context in Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Edward Martey 
    Abstract: The consumption of Halal foods is a sensitive concern for scholars, businesses, and the food industry. This study aims to expand the theory of planned behavior (TPB) regarding Halal food by introducing two additional constructs, tested with Muslims in a non-Islamic state. This research employs a dual-theoretical approach, integrating TPB and the theory of optimism and pessimism (TOP), utilising convenience sampling to collect data from 437 Muslim consumers of Halal food in a non-Islamic country. Structural equation modelling is employed as a statistical tool to examine both direct and interaction effects of the proposed paths. The study reveals that attitude towards Halal, knowledge, and subjective norms significantly predict Halal food purchase intentions. While the impact of perceived behavioural control on the purchase intention of Halal food is insignificant, further analysis demonstrates that the Halal sense of safety and trustworthiness of information significantly moderate these relationships. This study offers valuable insights into the factors contributing to Halal food consumption in a non-Islamic country, offering relevance to businesses and industry practitioners. This research adds to the literature by merging TPB and TOP theories, advancing the realm of Halal marketing studies and enhancing the novelty of this investigation.
    Keywords: subjective norms; perceived behavioural control; PBC; attitude; knowledge; sense of safety; trustworthiness; Halal food; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2024.10064726
  • Factors Influencing Users' to Adapt Shariah Mobile Financial Services in an Emerging Economy: A Case Study on Bangladesh.   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma Akter, Zawadul Hoque Chowdhury, Taj Ashrafi 
    Abstract: Mobile financial services (MFS) play a major role in financial inclusion in Bangladesh. Approximately 91.04% of Bangladeshi people are Muslims. Therefore, the Shariah MFS now provides them with mileage to increase their daily transactions. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing Bangladeshi adoption of the Shariah MFS. This was a quantitative study in which 244 respondents were chosen to test the developed hypotheses, and a large portion of them were MFS users. Factor and regression analyses were performed. The results revealed that Islamic values and attitudes significantly and positively affected Shariah MFS adaptation. However, relative advantage had no impact on Shariah MFS adoption. Researchers and academicians can use this research approach to examine the adoption of fintech in emerging Muslim nations, such as Bangladesh. This research provides significant insights into the influential factors that motivate users to admit and adopt Shariah mobile financial services.
    Keywords: mobile financial services; MFS; Shariah Banking; Shariah Mobile Financial Services; Bangladesh; Islamic banking; Islamic MFS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2024.10064946