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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding

International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (IJIMB)

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International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Validation of the Emo-Decision-Making Contagion (EDMC) Measurement Scale   Order a copy of this article
    by Antar Chaabi 
    Abstract: Decision making is subject to irrationality, perceived as a margin of error for many authors. However, the decision depends on an irrationality whose impact should not be randomised and on a contagion that is intrinsically linked to it. This article then presents a new concept: emo-decision-making contagion (EDMC). This is a key construct for understanding the consumer in emotionally charged contexts. However, to date, the marketing literature has not provided us with a scale to operationalise it. This study aims, therefore, to validate a tool for measuring EDMC in the context of mass copying in its general definition. Data were collected by questionnaire from a convenience sample of 418 individuals. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) show that the emo-decision-making contagion has an adapted factor structure, both statistically and conceptually. A four-factor structure is corroborated to do this: exemplary decision-making, imitation, mimicry, and empathy.
    Keywords: emo-decision-making contagion; EDMC; empathy; mimicry; exemplarity; imitation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2024.10068513
  • The Role of Social Media Engagement in Alleviating Loneliness and Improving Life Satisfaction among Senior Citizens   Order a copy of this article
    by Siti Hasnah Hassan, Low Eve Chee 
    Abstract: Social media has revolutionised the interaction approaches among individuals. particularly, senior citizens also embrace online platforms in their daily lives. The current study investigates the factors influencing social media engagement behaviour among senior citizens and explores the relationship with life satisfaction. The cross-sectional survey was conducted with self-administered questionnaires through Google Forms to collect data via online platforms. A total of 241 valid responses were analysed via partial least squares structural equation modelling with the SmartPLS version 4 software for model development and hypothesis testing. The results demonstrated that loneliness significantly influenced social media engagement behaviours and highlighted the positive impact of social media engagement behaviour on life satisfaction among older adults. Notably, according to the explanatory power (R2) values, the model explained 38.1% of the variance in sharing engagement behaviour, 23.9% in socialising engagement behaviour, and 24.2% in life satisfaction. Facilitating conditions also contributed to senior citizens social media engagement behaviours. Nonetheless, facilitating conditions did not significantly moderate the interaction between loneliness and social media engagement behaviour. The present study provided practical implications for social media operators, policymakers, and researchers to promote healthier social media habits and foster inclusive engagement among older adults in the contemporary digital era.
    Keywords: life satisfaction; sharing engagement behaviour; socialising engagement behaviour; loneliness; facilitating conditions; social media engagement behaviour (SMEB); social networking site (SNS); senior.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2025.10069386
  • The Role of Religiosity and Cultural Values on Green Cosmetics Purchase Intention: an Empirical Investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Rahmatina Kasri, Bianca Jasmine Rosadi 
    Abstract: Although green cosmetics purchases are rising globally, demand remains low in collectivist Muslim countries like Indonesia. Therefore, this study examines the impact of religiosity and collectivist culture on Indonesian Muslims intention to buy green cosmetics. Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and value-norm-belief (VNB) theory, the study integrates religiosity, collectivism, environmental knowledge, and ecological motives in the model. A quantitative approach with structural equation modelling (SEM) and data from 500 respondents are utilised. Results show that religiosity significantly influences attitudes and green purchase intentions, while collectivism has no significant effect. TPB variables (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control), environmental knowledge, and ecological motives also positively affect purchase intention. The analysis provides insights for green cosmetics firms targeting Muslim customers by incorporating religious and environmental values into their marketing. It also contributes to the academic literature on green cosmetics consumption in Indonesia and beyond.
    Keywords: Green Cosmetics; Green Purchase Intention; Sustainable Consumer Behaviour; Religiosity; Collectivism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2025.10069437
  • Determining Drivers of Muslim Consumers' Intention to Use Mobile Commerce in Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Moussa Barry, A. K. M. Ahasanul Haque 
    Abstract: Mobile commerce has rapidly developed in the last few years. However, Muslim consumers' widespread acceptance of its transactions in Malaysia poses a significant obstacle for m-commerce suppliers. This paper proposes to examine the factors impacting mobile commerce use in Malaysia. Convenience sampling was employed to integrate TAM and TPB, and 350 surveys were collected online from customers residing in Selangor, Malaysia. The current study employed a two-stage structural equation modelling approach to investigate the research model and evaluate the hypotheses. The results show that perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and perceived ease of use significantly predict Muslim consumers' intention to adopt m-commerce in Malaysia. In contrast, attitude and perceived behavioral control do not significantly predict their intention to use m-commerce. Hence, the findings of this paper offer significant advantages for m-commerce providers in Malaysia, it is also advantageous for academics, marketers, policymakers, practitioners, and all stakeholders of the industry.
    Keywords: Mobile commerce; intention; Muslim; Malaysia; TAM; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2025.10070079