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International Journal of Information Quality

International Journal of Information Quality (IJIQ)

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International Journal of Information Quality (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A concept for data quality assurance in materials science   Order a copy of this article
    by Patrick Klein, Stefan Wellsandt, Klaus-Dieter Thoben 
    Abstract: Materials science is a domain that creates large amounts of different experimental data due to the range of standardized and customized experiments. These data are an essential and valuable resource for researchers, provided they have high quality. Since data quality is a diffuse concept in materials science, it is challenging to assure it. This paper proposes a quality assurance concept for experimental data in materials science. We use a conceptual model to describe the main actors interacting with data quality. It uses existing international standards and scientific literature to identify relevant perspectives, terminology, and data quality characteristics for materials science. Furthermore, this paper outlines how an information system can support quality control by measuring quality and the visualization of quality measures, such as dataset completeness. Open challenges are selecting quality characteristics, finding the right level of automated quality measurement, and financing data quality control.
    Keywords: dataset; data management; experiment; financing; information quality; materials science; measurement; quality assurance; quality control; quality management.

  • Ratings of Information Quality by Chinese College Students: An Update in the Context of a Changing Landscape   Order a copy of this article
    by Yi Guo, Barbara Klein, Chunyue Zhou 
    Abstract: The findings of a longitudinal study on user ratings of online and textual information sources are reported in this paper. Chinese university students were surveyed in 2017, and the results of the survey are compared to an earlier survey of Chinese university students that was done in 2012. Results show some similarities and some differences from those of prior studies, and these differences are discussed and interpreted through the lens of social and technological changes in China.
    Keywords: information quality; China; Internet; longitudinal research; social and technical change.