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International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development

International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD)

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International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • The impact of innovation actors, public policy and business innovation activities in their innovative performance in developing countries. The case of Algeria's pharmaceutical sector.   Order a copy of this article
    by Jose Albors-Garrigos, Nadia Ahmadouche, M. Rosario Perello-Marin, Samir Baha-Eddine Maliki 
    Abstract: This paper aims to understand the relationship between innovation policy and innovation outputs in companies in developing countries. A research of the critical factors that determine innovation within firms has examined the adequacy of interaction between innovation agents (university, firms, and ministries), policy instruments (government subsidies, laws and regulations, and innovation activities (internal and external research and development, training, equipment acquisition) within firms. As a result, a model linking all these dimensions is proposed. To test it, we applied Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques; the work was based on the 2014 questionnaire "The Community Innovation Survey" (CIS). The study covered a sample of 67 Algerian pharmaceutical companies. This study was not limited to analysing the main dimensions influencing the firm's innovation process but went further by detecting each key factor contributed by each of the components. The filed study and analysis of the pharmaceutical sector show that Algerian public policies towards this sector have not addressed promoting innovation or the development of specific new pharmaceutical products in the country efficiently. The results obtained confirmed the vital contribution of training and research to innovation.
    Keywords: Regional systems of innovation; Regional development Innovation Results; Innovation Systems; Innovation Activities; Innovation Agents; Innovation Policy; Regional competitiveness.