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International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing

International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing (IJISDC)

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International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • An intelligent searching system for academic courses of programming based on Ontology Query-Onto   Order a copy of this article
    by Mien Pham, Kien Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen, Hien D. Nguyen 
    Abstract: Ontology is an effective method to organise knowledge bases of intelligent educational systems, especially searching ones. In this paper, an ontology for representing the knowledge of a course, called Query-Onto, is proposed to design the searching system in learning assistance. This ontology has the foundation including concepts, relations between concepts and inference rules of the knowledge domain. Query-Onto also has the intellectual components about kinds of exercises and their solving methods in the course. Based on the structure of this ontology, some search techniques have been studied, such as searching for intellectual content of a course, searching on the classification of a knowledge domain and recommending for knowledge related to retrieval results. Ontology Query-Onto and search techniques are applied to construct an intelligent searching system on the course of data structures and algorithms and the course of graph theory in the information technology curriculum at the university.
    Keywords: knowledge representation; searching engine; knowledge-based system; intelligent system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISDC.2022.10048574
  • Design Matchmaking System for Job Recruitment in Information Technology based on Ontology approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Anh T. Huynh, Dung A. Tran, Vuong T. Pham, Trong T. Le 
    Abstract: In the era of modern industry, the recruitment demand for high technology is very large; thus, choosing the best resume (CV) for a specific job description (JD) out of thousands of CVs is really a challenge. This paper presents an optimal method for the job recruitment process by automatically matching skills graphs extracted from CVs and JDs. The information of contents of CVs and JDs are represented by ontologies. The screening system is worked on based on the structure of ontologies and solves the matching problems between them. Some problems to match the content of CVs and JDs use natural language processing and machine learning techniques. The system has been tested on the fields of information technology (IT) jobs. Datasets are collected from the major IT job markets on the internet. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective to find CVs which match the defined JDs in the IT field.
    Keywords: resume screening; recruitment; job skill; job description; ontology; ontology matching; machine learning.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISDC.2022.10051878