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International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)

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International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (1 paper in press)

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  • Dark triad instigating knowledge hiding in higher education institutions: the moderating role of workplace spirituality   Order a copy of this article
    by Parikshit Joshi, Garima Joshi, Anshu Singh, Preeti Singh, Priyanka Rastogi, Bala Pratap Singh, Richa Rastogi 
    Abstract: Employees of knowledge industry often found indulged in knowledge hiding practices instigating knowledge hiding behaviour (KHB). Based on the social exchange theory, the current study investigates the impact of dark triad (DT) personality dimensions (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) on KHB dimensions (rationalised hiding, evasive hiding, and playing dumb). The data was collected from 281 faculty members working with higher education institutions in India. The results revealed that Machiavellians mostly instigate evasive hiding, narcissists believe in rationalised hiding, and playing dumb is primarily instigated by psychopaths.
    Keywords: dark triad; knowledge hiding behaviour; KHB; workplace spirituality; higher education institution; HEI; social control theory; SCT.