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International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality

International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality (IJKMTH)

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International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Diagnosing heart attack risk with logistic regressiion and decision tree algorithms.   Order a copy of this article
    by Asli Gode, Adnan Kalkan 
    Abstract: The number of people who lose their lives due to heart attacks around the world and in our country is increasing day by day. Treatment and early intervention are important for people who have a heart attack and have a chance of survival. When immediate medical attention is provided and appropriate treatment is administered, the survival rate increases. For this reason, this study aimed to diagnose the risk of heart attack early by using machine learning methods. The dataset used includes 303 patient data and 14 features. The data was trained using logistic regression and decision tree algorithms. As a result of the training, a success rate of 83.8% and 77% was achieved, respectively. The logistic regression model gave the best success result.
    Keywords: machine learning; classification; logistic regression; decision tree.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2023.10062059
  • The role of travel apps to enhance travel experience   Order a copy of this article
    by A.I.N. Shamimi Arifin, Norsyamimi Ali, Nur Fatihah Taqiuddin 
    Abstract: Travel is an experience that every individual in every world must have, whether they realise it or not. Travel or tourism is a temporary experience. Following the development of technology nowadays that affects every industry, the tourism industry also uses technological facilities to help travellers improve and influence their travel experience. Therefore, this research was carried out to study the role of travel apps on enhancing the travel experience for the tourist or the users, by looking at the role played by the travel application. This study employs a quantitative research approach with a descriptive research type to gather data from 384 respondents from generations Y and Z throughout the world utilising a Google form and a questionnaire who are familiar with utilising travel apps and live in Section 13 of Shah Alam.
    Keywords: travel apps; enhance experience; technology in tourism industry; travel experience.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2023.10062619
  • Knowledge Management's Impact on Customer Experience and Consumer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Sector: A Literature Meta-Analysis to Identify Common Qualitative Themes   Order a copy of this article
    by David Fowler, David Zinn, Jon Musgrave 
    Abstract: This meta-analysis delves into knowledge management (KM) benefits in the hospitality industry, focusing on its impact on customer experiences and satisfaction. Through a systematic review of academic literature, the study identifies key qualitative themes related to KM in hospitality. Despite extensive literature on KM's industry benefits, limited research addresses its specific impact on consumer satisfaction through the customer experience. The study identifies over 20 qualitative themes, selecting the top five continuous improvement/innovation, personalisation, problem resolution, information consistency, and proactive support for in-depth discussion. Concluding that KM fosters a culture of knowledge sharing and equips employees for exceptional customer service, the findings set a foundation for future research on KM techniques influence on customer experience, happiness, and brand loyalty in the hospitality sector, shedding light on their current impact.
    Keywords: knowledge management; customer experience and satisfaction; consumer expectations; hospitality industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2024.10062916
  • An Empirical Investigation of Alarming Indicators of U.S. Retail Giant   Order a copy of this article
    by Reena Agrawal, Rohit Raj, Vimal Kumar, Ajay Jha 
    Abstract: This is an empirical investigation done to explore the alarming indicators that were left unrestricted and uncontrolled J.C. Penney Company Inc. (JCPI). This research was performed using secondary data available in the annual reports of J.C. Penney Company Inc. from 2011 until 2020. The financial statements were analysed using vertical analysis (VA), horizontal analysis (HA), ratio analysis, and trend analysis (TA). This study has recognised a total of twelve alarming indicators that were left unmonitored by the company and it is evident that the COVID-19 pandemic only aggravated the ongoing problems and mandated J.C. Penney Company Inc. to recourse. The identified indicators provide information about the company's deteriorating financial situation over time. The precise information, including the decline in net sales, net income, cash on hand, and short-term investments, paints a clear picture of the financial difficulties the company was experiencing. Significant worries about dropping shareholder equity, falling sales, the loss of fixed assets, and rises in long-term debt are also highlighted by the study of a few items from the trend analysis. The JC Penney Company Inc. appears to have faced fierce competition from rivals who may have excelled in product selection, quality, advertising, resource management, technological updates, in-store services, and the inability to provide individualised customer experiences.
    Keywords: financial statement analysis; financial distress; bankruptcy.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2024.10064150