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International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation

International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation (IJLEG)

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International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The Government's Role in Logistics and Distribution Innovations in China   Order a copy of this article
    by Yiming Zhuang, Lilly Ye 
    Abstract: This conceptual research aims to explore the role of the Chinese government, acting as both a primary and secondary stakeholder, in fostering innovations within the logistics and distribution industry to help companies navigate challenges. Utilising stakeholder salience theory, the study presents multiple propositions to elucidate the government's influence, which can be direct or indirect, on this industry. Additionally, we address the changes in government's influence that have occurred in the post-pandemic era. Theoretically, this study fills a significant gap in existing literature by integrating perspectives on logistics, government, and policy, offering novel insights for future studies. Practically, the findings are instrumental for local and foreign companies operating in China's unique socio-political landscape, emphasising the need for heightened awareness of government influence as a critical factor for success.
    Keywords: Logistics and distribution innovations; government; stakeholder salience theory; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLEG.2024.10062991
  • Logistic Infrastructure, Tax Revenue and Economic Activities: How to Finance Economic Corridors   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Ayub Khan Mehar  
    Abstract: This study provides a strong justification in favour of economic corridors in CAREC and ECO member countries. A strong and large network of economic corridors is required not only for connectivity but also for improvement in logistic performance. Based on empirical pieces of evidence, it has been noted that growth in tax revenues, enhancement in merchandising trade, and improvement in labour participation rate are the direct effects of improvement in logistic infrastructure. So, the ultimate beneficiaries of economic corridors and logistic infrastructure should be liable to repay the cost of these projects. The improvement in the indicators of ease of doing business, use of the internet, and political stability are also instrumental factors for improvement in employment opportunities, per capita income, merchandising trade, corporate wealth, and tax revenues. The external debt for the public sector has been classified as a 'Bad mode of financing' in this study because of its negative impact on corporate wealth. It suggests that international infrastructure development companies should provide bridge financing for investment in economic corridors and infrastructure development. These companies can play an intermediatory role in financing long-term macrofinancing projects. The empirical analysis is based on five years data of from 158 countries.
    Keywords: CAREC; Domestic credit; Fixed effect model; Logistic infrastructure; Logistic performance; Market capitalization; Political stability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJLEG.2024.10065362