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International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation

International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation (IJMA)

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International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Miner detection in underground coal mine by fusing RGBD image with improved convolutional block attention module   Order a copy of this article
    by Tao Huang, Xiaoyu Zou, Zhongbin Wang, Honglin Wu, Qingfeng Wang 
    Abstract: Miner detection in the working area of coal mine drilling robot is essential to ensure safe production and avoid accidents in underground coal mine. Low light intensity and uneven light distribution in its environment surrenders the traditional colour image based methods for miner detection. In this paper, we focus on accurate detection of miner in the working area of coal mine drilling robot using RGBD image. Improved convolutional block attention module and a network based on YOLOv3 are proposed to perform heterogeneous information fusion and miner detection. The experiments demonstrate that ICBAM can fuse heterologous features efficiently and proposed method has better detection performance compared with some classical methods with different light intensities and distributions.
    Keywords: miner detection; underground coal mine; RGBD image; heterogenous fusion; attention mechanism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMA.2023.10056545
  • Locomotion control and analysis of the cyborg cockroach movement for obstacle avoidance task using teleoperation technique   Order a copy of this article
    by Chowdhury Mohammad Masum Refat, Mochammad Ariyanto, Kazuyoshi Hirao, Kotaro Yamamoto, Keisuke Morishima 
    Abstract: Nowadays, cyborg insects are used for various applications such as navigation, search and rescue, animal behaviour study, and environment monitoring because they have the excellent locomotive ability, are small, lightweight, low-power consumption, and are biodegradable. However, controlling the cyborg insects is very challenging in the disaster area because the cockroach has wall following, hiding behaviour. Only an expert cyborg insect operator can control the roach according to its behaviour. In the study, we control the cyborg insect locomotion and analysis their movements in a prototype disaster area using the teleoperation control method between Bangladesh and Japan. The proposed teleoperation system’s average end-to-end time delay is 275 ms. We also found that controlling the cyborg roach in a disaster is tricky because of the cockroach’s natural behaviours. The operator needs to use many stimulations to reach the desired location. So, the cyborg cockroach tired early, impacting experimental time delay and control accuracy.
    Keywords: cyborg cockroach; teleoperation system; search and rescue robot; biobots; user interface.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMA.2023.10059462
  • Human motion detection based on dual-graph and weighted nuclear norm regularisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Jing Qin, Biyun Xie 
    Abstract: Motion detection has widespread application in a variety of fields, such as industrial manufacturing, surveillance, and robotics. Due to the presence of the static background, a motion video can be decomposed into a low-rank background and a sparse foreground. Many regularisation techniques that preserve low-rankness of matrices can therefore be imposed on the background. In the meanwhile, geometry-based regularisations, such as graph regularisations, can be imposed on the foreground. Recently, weighted regularisation techniques including the weighted nuclear norm regularisation have been proposed in the image processing community to promote adaptive sparsity while achieving efficient performance. This paper proposes a robust dual graph regularised moving object detection model based on a novel weighted nuclear norm regularisation and spatiotemporal graph Laplacians. Numerical experiments on realistic human motion datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of this approach in separating moving objects from background, and the enormous potential in robotic applications.
    Keywords: motion detection; low rank; graph Laplacian; weighted nuclear norm; WNN; alternating direction method of multipliers; ADMM.