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International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development

International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (IJMED)

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International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Unveiling the role of entrepreneurial intention and training on firm performance: Empirical evidence from MSMEs in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Jogeswar Mahato, Manish Kumar Jha, Vipul Gupta, Debendra Nath Dash 
    Abstract: The study empirically examines the impact of entrepreneurial intention and training on the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The study is based on a sample of 298 indigenous women entrepreneurs working in India. A structure equation model has been used to analyse the hypotheses formulated in the study. The results highlighted that the performance of MSMEs is significantly influenced by the entrepreneurial intention and training of indigenous women entrepreneurs. However, entrepreneurial intention has a higher degree of influence on the firm performance compared to entrepreneurial training received by indigenous women entrepreneurs. Policymakers and development practitioners could effectively refer to the study’s findings to identify how entrepreneurial intention and training stimulate or deter the creation and development of women enterprises across the marginalised communities in India.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial training; micro; small and medium enterprises; MSMEs; women entrepreneurship; performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2024.10064618
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and performance of large manufacturing firms: the role of strategic capabilities and environmental dynamism   Order a copy of this article
    by Henock Semaw Melesse  
    Abstract: This paper investigates the mediating effect of marketing capabilities and the moderating effect of management capabilities and environmental dynamism on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of large manufacturing firms in emerging economies, focusing on Ethiopia. It aims at addressing the necessity to ensure the capabilities of emerging market firms are able to bridge the inherent gabs of translating strategic orientation into superior performance. A total of 205 sample large manufacturing firms covering four geopolitical regions of Ethiopia were surveyed. Covariance-based structural equation modelling with the aid of AMOS was employed to test the hypotheses. The study found that entrepreneurial orientation exhibited a significant effect on large manufacturing firm’s performance. The findings also confirmed that marketing capabilities significantly mediates the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship. Management capabilities and environmental dynamism, however, failed to confirm the hypothesised significant effect on performance. The present study validates prior findings and contributes additional evidence by suggesting the complementarity of strategic orientations and strategic capabilities in achieving superior performance in the context of developing economies.
    Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation; marketing capabilities; performance; environmental dynamism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2024.10064919

Special Issue on: New Paradigms for Management and Enterprise Development in Uncertain Times

  • Causal Effect between Digitalisation and Agility: The Leadership Mediating Role   Order a copy of this article
    by Samah Chemli Horchani  
    Abstract: Digitisation is an essential aspect concerning various academic fields and affecting practice. Digital contribution was the subject of multiple research streams. The present study seeks to examine relationships among digitalisation towards organisational agility through the mediating effect of leadership. To achieve the purpose, we conducted a quantitative study on 347 companies from the industrial sector. Data was gathered using a questionnaire survey. Based on structural equation modelling, the findings demonstrate that digitalisation is an important driver of organisational agility. The results confirm a positive mediating role of leadership on the verified link. The study highlighted that leadership is more than an individual behaviour. Leadership depends on the collective and it is dispensed across the entire organisation during the digital change management. The findings give original support for practitioners and academicians. The study contributed to the knowledge field by providing empirical evidence and therefore a valuable knowledge repository about the leadership and its effect on agility in a digital word.
    Keywords: digital; organisational agility; leading; mediated model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2024.10057842