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International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity

International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity (IJMSI)

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International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Experimental methods of investigation of contact-fatigue strength of wheel-rail system materials considering the action of electric current   Order a copy of this article
    by Leonid Novogrudskiy, Valeryi Kharchenko, Yuriy Skrypnyk, Mykola Opravkhata 
    Abstract: The paper illustrates the results of investigations into the influence of electric current pulses on the mechanical properties of rail steel in the initial rail state and after its operation within the electrified railway zone. It is shown that the degree and nature of the variation of strength and plasticity characteristics of M76 rail steel due to the action of the electric current pulses depends on the test temperature, the level of steel operating time, and the operating time of the surfaces of contact rail-wheel interaction. The action of the electric current pulses induces the variation in the stress-strain state of the material in the cross-section of the railhead within the rail-wheel zone. The test facilities developed at the G.S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of the NAS of Ukraine are presented. These test facilities are applied for the investigations of contact wheel-rail interaction development considering both differential and integral actions of such operational factors as cyclic loading, rolling and sliding friction, ambient temperatures, electric current, and corrosion (stress and electric) with force parameters in the contact zone, which are consistent with the actual ones in railway transport operation.
    Keywords: wheel-rail contact interaction; mechanical characteristics; operating time; electric current pulse; hardness; temperature; test facilities.