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International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology

International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (IJNGEE)

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International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Holistic approach to realise a world free from nuclear weapons: need to consider and negotiate FMCT and ND independently but simultaneously   Order a copy of this article
    by K.L. Ramkumar 
    Abstract: During the first special session on disarmament (SSOD-1) at the United Nations in 1978, member states agreed for complete elimination of nuclear weapons. It took fifteen years when in 1993, a truncated version of the agreement reached at SSOD-1 was introduced in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) which adopted by consensus a resolution calling for a non-discriminatory, multi-lateral and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. The UNGA resolution was adopted by the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in 1994 and became Shannon Mandate in 1995. Since then, it had been a poignant saga of missed opportunities at CD which, as of now, is still unable to arrive at consensus. It is argued that when the twin issues of FMCT and ND are considered together simultaneously and independently, realisation of a world free from nuclear weapons is possible.
    Keywords: nuclear disarmament; FMCT; Conference on Disarmament; United Nations; fissile material stocks; NPT review conference.

  • A mandatory programme for Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant: environmental radiation monitoring   Order a copy of this article
    by Nazmun Nahar Tonni, Shawkat Akbar 
    Abstract: The Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) applies ALARA (as low as reasonably practicable) principle during its entire life cycle. The reactor, systems and components of a NPP containing radioactive substances are designed in such a way that the releases of radioactive substances and radiation exposure of individuals can be kept low. Reactor buildings are designed to contain radiation at normal operating conditions and any emergency situation. Because the radioactive discharges can have environmental impacts on workers, public and environment, it has become mandatory for a NPP to have all environmental radiation monitoring programmes (ERMP) implemented before arrivals of the fuel at the site. In response to the construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (Rooppur NPP), Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (licensee) has drawn up a ERMP and it is being implemented in accordance to national regulatory requirements and international guidelines. This paper summarises the ERMP for Rooppur NPP.
    Keywords: nuclear power plant; Rooppur NPP; radioactive substances; radiation exposure; environmental radiation monitoring programme; ERMP; Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission; national regulatory requirements; international guidelines.

  • Preparedness and response for nuclear and radiological emergency programme of Bangladesh focusing on Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant   Order a copy of this article
    by Md Sabbir Ahsan, Nazmun Nahar Tonni, Mohammad Shawkat Akbar 
    Abstract: Bangladesh is building the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (Rooppur NPP), the first NPP of the country. The country has taken significant steps for strengthening national nuclear safety infrastructure covering different aspects of nuclear and radiation safety for introduction of the NPP. One of these aspects is dedicated solely to the area of emergency preparedness and response. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (BAERA), in close cooperation with the IAEA and the experienced nuclear regulators, has continued its efforts in reviewing the domestic rules and regulations, developing relevant regulations and guidance in this area of emergency preparedness and response in order to strengthen them. This paper illustrates and reviews the emergency preparedness and response capabilities of Bangladesh, and identifies the areas that require further attention in improving compliance with the relevant IAEA safety standards and international good practices for introduction of the NPP.
    Keywords: Rooppur NPP; nuclear and radiological emergency; legal basis; environmental monitoring; emergency planning zones; radiation protection.