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International Journal of Nanomanufacturing

International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (IJNM)

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International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Identifying assembly features within threaded components using intelligent detection with YOLOv5s   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhuo Nan Yu, Tao Liu, Zhaofeng Chen, Ziyan Zhang, Chunlin Tian 
    Abstract: Addressing the challenge of localizing threaded components during assembly, we propose Yolo-DH, a detection model based on an enhanced Yolov5s. To achieve lightweighting and optimize efficiency, we introduce the Ghost module in Yolov5s and integrate the CBAM attention mechanism for enhanced feature extraction. This improved model serves as a student model for knowledge distillation, boosting target detection accuracy. Rigorous experiments on the same dataset show notable improvements: 2.3% increase in mAP, 19.4% reduction in Params, 35.2% reduction in Flops, and 0.2ms decrease in average detection time compared to Yolov5s. These enhancements maintain higher detection accuracy while achieving model lightweighting. The resulting model is suitable for intelligent recognition in threaded components assembly features.
    Keywords: Yolov5; threaded components; knowledge distillation; lightweight model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJNM.2024.10064865
  • Simulation and Analytical Study of the Process Parameters of the Press-fit Method   Order a copy of this article
    by Zongqi Gao, Xianyu Meng, Siqi Guan 
    Abstract: To address the challenge of selecting and controlling critical process parameters in the ammunition press loading method, this study investigates the factors influencing the quality of drug particle pressing and forming.Using PBX explosive as a case study, the simulation experiment method is employed. By considering the characteristics of explosives, the PBX explosive powder is simplified into a compressible continuum. A three-dimensional detailed model of the explosive system is established, and finite element simulation of the pressing process is conducted. This approach aims to unveil the correlation between pressure, holding time, and the quality of the pillars. The findings indicate that this research can offer insights for the design and production of ammunition charges, holding practical value.
    Keywords: compaction process; numerical simulation; polymer bonded explosives.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJNM.2024.10064866