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International Journal of Ocean Systems Management

International Journal of Ocean Systems Management (IJOSM)

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International Journal of Ocean Systems Management (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Ship turnaround times in port: comparative analysis of ocean container carriers   Order a copy of this article
    by Claude Comtois 
    Abstract: There is general recognition that port turnaround times of container ships vary considerably. Recent efforts to explain the differences have employed factors involving port efficiency and the numbers of containers transferred, with only limited success. In this paper the role of the shipping lines is considered. Eighteen global carriers are selected and their average turnaround times (ATTs) in 20 ports on three East-West and one North-South trade routes are obtained. By comparing the ATT of each carrier in each port with the overall ATT of that port provides a measure of relative carrier performance, thereby identifying a standard of performance independent of overall port activity. A wide range of scores are indicated, with several carriers recording much longer relative ATT scores overall. The results suggest that carriers have a role to play in port turnaround times. The scores are compared with two other measures of carrier performance: efficiency and punctuality. The results of the analysis are used to assess the recent round of restructuring of the global shipping alliances and the extent to which the partnerships reflect differences in ATTs. Suggestions for further research are presented.
    Keywords: Times in port; differences between carriers; time factors and strategic alliances.

  • A Review on Fatigue Design of Offshore Structures   Order a copy of this article
    by José António Fonseca De Oliveira Correia, Danial Haselibozchaloee, Shun-Peng Zhu 
    Abstract: Regarding the continuous tendency to consume energy throughout the world, societies have propelled to exploit oil and gas. A vast number of offshore structures have been established in the sea to provide needed energy for industries. A good offshore structure design depends on the adequate and fair anticipation of probable occurrences during its service life. Fatigue damage is one of the most important problems that offshore structures see before happening failure in structural components. Typically, fatigue life span is predicted by two, S-N curve and Fracture Mechanics approaches. However, due to the presence of structural and environmental uncertainties, the probabilistic method is highly recommended to have an accurate fatigue life prediction for offshore structures.
    Keywords: Offshore structures; Fatigue; S-N curve; Facture Mechanics; Probabilistic Analysis.

  • Optimum use of high strength steel in the construction of gas transmission pipeline   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdelkader Guillal, Noureddine Abdelbaki 
    Abstract: The use of High Strength Steel (HSS), can give the opportunity to more development of hydrocarbons transportation. The aim of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using API high grade steel X100 in Algerian pipeline projects. Thus, critical evaluation of different configurations to pipeline design was conducted using HSS based on their latest developments. Several analyses were carried out to estimate the cost variations associated with different grades of HSS. Reliability of corroded pipelines with respect to the optimal design cost is evaluated. The study showed that the cost reduction related to the use ofX100 steel is strongly dependent to the adopted pipeline configuration. The number of compression stations and external diameter are the main factors influencing the pipeline LCC while the steel price seems to have a minor effect. Although, X100 steel presents better pipeline reliability against corrosion, comparing to X70 steel.
    Keywords: high strength steel; HSS; gas pipeline; corrosion; optimal design; reliability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJOSM.2021.10037890