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International Journal of Product Development

International Journal of Product Development (IJPD)

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International Journal of Product Development (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Multi-objective optimization method for product appearance colour matching based on colour imagery   Order a copy of this article
    by Xia Wu, Decai Jin 
    Abstract: To improve the colour coordination of product appearance, the paper proposes a multi-objective optimisation method for product appearance colour matching based on colour imagery. Firstly, select the product colour image and choose the product appearance colour scheme from two perspectives: the main colour and auxiliary colour. Then, design and optimise the objective function from the perspectives of harmonic ratio and colour matching beauty. Finally, the Grey Wolf algorithm is used to optimise the two-colour parameters in the objective function. By iteratively searching in the solution space, the optimal harmonic ratio and colour beauty are obtained, thereby obtaining the best product appearance colour scheme. Experimental results show that the optimised colour scheme of this method has a harmonious proportion, and the visual effects of different colour matching areas are prominent. The colour difference values of different areas are between 1.47 and 1.60, indicating better colour coordination of the product appearance.
    Keywords: Product appearance; Optimize color matching; Color imagery; Color selection; Grey wolf algorithm.

  • Contrast Enhancement Method for Product Packaging Colour Images Based on Machine Vision   Order a copy of this article
    by Chenhan Huang, Jing Zhu 
    Abstract: To overcome the problems of low image signal-to-noise ratio, poor quality, and long processing time in traditional methods, a contrast enhancement method for product packaging colour images based on machine vision is proposed. Correction is performed for camera radial distortion, eccentric distortion, and thin prism distortion. The machine vision camera with parameter correction is used to capture the product packaging colour images. Histogram equalization is applied as a pre-processing step to the captured images. Gamma correction is then used to enhance the contrast of the pre-processed images, resulting in improved contrast of the product packaging colour images. The experimental results show that the average signal-to-noise ratio of the enhanced product packaging colour images using the proposed method is 56.73dB. The image details are clearer and more defined, with higher saturation and contrast, and the colours are more vivid. The average processing time for contrast enhancement is 68.11ms.
    Keywords: Machine vision; Product packaging; Color images; Contrast enhancement; Histogram equalization; Gamma correction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2024.10064037
  • Intelligent Vehicle Autonomous Navigation Control Method Based on Speech Recognition Technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Xue Bai, Yu Zhao, Donghui Lv, Haichao Hu, Huiqi Du 
    Abstract: To address the issues of poor effectiveness in traditional methods of mobile path planning, low success rate in autonomous navigation control,and long response time, an intelligent vehicle autonomous navigation control method based on speech recognition technology is proposed.The method involves collecting driver's voice signals using speech recognition technology,preprocessing the collected signals with pre-emphasis, framing, and windowing techniques to obtain driver instruction recognition results.Based on the driver's instructions, a intelligent vehicle grid map is generated using SLAM technology. In the generated grid map, an improved artificial potential field method is applied to plan the intelligent vehicle's movement path, and PID control algorithm is utilized to control the autonomous navigation of the intelligent vehicle. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method plans a shorter path for the intelligent vehicle with precise avoidance of obstacles, achieving a mean success rate of 97.01% and a mean response time of 72.75ms.
    Keywords: Speech recognition technology; Intelligent vehicle; Autonomous navigation control; SLAM technology; Improved artificial potential field method; PID control algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2024.10064050
  • Evolving Role of Multi-Agent Technology in Product Design and Development in Manufacturing Industries using FMCDM Techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Krishan Gopal, Vikram Singh, Somesh Kumar Sharma 
    Abstract: The manufacturing industry nowadays faces an intensely competitive environment because of market volatility, increasing global competition and technological development. To address these challenges, manufacturing organisations should reconfigure the existing Product Design and Development (PDD) processes by integrating them with Multi-Agent Technology (MAT). In this direction, the paper aims to evolve the role of MAT in PDD by using the Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (FMCDM) techniques. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive literature review identified six factors of PDD and 38 variables of MAT. These findings were then used to construct the conceptual framework for this research. The FMCDM technique utilised in the study evolves the ranking, influence and inter-relationship among the variables. This analysis reveals that concept development, system-level design, testing and refinement are the most significant factors assisted by the feasibility agent, design managing agent, cost estimation agent and manufacturing agent. The study empowers manufacturers by enabling them to develop new, innovative and more complex products with lower development costs, higher efficiency and competitive quality.
    Keywords: Product Design and Development; Multi-Agent Technology; Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making techniques viz. FAHP; FDEMATEL; and FTOPSIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2024.10065348