International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (89 papers in press)
Regular Issues
- Implementation framework for cellular manufacturing
system using BWM multi-criteria decision making
 by Jeyaraju Jayaprakash Abstract: Manufacturing industries are enhancing their production and supply
chain in todays competitive market environment using the new manufacturing
technology and system. The cellular manufacturing system (CMS) has been
proven to be the most suitable technology for batch manufacturing
organisations to enhance operational performance. The present study aims to
rank the significant factor relevant to CMS implementation. Four dimensions
and 17 CM factors validated by industry experts were identified based on a
literature review. Then, in evaluating factors, the best worst method (BWM) is
proposed. Using sensitivity analysis, the results are validated. The proposed
model provides a simple and easy way for companies to deal with CMS
effectively. The respondent managers found an essential factor to be employee
training. The strength of the current study is that it is one of the first few to be
carried out to analyse CM implementation factors. Keywords: cellular manufacturing system; CMS; best worst method; BWM;
critical factor. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2021.10046307
- A recovery sustainable EOQ model assuming both demand and deterioration disruption during any emergency like COVID-19
 by Dolagobinda Das, Gauranga Samanta Abstract: The COVID-19 lock-down has a significant impact on supply chain management. So both demand and deterioration disruption are taken into account to create a realistic EOQ model. The article take non-instantaneous deteriorating goods with linearly time-dependent deterioration that increases by a finite amount due to a deficiency of storage facilities under lock-down restrictions. This study considers demand disruption, where demand depends on the selling price. The work focus on green technology investment to control carbon emission. To reduce the order cancellation rate during an emergency, the research suggests an advance trade payment policy. The proposed model also considers inventory shortages, which might result in back-orders, and a non-zero lead time to validate lock-down. The goal of the research is to maximise the yearly profit while reducing carbon emissions.To validate the framework, some numerical examples are provided. Eventually, sensitivity studies are carried out to provide managerial insights. Keywords: COVID-19 lock-down; Deterioration; Advance payment; Green technology investment; Carbon emission; EOQ model. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063902
- Analyzing the Factors Influencing Preferences for Fish Consumption
 by Agnes Pravina X, Radhika R Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the consumption pattern and customer preferences towards value-added fish products in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu. The following topics are essential to the study of the customer preferences towards value-added fish products: a) consumer's preference and consumption pattern, b) attributes, c) frequency of fish product consumption, d) variety, e) freshness of fish and f) willingness to pay. The current study focuses on the equitable development of fishermen in Tamil Nadu's southern districts, with particular emphasis on Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi, and Tirunelveli. This makes it possible to collect quantifiable data that may be used for statistical analysis, enabling the observation and evaluation of the research's variables. The data were examined using descriptive analysis, reliability, validity, correlation, regression and SEM analysis. Keywords: Customer preferences; Fish products; Consumption patterns; Fishermen; Consumer choices. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064019
- Supply chain quality management and the triple bottom line: Underlying relationship in a developing country
 by Minh Nguyen, Chi Phan, Yoshiki Matsui Abstract: This paper investigates the underlying mechanism between quality management, supply chain management, and three components of the triple bottom line. Based on data collected from Vietnamese firms, the study employs regression analysis and PROCESS macro with a bootstrap method. Analytical results illustrate that quality management shows a significant effect on economic, environmental, and social bottom lines with or without the mediating role of supply chain management. The direct impact of supply chain management on those performances is insignificant, but it becomes significant with the mediating effect of quality management. Quality management seems to be a prerequisite for an effective supply chain quality model regarding sustainability. Moreover, the concurrence of supply chain and quality management results in a conflictual effect on economic return, although some possible synergy could be found among individual practices. It sheds light on the efficient resource allocation to achieve a certain level of balance in achieving sustainable goals. Keywords: supply chain quality management; SCQM; triple bottom line; TBL; developing country. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064468
- Factors driving sustainability in banking sector - a bibliometric approach
 by Raveena Gaba, Deergha Sharma Abstract: This study aims to provide a conceptual or empirical summary of the scientific literature conducted on sustainable banking. The study has attempted to determine the trends in the emerging literature on sustainable banking and endorsed the sustainability initiatives of the banking industry. R-studio and Biblioshiny are employed to conduct bibliometric analysis on sustainable banking on a sample of 740 documents from 2008 to 2022 using the Scopus and Web of Science database. Additionally, the VOSviewer program was utilised to perform a co-word and co-authorship analysis. Research findings indicated that the number of publications published on sustainable banking has progressed significantly since 2019. The study identified Sustainability (Switzerland) as the top journal while banking, sustainability, sustainable development, and financial institutions have emerged as the most frequently searched keywords in the extensive literature. The study has provided valuable input to policymakers and regulators regarding sustainability practices adoption in the banking sector. Keywords: banking; sustainable development; sustainable banks; ethical banking; Scopus; bibliometric analysis; VOSviewer. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064625
- Digital transformation to manage operations challenges and achieve competitive advantage: customer perceptions
 by Khleef Alkhawaldeh Abstract: This study examined customers' perceptions of the challenges facing car dealership business in Jordan in managing operations and achieving competitive advantage (ACA). The study also examined the impact of digital transformation on managing these challenges and achieving competitive advantage. A questionnaire was developed based on published literature and distributed online through social media platforms to customers of car dealerships in Jordan to answer based on their experience and point of view. The results of one-sample t-test indicated that the average values for operations management and competitive advantage fell in the range of good = 4 point on a five-point scale, and even more so for digital transformation. The study revealed a positive, statistically significant relationship between digital transformation and achieving competitive advantage. The study also revealed that the relationship between digital transformation and achieving competitive advantage is partially mediated by managing operations challenges (MOC). The study concluded that digital transformation enabled managing operations challenges and thus achieving competitive advantage. This study contributes to the literature by demonstrating the role of digital transformation in managing operations challenges and thus achieving competitive advantage. Keywords: operations management; competitive advantage; digital transformation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064629
- Will Machine Learning Resolve the Issues in Container Management in Ports and Logistic Industries
 by Mohanbabu S, Vettriselvan R Abstract: In this digital era, data is driving the world, and machine learning is part of it. This research study has been carried out by various logistic companies that deal with port authorities across Indian regions. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire and put across 163 respondents, with 150 responses received from various industries working closely with the logistics industry. Factual analysis was done through their response and analysis of variance, and simple linear regression analysis was deployed for interpreting the results. Regression equation: = 5.2892 + 0.6907X Machine learning improves logistic operation efficiency, and machine learning solves logistics issues. The relationship R-squared (R2) equals 0.6289. This means that 62.9% of the variability of machine learning improving logistic operation efficiency is explained by machine learning solving logistics issues. The results reveal that there is a strong direct relationship between machine learning solving logistics issues and improving logistic operation efficiency. Keywords: container management; machine learning; logistics industry. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064702
- Sustainability and Technology Aspects of Inventory Management and Trucking: A Case Study Approach
 by Alan D. Smith Abstract: Due to the various methods of inventory management and the constant change of automation improvements the ability to improve these processes will help with production on a whole different level. These developments will help create a bright future within the transportation and warehousing industry within a sustainability framework dynamically moving towards the logistics and the trucking industries. Local companies in the Pittsburgh region (e.g., Pitt-Ohio, Wabtec, and Pittsburgh Brewing Company) are currently solving these problems to help create a better environment and product efficiency for the consumer in the face of global warming and geopolitical conflicts. This paper will conclude an analysis of the following companies about inventory management, LTL- and TL-trucking, and supply chain and logistics management and a relatively detailed empirical analysis on the perceptual benefits and costs associated with these factors of supplier-related sustainability, performance, selection, and technology. Keywords: automation; business case study; digital supply networks; empirical; IoTs; logistics management; supply chain; sustainable supply chain management; SSCM; trucking. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064708
- Using Deep Learning and Accident Report Analysis to Determine Culpability and Detect Car Damage
 by Sonia Lajmi Abstract: Conventional car bumper and driver culpability prediction rely on the experience of specialised experts. A long wait may result from obtaining such a prediction at the accident scene. It is possible to avoid this kind of wait by generating an automatic report. In this paper, a culpability estimation approach based on an analysis of accident reports and detection of damage caused in cars is presented. Our system employs a fine-tuning-based approach to enable the prediction of the kind, position, and intensity of vehicle bumps. For culpability prediction, is based on mining data from accident reports. We obtained a precision of 94.7%, a recall of 96.3%, and a mAP of 97.7%. The dataset size for car damage is 7,402 images. As for the prediction of culpability, it gave an accuracy of 91%. The dataset size for accident reports is 135,764 records. Keywords: deep learning; fine-tuning; culpability prediction; car damage detection. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064716
- Impact of Digital Marketing on Purchasing Intentions and Customer Relationship Management for Oman's E-commerce: The Mediating Role of Trust
 by Santhosh Kumar S, Sandip Shinde, Abdul Kadir Khan Abstract: This study examines the relationship between digital marketing, purchasing intentions, and customer relationship management (CRM) in Oman's E-commerce, emphasising the mediating role of trust. Utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), it examines how digital marketing influences consumer purchasing intentions and its impact on effective CRM. Analysis of demographic data from 156 participants using SmartPLS, coupled with reliability and validity assessments, reveals the positive influence of digital marketing on purchasing intentions and CRM, highlighting trust as a crucial mediator. The findings offer theoretical advancements and practical insights for businesses in Oman's E-commerce sector. Keywords: Digital Marketing; E-commerce; Purchase intention; Customer relationship management; Oman; SmartPLS. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064722
- Analyzing the Prospects, Global Advancements, and Legal Barriers to the Introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in India
 by August Keshav, Ashish Ranjan Sinha Abstract: The research examines the potential applications of central bank digital currency (CBDC) in India, focusing on the design, forms, classifications, and underlying technology of the system, including blockchain. It assesses the global picture of the CBDC through an examination of events and actions in countries such as Ecuador and Jamaica. This study employs a mixed research methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. It uses a case study to look at how countries that have been granted CBDCs or have had them revoked have developed internationally, a literature review to explain concepts and outline potential benefits for India, a documentary analysis to look at the regulatory landscape, and visual aids to show information about CBDCs that are in operation around the globe in various stages. The paper provides a comprehensive understanding of CBDC's potential in India. Keywords: digital currency; central bank digital currency; CBDC; global developments; regulatory environment; prospective benefits; India. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064723
- A Fresh Look at the History and Evolution of Business Process Reengineering
 by Dag Øivind Madsen, Kåre Slåtten Abstract: Business process reengineering (BPR) is an iconic management concept that burst onto the scene during the 1990s. The concept is often used as a classic example of a management fashion, and already during the mid-1990s, commentators claimed that the BPR hype was over and that the concept was near death. Despite this, evidence suggests that BPR has not entirely disappeared. This paper aims to review and synthesise the literature on BPR and provide a reconciliation of different viewpoints and perspectives on the concept’s evolutionary trajectory. The evolutionary trajectory of BPR is reexamined through a detailed study where a wide range of literature on BPR is synthesised. The research indicates that the trajectory of BPR aligns with a typical pattern of ascent and decline, given its diminished presence in current public management discourse. However, a closer look reveals that the situation is more complex and nuanced than this general narrative suggests. Keywords: business process reengineering; BPR; management concept; management fashion; diffusion; evolution. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064911
- Does Ability Sorting Improve Efficiency of Low-performing Students? Evidence from PISA 2022 Survey
 by Samwel Lwiza, Vipin Sharma Abstract: Various measures have been put in place to address the needs of below-average students, including the implementation of the ability sorting teaching strategy. This study examines the data collected from 13,036 students in Peru and Vietnam who participated in the PISA 2022 Survey, with the aim of exploring the impact of ability sorting on enhancing the efficiency of education. The results derived from the two-stage analysis indicate that the ability sorting strategy has the potential to increase students' efficiency by 2%. The analysis reveals that factors such as grade repetition, number of siblings, time devoted to homework, school ownership, location, class size, and peer tutoring play a significant role in determining student efficiency. In light of these findings, the study recommends the implementation of ability sorting as a means of promoting positive educational outcomes, especially for students with lower cognitive abilities, thus helping to narrow the performance gap among students. Keywords: student’s efficiency; teaching strategies; two-stage analysis; order-alpha; Peru; Vietnam. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064952
- Controversy Associated with Red-Light Traffic Cameras: Road Public Safety or Nuisance
 by Alan D. Smith, Anna Abdulmanova Abstract: Red-light traffic enforcement cameras have become an important topic associated with public safety as proven speed-control devices that reduce traffic accidents. Unfortunately, much public opinion of the red-light traffic cameras delves into concerns with the avoidance of driving behaviours and conspiracy/privacy issues. A relatively large sample (n = 2,312), primarily well-educated, younger drivers from the Western PA and NE Ohio was analysed through graphical and multivariate statistical analyses, testing two major hypotheses derived mainly from an application of theory of avoidance behaviour (ToAB) in regard to red-light cameras. Perceptions, from the viewpoints of the males and females, concerning benefits and nuisance factors found strong almost universal support for its safety and purpose, but many disagree on much intrinsic and extrinsic behaviour. There was equal universal agreement on the systemic failure of both private and public drivers’ education/training on the subject of speed-control devices. Keywords: gratification; red-light cameras; public safety; speed-control devices; theory of avoidance behaviour; ToAB; traffic accidents; turnabouts. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10064998
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Individuals: Importance of Work, Leisure and Life Satisfaction
 by Sumera Arshad, Muhammad Zahid Naeem, Muhammad Azmat Hayat, Ramona Birau, Virgil Popescu, Peter F. Wanke, Yong Tan Abstract: This study employs the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework to examine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on life satisfaction, leisure, and work significance. Using the structural equation modelling (SEM), it empirically assesses the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic on these factors. Findings indicate that COVID-19 pandemic indirectly reduces life satisfaction, leisure, and work importance. The study highlights more significant direct impacts, aligning with the overall pattern of effects. As COVID-19 pandemic restrictions intensify, life satisfaction and the importance of leisure increase, while the importance of work declines significantly. Notably, leisure and work significance partially mediate the relationship between COVID-19 pandemic and life satisfaction. Despite indirect effects, the direct influence remains substantial, underscoring the complex dynamics in the context of the pandemic. Keywords: leisure; labour supply; COVID-19 pandemic; structural equation modelling; SEM; stimulus-organism-response; SOR. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065040
- Employees' Cybersecurity Awareness and Risk Management Practices at a Legal Parastatal Organisation in South Africa: A Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis
 by Leballo Monethi, Kafigi Jeje, Alfred Henrico, Johannes Coetzee Abstract: Organisations that increasingly rely on information technology and the internet face the potential risk of cyber-attacks. A thorough assessment of their employees' awareness of cyber security in order to establish the cybersecurity measures that are consistent with the evolving corporate experience is of paramount importance. Based on the responses from 550 employees of a legal parastatal organisation in South Africa, we employ a hierarchical multiple regression to analyse the contribution of employees' cybersecurity awareness on risk management practices. We found that the addition of organisational support on cyber security awareness improves the prediction of risk management practices over and above general security practices, employee cyber security practices, and cybercrime awareness. We argue that organisations can improve risk management systems and practices by promoting cybersecurity awareness through relevant strategies such as the development and implementation of cybersecurity awareness policies and procedures, as well as the training and development of personnel in risk management. Keywords: cybersecurity awareness; risk management practices; hierarchical multiple regression analysis; legal parastatal organisation; South Africa. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065045
- Impact of Determinants of Entrepreneurship Vocational Education and Training Quality on Entrepreneurial Competencies Development for Graduates in Tanzania
 by Denis Michael, Jeremia Makindara, Amani Mwakalapuka Abstract: This study examines the perceived quality of entrepreneurship training for vocational graduates and its determining factors in relation to the development of entrepreneurial competencies in Tanzania. A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 220 vocational education and training (VET) graduates engaged in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as 60 key informants selected through purposive and simple random sampling procedures. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through interviews and focus group discussions and were analysed using content analysis and descriptive statistics using NVivo, respectively. The findings indicate that the quality of entrepreneurship training is influenced by the pedagogical approaches employed by entrepreneurship teachers, the effectiveness of these approaches, the skills of entrepreneurship facilitators, the alignment of training content with the business environment, and the duration of training and its outcomes. It is recommended that interactive pedagogical techniques be utilised during entrepreneurship training to ensure trainees acquire relevant entrepreneurial competencies. Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship training; entrepreneurial competencies; small and medium enterprises; SMEs. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065164
- An Integrated Approach of Fuzzy COPRAS and CoCoSo Methods for Analysing the Performance of Manufacturing Industries in North India
 by Rajdeep Singh Abstract: An organisation can derive its various competencies from a variety of sources, including man, machine, state-of-the-art techniques, and capabilities. Many skills give businesses a competitive edge by assisting them in achieving high levels of productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction. Any company's main goal is to maintain its competitive advantage by maintaining growth and profitability. This study aims at finding the critical factors that affect performance of the industry. This has been done by using a multi-criteria decision-making techniques called fuzzy COPRAS and CoCoSo. Results show that the alternatives named technical competency, concept (idea) competency and material and equipment related competency affect the most out of the nine factors that have been considered for the study. Other factors have somewhat lesser affect for the same. Keywords: competencies; fuzzy COPRAS; CoCoSo; technical competency; competitiveness; capability; performance; industries; North India. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065189
- Does Gender Diversity Drive Performance of Manufacturing Firms? A Systematic Review
 by S. Jagadeeswari, Madhumita Das Abstract: Beyond gender, this comprehensive review explores the full spectrum of gender diversity in the manufacturing sectors. The study aims to determine how gender diversity affects business outcomes. A systematic literature assessment utilising Scopus and Web of Science data sources included all articles through 2022, yielding 122 research from 68 top-ranked journals in corporate governance, journal of business ethics, and business strategy and environment. The researcher evaluates them by taking into account the journal, approach, theoretical stances, and research construct questions. The findings clarify the significant knowledge gaps and conflicting results of the prior research on various elements of the field in terms of the research methodologies, contexts, breadth, and theories, offering directions for further study. The evidence regarding the outcomes of gender diversity in the workplace is varied to accomplish sustainable development, the author argues that it is necessary to examine other gender diversity characteristics in addition to the equal opportunities, unethical practices, and sustainability reporting of various sectors. Overall, this study provides systematic contributions to the literature in the field by establishing that gender diversity acts as a mediating factor in the association between workplace satisfaction and firm performance. Keywords: gender diversity; firm performance; workplace happiness; manufacturing firms; sustainable development; systematic literature review; SLR. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065466
- Conversational AI Chatbots Research: Unveiling Evolutionary Trends and Thematic Clusters Using Bibliometric Analysis
 by Akshara P., Bijay Prasad Kushwaha Abstract: The study highlights the foundational research and trends in conversational artificial intelligence chatbots in marketing, examining their applications and identifying research gaps. Bibliometrix R package is used to merge Scopus and Web of Science datasets. Subsequently, a bibliometric analysis was performed on 279 articles using the Bibliometrix R package. The study's key outcomes encompass the prominent authors, institutions, countries, journals, documents, references, thematic clusters and prospective areas for further study. The past two years stand out as the most productive years, with a significant volume of publications. Swansea University emerges as the leading institution in this study area, with the UK being the leading country. Bibliographic coupling analysis identified four thematic clusters: human-AI interaction and perception, chatbots and customer experience, adoption and trust in AI technologies, strategic implementation and sector-specific AI applications, and conversational AI's ethical, social, and policy implications. Keywords: conversational AI; chatbots; artificial intelligence; bibliometric analysis; anthropomorphism. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065582
- Framework for benchmarking the development process using fuzzy hybrid QFD
 by Pravin Kumar Mishra, Shashank Chandra, Tarun Soota Abstract: The customer expectations often get lost in the intricacies of the complicated development process. It is needed to establish a structural framework of the development process for benchmarking the allocation of resources. The strategic development process can play a significant role to leverage the market resources. The development process needs to be optimised within the feasibility framework for sustainable growth. Complex process involves measurement of imprecise characteristics due to uncertainties or vague information. The proposed work attempts to structure the relationship between the objectives and criteria using a integrated hybrid framework of fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) and analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The integrated approach determines the prioritised technical attributes based on requirements of customer. The proposed approach is illustrated by an empirical Indian case study for feasibility evaluation and effectiveness. The benefit cost study is conducted to benchmark the customer attributes for various alternatives. Keywords: benchmarking; house of quality; HOQ; quality function deployment; QFD; fuzzy analytical hierarchy process; FAHP; triangular fuzzy number; MCDM. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065583
- Cost Analysis of Predictive Maintenance in a Failure-Prone Two-Stage Service Retrial Queue with Orbital Search
 by Poornima R, Kirupa K Abstract: This paper explores a single-server retrial queueing system with two-stage service and preventive maintenance. Customers arrive in batches according to a compound Poisson process. The server provides two-stage of essential service to all arriving customers. If the server is idle upon the arrival of a batch, one of the customers in the batch receives the first stage of service immediately, while the rest join the orbit. Otherwise, the entire incoming batch joins the orbit. Once the service is completed, the customer immediately moves to the second stage of the service facility to complete the remaining service. The maintenance policy is constructively utilised during the idle state, even if the system is non-empty. Breakdowns of the main server can occur at any point during the busy state, and the repairs of the server commence without delay. If the server is idle in a non-empty system, then the server may search for customers in the orbit. Using the supplementary variable method, the equilibrium condition of the system is derived, and the stochastic decomposition law is verified. The system's probabilities and performance metrics are obtained. The optimal maintenance rate is determined through cost analysis to minimise expenses for the proposed model. Keywords: batch arrival; retrial queue; two-stage service; predictive maintenance; random breakdown; orbital search. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065625
- A Framework for Mapping SCM Factors in Healthcare Industries for the Development of Sustainable Strategies: PCIA Approach for Decision Making
 by Somnath Singroul, Atul Kumar Sahu, Sanju Kumar Nishad, Sachin Meshram, Anurag Singh Abstract: A framework for mapping SCM factors under the boundaries of healthcare industries (HCIs) is developed for managing and developing sustainable strategies. In study, 36 SCM factors are presented and their evaluation is done with PCIA technique to enrich the knowledge of the practitioners for making sustainable practices. Here, 36 questionnaires are presented for mapping the success and performances of HCI. The study presents critical and non-critical SCM factors to be included by the HCI. A three step managerial approach named as quality planning, quantity control, quality improvement is utilised to develop a PCIA technique to understand the status of SCM factors under the state of planning, controlling, improvements and actions. The findings contribute valuable insights towards implementation of successful strategies and demonstrated areas for improvement. The paper concludes with recommendations for future trends in healthcare SCM and emphasises on the development of collaborative models for enhanced preparedness. Keywords: supply chain management; SCM; healthcare industry; HCI; decision-making; sustainable development; evaluation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065706
- Retrospection of Guest Experience Research Landscape in the Hospitality Industry Using Bibliometric Analysis
 by Deepika Reddy, Veer P. Gangwar, Raj Kumar Singh Abstract: This research aims to synthesise the literature on the guest experience research landscape in the hospitality industry using bibliometric analysis. This study examines past, current, and future research on the guest experience research landscape in the hospitality industry. The documents are extracted from the Scopus database, and 550 papers are chosen, applying the subject area, document type, and language filtering criteria. Citation analysis is performed to identify the most influential documents, institutions, countries, and authors. The most prolific writers and sources are identified using productivity analysis. The four thematic clusters of guest experience research landscape in the hospitality industry are service experience, customer experience, virtual reality, and service co-creation. Co-citation analysis is employed to identify citation patterns and highly referenced texts. Additionally, co-occurrence analysis is employed to create thematic trends, and word cloud highlights the frequently used keywords in the guest experience research in the hospitality industry. Keywords: Guest Experience; Hospitality Industry; Citation Analysis; Bibliometric Analysis; Co-Occurrence Analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065818
- Process-Oriented Digital Maturity Assessment and how Digital Maturity Influences Business Performance in the Manufacturing Industry
 by Anna-Maria Wassermann, Dominique Futterer Abstract: Digitalisation is crucial in todays global business world, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency and thus strengthening competitiveness in the long run. However, Germanys manufacturing industry is experiencing a surge in digital catch-up demand, which is inconsistent with the countrys strong and long-lasting economic performance. This study analyses the impact of digital maturity on business performance in the manufacturing industry and how industry certifications like ISO 9001 affect companies digital maturity. As business process management and digitalisation are closely interrelated, this study enhances existing digital maturity models by proposing a more process-oriented methodology for measuring digital maturity and thus contributes to theory. The Spearman rank correlation, the Wilcoxon rank-sum
test, and simple linear regressions are applied for the statistical analyses. The results show that business performance increases with the level of digital maturity, and certified companies achieve higher digital maturity than non-certified companies. Moreover, manufacturing companies are provided with reasons to drive digitalisation, corresponding recommendations for action at the process level, and a benchmark for the German manufacturing industry. Keywords: Digitalisation; digital transformation; digital maturity model; process-oriented maturity assessment; business performance in manufacturing; business process management; industry certifications. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065899
- Analyzing the Impact of Financial Literacy on Investment Decision-Making: An Inclusive Study of Investors
 by Ranganathan Venkatesan Abstract: The aim of this study is to shine new light on these debates through an examination of the influence of the influence of financial literacy on their investment decisions. The next objectives of this research are to determine whether the financial literacy offered to Indian investors is within the accepted level. To measure financial literacy, the independent variables are financial attitudes and financial behaviour. To measure the investment decision, the author employed the following independent variables: self-image, accounting information, advocate information, and the personal needs of investors in India. Data are collected from Indian investors using a self-administered questionnaire through a Google form. All multiple-item scales in this study were measured on a five-point Likert-type scale. The current sample size is 317. Data analysis used SPSS and measured the level of financial literacy and investment decisions. Financial attitudes and financial behaviour were significantly found to affect financial literacy. Financial literacy significantly affected investment decisions. Keywords: financial literacy; investment decisions; behaviour; attitude; self-image; personal needs. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065902
- The Power of Gamification in Marketing and Brand Engagement: Trends and Insights
 by Suraj Kushe Shekhar, Ganesh Kumar C Abstract: In the realm of marketing, gamification has emerged as a potent strategy that may effectively captivate clients and bolster their loyalty. This study does a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 201 papers related to the topic of gamification and marketing. The research demonstrates a consistent increase in the quantity of literature on the problem through the analysis of sources, authors, records and network analysis. Two instances of specialised
topics that have garnered acknowledgment in contemporary times are in-game advertising and gameful experiences. The study highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the intricacies that arise from gamified marketing, particularly in areas such as gamification joy and e-banking, which have been mostly neglected. These overlooked topics offer potential avenues for further investigation. The findings provide useful insights for policymakers who are developing policies centred around gamification in marketing and also endorse additional investigations in crucial areas pertaining to the selected topic. Keywords: gamification; bibliometric; marketing; branding; strategy. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065908
- Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovative Work Behaviour of Employees
 by Niranjan Rajpurohit, Dipti Sharma, Dharmendra Kumar Sharma, Tina Jain Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to boost the efficiency of employees by fostering employees' creativity and serving as a multipurpose tool for innovation. However, it is uncertain how AI affects employees' innovative work behaviour. Consequently, this study investigates the impact of artificial intelligence on the innovative work behaviour of employees. A total of 327 responses were obtained from questionnaires administered to software engineers, IT specialists, and employees with other tech-related positions in high-tech organisations in India. The responses were evaluated using the structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. The findings of the study reveal that AI work dynamics and AI capability have a considerable impact on employees' innovative work behaviour. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on the effects of AI technology in the workplace and has significant implications relating to the utilisation of AI technology for employees' innovative work behaviour. Keywords: artificial intelligence; innovative work behaviour; information technology; AI capability; innovation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065910
- Digital Frontier as the Predictor of Buying Intention: A Recursive Model Approach
 by Saket Ranjan Praveer, Naveen Kumar R., A. John William, Pavithra R Abstract: The evolving consumer landscape, shaped by digital frontiers, has profoundly altered traditional marketing practices, offering new avenues for information acquisition, interaction, and transactions. This study focuses on the digital frontier, representative of cutting-edge advancements in digital technologies, as a key predictor variable influencing consumers intentions to engage in online purchases. Employing a comprehensive analysis through a recursive model, the research aims to reveal the nuanced dynamics and causal relationships between the digital frontier and buying intention. In the broader context, the study explores the influential factors affecting buying intention on websites, with content, clarity, design, convenience, reviews, and chatbot considered as exogenous variables impacting the endogenous variable of buying intention. Building on prior research by Davenport and Harris (2007), the study emphasises the potency of personalisation and recommendation algorithms in shaping consumer decisions in the digital realm. The empirical
investigation, conducted through a recursive model with multivariate analysis using primary data, identifies significant factors such as web content, website clarity, website design, and consumer reviews on web portals as crucial contributors to Buying Intention, particularly in the domain of consumer electronics. Keywords: Digital frontier; Buying Intention; Content; Clarity; Design; Convenience; Reviews and Chatbot. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065914
- Unlocking India's Mobile Wallet Potential: Identifying and Prioritising Key Sustainable Growth Catalysts using Best Worst Method
 by Ashwarya Kapoor, Rajiv Sindwani, Manisha Goel Abstract: Mobile wallet (m-wallet) transactions have seen augmented growth in India due to demonetisation, COVID-19 and various initiatives taken by government to promote digital payments. Rendering m-wallet services responsively and productively in a structured environment will lead to faster attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs). This study attempts to figure out the drivers for sustainable growth of m-wallet application through literature review and opinion of an academician. Identified drivers have also been prioritised utilising best worst method (BWM). Findings of the research revealed that growing environmental concerns, sustainable collaborations, green services and legal and environmental compliance are the topmost drivers of sustainable growth of m-wallet applications. Outcome of this research will enrich m-wallet and sustainability literature. Outcome will be advantageous to the service providers in providing effective services through m-wallet application. Keywords: mobile wallet; sustainable development goals; best worst method; BWM; prioritisation; India. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10065979
- Industrial Automation (IA) Frameworks: a Review of Constraints and Factors in International Small-Medium Enterprises and Implications in Malaysian SMEs
 by Yoon Yeung Chin, Joshua Prakash, Sze Wei Khoo Abstract: Small-medium enterprises (SMEs) are the main driving force to Malaysia's economic growth. The global pandemic has seriously affected the national economy and severely impacts the growth of the local manufacturing sector. The decision of re-hiring foreigner workers revealed that local industries are largely labour-dependent. The solution to this situation is to introduce industrial automation (IA) with features of advanced digital technologies. This study reviews existing IA implementation frameworks in the manufacturing sector across various regions, focusing on constraints and factors encountered by SMEs when adopting IA. Considering the absence of local IA framework, the study examines IA frameworks in the EU, USA and Asian countries from 2013 to 2020. The key constraints identified include flexibility, human-machine interface, sustainability, virtual/augmented reality. The factors needed for successful IA implementation are productivity, skill/experience, quality, training, well-being, safety and socio-economy. This study also highlights the factors influencing IA implementation in Malaysian SMEs. Keywords: small-medium enterprises; SMEs; industrial automation framework; technology migration; advanced manufacturing; Malaysia. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066070
- Does Workplace Bullying Influence Employee Performance Examining Moderating Effects of Emotional Intelligence in Academic Institutions
 by Somya Gaur, Sandhya Sinha Abstract: This study investigates the impact of workplace bullying (WB) on employee performance (EP) in academic institutions, examining the moderating role of emotional intelligence (EI) and the mediating role of psychological resilience. The findings, derived from an empirical approach and interviews with 530 academicians from Indian educational institutes, underscore the detrimental effects of WB. Behaviours characterised by rudeness, hostility, mistreatment, and disparagement contribute to fostering WB within academic institutions. Furthermore, a negative correlation was observed between WB and EP and psychological resilience. Employees with higher levels of resilience demonstrated a mediating effect, mitigating the detrimental influence of bullying on their job performance. Interestingly, the study found a positive and significant moderating effect of EI on the relationship between WB and EP. These findings offer valuable insights for fostering a supportive and respectful work environment while highlighting the importance of psychological resilience for EP. Keywords: emotional intelligence; workplace bullying; employee performance; psychological resilience; academic institutions. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066133
- Assessing NAAC Readiness: A Comprehensive Self-Assessment Model for Higher Educational Institutions
 by A. John William ., M. Suresh, Nagamani Subramanian Abstract: This study presents a comprehensive exploration of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) readiness of higher education institutions in India. The study identifies and classifies enablers, criteria, and attributes essential for judging NAAC preparedness through a careful investigation. Additionally, it uses this framework to assess the higher educational institution's readiness for NAAC accreditation, concluding that the case institution exhibits a moderate level of readiness. In the course of this evaluation, the study discovers a total of 49 weaker attributes, highlighting areas where the institution needs to improve. These findings are crucial because they provide the management of case educational institution with practical knowledge that they can use to prioritise and put into practice actions that will improve NAAC preparation. Leveraging multi-grade fuzzy and importance-performance analysis, this study provides a robust methodology for assessing readiness, which can be utilised by educational institutions to conduct periodic evaluations of their NAAC readiness or maintenance level. Ultimately, this research contributes not only to the understanding of NAAC readiness but also to the practical tools available for institutions seeking to uphold and improve their quality standards in the realm of higher education. Keywords: higher educational institutions; HEIs; assessment model; teaching and learning; case study; India; NAAC readiness. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066188
- Exploring Entrepreneurial Marketing Theory in the Context of SME Innovation: A Theoretical Review and Scientometric Approach
 by Manigandan R, Naga Venkata Raghuram J, Sailatha Karpurapu, Geetha Krishnan, Keerthi Jain Abstract: This aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis and integrative review of the domain of entrepreneurial marketing. This study provides an in-depth investigation of historical patterns and prospects in entrepreneurial marketing and innovation specifically in the context of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The theoretical overview explores the development of entrepreneurial marketing, emphasising important concepts and frameworks that have influenced the field. This study provides the conceptual framework and future research avenues for the entrepreneurial marketing domain. Using the Scopus database to retrieve the 86 documents. This paper strengthens the logical consistency and scientific framework of the existing literature. Managers can utilise the systematic organisation of our concepts to establish strategies and policies in emergency management planning. The provided findings offer valuable insights for further research agendas, facilitating a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between marketing, entrepreneurship, and innovation in small and medium- sized firms. Keywords: Entrepreneurial marketing; entrepreneurial marketing theory; innovation; theoretical review; Bibliometric analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066260
- Sustainable Inventory Optimisation: Balancing Demand Dynamics with Eco-Friendly Packaging and Carbon Emission Constraints
 by Manoj Kumar Sharma, Pragati Bhardwaj, Shubham Bhushan, Shalu Choudhary Abstract: In this paper, we investigate inventory models for deteriorating items influenced by advertisement frequency, price, and sustainable packaging. The demand is sensitive to these factors, while deterioration depends on the product's expiry date. Partial backlogging is allowed. Our model incorporates carbon tax policies, recognising that carbon emissions in inventory management arise primarily from transportation, holding, and deterioration of inventory. We aim to optimise inventory policy, market price, and marketing strategy to achieve maximum total profit. An algorithm is developed to solve the model, and a numerical illustration is provided to demonstrate its effectiveness. The impact of various parameters on the optimal policy is highlighted through a sensitivity analysis, presented in a tabular format. Based on our analyses, we derive several key decision-making insights for practitioners. Keywords: price; packing; advertisement; partial backlogging carbon emission; expiry date. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066326
- Predictive Power of Ensemble Learning in Audit Qualifications: Insights from Indian Firms
 by T. Shahana, V. Lavanya, Aamir Bhat Abstract: This study evaluates the effectiveness of ensemble learning methods bagging, boosting, and stacking in predicting audit qualifications among Indian firms. Traditional models often fall short because of the complexity of financial reporting data. To address these limitations, our research introduces a novel stacked model incorporating a meta-classifier and utilises a
comprehensive dataset enriched with essential financial and non-financial metrics. We systematically compared the performance of seven different ensemble models with conventional classifiers. Our findings demonstrate that ensemble methods, especially our proposed stacking approach, significantly outperform standard models in key metrics such as recall, precision, and area under the curve (AUC). This study highlights the critical role of meticulous feature selection and model calibration in optimising predictive analytics. This research provides valuable insights for auditors, regulatory bodies, and policymakers, enhancing audit quality predictions and supporting financial reporting integrity in the Indian context. Keywords: ensemble learning; audit qualifications; financial reporting; machine learning models; predictive analytics; Indian firms. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066333
- Organisational Disruptions Impacting Process Management of Startup Businesses
 by Kishalay Adhikari, Rajeev Kumar Panda Abstract: In the context of emerging economies, both researchers and policymakers agree on the potential of entrepreneurial activity to foster innovation, create long-term jobs, and advance economic development. The startup culture in India has evolved significantly in the last decade, making it a preferred investment hub for global players. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to disruptions in the market, which affected the startup organisations in Indian context. The present research explores the impact of this crisis towards startup business operations. From the academic perspective, the research findings will extend the existing knowledge regarding startup resiliency. Also, the study results will generate novel insights for effective strategy formulation and policy making for the government, institutional bodies, and private funding agencies. Keywords: work productivity; organisational disruptions; startup business; COVID-19; strategy. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066370
- Comparative study of benchmarking models for higher education institutions
 by Geo Kuruvila George, Georgy P. Kurien, Ramakrishnan Natarajan, Sreerengan V.R. Nair Abstract: Benchmarking is a systematic and ongoing process of assessing an organisation’s business processes against those of business process leaders to obtain data that will enable the firm to take corrective action to enhance performance (Pattison, 1993). Eight benchmarking models, namely the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model, American Productivity and Quality Centre (APQC) consortium framework, Commonwealth Higher Education Management Service (CHEMS) model, Mckinnon model, Henderson-Smart et al. model, educational development efficiency (EDE) model, Tee benchmarking model, and fourth generation balanced scorecard method are being studied, analysed, evaluated and compared. While most models’ effectiveness depends on the cooperation and participation of benchmarking partners, few depends on secondary data are an exception. Most benchmarking models lack the implementation and are fluid and flexible models. This comparative benchmarking study helps an institution understand which benchmarking model needs to be used, as the study details each model’s essential features, advantages, and limitations. Keywords: benchmarking; higher education; key performance indicators; KPIs. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10066481
- Mapping the terrain of HRM practices: a bibliometric expedition and future research propositions
 by J. Darathi , Madhumita Das Abstract: This study conducted a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of human resource management practice (HRMPs) over the past two decades. By utilising 2,641 documents from the Scopus database, the research employed bibliometric tools such as performance analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and scientific mapping. The investigation revealed that 2022 was the most prolific year, with 277 publications, and identified Abu Dhabi University as the most impactful institution and the UK as the leading country. The International Journal of Human Resource Management was acknowledged as the most influential journal, with the highest number of citations. The research identified seven thematic clusters within HRM practices, providing valuable insights for researchers and suggesting potential future research propositions in this domain. The originality of this study lies in its focus on performance and scientific mapping in a field with limited existing research, which contributes to an increased understanding of the current state and future propositions of HRM practices. Keywords: human resource management practices; HRMPs; co-citation analysis; bibliographic coupling; bibliometric analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066482
- Empirical Investigation of Purchase Intentions of National and Expatriate Consumers: Evidence from the Emerging Economies
 by Sakkthivel Annamalai Manickam Abstract: This paper examines the determinants of purchase intentions of consumers in UAE. The data were collected from 300 nationals and expatriate through survey and analysed using multiple linear regression models. The outcomes portrayed that, external variables has more influence over national and expatriate consumers; the country of origin, brand and price variables has higher influence on national consumers, whereas product, promotion and country of origin variables has greater influence over expatriate consumers; the peer and reference groups, and societal variables are found to have more impact over national consumers, whereas, cultural and peer and reference groups impact the purchase intentions of expatriate consumers. The study shows a marked distinction between the purchase intentions of national and expatriate consumers which is due to the impact of society over nationals and culture over expatriate which they represent. Keywords: purchase intentions; nationals; expatriate; UAE. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066732
- Examining the Effect of Workforce Agility on Innovative Organisational Practices of Generation Y and Z Workers: The Moderating Effect of Employee Generation
 by S. Yuvasree, P.S. Rajeswari Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating influence of employee generational traits (Gen Y and Z) on organisational innovative behaviours by examining the impacts of workforce agility. The following topics are essential to the study: 1) organisational innovative behaviours; 2) work flexibility; 3) work adaptability; 4) work responsiveness; 5) employee generation. The recommended task is broken into two stages: the first step is to collect the data using the prepared questionnaire from the customer of mobile banking. Three-hundred ten data were collected using the prepared questionnaire from the workers in IT-related businesses in India the format of the questionnaire is based on the proposed hypothesis. In the second step, SEM is used to evaluate the collected data. Keywords: Generation X; Generation Y; workforce agility; organisational innovative behaviours; employees’ generation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066738
- The sustainability Mindset with Blockchain Technology in Industry 5.0: Towards a Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Management
 by Molk Oukili Garti, Jabir Arif, Fouad Jawab, Ashutosh Samadhiya, Anil Kumar, Fatima Zahra Benbrahim Abstract: In an industrial context, different industries today face several constraints in managing their supply chains, especially after the COVID-19 crisis, which has given rise to a new generation of industry known as Industry 5.0. This new era introduces several concepts and aspects within each supply chain that focus on key factors such as sustainability, resilience, and, most importantly, the centric human. Our study is based in a framework that aims to integrate sustainability into supply chain management to establish a sustainable approach to supply chain management. This framework is based on three dimensions aligned with the triple bottom line (TBL) perspective, namely knowing, doing, and being. Subsequently, we apply qualitative and exploratory research through an extensive literature review. Using the doing and being dimensions, we then develop a framework that represents a model for sustainable supply chain management. Additionally, we provide an application pathway for two types of industries. Keywords: Industry 5.0; COVID-19; sustainable supply chain management; SSCM; sustainability mindset; Blockchain; sustainable development goals; SDGs; triple bottom line; TBL. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066817
- HR Practices and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: Streamlining the Process
 by Piyusa Kumar Mohanty, K.N. Rao, Santanu Kumar Das Abstract: The relationship between the employees and organisation has become vital, owing to the intense business competition in the contemporary times. Accordingly, it makes complete sense to streamline the process of implementing various HR practices to achieve the organisational goals. However, managing employees in the healthcare sector can become a tedious task in the real-time environment due to different schedules, responsibilities, performance tracking, and work requirements. The present research tries to identify and prioritise the potent dimensions of HR practices and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in the Indian healthcare context. Based on the empirical results, the most important dimensions that influence HR operative practices are: organisational career opportunities and sense of security. Additionally, the findings highlight that critical aspects of OCB include: altruism and courtesy. These findings are novel as they provide relevant insights about the prevailing state of HR practices and its implementation in the healthcare industry. Keywords: healthcare; citizenship behaviour; HR practices; altruism; competency. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066838
- Retrospection of Online Reviews Research Landscape: Foundation, Current Trends and Future Research Directions
 by Mohd Yaseen Khan, Archana Kumari, Yamini Vyas Pandey, Matloob Hasan Abstract: This research aims to perform a bibliometric analysis to amalgamate the publication patterns of online reviews within the realm of marketing. Consequently, an exploration is conducted on the historical, current, and prospective studies concerning online reviews in the Marketing domain. The source material is derived from the Scopus database, with 1,469 documents meeting the criteria for bibliometric scrutiny after the application of specific selection parameters. An analysis of citations is employed to unveil the most influential publications and contributors. Additionally, productivity analysis is implemented to identify the most prolific authors and references. Through bibliographic coupling, five thematic clusters are identified, namely e-word-of-mouth, consumer reviews, social media analytics, customer trust, and perceived helpfulness. Moreover, prevalent themes in the research regarding online reviews in marketing encompass natural language processing, fake reviews, topic modelling, text mining, sharing economy, data mining, and sentiment analysis as revealed through co-occurrence analysis. Keywords: online reviews; e-word-of-mouth; social media analytics; citation analysis; bibliographic coupling. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10066956
- Ethical Culture, Employee Ethical Behaviour and Customer Perceived Ethicality in Banking Industry: a Multiple Mediation Model
 by Swati Soni, Gunjan Sharma, Priyansh Singh Yadav, Sanjeet Singh, Rajveer Singh Thakur, Umang Sharma, Ahmed Alkhayyat Abstract: This study aims to analyse the relationships between ethical culture (EC), employee ethical behaviour (EEB) and its outcome customer attitude (CA), customer experience (CE) and customer satisfaction (CS) that shape customer perceived ethicality (CPE) in banking sector. This study collects data from 358 banking customers in Delhi and test proposed hypothesis using PLS algorithm along with bootstrapping method. Results showed that EC has a positive influence on EEB. Further, EEB contributes to CA, CE and CS. Moreover, CA, CE and CS have a positive influence on CPE. Also based on mediating analysis results, CA, CE and CS mediate in between EEB and CPE. Although EC and EEB are receiving empirical attention in the banking industry, little is known about its outcomes that shape CPE. Hence, this research extends previous studies using social learning theory, social exchange theory and attribution theory to fill these research gaps and proposes a conceptual model for the banking industry on the CPE. Keywords: ethical; employee; customer; banking sector. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067159
- State of the Art in Entrepreneurial Intention Research: Contemporary Research and Future Research Directions
 by Stuwart Anton, Paul Mansingh Jeyabalasingh Abstract: While extant literature has advanced the understanding of entrepreneurial intentions, a comprehensive synthesis of current research and identification of critical gaps are necessary. This study systematically reviews the entrepreneurial intention literature, focusing on antecedents, mediators, and moderators. This review employed a systematic literature review using the theory-context-characteristics-methodology (TCCM) approach to analyse and synthesise recent studies on entrepreneurial intention. The review established a conceptual framework delineating the antecedents, mediators, and moderators of entrepreneurial intention. Critical insights from the literature support the implementation of educational programs and policies by academics and practitioners. Furthermore, the review identified gaps in the use of alternative theories, diverse contexts, unique characteristics, and varied methodologies, suggesting directions for future research. Keywords: entrepreneurial behaviour; entrepreneurial intention; entrepreneurial career choice; new venture creation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067261
- Analysing the Technological Foundations Shaping the Structural Features of Supply Chain Networks in the Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garment Industry
 by Rubel ., Gagandeep Kaur, Bijay Kushwaha, Rajendra Lamsal, Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, Jayant Jagtap Abstract: This study comprehends how manufacturers implement governance structures for supply chain integration. The objective is to illuminate the distinct nature of supply chain integration as a governance mechanism. Furthermore, the research identifies and elaborates on four key elements that constitute supply chain integration relationships: information sharing, cooperation, joint decision-making, and system coupling. These elements are actualised through governance mechanisms, including ownership arrangements, incentive strength, management control, and coordination adaptation. Data collection is supplemented by structured interviews with key personnel from both entities. The interviews assess performance in information sharing, cooperation, joint decision-making, and system coupling, as well as the supportive governance mechanisms. The findings have shown a strong exchange of information, close cooperation, and shared decision-making among RMG industry, bolstered by compatible information and production systems. It underscores the absence of ownership disputes, mutually beneficial incentive mechanisms, rigorous management control by the RMG industry, and adaptive coordination mechanisms. Keywords: supply chain networks; structural features; ready-made garment industry; operations management; coordination; sustainability; governance of supply chain integration. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067286
- Examining the Drivers and Deterrents of Mobile Wallets Adoption among Rural Consumers
 by Archana Kumari, Deepa Kumari, Bhagawan Chandra Sinha, Vibhuti Singh Abstract: This study seeks to investigate the determinants behind the acceptance of mobile wallets among rural retail consumers. Moreover, it expands upon utilising the TAM and UTAUT framework within the context of mobile wallet adoption. The study collected data from 477 rural retail consumers using purposive sampling. The survey was administered using a structured scale adapted and modified from previous research. The findings indicate that the Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Trust (PT), and Social Influence (SI) significantly positively influence individuals' attitudes towards using mobile wallets. Furthermore, PU, trust, SI, and attitude all significantly positively impact intentions to use mobile wallets. Additionally, attitude plays a positive and significant mediator in the relationship between perceived usefulness and intention to use mobile wallets and between SI and intention to use mobile wallets. The implications of the study are discussed in the respective section. Keywords: Mobile Wallets; Rural Consumers; Perceived Trust; Social Influence; Perceived Usefulness. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067514
- The Efficiency Measurement of Indian Police Stations Using Data Envelopment Analysis
 by Anjali Sonkariya, Shiv Prasad Yadav Abstract: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric technique used to measure the relative efficiencies of decision-making units (DMUs) that produce multiple outputs using multiple inputs. Police Stations are the central pillar of society which provides security to the citizens. The present study seeks to evaluate the performance efficiency of police stations in India (States and Union Territories) using DEA. It suggests how inefficient DMUs can be made efficient and perform better by following the benchmarking DMUs. Data is collected from the website of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD), Govt. of India. The OTE, PTE and SE Scores, RTS and Peer set results are obtained using the CCR and BCC models. Based on the obtained OTE scores, the ranking of police stations is done. Super efficiency ranking by Andersen- Petersen model and Jack-Knifing Analysis is presented. The categorization of inefficient DMUs, Robustness of efficient DMUs are discussed with the help of peer count. Finally, essential suggestions are provided for inefficient DMUs to become efficient. Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis; Decision Making Units; Jack-Knifing Analysis; Police Efficiency; Ranking of Units; Super Efficiency. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067516
- Assessing Manufacturing Threats in Aero Engine Components: Disc & Blades
 by Shivam Gupta, Somesh Kumar Sharma, Sunand Kumar, Vikram Singh Abstract: Aero engine components, particularly BLISKs, are among the most expensive and challenging to manufacture due to their intricate geometry. BLISKs integrate the disc and blades into a single unit, introducing various threats that impact product quality, operational time, and production costs. An extensive literature review identified key threats, including component geometry/design, manufacturing process complexity, and advanced material processing. While the industry has developed solutions to enhance BLISK manufacturing, a comprehensive assessment of threats across the entire process chain is lacking. This research evaluates major threats in the BLISK manufacturing process, identifying four primary threat dimensions, seven primary variables, and 18 secondary variables. A fuzzy logic-based threat assessment model was developed to optimise variable values and minimise manufacturing threats. The model's findings were validated against previous experimental results, providing a robust framework to address challenges in BLISK manufacturing. Keywords: BLISK manufacturing; threat assessment; fuzzy logics. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067568
- Financial Literacy and Decision Making: Benchmarking a Millennial's Investment Preference
 by Satyakama Mishra, Manidutta Ray, Siddharth Misra Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the investment behaviour, preferences, and decision-making factors of the millennial investors. The millennial generation is causing a disruption in the financial industry. The investment strategy employed has led to the emergence of the current business model. In order for financial institutions to sustain and grow, it is imperative that they adapt to the needs of the millennial demographic. The demographic features exerted a significant influence on the investment behaviour of the millennial cohort. In addition, the decisions made by individuals regarding portfolio diversification through different financial instruments are influenced by their level of education as well as financial literacy. Investment preferences and rationales have evolved over time. The study comprehensively analysed major factors, excluding demographics that influence millennials' investment decisions, including influence of parents, to generate a macro-level perspective for predicting their investment patterns. Keywords: investment behaviour; benchmarking preferences; millennials; financial literacy; decision making. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067766
- Using Process Mining and Business Process Redesign to Improve Software Development Process
 by Seyed Hossein Siadat, Hamed Rouhani Abstract: This research aims to provide a scientific method for process redesign in software development by applying process mining and best practices. The process mining inductive miner algorithm was used to generate the PetriNet model from an actual programmed process. This model was used to measure the accuracy of the BPMN model and compare and compare the initial phase with the improved state. Subsequently, process redesign best practices were employed as guidelines for process improvement. Recent research indicators reflect temporal changes in the improved process during software production. Furthermore, best practices were utilized to investigate performance evaluation indicators and alter the approach to software development in the modeled process. The overarching conclusion is that our proposed model aligns with process mining techniques for redesigning, enhancing, and developing the Software Development Life Cycle. Keywords: Process Mining; Business Process Redesign; Best Practices; Business Process Management; Software Development Life Cycle;. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067860
- Retrospection of Green Investment Intentions Research Landscape using Bibliometric Analysis
 by Prabhakar Tomar, Prashant Trivedi, Vaishali Chandwani, Prakash Pandey Abstract: The objective of this investigation is to synthesise the publication trends associated with green investment intentions and to conduct a comprehensive analysis of literature pertaining to green investment by scrutinising 640 articles sourced from the Scopus database. The study utilises bibliometric analysis to delineate the intellectual landscape of this domain, accentuating prominent contributors comprising the most influential authors, journals, and foundational articles. Through an examination of author collaboration networks and co-citation networks, this research clarifies the interconnections and impacts among scholars. It delineates the collaborative patterns that influence the discourse surrounding green investments. The analysis reveals critical research themes, including green finance, ESG investment, climate change, socially responsible investing, and green bonds. This study furnishes significant insights into the evolution, trends, and focal areas of green investment research, thereby serving as a comprehensive resource for both scholars and practitioners seeking to navigate and contribute to this dynamic discipline. Keywords: green investment intentions; green finance; ESG investment; socially responsible investing; socially responsible investing; SRI; bibliometric analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067971
- Exploring Green FinTech Innovation as a Promising Area for Future Research: A Detailed Analysis of the Intersection between Green Finance and FinTech using Bibliometric Methods
 by Varun Kesavan, Aruna Polisetty Abstract: This prospective study aims to describe the progress of FinTech and green finance as research areas through a bibliometric analysis. The Scopus database revealed 2,583 articles about fintech and 2,707 articles about green finance, with a focus on the period from 2014 to 2024. The study uses bibliometric analysis with VosViewer and Biblioshiny to identify the main fields and productivity of FinTech and green finance research. Similarly to other majors consisting of four analysis results and the financial environment's status, the subject contemplates its potential and concerns. Performing a bibliometric analysis reveals a shift in the number of publications annually from FinTech to green finance and green innovation. China leads the list of countries with the highest number of publications, followed by the USA and the UK in third place. Keywords: bibiliometric analysis ESG; FinTech; green finance; green FinTech; Scopus. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067974
- Beyond Survival: Optimising Microenterprise Success in the Indian Market
 by Bharathithasan Saminathan, Sakthi Srinivasan Abstract: This study delves deeply into understanding what drives the performance of microenterprises in India. It uses a mix of two theories, the practice-based view and the finance-based theory, to analyse how financial, social, technological, and market resources, along with government support, affect these businesses. The findings highlight the crucial role of access to finance, social connections, technology adoption, and market access in shaping the success of microenterprises. Government support also plays a significant part in boosting the impact of these resources on business performance. The study's statistical models show that these factors explain a large portion of the variations we see in how well microenterprises do. The research offers practical insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and microenterprise owners on how to support growth and sustainability. Keywords: microenterprise performance; practice-based view; PBV; finance-based theory; FBT; resource utilisation; government support; India. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067990
- Past, Present and Future of Virtual Reality Research Landscape in Tourism and Hospitality Using Bibliometric Analysis
 by Bhavna Agarwal, Sunita Singhal, Ashok Kumar, Bhoopendra Bharti, Sohail Yasin Ahmed Abstract: The study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis to synthesise Virtual Reality (VR) publication patterns in tourism. Consequently, this study examines the historical, current, and prospective research on virtual reality in tourism. The document has been extracted from the Scopus database, and a total of 461 documents have been selected for bibliometric analysis after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The citation analysis is used to identify the most influential publications and contributors. The productivity analysis is employed to determine the most prolific authors and sources. Five thematic clusters are uncovered: VR presence, virtual technology, immersive technology, mixed reality, and virtual tours using bibliographic coupling. Co-citation analysis is employed to uncover patterns of citation and highly referenced documents. Additionally, co-occurrence analysis is employed to establish the thematic trends in research on virtual reality in tourism. The future directions for research are presented in the respective section. Keywords: Virtual Reality; Mixed Reality; Virtual Tours; Bibliometric Analysis; Citation Analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10067993
- A Post-Pandemic Study on the Influence of the Rewards System and Employee Satisfaction on Employees' Retention in the IT Sector: a Mediated-Moderation Analysis
 by S. Sharmeen Mehak, H.Moideen Batcha Abstract: Recruiting and retaining talented employees remains a formidable challenge for many IT companies. Providing rewards for existing and potential employees is one of companies’ most important developmental activities, as such systems encourage employee engagement and productivity. As a result, this study investigates the complex interplay between reward systems, employee satisfaction, performance, and perceived organisational support, identifying the key factors that predict employee retention and inform the development of effective retention strategies. This study collected primary data from 380 employees working in the IT sector in South India using an online questionnaire. It was analysed using descriptive statistics, CFA, and SEM. The study's findings indicate a significant relationship between employee performance and retention, as well as some of the reward factors used in the study. According to the research, firms should implement a better reward system, improve employee satisfaction, and provide more support to increase employee productivity and retention. Keywords: reward system; employee satisfaction; employee performance; employee retention; perceived organisational support; POS; IT sector. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068047
- Empowering Micro-Entrepreneurs: Understanding the Determinants of Personal Financial Planning Decisions
 by S. Usha Lakshmi, Anuradha R Abstract: Micro-entrepreneurs are vital for economic growth in developing nations, yet their personal financial planning (PFP) decisions are often hindered by limited financial literacy and resources. This study explores how savings behavior (SB), future orientation (FO), and financial nudging (FN) impact PFP decisions among micro-entrepreneurs. Analysis of survey data reveals a strong link between savings behavior and effective financial planning. Future orientation mediates this relationship, indicating that those with a long-term perspective better integrate their savings into financial planning. Additionally, financial nudging moderates this effect, enhancing the impact of savings behavior when nudges like reminders and incentives are present. These findings emphasize the need for targeted financial interventions and educational programs to boost micro-entrepreneurs' financial decision-making capabilities. The research provides valuable understandings for policymakers and financial institutions, offering practical strategies to support and empower micro-entrepreneurs and foster sustainable economic growth. Keywords: Personal financial planning decisions; Micro-entrepreneurs; Savings behavior; Future orientation; Financial nudging. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068225
- Impact of Online Reviews and Celebrity Endorsement on the Brand Reputation of Health Care Services: Evidence from India
 by Saifuddin Ahmad, Ved Srivastava, Raj Kumar Mishra, Yusuf Kamal Abstract: This research examines the effects of online reviews and celebrity endorsements on the brand reputation of healthcare services. Empirical data were gathered through a survey using 32 scale items that were adapted and refined from previous studies. These items were specifically crafted to assess eight essential variables associated with celebrity endorsement and brand reputation. A purposive sampling methodology was utilised to select 524 online purchasers from e-commerce platforms operating in India. The findings indicate that Celebrity Attractiveness, Celebrity Credibility, and Online Reviews exert a significant influence on consumer perceptions of celebrities within the Indian healthcare industry. Moreover, Online Reviews, Brand Awareness, and Brand Loyalty exert a positive effect on Brand Attitude. Additionally, Attitude Toward Celebrity has a substantial positive impact on both Brand Attitude and Brand Reputation. The results underscore the pivotal importance of online reviews and celebrity endorsements in shaping the brand reputation of healthcare services in India. Keywords: Celebrity Endorsement; Brand Reputation; Celebrity Attractiveness; Celebrity Credibility; Online Reviews. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068318
- A study on investors' Investment Attitude towards Selected Investment Decisions reference to Chennai city
 by Prabu Anbalagan, Gajendran Arumugam Abstract: One must consider many possibilities while selecting an investment and select the best one that is currently offered. It is a decision made after carefully weighing every alternative. This study explores the intricate relationship between socio-psychological factors and investment decisions, focusing on the mediating role of investment attitude. A sample of investors with a variety of financial holdings, such as gold investments, real estate, bank accounts, post office programs, and gold holdings, were able to take part in the survey because of convenient sampling(N=373). It also shows how the association between sociopsychological factors and investment decisions is mediated by investment mindset. The research's conclusions should shed light on the factors impacting the investing decisions of Chennai-based investors. The results aim to advise financial practitioners, policymakers, and academics about enhancing financial literacy and optimizing investing methods. Keywords: Social factors; Behavioral factors; Personal factors; Investment attitude; Investment decisions and Individual Investors. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068355
- Examining and Validating the Potential Factors of Knowledge Management in Indian IT Industries
 by Sree Kumar, Smruti Rekha Behera, Rohit Mishra Abstract: Effective knowledge management has become essential for organizational success in the dynamic information technology (IT) landscape. This study tries to confirm the elements that, contribute to effective knowledge management practices. A structured survey questionnaire was administered to a diverse sample of Indian IT professionals, ranging from software developers to project managers, to capture their insights into knowledge management practices in their respective organisations. A total of 343 responses were collected of which 320 responses complete in all forms were used for the study. The study uses factor Analysis to identify the important dimensions of knowledge management from Indian IT professionals' perspective. The study identifies three dimensions of knowledge management which influences the KM practices in Indian IT sector. The factors identified are Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Storage. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method is used to verify the factor structure of a set of observed variables. Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Creation; Knowledge Storage; Knowledge Sharing; Confirmatory Factor Analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068357
- Role of Environmental Dynamism, Environmental Competitiveness, and Organisational Leadership in Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness
 by Subhamitra Nayak, Mousumi Panda, L.P. Panda Abstract: The present study examines the effect of the performance management dimensions- environmental dynamism, environmental competitiveness, and organizational leadership towards improving the organizational effectiveness from an emerging market perspective. To empirically validate the research model, we used SEM analysis involving 533 opinion-survey responses from the employees of OPTCL. Specifically, the study findings exhibit positive and significant effects of the performance management dimensions on organizational effectiveness. The findings extend the existing understanding of the HR domain. Also, the findings provide insights to HR managers and policymakers to devise strategies for effective implementation of the performance management mechanisms to streamline the organisational process. Keywords: Organizational effectiveness; Environmental dynamism; Organizational leadership; Strategies; Competitiveness. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068443
- A Data-Driven Approach to Unlocking the Potential of Equity Mutual Funds for Retail Investors: an Analysis based on Expert Insights
 by Senthil Arasu Balasubramanian, Rajesh A.D.J. Jeyaprakash, G. Citybabu Abstract: This study aims to develop a hybrid model based on both expert insights and data-driven approaches. To establish an optimal selection process, the study adopted VIKOR model. The significance of both models was validated through Spearman's correlation and buy-and-hold strategies under market-adjusted equity mutual fund performance. The study emphasises the significance of scheme-level information in fund selection, along with crucial performance metrics like one-month return, Sharpe ratio, and Jensen alpha. Through the developed hybrid model, top-performing funds among 145 equity funds. These findings are validated and recommended to retail investors across five categories, ranging from strongly recommended to not recommended, based on market-adjusted performance. The study results help retail investors select and invest in equity mutual funds by combining experts' insights and data-based hybrid VIKOR model. Keywords: Performance metrics; Equity Mutual funds; Entropy method; VIKOR Model; Investment decision-making; Indian equity mutual funds. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10068822
- Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Resilience Training in Enhancing Job Satisfaction
 by Ruchi Nishikant Sao, Shravan Jasraj Chandak, Kanak Sunny Wadhwani, Pritam Ramkrishan Bhadade Abstract: With the increased popularity of mindfulness in the workplace, it is critical to have a better understanding of how mindfulness-related performances are integrated into training and development programs, as well as the benefits these practices provide to organizations and employees alike. The goal of this research is to present a review of the possible benefits of resilience and mindfulness training for boosting job satisfaction among Gujarat employees. It also investigates how psychological well-being influences the effectiveness of mindfulness and resilience training in improving job satisfaction. The study employed an integrative literature review process, which enabled us to generate new knowledge, evaluate and contrast relevant publications, combine existing data, and propose future research on mindfulness practices in the workplace. The hypothesized relationships between the variables were studied using hierarchical regression. The study found that mindfulness practice and resilience training increase job satisfaction. Keywords: Mindfulness Practices; Resilience Training; Job Satisfaction; Psychological Well-being; IT Employees; Work Environment. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10069015
- FinTech Applications Adoption: The Trust, Behavioural and Recommendation Intention to Use Fintech Applications by Elderly Residents in India
 by Varun Kesavan, Aruna Polisetty Abstract: This study aims to identify the factors that influence the adoption of financial technology (FinTech) services among individuals aged fifty (50) years and above in India. The research investigates both the motivators and hurdles to creating early confidence in FinTech services. The findings indicate that perceived utility substantially influences FinTech adoption. Nonetheless, contrary to anticipations, perceived reputation did not significantly influence initial trust. The research indicates that digital financial literacy acts as a crucial mediator between initial trust and the outcome variables of behavioral and ongoing intentions. This study provides essential information for FinTech service providers and stakeholders, aiding them in formulating and executing relevant policies to expand the consumer base. This study is, to the researchers' knowledge, the first investigation into the influence of gender on technology adoption among older adults within the FinTech industry. Keywords: Digital Financial Literacy; FinTech Adoption; Financial Literacy; Financial Technology; Policies. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10069023
- Modelling the Effect of Perceived Value on Customer Behaviour with Reference to Volkswagen Luxury Car Brand in Kerala
 by Bejoy John Thomas, David Sam Jayakumar, Samuel W Abstract: A multitude of marketing variables can exert an influence on the luxury retail sector. The evaluation of consumer value with respect to the luxury automobile brand Volkswagen was the focus of the current inquiry. The objective of this formative research study was to ascertain the impact of Volkswagen's financial value, functional value, and social value on the brand's overall perception and, by extension, the manner in which this perception affected consumer behaviour concerning the Volkswagen brand. This investigation was carried out at the Volkswagen luxury car dealership situated in Calicut. The survey queries were answered by two hundred dependable participants. A wide range of metrics were utilized to evaluate the model's varied concepts. The results indicate that while all perceived values impact the overall perception of a brand, the financial component exerts the most substantial influence. Consequently, the findings of the study empower organisations to tailor their commercial approaches. Keywords: Luxury brands; Value; Brand perception; Customer behavior; Cognitive brand strength; Affective brand strength. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069226
- Optimising Deteriorating Inventory with Lead Time and Quadratic Selling Price-Sensitive Demand in Dual-Level Storage Facilities
 by Ketan Naik Abstract: Research on EOQ models traditionally assumes constant demand and deterioration rates, which often diverge from real-world conditions. The developed model focuses on a single deteriorating product managed with a dual-storage system. Market demand varies parabolically over time, influenced by product selling price. When orders exceed the firm's warehouse capacity, a dual-warehouse system is employed, with excess inventory stored in rented facilities. Initially, the firm operates primarily from its own warehouse, with overflow directed to rented space. Over time, inventory in the rented warehouse decreases due to demand and deterioration, mirroring declines in overall stock levels. The model permits backlogged shortages during lead times. A numerical example validates the model, augmented by sensitivity analyses exploring how varying inventory parameters impact decision variables. This framework aims to enhance inventory management strategies by aligning them closer to practical operational realities. Keywords: Time-price stock dependent demand; Deterioration; Two warehouse storage; Shortages; Lead time. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10069396
- An Automated Inspection and Green Technology Investment to Control Waste and Carbon in a Fuzzy EPQ Model with Multi-Variate Demand and Learning Effect
 by Pankaj Bhatnagar, Satish Kumar, Dharmendra Yadav Abstract: Automated screening processes along with green investment result in a reduction in carbon emissions and waste from the imperfect manufacturing system. In addition to this, the familiarity of labour with tools, dies, and machines helps in the reduction of defective products in the manufacturing process. This paper develops a fuzzy manufacturing and re-manufacturing inventory model for spare parts with the objective of reducing waste and carbon with the help of an automated screening process and green technology investment. We also incorporate the effect of learning to reduce the number of defective products in the manufacturing system. Smart manufacturing systems have led to investments in reducing setup and inspection costs. Nowadays, customers are more aware, so demand is considered price- and green-investment-dependent. Shortages are allowed in the manufacturing system, which is partially backlogged. The results show that investments in green technology, the learning effect, the impreciseness of different costs, and the automated screening process all contribute to achieving sustainability goals. Keywords: Manufacturing and Re-manufacturing System; Learning Effect; Multi-Variate Demand; Partial Backlogging; Automated Inspection; Imprecise Cost. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10069471
- Decoding Gen Z': Unveiling the 'Why' Behind Customer Engagement with Gen Z
 by Naveen Kumar R., A. John William, Neerupa C, Pavithra R Abstract: The research paper investigates the escalating impact of Generation Z (Gen Z) on marketing determinations, encompassing their social media habits, individualized preferences, technological adeptness, and prevailing trends. The study employs a hypothesized model tested through a survey of Gen Z consumers, unveiling a positive correlation among these variables. Generation Z, whose members were born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, embodies a demographic cohort that is reshaping the landscape of marketing strategies. As digital natives, their distinct behaviors, preferences, and values significantly influence brand communication and consumer engagement. Through an exhaustive literature review, the study scrutinizes existing research on Gen Z's media consumption habits, brand loyalty inclinations, and the role of social media influencers, providing a nuanced understanding of their market influence. The study reveals that primarily males aged 18-30 within Gen Z exhibit high technology usage and social media engagement. Factor analysis reveals robust correlations between variables, with brand perception, product performance, and customer engagement positively impacted by these factors. Keywords: Gen Z; Social Media; Brand Perception; Product Performance; Customer Engagement; Marketing Strategies. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069597
- Assessment of Attitude of Healthcare Professionals for Effective Crisis Management: a Step towards Achieving SDGs
 by Manas Upadhyay Abstract: The COVID-19 have resulted into unexpected challenges across the globe. This requires efficient crisis management to lessen its harmful consequences. The presented research aims to investigate the health managers perspectives for managing crisis during pandemic situations. The complex and unpredictable situations can be better situations can be better tackled using the knowledge and acumens of experts. Detailed interviews were conducted for assessing the measures to be taken for effective crisis management. The research findings explain the key contributing factors towards crisis management encompassing decision-making, effective resource utilisation. Moreover, the results concludes that health practitioners face numerous roadblocks including lack of resources, fast changing scientific awareness and knowledge. Collaborative approach for informed decision-making, effective communication are found to be strong drivers for crisis management. Keywords: Coronavirus; crisis; crisis management; health manager; pandemic. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069667
- Frontline Managers' Expectations of the HR Function
 by Dag Øivind Madsen, Andreas Thon, Kåre Slåtten Abstract: The decentralization of HR responsibilities, known as HR devolution, has shifted many HR tasks from HR departments to line managers. This study explores frontline managers' expectations of the HR function within a large public organisation undergoing HR transformation. Through 22 in-depth interviews with frontline managers, the study investigates their preferences for HR support and how it should be organised for effectiveness. Findings reveal a strong need for operational HR support, challenges with digital solutions, and the importance of trustful relationships with HR personnel. The study underscores the complexity of aligning HR services with the expectations of various stakeholders. Keywords: Frontline Managers; HR devolution; HR implementation; HR transformation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069669
- Exploring the Dynamics of the Efficient Market Hypothesis: a Scholarly Odyssey of Evolution and Insight
 by Sweena Ravichandran, Mohd Afjal Mohammed Abstract: This paper investigates the complicated interplays among work engagement (WE), job satisfaction (JS), knowledge sharing (KS), and remote working efficiency (RWE). Through a quantitative approach, this study examines the direct effects of WE on JS, KS, and RWE and the mediating effects of JS and KS. The results show significant positive influences of WE on all three variables, which indicates that engaged employees are of paramount importance to the creation of organisational productivity and to cooperation. Moreover, JS and KS partially mediated the relationship between WE and RWE, stressing their critical role in improving the remote work outcome. The findings provide a more updated contribution to theoretical development because engagement theories are integrated with knowledge-sharing and satisfaction frameworks in the remote work context. The implications for managers are to promote employee engagement through effective communication tools and a supportive organisational culture to enhance remote work performance. Thereby, this research lays a sound foundation for future research regarding workplace dynamics within rapidly changing remote environments. Keywords: Efficient Market Hypothesis; Market Efficiency; Stock Market; Abnormal Returns; Financial Analysis. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069735
- Fostering Synergy: Exploring the Interaction concerning Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Knowledge Sharing
 by Roopam Bhatia, Pankaj Agarwal, Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Abstract: This paper investigates the complicated interplays among work engagement (WE), job satisfaction (JS), knowledge sharing (KS), and remote working efficiency (RWE). Through a quantitative approach, this study examines the direct effects of WE on JS, KS, and RWE and the mediating effects of JS and KS. The results show significant positive influences of WE on all three variables, which indicates that engaged employees are of paramount importance to the creation of organizational productivity and to cooperation. Moreover, JS and KS partially mediated the relationship between WE and RWE, stressing their critical role in improving the remote work outcome.The implications for managers are to promote employee engagement through effective communication tools and a supportive organizational culture to enhance remote work performance. Thereby, this research lays a sound foundation for future research regarding workplace dynamics within rapidly changing remote environments. Keywords: Work Engagement; Job satisfaction; Remote working efficiency; Knowledge sharing; IT Sector employees. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069738
- Exploring and Prioritising the Factors affecting Adoption of Occupational Health and Safety Practices using Hybrid Approach
 by Naveen Virmani, Sushant Vishnoi, Manas Upadhyay, Satakshi Agarwal, Urmi Ravindra Salve Abstract: This paper examines the various factors that play a significant role in implementing occupational health and safety (OHS) practices in the workplace. OHS practices are crucial in ensuring the well-being of workers and reducing the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. However, the degree to which these practices are adopted varies between organisations and industries, and several factors can affect their implementation. Through a review of relevant literature, this paper identifies key factors that impact adopting OHS practices, including organisational culture, management commitment, employee involvement, training and education, regulatory requirements, and external influences. By understanding and assessing these factors, organisations can develop effective strategies for promoting adopting OHS practices and creating safer and healthier workplaces for their employees. Keywords: Occupational Health; Safety Practices; Ergonomics; Key Factors. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069748
- Role of Organisational Structure, Management Capabilities for Innovation, and Organisational Strategies: a Benchmarking Perspective on Enhancing Organisational Performance in Indian Pharmaceutical Companies
 by Somnath Dutta, Subash Chandra Nath Abstract: The present research explores the role of organizational structure, capabilities for innovation, and organizational strategies towards enhancing the organizational performance of the pharmaceutical companies in Indian settings. The results of empirical assessment based on structural equation modelling reveals positive and significant links between all the model constructs. Therefore, the findings provide cues to the academic researchers to expand their existing understanding on the domain of organizational structure and innovation in the pharmaceutical context. Also, the results yield newer insights to HR managers, senior management, and policymakers for designing strategies that can foster innovative culture which ultimately improves the overall performance in the long-run. Keywords: Organizational structure; Innovation; Pharmaceutical; Performance; Strategies. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069778
- Engaging Children through Gamified Media: a Bibliometric Analysis and SLR
 by Dinesh V. J. P, Sivakumar Alur Abstract: Online Media garner greater interest among children with the availability of several devices to access them. In addition, with the introduction of gamification, children get immersed in these media thus suggesting greater engagement. Engaging children through gamified online media has therefore got prominence in research in the recent years. This study analyses the published research in this area. We retrieved papers from both Scopus and Web of Science databases, and after deploying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 148 were included in this study. The study deployed the SPAR-4 technique of systematic literature review to include relevant documents concentrating on Theories, Context, and Methodology (TCM). Most of the studies used Self-determination theory (Theory), Education, mHealth (context), and experimental research (Methodology), This study has implications for online media developers and practitioners about the practice of gamified online media to enhance children engagement. Keywords: Children Engagement; Gamification; Online media; Theories; context and methodology (TCM). DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069831
- Antecedents of Environmental Apprehension and its Impacts on Ethical Decision-making for Eco-friendly Personal Care Products: Empirical Evidence
 by Saurabh Rajpal, Dhananjai Gupta, Shishir Gupta Abstract: This paper examines the effect of Environmentally Responsible Behaviour (ERB) on Ethical Decision-making (EDM) and Pro-environmental Purchase Intentions (PPI) for green personal care products. A descriptive and cross-sectional research design was adopted, and data were collected through a survey of 463 participants in India, using 30 scale items adapted from previous studies to measure 8 variables, including Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Efficacy, Environmental Attitude, ERB, Anthropocentric Values, EDM, and PPI. It suggests that the significant positive relationship of Environmental Knowledge with Environmental Efficacy, Environmental Attitude, and ERB positively affects Anthropocentric Values, EDM, and PPI. Through the mediation analysis, Anthropocentric Values and EDM significantly mediate the ERB and PPI. The psychological and behavioral drivers of ethical and sustainable consumer choices are highlighted through these results, which provide marketers and policymakers with practical insights on how to promote eco-friendly personal care products and encourage pro-environmental behaviours. Keywords: Environmental Knowledge; Environmental Efficacy; Environmentally Responsible Behaviour; Ethical Decision-making; Pro-environmental Purchase Intentions. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069991
- Positive Psychological Capitals Research Landscape: Foundations, Research Trends, and Future Research Propositions
 by Ankita Sood, Megha Mehta Abstract: This investigation seeks past, present, and future Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap) research propositions within the HRM domain. The dataset is derived from the Scopus database, and after the application of specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, 373 documents were identified for bibliometric examination. Citation analysis is employed to identify the most influential publications and their respective contributors. The productivity assessment indicates that the preceding three years have represented the most prolific period in this field. The four thematic clusters, established through bibliographic coupling, encompass Authentic Leadership, Employee Attitudes, Social Capital, and Employee Performance. Co-citation analysis is utilised to elucidate citation patterns and to highlight the most frequently referenced documents. Moreover, the thematic trends in the research of Positive PsyCap within HRM, developed through co-occurrence analysis, include perceived organisational support, psychological well-being, knowledge sharing, ethical leadership, servant leadership, and emotional intelligence. Keywords: Positive Psychological Capital; Bibliographic Coupling; Human Resource Management; Social Capital; Authentic Leadership. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069993
- Artificial Intelligence in Consumer-Centric Marketing: Predicting Consumer Behaviour and Enhancing Firm Performance
 by Naved Shamim Malik, Naubhar Singh Rajput, Dinesh Kumar Rana Abstract: This investigation examines the influence of AI-enabled marketing on consumer-oriented, data-informed marketing strategies and assesses how these strategies affect customer retention and firm performance. Using a descriptive and cross-sectional research methodology, data was amassed through a survey administered to 554 individuals selected via purposive sampling. The survey incorporated 29 scaled items adapted and revised from prior research to evaluate constructs pertinent to AI-enabled marketing, consumer behaviour, data-driven decision-making, and firm performance. The results indicate that AI-enabled marketing significantly augments customer co-creation, engagement, retention, satisfaction, and data-driven decision-making processes. Furthermore, these elements collectively enhance customer retention and organisational performance. This study emphasizes the pivotal function of AI in refining consumer-centric strategies. It underscores its capacity to yield quantifiable business results, thus providing valuable insights for marketers and organisations aiming to harness AI for sustainable advancement. Keywords: AI-enabled Marketing; Consumer-Centric Marketing; Consumer Behaviour; Data-Driven Decision-Making; Firm Performance. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069995
- Retrospection of Quality of Work-Life Research in Academica and Future Research Propositions using Bibliometric Analysis
 by Amrisha Minocha, Girish Lakhera, Bhairab Patra, Shaveta Bhatia, Raj Kumar Singh Abstract: This investigation seeks to perform a bibliometric analysis to elucidate the publication trajectories about the quality of work-life (QWL) scholarship within Academia. Consequently, this inquiry scrutinises the historical, contemporary, and prospective research facets surrounding QWL studies in Academia. The dataset is derived from the Scopus database, and after the application of specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 133 documents were identified for bibliometric scrutiny. Citation analysis is employed to ascertain this field's most influential publications and contributors. Productivity analysis is utilized to identify the authors and sources demonstrating the highest productivity levels. The four thematic clusters characterising the QWL research in Academia encompass Education Technology Adoption, Job Turnover Intentions, Out-of-Field Teaching, and Job Satisfaction. Additionally, the thematic trends associated with the QWL research in Academia include organisational commitment, job stress, working conditions, superior support, and self-efficacy. Prospective research avenues are delineated within the presented papers. Keywords: Quality of work-life; Bibliometric Analysis; Citation Analysis; Bibliographic Coupling. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10069997
- Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Mediated by Perceived Organisational Supports in the Banking Sector
 by Kriti Saxena, Preeti Shrivastav, Vinod M. Lakhwani Abstract: This study explores the influence of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in the banking sector, with Perceived Organizational Support (POS) as a mediating factor. Using a descriptive and cross-sectional research design, data were collected from 425 employees through a survey employing 29 adopted and modified scale items. The study identified significant relationships between EI and its four components (Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, and Relationship Management). EI was found to significantly influence both POS and OCB, while POS also significantly impacted OCB. Furthermore, the mediation analysis revealed that EI indirectly influences OCB through POS. Gender was found to moderate the relationship between POS and OCB, underscoring its role as a contextual variable. These findings provide valuable insights for banking organisations to foster EI and POS to enhance employee citizenship behaviours. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Organizational Citizenship Behaviour; Perceived organizational Support; Self-Awareness; Social Awareness. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10070220
- Catalysing Eco-Conscious Actions: the Role of Green Transformational Leadership on Fostering Sustainable Employee Practices
 by Dilip B, Ragini Chauhan Abstract: In recent years, the imperative for sustainable practices has gained prominence across various domains. Organisations are increasingly recognising the need to adopt environmentally responsible behaviours. Within this context, green transformational leadership emerges as a critical factor influencing employees' engagement in green initiatives. Green transformational leadership encompasses visionary leadership that fosters environmental consciousness, inspires change, and aligns organisational goals with ecological well-being. The green transformational leadership effect on green behaviour/eco-friendly in extant literature is summarised in this work. Following the SPAR 4 framework, Scopus database search was employed for obtaining pertinent articles. For constructing a scientific mapping and two interactive networks (co-citation and co-occurrence patterns and semantic clusters), we applied biblioshiny. The review further confirms the emergent interest in green transformational leadership coupled with green behaviours since 2020. The review underscores the heightened importance of green transformational leadership in fostering green behaviour in organisations and unexplored areas in future research. Keywords: green transformational leadership; GTFL; green behaviour; sustainable leadership; pro-environmental behaviour; employee environmental responsibility. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10070284
- Unveiling the Digital Shopping Revolution: a Bibliometric Analysis of Consumer Studies in Showrooming and Webrooming Behaviour and Emerging Research Areas
 by Preeti Ahlawat, Kuldeep Chaudhary, Dr. Hawa Singh, Jagdeep Singla, Akhil Sharma, Priya Rani Abstract: The study's main objective is to map out the current literature on showrooming and webrooming, highlight dominant themes and areas for future research, and formulate future research questions accordingly. 184 documents published between 2013 and 2024 were extracted from the Scopus database and analyzed using R Studio and VOSviewer Software. Arora S., Sahney S., and Shankar A. are the most productive authors, and the "Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services" is the core journal with the highest number of documents. Furthermore, the analysis of the keywords reveals that "showrooming" and "webrooming" are widespread keywords, while "webrooming intention," "dual-channel supply chain," and "multichannel shopping" are some emerging terms. The findings demonstrate the growing importance of showrooming research in the field. The research is novel and lays the groundwork for further studies. The paper suggests prospective research questions to help future researchers in this area. Keywords: Showrooming; Webrooming; E-commerce; Research shopping; Retail; Omnichannel Retailing; Omnichannel Market; Multichannel Buyers; Behavior Tendencies; Information and Communication Technology. ?. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2025.10070286
- Factors affecting the recruitment practices during COVID-19 in reference to Delhi, India
 by Himani Saini, Preeti Tarkar Abstract: This research attempts to examine how e-recruitment is replacing human participation in the recruiting process in light of the COVID-19 pandemic argument. The purpose of this research is to analyse how the current scenario with the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the recruitment process, namely e-recruitment, of workers working in various firms in Delhi. Questionnaires were used to compile the data and the information is collected from various individuals such as HR professionals, HR recruiters, and talent acquisition specialists (TASs) from 35 different companies in the Delhi and New Delhi areas of India. Cost, technological challenges, and a larger applicant pool were the focus of a questionnaire developed for COVID-19. Smart-PLS was used for data analysis. The results of this research inform the initiation of novel recruiting strategies, aiding in the alignment and development of an efficient recruitment process to attract qualified people capable of functioning in a competitive setting. Keywords: recruitment process; electronic-recruitment; COVID-19 pandemic; companies; India. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063805
- Benchmarking the effect of CSR activities for sustainable livelihood
 by Brundaban Panda, Rinki Mishra Abstract: The present study examines and benchmarks the effect of the CSR initiatives towards capacity building and sustainable livelihood from the developing nation perspective. SEM analysis was applied to validate the hypothesised model using 478 responses drawn from survey participants in the selected regions of NALCO, Damanjodi, Odisha. In this regard, the findings reveal a positive and significant link between all the study constructs that render affirmation to the research model. The results and findings were compared with prior studies in a similar domain which provides a strong justification to place the novel contribution of this study in extending the domain knowledge. Also, the findings provide insights to managers and govt. policymakers to devise strategies for the effective implementation of CSR initiatives and schemes for long-term welfare and regional development. Keywords: benchmarking; social responsibility; sustainable livelihood; corporate social responsibility; CSR; regional development. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063441
- A systematic literature review of business process characteristics
 by Mohammad Amin Zare, Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard, Maghsoud Amiri, Iman Raeesi Vanani Abstract: Many organisations prioritise business process management in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness while achieving organisational objectives. Due to the variety and complexity of enterprise business processes, knowledge of business process characteristics enhances the possibility of the success of business process management initiatives. Thus, a systematic review of business process characteristics in the extensive literature on business process management is needed. This paper provides a systemic literature review, based on 63 papers selected from six popular digital libraries that were published between 1990 to 2022. According to the review results, business process characteristics have been referred to in various studies in business process management for different purposes, such as process measurement, process analysis, and process improvement. But few pieces of research were found dedicated to conceptualising process characteristics and classifying them based on conceptual frameworks. Also, the interaction of process characteristics and their relationships have not been investigated extensively in the literature. This paper contributes to the business process management research by aggregating, describing, and classification of business process characteristics. Keywords: business process; business process characteristics; business process management; systematic review. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063714
- Organisational transformation: examining the nexus between human values and talent retention effectiveness
 by H. Shayrine, Pulidindi Venugopal Abstract: Retaining smart and skilful workers has become an essential strategic goal in the fast-paced world of modern organisations. Recognising the enormous influence of fundamental human values on the efficacy of talent retention strategies is crucial to this effort. These deeply established values, which are particular to each person, have a significant impact on attitudes, behaviours, and choices made inside the intricate web of the professional world. This study contributes to a better understanding of how the interaction between fundamental human values and talent retention tactics can result in a workforce that is more engaged, content, and dedicated. The present study makes use of the convenience sampling approach. The analysis has been conducted using PLS-SEM. The PLS algorithm was utilised to calculate the route coefficients and evaluate the measurement and structural models. There is a significant impact on unveiling the influence of core human values on effective talent retention approaches. Keywords: intension to stay; attitudes; behaviour; human values; organisational culture. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063242
- Impact of virtual leadership on mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mediation moderation model through e-management and organisational culture
 by Mohammed Hussein Manhal, Rana Abdullah Mohammed, Zaina Mustafa Mahmoud Hamad, Attia Aman Ullah, Ali Mansoor Abstract: This study aims to test the role of virtual leadership as a mitigation measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study tests the mediation role of remote work between virtual leadership and the COVID-19 outbreak and the moderation role of organisational culture. The study employed an analytical descriptive approach and a specially designed questionnaire to test the relationships. The sample size was 351 teachers of teaching staff at the University of Basrah. Results show that virtual leadership forms a significantly positive relationship with electronic management and positively mitigates the influence of the COVID-19 outbreak. Results confirm the mediation role of remote work and the moderation role of organisational culture. The novelty of this study lies in the lack of research that explores the association between the COVID-19 outbreak and virtual leadership, as well as the mediation effect of electronic management and the moderation effect of organisational culture. Keywords: virtual leadership; remote work; electronic management; organisational culture; COVID-19 pandemic; mediation; moderation. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10063408
- Shared service centre organisations and quantitative evidence on a reduction in administration costs: an umbrella review
 by Jürgen Goth, Daniel Catala-Perez, Barbara Hedderich Abstract: Over the last four decades, the shared service centres idea has emerged as a predominant solution to reorganise the support processes of companies worldwide. A stream of academic literature emphasises their potential for ambitious cost savings, shaping the impression that the 'holy grail' for managing companies' administrative costs has been found. However, quantitative evidence based on publicly available financial data is scarce. With the assistance of an umbrella review, this article aims for a structured evaluation of secondary and tertiary SSC literature in that regard. The analysis of 22 publications confirmed initial perceptions. Quantitative data evaluating the impact of SSC organisations on firms administrative cost structure are absent. Furthermore, heterogeneous research procedures yield diverse outputs, deviating from established standards for structured literature reviews. The gathered results substantiate the need for additional investigations at the primary research level, to finalise evidence search and devise a research agenda to address identified gaps. Keywords: shared services; SSC; shared service centre; umbrella review; cost reduction; quantitative evidence; administration cost. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2024.10069785