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International Journal of Planning and Scheduling

International Journal of Planning and Scheduling (IJPS)

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International Journal of Planning and Scheduling (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Integrated Production and Shipping Scheduling for a Single Manufacturer and Multiple Customers   Order a copy of this article
    by Fangzhou Sun, Subhash C. Sarin, Yuqiang Wang, Akshat Kothyari 
    Abstract: We investigate a supply chain scheduling problem involving a single manufacturer and multiple customers. Our aim is to integrate the production and shipping functions of a manufacturer for the objective of minimising the total cost consisting of: 1) the penalty of late deliveries computed based on the weighted number of tardy orders; 2) the shipping of orders to customers. Since this problem is NP-hard, besides an optimum-seeking algorithm, we also develop a fast heuristic both of which exploit the structural properties of the problem. The results of our computational investigation reveal the efficacy of our approaches and a significant benefit that accrues from integrating the production and distribution functions.
    Keywords: scheduling; dynamic programming; branch-and-bound; combinatorial optimisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPS.2023.10063419
  • A Web-based System for Visualising Engineering Tasks on Multi-LOD Large-scale CAD Models   Order a copy of this article
    by Ricardo Nunes, Fernando B. S. Pedrosa, Daniel Silva 
    Abstract: CERN conducts daily experiments on multiple machines, requiring regular maintenance and check-ups. Planning future experiments and installations becomes challenging due to the time-consuming nature of these tasks and their potential impact on machine availability. We propose a 3D visualisation system that displays machine maintenance and installation tasks for specific dates to address co-activity issues. The system consists of two main parts: a pre-processing pipeline that converts and simplifies the machine's CAD model to glTF and a 3D visualisation tool that displays the model and provides the needed task information. By dividing the model into levels and providing granularity options, the system efficiently presents information to users. Evaluating the tool through a controlled experiment showed positive results, with participants preferring the 3D visualization over the existing 2D tool. Both the loading time and the interaction latency of the models were low and not noticeable to the participants.
    Keywords: 3D Visualization System; 3D Model Simplification; CAD Conversion; Task Scheduling; Multi-LOD 3D Model Visualization.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPS.2024.10065100