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International Journal of Product Sound Quality

International Journal of Product Sound Quality (IJPSQ)

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International Journal of Product Sound Quality (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Review on Smart Materials Embedded Self-Sensing Cement Composite for Structural Health Monitoring in Flexural Members   Order a copy of this article
    by Dinesh A, Suji D 
    Abstract: Structural stress and other factors will cause damage on flexural members. Smart materials can detect damage early on, extending the performance of flexural members. This culminates in the development of self-sensing flexural components that can measure damage via electrical resistance. The review discusses the various nanomaterials employed to produce self-sensing flexural members, in the first category. The second group describes the manufacturing process for self-sensing flexural components. The third classification focuses on the electrical characterisation of damage in self-sensing flexural components. According to the study, only a few nanomaterials, including carbon fibre (= 0.15%), and graphite powder (= 5%), can create conductivity in structural components. Due to electrical and hole conduction, the fractional change in resistance increases when the load is applied. When a fracture occurs in the beam, the resistance increases dramatically as microcracks emerge. Thus, the analysis analyses the progress of smart materials and their use in the self-sensing of flexural members.
    Keywords: self-sensing; graphite; concrete; nanomaterials; flexural members; carbon.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSQ.2023.10058985
  • A New Perspective on Improving the Sound Quality of Wind Turbines: A Soundscape Investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Xinyan Xu, Huan Tong, Jian Kang 
    Abstract: Wind turbines are the most important product involved in the process of wind power generation. The noise problems caused by their operation can lead to irritation, sleep problems and mental stress for the surrounding residents. Manufacturers and researchers have attempted to solve the noise problem by modifying physical characteristics. However, most of these previous studies have focused solely on the product, ignoring the environment in which it is grounded and the listener whom it serves. Therefore, this paper proposes to deconstruct the noise problem by adopting a holistic perspective on the soundscape that links the wind turbine to its surroundings and to the residents living nearby. Soundscape studies can contribute to a deeper understanding of the composition, propagation and impact of wind turbine noise. By ensuring an acoustically friendly environment, sustainable products with high sound quality can be created.
    Keywords: wind turbine; noise; soundscape; perception; sound quality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSQ.2023.10060306