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International Journal of Precision Technology

International Journal of Precision Technology (IJPTech)

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International Journal of Precision Technology (1 paper in press)

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  • Drilling of injection moulded natural fibre-reinforced composites using different drill bits: analysis of force, temperature, and damage   Order a copy of this article
    by Kishore Debnath, Mridusmita Roy Choudhury, Saurabh Chaitanya, Inderdeep Singh, Tirumalai S. Srivatsan 
    Abstract: The inferior and often inadequate machining performance of plant or natural fibre-reinforced composites [NFRC] is a noticeable impediment to their preferential selection and use in a spectrum of structural applications. The damages that are produced during the machining of NFRC often exert an influence on the overall structural integrity of the end product. Conventional drilling is the most common machining process that is required for assembly of different components for making NFRC-based products. In this work, the drilling behaviour of injection moulded short sisal fibre/polypropylene composites is presented and discussed. The outcome of analysing the role of input parameters, to include: 1) speed; 2) feed; 3) drill geometry on thrust, torque, temperature, and damage-induced during drilling is comprehensively studied and discussed in this research paper. The in-situ temperature during drilling of the developed composites is measured with the primary intent of understanding the underlying mechanisms governing drilling.
    Keywords: polymer; fibre; drilling; feed; speed; drill geometry; force; temperature; damage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPTECH.2021.10043422