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International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation (IJPTI)

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International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Effect of pre-harvest nutrients and packaging on quality, antioxidants and enzymatic activity of Haribhanga mango during ambient storage   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Tariqul Islam, Mosa. Sumi Aktar, Mosa. Lajina Begum, Md. Atikur Rahman, Md. Arifuzzaman, Mst. Ananya Khatun 
    Abstract: Mangoes ripen quickly and lose quality when stored at ambient temperature. This study assessed the effects of pre-harvest packaging, 2% calcium chloride (CaCl2), 1.5% potassium sulphate (K2SO4), and 2% CaCl2+1.5% K2SO4+ packaging on the post-harvest quality and shelf life of mango fruits at ambient temperature for 16 days. Fruits were sprayed three times at 30, 20, and 10 days and packaged in brown paper bags 20 days prior to harvesting. The results revealed that 2% CaCl2+1.5% K2SO4+ packaging significantly improved fruit quality than control in terms of peel color, firmness, ascorbic acid, total sugar, total phenol, antioxidant, peroxidase and catalase activity; reducing decay percentage, total soluble solids, polyphenol peroxidase; delaying weight loss, respiration rate and ethylene production. Consequently, 2% CaCl2-treated fruits had higher titratable acidity and -carotene compare than control at 16th days of storage. These physio-chemical data suggest that 2% CaCl2+1.5% K2SO4+ packaging may improve Haribhanga mango storage.
    Keywords: Mango; pre-harvest treatments; phenolic compounds; decay incidence; storage.

  • Premature harvesting of guavira fruit (Campomanesia xanthocarpa O.Berg) as a strategy to reach far-away sales locations   Order a copy of this article
    by Juan Marcelo Gauna, Alejandra Bárcena, Mariela Bayardo, Corina Graciano, Lorenza Costa 
    Abstract: The guavira is a rainforest native fruit with a very short postharvest life. This limits both the possibility of consumption and processing far from the harvesting sites. The objective of this research was to analyse whether harvesting immature fruit would be an adequate strategy to increase their postharvest life. Different guavira maturity stages were defined at the time of harvesting based on the skin colour of the fruit on the plant. The fruit harvested at 100% orange were highly perishable compared to the 75% and 50% orange ones. The validation of selecting the ripening stage based on eye-detected skin colour was confirmed by measuring colour, firmness, acidity, and soluble solids. After four days at room temperature, the postharvest ripening of guavira resulted in organoleptic qualities (colour and firmness) and nutritional qualities (antioxidants) similar to those of tree-ripened fruit. Storage at 8-10 C did not increase the post-harvest life of guavira compared to room temperature.
    Keywords: tropical fruit; rainforest native fruit; harvesting immature fruit; postharvest maturation; superficial colour; quality attributes; postharvest handling.

  • Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Jewel) quality as influenced by handling methods   Order a copy of this article
    by Karl Fritze S. Sampiano, Leizel B. Secretaria, Maria Victoria O. Pasilan, Emma Ruth V. Bayogan 
    Abstract: Appropriate handling at the farmers level can help maintain the postharvest life of produce and reduce losses. In this study, a low-cost improved handling method for tomatoes was employed at the farm level. The usual practice of farmers in handling newly harvested tomatoes was compared with a slightly improved technique. The improved method involved the packing of tomatoes in wooden crates with newspaper liners and limiting volumes to a maximum of 25 kg per crate compared to the usual 2728 kg per crate. The improved handling treatment at the farm level resulted in lower weight loss (5.4%), higher percentage (22.2%) of fruit with good visual quality and slightly delayed ripening at 40 days in a CoolBot-equipped storage. The improved handling method also reduced the percentage of rejects (lower at 11.4%) at the end of the storage by limiting the incidence of bruises, physical, and microbial damage on Jewel tomato fruit.
    Keywords: improved handling; CoolBot storage; newspaper liners; postharvest quality; wooden crates.