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International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing

International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (IJRapidM)

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International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A Review of Mechanical Mass Finishing Methods in Post-processing Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts   Order a copy of this article
    by Özhan Kitay, Yusuf Kaynak 
    Abstract: Today, additive manufacturing (AM) continues its development by constantly increasing its popularity. The main reasons for this are rapid prototyping and easy production of complex shaped parts. However, since the poor surface quality of AM components negatively affects their performance, it is inevitable to apply post-processing methods. While the surface qualities of post-processed AM components are improving, it is necessary to pay attention to the changes that will occur in the surface integrity characteristics. Mechanical mass finishing methods both improve the surface quality of AM parts, whether metallic or plastic, and have positive effects on surface integrity. This study reviews the studies on the applicability of vibratory surface finishing (VSF), barrel finishing (BF) and drag finishing (DF) to AM parts, which are mechanical mass finishing methods also called tribofinishing. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods compared to each other are also discussed.
    Keywords: additive manufacturing; post-processing; mass finishing; vibratory finishing; barrel finishing; drag finishing; fused deposition modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRAPIDM.2022.10051998
  • Investigating the influence of FFF process parameters on flexural strength: comparison with three materials using response surface methodology and open-source 3D printer   Order a copy of this article
    by Boppana V. Chowdary, Nikolai Beharry 
    Abstract: This study seeks to assess the influence of the key infill design variables on the flexural strength of fused filament fabrication samples. In this regard, the study focuses on evaluation of maximum flexural stress of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET), polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) and polycarbonate (PC) with varying layer thickness, infill percentage and raster angle. The fractional factorial DOE approach was used to design the test samples. Validation tests were performed to ensure the viability of the generated results as well as applicability of the materials in the industrial setup. Across each material selected, higher infill percentage resulted in higher flexural strength, whereas raster angle was observed as the least significant parameter. If the process of creating 3D printing filament from recycled plastics is refined, RPET filament will become cheaper and more desirable for hospital and healthcare applications.
    Keywords: 3D printing; fused filament fabrication; FFF; open-source printer; flexural strength; recycled thermoplastic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRAPIDM.2022.10053322
  • Study on the surface and mechanical behaviors of bio AISI 316L stainless steel developed using wire arc additive manufacturing   Order a copy of this article
    by V. Vinoth, Dr. S. Sathiyamurthy, U. Natarajan, ELAIYARASAN U, J. Prabhakaran, S. Sundaravignesh 
    Abstract: Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is a process of directed energy deposition technique, used to fabricate complex three-dimensional components. The components are manufactured by depositing metal layers on top of each other to get the desired shape. At present, WAAM is widely applied in the automobile, aircraft, die and mould-making industries due to its deposition rate, eco-friendly and higher speed, etc. Even though, it has a good range of advantages, fabricating components using steel or steel alloy is difficult due to higher thermal conduction. Hence, in the present investigation, an attempt has been made to fabricate stainless steel (316 L Austenitic stainless steel) component with ER316 L consumable wires using metal inert gas (MIG) welding. Different welding factors such as welding speed, current, voltage, and gas flow rate are controlled. The effect of welding parameters on tensile strength, hardness, and surface roughness is studied. Tensile strengths of 530 MPa and 559 MPa are determined at the orientation of 0o and 90o respectively. The microstructure and phase transition of the fabricated sample is studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) respectively. Various pores are identified in the sample captured at higher magnification of SEM.
    Keywords: wire arc additive manufacturing; WAAM; 316L stainless steel; mechanical properties; microstructure properties.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRAPIDM.2022.10057899