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International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology

International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET)

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International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Experimental investigation and optimisation of biodiesel production process   Order a copy of this article
    by Arun Singh, Manjoo Rani, Saty Dev, Pushpendra Yadav 
    Abstract: The general conditions such as increasing energy demand, high dependence on oil, severe environmental damage and the extinction of oil reserves have awakened the desire for renewable energy sources. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly replacement for petroleum products. In this study, transesterification of Pongamia oil and algae oil was performed to produce a biodiesel blend that meets human needs in a sustainable environment. Study on direct transesterification of high free fatty acid (FFA) Pongamia oils mixed with low FFA algae oil at low temperature. Influence of process parameters, namely reaction time, catalyst amount and methanol/oil ratio, on biodiesel yield, which is analyzed and optimised by hybrid statistical methods. Experimental validation of predicted parameters such as reaction time 60.001 minutes, catalyst amount 7.097 E-5 kg and methanol-oil ratio 57.076 gave an accuracy of 99.98%. The test plant was designed considering rural operating conditions and suitable for biodiesel production for small businesses.
    Keywords: biodiesel; pongamia oil; algae oil; transesterification; process optimisation.

  • Emerging techniques in islanding detection for microgrids: an extensive review   Order a copy of this article
    by Nirali Upadhyay, Sweta Shah, Vipul Upadhyay 
    Abstract: Use of distributed generation (DG) as renewable energy at distribution level is substantially increased to fulfil increasing demand. However, the penetration of different renewable energy sources as DG increases new challenges and concerns like working of micro grid under islanded and grid connected mode. Also detecting intentional and unintentional islanding as per IEEE standards is a major challenge. Unintentional islanding give rise to several grid protection issues like stability of grid and safety of worker. To overcome these issues and for satisfactory operation of micro grid many islanding detection techniques have been developed by researchers. This paper presents a comparative review of several islanding detection schemes with basic focus on its working algorithm, merits and demerits, on detection zone and speed. The outcome is, there is no perfect detection technique developed yet. Some of these techniques or integration of them are to be applied practically to specific distributed source and grid structure.
    Keywords: micro grid; islanding detection methods; distributed generation; non-detection zone; NDZ; intentional islanding; unintentional islanding.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2024.10064301